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Jesus: hi, how are you?

Diego: Fine and you?

Jesus: The truth is that it has been terrible, during these weeks, I find it
a little annoying that it has been snowing for too long.

Diego: Seriously? That's so terrible.

Jesus: And you? How is your vacation going?

Diego: Well... Here the truth is not so bad, the people are a bit
extravagant, but they are very friendly, and the weather is nice.

Jesus: You know? Now that I think about it, what I like the most about
here is the good food, for example, the dish Adjarian khachapuri.

Diego: It sounds very extravagant even though I have no idea what that
is at all hahaha.

For my part, I can say that the dishes here are nothing out of this world,
they are very good but nothing to be impressed by. In fact, what
fascinates me here is its architecture, the stories and the great
monuments or popular places. Let's remember that this is the country of
so-called love.

Jesus: Wow, you're not one to impress easily, but it seems a bit false to
me that you're not so impressed by the food. I've heard that they also
have very well-known dishes.

Well, I have to say goodbye because soon the Uber will arrive for me to
set sail on new adventures in this great and beautiful city.
Diego: As soon? wow I would have liked to have had more time to talk,
maybe at some other time we can talk more, have a good trip! see you

JesusYes, I'm sorry but time is on my heels, I have to go see you soon!

By the way, good luck

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