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Accept Accepted Acepted:ED Aceptar Accepted: She accepted the job offer with enthusiasm.


Act Acted Acted: ID Actuar Acted: The actor acted brilliantly in the play.


Adapt Adapted Adapted: T Adaptar Adapted: The plant adapted to its new environment.


Add Added Added: ED Agregar Added: He added sugar to his coffee.


Admire Admired Admired: ID Admirar Admired: They admired the beautiful sunset.


Admit Admitted Admitted: ED Admitir Admitted: She admitted her mistake and apologized.


Advise Advised Advised: ED Aconsejar Advised: The counselor advised him on career choices.


Afford Afforded Afforded: ED Permitirse Afforded: With his new job, he afforded a luxurious lifestyle.


Agree Agreed Agreed: ID Estar de acuerdo Agreed: We all agreed on the plan for the project.


Aid Aided Aided: ED Ayudar Aided: The first aid kit aided in treating the injury.

10 #VALUE!

Allow Allowed Allowed: ED Permitir Allowed: The teacher allowed extra time for the exam.

11 #VALUE!

Amaze Amazed Amazed: ED Asombrar Amazed: The magic trick amazed the audience.

12 #VALUE!

Announce Announced Announced: ED Anunciar Announced: The mayor announced a new city initiative.

13 #VALUE!

Answer Answered Answered: T Responder Answered: He confidently answered all the questions.

14 #VALUE!

Appear Appeared Appeared: ID Aparecer Appeared: A mysterious figure appeared in the distance.

15 #VALUE!

Apologize Apologized Apologized: ED Disculpar Apologized: She apologized for the inconvenience caused.

16 #VALUE!

Applaud Applauded Applauded: ID Aplaudir Applauded: The audience applauded the outstanding performance.

17 #VALUE!

Approve Approved Approved: T Aprobar Approved: The committee approved the proposal unanimously.

18 #VALUE!

Argue Argued Argued: ID Discutir Argued: The couple argued about their weekend plans.

19 #VALUE!

Arrive Arrived Arrived: ED Llegar Arrived: They arrived at the airport just in time for their flight.

20 #VALUE!

Ask Asked Asked: T Preguntar Asked: She asked a thought-provoking question.

21 #VALUE!

Assist Assisted Assisted: ED Ayudar Assisted: The volunteer assisted the elderly with their groceries.

22 #VALUE!

Attack Attacked Attacked: ED Atacar Attacked: The army attacked the enemy's stronghold.

23 #VALUE!

Attempt Attempted Attempted: ED Intentar Attempted: He attempted the challenging obstacle course.

24 #VALUE!

Attend Attended Attended: ED Asistir Attended: We attended the conference to gain new insights. #VALUE!

Attract Attracted Attracted: ED Atraer Attracted: The colorful flowers attracted butterflies.

26 #VALUE!

Avoid Avoided Avoided: ID Evitar Avoided: She avoided the busy street to save time.

27 #VALUE!

Awake Awoked Awoked: ED Despertar Awoke: He awoke to the sound of birds chirping.

28 #VALUE!

Bake Baked Baked: ED Hornear Baked: She baked a delicious chocolate cake.

29 #VALUE!

Balance Balanced Balanced: ED Equilibrar Balanced: The gymnast balanced on the narrow beam.

30 #VALUE!

Ban Banned Banned: ED Prohibir Banned: Smoking was banned in the public park.

31 #VALUE!

Bang Banged Banged: ED Golpear Banged: He accidentally banged the door.

32 #VALUE!

Bargain Bargained Bargained: ID Regatear Bargained: She bargained for a better price at the market.

33 #VALUE!

Bark Barked Barked: ED Ladrar Barked: The dog barked loudly at the mailman.

34 #VALUE!

Bathe Bathed Bathed: ID Bañar Bathed: The baby happily bathed in the tub.

35 #VALUE!

Be Was/Were Was/Were: Ser Was/Were: They were happy to be reunited.

36 #VALUE!

Beam Beamed Beamed: ID Sonreír Beamed: She beamed with pride at her achievement.

37 #VALUE!

Beat Beated Beat: ID Golpear Beat: The drummer beat the rhythm on the drums.

38 #VALUE!

Become Becamed Becamed: D Convertirse Became: He became a successful entrepreneur.

39 #VALUE!

Beg Begged Begged: ED Mendigar Begged: The child begged for a second chance.

40 #VALUE!



Belong Belonged Belonged: ED Pertenecer Belonged: The lost wallet belonged to the kind stranger.

41 #VALUE!

Bite Bit Bit: T Morder Bit: The puppy bit into the chew toy.

42 #VALUE!

Blow Blown Blow: W Soplar Blow: The wind started to blow fiercely.

43 #VALUE!

Boast Boasted Boasted: D Blow: The wind started toBoasted: He boasted about his accomplishments.
blow fiercely.

44 #VALUE!

Boil Boiled Boiled: D Hervir Boiled: She boiled water for a cup of tea.

45 #VALUE!

Borrow Borrowed Borrowed: D Pedir prestado Borrowed: She borrowed a book from the library.

46 #VALUE!

Bounce Bounced Bounced: D Rebotar Bounced: The ball bounced off the wall.

47 #VALUE!

Bow Bowed Bowed: D Inclinarse Bowed: The performer bowed gracefully after the show.

48 #VALUE!

Brake Broke Broke: E Frenar Broke: He accidentally broke the vase.

49 #VALUE!
Breathe Breathed Breathed: D Respirar Breathed: The yoga instructor taught deep breathing techniques.

50 #VALUE!

Brew Brewed Brewed: D Hervir Brewed: She brewed a fresh pot of coffee.

51 #VALUE!

Brush Brushed Brushed: D Cepillar Brushed: He brushed his teeth before going to bed.

52 #VALUE!

Build Built Built: T Construir Built: They built a new house from scratch.

53 #VALUE!

Burn Burnt Burnt: T Quemar Burnt: The toast burnt in the toaster.

54 #VALUE!

Buy Bought Bought: T Comprar Bought: She bought a new dress for the party.

55 #VALUE!

Calculate Calculated Calculated: D Calcular Calculated: The mathematician calculated the complex equation.

56 #VALUE!

Call Called Called: D Llamar Called: He called his friend to catch up.

57 #VALUE!

Camp Camped Camped: D Acampar Camped: The family camped in the mountains for the weekend.

58 #VALUE!

Care Cared Cared: D Cuidar Cared: She cared for her sick grandmother.

59 #VALUE!

Carry Carried Carried: D Llevar Carried: The strong man easily carried the heavy boxes.

60 #VALUE!



Catch Caught Caught: D Atrapar Caught: The outfielder caught the flying baseball.

61 #VALUE!

Celebrate Celebrated Celebrated: D Celebrar Celebrated: They celebrated their anniversary with a romantic dinner.

62 #VALUE!

Challenge Challenged Challenged: D Desafiar Challenged: The student challenged the professor's theory.

63 #VALUE!

Change Changed Changed: D Cambiar Changed: The weather changed suddenly.

64 #VALUE!

Chat Chatted Chatted: D Chatear Chatted: They chatted about their favorite books.

65 #VALUE!

Check Checked Checked: D Comprobar Checked: She checked her watch to see the time.

66 #VALUE!

Cheer Cheered Cheered: D Aplaudir Cheered: The crowd cheered for their favorite team.

67 #VALUE!

Choose Chose Chose: E Elegir Chose: He carefully chose the perfect gift.

68 #VALUE!

Circle Circled Circled: D Circular Circled: The birds circled high in the sky.

69 #VALUE!

Clean Cleaned Cleaned: D Limpiar Cleaned: She cleaned the entire house for the guests.

70 #VALUE!

Climb Climbed Climbed: D Escalar Climbed: The mountaineer climbed the steep peak.

71 #VALUE!

Close Closed Closed: D Cerrar Closed: He closed the door quietly behind him.

72 #VALUE!
Collect Collected Collected: D Recoger Collected: They collected donations for a charity.

73 #VALUE!

Come Came Came: E Venir Came: She came to the party fashionably late.

74 #VALUE!

Comfort Comforted Comforted: D Reconfortar Comforted: She comforted her friend during tough times.

75 #VALUE!

Commit Committed Committed: D Comprometerse Committed: He committed to finishing the project on time.

76 #VALUE!

Communicate Communicated Communicated: D Comunicar Communicated: They communicated through written messages.

77 #VALUE!

Compare Compared Compared: D Comparar Compared: The teacher compared the two essays.

78 #VALUE!

Compel Compelled Compelled: D Obligar Compelled: The strong argument compelled them to reconsider.

79 #VALUE!

Compete Competed Competed: D Competir Competed: The athletes competed fiercely for the gold medal.

80 #VALUE!



Complain Complained Complained: D Quejarse Complained: She complained about the noisy neighbors.

81 #VALUE!

Concentrate Concentrated Concentrated: D Concentrarse Concentrated: He concentrated on the task at hand.

82 #VALUE!

Concern Concerned Concerned: D Preocuparse Concerned: The teacher was concerned about the student's progress.

83 #VALUE!

Confess Confessed Confessed: D Confesar Confessed: He confessed his feelings to her.

84 #VALUE!

Confuse Confused Confused: D Confundir Confused: The complex instructions confused the participants.

85 #VALUE!

Connect Connected Connected: D Conectar Connected: The devices connected seamlessly.

86 #VALUE!

Conquer Conquered Conquered: D Conquistar Conquered: The army conquered the enemy's territory.

87 #VALUE!

Consider Considered Considered: D Considerar Considered: They considered various options before deciding.

88 #VALUE!

Consist Consisted Consisted: D Consistir Consisted: The salad consisted of fresh vegetables.

89 #VALUE!

Contain Contained Contained: D Contener Contained: The box contained valuable artifacts.

90 #VALUE!

Continue Continued Continued: D Continuar Continued: The story continued with a surprising twist.

91 #VALUE!

Convince Convinced Convinced: D Convencer Convinced: She convinced them to join the cause.

92 #VALUE!

Cook Cooked Cooked: D Cocinar Cooked: He cooked a delicious meal for his family.

93 #VALUE!

Copy Copied Copied: D Copiar Copied: The students copied notes from the board.

94 #VALUE!

Correct Corrected Corrected: D Corregir Corrected: The teacher corrected the grammar mistakes.

95 #VALUE!

Cough Coughed Coughed: D Toser Coughed: He coughed to clear his throat.

96 #VALUE!

Count Counted Counted: D Contar Counted: She counted the money in the cash register.

97 #VALUE!

Crack Cracked Cracked: D Romper Cracked: The detective cracked the code.

98 #VALUE!

Cry Cried Cried: D Llorar Cried: She cried tears of joy at the news.

99 #VALUE!

Cure Cured Cured: D Curar Cured: The medicine cured the illness.

100 #VALUE!



Curl Curled Curled: D Rizar Curled: She curled her hair for the special occasion.

101 #VALUE!

Cut Cut Cut: T Cortar Cut: He carefully cut the paper into intricate shapes.

102 #VALUE!

Dance Danced Danced: D Bailar Danced: The couple danced under the moonlight.

103 #VALUE!

Dare Dared Dared: D Atreverse Dared: He dared to climb the highest peak.

104 #VALUE!

Deal Dealt Dealt: T Negociar Dealt: She dealt with the challenging situation calmly.

105 #VALUE!

Debate Debated Debated: D Debater Debated: The politicians debated key issues in the election.

106 #VALUE!

Decay Decayed Decayed: D Descomponer Decayed: The old building slowly decayed over time.

107 #VALUE!

Decide Decided Decided: D Decidir Decided: They decided to take a spontaneous road trip.

108 #VALUE!

Decorate Decorated Decorated: D Decorar Decorated: She decorated the room for the party.

109 #VALUE!

Define Defined Defined: D Definir Defined: The dictionary defined the word clearly.

110 #VALUE!

Delay Delayed Delayed: D Retrasar Delayed: The flight was delayed due to bad weather.

111 #VALUE!

Delight Delighted Delighted: D Deleitar Delighted: The children were delighted with the surprise.

112 #VALUE!

Deliver Delivered Delivered: D Entregar Delivered: The mailman delivered packages to each house.

113 #VALUE!

Demand Demanded Demanded: D Demandar Demanded: The protesters demanded change.

114 #VALUE!

Deny Denied Denied: D Negar Denied: He denied any involvement in the incident.

115 #VALUE!

Depend Depended Depended: D Depender Depended: The success of the project depended on teamwork.

116 #VALUE!

Describe Described Described: D Describir Described: She described the breathtaking scenery.

117 #VALUE!

Desire Desired Desired: D Desear Desired: He desired success in his career.

118 #VALUE!

Destroy Destroyed Destroyed: D Destruir Destroyed: The earthquake destroyed several buildings.

119 #VALUE!

Develop Developed Developed: D Desarrollar Developed: The scientist developed a new theory.

120 #VALUE!



Die Died Died: D Morir Died: The plant died due to lack of water.

121 #VALUE!

Dig Dug Dug: D Cavar Dug: They dug a hole in the backyard for the new tree.

122 #VALUE!

Disappear Disappeared Disappeared: D Desaparecer Disappeared: The magician disappeared in a puff of smoke.

123 #VALUE!

Discover Discovered Discovered: D Descubrir Discovered: The explorer discovered a hidden cave.

124 #VALUE!

Discuss Discussed Discussed: D Discutir Discussed: They discussed the latest news over lunch.

125 #VALUE!

Dislike Disliked Disliked: D No gustar Disliked: She disliked the taste of the new dish.

126 #VALUE!

Divide Divided Divided: D Dividir Divided: The group divided tasks to complete the project.

127 #VALUE!

Do Did Did: D Hacer Did: They did their best in the competition.

128 #VALUE!

Donate Donated Donated: D Donar Donated: They donated money to the local charity.

129 #VALUE!

Drink Drank Drank: K Beber Drank: He drank a glass of refreshing lemonade.

130 #VALUE!

Drive Drove Drove: E Conducir Drove: She drove carefully on the winding road.

131 #VALUE!

Drop Dropped Dropped: D Dejar caer Dropped: He dropped his keys on the way to the car.

132 #VALUE!

Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed: D Disfrutar Enjoyed: They enjoyed a relaxing day at the beach.

133 #VALUE!

Enter Entered Entered: D Entrar Entered: The actor entered the stage with confidence.

134 #VALUE!

Escape Escape Escape: E Escapar Escape: The prisoner tried to escape from the prison.

135 #VALUE!

Examine Examined Examined: D Examinar Examined: The doctor examined the patient thoroughly.

136 #VALUE!

Excite Excited Excited: D Excitar Excited: The children were excited about the upcoming holiday.

137 #VALUE!

Exercise Exercised Exercised: D Hacer ejercicio Exercised: She exercised regularly to stay fit.

138 #VALUE!

Exist Existed Existed: D Existir Existed: The ancient civilization existed centuries ago.

139 #VALUE!

Expect Expected Expected: D Esperar Expected: He expected a positive outcome from the meeting.

140 #VALUE!



Explain Explained Explained: D Explicar Explained: The teacher explained the concept clearly.

141 #VALUE!

Explore Explored Explored: D Explorar Explored: They explored the dense forest on their hike.

142 #VALUE!

Express Expressed Expressed: D Expresar Expressed: She expressed her thoughts through art.

143 #VALUE!

Extend Extended Extended: D Extender Extended: The deadline was extended by a week.

144 #VALUE!

Face Faced Faced: D Enfrentar Faced: They faced challenges with determination.

145 #VALUE!

Fail Failed Failed: D Fallar Failed: He failed the driving test on his first attempt.

146 #VALUE!

Fall Fell Fell: L Caer Fell: The leaves fell from the trees in autumn.

147 #VALUE!

Fear Feared Feared: D Temer Feared: The child feared the dark.

148 #VALUE!

Feed Fed Fed: D Alimentar Fed: She fed the hungry stray cats in the neighborhood.

149 #VALUE!

Feel Felt Felt: T Sentir Felt: He felt a sense of accomplishment after finishing the project.

150 #VALUE!

Fight Fought Fought: T Luchar Fought: The soldiers fought bravely in the battle.

151 #VALUE!

Find Found Found: D Encontrar Found: She found a hidden treasure in the old chest.

152 #VALUE!

Fit Fit Fit: T Encajar Fit: The dress fit perfectly for the special occasion.

153 #VALUE!

Fix Fixed Fixed: D Arreglar Fixed: He fixed the broken bicycle.

154 #VALUE!

Float Flowed Flowed: D Flotar Flowed: The river flowed gently through the valley.

155 #VALUE!

Fly Flew Flew: W Volar Flew: The birds flew south for the winter.

156 #VALUE!

Fold Folded Folded: D Doblar Folded: She folded the laundry neatly.

157 #VALUE!

Follow Followed Followed: D Seguir Followed: They followed the winding path through the forest.

158 #VALUE!

Forbid Forbade Forbade: E Prohibir Forbade: The sign forbade entry without permission.

159 #VALUE!

Forget Forgot Forgot: T Olvidar Forgot: He forgot his umbrella and got wet in the rain.

160 #VALUE!


Forgive Forgave Forgave: E Perdonar Forgave: She forgave her friend for the mistake.

161 #VALUE!

Form Formed Formed: D Formar Formed: The clouds formed interesting shapes in the sky.

162 #VALUE!

Freeze Froze Froze: E Congelar Froze: The temperature dropped, and the lake froze.

163 #VALUE!

Frighten Frightened Frightened: D Asustar Frightened: The loud noise frightened the small children.

164 #VALUE!

Fry Fried Fried: D Freír Fried: She fried chicken for dinner.

165 #VALUE!

Gather Gathered Gathered: D Recoger Gathered: The family gathered for a festive meal.

166 #VALUE!

Gaze Gazed Gazed: D Mirar fijamente Gazed: They gazed at the stars in wonder.

167 #VALUE!

Generate Generated Generated: D Generar Generated: The machine generated a report automatically.

168 #VALUE!

Get Got Got: T Obtener Got: He got a new job in the city.

169 #VALUE!

Give Gave Gave: D Dar Gave: She gave a heartfelt speech at the event.

170 #VALUE!

Glide Glided Glided: D Deslizarse Glided: The skater glided gracefully across the ice.

171 #VALUE!

Glow Glowed Glowed: D Resplandecer Glowed: The fireflies glowed in the dark night.

172 #VALUE!

Go Went Went: T Ir Went: They went on a spontaneous road trip.

173 #VALUE!

Grin Grinned Grinned: D Sonreír Grinned: He grinned with satisfaction at his success.

174 #VALUE!

Grow Grew Grew: W Crecer Grew: The plant grew rapidly in the fertile soil.

175 #VALUE!

Guide Guided Guided: D Guiar Guided: The tour guide guided the group through the museum.

176 #VALUE!

Hail Hailed Hailed: D Saludar Hailed: The storm hailed down on the city.

177 #VALUE!

Handle Handled Handled: D Manejar Handled: She handled the delicate artifacts with care.

178 #VALUE!

Happen Happened Happened: D Suceder Happened: The unexpected event happened out of nowhere.

179 #VALUE!

Harm Harmed Harmed: D Dañar Harmed: The chemicals harmed the environment.

180 #VALUE!



Hate Hated Hated: D Odiar Hated: She hated the taste of bitter medicine.

181 #VALUE!

Have Had Had: D Tener Had: They had a great time at the party.

182 #VALUE!

Heal Healed Healed: D Curar Healed: The medicine healed the wound quickly.

183 #VALUE!

Hear Heard Heard: D Oír Heard: They heard a mysterious noise in the dark.

184 #VALUE!

Help Helped Helped: D Ayudar Helped: He helped his friend move to a new apartment.

185 #VALUE!

Hide Hid Hid: D Esconder Hid: The cat hid behind the curtains.

186 #VALUE!

Hinder Hindered Hindered: D Obstaculizar Hindered: The heavy traffic hindered their progress.

187 #VALUE!

Hit Hit Hit: T Golpear Hit: The batter hit the baseball out of the park.

188 #VALUE!

Hold Held Held: D Sostener Held: She held a bouquet of flowers in her hands.

189 #VALUE!

Hope Hoped Hoped: D Esperar Hoped: He hoped for a better future.

190 #VALUE!

Hug Hugged Hugged: D Abrazar Hugged: They hugged tightly after a long separation.

191 #VALUE!

Hunt Hunted Hunted: D Cazar Hunted: The predators hunted for their prey in the jungle.

192 #VALUE!

Hurry Hurried Hurried: D Apresurarse Hurried: She hurried to catch the last train.

193 #VALUE!

Hurt Hurt Hurt: T Lastimar Hurt: The accident hurt his leg.

194 #VALUE!

Identify Identified Identified: D Identificar Identified: The detective identified the suspect in the lineup.

195 #VALUE!

Ignore Ignored Ignored: D Ignorar Ignored: He ignored the distracting noise and focused on his work.

196 #VALUE!

Imagine Imagined Imagined: D Imaginar Imagined: She imagined a world full of possibilities.

197 #VALUE!

Imitate Imitated Imitated: D Imitar Imitated: The comedian imitated famous personalities in his act.

198 #VALUE!

Impress Impressed Impressed: D Impresionar Impressed: The performance impressed the critics.

199 #VALUE!

Include Included Included: D Incluir Included: The package included a variety of snacks.

200 #VALUE!



Increase Increased Increased: D Aumentar Increased: The company increased its profits this quarter.

201 #VALUE!

Influence Influenced Influenced: D Influenciar Influenced: Her words influenced the decision-making process.

202 #VALUE!

Inform Informed Informed: D Informar Informed: They informed the public about the upcoming event.

203 #VALUE!

Inject Injected Injected: D Inyectar Injected: The doctor carefully injected the vaccine.

204 #VALUE!

Inquire Inquired Inquired: D Preguntar Inquired: He inquired about the availability of tickets.

205 #VALUE!

Insist Insisted Insisted: D Insistir Insisted: She insisted on taking the lead in the project.

206 #VALUE!

Install Installed Installed: D Instalar Installed: They installed a new software update on their computers.

207 #VALUE!

Intend Intended Intended: D Intentar Intended: The artist intended to convey a deeper meaning through the painting.

208 #VALUE!

Interrupt Interrupted Interrupted: D Interrumpir Interrupted: The loud noise interrupted the peaceful atmosphere.

209 #VALUE!

Introduce Introduced Introduced: D Presentar Introduced: He introduced his friend to the rest of the group.

210 #VALUE!

Invent Invented Invented: D Inventar Invented: The scientist invented a groundbreaking device.

211 #VALUE!

Invite Invited Invited: D Invitar Invited: She invited me to her birthday party.

212 #VALUE!

Issue Issued Issued: D Emitir Issued: The government issued a new policy.

213 #VALUE!

Jog Jogged Jogged: D Trotar Jogged: He jogged around the park every morning.

214 #VALUE!

Join Joined Joined: D Unirse Joined: They joined the club to meet new people.

215 #VALUE!

Judge Judged Judged: D Juzgar Judged: The panel judged the talent show contestants.

216 #VALUE!

Jump Jumped Jumped: D Saltar Jumped: The cat jumped onto the window sill.

217 #VALUE!

Justify Justified Justified: D Justificar Justified: She justified her actions with a valid explanation.

218 #VALUE!

Keep Kept Kept: T Mantener Kept: He kept his promise to help with the project.

219 #VALUE!

Kiss Kissed Kissed: D Besar Kissed: They kissed under the starry sky.

220 #VALUE!



Kneel Kneeled Kneeled: D Arrodillarse Kneeled: He kneeled down to tie his shoelaces.

221 #VALUE!

Knit Knitted Knitted: D Tejer Knitted: She knitted a warm scarf for the winter.

222 #VALUE!

Know Knew Knew: W Saber Knew: She knew the answer to the riddle.

223 #VALUE!

Label Labeled Labeled: D Etiquetar Labeled: The products were labeled with clear instructions.

224 #VALUE!

Land Landed Landed: D Aterrizar Landed: The plane landed safely at the airport.

225 #VALUE!

Laugh Laughed Laughed: D Reír Laughed: We laughed at the funny jokes.

226 #VALUE!

Lead Leaded Leaded: D Liderar Leaded: The expert leaded the team to success.

227 #VALUE!

Learn Learned Learned: D Aprender Learned: He learned a valuable lesson from his mistake.

228 #VALUE!

Leave Left Left: T Dejar Left: She left her keys on the kitchen counter.

229 #VALUE!

Lend Lent Lent: T Prestar Lent: She lent her favorite book to a friend.

230 #VALUE!

Let Let Let: T Permitir Let: He let his dog off the leash at the park.

231 #VALUE!

Lie Lied Lied: D Mentir Lied: Unfortunately, she lied about her whereabouts.

232 #VALUE!

Lift Lifted Lifted: D Levantar Lifted: He lifted the heavy box with ease.

233 #VALUE!

Listen Listened Listened: D Escuchar Listened: They listened attentively to the music.

234 #VALUE!

Live Lived Lived: D Vivir Lived: They lived happily ever after.

235 #VALUE!

Look Looked Looked: D Mirar Looked: She looked stunning in her new dress.

236 #VALUE!

Love Loved Loved: D Amar Loved: They loved each other deeply.

237 #VALUE!

Maintain Maintained Maintained: D Mantener Maintained: He maintained his car regularly.

238 #VALUE!

Make Made Made: D Hacer Made: She made a delicious homemade cake.

239 #VALUE!

Manage Managed Managed: D Gestionar Managed: He managed the team effectively.

240 #VALUE!



March Marched Marched: D Marchar Marched: The soldiers marched in perfect formation.

241 #VALUE!

Mark Marked Marked: D Marcar Marked: The teacher marked the students' assignments.

242 #VALUE!

Marry Married Married: D Casarse Married: They married in a beautiful ceremony.

243 #VALUE!

Matter Mattered Mattered: D Importar Mattered: Your opinion truly mattered to us.

244 #VALUE!

Mean Meant Meant: T Significar Meant: His words meant a lot to her.

245 #VALUE!

Measure Measured Measured: D Medir Measured: She measured the ingredients for the recipe.

246 #VALUE!

Meddle Meddled Meddled: D Meterse Meddled: He meddled in other people's affairs.

247 #VALUE!

Melt Melted Melted: D Derretir Melted: The ice cream melted in the sun.

248 #VALUE!
Mention Mentioned Mentioned: D Mencionar Mentioned: She mentioned the upcoming event.

249 #VALUE!

Mislead Misled Misled: D Desorientar Misled: He misled the group with false information.

250 #VALUE!

Miss Missed Missed: D Extrañar Missed: They missed the bus by just a few seconds.

251 #VALUE!

Move Moved Moved: D Mover Moved: They moved to a new city for a job.

252 #VALUE!

Mourn Mourned Mourned: D Lamentar Mourned: The family mourned the loss of their pet.

253 #VALUE!

Muddle Muddled Muddled: D Confundir Muddled: The instructions were muddled and confusing.

254 #VALUE!

Multiply Multiplied Multiplied: D Multiplicar Multiplied: He multiplied the numbers correctly.

255 #VALUE!

Murmur Murmured Murmured: D Murmullar Murmured: She murmured softly to herself.

256 #VALUE!

Navigate Navigated Navigated: D Navegar Navigated: They navigated through the dense forest.

257 #VALUE!

Negotiate Negotiated Negotiated: D Negociar Negotiated: The teams negotiated the terms of the deal.

258 #VALUE!

Need Needed Needed: D Necesitar Needed: She needed a break from her busy schedule.

259 #VALUE!

Nod Nodded Nodded: D Asentir con la cabeza Nodded: He nodded in agreement.

260 #VALUE!



Notice Noticed Noticed: D Notar Noticed: She noticed the beautiful flowers in the garden.

261 #VALUE!

Nourish Nourished Nourished: D Nutrir Nourished: The plants were nourished with water and sunlight.

262 #VALUE!

Obey Obeyed Obeyed: D Obedecer Obeyed: The children obediently followed the rules.

263 #VALUE!

Object Objected Objected: D Objetar Objected: He objected to the proposed plan.

264 #VALUE!

Observe Observed Observed: D Observar Observed: They observed the wildlife from a distance.

265 #VALUE!

Obstruct Obstructed Obstructed: D Obstaculizar Obstructed: The fallen tree obstructed the path.

266 #VALUE!

Obtain Obtained Obtained: D Obtener Obtained: She obtained the necessary documents.

267 #VALUE!

Occupy Occupied Occupied: D Ocupar Occupied: The room was occupied by a group of friends.

268 #VALUE!

Occur Occurred Occurred: D Ocurrir Occurred: The accident occurred at the intersection.

269 #VALUE!

Offend Offended Offended: D Ofender Offended: His comment unintentionally offended her.

270 #VALUE!

Offer Offered Offered: D Ofrecer Offered: He offered his assistance to anyone in need.

271 #VALUE!

Open Opened Opened: D Abrir Opened: She opened the door to welcome guests.

272 #VALUE!

Operate Operated Operated: D Operar Operated: The surgeon operated on the patient successfully.

273 #VALUE!

Order Ordered Ordered: D Ordenar Ordered: They ordered pizza for dinner.

274 #VALUE!

Organize Organized Organized: D Organizar Organized: She organized the files neatly on the shelf.

275 #VALUE!

Overcome Overcame Overcame: D Superar Overcame: They overcame the challenges together.

276 #VALUE!

Overdo Overdid Overdid: D Exagerar Overdid: He overdid the seasoning in the dish.

277 #VALUE!

Overhear Overheard Overheard: D Oír por casualidad Overheard: She overheard a secret conversation.

278 #VALUE!

Overwhelm Overwhelmed Overwhelmed: D Abrumar Overwhelmed: He was overwhelmed with gratitude.

279 #VALUE!

Pack Packed Packed: D Empacar Packed: They packed their bags for the weekend trip.

280 #VALUE!



Paint Painted Painted: D Pintar Painted: She painted a beautiful landscape.

281 #VALUE!

Panic Panic Panic: C Entrar en pánico Panicked: They panicked when they realized they were lost.

282 #VALUE!

Part Parted Parted: D Partir Parted: The friends sadly parted ways.

283 #VALUE!

Pass Passed Passed: D Pasar Passed: He passed the ball to his teammate.

284 #VALUE!

Paste Pasted Pasted: D Pegar Pasted: She pasted the newspaper clippings into a scrapbook.

285 #VALUE!

Pat Patted Patted: D Dar palmaditas Patted: He patted the dog's head affectionately.

286 #VALUE!

Pause Paused Paused: D Pausar Paused: They paused for a moment of reflection.

287 #VALUE!

Pay Paid Paid: D Pagar Paid: She paid for the groceries at the checkout.

288 #VALUE!

Peek Peeked Peeked: D Echar un vistazo Peeked: He peeked through the keyhole to see who was outside.

289 #VALUE!

Perceive Perceived Perceived: D Percibir Perceived: She perceived a change in the atmosphere.

290 #VALUE!

Perform Performed Performed: D Actuar Performed: The band performed their new song on stage.

291 #VALUE!

Permit Permitted Permitted: D Permitir Permitted: The sign permitted parking for only 30 minutes.

292 #VALUE!

Persuade Persuaded Persuaded: D Persuadir Persuaded: He persuaded his friends to try the new restaurant.

293 #VALUE!

Pick Picked Picked: D Escoger Picked: She picked flowers from the garden.

294 #VALUE!

Pin Pinned Pinned: D Pinchar Pinned: He pinned the note to the bulletin board.

295 #VALUE!

Play Played Played: D Jugar Played: They played a competitive game of chess.

296 #VALUE!

Please Pleased Pleased: D Complacer Pleased: The compliment pleased her immensely.

297 #VALUE!

Plow Plowed Plowed: D Arar Plowed: The farmer plowed the field to plant crops.

298 #VALUE!

Point Pointed Pointed: D Señalar Pointed: She pointed to the distant mountains.

299 #VALUE!

Poke Poked Poked: D Picar Poked: He poked his friend playfully. #VALUE!




Ponder Pondered Pondered: D Reflexionar Pondered: She pondered the meaning of life.

301 #VALUE!

Pour Poured Poured: D Verter Poured: He poured a glass of water for himself.

302 #VALUE!

Practice Practiced Practiced: D Practicar Practiced: They practiced their dance routine for hours.

303 #VALUE!

Praise Praised Praised: D Elogiar Praised: The teacher praised the students for their hard work.

304 #VALUE!

Predict Predicted Predicted: D Predecir Predicted: The weather forecaster predicted rain.

305 #VALUE!

Prefer Preferred Preferred: D Preferir Preferred: She preferred tea over coffee.

306 #VALUE!

Prepare Prepared Prepared: D Preparar Prepared: They prepared a delicious meal together.

307 #VALUE!

Present Presented Presented: D Presentar Presented: He presented his findings to the audience.

308 #VALUE!

Preserve Preserved Preserved: D Preservar Preserved: The museum preserved ancient artifacts.

309 #VALUE!

Press Pressed Pressed: D Presionar Pressed: She pressed the button to start the machine.

310 #VALUE!

Pretend Pretended Pretended: D Pretender Pretended: The children pretended to be pirates.

311 #VALUE!

Prevent Prevented Prevented: D Prevenir Prevented: They prevented a disaster from happening.

312 #VALUE!

Prick Pricked Pricked: D Pinchar Pricked: She pricked her finger on a thorn.

313 #VALUE!

Print Printed Printed: D Imprimir Printed: The printer printed multiple copies of the document.

314 #VALUE!

Produce Produced Produced: D Producir Produced: The factory produced high-quality goods.

315 #VALUE!

Progress Progressed Progressed: D Progresar Progressed: The project progressed smoothly.

316 #VALUE!

Prohibit Prohibited Prohibited: D Prohibir Prohibited: Smoking was prohibited in the building.

317 #VALUE!

Promise Promised Promised: D Prometer Promised: He promised to be there on time.

318 #VALUE!

Propose Proposed Proposed: D Proponer Proposed: He proposed a new idea for the project.

319 #VALUE!

Protect Protected Protected: D Proteger Protected: The laws protected the rights of citizens.
320 #VALUE!



Protest Protested Protested: D Protestar Protested: The citizens protested against unfair policies.

321 #VALUE!

Provide Provided Provided: D Proporcionar Provided: They provided food for the event.

322 #VALUE!

Pull Pulled Pulled: D Tirar Pulled: He pulled the door open with all his strength.

323 #VALUE!

Pump Pumped Pumped: D Bombear Pumped: He pumped air into the bicycle tire.

324 #VALUE!

Punch Punched Punched: D Golpear Punched: He punched the punching bag at the gym.

325 #VALUE!

Put Put Put: T Poner Put: She put the keys on the table.

326 #VALUE!

Question Questioned Questioned: D Preguntar Questioned: The journalist questioned the politician.

327 #VALUE!

Quicken Quickened Quickened: D Acelerar Quickened: His heartbeat quickened with excitement.

328 #VALUE!

Quit Quit Quit: T Renunciar Quit: She quit her job to pursue her passion.

329 #VALUE!

Quiz Quizzed Quizzed: D Examinar Quizzed: The teacher quizzed the students on the lesson.

330 #VALUE!

Race Raced Raced: D Correr Raced: They raced each other to the finish line.

331 #VALUE!

Rain Rained Rained: D Llover Rained: It rained heavily last night.

332 #VALUE!

Raise Raised Raised: D Levantar Raised: She raised her hand to ask a question.

333 #VALUE!

Read Read Read: D Leer Read: He read a captivating novel over the weekend.

334 #VALUE!

Realize Realized Realized: D Darse cuenta Realized: She realized her mistake and apologized.

335 #VALUE!

Rebel Rebelled Rebelled: D Rebelarse Rebelled: The citizens rebelled against the oppressive regime.

336 #VALUE!
Receive Received Received: D Recibir Received: He received a thoughtful gift on his birthday.

337 #VALUE!

Recognize Recognized Recognized: D Reconocer Recognized: She recognized the familiar face in the crowd.

338 #VALUE!

Reconcile Reconciled Reconciled: D Reconciliar Reconciled: They reconciled after a heated argument.

339 #VALUE!

Record Recorded Recorded: D Grabar Recorded: The musician recorded a new song in the studio.

340 #VALUE!



Reduce Reduced Reduced: D Reducir Reduced: They reduced their carbon footprint.

341 #VALUE!

Reflect Reflected Reflected: D Reflexionar Reflected: The mountains reflected in the calm lake.

342 #VALUE!

Refuse Refused Refused: D Negar Refused: She refused to accept the unfair treatment.

343 #VALUE!

Regret Regretted Regretted: D Lamentar Regretted: He regretted not taking the opportunity.

344 #VALUE!

Rejoice Rejoiced Rejoiced: D Regocijarse Rejoiced: The community rejoiced at the good news.

345 #VALUE!

Relax Relaxed Relaxed: D Relajarse Relaxed: They relaxed on the beach during their vacation.

346 #VALUE!

Release Released Released: D Liberar Released: The artist released a new album.

347 #VALUE!

Remain Remained Remained: D Permanecer Remained: He remained calm in the face of adversity.

348 #VALUE!

Remember Remembered Remembered: D Recordar Remembered: She remembered the important details.

349 #VALUE!

Remind Reminded Reminded: D Recordar Reminded: He reminded them of the upcoming deadline.

350 #VALUE!

Remove Removed Removed: D Quitar Removed: She removed the stain from the fabric.

351 #VALUE!

Repair Repaired Repaired: D Reparar Repaired: He repaired the broken bicycle.

352 #VALUE!

Repeat Repeated Repeated: D Repetir Repeated: They repeated the experiment for accuracy.

353 #VALUE!

Replace Replaced Replaced: D Reemplazar Replaced: She replaced the old batteries with new ones.

354 #VALUE!

Reply Replied Replied: D Responder Replied: He replied to the email promptly.

355 #VALUE!

Report Reported Reported: D Informar Reported: The journalist reported on the breaking news.

356 #VALUE!

Reproduce Reproduced Reproduced: D Reproducir Reproduced: The organism reproduced to ensure its survival.

357 #VALUE!

Request Requested Requested: D Solicitar Requested: She requested additional information.

358 #VALUE!

Rescue Rescued Rescued: D Rescatar Rescued: The firefighter rescued the trapped cat.

359 #VALUE!

Research Researched Researched: D Investigar Researched: They researched the topic thoroughly.

360 #VALUE!



Reside Resided Resided: D Residir Resided: The family resided in a cozy cottage.

361 #VALUE!

Resist Resisted Resisted: D Resistir Resisted: He resisted the temptation to eat junk food.

362 #VALUE!

Resolve Resolved Resolved: D Resolver Resolved: They resolved the conflict through dialogue.

363 #VALUE!

Respect Respected Respected: D Respetar Respected: She respected the opinions of others.

364 #VALUE!

Rest Rested Rested: D Descansar Rested: They rested after a long day of work.

365 #VALUE!

Result Resulted Resulted: D Resultar Resulted: The collaboration resulted in a successful project.

366 #VALUE!

Return Returned Returned: D Volver Returned: He returned the borrowed books to the library.

367 #VALUE!

Revise Revised Revised: D Revisar Revised: She revised her essay for clarity.

368 #VALUE!

Ride Rode Rode: E Montar Rode: They rode bikes along the scenic trail.

369 #VALUE!

Ring Rang Rang: G Sonar Rang: The phone rang, interrupting the meeting.

370 #VALUE!

Rise Rose Rose: E Levantarse Rose: The sun rose over the horizon.

371 #VALUE!

Roar Roared Roared: D Rugir Roared: The lion roared in the distance.

372 #VALUE!

Role-play Role-played Role-played: D Interpretar un papel Role-played: They role-played different scenarios.

373 #VALUE!

Roll Rolled Rolled: D Rodar Rolled: The ball rolled down the hill.

374 #VALUE!

Row Rowed Rowed: D Remar Rowed: They rowed across the lake in a small boat.

375 #VALUE!

Run Ran Ran: N Correr Ran: He ran a marathon and finished first.

376 #VALUE!

Rush Rushed Rushed: D Apresurarse Rushed: She rushed to catch the bus.

377 #VALUE!

Sail Sailed Sailed: D Navegar Sailed: They sailed on a beautiful yacht.

378 #VALUE!

Satisfy Satisfied Satisfied: D Satisfacer Satisfied: The delicious meal satisfied their hunger.

379 #VALUE!

Save Saved Saved: D Salvar Saved: He saved money for a future investment.

380 #VALUE!



Say Said Said: D Decir Said: She said hello to her neighbor.

381 #VALUE!

Scare Scared Scared: D Asustar Scared: The horror movie scared them.

382 #VALUE!

Schedule Scheduled Scheduled: D Programar Scheduled: They scheduled a meeting for next week.

383 #VALUE!

Scoff Scoffed Scoffed: D Burlarse Scoffed: He scoffed at the idea of failure.

384 #VALUE!

Scold Scolded Scolded: D Regañar Scolded: The teacher scolded the student for misbehaving.

385 #VALUE!

Scoot Scooted Scooted: D Escabullirse Scooted: She scooted closer to the fire for warmth.

386 #VALUE!

Scorch Scorched Scorched: D Chamuscar Scorched: The desert sun scorched the sand.

387 #VALUE!

Scrape Scraped Scraped: D Raspar Scraped: He scraped the mud off his shoes.

388 #VALUE!

Scratch Scratched Scratched: D Rascarse Scratched: The cat scratched the furniture.

389 #VALUE!

Scream Screamed Screamed: D Gritar Screamed: The child screamed in excitement.

390 #VALUE!

Search Searched Searched: D Buscar Searched: They searched for the lost keys.

391 #VALUE!

See Saw Saw: W Ver Saw: He saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

392 #VALUE!

Seem Seemed Seemed: D Parecer Seemed: It seemed like a perfect day.

393 #VALUE!

Seize Seized Seized: D Aprovechar Seized: He seized the opportunity to speak.

394 #VALUE!

Sell Sold Sold: D Vender Sold: She sold her old furniture online.

395 #VALUE!

Send Sent Sent: D Enviar Sent: He sent a heartfelt message to his friend.

396 #VALUE!

Set Set Set: T Establecer Set: She set the table for dinner.

397 #VALUE!

Settle Settled Settled: D Resolver Settled: They settled the dispute amicably.

398 #VALUE!

Shake Shook Shook: K Agitar Shook: They shook hands to seal the deal.

399 #VALUE!

Shape Shaped Shaped: D Formar Shaped: The sculptor shaped the clay into a masterpiece.

400 #VALUE!



Share Shared Shared: D Compartir Shared: They shared their thoughts with each other.

401 #VALUE!

Shed Shed Shed: D Mudar Shed: The tree shed its leaves in the fall.

402 #VALUE!

Shine Shined Shined: D Brillar Shined: The polished shoes shined brightly.

403 #VALUE!

Shoot Shot Shot: T Disparar Shot: He shot an arrow at the target.

404 #VALUE!

Shout Shouted Shouted: D Gritar Shouted: The crowd shouted in excitement.

405 #VALUE!

Show Showed Showed: D Mostrar Showed: She showed her appreciation with a smile.

406 #VALUE!

Shrug Shrugged Shrugged: D Encogerse de hombros Shrugged: He shrugged his shoulders in indifference.

407 #VALUE!

Shut Shut Shut: T Cerrar Shut: She shut the door behind her.

408 #VALUE!

Sigh Sighed Sighed: D Suspirar Sighed: She sighed with relief.

409 #VALUE!

Sing Sang Sang: G Cantar Sang: They sang their favorite songs together.

410 #VALUE!

Sip Sipped Sipped: D Sorber Sipped: He sipped his coffee slowly.

411 #VALUE!

Sit Sat Sat: T Sentarse Sat: They sat on the park bench and enjoyed the view.

412 #VALUE!

Ski Skied Skied: D Esquiar Skied: They skied down the snowy mountain.

413 #VALUE!

Skip Skipped Skipped: D Saltar Skipped: The children skipped rope in the playground.

414 #VALUE!

Slam Slammed Slammed: D Golpear Slammed: He slammed the door in frustration.

415 #VALUE!

Sleep Slept Slept: D Dormir Slept: They slept soundly through the night.

416 #VALUE!

Slide Slid Slid: D Deslizar Slid: The snake slid silently through the grass.

417 #VALUE!

Smile Smiled Smiled: D Sonreír Smiled: She smiled at the kind gesture.

418 #VALUE!

Smoke Smoked Smoked: D Fumar Smoked: He smoked a cigar on the porch.

419 #VALUE!

Snatch Snatched Snatch: H Arrebatar Snatched: She snatched the last piece of cake.

420 #VALUE!



Sneeze Sneezed Sneeze: E Estornudar Sneezed: He sneezed loudly, surprising everyone.

421 #VALUE!

Snow Snowed Snow: W Nevado Snowed: It snowed heavily overnight.

422 #VALUE!

Snuggle Snuggled Snuggle: E Acurrucarse Snuggled: The couple snuggled on the couch.

423 #VALUE!

Solve Solved Solve: E Resolver Solved: They solved the puzzle together.

424 #VALUE!
Soothe Soothed Soothe: E Calmar Soothed: The lullaby soothed the crying baby.

425 #VALUE!

Sound Sounded Sound: D Sonar Sounded: The alarm sounded loudly.

426 #VALUE!

Sparkle Sparkled Sparkle: E Centellear Sparkled: The stars sparkled in the night sky.

427 #VALUE!

Speak Spoke Speak: K Hablar Spoke: He spoke eloquently during the presentation.

428 #VALUE!

Speculate Speculated Speculate: E Especular Speculated: They speculated about the future of technology.

429 #VALUE!

Spell Spelled Spell: L Deletrear Spelled: She spelled her name for the teacher.

430 #VALUE!

Spill Spilled Spill: L Derramar Spilled: He accidentally spilled his drink.

431 #VALUE!

Spin Spun Spin: N Girar Spun: The dancer spun gracefully on stage.

432 #VALUE!

Split Split Split: T Dividir Split: They split the profits evenly.

433 #VALUE!

Spoil Spoiled Spoil: L Estropear Spoiled: The warm weather spoiled their plans for skiing.

434 #VALUE!

Spread Spread Spread: D Extender Spread: She spread butter on her toast.

435 #VALUE!

Spring Sprang Spring: G Saltar Sprang: The cat sprang onto the kitchen counter.

436 #VALUE!

Stain Stained Stain: N Manchar Stained: The red wine stained the tablecloth.

437 #VALUE!

Stand Stood Stand: D Estar de pie Stood: He stood tall and confident.

438 #VALUE!

Stare Stared Stare: E Mirar fijamente Stared: They stared at the mesmerizing sunset.

439 #VALUE!

Start Started Start: T Comenzar Started: They started the race with enthusiasm.

440 #VALUE!



State Stated State: E Decir Stated: She stated her opinion clearly.

441 #VALUE!

Stay Stayed Stay: Y Quedarse Stayed: They stayed at a cozy bed and breakfast.

442 #VALUE!

Steal Stole Steal: L Robar Stole: He stole a quick glance at the clock.

443 #VALUE!

Step Stepped Step: P Paso Stepped: She stepped onto the stage with grace.

444 #VALUE!

Stick Stuck Stick: K Pegar Stuck: The door was stuck, and they couldn't open it.

445 #VALUE!

Stir Stirred Stir: R Revolver Stirred: He stirred the soup on the stove.

446 #VALUE!

Stop Stopped Stop: P Detener Stopped: They stopped to admire the beautiful scenery.

447 #VALUE!

Store Stored Store: E Almacenar Stored: They stored their belongings in the attic

448 #VALUE!

Stretch Stretched Stretch: H Estirar Stretch: She stretched her arms after a long day of work.

449 #VALUE!

Strive Strove Strive: E Esforzarse Strive: He strives for excellence in everything he does.

450 #VALUE!

Study Studied Study: Y Estudiar Study: They studied late into the night for the exam.

451 #VALUE!

Stumble Stumbled Stumble: E Tropezar Stumble: He stumbled over the uneven pavement.

452 #VALUE!

Succeed Succeeded Succeed: D Tener éxito Succeed: Despite the challenges, she succeeded in her endeavor.

453 #VALUE!

Suffer Suffered Suffer: R Sufrir Suffer: The patient continued to suffer from chronic pain.

454 #VALUE!

Suggest Suggested Suggest: T Sugerir Suggest: She suggested a new approach to solving the problem.

455 #VALUE!

Supply Supplied Supply: Y Suministrar Supply: The store supplies a wide range of products.

456 #VALUE!

Support Supported Support: T Apoyar Support: Friends should support each other through thick and thin.

457 #VALUE!

Surprise Surprised Surprise: E Sorprender Surprise: The unexpected gift was a pleasant surprise.

458 #VALUE!

Surround Surrounded Surround: D Rodear Surround: The mountains surround the picturesque valley.

459 #VALUE!

Suspect Suspected Suspect: T Sospechar Suspect: The detective began to suspect foul play.

460 #VALUE!



Swallow Swallowed Swallow: W Tragar Swallow: He had to swallow his pride and apologize.

461 #VALUE!

Swim Swam Swim: M Nadar Swim: They decided to swim in the refreshing lake.

462 #VALUE!

Swing Swung Swing: G Columpiarse Swing: The children took turns on the swing in the park.

463 #VALUE!

Take Took Take: E Tomar Take: Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable.

464 #VALUE!

Talk Talked Talk: K Hablar Talk: They sat down to talk about their future plans.

465 #VALUE!

Taste Tasted Taste: E Probar Taste: She cautiously took a small taste of the spicy dish.

466 #VALUE!

Teach Taught Teach: H Enseñar Teach: The teacher worked hard to teach complex concepts.

467 #VALUE!

Tear Tore Tear: R Rasgar Tear: He carefully wiped away a tear from her cheek.

468 #VALUE!

Tell Told Tell: L Contar Tell: She had to tell the truth, no matter how difficult.

469 #VALUE!

Test Tested Test: T Decir Test: They will test the new product before launching it.

470 #VALUE!

Thank Thanked Thank: K Probar Thank: He wanted to thank them for their kindness.

471 #VALUE!

Think Thought Think: K Pensar Think: It's important to think before making decisions.

472 #VALUE!

Throw Threw Throw: W Lanzar Throw: He can throw a baseball with incredible precision.

473 #VALUE!

Tie Tied Tie: E Atar Tie: She struggled to tie the knot on her shoelaces.

474 #VALUE!

Touch Touched Touch: H Tocar Touch: The warm sunlight gently touched their faces.

475 #VALUE!

Tour Toured Tour: R Hacer turismo Tour: They decided to take a guided tour of the historic city.

476 #VALUE!

Train Trained Train: N Entrenar Train: The coach worked hard to train the team for the championship.

477 #VALUE!

Translate Translated Translate: E Traducir Translate: She can fluently translate between two languages.

478 #VALUE!

Travel Traveled Travel: L Viajar Travel: They love to travel and explore new cultures.

479 #VALUE!

Treat Treated Treat: T Tratar Treat: She decided to treat herself to a spa day.

480 #VALUE!



Trust Trusted Trust: T Confiar Trust: Building trust is crucial in any relationship.

481 #VALUE!

Try Tried Try: Y Intentar Try: Even if you fail, it's important to try again.

482 #VALUE!

Turn Turned Turn: N Girar Turn: It's your turn to spin the wheel and see what happens.

483 #VALUE!

Uncover Uncovered Uncover: R Descubrir Uncover: The journalist worked tirelessly to uncover the truth.

484 #VALUE!

Understand Understood Understand: D Entender Understand: It's important to listen and try to understand each other.

485 #VALUE!

Undress Undressed Undress: S Desvestir Undress: She quickly undressed and jumped into the pool.

486 #VALUE!

Unite United Unite: E Unir Unite: The common goal was to unite people from different backgrounds.

487 #VALUE!

Unlock Unlocked Unlock: K Desbloquear Unlock: He fumbled with the key to unlock the door.

488 #VALUE!

Unpack Unpacked Unpack: K Desempacar Unpack: After a long trip, they were eager to unpack their bags.

489 #VALUE!

Upset Upset Upset: T Molestar Upset: The news about the accident upset everyone in the room.

490 #VALUE!

Use Used Use: E Usar Use: Please use the tool carefully to avoid accidents.

491 #VALUE!

Vacation Vacationed Vacation: N Vacacionar Vacation: They decided to take a vacation to the beach.

492 #VALUE!

Value Valued Value: E Valorar Value: It's important to value the opinions of others.

493 #VALUE!

Vary Varied Vary: Y Variar Vary: The menu options vary depending on the season.
494 #VALUE!

Vent Vented Vent: T Desahogarse Vent: Sometimes it's necessary to vent your frustrations.

495 #VALUE!

Visit Visited Visit: T Visitar Visit: They plan to visit historical landmarks during their trip.

496 #VALUE!

Vote Voted Vote: E Votar Vote: Citizens have the right to vote in a democratic society.
497 #VALUE!

Wake Woke Wake: E Despertar Wake: The alarm clock will wake you up at 7 AM.
498 #VALUE!

Walk Walked Walk: K Caminar Walk: They decided to walk instead of taking the bus.

499 #VALUE!

Wander Wandered Wander: R Vaga Wander: They love to wander through the streets of the old town.

500 #VALUE!

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