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We live in a world, where many of us come on daily basis in contact with some criminals or criminal
activity. For example, only vandalism is considered as a crime, even though many people see it as a
part of culture and type of art. I would say that this is only a small part of what actual crime is like. In
the past 5 years, Slovakia has experienced many types of crime, like murder, rape and so on. In
February, it has been 5 years since journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Martina have been drastically
murdered. It was really depressing day for Slovakia and the list doesn’t end there. Last year a
homophobic person murdered innocent people from LGBT community. It showed how Slovakia is far
behind every country even in this way. And so, what should we do with people, that commit this
awful act? Prison? Death penalty? Or something totally different?

In my opinion, some kind of punishment is really necessary. Prisons are definitely the most effective
one. People spend some time there thinking about what they did and I think many of them realize
that it was not the best idea to commit a crime. Also, most of them have families, so they need to
take care of them. But this might also have been the reason, why they did that in the first place. They
robbed a bank, so their children could have brighter future. Revenge might also be the reason.

Capital punishment is not so common these days and I think it should stay this way. Even if they have
committed serious crime, death penalty doesn’t really solve anything. As said before, prison is way
better option. Capital punishment feels like we have gone 200 years into past.

Also, it depends whether the criminal is grown-up man or just some teenage boy, whose hormones
are out of control. Of course, if they kill someone, they should be treated as an adult, but what about
small crimes? For example, drinking alcohol is often just something to impress your friends. Same
with graffiti and many other different things. There should be some kind of punishment for them, but
I was thinking about more meaningful way like volunteering. Picking up trash from streets or helping
elder people might give these adolescents a better perspective on life.

All in all, there always was and will be crime, just maybe not in a way we are used to. In my opinion,
there will be increase in digital crime, like stealing or leaking some information or someone hacking
into our bank account. On the other hand, selling drugs might not be considered as a crime in future,
since many countries are legalizing tons of different types of drugs.

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