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Monday November 14 2022 | | No 73940 2G £2.50 £2.

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England on top Why affairs

are better for
women than
of the world Mike
for men

New pact
with France
to stem flow
of migrants
Number crossing Channel this year hits 40,000
Oliver Wright Policy Editor and make attempts to cross the Chan-
Chris Smyth Whitehall Editor nel not worthwhile.
However, the French interception
Britain and France will announce rate has dropped from 50 per cent last
a multimillion-pound security pact year to 42 per cent this year. Although
today that aims to stem the record the French authorities have inter-
numbers of small boats crossing the cepted more than 28,000 migrants,
Channel. more than 40,885 have reached the UK
The Ministry of Defence said yester- in more than a thousand boats.
day that more than 40,000 people had Ministers are also working on plans
crossed so far this year, with 972 people to try to speed up the processing of
detected on Saturday alone. asylum seekers who arrive in the UK,
Suella Braverman, the home sec- after new figures showed that the
retary, will travel to Paris to make the number of people waiting for an initial
announcement. The new deal will for decision on their claim had risen four-
the first time entail British officers fold in the past five years.
being stationed in French control Data released to the Refugee Council
rooms sharing live intelligence. by the Home Office revealed that
The French government will also 122,206 people were waiting to have Lest we forget The King at the Cenotaph leading tributes to the nation’s war dead on Remembrance Sunday
pledge to increase significantly the their claims assessed, a third of whom
number of officers patrolling Channel had been waiting between one and
beaches to detect and disrupt crossings.
The arrangements are expected to be
accompanied by an increase in the
three years. Just under 1,000 had been
waiting for between three and five years
while 725 had been waiting for more
We’ll suffer if taxes don’t rise, says Sunak
amount that Britain pays France from than five years for an initial decision.
£54 million last year to up to £70 mil- The deal is due to be signed by Chris Smyth, Oliver Wright taxes over time” when he delivers his his own backbenchers who claim that
lion. The money will go towards fund- Braverman and Gérald Darmanin, her autumn statement on Thursday. his tax plans could damage growth and
ing the increased patrols, alongside the French counterpart, following months Rishi Sunak warned last night that Yesterday Hunt said that “we’re all prolong any recession.
introduction of additional technology of negotiations. Britain would be punished by the going to be paying a bit more tax” to get Yesterday Simon Clarke, the former
to spot boats before they set off. Rishi Sunak discussed the parame- financial markets if he did not raise the country’s finances back on track levelling-up secretary, became the most
A senior government source said it ters of the deal in his first meeting with taxes and cut spending, as ministers and there were “hard choices” to make. senior Conservative to call for a rethink,
was hoped that today’s deal would President Macron at the Cop27 climate announced they were curtailing He also revealed that there would be saying that taxation was already “at a
lead to a bigger development in cross- change conference in Egypt this support for energy bills from April. “constraints” on further help towards very high level”. He said Hunt and Sun-
Channel co-operation. “The agree- month, and detailed discussions have In a riposte to his critics on the Tory energy bills after April, with support ak needed to be “extremely careful
ment goes over and above the current been taking place between officials. right, the prime minister said the gov- targeted towards the most vulnerable. about further increasing the challenges
arrangements,” the source said. “We Under the new agreement, the ernment had to meet the “expectations The Treasury is understood to be facing businesses and households”.
hope this is a stepping stone to a further number of French officers patrolling to of international markets” after the loss drawing up a package that would adjust The prime minister said any watering
and more substantial deal next year.” stop small boat crossings will increase of confidence brought about by his the present price cap and result in many down of the government’s plan to
Home Office officials believe that if from 200 to 300 by the middle of next predecessor Liz Truss’s mini-budget. households facing an increase of up to balance the books risked unsettling
the French interception rate can reach year, with the cost of the additional However, he pledged that Jeremy £600 in average annual bills. international markets again and push-
75 per cent, it will be enough to destroy monitoring covered by Britain. The Hunt, the chancellor, would also lay out Speaking on route to the G20 summit ing up the cost of borrowing. “Financial
the business model of people smugglers longer-term proposals to “cut people’s in Bali, Sunak addressed critics among

‘Mary Celeste’ wards Democrats celebrate $100m for Dolly More Twitter jobs go United win at death
NHS staffing levels should be President Biden’s Democratic Jeff Bezos, the billionaire Twitter is believed to have A 93rd-minute goal by
higher at weekends to help cut Party has taken back control Amazon founder, has given axed more than 4,000 Alejandro Garnacho gave
waiting times, a top doctor has of the US Senate after $100 million to the country contractors at the weekend, a Manchester United a 2-1 win
said, with many hospitals “like securing a narrow victory in music star Dolly Parton to week after halving its full-time over Fulham. Aston Villa
the Mary Celeste” on Friday the key state of Nevada in the help fund her charitable work workforce after Elon Musk’s beat Brighton in yesterday’s y(7HB7E2*OTSPLQ( |||+[!.
afternoons. midterm elections. around the globe. $44 billion takeover. other match.
4 2GM Monday November 14 2022 | the times


Today’s highlights ‘Rogue state’ Russia is wrong

7.20am Breakfast hosts Aasmah Mir and Stig Abell

talk to foreign secretary James Cleverly
and London mayor Sadiq Khan
Former refugees minister Lord Harrington
to snub G20 summit, says PM
tells Matt Chorley what life is like for Charlie Moloney rest of us will get on with the task at to take back what’s theirs. They are
Ukrainians arriving in the UK hand.” standing up for fundamental principles
4.20pm The rapper and mental health activist Britain will not be held hostage by the The comments came after President that matter to us all — the principles of
Professor Green, right, describes his actions of President Putin, Rishi Sunak Zelensky of Ukraine said that Russian sovereignty and self-determination,
experiences of living through energy has said, as he labelled Russia a “rogue attacks had turned the eastern region which are the very foundations of a
debt to Jane Garvey and Fi Glover state” before talks at the G20 summit. of Donetsk into “hell”, adding: “There stable international order.”
The prime minister said the Russian are extremely brutal battles there every He added: “But we know the Ukrainian
leader’s absence from the meeting in day. But our units defend themselves people are still suffering terribly under
Bali meant he was not seeking to explain bravely, withstand the terrible pressure the continued Russian bombardment
his actions, despite being “responsible of the occupiers, and maintain our and prolonged power blackouts in
DAB RADIO l ONLINE l SMART SPEAKER l APP for so much bloodshed in Ukraine”. defence lines.” He named four towns, near-freezing temperatures. That’s why
Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s foreign including Marinka and Avdiivka, which when I spoke to Volodymyr Zelensky,
minister, will attend in Putin’s place. He run from north of Donetsk’s capital to last Thursday, I made clear that Britain
will meet Sunak today, marking the the southwest, as sites of “particularly will never back down when it comes to
T O D AY ’ S E D I T I O N first time that a British prime minister tough battles”. supporting the Ukrainian people in the
has met Russian officials since the war Zelensky also celebrated victory face of this brutality.”
began in February. against the odds last week after Ben Wallace, the defence minister,
Writing in The Daily Telegraph, Ukrainian troops entered Kherson, said: “History reminds us that Russia
NEWS WORLD TIMES2 Sunak said: “We will not let our having forced President Putin’s war can be extremely cruel to its own
economic future be held hostage by the machine into a chaotic exit from the people and if they need more cannon
actions of a rogue state — and nor will city. He added, however, that “in the fodder, they will find it.”
our allies. Leaders take responsibility. Kherson region the Russian army left In recent weeks new fortifications
They show up. Yet, at the G20 summit behind the same atrocities as in other have been built along the Dnipro, as
in Indonesia this week, one seat will regions of our country, where it was well as all along the front line and even
remain vacant. able to enter”. in Crimea. Although about 80,000
“The man who is responsible for so Commenting on the victory, Sunak reservists have been thrown into battle,
much bloodshed in Ukraine and wrote: “Last week we saw the Ukrainian twice as many are undergoing very
economic strife around the world will flag raised once again over Kherson basic training in Russia and Belarus.
not be there to face his peers. He won’t only weeks after Putin declared that the
WATER COLOUR TERROR ATTACK SCARED SILLY even attempt to explain his actions. city would be part of Russia for ever. It
Constable’s Six killed and Gen Z stars make Instead, he will stay at home and the is a historic milestone in Ukraine’s fight
favourite pond dozens injured in ‘Stranger Things
restored to life Istanbul blast for toddlers’
PAGE 21 PAGES 30-31 PAGE 9 continued from page 1
Tax rise warning
make and there would need to be a
“contribution from everyone” to get the
country’s finances back on track.
Corbyn may
conditions in the UK have stabilised
clearly, but they have stabilised because
“This is a compassionate Conserva-
tive government that recognises the
challenge Khan
There’s a 26-year gap in life expectancy between
people expect the government to take
the decisions that will put our public
finances on a sustainable trajectory,”
pressures people feel. But we’re not
going to stop hard choices,” he said.
He also told Sky News: “We are all
to be mayor
boys in the highest and lowest literacy areas he said. “It’s the government’s job to going to be paying a bit more tax.” Oliver Wright Policy Editor
TOMIWA OWOLADE, PAGE 25 deliver on that.” Hunt denied that the government
Pointing out that the IMF had said was trying to use “sneaky” taxes to limit Jeremy Corbyn could stand as an inde-
that about a third of the global eco- the political damage, telling the BBC’s pendent against Sadiq Khan to become
Going to war Pupils ‘should Isis blackmails nomy was facing recession either now Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg: “The the next London mayor in 2024 if he is
or in the near future, Sunak said the principle of my approach is that I’m not not readmitted to the Labour Party, it
on misogyny speak German’ lonely hearts country must meet “the expectations of going to be hiding anything I do. I’m a was claimed yesterday.
Sharon Nesmith, the Nick Gibb, the schools The Islamic State international markets to make sure that Conservative chancellor and I think In a move that would emulate Ken
new deputy chief of minister, has said all terror group is raising our fiscal position is on a more sustain- I’ve been completely explicit that taxes Livingstone’s success in 2000, Corbyn is
the general staff, has pupils should be money by setting up able trajectory”. are going to go up, and that’s a very dif- said to have been encouraged to stand if
vowed to tackle speaking German or fake profiles on South Sunak, who promised over the sum- ficult thing for me to do because I came he is not allowed to contest his Isling-
sexism, bullying and other languages. He Africa’s version of the mer to cut income tax rates next year, into politics to do the exact opposite.” ton North seat at the general election.
other toxic issues in added that the decision dating app Tinder and said that he still hoped future tax cuts Hunt is also due to announce much One Corbyn ally told The Mail on
the armed forces to to stop compulsory blackmailing users might be possible. more limited government support to Sunday: “Jeremy would win and plenty
attract more female GCSE lessons was a who send explicit “Part of our job is not just to bring sta- help people facing higher energy bills of people are urging him to do it.”
recruits. “mistake”. photographs. bility back to the system but it’s also to from next April. At present bills are Even though he has represented
lay the foundations for the economy to effectively capped at a cost to the Islington North since 1983, Corbyn is
recover and grow,” he said. “That’s how exchequer of about £60 billion. From barred from standing there again for
LETTERS 28 BUSINESS 35 SPORT 53 we’re going to be able to cut people’s April this support will be reduced to Labour after saying antisemitism in the
LEADING ARTICLES 29 REGISTER 47 CROSSWORD 66 taxes over time and support public about £20 billion, with households party on his watch was exaggerated.
WORLD 30 LAW REPORT 49 TV & RADIO TIMES2 services.” expected to see increases in average Allies of Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour
Speaking to Times Radio, the chan- energy bills of about £600 a year. leader, fear the Tories will try to link
FOLLOW US cellor said that he had “hard choices” to him to Corbyn until he is expelled.
thetimes timesandsundaytimes thetimes

OFFER that could include disused student

continued from page 1 How crossings have soared accommodation, defunct holiday parks
Save more than 50% with a subscription to New migrant pact
More than 40,000 people have been
and even budget cruise ships.
French centre that co-ordinates oper- “ ‘Hotel Britain’ must end and be
The Times and The Sunday Times ations will also be reinforced, with
detected crossing the Channel in small
boats so far in 2022 replaced with simple, functional
THETIMES.CO.UK/SUBSCRIBE British Border Force officers present to 40,000 accommodation that does not create
share information. French officers are 2022 an additional pull factor,” Jenrick said.
also likely to be stationed on the British 30,000 “Human decency has to be accompa-
THE WEATHER side. 2021 nied by hard-headed common sense:
News of the deal comes as the Minis- 20,000 illegal immigrants are not entitled to
try of Defence said that 22 boats carry- luxury hotels.”
ing 972 people had been detected yes- 2020 10,000 Jenrick added: “Conditions in the
11 terday, taking the provisional total for UK are almost always better than in
the year to 40,885. 0 neighbouring countries, which helps
The figure is already almost 30 per J F M A M J J A S O N D explain why the UK is a destination of
11 17 cent higher than the 28,561 crossings Cumulative monthly figures, updated as of Nov 12, 2022 choice for economic migrants on the
recorded last year. Depending on the Source: Ministry of Defence continent ‘asylum shopping’. ”
weather, it is expected to rise still fur- As part of the plan to reduce migrant
ther in the coming days. tractive destination for migrants. Writ- crossings, ministers are looking to set
12 The arrivals on Saturday were the ing in The Sunday Telegraph, Jenrick up a fast-track deportation scheme for
17 first so far in November, with the most said that a “chronic shortage of accept- Albanians, who account for a third of all
recent crossings previously made on able accommodation” for “record num- arrivals.
21 October 31 when 46 people were bers” of migrants had forced the gov- Ministers are also proposing to re-
detected in one boat. ernment to procure expensive and write Theresa May’s Modern Slavery
In a newspaper article yesterday, often unsuitable hotels, burdening the Act, which has been used by Albanian
Patchy rain and cloud spreading Robert Jenrick, the immigration minis- taxpayer with an “unacceptable” cost. migrants to remain in the UK while
slowly across the country ter, pledged to end “hotel Britain” with He said ministers were urgently their claims are considered, a process
moves to make the country a less at- examining alternatives to hotel rooms that can take more than a year.
the times | Monday November 14 2022 5


Forster fans want park plans to end

Proposals to transform
meadowland near the
author’s childhood home
have provoked outrage,
writes Kaya Burgess
In EM Forster’s Howards End, Margaret
tries to recapture “the sense of space
which the motor [car] had robbed from
her”. More than a century later, a
similar battle is raging in the meadows
of Hertfordshire.
Residents, heritage bodies, an aca-
demic and an Oscar-winning actress
have raised concerns over “hugely re-
grettable and entirely inappropriate”
plans to build a car park and a toilet
block in the fields that inspired Forster’s
1910 novel.
Stevenage council wants to turn an
area of meadow near Forster’s child-
hood home into a “country park”. The
proposals include a car park for 50 cars
and a building with toilets for visitors, as
well as metal fencing and newly land-
scaped areas.
John Lucas, the literary historian,
wrote that the automobile was present-
ed as a “symbol of intrusive, unsettling
power” by Forster in Howards End.
Opponents of the council’s plans
appear to take a similar
view, raising concerns
that the car park
and increased traffic
would “fundamentally
change [the] essential fully adhere to the conservation area’s
character” of an area Classic cases of people power purpose of protecting this unique part
still known as “Forster of Stevenage. The new proposal has
country”. 6 Plans to built 1,200 from Abbotsford, the part of a campaign that changed what was originally an acces-
The term was coined homes on Chawton country house created prevented a housing sible ‘meadow park’ to a manicured
by writers including Park Farm near Jane in the 19th century by estate being built near a municipal park.”
John Betjeman and Austen’s former home the novelist Sir Walter manor that provided Many of Forster’s papers are held at
Graham Greene, who in Alton, Hampshire Scott in the Scottish inspiration to Thomas King’s College, Cambridge, whose
wrote to The Times in drew local ire, with a Borders, with fears that Hardy for his novel The provost, Michael Proctor, said: “The
1960 to call for the area petition and protest last the estate would spoil Mayor of Casterbridge. setting of Howards End, one his most
to “be allowed to remain year. The campaign the views from About a hundred people evocative novels, takes inspiration
as it is, rural farmland, continues. Abbotsford. The local objected in 2018 to [from] Forster’s childhood home, Rooks
not only because it is one council said views plans to build 120 Nest House, and its surrounding
of the last beauty spots 6 A campaign would be protected by homes 200 yards from countryside. I was thus disturbed to
within 30 miles of began last year the planting of trees. Wolfeton House near hear that Stevenage borough council
London but because it is the Forster EM Forster’s childhood home to oppose the Dorchester, fearing it plans to change this beautiful country-
country of Howards End”. sits among the fields that building of 6 Julian Fellowes, the would have a negative side into a ‘country park’ with all that
The countryside charity the CPRE inspired Howards End, which homes across writer who created impact on the “Hardy implies for the degradation and com-
said in a formal response to the plans: became a film with Matthew the River Tweed Downton Abbey, was Country” area. mercialisation of what has been a pre-
“The provision of the proposed car park MacFadyen and Hayley Atwell cious and magical place.”
. . . is hugely regrettable and an entirely Emma Thompson, the actress, has
inappropriate feature within land that formal objection: “If agreed, the tried to oppose the grant- opment. Wendy and Dave Ford, who called it “madness” to “destroy beauti-
should form an open countryside proposal will forever alter the land- ing of planning per- live locally, wrote: “This area has been ful countryside in aid of a car park”.
setting to Rooks Nest House”. It added scape of the conservation [area] as mission in 2020 for known as Forster Country since the Stevenage council said it was com-
that the plans would “introduce alien it would have been known to 800 homes to be 60s. The original proposal for the green mitted to “the highest of ecological and
features into this highly valued rural Forster.” built near Rooks space surrounding the new housing environmental standards” and to “re-
landscape”. In Howards End, the “red Nest House. A development was for a wild meadow, spect local heritage including that of
Historic England has also lodged rust” of suburbia is shown consultation is which would see a return to the land- EM Forster”. They said the plans were
concerns, noting that the proposals risk encroaching on the idyll of the now being held scape of the area at the time EM Forster for “a new country park for all residents
“cluttering the natural landscape with a Hertfordshire countryside. on plans to create wrote Howards End. to access and enjoy”.
proliferation of man-made features”. The Friends of Forster a “country park” “A wild meadow would add to the
Alison Heil, a local resident, said in a Country campaign group as part of the devel- cultural heritage of the area and grace-

If you only have half the space, you only need half the Christmas tree
Ben Clatworthy usual tree designs. The retailer has also on the floor to make room for their decision to opt for half a tree. “It doesn’t
launched a “parasol-shaped” tree with Christmas tree. A third said they found get in the way, doesn’t get knocked into
A luscious Norwegian spruce might branches that start half way up so lights, putting up a tree stressful when space every five seconds, and means that the
make the perfect centre-piece to a baubles and tinsel are out of the grasp of was limited, while nearly half of over- decorations go twice as far,” one happy
family Christmas in a pretty townhouse children and pets. 60s said a tree made their homes feel customer wrote. “You don’t look at it
or country pile. The 6ft-high split Habitat tree pro- too cramped. and think ‘that’s weird, it’s only half a
Not, however, if you live in a flat so trudes 18in from the wall, comes decor- One in five admitted that they never tree’ which was my concern.”
small that even a relatively modest tree ated with 120 lights and sells for £55. It bothered decorating the back of their Those hoping for half the price will be
will fill your entire hallway, or obscure has attracted hundreds of positive re- tree. A satisfied customer, who was left disappointed — Amazon sells a
the view of the television. views from people with small rooms, after a “small tree for a tight corner” whole 6ft tree with lights for £40.
Aware of the growing numbers of with the retailer adding: “Who looks at wrote: “This works brilliantly. I was so Other retailers, including Amazon,
people living in compact properties, the back of their tree anyway?” impressed I bought two.” Wilko and Asda all now stock split
Argos has come up with a solution. In a survey for Argos, three quarters Another said “the half Xmas tree is Christmas trees as they seek to cash in
Enter the half Christmas tree. of people questioned said they strug- just what we were after for our small on the demand from people with
Designed so it can be hung flush gled to fit a Christmas tree in their apartment” but said they were left dis- limited space. For those without room
against the wall, the “split in half” artifi- house and had to stow furniture away. appointed that it was not bushier, add- for even half a Christmas tree, Amazon
cial tree comes with built-in fairy lights More than eight in ten of those sur- ing: “It looked a bit insignificant”. sells a Christmas tree wall sticker with
and is among a growing number of un- veyed said they would be willing to sit Others were entirely satisfied by their The half tree is a hit with flat dwellers glow-in-the-dark decorations for £7.93.
6 2GM Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Quintagram® No 1472
Solve all five clues using each
letter underneath once only
1 Apiary insect (3)

2 Total entrance money received (4)

3 Tranquillity (5)

4 To the ---, Virginia Woolf novel (10)

5 Football or hockey position (10)

Solutions MindGames in Times2
Cryptic clues page 10 of Times2

Constable to face court

A police constable will appear in
court today charged with a
woman’s attempted murder.
James Riley, of Lancashire police,
was arrested after the woman was
found in a hotel in Manchester
city centre last Thursday. She was
taken to hospital and her
condition is stable. Riley, 27, has
been suspended from duty and
will appear at Manchester
magistrates’ court. The case has
been referred to the Independent
Gripping stuff More than 100 vehicles from the 1920s and 1930s joined the Vintage Sports-Car Club Lakeland Trial at Honister Slate Mine, near Keswick, on Saturday Office for Police Conduct.

NHS must increase its weekend Children to

be screened
work to hit targets, says doctor for diabetes
Kat Lay
Kat Lay Health Editor end. “[CT scans] are not done, opera- Sharma said it was true that less Taylor said the problems stemmed
tions are not done. So just getting more planned and non-urgent work hap- from “the failure of successive govern- A major new trial will screen children
NHS hospitals are like the “Mary staff in and using more money doesn’t pened at weekends, but that “the funda- ments to provide a fully funded work- aged between 3 and 13 for type 1 diabe-
Celeste” on Friday afternoons, a top necessarily solve that problem because mental issue is that there is not enough force strategy to help tackle the NHS’s tes in an attempt to pick up the disease
doctor has warned. that’s an efficiency problem.” staff during the weekdays, let alone 132,000 vacancies, to address the main- before it becomes life threatening.
Dr Andrew Stein, a consultant kidney Stein, who was involved in efforts to across seven days”. tenance backlog of £10 billion, and to One case in four is detected only
specialist who runs a guide for patients increase seven-day working when Jer- He warned that stretching the work- provide proper support for social care, when someone is in diabetic ketoacid-
on how the NHS works, said underuse emy Hunt was health secretary, said it force across seven days could damage with local communities and frontline osis (DKA), a potentially fatal condition
of facilities at weekends was hampering was needed to tackle problems patient care and that pension tax con- staff all paying the price”. that requires urgent hospital treatment.
efforts to tackle the waiting list. His throughout the health service. cerns were “driving highly skilled doc- Pioneering projects in parts of the The new ELSA study, funded by
comments were opposed by the British He said: “The NHS will not function tors out of the profession”, and said the NHS are aiming to increase use of re- charities Diabetes UK and JDRF, aims
Medical Association, and NHS leaders, — we will not hit any target — until we government should listen to calls from sources at weekends. Guy’s and St to recruit 20,000 children for blood
who said there were not enough staff for work seven days a week, which would NHS staff to “restore successive years Thomas’ in London performed eight tests that can assess their chances of
current working patterns. seem to me to be appropriate for a de- of pay cuts”. robotic-assisted prostatectomies in a developing type 1 diabetes.
Last week new figures showed 7.1 mil- veloped country.” Matthew Taylor, chief executive of day instead of the usual week. It could mean they are eligible for
lion people waiting for planned NHS Dr Vishal Sharma, chairman of the the NHS Confederation, said: “The Dr Imran Ahmad, consultant anaes- cutting edge therapies that can delay or
care, up from 4.4 million before the BMA consultants’ committee, said: NHS is there for everyone who needs it thetist and deputy clinical director for prevent the condition. One such drug is
pandemic. Performance against cancer “Hardworking doctors and NHS staff every day of the year, including primary anaesthesia and theatres, who led the expected to receive a green light from
and A&E targets are at record lows, will not recognise the description of the care carrying out well over one million initiative, said: “For many procedures, US regulators later this month, and is
while heart attack and stroke victims NHS being ‘like the Mary Celeste on a appointments most Fridays and urgent the time required to perform the actual going through UK approval processes.
waited more than an hour on average Friday afternoon’. These comments are and emergency care services routinely surgery is significantly less than the Parth Narendran, professor of diabe-
for an ambulance last month. hugely disrespectful and very disheart- being busier over weekends than during time spent preparing and anaesthetising tes medicine, and Dr Lauren Quinn,
Stein told the BBC: “People start ening when the truth is that the NHS is the week. While many trusts would like the patient, setting up the equipment clinical research fellow at the Univers-
heading to the car parks at 12 and by under extreme pressure and staff are to provide more non-urgent services and helping the patient to recover.” ity of Birmingham, said: “Screening
2pm it’s all quiet and the hospital is not routinely having to work above and be- over the weekend like some elective children can reduce their risk of DKA
used to full capacity through the week- yond to provide care for their patients.” care, they simply lack the staff to do so.” at diagnosis around fivefold and can
help them and their families settle into

Hospitals ‘are like lobster traps that elderly can’t escape’ the type 1 diagnosis better.
“We know the value of identifying
people at risk of type 1 diabetes and we
have the tools to do so — now we need
Charlie Moloney each week, with 13,000 patients who Analysis of data has shown that as make social care more attractive. “They to understand how best to implement
were fit to leave being stranded on many as one in three hospital beds in have to recognise that they’re compet- them in the UK.”
Hospitals are “lobster traps” for the wards owing to the social care crisis. parts of England are occupied by ing with Amazon, Lidl and Tesco,” he The research team behind the new
elderly because of chronic overcrowd- “Hospitals are like lobster traps — patients well enough to be discharged. said. “Moving a box around shouldn’t trial, led by the University of Birming-
ing and delayed discharges, the new they’re easy to get in to and hard to get On average 13,600 beds across NHS pay more than moving a frail, elderly ham, will look for markers in the blood
president of the Royal College of Emer- out of,” Boyle told the Daily Mail. “If England are occupied every day with woman around.” called autoantibodies that show the
gency Medicine has said. social care was able to do its job, these patients who doctors say are medically Data published on Wednesday immune system is attacking the
Dr Adrian Boyle, a senior A&E doc- poor people wouldn’t be stranded in fit to go home or to a care home. showed the NHS was under unprece- insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
tor, is desperate to keep his elderly hospital. I have elderly parents and I’m Boyle, a consultant in emergency dented strain. Last month was its worst They can appear decades before
parents from entering hospital because desperate to keep them out of hospital. medicine at Cambridge University on record across almost all metrics. symptoms.
he fears they would not come out. For someone who is frail, hospital is Hospitals, said freeing beds was the key There are 7.1 million people on hospital Families interested in participating
He said hospital crowding and bed often a bad place. They’re being to improving all emergency care. He waiting lists in England, up from can find details at
blocking was killing hundreds of people harmed by being in hospital.” added that policymakers would need to 4.4 million before the pandemic. take-part/.
the times | Monday November 14 2022 K1 7

Growth industry as more men sign up to have their legs lengthened
Charlotte Wace with about 30 in the same period three nesses, and able to comply with the mon form of dwarfism, can potentially Reconstruction Centre, in Greece, also
years ago. This increased interest is re- physical therapy required afterwards. gain more height if they begin surgical takes steps to avoid treating patients
Increasing numbers of British men are flected in their patients from Britain: Debiparshad’s oldest patient was 68, intervention in childhood. with severe obsessions about their
flying to the United States for leg- they used to see roughly one each a British architect who was living in the Debiparshad said: “I think with men appearances. “If they have Body
lengthening surgery in an attempt to month and they are now seeing four or US and increased his height by 3in. He there is pressure to be of a particular Dysmorphic Disorder, we know that
become taller, according to a surgeon. five. The clinic has even looked at said: “He explained that he had always stature . . . when you think of a man, the even if we make them taller, they will
While the techniques used vary, the expanding to the UK or elsewhere in wanted to be taller and that he wants to common thing is ‘tall, dark and hand- still go on to obsess about other features
operations can cost £80,000 and gener- Europe to meet the demand. go through the rest of his life knowing some’. The first thing is ‘tall’. So I do of their body,” he said.
ally involve breaking bones in the legs Debiparshad suggested that aware- what it is like to be 5ft 9in.” The pro- think there is this association with A British man to have undergone the
and gradually lengthening them using ness of the procedure along with ad- cedure was said to have been a success. masculinity, being a man and having a surgery — named only as Lewis — told
devices. Few surgeons in the UK offer vances in technology had been driving For most patients, the maximum in- certain stature.” The Guardian that he would previously
the procedures for cosmetic purposes. popularity. “I think the taboo around crease in height is about six inches, Debiparshad says he checks with wear stacked heels. He had stopped
Kevin Debiparshad, founder of the cosmetic surgery has lessened, particu- according to Debiparshad. That would psychiatrists if he has any concerns growing at 5ft 5in and said dating apps
LimbplastX Institute, a clinic in Las larly in the male population,” he said. require two surgeries to bones in the about a patient’s mental wellbeing. encouraged height discrimination. “I
Vegas, said they had carried out 130 Patients suitable for the procedure thigh and shin. Patients with conditions Dr Dimitrios Giotikas, founder and believe it’s one of the last prejudices
consultations in October compared must be healthy, without chronic ill- such as achondroplasia, the most com- clinical director of Athens Bone & Joint that is seen as acceptable,” he said.

Bezos awards Toni Duggan, the England

winger, announced
in a post on Instagram,
below, that she was
expecting her first child

Dolly Parton
$100m to fund
good causes
Jacqui Goddard done for kids, literacy and so many
other things is just incredible,” Bezos
Known as one of the country music told the audience at a ceremony to an-
industry’s biggest-selling stars with nounce the latest recipient of his Cour-
3,000 songs, 100 million records and 51 age and Civility Award.
Grammy award nominations under her “Wow, did you say $100 million?”
belt, Dolly Parton has never been short Parton asked as she climbed on stage
on recognition for her recording career. and hugged him.
But it was her support for childhood She is the third person to receive the
literacy around the world and helping award, which Bezos launched last year.
socially and economically disadvan- Its two previous recipients are José
taged communities in her home state of Andrés, a celebrity chef whose World
Tennessee that caught the eye of the Central Kitchen charity provides hot
billionaire Jeff Bezos when he got out meals to disaster victims, and Van
his chequebook. Jones, a former adviser to Barack
Announcing a $100 million donation Obama, who co-founded three chari-
for Parton to distribute however she ties focused on human rights, social
sees fit, the Amazon founder and his equity and criminal justice reform.
girlfriend, Lauren Sánchez, chose the “When people are in a position to
singer as the recipient of an award that help, you should help and I know that
honours leaders who “aim high, pursue I’ve always said I try to put my money
solutions with courage and always do where my heart is. I think you do the
so with civility”. same thing,” Parton told Bezos at the
“The woman you’re about to meet award ceremony on Saturday. She and any other number of professional World Cup are parents
embodies these ideals so thoroughly.
She gives with her heart. What she’s
promised: “I will do my best to do good
things with this money.”
Footballer remuneration and
benefits for the first 14
players that have given
birth during their career,
and they can seamlessly
continue their careers.

A record of giving
Parton, 76, known for hits including
Jolene and 9 to 5, is a philanthropist in set to be weeks. Previously clubs
could give maternity
and the majority choose
not to. Of the England
Duggan hopes to return
to the pitch after her
her own right, largely through her Dol- leave but it was not squad who won the pregnancy, having been
Dolly Parton’s projects include:
lywood Foundation, launched in 1988
and named after her theme park in her
first on compulsory.
“It was definitely a
European Championship
in July, only Demi Stokes
inspired by Crystal Dunn,
the American footballer,
6 Funding more than 193 million
books to boost childhood literacy
home community of Sevier County,
Tennessee. Chief among her initiatives
maternity move that they needed to
do,” Duggan said. “I find
was a parent and it was
her female partner who
who scored a goal for the
Portland Thorns only five
through her Imagination Library has been the Imagination Library pro- it crazy that it’s only just gave birth. months after giving birth.

programme in honour of her late gramme, which sends free books he England been put in place now.” Several of the men’s While Everton have
father, who never learnt to read. monthly to children under five to in- winger Toni There are a limited squad for the Qatar supported Duggan, she
6 $10,000 each to 900 families spire a love of reading. To date, the pro- Duggan will be said that there was no
whose homes were damaged gramme has given more than 193 mil- the first player official guidance for
or destroyed by fires in the lion books to children in in the Women’s female footballers on how
Smoky Mountains in 2016. five countries, including Super League to take to balance pregnancy and
the US and Britain. maternity leave (Molly childbirth with their
6 $1 million to Vanderbilt
Bezos, the world’s Hudson writes). career, which encouraged
University Medical Centre in
fourth-richest person, Duggan, 31, announced her to share her story.
Nashville, Tennessee, to
with assets of more in September that she Duggan said: “I had to
help fund development
than $114 billion, has was pregnant with her tell the team doctor
of Moderna’s Covid
cumulatively do- first child. The Everton because it [was] pre-
vaccine in 2020.
nated more than midfielder has 79 caps, season and they’re trying
6 $1 million to the $2.4 billion to the last was in 2020. to run me hard and I’m
Monroe Carell Junior good causes. Legislation introduced thinking ‘I can’t do this’.
Children’s Hospital at “Every child is at the start of the 2022-23 “There’s no guide to
Vanderbilt University born with great season after an follow. Ideally, when a
Medical Center to potential,” he said. agreement between the player gets pregnant,
support research FA and the Professional there should be [some
into paediatric Jeff Bezos hailed Footballers’ Association, form of communication
cancer in honour of Dolly Parton for means players such as to say] congratulations
her niece, who was “giving with her Duggan on maternity here’s x, y, and z with the
successfully treated heart”, describing leave will be paid 100 per contact details.”
there for leukaemia. her efforts as cent of their weekly wage
8 Monday November 14 2022 | the times

News Remembrance Sunday

Queen Camilla and

the Princess of Wales
watching at the
Cenotaph. The
princess wore
diamond and pearl
drop earrings that
belonged to Diana,
Princess of Wales. The
Queen wore her Rifles
brooch and a Special
Regiment brooch. The
Prince of Wales, the
King and the Princess
Royal were joined by
Sir Keir Starmer, the
leader of the
opposition, Rishi
Sunak and the Second
World War veterans
Joe Cattini, 99, and
Stan Ford, 97

Honour and dignity as usual, but

The changes are small is now commander-in-chief of the standing on the Foreign Office balcony The ceremony broke a record for the er. In one of the subtle changes that
armed forces, and the role that his overlooking Whitehall. number of previous prime ministers in have characterised the evolution of Re-
but significant in the mother once regarded as one of the
most important duties in her calendar
The question of who stands in which
balcony is a masterpiece of subtle royal
attendance. While Rishi Sunak laid his
first wreath as prime minister, he was
membrance, women are now more
prominent than ever before: this year
performance of a role now falls to him. choreography: this year it was Queen joined by all seven of his living prede- the Household Cavalry troops on pa-
And seamlessly, imperceptibly, the Camilla and the Princess of Wales in cessors: Sir John Major, Sir Tony Blair, rade were led by Lieutenant Elizabeth
the King knows well, immutable traditions of the nation the central balcony, with the Duke and Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Ther- Godwin, who was the Sword of Honour
change. The King now lays just one Duchess of Gloucester and the Count- esa May, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss. winner at Sandhurst in 2020 and the
reports Valentine Low wreath, instead of the two he used to ess of Wessex to one side, and the Duke Truss did not serve long enough to take first woman to commission into the Life
place at the Cenotaph in recent years: of Kent and Vice-Admiral Sir Tim part in the Cenotaph service as prime Guards.
Same uniform, different wreath. When one for the Queen, and one for himself. Laurence on the other. Princess Alex- minister. A service, which included a hymn
the King led the first Remembrance It is a new wreath too, with a ribbon andra, who had been due to join them, As the Massed Bands of the Guards and the Lord’s Prayer, after the laying of
Sunday service of his reign, it would bearing the King’s racing colours of made a last-minute decision not to Division and the Pipes and Drums of the main wreaths, was delivered by the
have taken a seasoned observer of the scarlet, purple and gold. The wreath attend. the 4th Battalion the Royal Regiment of Bishop of London, the Right Rev Sarah
annual ceremony at the Cenotaph to that he used to lay, with the Prince of Camilla’s role also changed. While Scotland played the tunes that have Mullally.
enumerate the differences from last Wales’s feathers, is now laid by his son she remained on the balcony as before, been rendered familiar with every Cen- The King’s own presence there was in
year’s event. Prince William. this year as Queen a wreath — in the otaph service ever held — Nimrod, itself a symbol of the passing of the
Twelve months ago, wearing the As Charles and William stood to at- racing colours inherited from her Flowers of the Forest, The Skye Boat years: although a veteran of the Royal
same field marshal’s uniform, he laid tention in the middle of Whitehall, grandfather — was laid on her behalf by Song — the ceremony had a timeless Navy, he is the first monarch to lead the
the first wreath at the Cenotaph in joined by the Princess Royal and the an equerry. Once again, there was no quality that reached back across the Remembrance ceremony who has not
Whitehall as he stood in for the Queen. Earl of Wessex, they were watched by Duke of York on parade, and no Duke of generations. served in the military during wartime.
But this year was different. The King other members of the royal family Sussex. But nothing remains the same for ev- When the Queen died, it marked the
the times | Monday November 14 2022 9


The annual Remembrance ministers, Liz Truss, Boris was a rare reunion for Truss and
Sunday service in Whitehall Johnson, Theresa May, David Johnson and the former gave
yesterday was attended by all Cameron, Gordon Brown, Sir her predecessor a sideways
seven living former prime Tony Blair and Sir John Major. It glance during the ceremony

this time with a new majesty ending of the royal family’s direct links other served in the Korean War). “Mum she lived in Port Stanley during the war.

Harry’s ‘bond’ with bereaved with the Second World War.

But even though the war ended
77 years ago, there were still a handful of
did her bit for the war effort,” he said.
Astonishingly, all of them made it
back: Ford, who was badly injured in
She started making the scarves in 2017
as a way of thanking those who fought
to liberate the Falklands: there are now
veterans who were able to take part in the sinking of the Fratton when his gun 75 scarf makers, who have made more
Charlotte Wace the charity for bereaved British the Royal British Legion march past. platform was blown into the water, has than 1,000 scarves.
forces children and young people. Most of them, not surprisingly, were walked with callipers ever since. But, as one Falklands veteran ob-
The Duke of Sussex has told Harry, 38, served in the army for in wheelchairs. But one, James Fenton, Over the years the focus of Remem- served, it was a little warm for scarves:
bereaved children of members of ten years, undertaking two tours of who is 100, marched all the way under brance Sunday has evolved from the Andy Lawless kept his in his pocket.
the British armed forces that they Afghanistan. He was stripped of his his own steam with the Burma Star Me- First World War to the Second World Lawless, 65, was co-pilot in a Chinook
“share a bond”, having lost a parent. military titles last year after morial Fund. “He is a bit of a star,” a War: now it is the turn of the Falklands helicopter — Britain’s only one of the
In a letter to mark Remembrance deciding to stand down as a working British Legion insider said. conflict. The largest single contingent conflict — which crashed in the sea. He
Sunday, he told them that he knows royal. He last took part in a Another was Stan Ford, 97, a D-Day in the march past was the South Atlan- had one of the day’s more interesting
“first-hand the pain and grief that Remembrance Sunday service at the veteran who was serving on the escort tic Medal Association, with 400 veter- conversations, with a veteran who had
comes with loss” and said they are Cenotaph in 2019. ship HMS Fratton when it was sunk off ans taking part to mark the 40th anni- operated a Stinger surface-to-air mis-
“not alone”. He hoped the children He has a longstanding the coast of Normandy by a midget sub- versary of the war. sile. “One of the guys said, ‘We nearly
could “find comfort and strength” in relationship with Scotty’s Little marine in August 1944. Ford, who read As a group, they stood out, with many pinged you, we nearly shot you down.’
knowing that their late parent’s love Soldiers, the charity set up in 2010 a tribute to the Queen at the Festival of of them wearing the “Scarves for Falk- Because the Argentinians had Chi-
for them “lives and shines on”. by Nikki Scott, whose husband, Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall land Veterans” in the green, blue and nooks out there. ‘The night you
The letter was written to Corporal Lee Scott, was killed in on Saturday night, was one of eight white of the ribbon of the South Atlan- crashed, we had you in our sights. You
members of Scotty’s Little Soldiers, Afghanistan. brothers — he also had two sisters — tic medal. The scarves were the crea- nearly got one!’ I thought, that’s nice to
seven of whom served in the war (the tion of Rachel Simons, who was 11 when find out 40 years later!”
10 2GM Monday November 14 2022 | the times


Legal fears delay

nearly 200 police
misconduct cases
Fiona Hamilton Crime Editor by officers about whom they make deci-
sions, or chiefs deflecting legal action.
Nearly 200 police officers accused of Bassett said that “it all goes to the
the most serious level of misconduct question of our independence and
have not been allocated disciplinary being able to perform our role”.
hearings and cannot be dealt with, with The Home Office said: “Legally qual-
Light entertainment Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire is staging a Christmas laser show set to music until January 2 many of them still working on full pay. ified chairs are appointed and indemni-
The police disciplinary system is fied for legal action against them by
plagued by delays because of a stand- police and crime commissioners and
off between legally qualified chairs, are afforded common law immunity.
known as LQCs, who run the majority We are aware of the concerns of the
of hearings, and the Home Office. The National Association of Legally Quali-
LQCs are seeking indemnity against fied Chairs and have been working with
being sued by officers they dismiss, them and other policing partners to
fearing they could face six-figure pay- consider their proposals carefully.”
outs in the civil courts. Until the Home The PCC provision is not guaranteed
Office agrees most of them have re- beyond a specific timeframe. Some
fused to take on new cases. cases among the 176 have just been re-
The backlog is now 176 cases, it is un- ferred and await allocation to an LQC.
derstood, nearly half of the total gross Marc Jones, chairman of the Asso-
misconduct cases. Officers remain on ciation of Police and Crime Commis-
full pay and some still carry out front- sioners, said it was working with part-
line duties after being accused. ners including the Home Office to re-
It is a blow for police chiefs who had solve the issue “as a matter of urgency”.
pledged a crackdown on misconduct The misconduct system is under
after a series of misogyny and racism scrutiny, with police chiefs under pres-
scandals. Sir Mark Rowley, who sure to raise standards. A report this
became commissioner of the Metro- month by the inspectorate of police and
politan Police in September, has repeat- fire services warned that senior police
edly called for a clear-out of the ranks had failed to tackle the issue of predato-
to get rid of anyone who does not meet ry officers and lax vetting for a decade.
standards. Long delays in the disciplin- Rowley and some other chiefs say
ary system could hinder those plans. that the independent chairs of miscon-
The Police Federation of England duct hearings have been too lenient. He
and Wales, which represents rank-and- wants control over disciplinary hear-
file officers, has also expressed concern ings and more power to sack officers.
about the backlog. Its representatives Andy Marsh, chairman of the Col-
argue that delays are unfair for officers, lege of Policing, which sets national
with serious charges hanging over their standards, has also complained that as
heads for years. a chief constable in two forces he had
LQCs have become concerned about been forced to accept officers who
their position after a police chief was “should have been shown the door”
sued by an officer who had been sacked because they were given final written
for gross misconduct. Sarah Crew, the warnings instead of the sack by LQCs.
chief constable of Avon and Somerset, However, Bassett has questioned the
took the case to the Supreme Court motives of critics. He has pointed out a
arguing that as it was the LQC who significant number of officers accused
made the decision, they should be lia- of serious misdemeanours had been
ble. The legal action failed but John given no further action by internal re-
Bassett, president of the National Asso- views, or were not referred to miscon-
ciation of Legally Qualified Chairs, said duct hearings in the first place.
the issue was still unresolved. LQCs were introduced a decade ago
The LQCs want the Home Office to by Theresa May, as home secretary,
provide them with legal protection so after an inquiry found that internal dis-
they do not have to fear being pursued cipline lacked transparency.

Murder inquiry as stabbing

leaves two dead and one hurt
Two young men have died and a third is Foster, of the Bedfordshire, Cam-
seriously injured after being found with bridgeshire and Hertfordshire Major
stab wounds. Crime Unit, said: “This was a horrific
Bedfordshire police said officers were incident which has resulted in two
called to reports of a man being struck young men losing their lives and a third
by a vehicle, which sped away, at 1.18am suffering very serious injuries.
yesterday in Houghton Regis. “I understand how concerning this
Emergency services found three will be for residents. However, from
men with stab wounds. Two of the men what we know so far we believe this to
were pronounced dead at the scene, be a contained incident with no wider
while a third was taken to hospital ongoing threat to the public.
where he remains in a serious but stable “There can be absolutely no excuse
condition. for such violence and we will do every-
A double murder investigation has thing we can to bring those responsible
been launched and trained officers are to justice.
supporting family members. The vic- “The area was fairly busy at the time
tims have yet to be formally identified. and I would urge anyone who saw what
No arrests have yet been made and a happened, or anything leading up to it,
large police presence remains in the to contact police.”
town while investigations into the inci- Anyone with information is asked to
dent continue. Police said there would call police quoting Operation Crux on
be additional patrols in the town over 101, to use the online reporting tool at
the coming days. or call Crimestoppers
Detective Superintendent Carl anonymously on 0800 555 111.
the times | Monday November 14 2022 11

Some characteristics Musicologists analysed four minutes and 16 technology, which has
Study finds have barely altered over
time — females are still
70 years of No 1 hits by
artists as diverse as Al
seconds in 1997, thanks
to songs such as The
upended previous ways
of working in music
key changes outnumbered by male
and mixed acts —
Martino and Taylor Swift Drugs Don’t Work by
The Verve (5 min, 2 sec)
production and
composition,” said James
in nature although there has been
a long-term trend
The analysis examined
all 1,404 releases to
and D’You Know What I
Mean? by Oasis (7 min ,
Masterton, a chart
analyst and historian.
of pop hits towards more hits in
minor keys, while time
reach number one from
the very first, Here in
21 sec), but has since
fallen, dropping to three
“When you are doing
it organically by playing
signatures are My Heart by Al Martino, minutes and seven live instruments, your
to the latest, Anti-Hero

o 1 singles increasingly four beats seconds in 2019. instinct is to change
are shorter in a bar. Changes in by Taylor Swift. Fade-outs have also things up a little to stop a
and slower taste help explain One of the biggest gone out of fashion, from song becoming tedious
while key some findings, though changes has been the appearing on 93 per cent — and once upon a time
changes and “the advance of length of songs. The of No 1s in 1971 and 100 that meant changing key.
fades have almost technology and new average length of No 1s per cent in 1983 to none “Now everything is on
disappeared, analysis for ways of working in passed three minutes for at all in 2011 and on only a computer screen you
the chart’s 70th music” are also likely the first time in 1967 and 23 since then. can be more subtle and
anniversary has found to be responsible, four minutes in 1984. It “Many changes are shift the harmonics
(Ben Clatworthy writes). experts said. peaked at an average of due to the advance of instead.”

State-school past
of top composers is
a lesson for future
David Sanderson Arts Correspondent Behind the story
Nearly two thirds of the country’s

greatest contemporary composers were n this case, statistics don’t
educated at state schools, with a further lie. There is a correlation
20 per cent attending a fee-paying between the quality of music
school only with a bursary, a unique education in schools and the
survey of the music world has found. quality of the music written
An anonymous poll of the 300-plus and performed professionally
composers who have won or been nom- (Richard Morrison writes).
inated for an Ivor Novello Award in the For much of the 20th century
20 years of the Ivors Composer Awards Britain was a powerhouse of
found only 8 per cent had gone to a fee- composition. From Benjamin
paying school without financial help. Britten to Sir Paul McCartney,
The academy said the figures made Jackie Trent to Sir Harrison
the case for strong music provision in Birtwistle, Ivor Novello to Jonny
state schools. There have been fears Greenwood, it produced dozens
about the decline of arts subjects in the of composers who won global
state sector with the advance of the fame. It is no coincidence that
International Baccalaureate a factor their rise coincided with a golden
along with funding cuts. The number of era of young people’s music-
A-level music entrants in England, making, with dozens of county
Wales and Northern Ireland fell from youth orchestras and well-staffed
7,655 in 2012 to 5,916 last year. music departments in thousands
This year the government published of state schools.
a “refreshed” national plan for music This provision has become so
education, The Power of Music to patchy. Schools are judged on
Change Lives, that recommended one “core” subjects such as maths
and science, with music pushed
Anna Meredith has to the margins. The fall in pupils
won an Ivors taking A-level music is one sign
Composer Award of that. Another is the growing
proportion of our music
conservatoires from private
schools. It is possible to succeed
without formal training but it
does not happen often. We need
hour of curriculum music teaching to re-establish music in all
each week in key stages 1 to 3. The arts schools not just as a luxury but
minister Lord Parkinson of Whitley as a key academic and vocational
Bay said the plan would help to “level subject. Successive governments
up musical opportunities”. have endorsed the idea that
“Composers are voicing concerns music is a frivolity. Actually, it is
about the impact of changes to funding a hugely successful industry that
and the long-term decline of music contributes billions to the UK
education in state schools,” Graham economy. It should be nurtured.
Davies, the chief executive of the Ivors In June a national music plan
Academy, said as it launched its survey. outlined ways to improve matters.
Charlotte Harding, an Ivors winner, Since then we have had five
said the poll was a “reminder that com- education secretaries. I doubt
posers benefit hugely from sustained whether one has glanced at it.
support throughout their careers”. Richard Morrison is chief culture
The survey marked 20 years of the writer for The Times
Ivors Composer Awards, formerly
known as the British Composer
Awards. Past winners include Sir Harri- It also found that 96 per cent had been
son Birtwistle, Anna Meredith and Sir able to learn at least one instrument as
John Tavener. Among the findings a child and 94 per cent were given the
were that 64 per cent of winners and chance to perform music. The survey
nominees attended a state selective or also highlighted the importance of the
non-selective school. About 21 per cent BBC, with more than 60 per cent of re-
attended an independent or fee-paying spondents having been commissioned
school with a bursary, 8 per cent with- by the organisation or one of its orches-
out a bursary, and 6 per cent were edu- tral ensembles.
cated outside Britain. About 83 per cent
studied music to A-level or equivalent.
12 2GM Monday November 14 2022 | the times

News Politics

Hunt will rely on council tax

Oliver Wright Policy Editor that, yes, we’re putting a lot more
money into the NHS, but there are real
Proposals to allow local authorities to pressures there, because the number of
impose further rises in council tax next older people is going up.
year are now “more likely than not”, as “And we have to recognise that in
Jeremy Hunt looks for ways to ease in- terms of how we help the NHS through
flationary pressures on social care. this difficult period.”
The chancellor is understood to back Meanwhile, the chancellor con-
increasing the amount that local firmed yesterday that he would use
authorities are able to increase bills Thursday’s autumn statement to lay
each year to pay for care home places out how the government intended to
and home help. help households and businesses with
Hunt, who has long argued for more their energy bills after the price cap
money for social care, is understood to ends in April.
believe that an increase in funding The present six-month cap limits the
should be a high priority for the govern- amount that companies can charge so
ment despite pressures on budgets that an average household will not pay
across Whitehall. But the move — more in gas and electricity bills than
which would effectively amount to £2,500 a year. But it is expected to cost
another tax rise above those already the government £60 billion between
planned by the chancellor — would be October and April and is likely to be sig-
highly controversial. nificantly scaled back.
Polling for The Times has found that In documents submitted to the
only 19 per cent of voters think such a Office for Budget Responsibility, Hunt
rise would be fair compared with 68 per has signalled he intends to spend only
cent who think it would be unfair. £20 billion on extending the scheme for
Under the present rules councils that another six months. This is likely to
are responsible for social care are al- mean much less general help for all
lowed to raise bills by a maximum of households with funding channelled at
2.99 per cent plus a 1 per cent levy for pensioners and those on benefits.
social care each year. If they want to Under calculations being discussed
raise bills any further they must put in the Treasury, the universal energy
their plans to a local referendum. price guarantee could rise from £2,500
One government source said allow- to between £2,850 and £3,100. Millions
ing further council tax rises was now of households could face an increase of
“more likely than not”. However, the up to £600 in their energy bills.
Treasury cautioned that no final deci- Hunt said that people would con-
sion had been taken. tinue to receive support, but there
“Social care spending is one of the would be “some constraints” to this.
biggest pressures faced by local author- “We have to recognise that one of the
ities and this would allow councils reasons for the instability that followed
greater flexibility. But they would still the mini-budget was that people were
have to justify those rises to local worried that we were exposing British
voters.” public finances to the volatility of the
It is understood that a number of international gas market,” he said. “So,
options are on the table including rais- there has to be some constraints to it.
ing the threshold at which a referen- But, yes, we will continue to support successful in a challenge thank everybody who
dum would need to be called — or
scrapping the requirement for a refer-
families and I will explain exactly how
we’re going to do that.” Hancock wins jungle in which they worked
together to switch on a
voted for me.”
White asked: “Does this
endum entirely. He also pledged to set out a long- series of lights. Before the win feel sweet, especially
However, the Conservative Party
manifesto in 2019 pledged to keep the
term energy strategy to reduce the UK
reliance on fossil fuels by investment in
leadership contest task, Tindall joked: “If I
went home and I’d lost to
after you lost to Boris? Do
you feel like you have
“veto” on large council tax rises, saying: nuclear and renewables but suggested Matt Hancock, I’d be in been vindicated?” He

“Local people will continue to have the it could be less radical than proposals att Hancock votes from the public in so much shit.” replied: “This more than
final say.” set out by Boris Johnson. has been voted last night’s show to enter Hancock was among makes up for it.”
Hinting at the potential support “I think Boris was great at having a camp leader a head-to-head with the those who stood to Hancock was voted
Hunt said yesterday that underfunding big vision for the future [but] was some- on I’m A former England rugby replace Theresa May as leader of the camp after
of social care directly led to additional times an element of cakeism in what he Celebrity, a victory he star Mike Tindall. prime minister in 2019 being stung on the finger
pressures on the NHS. “The NHS and announced,” he said. said “more than makes up Hancock recruited the but he withdrew to back by a scorpion, requiring
the care system go hand in hand,” Hunt “So what we need to do is to make for” losing to Boris ITV broadcaster Charlene Johnson. him to be seen by a medic.
told the BBC’s Sunday with Laura sure that we can deliver the high Johnson in the 2019 Tory White, with whom he has After their win in the He said: “It was so painful
Kuenssberg. “If you have a care system ambitions that he set out, which were leadership election (Ben clashed over his breaking jungle, Hancock said: . . . It hurts a lot and I’m
in difficulty those problems end up in absolutely right, with a practical, Clatworthy writes). of Covid-19 rules during “Obviously, it’s a great feeling slightly dizzy.”
hospitals very quickly indeed. So we credible, affordable, deliverable policy.” The former health the pandemic, as his honour and privilege to Since he entered the
have to think of those two sectors secretary received enough deputy. They were be camp leader. I want to campsite on Wednesday,
together. And we have to recognise

Tory MPs call on chancellor to spare schools from spending cuts

Henry Zeffman difficult spending cuts and tax rises. In extra money to cover the pay rises, Hunt said: “The progress we’ve made in
Associate Political Editor the letter, which was sent to Hunt on adding to the pressure on budgets. This state education has been extraordinary.
Saturday, the group wrote: “We appre- had forced some schools and colleges to And we want to make sure that nothing
Jeremy Hunt must not make “indefens- ciate the need for sound money and fis- “examine their staffing levels and non- happens now that undermines that
ible” cuts to education spending this cal responsibility. However, we believe core activities”, the MPs said. progress. Because strong public ser-
week, more than two dozen Conserva- these cuts should be made within a The group reminded Hunt that the vices, including strong education sys-
tive MPs have warned. framework of priorities rather than government had repeatedly committed tems, schools, further education, are
In a letter to the chancellor seen by across the board. to returning schools funding by the end actually very important to the future of
The Times, 28 Tory MPs said it “would “In particular, we believe it would be of the parliament to the level, in real the economy as well.”
not be morally right” to reduce educa- indefensible to cut education funding. terms, it was at in 2010. He added: “What we need to do is a
tion spending while schools and child- On the contrary, we would urge you to A study by the Institute for Fiscal combination of short-term support for
ren are recovering from the pandemic. invest more in the schools budget, par- Studies in August estimated that infla- people who are really struggling — and
The letter’s signatories include Kit ticularly given the impact of the pan- tion meant funding would be 3 per cent absolutely, schools and public services
Malthouse, who was Liz Truss’s educa- demic on children and their education. lower in real terms in 2024-25 than it are in that category — but also a plan
tion secretary, and his entire minister- “It would not be morally right to cut was in 2010. School spending per pupil that says, ‘This is how we’re going to get
ial team. A further six former cabinet education at a time when so many Jeremy Hunt said a “long-term plan” fell 9 per cent between 2009-10 and through this’.
ministers signed the letter, including children, teachers and staff are still was needed to reduce energy costs 2019-20, adjusted for inflation. “For example, on energy, which is I
Nadine Dorries, the former culture sec- working so hard to rectify the damage The government has also said that think often the biggest worry for
retary, Wendy Morton, the former caused by Covid-19. This damage is re- “severe” costs on schools and colleges. starting salaries for teachers would rise schools, it’s not just the support that we
chief whip, and Sir Robert Buckland, a flected most sharply in the attainment In July, when Boris Johnson was the to £30,000. The 9 per cent rise means give you this year and next year, it’s also
former lord chancellor. gap for disadvantaged pupils, which is prime minister, the government an- they will hit £28,000 in September. In the long-term plan to make sure that we
The letter, also signed by 14 former at its widest in a decade.” nounced that most teachers would re- real terms, teacher salaries are about can bring down energy prices to much
junior ministers, underlines the polit- The MPs described how “general in- ceive a 5 per cent pay rise next year, 12 per cent lower in real terms than in lower levels.”
ical challenge facing Hunt as he seeks flation, increased energy costs and an with starting salaries increasing by 2010. Asked yesterday by the BBC
to unite the party behind a package of unfunded pay award” were imposing 9 per cent. But schools are not receiving about the cost pressures facing schools,
the times | Monday November 14 2022 2GM 13


rises to pay social care bill

Explosive potential of plan
to fix £58 billion shortfall
Oliver Wright taxing electric cars for the generators and is expected to raise
first time £45 billion over the next five years.
Jeremy Hunt has warned that everyone Owners of most petrol and diesel cars
in Britain will pay more tax as the pay £165 a year in road tax but electric
government looks to close a £58 billion vehicles are exempt. Fuel duty and reform capital gains tax
hole in the nation’s finances. But having vehicle excise duty raise about Higher rate taxpayers pay a 20 per cent
ruled out headline increases in the rate £35 billion for the exchequer but the rate on profits from assets such as
of income tax, national insurance or Office for Budget Responsibility has shares and 28 per cent on residential
VAT the Treasury has resorted to forecast that the growing share of property, such as second homes, above
smaller tax changes to get the addition- electric car sales would cut motoring a £12,300 tax-free allowance. Hunt is
al revenues. So what is being consid- tax revenues by £2.1 billion by 2026-27. considering reducing this threshold to
ered and how will it affect different Hunt plans to charge owners of electric £6,000 — dragging more people into
people? The Times rates the potential vehicles road tax — probably beginning paying the tax for the first time. There
damage below, with a score of five the in 2025-26. have also been discussions about
most destructive: raising the tax rates to bring them more
in line with income tax.
freezing income tax raising council tax
thresholds Currently local authorities cannot raise
One of the key tax-raising measures council tax above 2.99 per cent plus a 1 freeze the lifetime pension
being planned is to freeze the rates at per cent levy for social care without a allowance
which people pay tax in a move that local referendum. Hunt is considering Workers are allowed to save up to
could bring in £30 billion a year by raising this threshold to reduce pres- £1,073,100 in their pension pots without
2026. sure on services. Any rise would be being taxed. This threshold is now likely
At the moment the basic rate of tax framed around social care funding but to be frozen until 2027. It means anyone
kicks in on earnings over £12,571 and would be very unpopular with voters. with savings over this limit will be taxed
the higher rate at £50,271 and these at 55 per cent if the money is taken as a
rates could be frozen until 2027-28. lump sum, or 25 per cent plus income
With inflation at about 10 per cent this cutting public spending tax rate if taken out gradually.
means more people will pay more tax. Hunt will announce that there will be
The Centre for Economics and no more money to help government
Business Research think tank said the departments with additional costs dividend tax
move would mean three million brought about through inflation. In- The annual tax-free dividend allow-
workers paying more income tax. The stead, departments will be asked to find ance has already been reduced from
financial advice firm NFU Mutual said savings in other parts of their budget to £5,000 in 2018 to its level of £2,000.
that freezing the personal allowance provide more cash to frontline services. Above this rate higher-rate taxpayers
the public have voted for Matt Hancock Confronting his fear of and higher-rate threshold until 2028 In addition when the spending pay a tax of 33.75 per cent on these
the former health faced his fifth snakes, the MP located would add £14,990 to the income tax bill review period comes to an end in 2025 profits. The Treasury is understood to
secretary to take part in consecutive nine of the 11 stars despite of a worker on a £60,000 salary over the Hunt is pencilling in reductions of have modelled a 1.25 per cent increase.
every Bushtucker Trial. Bushtucker Trial a snake attempting to next five years. planned spending rises from 3.7 per
Hancock faced his fifth in which he had strike him at eye level. cent to as little as 1 per cent or 2 per cent
trial, in which he had to to confront his On Saturday Hancock — saving about £25 billion a year. freeze inheritance tax
crawl through a giant fear of snakes was covered in slime and reducing the threshold for This would mean non-protected thresholds
doll’s house full of to earn stars to pelted with feathers and the top rate of tax areas like schools, police and local On death, inheritance tax is paid at
pigeons, snakes and feed the camp. custard. He has also been Hunt plans to cut the income level at government budgets could see real- 40 per cent on estates worth more than
troughs full of offal, He was voted forced to eat camel’s which the top 45p rate kicks in from terms cuts in spending over the period. £325,000 for an individual and
searching for stars to feed camp leader penis, sheep’s vagina and £150,000 to £125,000, pulling thou- £650,000 for a couple. If you give away
the camp. after being stung cow’s anus. sands into the new top rate of tax over your home to your children or grand-
Asked by the co-host by a scorpion He will face his sixth the next four years. Moving the 45p rate extended energy windfall tax children this increases by £175,000
Declan Donnelly why he trial today. Hancock threshold will raise about £1.3 billion a Rishi Sunak, when he was chancellor, to a maximum tax-free amount of
thought the public kept groaned as the news was year. It will be presented as evidence imposed a 25 per cent levy on oil and £1 million. Last year it was announced
voting for him to take part announced, while his that — unlike his predecessor Kwasi gas company profits. Hunt is now ex- that these rates would be frozen until
in the trials, Hancock campmates laughed. Kwarteng — Hunt intends to ensure pected to go further and increase this to 2025-26 but Hunt is planning to extend
said: “It must be the facial that the wealthiest pay the most 35 per cent and extend the length of the this, raising at least half a billion for the
expressions.” towards balancing the books. new tax until 2028. The scheme will Treasury — depending on inflation.
also be extended to cover electricity

Sacked minister set to be exonerated Charles gives staff bonuses

Oliver Wright consensual and not something he
should have been sacked for.”
that the investigation had not con-
cluded but confirmed there was no
to help cover cost of living
A government minister who was This appears to have been borne out complainant.
sacked by Liz Truss for “touching a by the investigation by Jake Berry, the Jacob Young, a Tory whip who acted Charlotte Wace of the Crown Estate revenue and funds
young man’s thigh” at the party confer- Tory party chairman at the time, who as one of Morton’s “spotters” in the the official duties of the King, and the
ence in Birmingham looks set to be is understood to have concluded that Birmingham bars, included the The King will use his own income to Royal Collection Trust, the charity that
cleared after an investigation ruled that there was no case to answer, as the incident in a report of the evening, help to pay bonuses to royal staff coping looks after the Royal Collection and
officials had “overreacted”. “victim” had not complained. but has told Conservative officials with the cost of living crisis. manages the public opening of the offi-
Conor Burns lost his job as a trade Yesterday a source at Conservative he did not believe it serious Sums of up to £600 each will be paid cial royal residences. Their bonuses will
minister and was suspended as an MP headquarters told The Mail on Sun- enough to warrant formal to employees on top of this month’s come from the grant and trust respec-
by Wendy Morton, then the chief whip, day: “The investigation has action or suspension. salary. The total amounts to tens of tively. It is understood that no taxpay-
after a witness reported the alleged in- been concluded and it’s clear However, when the thousands of pounds. ers’ money is being used.
cident in the Hyatt Regency hotel bar. there is no case to answer. No story emerged, Morton Staff earning less than £30,000 a year A palace insider told The Sun: “It is
At the time Burns, 50, denied the complaint was made by the and Truss sacked Burns will receive £600 in a one-off payment, being given on a sliding scale, with
claims, saying he hoped the party individual who was with Co- as a minister and sus- those on between £30,000 and £40,000 those most in need and on lower wages
would be “as quick to conduct their in- nor Burns. The decision to pended the whip before will get £400 and those who are paid getting the most money.
quiry as they were to rush to judgment”. withdraw the whip and re- a formal investigation. between £40,000 and £45,000 will “The King is very much aware of the
Conservative Party sources said at move him from the govern- Burns, who has repre- receive £350. Buckingham Palace soaring energy bills people are facing
the time of the incident that Truss and ment was a massive overreac- sented Bournemouth declined to comment. and [is] worried about the economic
Morton had “overreacted” saying that tion from Wendy Morton. She West since 2010, told Staff who are paid out of the privy wellbeing of loyal palace staff and doing
there was no evidence of wrongdoing completely lost her nerve.” friends that he believes purse, the monarch’s private income, what he can.”
by Burns. Another Tory source said he was on Morton’s hit will receive their bonus from the privy In June, when Charles was Prince of
“It may not have been a sensible list after praising Kemi purse. Other members of royal staff are Wales, a source said the royal family
thing to do,” a witness told The Times. Conor Burns always denied Badenoch as a future paid out of the sovereign grant, which were “extremely conscious” of the crisis
“But certainly from what I saw it was the accusation against him leader at a fringe event. comes from a percentage of the profits affecting the nation.
14 2GM Monday November 14 2022 | the times


Statue of Guy’s founder stays in place despite slave links

Kaya Burgess to move it because of Guy’s links with are positioned and interpreted”. It said: year to explain that some of the wealth legacy that has long-lasting impacts on
slavery. It was covered with hoarding in “The statue of Sir Robert Clayton he gave towards the end of his life and society today.”
A statue of the founder of Guy’s hospital 2020, along with a statue of Sir Robert should be retained in its current loca- in his will for the maintenance of Guy’s The statue, on the Guy’s campus of
that was boarded up and recommended Clayton outside St Thomas’ Hospital in tion at St Thomas’, which is considered Hospital came from his investments in King’s College London, was made by the
for removal from its prominent location London. The hoarding has been re- not to be in a prominent position. The the slave trade. Flemish sculptor Peter Scheemakers and
because of links to the slave trade has moved to allow for conservation work. statue of Thomas Guy should be A planning application will be installed in 1734, a decade after Guy died.
been uncovered again in its original Research commissioned by the Guy’s relocated to a less prominent location submitted at the end of the year to The Rev Dr Ellen Clark-King, dean
position. and St Thomas’ Foundation found that in the local area around Guy’s. Southwark and Lambeth councils “to of King’s College, said: “Like many
A temporary sign has been placed Guy owned more than £45,000 of stock “Information explaining how both carry out both the conservation work organisations, at King’s we know that
next to the statue of Thomas Guy, in the South Sea Company and that he men made their wealth, and their con- and install permanent interpretation at we have a duty to address the legacy of
noting that “some of his wealth came “could have sold his shares at any time”, nections with the trade of enslaved both statues”, with plans to install the colonialism, racism and slavery in our
from investments in the South Sea noting: “It is telling that he kept his people, should be made more broadly new signs in 2023. own work. King’s has begun its own
Company, which was directly involved investments for nine years.” available through interpretation along- The foundation said: “It will help history research project that will
in the trade of enslaved people”. The foundation said in September side the statues and online.” people to better understand the confront truths about our own connec-
The statue has been at the centre of last year that “both statues should be It appears that the statue of Guy is histories of both men, including the tions and their challenging legacy,
controversy since the charitable retained in the public realm” but that now to remain in its original place with ways in which [they] and others including the university and associated
foundation that owns it said it wanted changes should be made “to how they new permanent signs to be added next generated their wealth, which left a institutions and partners.”

The statue of Thomas Guy at Guy’s Hospital was to be moved because some of
the money he used to found the hospital came from investments in the slave trade

£10,000 cost of Two email

abandoned PC accounts for
language guide bi-gender staff
The Local Government Association Charlotte Wace
spent more than £10,000 creating an
inclusive language guide that was Stonewall is urging employers to let
scrapped after attracting ridicule. staff have two email addresses so they
The association, a membership body can swap gender identities, it has been
for councils, dropped its ban on local claimed.
authorities using “mum and dad” in The LGBT charity is said to have
favour of “birthing parents” after drawn up new guidance for the many
criticism. Other phrases to be avoided organisations seeking places on its
included second-generation, expat, “workplace equality index”. Last year’s
economic migrant, deprived neigh- top 100 Stonewall index included NHS
bourhoods, the homeless and lifestyle England, along with some government
choice. In commissioning the guide and departments, regional NHS bodies,
a holding round-table event, the LGA police forces and fire services.
paid £10,725 plus VAT. Employers aiming for the 2023 index
Toby Young, founder and director of are asked how they will “enable
the Free Speech Union, said: “It seems non-binary employees to have their
extraordinary that the LGA is happy identities recognised on all employee-
to pay . . . £10,725 to tell them to stop facing workplace systems”, The
using words like ‘mum’ and ‘dad’ when it Telegraph reported.
never stops complaining about cuts to The guidance encourages firms to
funding.” offer “the ability to have multiple
The 18-page guide was commis- passcards with different forms of
sioned from an external supplier by gender expression or linked email ac-
tender and paid for through subscrip- counts/intranet accounts with different
tions and commercial activities. Its cost names and photos”.
was revealed in a freedom of informa- Stonewall said: “Our guidance does
tion request. The LGA said: “We have not impose or demand any one way of
taken the decision to remove the guide doing things, but instead suggests
in its current form from our website.” examples that might be helpful.”
the times | Monday November 14 2022 15


US warns against military budget cuts

George Grylls Fort Irwin and the chancellor and accompanying relationship. Over the last 20 years is one of nine countries on course to hit
the defence secretary.” we’ve served side by side in combat to- British military strength the 2 per cent target this year out of the
The head of the US army has told Rishi Jeremy Hunt, the chancellor, will gether. That relationship goes much Personnel by branch
30 Nato members.
Sunak the British military is “great” and announce a cross-Whitehall spending before that. You have a great military, a Army Royal Air Force
In cash terms, MoD spending will
must “stay that way” as ministers squeeze this week as the government great army, and we want to see it stay Royal Navy and Royal Marines 000s
rise from £46 billion in 2021-22 to £48.6
consider real-terms cuts to defence looks to plug a £50 billion black hole. that way,” he told The Times. billion in 2024-25. But with inflation

Source: House of Commons Library

spending at this week’s budget. Ben Wallace, the defence secretary, Christine Wormuth, the US expected to stay high well into the
General James C McConville, chief has said he was “determined” to secure secretary of the army, said every 160 middle of the decade, this figure
of staff of the US army, issued the warn- adequate investment in the armed country must “manage its own affairs amounts to a real-terms cut according
ing after British and American troops forces. But under Treasury plans and manage its own budget”. But she 120 to the Civitas report, which analysed
held training drills in the Californian revealed by The Times last month, added: “I’m a huge believer in the 80 MoD data. As a proportion of GDP,
desert to simulate a Russian invasion of defence spending could be frozen until strategic partnership we have with the defence spending will slip from 2.12 per
Europe. He said the two countries 2027-28 before rapidly increasing to hit UK. We want the UK armed forces to 40 cent this year to 2 per cent in 2024, before
Data for year to April
shared “a very strong and special 3 per cent of GDP by 2030. Treasury be as strong as they can possibly be.” 0 falling below the Nato target in 2025.
relationship” and had a proud record sources have promised that defence It was put to Radakin yesterday that 2000 05 10 15 2020 Last year ministers published an inte-
fighting “side by side”. spending will not fall below Nato’s it sounded as if he was trying to say that grated review of foreign policy which
The comments come after Admiral target of 2 per cent of GDP. the long-term budgets for the Ministry European nations reacted to the Russian recommended greater British involve-
Sir Tony Radakin, chief of the defence Speaking at the Fort Irwin military of Defence must not be cut. He replied: invasion of Ukraine by pledging more ment in Indo-Pacific affairs while also
staff, said “continued investment” in base this week after British and US “For the ambition of the government to defence spending. Poland will increase countering the Russian threat. The
defence was needed, adding that troops took part in war-gaming be met, we need to maintain that expenditure to 3 per cent of GDP by review is to be updated by Sunak. In a
Britain was living in “serious” economic exercises, McConville hinted at US investment, and the defence secretary next year and Germany has promised foreword to the Civitas report, In De-
and security times. He told the BBC: concerns over the possibility of real- has been very clear about that.” to hit the 2 per cent target. fence of Global Britain, the former chief
“We need continued investment. And terms cuts to the defence budget, with The US is by far the biggest contribu- But a new report by the Civitas think of the defence staff General Lord Dan-
that’s continued investment over the the British army set to shrink to its tor to Nato, with a defence budget of tank will warn that even before any natt said it would be “morally indefens-
long term. I welcome the conversations smallest size since the Napoleonic era. $821 billion — more than double that of further austerity, Britain risks missing ible” to expect the armed forces to play
we can have with the prime minister “We have a very strong and special all the other members combined. Most the 2 per cent of GDP by 2025. Britain a greater role on a smaller budget.

Army’s most senior

army “about 300 years ago”. “I had a go
with the virtual reality headset and it
was embarrassing,” she says. “The
people joining the army today are so
much more familiar with this, it’s like

woman is going to second nature. I’ve got two teenage

boys and if I gave them a handset to
allow them to operate any of these
remotely piloted vehicles, they’d be

war on misogyny doing it in their sleep.”

Even if she is not the most technolog-
ically gifted herself, Nesmith strongly
believes in the need to modernise the
army. “I might not be familiar with this
every tour I’ve done, I’ve felt included but I’m not the future,” she says.
Female recruits have and been part of the team. Now, I might Under plans outlined before the inva-
every right to expect have had to work quite hard to get to
that point but I wouldn’t have served 30
sion of Ukraine, the British Army is set
to shrink from 82,000 troops to 72,500,
the forces to be free of years if I hadn’t really enjoyed the its smallest size since the Napoleonic
people I work with.” era. But with a single soldier now cap-
sexism, Sharon Nesmith Nesmith, who was banned from serv- able of operating more than 60 drones
ing in combat roles when she joined the at once, does this really matter?
tells George Grylls Royal Corps of Signals, is a good exam- “We know we need to be more lethal,
ple of the significant strides made by more agile and more expeditionary,”
Lacking any sunglasses, the highest- the armed forces. But recent scandals she says. “I don’t think that is about size.
ranked woman in British Army history have brought renewed attention to the We often refer to that as about the capa-
squints to inspect her troops under the horrific misogyny and sexism that bility we’ve got. It’s about investing in
dusty glare of the Californian sun. many servicewomen still face. the right capability, equipping with the
Sharon Nesmith is two months into On the one hand there is the story of right technology, learning the lessons
her role as deputy chief of the general Private Addy Carter, 21, the first woman from current operations and being alive
staff, a position that involves a gruelling to complete the formidable three-and- to the threats we are facing.”
amount of travel. After 24 hours at Fort a-half-week Parachute Regiment entry If there was any doubt about the
Irwin, a US military base in the Mojave test, a fitness challenge that includes number one threat facing western
desert, her next stop is another long- medicine ball-throwing and 2km runs nations, the wargaming exercise in the
haul flight away in New Zealand. in less than 8 minutes 15 seconds. Californian desert, which simulated a
Nesmith, 52, shows no signs of having But on the other hand there are the sweeping invasion of Europe, leaves lit-
places to rush to, however, as she takes daily-increasing allegations of sexual tle to the imagination. Nesmith says the
care to speak to all the British troops abuse and rape in Britain’s nuclear sub- army has moved to a mobilisation foot-
who have spent a fortnight training marines and the toxic culture of bully- ing to deter Russian aggression and “we
with their US counterparts in snow- ing and harassment in the Red Arrows. are as ready as we need to be”.
storms, dust clouds and 40C heat. Does Nesmith think there is still a cul- The army has adopted a motto of
Having joined the army in 1992, ture of misogyny in the armed forces or “four plus one” for the lessons to learn
Nesmith faced significant hurdles at is it the case of a few bad apples? from the war in Ukraine. It must im-
the start of her career — she was once “There are pockets that we’re rooting prove four things: its ground-based air
forced to sign an agreement acknowl- out. That’s what we see playing out. We defences, its use of artillery, its elec-
edging she would leave the army if she are absolutely determined to find the tronic warfare and its ability to counter
became pregnant — and her success is pockets and to make an example of why crude air systems such as the Iranian-
a rebuke to all the outdated assump- that is absolutely not acceptable,” she made “kamikaze” drones used by
tions she faced three decades ago. says. Russia. “plus one” refers to the import-
Her recent promotion to the rank of Sitting in a makeshift parade ground ance of logistics.
lieutenant general is merely the latest in the Californian desert, Nesmith has All this needs money, and with the
in a long line of record-breaking just watched a demonstration of the lat- defence budget likely to be targeted as
achievements. She was the first female est US military technologies. Top brass part of Rishi Sunak’s spending squeeze,
soldier to command a brigade and the from around the world have assembled is it right that the British response to the
first female brigadier. She was the first to watch the British, American and war in Ukraine may end up being a real-
woman to be made a two-star general, Australian troops unleash “swarms” of terms cut in defence spending? “It’s not
and then also a three-star general. drones. However, on this particular day, for me to speculate on what should be
“It’s a very different army to the army gusts of desert wind have proved too the right outcome from a spending re-
I joined. The expectations I had 30 powerful for a few lonely drones. view. What I do know is we need to
years ago are very different from the Nesmith’s career has included opera- make sure we’re learning the lessons
expectations that rightly women join- tional tours to the Balkans and Iraq and and we’re acting upon the lessons,”
ing the forces have today,” Nesmith she understands what it is like to serve Nesmith says.
says. Reflecting on her early experien- on the front line. Despite her seniority, Lieutenant general Sharon Nesmith says developing the very best technology, Regardless of funding, Nesmith
ces in the army, Nesmith admits that if there is little formality to her bantering rather than focusing on troop numbers, is key to the Army’s future capability hopes that her achievements are just
standards had been different at the with the officers of the 20th Armoured the beginning of the modernisation of
time, there were instances of sexism Infantry Brigade, the 2nd Battalion staff acknowledges the future of war naissance drones, M-Raza autono- the British Army that will mean more
that she would have liked to have called Yorks and the Rangers — the British looks very different from the conflicts mous dune buggies and Zodiac artifi- women in senior positions. Would she
out. “Yes. I would be naive to say that Army’s newest elite regiment formed fought even a few decades ago. As the cial intelligence systems — Nesmith eventually like to see a woman respon-
there weren’t. There’s not a particular just a year ago. soldiers patiently talk her through their admits she is the one learning from the sible for keeping the nation safe? “Yes!
example that springs to mind. But at But the deputy chief of the general kit — Watchkeeper long-range recon- younger generation, having joined the Why would I not say yes to that?”
the times | Monday November 14 2022 17


Becker will be sent Injury forces

home for Christmas to quit Strictly
Billy Kenber he may qualify for an early release and Charlie Moloney
be able to travel to Germany, albeit
The tennis star Boris Becker will be England has been his home for many, The former England footballer Tony
released from prison and deported to many years. I’m sure it will mean a lot to Adams has had to withdraw from Strictly
Germany before Christmas. him and his family to be reunited for Come Dancing with an injury, saving his
Becker, who won six Grand Slam Christmas.” rival contestant Tyler West from a
titles, was given a two-and-a-half-year Legislation passed this year extended dance-off to continue in the competition.
prison sentence this year after being the time a foreign citizen can have cut Adams, 56, hurt himself on Saturday
convicted of concealing £2.5 million in from their sentence under the Early Re- night, giving West, 26, a presenter and
assets to avoid paying debts. moval Scheme from 270 days to a year. DJ, a free pass to next week’s special
He has been serving his sentence at More than 1,100 foreign criminals were edition of the BBC 1 show from Black-
HMP Huntercombe in Oxfordshire deported under the scheme in 2020-21. pool Tower on Saturday.
and has been approved for a scheme Becker, who won Wimbledon three The former Arsenal defender ended
that deports foreign criminals to their times in the 1980s, was jailed in April up in the dance-off after failing to im-
home country. “He’s been signed up to after being convicted of four charges press the judges with a jive to Land Of
a scheme that means he’ll be home in under the Insolvency Act. He was found 1,000 Dances by Wilson Pickett, earning
guilty of failing to declare a property, 24 points and bottom place on the
Boris Becker will concealing more than €800,000 of debt leaderboard.
not spend time and transferring hundreds of thousands On last night’s show the co-host Tess
in jail in Germany of pounds from his business account. Daly said: “Due to an injury sustained on
The case followed his bankruptcy in Saturday night, Tony is unable to take
2017 over an unpaid £3 million loan on part in the dance-off and has decided to
his estate in Marbella, Spain. He had withdraw from the competition.”
been convicted of tax evasion in Adams, who was partnered with
Germany in 2002. the professional dancer Katya Jones,
time for Christmas,” a prison source Becker was first held at HMP described his experience on the show as
told The Sun. Wandsworth, where he was visited by “emotional”, adding: “I cried for the first
Offenders can have up to 12 months his girlfriend, Lillian de Carvalho month. I came in here with one mes-
cut from their sentence by agreeing to Monteiro, before being moved to the sage, if you’ve got an issue with mental
be returned to their home country and category C prison in Oxfordshire. Ger- health then please don’t suffer in silence
Becker, who will have spent less than man media said he had become a yoga, — reach out for help. Little did I know
ten months in jail, will not have to serve fitness and nutrition instructor to fellow that I was going to learn a lot about my-
his remaining sentence in Germany. inmates. He is also said to be one of two self in the process.”
Although he has lived in Britain since teachers giving lessons in stoicism. Jones, 33, praised Adams despite low
2012, Becker, 54, is eligible for the The Home Office said: “Any foreign scores from the judges. “I loved us, I
scheme because he does not hold national who is given a prison sentence loved that we didn’t care what people
British citizenship. His former spokes- is considered for deportation at the Tony Adams and Katya Jones on Strictly Come Dancing. The footballer won little thought, we did every single dance our
man said: “We are pleased for Boris that earliest opportunity.” praise from the show’s judges but said he learnt a lot about himself by taking part way,” she said.
18 Monday November 14 2022 | the times


Steps are being taken to protect wildlife, including otters,

when rockets blast off from Unst in the Shetland Islands

Soundproof holes
to help otters flee
from rocket noise
Kaya Burgess Science Reporter first site in Europe for “vertical” rocket
launches, where rockets blast off from a
Digging soundproof holes for otters launchpad on the ground. The concrete
and avoiding launches during nesting base for the launchpad was completed
season for seabirds will protect wildlife last week.
in the Shetland Islands when rockets There are seven spaceports planned
start blasting off from Britain’s first for the UK, including five in Scotland,
“vertical” spaceport next year. one in Cornwall and one in Wales.
The operators of the SaxaVord Rockets between 13m (42ft) and 30m
Spaceport on Unst have pledged to im- tall will carry small satellites into polar
plement a “no-launch” window orbits while smaller rockets of between
between mid-May and late June each 1.5m and 8m will blast scientific equip-
year “to avoid disturbing birds during ment into sub-orbital paths. There are
the critical incubation and early brood- plans for up to 30 launches per year and
ing period”. A total of 135 species the first launch into orbit is expected to
including puffins, merlins, plovers and take place late next year.
Arctic terns can be found within an It is thought “thousands” of tourists
area that could be affected by the could visit Unst, which has a population
“explosive noise” of rocket launches. of 600, to see launches. The spaceport
SaxaVord has also been advised to could create around 140 jobs.
protect otters by creating “additional The review found that some wildlife,
holts and shelters, many with sound- including the red-throated diver and
proofing from turfs” to give the animals merlin, were “particularly sensitive to
a place to hide from the noise of launch- sudden noise events”. It found that
es and warning sirens. It has already there was unlikely to be any significant
built an underpass for otters under the effect on breeding or nesting from
road that will be used to transport rock- three or four monthly rocket launches.
ets to the launchpad. It said the warning siren was likely to
The details are set out in a consulta- “give otters warning to swim underwa-
tion document published by the Civil ter or find refuge in a holt or shelter
Aviation Authority looking at the envi- where noise levels are likely to be re-
ronmental impact of launching rockets duced, but added: “It is possible that the
into space from Shetland. operational disturbance of satellite
In the coming weeks, the first rocket launches could disturb otters within
to be launched into space from the UK their holts.”
will take off from Spaceport Cornwall at Scott Hammond, deputy chief exec-
Newquay Airport. It will be fixed be- utive of SaxaVord Spaceport, said:
neath the wing of a Boeing 747 jet, “Cape Canaveral [Nasa’s launch site in
which will carry it to 36,000ft before it Florida] is a nature reserve. [A space-
ignites and blasts into orbit. port] can reinvigorate the population
SaxaVord Spaceport will become the by bringing younger people back in.”

Moondust mission will be

the first space business deal
Richard Lloyd Parry Asia Editor touch down next spring at the Lake of
Dreams, a plain on the moon’s near
A Japanese company plans to become side. Ownership of dust that gathers on
the first private enterprise to do busi- the feet of its landing gear will be trans-
ness on the moon as a mission launches ferred to the US space agency for a
later this month to symbolically “mine” token fee of $5,000.
and sell moon dust to Nasa. There are no plans to return the sam-
The moon lander owned by the ple to earth but a precedent will be set
Tokyo-based company Ispace is due to for private companies to exploit the
take off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, commercial resources of the moon.
on November 22 on a Falcon 9 rocket “If [it] transfers ownership of
launched by the US company SpaceX. lunar resources to Nasa in accordance
A small amount of moon dust will sym- with the plan, it will be the first case in
bolically be transferred to Nasa as a the world of commercial transactions
token fee, opening up a new world of of space resources on the moon by a
commercialisation of the moon. private operator,” said Sanae Takaichi,
If all goes to plan, the lander will Japan’s space minister.
the times | Monday November 14 2022 19


Refugees who
fled the Taliban
find salvation
in education
But Afghans grateful quickly, are settled into school and
tease their father about his accent.
to have reached safety “They are learning very fast at
school,” he said. “But one of the things
are haunted by fears for which hurts me the most is when I think
about my eldest daughter, who is going
those they left behind, to secondary school next year. And
every time I think about her, it brings me
writes Emma Yeomans back to Afghan girls, who have been out
of secondary school now for 400 days.
A year ago Naimat Zafary and his Education has saved my family and my
family were on one of the last aircraft to daughters. If I hadn’t got the scholar-
leave Kabul. Today, the scholar is ship, if I had not been here, next year my
beginning his PhD, researching why daughter would not be going to school.”
the billions of aid spent in Afghanistan His goal is for his PhD to inform
did not lead to a lasting peace, and how future aid efforts so that mistakes made
governments can avoid making the in Afghanistan are not repeated in
same mistakes again. other countries, and he believes one
“I want to learn not only to get a day Afghan scholars like him will help
degree and build knowledge, but also as rebuild their home country. But he
an Afghan I need to know: what went fears for his family left behind, includ- Fakhria Naistani and Samir Yousafzai with their five-month-old son, Zalaan. She says: “British people are really, really kind”
wrong?” he said. ing his sister. A dentist, she has been
Nearly 10,000 Afghan refugees were prevented from working by the Taliban. many were in tears to say goodbye to sometimes when I’m sleeping, I’m while his wife gave birth this year, then
still living in hotel accommodation this Fakhria Naistani also came as a neighbours who had become extended dreaming that something happened to local volunteers added him to a Whats-
summer. More than 20,000 have been Chevening scholar, to study a master’s family during the year. my family,” she said. “I see those Tali- App group. “Everything changed from
settled in Britain through different in mental health and psychotherapy at While she studied, her husband ban images in my dreams.” that moment,” he said. A local woman
schemes for Afghan refugees, including Queen Mary, University of London. found a job with a hospitality company, Her father and brother at home have helped get his wife to hospital, and
at least 11,000 who worked with British She and her husband, Samir Yousaf- GLH Hotels, but he was forced to give it only met Zalaan on a video call, and she cared for the children so he could be
troops. zai, have spent a year living in a string of up after they were moved to a different has no idea when, if ever, she will intro- with his wife. He said the woman, Zoe,
Zafary, formerly a UN worker in hotels, in Aberdeen, London and Ash- hotel in Kent. This had been a struggle duce her son to his grandfather. Her had become a family member to them.
Kabul, was evacuated along with other ford. The welcome in Britain has been for many Afghans, she said. Many were family, like many Afghans, are desper- Her daughter Molly became a best
students who had been granted a place warm. She said: “Sometimes you hear in temporary accommodation and if ate to leave. “They are hopeless, hon- friend for Hamidi’s oldest daughter,
on the Chevening scholarship, a things, rumours, that some people they found work they would then lose estly speaking, and they just want to get helping them adjust to life in the UK.
Foreign Office scheme that funds a would be racist or other problems. But I it on being moved by the Home Office. out of the country somehow,” she said. “I am very lucky that my children can
master’s degree for talented students have seen that people here are really Yousafzai has now also been offered a Hamidi, a former translator for the grow up in a very peaceful community
around the world. good. British people are really, really scholarship, through the Sanctuary military, also fears for his family. He away from all risk,” he said. “We lost a
He spent months living in a hotel in kind. Everyone has been so good to us.” scheme which provides help for re- asked his full name not be used, lest his lot of things when we came to the UK
London and commuting to the Uni- There was a surprise for her in Brit- fugees to study at university. family face reprisals. but we gained many things in return.”
versity of Sussex for his master’s in ain. At the time of the evacuation, she Naistani’s hope is to work in mental After time in a quarantine hotel — He is appealing to the Home Office
International Development, until the did not know she was pregnant. Her son health. Back in Afghanistan, she something his four-year-old daughter and the MoD for help for his family,
university helped him find a home in Zalaan, her first child, was born five dreamt of being a therapist and work- described as “jail” — he was housed in who are at risk due to his association
Brighton where he now lives with his months ago, while the couple were liv- ing with those traumatized in the long a hotel in Scarborough for several with Britain. “My sister was a teacher in
wife, three daughters, one son and his ing in a hotel in east London that had years of war — something she would months. He now lives in Harrogate, and a university but now the Taliban don’t
elderly parents. been rented for Afghan refugees. not be able to do now under the Taliban. works for the British Army College let her teach,” he said. “My brother was
He plays cricket for a local club, while When the London hotel was finally Her biggest fear is for those left be- Foundation in the kitchens. an Afghan army officer. Now, for about
his wife, Saima, is learning English. His emptied and all the Afghan refugees hind. Her father is still in Kabul, as is her Alone in a new community, he wor- a year, they have been in hiding and
children, who have picked up English dispersed to other hotels or housing, brother and his family. “Even now ried about taking care of his children there is no way we can help them.”
the times | Monday November 14 2022 21


Sharing menus make

bills easier to digest
Billy Kenber ers cut back,” Lumina said in its latest
Menu Tracker report. One in seven
Chefs are turning to sharing menus to desserts on restaurant menus is now
deter hard-up customers from cutting intended to be shared.
back on starters and desserts. El Pastor, a group of Mexican
Spending in restaurants has fallen by restaurants in London, introduced a set
14 per cent, from £25.38 to £21.80 per menu offering this year which includes
head, in part because customers are short rib or sea bream sharers
having main courses only, the research Sophie Orbaum, of Harts Group,
firm Lumina Intelligence has found. which owns El Pastor, said: “The shar-
The squeeze is also hitting receipts ing menu was designed to give people
from drinks, with the number of meals who haven’t maybe eaten with us
including alcohol falling from 38.5 per before or eaten Mexican food before a The 1828 painting
cent to 33.9 per cent between June ‘best of’ experience, but it’s also de- Branch Hill Pond is one
and October this year, accord- signed with value in mind.” of several by Constable
ing to its report. The biggest She said the restaurant to feature his beloved
fall was among cocktails had kept the price of its view, which has been
and spirits, with custom- set menu at £32 per per- lost on the modern heath
ers aged 18 to 34 most son despite inflation
likely to have a meal hitting other items. sketched and painted the of the Heath and also the frogs that gave
without any alcohol.
Customers feeling
Linden Stores, a
restaurant in the
Waters fill scene from the top of
Hampstead Heath.
Hampstead Society, told
The Observer:
rise to the area’s name of
Frognal. The Redington
the pinch are going for
a coffee rather than a
village of Audlem in
Cheshire, has
Constable’s His view featured
Branch Hill pond, a
“Recreating the pond
allows us to visualise the
Frognal Association has
raised almost £40,000 to
full meal, with cafés and
sandwich shops seeing a es
launched sharing dish-
including hake
Heath pond spring-fed pool formed by
excavating sands, which
landscape Constable
captured 200 years ago.
fund the project.
Anne-Marie O’Connor,
rise in spending from £6.05
to £6.69 per head.
wrapped in wild boar pan-
cetta and chocolate and pea-
once more dried up in the 1880s. It
will now once again
It’s also important for the
local environment. It’s
chairwoman of the
association, said: “It’s a

In response, restaurants are re- nut butter tart. The restaurant offers ohn Constable’s become saturated with critical for wildlife of all win-win. A wildlife pond
shaping menus to put a focus on plat- a seven-course sharing “chef’s menu” favourite Hampstead wildlife such as kinds on what is, after all, like there was two
ters and dishes intended to be shared. for £35 per person. Laura Christie, the pond is being amphibians and insects. London’s most biodiverse centuries ago,
“Restaurants are introducing more co-owner, told The Observer: “It makes restored almost 150 A pit has been dug with area of land.” particularly with so very
sharing dishes across discretionary people feel like they’re getting more of years after it dried up a lining of puddling clay There are hopes that many ponds in Britain
courses, including starter and dessert an experience. It helps our spend per (Charlotte Wace writes). to hold rainwater, with the new pond will attract having been lost from
dishes, to encourage spend as custom- head. It helps with efficiency, because The painter, who lived the project expected to be dragonflies and drying up or built on.
you know what you’re having to prep in the area between 1819 completed in the spring. hedgehogs, which used to And that view which
Linden Stores, in Cheshire, offers hake and you need less people to deliver it and 1822, frequently Jeff Waage, president frequent the area, and Constable so loved.”
wrapped in wild boar pancetta to share because you know ahead of time.”
22 Monday November 14 2022 | the times


Schools minister: we need to be speaking German

Nicola Woolcock Education Editor Times: “Germany is the fourth-largest Nick Gibb has entered for all its subjects, with langua- they’ll be studying,” he said. “That’s
economy in the world. If you’re a global not ruled out ges by far the least popular, pulling really what drives the EBacc. The
We should all speak more German, the trading nation, languages are important the return of down the overall figure. component of it that is falling behind
schools minister has said as he launches and we’re bottom of the European compulsory Schools are measured in government the other four pillars is languages and
a drive to promote foreign languages. league in terms of language proficiency. language GCSEs performance tables by how many pupils we don’t want languages to be the
Nick Gibb, who recently returned to You need to be able to speak the lan- enter and achieve the suite of GCSEs. exclusive preserve of schools in more
the Department for Education, is lead- guage of your suppliers and customers.” Gibb, who reports to Gillian Keegan, affluent areas.”
ing an initiative to revive languages in The minister, 62, who has O-levels in the new education secretary, wants to The Department for Education said
general and German in particular. French and Latin and who this month drop in pupils taking languages has ensure that pupils aged 14 to 18, from all evidence suggested learning a lan-
Compulsory language GCSEs were became schools minister for the third contributed to missed targets for the backgrounds, have the opportunity to guage had strong economic benefits,
scrapped in 2004 and Gibb did not rule time, said he also wanted to increase the English Baccalaureate, which requires study languages. including improving international
out reversing this “mistake”. number speaking French, Spanish and five GCSEs in English, maths, a science, “The drive behind the whole concept trade. It is seeking an organisation to
The number of teenagers studying Mandarin. Private schools accounted a foreign language and history or is about social mobility, making take the lead of its £15 million language
German has nosedived in recent years, for 29 per cent of all A-level entries in geography. Seventy-five per cent of sure that young people from whatever hubs programme and will work with
with fewer than 2,000 state school German this year and it is increasingly pupils were supposed to take the EBacc background are encouraged to take schools to help deliver high-quality lan-
pupils taking the language at A-level in seen as a niche or elite subject, a situa- by 2022 and 90 per cent by 2025, but last the languages that the children of more guage teaching and give teachers con-
England this summer. Gibb told The tion he described as “concerning”. The year only 39 per cent of pupils were affluent families take for granted that tinuous professional development.

SMILE! William Hague SIMON
What to eat WILDE
(and what Hunt may well restore Sam Curran:
not to eat) economic confidence — the next
for your teeth but where’s the hope? Ben Stokes
the times | Monday November 14 2022 23


Coffin Club . . . for

those with designs
on their own death
James Beal Social Affairs Editor Times joined the final session of the lat- Louise Nicholas was
est course to hear a talk from Judith inspired by the sea
A group gathers next to a coffin to talk Dandy, a funeral director, and take part for her cardboard
about death and suddenly a hand goes in some coffin decorating. A different coffin, while Barry
up: the man whose casket they are speaker, giving advice on everything Jones’s design puts
congregating around wants to ask a from crematoriums to “death doulas”, a cartoon spin on
question. addresses each of the six sessions. his final journey
This is Coffin Club, one of a handful After finishing their coffins, partici-
of such groups in Britain where people pants are given suggestions to use them
can design their own final resting place as a window seat, as a box for their
and learn how to plan their funeral. Christmas decorations or even as a
Barry Jones, 72, wants to know if he is piece of art around the home.
vain to have painted one half of his Group members included the inquis-
cardboard coffin in the colours of itive and those who were already com-
Brentford FC and the other in the col- ing to terms with death.
ours of Chertsey Town FC — the clubs The Brigitte Trust also operates a
he supports. “death café”, which encourages honest
He is reassured by others at Coffin and thoughtful conversations about
Club Surrey that it’s not at all vain and death and dying over coffee and cake.
his family, including his two daughters, Phil Stubbs, 58, from Cobham, had
would want his eco-friendly casket to incurable blood cancer diagnosed in
reflect him. 2020. He said: “I saw an advert for this
Jones says he will turn the lid into a and I liked the sound of it. Something
aircraft landing strip, adding that he called ‘Coffin Club’ is my kind of dark
was grateful to the club for supplying a humour, so I came along. It’s a very ec-
sticker for the end of the coffin that lectic group here.
features the Toy Story character Buzz “This club helps me deal with death
Lightyear and his catchphrase: “To and also understand what people are
infinity and beyond.” going to go through when I’m gone. At
He will keep the £136 coffin, which is first I was thinking: ‘I hope people will
6ft 1in long and holds a maximum of come to my funeral,’ but I’m going to be
26st in weight, in his garden shed until dead so it doesn’t matter. It’s more
it’s ready to be used. about making it easier for people to deal
The former coach driver, a grandfa- with.” Stubbs, who now supports chari-
ther from Chertsey, Surrey, says: “It’s a ties with an initiative called Team Ter-
strange thing to do and I’ve taken a bit minal, added: “I haven’t designed my
of ribbing for it. But I thought it was own coffin yet, but I’ll probably get a
right up my street, to buy and design cardboard one.”
your own coffin. My daughters are very Across the room, Louise Nicholas,
green and it is a cardboard coffin.” 56, a funeral celebrant, is painting a sea
Coffin Club Surrey, run by the Brig- scene on her coffin, which she is hoping
itte Trust charity, is a free six-week to use as a tool to normalise the issue in
course. It is growing in popularity, with front of prospective customers. She
about 30 people attending its latest said: “I’m going to try and get a book-
sessions at the Clandon Wood Nature shelf out of it.”
Reserve and Natural Burial Ground, A leaf sketched on to one coffin is
near Guildford. marked with messages from the club’s
The actress Miriam Margolyes, a participants. One says: “It’s death that
patron, has said of Coffin Club in the makes life precious.”
past: “Everyone who’s going to die Those at Coffin Club Surrey certain-
should come.” With that in mind, The ly know it.

Climate change is a thorn

in the side of rose growers
Billy Kenber lar varieties. Whilst these plants may
still perform in some conditions, in the
Commercial flower growers have been long term we recommend alternative
forced to retire some of the most popu- varieties that are better suited to the
lar varieties of English rose because of changing environment.”
global warming. Roses are not well suited to hot, dry
The nearly thornless pink climbing locations and climate change is also
variety, A Shropshire Lad, and the helping fungal pests to thrive, increas-
crimson-petalled Munstead Wood are ing the need for breeders to introduce
among those that have been withdrawn genes from more disease resistant
from sale by the grower David Austin plants. The Munstead Wood variety,
Roses. Tim Smith, its operations direct- which was cultivated in 2007, is report-
or, said cultivating varieties resilient to ed to have been ravaged by pests.
climate change had become a key con- Some growers have begun planting
sideration and some customer favour- roses in hot, muggy climates including
ites had been withdrawn. Florida in the US and Shenzhen in
“We cannot stand still and observe China to test for how conditions
as we see diseases and pests are expected to change in the UK.
evolve as climates change, Simon Toomer, a curator at
threatening the health and Kew Gardens, said that over
success of some of our most hundreds of years roses
popular varieties,” he told had been bred from wild
The Guardian. “This means species to select “showy”
re-trialling all our releases and, in flowers and scent. Selection had
some instances, retiring very popu- also been influenced by resistance
to disease such as black spot and
Munstead Wood is among the mildew, which had become more
varieties being withdrawn from sale damaging with climate change.
the times | Monday November 14 2022 25

Time to kick the posers

out of politics
Trevor Phillips
Page 26
Illiteracy is not just inconvenient, it’s deadly
Nine million adults in Britain can’t read, depriving them of well-paid jobs, good health and the sheer pleasure of books
his exams swimmingly and had a Many parents claim books are too strawberry or a fresh lipstick. It is
Tomiwa fantastic university education. He expensive to buy. One fifth of public about a teenage spy called Alex
Owolade will become an academic just like libraries in Britain have closed in the Rider. In one scene, Alex is shot by
his parents. According to a study by past ten years; in the most an evil man. We think he is dead. But
the National Literacy Trust, there is disadvantaged communities in the Alex soon gets up again and fights
a 26-year gap in life expectancy country one in four schools don’t the baddie. We find out he survived
between a boy in a high literacy area have a library or designated reading the shot by wearing a bulletproof
@tomowolade such as North Oxford and someone space. Books are seen as indulgences, vest. My mind suddenly clicked open.
from a poor literacy area like like cream cakes and ice cream, to be This might sound silly. After all,

any of us have read it Stockton. Tom will outlive Tim by cut in moments of privation. They it is just a children’s book. But I
now. The good people a quarter of a century. are not seen for what they are: the stopped being alone at that moment.
of Swindon borough Tim is not an isolated case. There best way to save children from This is the gift of reading: it makes
council wanted to are nine million adults in Britain impotence in a world where words you less alone.
commemorate the who are functionally illiterate. Many swirl everywhere like a snowstorm.
volunteers and key workers who
helped during the pandemic. So they
of them are severely dyslexic. The
UK ranks 17th among developed
Another factor with potentially
grave future consequences on
Discard assumptions
came up with this plaque: “This tree
has been planted in appreciation of
countries when it comes to literacy,
below the likes of Finland and Japan,
functional illiteracy is the recent
lockdown. Data from the
about white people in
Our Key Workers and Volunteers by
the borough. to honor Their
but above France and Italy.
According to the World Economic
Department of Education has shown
only half of disadvantaged students
schools being privileged
Selflessness and Dedication given to Foundation, the estimated cost of (51 per cent) have reached the Many people will never get to that
the residents and the vulnerable functional illiteracy to the British expected level for reading this year, stage. Those who are functionally
During the Covid Pandemic March economy is £37 billion. But the costs the first time this has been tested illiterate can’t read for practical
2019.” This is wrong on so many of struggling to read and write will post-lockdown. This is down by reasons. Emails, payslips, train
levels: spelling errors, bad be felt most painfully by the nearly 10 per cent, from 62 per Many young children own no books at timetables, road signs, letters: these
punctuation, random capitalisation, functionally illiterate themselves: cent in 2019. home and half only ever read at school basic aspects of adulthood appear to
the incorrect date of the pandemic. It Some groups in our society are them like hieroglyphics. They can’t
is easy to mock. But it is a symptom
of a much graver problem that we
The life expectancy gap more affected by poor literacy than
others. It is mostly the Tims: up to
families, local communities, the
government and children themselves
even read to their own children. But
there is another tragedy: they can’t
ignore at our peril.
Imagine two boys called Tim and
between poor and high three quarters of white working-class
boys fail to reach the standard
all need to work together to target
this issue. More investment in school
read for pleasure. From the greatest
works of literature to the subtitles
Tom. Both were born in the same
year. Tim grew up in the market
literacy areas is 26 years benchmark for reading by the age of
16. But this problem also afflicts
services and staff; a culture of
reading encouraged across all areas
of magnificent foreign films, their life
is culturally impoverished.
town of Stockton in Co Durham. they are more likely to be many black Caribbean boys. of civil society; parents reading to To go back to Tim, what a great
There were no books in his home. unemployed or in low-paid jobs; According to a report by the Institute their kids at home. blessing, we might think, to be
Every time he had an exam at school more likely to be clinically for Fiscal Studies commissioned by I am neither a Tim nor a Tom spared from reading that plaque by
he was paralysed by shame; he depressed and obese; more likely to the Nuffield Foundation and when it comes to my literacy Swindon borough council and its
couldn’t read, let alone answer, the die younger. published today, educational background. My childhood home travesty of bad grammar. Some of
questions on the paper. Everyone The differences between Tim and performance among most ethnic wasn’t full of books. But I discovered us might joke we share a similar
thought he was thick. By the time Tom are already huge by childhood. groups in the UK has improved them — in school, in public libraries, experience to Tim because the
he became an adult he was still Nearly 19 per cent of children remarkably over recent decades — in the local WH Smith I used to go plaque is simply unreadable. But
functionally illiterate: unable to get a between five and eight in England except for black Caribbean and to every month after begging my Tim can’t read properly. We can.
job, unable to read any instructions, don’t own any books at home. Only white working-class boys. We need mum to give me £10 to buy a book
he was marginalised out of public half of children read daily outside to discard assumptions about how and a chocolate bar.
existence, stuck at home with his school. Only a third of the adults “white people” in schools are I will never forget the first time red box
mother and with very little chance surveyed said reading played a privileged at the expense of reading gave me pleasure: I was nine For the best analysis
of getting out. central role in the lives of their “people of colour”. The picture is and in a corner of my primary school
Tom, meanwhile, grew up in a children. All of this has been made more complex. library. I was reading a book called
and commentary on
village in north Oxford His home worse by the recent cost of living What can be done? A single Eagle Strike by Anthony Horowitz. the political landscape
was rich with books. He passed all crisis and other forms of cost-cutting. approach is not enough. Schools, It had a strikingly red cover, like a
26 Monday November 14 2022 | the times


It’s time to kick the posers out of politics

Public life is increasingly the property of narcissists and bullies and we should stop applauding
charity Toynbee Hall, dying in 2006
with his reputation restored. Profumo
important aim is to encourage
diversity of experience and
sheer toxicity of modern public life.
My oldest friend, Ian, a natural ENO is a cultural
Phillips enjoyed the advantage of inherited
wealth; but, Matt, there are many
perspective. Sixty-five years ago, CP
Snow, the chemist, novelist and senior
leader even at the age of eight, is a
doer, reared in the tradition of
beacon that must
perfectly well-remunerated roles in
the charitable sector. Talk to me.
civil servant who coined the phrase
“corridors of power”, asserted that few
Christianity’s provisional wing, the
Salvation Army, where we both
be protected
However these days a public
figure’s worth is judged as much by
in our political class could say what
the second law of thermodynamics
served as Cub Scouts and junior
bandsmen. He had a turn in student
Huw van Steenis
their performance in broadcast jousts held. (It’s the one that explains why politics; but unlike me, he left it to

n 1974, the German conceptual as by their ability to improve others’ your tea doesn’t get any hotter while become a distinguished medic. hat do you do when
artist and former fighter pilot lives. The belief that what can be you’re reading, unless you stick it in Now retired, he is passionate in the all the energy you’ve
Joseph Beuys flew to New York spun matters more than what can the microwave.) Snow complained cause of climate change; he grows his put into performing
and was transported by be done has opened the door to a that an equivalent degree of own food and generates his own over many years is
ambulance to a downtown gallery. generation of charlatans and clowns. ignorance in the arts — for example, power. He claims that only 70-year- suddenly threatened?
There, he spent three days locked in Even the so-called Nolan principles never having read Shakespeare — old knees prevent him coming to That’s how the amazing singers,
a cage, wearing nothing but a felt advise public servants to avoid not would never be tolerated. London to climb a gantry above the musicians and technicians of the
blanket, with only a somewhat baffled just actual transgressions, but the Almost seven decades on, Snow’s M25. We disagree on Extinction English National Opera feel. They’ve
coyote for company. The aim of I Like appearance of transgressions. “Two Cultures” challenge is even Rebellion, but he’s exactly the sort been told they have only 20 weeks
America and America Likes Me was, That is why the most important more relevant. Just 4 out of 22 of person we need to enter politics: left at the Coliseum in London.
apparently, to appeal to the US to heal cabinet ministers hold a degree in intelligent, numerate, experienced, Crises always bring out the
its divisions — sexual, racial, political
— by reconciliation with the “spirit
Munira Mirza’s venture science or engineering; only one
made a career of it (the trade
humane and in the end, pragmatic.
But he wouldn’t dream of it.
best and worst of people. In the
pandemic, true to the purpose of our
animal” of the nation. Whatever.
Great art can be powerfully
aims to improve the minister Kemi Badenoch). Labour’s
front bench boasts only one science
Not when the first line of attack is
character assassination. Last week
national opera company set up 90
years ago “for everyone”, it gave
political. Picasso’s Guernica remains
viscerally shocking. Ai Weiwei’s With
quality of our leaders degree; just one Whitehall permanent
secretary holds an engineering
Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer
reverted to type, with the opposition
back. The company hosted the
world’s first drive-in opera at
Flowers is a stinging reproach to the story of the week was a new venture qualification. It is little wonder the leader repeatedly sneering “weak” at Alexandra Palace, which won a Bafta.
Chinese Communist Party’s by Boris Johnson’s former director of mandarin classes failed to prepare us his opponent. The prime minister Singers teamed up with Imperial
repression. But politics is not policy, Munira Mirza, who grasps for the right pandemic in 2019. never used the words “Corbynista College NHS Trust to create an
performance art. I guess the MP for better than most the futility behind The US, Germany and France too hypocrite” but he might as well have innovative programme to help those
West Suffolk and darker Australia Falstaffian bluster. The aim of Civic are run largely by lawyers and done so. Their back benches roared with long Covid breathe. Thousands
has his eyes fixed on a future as a Future is twofold. First, to improve economists. The G7 growth rate is at the theatrical exchange. of patients have been helped across
TV celebrity. A perfectly laudable the quality of our leaders by providing 0.2 per cent. China’s seven-man (yes, Perhaps an early task for Civic 85 NHS trusts. The costume
ambition; the nation needs to be what in corporate life we would call all-male) standing committee of the Future might be to recruit those few department made 2,000 scrubs.
entertained. But his deployment of CPD — continuing professional Politburo, from which all power flows MPs who sit cringing at the weekly And it planned to bounce back
slugs, snails and a kangaroo penis in development. Most in Westminster and which maintains a Smersh-like pantomime; they are the right stronger. This season the shows are
lip-trembling pursuit of “forgiveness” and Whitehall are woefully under- hierarchy, offers a contrast: No 6, mentors for future leaders. A second sensational. Only last week the
while an MP demeans public service. prepared. Mirza admits to having to Ding Xuexiang, has a degree in task might be to remind broadcasters joyous Gilbert and Sullivan Yeoman
A true penitent might have turned learn on the job. Importing heavy engineering; No 2, Li Qiang that such displays, far from of the Guard opened. It offers free
his gaze to London’s East End. In outstanding private sector bosses qualified as an agricultural engineer; enthusing the public, put smart
1963, the former war secretary John
Profumo resigned after his affair with
such as the vaccine tsar Kate
Bingham or John Lewis’s Sharon
and the boss, Xi Jinping, started life
as a chemical engineer. Growth in
people off politics. Public life is
increasingly becoming the property
Audiences, musicians,
Christine Keeler, mistress of a Soviet
spy, was exposed. He spent decades
White (a former civil servant) will
only take you so far.
China is 3.9 per cent.
But perhaps the greatest obstacle
of narcissists and bullies. We need to
deprive the performing artists of the
artists and technicians
raising funds for the anti-poverty Mirza’s second, even more to the recruitment of talent is the drug they most crave, applause. all deserve better
and discounted tickets to students
Emma Duncan Notebook and under-35s. Yet the government
and its handmaidens at the Arts
Council now want to close down this

The British If passing the test were a condition

of staying in Britain, I might well be
on the next plane to Rwanda. I was
point. Culture is not a collection of
symbolic flowers, national celebrities,
retro food and public holidays. It’s
Doing so depends on understanding
and accepting the rules of the political
game. Aspiring Britons should be
cultural beacon, in spite of saying the
ENO had “surpassed” its targets.
The ENO has been told its budget

citizenship flummoxed by the location of the

famous hill fort at Maiden Castle
(sorry, Dorset) and the number of
the awkward side shuffle we do on
the pavement to avoid bumping
into each other; the way
tested not on the location of the
country’s main yachting event but,
as in America, on the workings and
will be slashed and may possibly get
some transitional funding if it agrees
to move, conceivably to Manchester.

test takes national parks in England (nine, as it

happens). Even I, however, could
hazard a guess that “a traditional
embarrassment makes us
guffaw; the yellow of
Cotswold stone and the
history of the system that enables
people to rub along together.
Not, of course, that Americans are
But there has been no planning, no
interaction with Manchester’s mayor,
Andy Burnham, nor with Opera
the cake Welsh food” was neither haggis,
Ulster fry nor roast beef but “Welsh
cakes”. And I knew that Gertrude
vivid red of Kent and
Sussex brick; Jane
Austen’s laconic wit; the
rubbing along particularly well
together right now. But perhaps that’s
why they take the trouble to drum
North based in Leeds. Nothing!
Manchester is an amazing city
with a fantastic arts ecology and

y son, who’s applying Jekyll was a garden designer, range of skin colours in these things into people’s heads. They great leadership. So too are
for an American but I don’t see why anybody a London street. had a civil war not so long ago. Birmingham and Liverpool. But
passport, did the US less gripped by the history Nor is culture They know how fragile social bonds when Sadler’s Wells touring ballet
citizenship test last of horticulture shared. It is infinite in are. Perhaps we’re a bit complacent. was invited by Birmingham to move
week. Out of curiosity, should. its variety, and specific there in 1990, artists were consulted
I did it too, and followed up with to age, region and Yolk of tyranny first and given over four years. And
Tray again
some practice papers for the British occupation. I share more was horrified to read of the brutal there are compelling reasons to stay

test, to see how they compared. he test culture with middle- repression suffered by Patrick put. But we now face a stark choice:
The American test grills applicants resembles aged journalists in Thelwell, 23, an environmental do we want the company to continue
on the country’s political institutions. nothing so Paris, Berlin and activist, at the hands of the fascist to exist? The bass-baritone Sir Bryn
What is the supreme law of the land? much as that New York than police. Having exercised his right to Terfel thinks so, and has started a
The constitution. Name one right or children’s game I do with free expression by throwing four petition. Almost 40,000 have signed it.
freedom from the First Amendment. where you have teenage DJs eggs at the King, he was arrested and Audiences, artists, musicians and
Speech, religion, assembly etc. What to memorise a from London or taken to the police station where, he technicians all deserve better. The
are the rights in the Declaration of random collection retired farmers from claims, he was subjected to an government and Arts Council need to
Independence? Life, liberty, the of items placed Aberdeenshire. Having appalling infringement of his human think again and do a proper analysis
pursuit of happiness. And so on. on a tray. The been born outside this rights — a meal of pot noodles. Nor of opera and audiences across the
The British one is a very different only sense I can country (like one in six was this the only outrage he suffered: country — and show their workings,
kettle of fish. How many Olympic make of it is that Brits) and spent my as a condition of his bail, he was because this looks arbitrary. Opera is
gold medals did Sir Chris Hoy get? some politician childhood abroad, ordered not to buy eggs. Evidently the embodiment of an essential
Not a clue. When was the first tennis or civil servant I don’t even get Magic the lackeys of the neoliberal regime human instinct: telling stories
club founded in Britain? Pass. When decreed that Roundabout and realised that was a step too far through music. Comedies, histories,
is St David’s Day? No idea. What kind aspiring Britons Clangers references. towards tyranny: the conditions were and tragedies. The ENO wants to
of flower would you expect people to should be familiar What we do share is the amended to allow him to purchase keep telling them to everyone.
wear on St David’s Day? Don’t be with our “shared culture”. need and desire to live eggs, so long as they were for his
ridiculous: nobody wears flowers. If so, it entirely misses the together harmoniously. own consumption.
the times | Monday November 14 2022 27


Buy prints or signed copies of Times cartoons from our Print Gallery at or call 020 7711 7826

School should be something to sing about

We all have our own instrument, the voice, and are enriched by using it communally through childhood and beyond
months when Covid laws banned week with a bit of ukulele or some the Lib Dem peer Baroness Burt of ham-fisted moment in June last year,
Libby choirs and congregations from even listening. Yet everyone has an Solihull to dump the religious bit. when his department encouraged
Purves well-ventilated places, while football instrument, the voice. Every baby is Fair enough in a secular age, but the schools across the nation to sing “We
chants were hypocritically allowed. born responding to rhythm and side effect is that kids who aren’t are Britain and we have one dream/
Human beings love to sing melody. Singing together through churchgoers may never sing together To unite all people in one great
together. I won’t bore you with school fills your head with tunes, after the age of 11 and feel that team.” The song bragged of survival
psychological surveys about how it which like great poetry will last a soaring, roaring sense of community. through wars, open doors and
@lib_thinks promotes mental health, because lifetime. Of course mere listening — Except with luck at the football. “celebrating differences”. A few
anyone can feel the relief of tension, pop, jazz, classical — contributes It feels sad to let community primary schools complied, but it

he early riser catches the the grins. It draws in, albeit sotto to that mental furniture. But tunes singing atrophy just as the was met with a national shudder
first earworm: I wake up voce, even those who long ago last longer when you’ve sung confusions of adolescence arrive and even by the Daily Express. Too
every morning with a were abused by being told they are along in youth. might be relieved by a good roar. American at best, and at worst an
different tune in my head. “tone deaf”. It needn’t involve Not every child gets that now. Religious schools have hymns and echo of the Horst-Wessel-Lied, only
Could be folk song, Beatles, harmonies or descants, but simple Primary schools generally keep on with worse scansion.
opera, a hymn or (last week) the
socialist anthem about “the very fat
happy unison.
I thought about the power of song
singing but there is a rapid fall-off at
secondary level unless a school takes
Singing together need Yet singing itself is grand. One
ex-headmaster remarks now he
man that waters the workers’ beer”.
It’s been Humpty Dumpty, Panis
yesterday, with The Really Big
Chorus annual Messiah in the Albert
a particular pride in choir or chapel.
A former head teacher, who now
not be religious or, wishes he’d gone against the grain
and inaugurated a daily chorus.
Angelicus, Verdi and Eurovision.
Once it was the anthem of my year
Hall where every year I am a semi-
competent amateur alto alongside
consults and advises many, reflected
that this drop-off is sad and curious:
God help us, political “Thinking the kids won’t like it is a
self-fulfilling prophecy. At a post-
at school in Krugersdorp, South “A year 7 child is the same creature sacred music but many others have GCSE farewell in a tough school I
Africa, with a viciously catchy
“Who knows St Ursula’s schoo-ool?
Once a school hymn as a year 6 one — they don’t
suddenly change from July to
nothing, and even when there is a
school choir it is more a voluntary
embarrassed them all by singing
Reach for the Stars by S Club 7,
Shout it over Africa!”
It’s not uncommon, and online
provided the daily ‘act September. But there’s often an
assumption that once they’re in big
elite in training than a communal
routine singalong free from auditions
saying it should be the school song.”
Feet shuffled a bit, but next day at
some are mildly anxious on
discovering its medical definition as
of collective worship’ school, they won’t like singing
together. I think that assumption
and judgment.
In Hungary, land of Kodaly, daily
the leavers’ prom he heard the disco
play it and, “They all sang their lungs
hypnopompic INMI (involuntary 3,000 strangers. The other reason comes from adults, not kids.” school singing is now being revived out. Schools could do more, all it
musical imagery). But it provides a was this week’s autumn statement, as Once, a rousing hymn at school by government, and the State Opera needs is the burly science or PE
rhythm to the morning walk or school economies continue to hit assembly provided the daily “act of has compiled 222 “simple, melodic, teacher at the back roaring away,
swim. Mozart or Meat Loaf: who teachers’ and pupils’ morale. collective worship” prescribed by lovable pieces” available free. Each, and everyone would join in.”
cares, as long as it gets you going. Instrumental tuition is a cost to law. But schools widely ignore it, they say, takes about 15 minutes to This hard winter, the luckiest
The older tunes feel like gifts from parents unless the child is on pupil- something de facto accepted by the learn under the leadership of any schoolchildren will be those who
long ago in village school, convents, premium, and school instruments Department of Education: Ofsted teacher, not just a musician. raise their voices together and
Irish pubs. I was never in a select are scarce; squeezed middle-income doesn’t inspect it. Humanists hate it, Singing together needn’t be emerge revived. Knowing, like
choir or sang alone in public, but to families often give it up. the National Governors Association religious or, God help us, political. Don Quixote, that “he who sings
be a voice among voices is precious. National curriculum music can calls it “meaningless” and there’s a Shudder at the then education scares away his woes”. For a few
Millions felt dismay in the long sad be minimal, often one period a House of Lords bill put forward by secretary Gavin Williamson’s creepy verses, anyway. Better than nothing.
28 Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Letters to the Editor should be sent to

Letters to the Editor or by post to
1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF

The danger of taking liberties with ID cards Pre-Roman history

Sir, Your report on the find of a
Sir, Matthew Parris (“I was wrong police station gives a free pass to the Sir, A few years ago my credit card was “forgotten” Celtic ring in North
about ID cards — we need them”, very people we are seeking to identify, hacked. By the time I was aware of it Yorkshire (“£30,000 Celtic ring was
Nov 12) should have the courage of who will disappear immediately. the bank had moved in and blocked it left in a cupboard”, Nov 10) highlights
his original convictions. They remain Second, what will be the grounds for and I had to take two items of photo the neglect in school history lessons
a solution in search of a problem. being asked to produce the card and ID to my branch. Fortunately there is of pre-Roman Britain, which results
There is much handwaving about who may request it? The controversy still a branch on my high street and I in many people’s ignorance of the
the “amenity” that would be offered by surrounding stop-and-search powers have a passport and driving licence; basis for today’s political and
Hasty opera move such a scheme. In 20 years of serious shows what a complex question this not everyone does. When I visit my constitutional arrangements within
interest in the subject I have seen no is. Third, who assesses the penalty old friend in Vienna and we go out the British Isles. Despite invasion and
Sir, In the mid Eighties, the first seeds end of muddled thinking, often tied to and how is it collected? These she asks: Hast du dein Ausweis? settlement of Romans, Angles, Saxons
were planted about the possibility of an idealistic view of government as questions must be answered in a way Carrying an official identity card does and Vikings, names have survived to
Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet moving infallible and benevolent, or an that carries general public acceptance. not bother her. It is hardly an bear witness to Celtic roots, such as
permanently to Birmingham from inability to distinguish the various Otherwise we are going to see the intrusion on liberty and most sensible that of the river that runs through
London. An independent consultant, authentication functions we need in courts full of 20-year-olds who forgot people carry something to identify Knaresborough, where the ring was
David Allen, was then commissioned life from an authoritarian “name, rank to take their card to the pub, members themselves when they go out. found. The name of the Nidd is
to write a full report on the pros and and number”. It is odd that someone of minority communities who feel Elizabeth Balsom probably related to Nedd, as in Castell
cons of such a move. This was done as pragmatic and liberal as Parris is unduly picked upon and our police London SW15 Nedd, or Neath in its Anglicised form.
with the full involvement of the Arts willing to throw away a free society on force under yet more strain. It is accepted that history portrays
Council, Royal Opera House, the basis of a vague change of mood. Lord Hodgson of Astley Abbotts Sir, Matthew Parris is at last seeing the conquerers’ viewpoint. So it would
Birmingham city council, the unions Guy Herbert House of Lords the sense of the last Labour behove the people of Britain to learn
and Birmingham Hippodrome. General secretary, NO2ID, government’s attempt to introduce more about the pre-Roman, Brittonic
After extensive consultation and London W1 Sir, Matthew Parris makes a good identity cards. But I must quibble with roots of these islands and how these
discussion, Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet case for the introduction of the him when he says a smartphone app ties can still be traced in the names of
moved north in 1990 and became Sir, Matthew Parris may have identity card. My experience of living is a way forward. At our church we towns, mountains and rivers, and in
Birmingham Royal Ballet resident at recanted about ID cards but as one in European countries makes it host hundreds of rough sleepers for the sound of Celtic languages heard
Birmingham Hippodrome, under Sir who voted against their introduction difficult to conceive of life without lunch. They also take the opportunity in Wales and elsewhere.
Peter Wright’s inspirational and in the House of Lords a dozen years one. The Spanish ID card facilitates to charge their phones. In between In this time of wokery, how about
committed leadership. The move was ago I have yet to be convinced. official and commercial dealings and visits they have no power and no some new respect for the survival of
described then as the “arts coup of They suffer from three fundamental is not the least infringement on civil connection. A system dependent on those Celtic roots of which Britain
the decade” and, 32 years later, the challenges. First, will it be a legal liberties. On the contrary, it access to electricity will fail for many. should be proud. Recognition is all.
company is in great strength, as will requirement to carry the card at all guarantees my rights as a resident. David Hallam Wendy Lloyd Jones
be evidenced in BRB’s immediate times? The suggestion that one Patrick Campbell Local preacher, City Road Methodist Pwllheli, Gwynedd
production of The Nutcracker. should be able to produce it later at a El Campello, Alicante Church, Birmingham
The Arts Council announcing its
intention to move English National
Opera to a base in Manchester without change would the delegation to tightening rules on access to benefits.
Where do roes go?
wide consultation is a catastrophe in Reform of Lords county level of powers not needing to These might require a bit of work by Sir, How I agree with Angela
the making. Having worked “in the be administered centrally, as in the the Home Office but they offer an Hartnett’s championing of our
provinces” for most of my career I Sir, I was surprised to see our US and Germany. The UK has 92 effective solution that is compatible nation’s fish (“Fish cookery? Time for
fully support some redistribution of admirable former Lord Speaker’s counties, so it seems reasonable for with the international conventions. the scales to fall from our eyes”,
resources from London, but the case letter (Nov 11) following your each to elect one delegate to the Graham Smith Nov 8). But can she (or anyone else
needs to be properly assessed. excellent and challenging leading upper chamber. This would mirror London SW4 for that matter) explain the
Peter Tod article (Nov 9). No one has done the principle in the US Senate where mysterious absence of herring roes
Director, Birmingham Hippodrome more to champion the House of Wyoming, with a population of just from our fishmongers’ slabs over the
1988 to 2002 Lords in recent years than Lord
Fowler but I believe he is mistaken in
over half a million, and California,
with a population of nearly 40
Christ Church row past two years or so? Lightly fried in a
dusting of seasoned flour, and served
thinking there is a broad consensus in million, each elect two senators. Sir, The Charity Commission has on hot buttered toast, this cheap and
Mental health risks favour of a largely elected senate. We
certainly need the reforms advocated
Stephan Harker
found that the governing body of
Christ Church buried the legal and PR
delicious light meal was enjoyed by
me and my family over many years
Sir, The chancellor has a golden in Lord Norton’s forthcoming Bill, costs of its action against the dean but alas no more. Surely herrings
opportunity this week to create a about which he argued so persuasively under the heading “other direct costs must still have roes?
budget for the nation’s wellbeing at a
crucial time. The pandemic and the
in his letter (Nov 10). But what we do
not need is a house that is largely
Migration solutions — teaching, research, and residential”
and that this had “the potential to
Mark Lane.
Sheepscombe, Glos
cost of living crisis are putting elected and which would inevitably Sir, Melanie Phillips believes that the mislead readers of the accounts”
millions of people’s mental health at lead to it challenging the supremacy answer to the migrant crisis lies in (“Oxford college guilty of misconduct,
risk. Taking action now to secure
better mental health will change
of the Commons. And an appointed
minority would equally inevitably be
withdrawal from the human rights
and refugee conventions (“Tinker bell
says charity watchdog”,,
Nov 10). The commission is pulling its
Garden bridge table
people’s lives for the better and save seen as second-class members. tactics won’t solve migrant issue”, punch. As a former governing body Sir, Ann Treneman (Notebook,
public money as a result. Lord Cormack Nov 8). This drastic step would member, I can testify that the Nov 11) idly wonders if people still
First, the chancellor can ensure that Chairman, Campaign for an Effective further damage our already battered potential was fully realised: I did not own bridge tables. We do. My
benefit payments at least keep up with Second Chamber international reputation. There is a know the costs of the action against husband is a retired army officer and
inflation and end rules that impoverish better alternative, outlined earlier in the dean until the commission in the ol’ days, when all furniture in
people, such as the two-child limit Sir, Alice Thomson (Nov 9) suggests a the same edition: to adopt measures revealed them. Moreover, if there is a married quarters was “issued”, a
and sanctions on out-of-work benefits. reformed upper chamber of 600. The employed by France and Germany, plausible reason for the mis- bridge table formed part of the
Lifting people out of poverty boosts United States, with a population five which have reduced the number of categorisation other than an intention itinerary. Then, in the Eighties, much
mental health and the economy as a times that of the UK, has an upper Albanian migrants applying for to hide the truth, I cannot imagine it. of the furniture list was phased out
whole. Second, the chancellor can chamber of Congress of 100, so the asylum by cutting the time it takes to Nigel Biggar and occupiers were given the option
invest in mental health services. That UK equivalent would be 20. Another process asylum applications and Oxford to purchase the redundant furniture.
means committing to increase NHS Ours now lives (green baize folded
mental healthcare spending by at inward, and with plastic shrouding it)
least £2.3 billion and reversing years
of cuts in local government funding ACROSS THE General Laperrine perished
miserably, after a forced landing, and
lie in drifts and beds often most
treacherous where they seem most
in my much-loved garden shed, and
performs as a shelf for any seasonally
for public health, social care, early
years and youth services. SAHARA BY Major Vuillemin succeeded, but only
after terrible adventures.
secure, adding to the dangers of the
traverse, like wind-blown snow on a
empty terracotta pots.
Lesley Russell
Such a budget will create a healthier,
happier and more productive society MOTOR Better preparations have been
made for the motor-car party.
rocky slope.
And so the mechanical side of the
Kingston upon Thames

in which we can all thrive. Citroen cars have already been to In expedition will be watched with an
Dr Sarah Hughes
CEO, Centre for Mental Health from the times november 14, 1922
Salah and back, a stretch of over five
hundred miles, at the northern end
eager curiosity. The cars to be used
have the standard ten horse-power
Poached banana
of the route, where wells exist and engines of the popular Citroen four- Sir, Rose Wild remarks on the lack of
There is a twofold interest in the stores of petrol have been placed. At seater touring cars. They are fitted bananas, and skins to slip on, during
Corrections and attempt to cross the Sahara which is the southern end, along the Niger to with a special gear-box giving a the Second World War (Feedback,
clarifications about to be made in Citroen motor- Burem, and across the desert to range of speed from two to twenty- Nov 12). Back then my mother’s uncle,
cars. The greater part of the world Kidal, a stretch of over three five miles an hour, and provided who was a gamekeeper, was in the
loves an adventure almost in hundred miles, and possibly even with a ribbed caterpillar of canvas habit of bringing in a pheasant or a
The Times takes proportion to its apparent farther, stores have been placed in and rubber which has already been rabbit for the larder when he visited.
complaints foolhardiness. readiness. But for the central “trek” tried successfully on loose sand. It When, later on, he brought a banana
about editorial The brave Frenchmen who next the expedition must be self- will be a striking testimony to the that he had managed to obtain, my
content seriously. We are committed to month are to Ieave the railhead at dependent. enterprise and workmanship of the five-year-old-sister looked at it with
abiding by the Independent Press Tuggurt, in South Algeria, for Let our home-fed imagination not Citroen Company if cars of a type some interest and asked: “Did Uncle
Standards Organisation (“IPSO”) rules Timbuctoo are undertaking a picture the desert as a plain of sand, produced in bulk and sold at the Fred shoot it?”
and regulations and the Editors’ Code of journey of over 1,800 miles through smooth, except for the ribbing of the price of £245 in this country are able Aline Templeton
Practice that IPSO enforces.
Requests for corrections or trackless desert, in a region of wind. It is a rugged country scored to stand a test so severe. Tenterden, Kent
clarifications should be sent by email to burning sun by day, of piercing cold by ravines, barred with mountains, or by post to at night. Trying to follow the same and the black rocks show their teeth
Feedback, The Times, 1 London Bridge route by the swifter aeroplane, even in the plains. The shifting sands Letters to The Times must be exclusive
Street, London SE1 9GF and may be edited
the times | Monday November 14 2022 29

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population of
firecrests has been
Unfinished Business
boosted by birds
arriving to spend The government should redouble its efforts to deliver a seven-day NHS to tackle
the winter here
from across the record backlogs. Britain cannot afford Mary Celeste hospitals at the weekend
North Sea — an astonishing feat of
migration given that they weigh only 4-7g. It is nearly seven years since junior doctors and urgent patients now get the care they need A potentially bigger challenge may lie in per-
These tiny creatures are members of the paralysed parts of the NHS in a row over new con- over the weekend, the same cannot be said of suading consultants to shift to seven-day working.
kinglet family and have a black eye-stripe tracts. At the heart of that dispute was the govern- those requiring elective treatment. One problem is that even when they are willing in
and an impressive, punky crest that is yellow ment’s determination to deliver on a Conservative The result is a hopelessly inefficient use of NHS principle to take on more NHS work, the tax
in females and orange in males. In winter 2015 manifesto promise to provide a seven-day resources. As things stand, patients who could be system makes it unattractive in practice. The risk
these obligate insectivores favour conifer NHS. Research had long established that patients discharged are too often kept in hospital longer is that by taking on more NHS work, consultants
woods, where they flit around the canopy, were more likely to die if admitted over the week- than they need to be, adding to the pressure on will be hit by higher tax bills on their pensions. The
picking spiders and insects from the bark. end, which was widely considered to reflect lower hospital beds. There are currently a record 7.1 mil- government has promised to address this ano-
Firecrests’ European range has expanded standards of care and inadequate staffing. Jeremy lion on hospital waiting lists while the numbers maly, which has also driven many GPs to take
over the past couple of centuries and it is Hunt, then health secretary and now chancellor, waiting more than 12 hours for a bed after being early retirement. The hope must be that Mr Hunt
thought that their numbers are stable. effectively won that argument, with Saturdays admitted via A&E last month hit a new record. takes action in this week’s autumn statement.
melissa harrison now treated for the purposes of junior doctors the Expensive equipment, representing significant Nonetheless, some hospitals have shown that it
same as any other working day. Yet it is clear that, public investment, including operating theatres is possible with determined and creative leader-
even now, the NHS is still far from the seven-day and radiography machines, are under-utilised ship for hospitals to make more efficient seven-day
Birthdays today service that the Conservatives promised in 2015, from a significant portion of the week. As Dr Stein use of their resources. Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hos-
with significant consequences for both efficiency noted, the NHS will not hit any target until it pital in London, for example, has been organising
The King, pictured, 74; and the NHS’s ability to tackle its vast backlog. operates at full capacity seven days a week. “super surgery weekends”. It recently carried out a
Karen Armstrong, This time the problem appears to lie with con- Fixing this problem will not be easy. The ex- week’s worth of operations in one day by setting up
religious commentator sultants rather than junior doctors. In an inter- treme pressures on the NHS stem in large part teams of staff like Formula One pit stop crew to
and author, The Case for view with the BBC last week, Dr Andrew Stein, a from a severe staffing crisis. Spreading staff more minimise turnaround time between cases. It
God (2009), The Lost Art kidney specialist, noted that many hospitals were thinly across seven days will not necessarily make meant that instead of operating for 30 per cent of
of Scripture (2019), 78; like the Mary Celeste at weekends, with consult- services more efficiently. That said, more flexible their day, surgeons could operate for 90 per cent.
Tim Bowler, children’s ants disappearing at Friday lunchtime and not re- working arrangements could suit some health That is the sort of performance to which all
author, River Boy (1997), turning until Monday morning. Dr Stein cited one workers, providing greater opportunities to NHS trusts and hospitals should be aspiring, as
69; Wendy Carlos, innovator in synthesized study which found that while there were on aver- arrange shifts to fit around childcare. That in turn they tackle their backlogs. It is also a reminder to
and electronic music, The Shining (1980), 83; age 86 consultants in a hospital on Wednesday, could help staff retention, one of the biggest ministers that the goal of a seven-day NHS
Sophie Christiansen, equestrian, eight-time there were just 12 on Sunday. While emergency challenges facing the NHS. remains essential unfinished business.
Paralympic gold medallist (2008, 2012,
2016), 35; Paul Dacre, editor of the Daily
Mail (1992-2018), now editor-in-chief of
DMG Media, the newspaper’s parent
company, 74; Letitia Dean, actress, original
EastEnders cast member, 55; Lord (Michael)
Bali Jaw-Jaw
Dobbs, novelist, House of Cards (1989), and
politician, deputy chairman, Conservative The G20 summit offers an important opportunity for face-to-face diplomacy
Party (1994-95), 74; Dame Louise Ellman,
independent/Labour MP for Liverpool Expectations are inevitably low ahead of this instrumental role in stabilising the global eco- The greatest source of tension will inevitably be
Riverside (1997-2019), 77; Edward Foljambe, week’s G20 summit in Bali in Indonesia. The nomy in the wake of the global financial crisis. Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, which may
Earl of Liverpool, chairman, Rutland Group leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies will Nonetheless, it has since taken on an important yet lead to the summit ending without a joint com-
(property and investment), 78; Stefano meet in person for the first time in three years at a role as the primary international forum for resolv- munique. The fact that Vladimir Putin has decid-
Gabbana, fashion designer, co-founder time of unprecedented geopolitical tension and ing sovereign debt crises. At a time of renewed ed not to attend, leaving Russia to be represented
(1985), Dolce & Gabbana, 60; Fred Haise, amid deep divisions between countries. Russia’s global economic and financial instability, that role by its foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, removes one
astronaut, lunar module pilot on the invasion of Ukraine has caused a deep split has acquired an even greater urgency. potential source of embarrassment. It is right that
aborted Apollo 13 lunar mission (1970), 89; between Russia and its ally China on the one hand, Nor should the importance of face-to-face Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president,
Charles Hazlewood, conductor, founder and western countries on the other, with many diplomacy be underestimated. The summit will should have been invited to join the summit,
(2011), the British Paraorchestra, 56; Neil powerful countries including India, Brazil and provide the first opportunity for President Biden which he will do by videolink. But the reluctance
Heslop, chief executive, Charities Aid South Africa effectively refusing to take sides. At and President Xi of China to meet in person since of many G20 members to condemn Russia’s
Foundation, Leonard Cheshire (2016-20), the same time, the deepening rift between Mr Biden became US president in January 2021. aggression is disappointing. Ukraine’s success on
58; Bernard Hinault, cyclist, five-time America and China over Taiwan, North Korea, No one expects any breakthroughs on any area the battlefield, including the operation to regain
winner of the Tour de France, 68; David trade and human rights threatens to overshadow of disagreement, but it might prevent the control of Kherson, should reinforce the message
Howell, chess grandmaster, three-time necessary co-operation on other areas of global relationship deteriorating further into open con- from western leaders that the quickest way to end
British champion (2009, 2013, 2014), 32; concern and risks descending into a new Cold War. flict by reducing risks of misunderstanding while the war and restore economic stability is to isolate
Lieutenant Colonel Chris Keeble, awarded Yet the fact that the summit is going ahead at all, paving the way for future progress on areas of Moscow and stop funding its war machine.
a DSO for his actions during the Falklands with a probable 17 of the 20 leaders attending, is to mutual interest such as climate change. Mr Xi will For Rishi Sunak, the summit will be a first
conflict (1982), 81; Olga Kurylenko, actress, be welcomed. The G20 may not have fulfilled the go into the meeting having consolidated his own opportunity to meet many world leaders, includ-
Quantum of Solace (2008), Oblivion (2013), hopes and expectations of more than a decade ago position as China’s most powerful leader since ing Mr Biden, face-to-face since becoming prime
43; Mark Le Fanu, trustee of the Royal when it was widely believed that it would displace Mao Zedong but Mr Biden will be buoyed by minister. After so much recent turmoil, Mr Sunak
Literary Fund, general secretary, Society of the G7 as the most significant annual multilateral his Democratic Party’s unexpectedly strong needs to show the world that Britain remains a
Authors (1982-2011), 76; Paul McGann, gathering. In 2009, under the British prime minis- performance in last week’s midterm elections, stable and reliable ally, still willing and capable of
actor, Withnail and I (1987), Doctor Who ter Gordon Brown’s leadership, the G20 played an which has strengthened his position. playing a leading role on the global stage.
(1996), 63; Condoleezza Rice, US secretary
of state (2005-09), 68; Prof Adam Tickell,
economic geographer, vice-chancellor and
principal, University of Birmingham, 58;
Russell Tovey, actor, Being Human (2008-
12), The Sister (2020), 41.
Literary Landscapes
On this day
The land that inspired Howards End should not be turned into a country park
At the end of Howards End, E. M. Forster’s 1910 plete with a car park and toilet block. The plan has successful campaign to prevent a housing estate
In 1994 the Eurostar services through the masterpiece, the author laments that his beloved attracted opposition not only from local residents being built next door to a manor that provided
Channel Tunnel were launched, with trains Hertfordshire countryside, in which the novel is but also Historic England, the Oscar-winning ac- inspiration to Thomas Hardy for his novel The
linking London, Paris and Brussels. set, is being inevitably consumed by “the rust” of tress Emma Thompson, who starred in the screen Mayor of Casterbridge. Meanwhile, some literary
an ever-expanding London. So far, that has not version of Howards End, and Professor Michael landscapes have already disappeared. The land
happened, in large part due to the dogged work of Proctor, the provost of King’s College, Cambridge, that inspired Richard Adams’s Watership Down is
The last word tireless campaigners over many decades to pre- where many of Forster’s papers are kept. now a housing estate outside Newbury.
vent the land around his childhood home of Nor is Forster country by any means the only Such developments should be considered acts
“The only man who makes no mistakes is the Rooks Nest being turned over to developers. literary landscape that needs defending. A cam- of cultural vandalism. The Council for the Protec-
man who never does anything.” Theodore Yet their dream of preserving “Forster country” paign is ongoing against plans to build 1,200 tion of Rural England has long proposed that
Roosevelt, US president 1901-09, quoted in for posterity is under threat once again, this time homes on Chawton Park Farm, near Jane Austen’s landscapes of artistic interest should received
Theodore Roosevelt, the Citizen (1904) by from plans by the local council to turn an area of childhood home in Alton. Lord Fellowes of West special designation similar to those of scientific
Jacob A Riis meadow into a landscaped “country park” com- Stafford, creator of Downton Abbey, was part of a interest. It is a good idea whose time has come.
30 2GM Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Democrats win
Senate in fresh
blow to Trump
United States uncertain as the Republicans struggle
US midterm results to piece together a slim majority.
Keiran Southern Los Angeles
While Democrats have retained the
The party’s hopes were dealt a signifi-
The Democrats defied grim predictions Senate, 20 seats remain undecided in
cant blow on Saturday with a surprise
of defeat to win the Senate yesterday the race for the House
defeat in Washington state, where a
after a key victory in Nevada, boosting Trump-backed election-denier was
President Biden before his showdown Democrat Undecided Republican beaten by a Democrat given a small
with the Kremlin at the G20 summit or vacant chance of victory by pre-election polls.
this week. Republicans had been predicting
Catherine Cortez Masto had been 50 49 that a “red wave” would sweep across
viewed as the most vulnerable Demo- 1 Total seats 100 America and on polling day many in
crat in the Senate and the Republicans House the party were hoping to take both the
had been confident of flipping her seat. 204 211 House and the Senate.
She defeated her Republican challenger 20 Total seats 435
A jubilant Schumer, 71, said the
Adam Laxalt, an ally of Donald Trump Democrats holding the Senate was a
*Georgia is the only Senate seat undecided, pending a
who had questioned the integrity of the runoff next month, but Kamala Harris's vote as “vindication” of the party’s agenda and
2020 presidential election. vice-president gives the Democrats the majority. Last a rejection of “anti-democratic,
The surprise sent Republicans into a updated on Sunday, November 13 at 12:43pm extremist, Maga [Make America Great
spiral of furious infighting as each Again] Republicans”.
sought to divert responsibility for the Schumer said the Supreme Court’s
result. Trump, who endorsed a string of Analysis overturning of Roe v Wade was a cru-
other losing candidates, blamed Mitch cial factor and the Democrats benefited

McConnell, the Republican leader in t’s common for presidents from making abortion rights central to
the Senate, claiming he did not offer to use post-midterm election their campaign. “Because the Amer-
them enough support. trips abroad to escape the ican people turned out to elect Demo-
“It’s Mitch McConnell’s fault,” bad news at home — but crats in the Senate, there’s now a fire-
Trump wrote on his Truth Social President Biden will have a wall against a nationwide abortion ban
platform yesterday. “Spending money spring in his step during his visit threat that so many Republicans have
to defeat great Republican candidates to Asia (Keiran Southern writes). talked about,” he said.
instead of backing Blake Masters and The stronger-than-expected Schumer also suggested that the Re-
others was a big mistake.” showing by the Democrats publican Party’s chances were harmed
Trump criticised McConnell for bolsters Biden just in time for his by its candidates’ willingness to echo
helping Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure highly anticipated face-to-face Trump’s baseless claims of election
bill to pass last year and said that meeting with President Xi today, fraud.
“everyone despises” the senator and his before another diplomatic duel “We knew that the negativity, the
wife, Elaine Chao, a former transpor- with Russia’s foreign minister, nastiness, the condoning of Donald
tation secretary the former president Sergey Lavrov, at the G20. Trump’s big lie — and saying that the
refers to by a derogatory nickname. The conditions looked ripe for elections were rigged when there’s no
“He blew the midterms, and every-
one despises him and his otherwise
lovely wife, Coco Chow!” Trump said.
The Democrats now have the 50
seats they need to control the Senate,
a disastrous election for the party
in power, but voters had other
ideas. The “red wave” predicted
by the Republicans never arrived.
Instead, Biden has found
proof of that at all — would hurt
Republicans, not help them,” Schumer
said. “But too many of them, and their
candidates, fell into those traps.”
Laxalt, like other Republicans
Blast in Istanbul
thanks to Kamala Harris’s tie-breaking himself in a strong position as he defeated in crucial Senate races such as Turkey hundred yards from the site of the
vote as vice-president. They have deliv- prepares for the second half of Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania and Blake explosion. “The entire ground shook, and
Melanie Swan
ered the strongest midterm perform- his term. How long the grace Masters in Arizona, was backed by we smelled the burning immediately,”
Beril Eski Istanbul
ance by a party holding the White period lasts remains to be seen: Trump and supported his unfounded she said. “People were screaming and
House in two decades, despite rampant the issues that have dogged his claims that the 2020 presidential At least six people were killed and 81 running in all directions. Fortunately, I
inflation, fears over the economy and presidency have not gone away. election was stolen. Throughout the injured when a bomb exploded in a managed to make it to the underground
Biden’s own poor approval ratings. His approval rating is hovering campaign the Republican establishment crowded shopping street in the centre before the system was shut down.”
The party, which made abortion around the 40 per cent mark and had grumbled about candidate quality, of Istanbul yesterday. Another witness, Cemal Denizci, was
rights central to its pitch, could further dark clouds have been gathering with all three seats seen as winnable. Fuat Oktay, Turkey’s vice-president, closer. “I saw three or four people on the
strengthen its position next month if over the American economy. Oz was defeated by John Fetterman, said that a woman dressed in military ground,” he said. “People were running
Raphael Warnock can defeat his Re- Most significantly, the president Pennsylvania’s lieutenant governor, fatigues and a black hijab, who was seen in panic. There was black smoke. The
publican opponent, Herschel Walker, turns 80 next Sunday. If he who campaigned despite having suf- on CCTV images leaving a bag on a noise was so strong, almost deafening.”
in a Senate run-off election in Georgia. decides to run again, he will be fered a stroke, while Masters was bench on Istiklal Avenue, was among Erdogan did not specify which group
Biden is in Asia for the G20 summit 82 at the time of his inauguration beaten by the Democrat Mark Kelly in the suspects in what is believed to have was thought to be behind the attack, but
and told reporters that he had made in January 2025, and 86 when he a result called on Friday night. been a terrorist attack. said it had the “smell of terror”. Istiklal
congratulatory calls to both Cortez finishes a second term. Democratic control of the Senate President Erdogan condemned the Avenue was the scene of an Islamic
Masto and senator Chuck Schumer, Democrats thankful for his hands a significant boost to Biden as he attack as “heinous” and “treacherous” State suicide bomb attack in 2016 that
who will remain the Democratic part in defeating Donald Trump’s begins the second half of his first term and pledged to catch the perpetrators. left five people dead.
majority leader. Make America Great Again in office. It ensures a smoother process Four people died at the scene and two Erdogan said as he was preparing to
Yesterday he said the party’s success movement may be keen to hand for the president’s appointments to the in hospital, he said. catch a flight to Indonesia for the G20
was a “reflection of the quality of our the torch to a younger candidate cabinet and to the judiciary. Ali Yerlikaya, the Istanbul governor, summit that police and the governor’s
candidates”, adding: “They’re all run- to take on the next Republican After the fate of the Senate was said the explosion happened at 4.20pm. office were investigating the attack and
ning on the same programme. [There] choice for the White House. decided, attention now turns to the The sound of the blast travelled the reviewing CCTV images of the area. He
wasn’t anybody who wasn’t running on Ron DeSantis has emerged as House. It could take several days before length of the street, which runs for vowed that those who waged terrorism
what we did.” Trump’s main rival and at 44 is the outcome of enough races are almost a mile in the Taksim area of the against the Turkish nation would fail.
Addressing his own future, Biden, 79, almost half Biden’s age. known to determine which party will city and was busy with shoppers. “We Oktay later confirmed that the blast
said: “I feel good. I’m looking forward to Perhaps the key result of the take control of the 435-seat chamber. It thought it was a thunder, then was being investigated as terrorism and
the next couple of years.” midterms for the president will appears the Republicans will squeeze understood it was something else,” said that 81 people had been injured.
As well as holding the Senate, the be that he gets to depart on his out a narrow majority, a disappointing Feridun, a local shop worker, said. A video posted online showed flames
Democrats could still retain control of own terms. return for a party that had been boldly Anna Rogers, an American tourist erupting after a loud bang, with
the House, the fate of which remains predicting significant gains. visiting the city, said she was barely a pedestrians scattering in panic. Ambu-
the times | Monday November 14 2022 2GM 31

Italian referee boss ‘is Montmartre pétanque

exposed as drug gangster’ club faces last throw
Page 33 Page 34

King ‘took a
new mistress’
as lover cared
for her father
Simon Hunter Madrid
A former lover of King Juan Carlos of
Spain has described how his wife
confronted her “with a face like
thunder” while she was being given a
private tour of the Zarzuela royal palace
in Madrid.
Corinna Larsen, who had a five-year
affair with the former king, also claims
that he took another mistress while she
was looking after her father, who was
dying of cancer. The disclosures are the
latest in a series of embarrassing accu-
Rescuers tend a boy online soon afterwards. later died. Police are sations against the self-styled emeritus
separated from his Emergency workers searching for a woman king, 84, who abdicated in 2014.
parents by the blast on treated the injured at in military fatigues seen In a podcast titled Corinna and the
Istiklal Avenue, images the site but at least two leaving a bag on a King, Larsen, who also uses her former
of which were posted people taken to hospital bench before the blast married name of Corinna zu Sayn-
Wittgenstein-Sayn, recalls the moment
when she was confronted by the queen
in the official royal residence in front of
Juan Carlos. “Suddenly Queen Sofía
bursts into the room with a face like
thunder,” Larsen, 57, says. “She pointed
at me and said, ‘I know who you are’. I
obviously wanted to disappear into the
Juan Carlos “seemed completely
taken aback and unable to actually
cope with this aggression”, she says in
the third of eight podcast episodes,
which is released today. She declines to
say when exactly the confrontation
took place.
The scandal over Juan Carlos’s long
history of infidelities ultimately forced
him to abdicate in favour of his son,
Felipe, and to flee Spain in 2020 for
exile in Abu Dhabi amid financial
scandals and corruption claims.
Larsen, who is twice divorced and
now lives in England, also claims that
Juan Carlos suggested that they get
married, despite him still being married

kills and maims Sunday shoppers to Sofía. In January 2009, five years
after they had met, he presented her
with a huge, emerald-cut diamond ring
at a candlelit dinner. “I always took this
more as a sign of how much I meant to
“countering terrorism”, Karine Jean- him,” the German-Danish business-
Istanbul Behind the story Pierre, the White House press secretary, woman explains. “It was more symbolic
Macka T U R KE Y
said. President Macron of France than I would say binding.”

hortly after the three strongest rivals. territory was wiped tweeted in Turkish: “We share your pain But that same year the affair began to
Vodafone bombing in There are echoes of out in Syria, Turkish . . . We are with you in the fight against sour. In August Larsen’s father, Finn
Stadium central Istanbul 2015, when the AKP security services terrorism.” Greece, Pakistan and Italy Bönning Larsen, passed away, having
TARLABASI yesterday lost 69 seats and its continue to pick off also expressed solidarity. been nursed by his daughter as he was
l millions of absolute majority in the group’s leaders. Turkey was hit by deadly bombings dying of cancer.
Isti e AYAPASA error codes flashed up parliament after There have been between 2015 and 2017, carried out both “When I arrived in Madrid not long
Av Bosphorus on computer and political violence, signs of a tentative by Islamic State group and outlawed thereafter, in a state of real grief and
Bomb explodes smartphone screens culminating in a rapprochement Kurdish groups pushing for an inde- despair, the king somehow in a conver-
in shopping area 500 feet
across Turkey nationwide power cut, between Erdogan and pendent state. sation mentioned something about me
(Oliver Moody writes). the hostage-taking of Kurdish moderates Travel advice from the Foreign not having been available much during
Facebook, Twitter, a prosecutor by over the past few Office in London states that “terrorists those eight months when my father was
lances and police officers arrived as Instagram and Kurdish militants and weeks but there is no are very likely to try to carry out attacks in his last stage of cancer,” she explains
bystanders tended to the wounded on YouTube were taken the bombing of a shortage of rival in Turkey”. Most of the attacks have in the podcast. “And that he’d been
the street, covered in shattered glass. offline and a reporting pro-Kurdish party’s factions keen to spoil taken place in the southeast of the seeing someone else.”
Turkey’s media watchdog imposed a ban was imposed. rally in Diyarbakir. the talks. country, in the capital, Ankara, but The release of the podcast coincides
temporary ban on reporting of the President Erdogan No one claimed Erdogan flies to the Istanbul has also been targeted. with a legal battle being fought in the
explosion, preventing broadcasters and his AK party responsibility for G20 summit today as In 2016 the ancient city at the cross- High Court in London brought by
from showing videos of the blast or its (AKP) have reason to yesterday’s explosion a potential mediator roads of Europe and Asia suffered Larsen against the emeritus king. She
aftermath. Access to social media was be nervous about the but suspicion will fall between Ukraine and several attacks, including one at the claims that Juan Carlos put her under
restricted in Turkey after the explosion consequences of the on the usual suspects. Russia, but the Ataturk airport which left 45 people illegal surveillance in Britain as part of
but Turkish media did circulate images apparent terrorist Islamic State has re-emergence of dead and more than 230 badly injured. a long-running row over an alleged gift
of the woman leaving the bag on the attack. Erdogan is been targeting Turkey terrorist threat he In the same year, an Isis attack in the of €65 million.
bench. The street was closed by security facing a presidential since it intervened in faces at home at Sultanahmet district of the city targeted Juan Carlos and others named in the
forces last night. Five prosecutors have election next summer, the Syrian civil war. home may only tourists, with 12 people killed. A mass claim have denied any wrongdoing. He
been assigned to investigate, the state- when polls suggest he While the conflict harden his stance as shooting in Istanbul on New Year’s Day, is appealing against a High Court ruling
run Anadolu news agency said. could lose a run-off has been quieter since he seeks to win 2017, killed 39 people and wounded 79 in March that he is not entitled to
The United States stood “shoulder- against any of his Islamic State’s re-election. at the Reina nightclub, where hundreds “sovereign immunity” as a member of
to-shoulder” with its Nato ally in had been seeing in the new year. the Spanish royal family.
32 2GM Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Yoga guru’s
cure claims
are a stretch,
says watchdog
Amrit Dhillon Delhi
Kherson residents showed A billionaire yoga guru close to the
their gratitude to the ruling party in India has been ordered
liberators as symbols of the to stop selling five “cures” for chronic
city’s freedom were displayed ailments based on ayurveda, the
in the streets yesterday traditional system of medicine.
Baba Ramdev’s company, Patanjali,
candlelight. After the chaos claims the medicines can treat diabetes,
that followed Russia’s glaucoma, hypertension, goitre and
surrender of the city, the high cholesterol. But the Indian Medi-
Ukrainian authorities cal Association has been contesting his
moved swiftly to try snd claims for years, and the authorities in
establish order. the northern state of Uttarakhand,
Soldiers could be seen where Patanjali is based, have ordered
patrolling the streets and a the company to stop production of the
curfew was imposed from drugs, accusing it of “misleading”
5pm. Two suspected looters advertisements.
were tied up by locals. A household name in India, Ramdev,
pounded the invaders grab women who were Their thirst for liberation 56, claimed in 2020 that one of his
Kherson’s joy as Russian across the Dnipro, the dull
thud of explosions
walking by.”
Others described an
quenched, the residents of
Kherson are now desperate
concoctions could cure Covid-19. His
latest brush with the medical author-
reign of terror is ended accompanying the sound of
“We all knew that we
atmosphere reminiscent of
Stalinist terror. “I would
weigh my words carefully
to contact loved ones. There
has been no phone or
internet coverage in the city
ities follows outrage over adverts
suggesting that Patanjali’s eye drops for
glaucoma could also treat cataracts,

shout of joy like superstars when we got might not get out of here before I spoke to anyone for almost a week after double vision and night blindness.
went up as the here.” alive,” said Rybak. “But this because you never knew Russia cut communications The company responded: “All the
captured On Freedom Square, a is our land and these are who could inform on you, if with the outside world. products and medicines made by
Russian Grad sole trumpeter played the our people. I can’t imagine you said something pro- Crowds gathered all day Patanjali follow prescribed standards . . .
rocket launcher Ukrainian national anthem what they’ve been through.” Ukrainian,” said Alexander to try and hook up to with the highest research and quality in
was dragged through to a crowd waving the Everyone here has a story Saveliev, a businessman. Starlink communication the ayurveda tradition, with the help of
Kherson’s main street by a country’s blue and yellow to tell of life under Russia’s Before they left, Russia’s terminals set up across the more than 500 scientists.”
Ukrainian military truck flags. But Kyiv’s forces have rule of terror. “A drunk army blew up the city’s city. The terminals, Doctors have long expressed alarm
(Marc Bennetts writes). little time to enjoy their Russian soldier threatened television tower. Its remains provided by Elon Musk’s over the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party’s
The strategically hero’s welcome: flush with to detonate a lie twisted in the central SpaceX company, have promotion of ayurveda treatments as
important city in southern success and armed with grenade in my park. They also cut the proven invaluable to one of India’s “cultural achievements”.
Ukraine was liberated from western weapons, it is premises unless I electricity and water. Yet Ukraine’s military. They are Critics say that the BJP’s desire to assert
eight months of Russian now seeking to dislodge converted my residents were defiant. now in massive demand by the cultural pre-eminence of Hindu
occupation on Friday as Putin’s forces from their prices from “Death to our civilians. “I need to be let culture going back to ancient times has
President Putin’s invading positions on the left bank of hryvna to enemies!” my mum know that we are created a permissive environment for
army was forced to retreat the Dnipro. roubles,” said toasted doing OK,” said a woman. outlandish claims.
across the Dnipro river. Failure could lead to a café owner. Dmytro, Despite hardship, spirits Millions of Indians still rely on tradi-
The arrival of the troops stalemate and allow Russia “They would 25, as his were high. Even the threat tional medicine because the cost of
sparked wild celebrations. to redeploy forces to the stand friends of Russian missiles could going to a doctor is beyond their reach.
“We all had tears in our Donbas region, where its outside and family not dampen things. “We’re The pandemic also gave the alter-
eyes as we approached army is trying to seize the with drank done being frightened,” said native medicine industry a boost as
Kherson,” said a soldier key town of Bakhmut. their moonshine Andriy, 46, waving a flag. modern medicine struggled initially to
who goes by the call sign All day yesterday, guns alcohol at “We’ve been through so treat patients. Ayurveda drug compa-
Rybak. “We were treated Ukrainian artillery and home by much.” nies reported $18 billion in sales in
2020, four times the figure in 2014.

Isis funds terror with ‘Tinder’ love scams

South Africa unwitting engine of Isis’s renewal since Ramaphosa, who accused them of has been left with a single officer dedi- of Samantha Lewthwaite, a British con-
its defeat in the Middle East. The UN causing pointless “panic” and “without cated to analysing data seized in terror vert to Islam and widow of one of the 7/7
Jane Flanagan Cape Town
security council reported that its moni- having any type of discussion with us”. raids, sources told investigators from London bombers. She is suspected of
At face value it looks like one of many toring team had “detected a number of Sources from his intelligence service the Global Initiative Against Transna- having helped al-Shabaab plot its 2014
romance scams that plague the world of transactions of more than $1 million said the warning had “disrupted” their tional Organised Crime. attack onthe Westgate Mall in Nairobi
internet dating: lovestruck singles being channelled through South Africa own surveillance. Extortion and kidnap-for-ransom in which 67 people were killed. She was
strike up conversations or share inti- by Isis leadership to affiliates in Africa”, No attack materialised, but that has cases have surged. In the first six discovered to have been living in South
mate pictures online, only to be faced including terrorists in Mozambique done little to end unease. The failure by months of 2022, an average of 1,143 kid- Africa since at least 2008, but has not
with demands for money or black- and the Democratic Republic of Congo. the Americans to share intelligence re- nappings were reported to police, dou- been traced since 2013 when Interpol
mailed when the conversation sours. Martin Ewi, from the Institute for flects a lack of confidence in South ble the monthly average of the same issued an arrest notice.
However, con artists behind a new Security Studies in Pretoria, told the Africa’s leadership, analysts said. period last year. A number of South Africans have
wave of “Tinder terror” which has council that Isis had “expanded its Africa has proved ideal for Isis to It seems increasingly unlikely that trained at camps in the Middle East,
snared lonely hearts on South Africa’s influence beyond measure” into Africa, regroup thanks to it wealth of natural South Africa can avoid joining Turkey, according to intelligence sources, and
version of the dating app are not your the likely “future of the caliphate”. resources, tens of millions of citizens Yemen, Syria and Panama on a “grey dozens are fighting over in a worsening
typical love rats or fraudsters but The US Treasury announced sanc- living in poverty, weak institutions and list” of the international global finan- insurgency in northern Mozambique
agents of Islamic State, which is using tions last week against four “senior porous borders. The coalition forces cial watchdog that sets standards to where Isis has seized on a pocket of con-
the proceeds to fund its atrocities and members” of a Isis cell operating in the that crippled Isis’s operations in Syria combat money laundering and terror- flict to entrench its influence.
insurgency campaigns across Africa. country that was of “emerging import- and Iraq did not pursue its fighters ism financing. The label would The mayhem threatens a region that
Fake profiles using photographs of ance for fund transfers from Isis leader- when they fled south, leaving Africa to make it harder for has so far been left mostly unscathed by
little-known actors or models are being ship to Isis affiliates across Africa”. “bear the consequences”, Ewi told the Ramaphosa to Islamist extremism.
used to draw in victims, said Nischal Last month the US took the unusual security council in August. attract foreign Ramaphosa’s deployment of troops
Mewalall, head of the South African step of warning of a possible terrorist South Africa’s excellent inter- investment. to support efforts against jihadists in
Banking Risk Information Centre, attack in a business district of Johan- national links and communica- An early clue to Mozambique and the Democratic Re-
adding that the group has set up bases nesburg where the first post-pandemic tions infrastructure make it an South Africa’s ap- public of Congo also increases South
in Africa’s most industrialised economy Pride march was due to be held. The ideal haven, even more so peal to extrem- Africa’s risk of becoming a target for
to drive fundraising and recruitment. Foreign Office echoed it, warning Brit- since its security structures ists was the case terror as well as its engine room.
The watchdog has warned the public ons to avoid large gatherings. were deliberately enfeebled Jasmine Opperman, an expert on
to beware scams that typically develop American spies told media sources to make looting of the state The Samantha extremism and political violence, said
once conmen move the “dating” off of- that chatter from a seven-strong Isis easier during the presidency Lewthwaite case conditions were now in place to make a
ficial sites. The trend mirrors concern cell had triggered the alert — which of Jacob Zuma. turned the focus terrorist attack “inevitable” in South
that South Africa has become the drew a testy response from President South Africa’s police service on South Africa Africa.
the times | Monday November 14 2022 2GM 33


Self-portrait of Max Beckmann was in exile when

he painted Self-Portrait in Yellow
and Pink in 1943. The artist fled
Nazi Germany in 1937 as some
of his works were about to be

artist reviled
ridiculed in the Nazis’ exhibition
of “degenerate art” in Munich

serious global player for decades after

the war. “Berlin simply isn’t that big and
it’s by no means as international [as

by the Nazis to
London or Paris],” Wöbken said.
“Because of its history there simply
wasn’t anything happening in Berlin
until 30 years ago, but that means the
city still has gigantic potential to catch
up with the other cities.”

sell for €29m Yet sales have more than doubled

over the past decade as the elite
German galleries and auction houses
become increasingly competitive on
the international circuit.
There have been some suggestions
that they are profiting from the
Germany experimental aesthetics of the 20th labyrinth of customs rules and export
century. duties at Britain’s borders since Brexit,
Oliver Moody Berlin
During the Second World War he although experts said that in practice
A brooding self-portrait by a leading and his second wife, Quappi, found these would not unduly bother the
Weimar-era painter who fled the Nazis themselves stuck in Amsterdam after biggest collectors and dealers.
is projected to smash the record for an the US rejected their visa applications Five years ago Grisebach set a
artwork sold at auction in Germany, and the city was occupied by the national record with another Beck-
with an estimate of up to €29 million. Wehrmacht in 1940. mann painting, Die Ägypterin (The
Max Beckmann’s Selbstbildnis Bernd Schultz, founder of the Egyptian Woman), which went for
gelb-rosa (Self-Portrait in Yellow and Grisebach auction house in Berlin, €5.5 million. The self-portrait, which
Pink), created in 1943, could sell for which is selling the self-portrait, said it painting remained in his family’s typical year the American art tycoon goes under the hammer on December 1,
double the existing German record, reflected the “great inner strain and possession for more than 40 years until Larry Gagosian earns about twice as is expected to sell for at least five times
which is believed to be the €14 million pressure” the artist had been under at Schultz helped them to sell it to a much as all 700 German galleries put that sum.
paid for a 15th-century Chinese bronze the time as he sold his paintings in collector in Switzerland. together. “The German art market brought in
sculpture at an auction in Stuttgart last secret and maintained contacts with Hergen Wöbken, an economist and Wöbken said this was partly because $1.5 billion last year — just imagine that
summer. the anti-Nazi resistance. art market expert who runs the rich Germans had traditionally tended for a moment,” Schultz, Grisebach’s
A sale of this magnitude would be a “He had withdrawn into himself for Institute for Strategy Development not to flaunt their wealth through founder, said. “That shows there is a
spectacular coup for the German art protection, so to speak, but this gave consultancy in Berlin, said the auction big-ticket art purchases in the same great deal of nomadic money in
market, which has long been overshad- rise to an enormous tension, rigour and was an “outstanding” moment for way as their counterparts from other circulation.
owed by its more illustrious competi- strength,” Schultz said. “Beckmann is Germany. countries. “They won’t necessarily buy “Right now, if you have the right art-
tors in New York, London and Paris. one of the great artists of Usually the most valuable German a big painting from [Gerhard] Richter, works, as we have with the Beckmann
Beckmann rose to prominence in the self-portraiture like Dürer, Rembrandt, artworks change hands through for example, and hang it up in their or the [Otto] Dix painting we sold a year
1920s but left Germany in 1937 after the and in the 20th century, Francis Bacon, America or Britain: despite the living room and say: Look, that was ago, with sellers from Paris and Milan
Nazi regime exhibited several of his and that plays a very particular role in country’s rich cultural history and lively €8 million,” he said. and buyers from overseas, it’s going off
paintings at the notorious “degenerate his work.” contemporary art scene, it accounts for The Berlin Wall also played its part, like a rocket, and there really is no
art” show in Munich, an attack on the After Beckmann’s death in 1950 the scarcely 2 per cent of global sales. In a holding back the city’s emergence as a upper limit.”

Top referee ‘unmasked as drug boss’ Refugee who inspired Hanks

Tom Kington Rome
northern Italy, posing as a soldier in
army fatigues to bluff his way through
smuggling marijuauna through check-
points in hearses carrying corpses.
film dies on Paris airport seat
checkpoints during Italy’s Covid lock- In a statement, the association of ref-
A senior official at Italy’s association of down, with his Volvo loaded with drugs, erees said it was “surprised and dis- France writing a diary at his red plastic bench
football referees has been accused of and later boasting: “If you are going to mayed” at discovering D’Onofrio’s ac- in Terminal 1, the airport’s original
Charles Bremner Paris
living a double life as an international do something, you need to do it well.” tivities outside the office. Promoted 1970s building. Staff, who called him Sir
drug trafficker nicknamed “Rambo” He earned the nickname Rambo from the role of regional disciplinary An Iranian who spent 18 years as a Alfred, helped him to subsist. When the
who helped to smuggle tonnes of thanks to the fake uniform; he had boss to national head in March last “castaway” at Paris Charles de Gaulle French relented and gave him refugee
marijuana from Spain and threatened served a short stint in the army but he year, he was also quickly named as the airport, inspiring the film The Terminal, status in 1999, he refused to leave,
to torture his rivals. was dismissed after it emerged that he organisation’s top official. has died on a bench there. saying that Britain, where he had once
The arrest of Rosario D’Onofrio, 42, had faked his qualifications to enlist, in- The embarrassment for the associa- Mehran Karimi Nasseri, 78, suffered studied, could be his only destination.
has sent shockwaves through the vestigators said. tion grew as it emerged D’Onofrio had an apparent heart attack in Terminal After a British film on Nasseri, Steven
National Association of Referees, Charged with funnelling proceeds been caught in May 2020 in possession 2F, after returning recently to the site Spielberg used the story as the basis for
which appointed him last year to run its from drug sales back to suppliers in of 40kg of marijuana and given a two- where he had been marooned 34 years his 2004 feature in which Hanks played
national disciplinary department, Spain, D’Onofrio allegedly set up a year prison sentence. He was under earlier after being refused entry to an eastern European refugee stranded
where he sanctioned misconduct by money-laundering system through a house arrest at the time of his promo- Britain and without papers to remain in at Kennedy airport, New York.
Italy’s top professional referees. Chinese contact in Milan. tion, and was able to attend work meet- Europe. At the time of his death he was In poor mental health, Nasseri was
Magistrates allege he was also a Praised as a tough crook by accom- ings only thanks to permission from a carrying several thousand euros in persuaded to accept medical care in
member of a gang which shipped six plices, he threatened to use electricity judge. The association said that it had cash, French media said. France in 2006 and subsequently lived
tonnes of marijuana from Spain. to torture a member of the gang ac- been kept in the dark by D’Onofrio and A dignified figure who claimed to in a shelter and hotels, thanks to his film
Wiretaps suggest that D’Onofrio cused of stealing profits, one said. was the victim of a “real betrayal” by its have a Scottish mother, Nasseri became earnings.
handled distribution of the drugs in D’Onofrio’s group is also accused of star manager. a media celebrity, giving interviews and
34 Monday November 14 2022 | the times


Ardern’s re-election
challenges facing New Zealand, billow-
ing youth and gang crime in a country
that thinks of itself safer than most has
alarmed many — and much of the
increase have occurred on Ardern’s

hopes risk being watch. Ram raids are up by 500 per

cent. Gun crime in Auckland, the larg-
est city, has increased by more than
50 per cent in a decade, much of it

killed with kindness attributed to the arrival of Australian

biker gangs.
High levels of truancy allied to the
young age of many of the raiders,
New Zealand small-town Mormons (she renounced emboldened by the knowledge that
the faith in her early 20s, favouring youth sentencing laws provided mild
Bernard Lagan Sydney
equal rights for LGBT people) Ardern consequences, have led to widespread
For a year Jacinda Ardern has been made her name on the left when, upon perception that Ardern is soft on crime.
trying to find time to get married — an her sweeping re-election in 2020, she “That’s one of the reasons why
event she now accepts is unlikely before secured New Zealand’s first majority Ardern is becoming unpopular,” Dr
the election due next year. government in 20 years and the world’s Greg Newbold, emeritus professor of
“We had loosely said this summer, most openly gay parliament, and one in criminology at the University of
but then we were just too slow and our which women held half the 120 seats. Canterbury told The Times. “Because
friends are too busy, so we’ve probably Yet two years on her government is this whole kindness thing means
left it a little bit too late,” Ardern, 42, eyeing defeat. One of the nation’s most people can do what the hell they want,
said of her long-delayed plans to marry watched polls this week put Labour especially young offenders. That’s the
the film-maker Clarke Gayford, father support at its lowest since Ardern perception.”
of her daughter Neve Te Aroha, four. became leader, with the real prospect She is also the victim of her own aspi-
“Barring something spontaneous, I that her government will be rejected. ration, having undertaken to defeat
can’t see how that’s going to happen.” Close colleagues have turned against homelessness and lift children out of
It was an uncharacteristically wistful her, notably Winston Peters, a wily Clarke Gayford and Jacinda Ardern may find more time to marry after the election poverty. After promising to build
moment for the usually carefully orga- veteran who was Ardern’s deputy when 100,000 extra state houses for the poor
nised woman who soared from back- his populist New Zealand First Party many areas Labour and the prime min- shippers in 2019 — whilst admirable, — 10,000 by 2021 — the government
room obscurity five years ago to lead formed a coalition with Labour. “Infla- ister’s lack of competence are obvious.” fall short of the harder leadership the had produced a mere 1,366 by July.
the Labour Party into office. Only tion and cost of living rises are not sus- Peters’s views reflect those who nation now needs. “This government Instead, thousands of homeless
seven weeks before that poll, her dispir- ceptible to the prime minister’s pleas for believe the qualities that elevated has squandered political capital failing people are crammed into motels with
ited predecessor pleaded with her to kindness and compassion,” Peters, 77, Ardern internationally — her civility, to understand the Clinton dictum, ‘It’s the government paying the bills, while
take over after a decade in opposition. who has been in parliament for much of empathy and compassion, especially the economy, stupid’, ” Peters said. the numbers of families on housing
The younger daughter of devout, the past 40 years told The Times. “In so after the massacre of 51 Muslim wor- While not matching the economic waiting lists has soared by 400 per cent.

to painters and poets. Today, it is

FROM OUR awash in opulence. On one side
of the pétanque ground is an

CORRESPONDENT estate agency selling a

four-bedroomed house in
the adjoining avenue for
€3.75 million. On the other is an
ultra-chic hotel where the suites
It could be the final throw for a pétanque cost from €690 a night.
Claude Lelouche, the renowned
club in fashionable Montmartre where prince film-maker, lives up the road.
Nevertheless, Liogier insisted
and pauper have been able to rub shoulders that the pétanque club had
remained true to the identity
of a game that is a quintessential
shops across the area. National part of the French identity.
Adam Sage newspapers have taken up the Membership is €70 a year. “It is
issue and a frenzied debate has the one place in Montmartre
PA R I S broken out. Detractors depict the where the unemployed can rub
club as an elitist bastion at odds shoulders with chief executives.”
with the working-class origins of Not everyone agrees, however.
pétanque. Others describe it as La République de Montmartre, a
the defender of popular culture local association founded in the
under attack from Anne Hidalgo, early 20th century to promote
the capital’s socialist mayor. “art, philanthropy and tradition”,
“They have been selling off says that the pétanque pitches are
pétanque pitches all over Paris “essentially reserved for

s the boules rolled and because they need to raise money celebrities. The other people of
the drinks flowed, to pay off the council’s debts,” Montmartre are physically
Maxime Liogier said Liogier, himself a journalist. banned from going in.”
prepared for an Le Claps’s ground is the only The association has asked the
evening of pétanque one left in this bit of northern council for permission to take
at his club on the heights Paris, he said. “If it were to close, over the site, which it says it
of Montmartre in the north I think people would just have to wants to turn into a public
of the French capital. stay at home in front of the square. There would be a
“Pétanque represents the television,” said Nicolas Jammes, vegetable garden, along with
French spirit of sharing and the vice-chairman. dances in the summer and an ice
conviviality,” he said, putting The club is situated on rink in winter. Pétanque would
down a glass of white wine. “It is municipal land off Le continue, although on a
a game everyone can play and Passage de la smaller scale.
which brings everyone together.” Sorcière (Witch’s The council must
In recent weeks, however, Passage), so decide by the
togetherness has been in short called because spring what to
supply in Montmartre following an old lady do, but the
the disclosure that Le Club Lepic used to club’s
Abbesses Pétanque, or Le Clap chase away members are
as it is more commonly known, children warning that
could be expelled from the with her should they
ground it has occupied since 1971. broomstick in lose the right
Given that pétanque is to the the 19th to play
French what village cricket is to century, or so pétanque on
the English, the threat was always the story goes. the site, there
likely to cause consternation. Yet In those days, the will be no respite
feelings have been running area was covered in for the mayor.
particularly high because of the scrubland, although Their determination
club’s status. Not only is it the by the start of the 20th is well known. In 1991,
biggest in Paris, with eight century Montmartre was the Jacques Chirac, then mayor of
pitches and 257 members, but it artistic heart of France, home Paris, tried to build a six-storey
has the highest profile. Posters car park on the land. He backed
warning of an end to pétanque in Le Clap has been a feature of life in down when the pétanque players
Montmartre have appeared in Montmartre for generations chained themselves to trees.
the times | Monday November 14 2022 35

world markets (Friday’s close, change on the week) commodities currencies
FTSE 100 Dow Jones Gold Brent crude (6pm) £/$ £/€
7,318.04 (-16.80) 33,747.86 (+1,344.64) $1,764.68 (+90.32) $ $95.66 (-2.49) $ $1.1795 (+0.0498) $ €1.1414 (+0.0019) ¤
8,000 35,000 2,000 120 1.300 1.300

7,500 32,500 1,800 100 1.200 1.200

7,000 30,000 1,600 80 1.100 1.100

6,500 27,500 1,400 60 1.000 1.000

Oct 14 21 28 Nov 4 11 Oct 14 21 28 Nov 4 11 Oct 14 21 28 Nov 4 11 Oct 14 21 28 Nov 4 11 Oct 14 21 28 Nov 4 11 Oct 14 21 28 Nov 4 11

Britain ‘risks
losing out’ on
green energy
Emily Gosden Energy Editor
Sir Dave Lewis has complained of
“frustratingly slow” talks with the
government over an £18 billion plan to
generate power in the Sahara and cable
it to Britain. The former Tesco chief
executive has warned that the energy
could be routed elsewhere unless
ministers commit to the scheme.
Lewis, 57, is executive chairman of
the Xlinks project to build a 2,400-mile
cable linking new wind and solar farms
in Morocco to Britain, delivering elec-
tricity to seven million homes.
Xlinks says it can complete the
project by 2030 if it gets a contract from
the government next year guarantee-
ing consumers will pay a fixed price of
£48 per megawatt-hour (in 2012
money) for the power it delivers.
Lewis said: “The critical thing for us is
getting a timetable from the govern-
ment so that we can plan the project
around it. There’ll come a point, which
is, if the UK government can’t decide, as
a business we’ll have to think about
what alternatives there are, because
there’s an awful lot of interest in provid-
ing this energy to other countries.” He
said Xlinks had been discussing the
Show time Nicholas Lyons, who is taking a sabbatical from the chairmanship of the FTSE 100 insurer Phoenix Group, became the 694th London Lord Mayor on Saturday project with the government for a year.
A government spokesman said: “We
continue to support more renewable

Bahamas authorities join More sacked

projects and are in early stage discus-
sions with Xlinks about their proposal.”

inquiries on FTX failure by Twitter

Officers look into possible crimes at crypto exchange
Callum Jones
US Business Correspondent
Twitter culled thousands of its con-
tractors at the weekend, according to
Ben Martin, Callum Jones investigate if any criminal misconduct counsel, said on Saturday that “un- Research, Bankman-Fried’s trading reports, a week after halving its full-
occurred”. authorised transactions” had been firm, and FTX after it emerged that time workforce following Elon Musk’s
Police and regulators in the Bahamas On Friday, FTX sent shockwaves identified and that FTX was “investi- Alamada had big holdings of FTT, a $44 billion takeover.
are investigating whether “criminal through the crypto industry by filing for gating abnormalities with wallet coin issued by the exchange. Crypto Some people realised that they no
misconduct occurred” at the FTX Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the movements”. transfers to Alameda were forbidden by longer worked for the social media
cryptocurrency exchange before its United States. It emerged last week that John J Ray III, the restructuring FTX’s terms of service, which reassured group when they struggled to log on to
abrupt implosion. American authorities are investigating. expert who on Friday replaced Bank- users that all of the assets in their its computers.
Sam Bankman-Fried, the American Rumours have swirled about the man-Fried as chief executive, also said accounts would “at all times remain About 4,400 of the company’s 5,500
founder of the group, which is based in whereabouts of Bankman-Fried since the exchange was “co-ordinating with with you and shall not transfer to” its contracted employees were affected by
the Bahamas, was reported by Bloom- the crisis engulfed FTX, prompting the law enforcement and relevant regula- trading business. the cuts, Platformer, the technology
berg to have been interviewed by the 30-year-old to deny that he had left the tors”. Ray is best known for having Concerns about FTX grew after newsletter, reported. Twitter did not
island’s authorities on Saturday. The Bahamas for Argentina. worked on the 2001 bankruptcy of Binance, the world’s biggest crypto respond to a request for comment.
Royal Bahamas Police did not comment There is speculation about unusual Enron, which became embroiled in an exchange, run by Changpeng Zhao, “The thing that’s craziest about
on the report. withdrawals from the exchange, with accounting scandal. Bankman-Fried’s main rival, said it Twitter laying off their contractors one
However, the islands’ police force did hundreds of millions of dollars thought FTX was set up by Bankman-Fried in would sell its FTT holdings, which were week later than their [full-time staff] is
say that, “in light of the collapse of to have been moved off FTX in the 2019 and it quickly became one of the worth more than $500 million. they did it in the exact same way they
FTX globally and the provisional chaos of its bankruptcy, amid concerns world’s biggest crypto exchanges. The A leaked document suggests that were criticised before — by locking us
liquidation of FTX Digital Markets Ltd, that the business may have been business, once worth $32 billion, unrav- FTX had only about $900 million of out instead of telling us we were fired,”
a team of financial investigators from hacked. Nansen, an analytics firm, said elled in spectacular fashion last week liquid assets on the day before its Melissa Ingle, a former data scientist at
the Financial Crimes Investigation there had been $659 million of outflows after users rushed to pull out their bankruptcy and liabilities of almost Twitter, wrote. “They didn’t learn
Branch are working closely with the over 24 hours on Friday and Saturday. money. There had been worries about $9 billion, according to the Financial anything. Or don’t care.”
Bahamas Securities Commission to Ryne Miller, the group’s general the relationship between Alameda Times.
36 Monday November 14 2022 | the times


Need to know
Most ethnic minority groups in
the UK still suffer from a
substantial pay gap compared
Morocco could throw UK a
with white employees, research by
the Institute for Fiscal Studies has
Plans for a subsea Alverdiscott in Devon. Such big ambi-
tions come with a commensurately Out of Africa
found, warning of “clear”
discrimination in Britain’s labour
power link are backed large price tag: £18 billion (already up
from £16 billion when the project was
market. by Sir Dave Lewis, who announced a year ago). “About half of
that is cable.” Yet Lewis claims this cash
tells Emily Gosden
Soundproof holes for otters will be “easy” for the company to raise
and avoiding launches during from private investors, as long as it can
nesting season for seabirds why they are achievable first secure a contract from the govern-
will protect wildlife in the ment guaranteeing that consumers will
Shetland Islands when rockets When Sir Dave Lewis stood down from pay a fixed price for the power it
start blasting off from SaxaVord Tesco in 2020 after six years in charge generates. It’s seeking £48 per mega-
Spaceport, Britain’s first “vertical” of Britain’s biggest supermarket, he watt-hour (in 2012 money), much less
launchpad, next year. wasn’t sure what to do next. “The idea than the £92.50/MWh Hinkley Point C
was to take a year off to reflect on: nuclear deal but higher than the £37.35/

A Japanese company plans to where did I want to try and make a MWh agreed for the latest British off-
become the first private contribution? Where did I want to shore wind projects.
enterprise to do business on spend my time?” Why should Britain pay extra to
the moon, as a mission launches A fortuitous introduction to Simon import wind and solar power from
this month to symbolically “mine” Morrish, the serial entrepreneur, overseas instead of building more gen-
and sell moon dust to Nasa. The yielded the unexpected answer: build- eration at home? According to Lewis,

token fee paid to Ispace for the ing a 2,400-mile power link from
dust will open up a new world of Morocco to Britain.
commercialisation of the moon’s “During the lockdown, he and I
surface. spoke a lot,” Lewis said. “We went for
walks in Richmond Park, he introduced

Chefs are turning to sharing me to the idea. I didn’t know anything at
menus to deter hard-up all about energy at that point. I was ‘The great thing about
customers from cutting back completely captivated by the idea.”
on starters and desserts. Spending The Xlinks project, which Morrish Morocco is there is no
in restaurants has fallen by 14 per founded in 2019, aims to plug Britain
cent, from £25.38 to £21.80 per into the huge green energy potential of intermittency effect’
head, in part because customers north Africa.
are having main courses only. “Morocco is one of the best places in “geographically the North Sea is quite
Cafés report a rise in spending as the world to be generating renewable small. When the wind doesn’t blow, the
more people go out for a coffee energy from, because not only do you wind doesn’t blow. So the intermittency
instead of having a meal. get the sun in the Sahara every day, you effect of renewable energy in our geo-
get the wind in the evening,” Lewis said. graphy is a problem. The great thing

Police and regulators in the He was sufficiently enthralled that he about bringing the energy from
Bahamas are investigating invested personally in the project and Morocco is there is no intermittency
whether “criminal misconduct became its executive chairman. effect. It’s available every day.”
occurred” at the FTX Xlinks aims to build seven gigawatts Unlike Britain’s existing subsea
cryptocurrency exchange before of solar capacity, 3.5 gigawatts of wind power links with Europe, the Moroccan
its implosion. Sam Bankman- and five gigawatts of battery stor- cable would operate in only one
Fried, founder of the group, which age in Morocco’s Guelmim- direction. “This is not an intercon-
is based in the Bahamas, is said to Oued Noun region. Combined, nector, this is a dedicated support
have been interviewed by the Lewis said that should enable it to the UK. It’s not linked to the
authorities this weekend. to reliably deliver about 3.6 gi- Moroccan grid.”
gawatts of electricity — enough Lewis acknowledged that recent

Sir Dave Lewis has to power seven million British attacks on the Nord Stream Rus-
complained of “frustratingly homes — for “on average a sian gas pipelines had height-
slow” talks with the little bit more than 20 ened concern about the
government over an £18 billion hours a day”. resilience of subsea
plan to generate renewable power It plans to transport energy infrastructure,
in Morocco and cable it to Britain. the electricity to Brit- but he said this project Solar, wind and battery
The former Tesco chief executive ain via the world’s was more secure. facilities would be built
has warned that the energy could longest subsea power “[Nord Stream] was at Guelmim-Oued Noun
be routed elsewhere unless link, snaking around laying on the seabed,
ministers commit to the Xlinks the Iberian coastline it wasn’t buried.”
scheme. and past France to Xlinks is intended to 700 metres. “Nobody can give you abso- possible thanks to advances in high-
connect into the comprise two 1.8-gi- lute certainty on any piece of the UK’s voltage direct current (HVDC) cable

A squad set up to recover National Grid at gawatt bipole cable energy infrastructure that it’s com- technology, which loses only about
billions of pounds that were pairs, buried between pletely infallible to a nefarious attack,” 3 per cent of the energy carried over
lost or stolen from Covid Sir Dave Lewis has 80cm and three metres Lewis said. “The more options you give 1,000 kilometres, or 620 miles. Such
support schemes may have invested personally beneath the seabed in a yourself, the more resilient you have it.” cables are in high demand in Europe
damaged recoveries for the in the project typical water depth of Projects such as Xlinks are made and, to prevent a supply shortage de-
exchequer by diverting resources
from better-performing parts of
HM Revenue & Customs, a study
by TaxWatch suggests.
Bosses demand immigration reform Growth is
8 booked in
Boris Johnson’s promise to
“bus back better” with 4,000 Ben Martin, Arthi Nachiappan said: “We need many more pro-growth June and October and based on the
new zero-emission buses has policies for our economy if we’re to responses of 12,000 businesses, includ-
resulted in only 341 being ordered
and six being delivered, a minister
has revealed.
The CBI has told the government that
it risks another decade without growth
if ministers do not pursue contentious
avoid a decade of no growth. A des-
perate lack of workers is inflating wages
and stopping firms growing. Our
ing 1,400 in the UK, asked business
leaders whether their outlook for the
next year had improved or deteriorated
at easyHotel
reforms to immigration and planning planning rules allow local officials to and by how much. Responses are

Shareholders have threatened policy to kick-start the economy. hamper major projects we need. Our weighted based on each business’s Dominic Walsh
to force out Volkswagen’s It says “business fears that the regulatory regime doesn’t do enough to market share to produce a net balance
newest director, a Green government is not willing to make incentivise investment and innovation from -100 to 100, where a negative EasyHotel is aiming to more than
Party politician and cycling tough political choices to get growth and it is far more important to change number represents a negative outlook double in size to 100 hotels by 2026, after
enthusiast, arguing that Julia going in 2023”. that than partisan efforts to simply for the next 12 months. October’s read- a recovery in trading.
Willie Hamburg is “manifestly On Thursday Jeremy Hunt will set repeal EU laws, which won’t make any ing of 4, although positive, is a big drop The budget chain, in which Sir Stelios
unsuited” to overseeing the largest out spending cuts and tax rises. A sur- positive difference to most firms.” from 28 in June and 56 in February. Haji-Ioannou has a 20 per cent stake,
carmaker in Europe. vey from Accenture, the professional The CBI has called for several meas- The survey suggests that 41 per cent has 42 hotels in ten countries and is
services provider, and S&P Global, the ures to be included in Hunt’s autumn of companies expect their output to rise opening a 230-room franchise in the

10 Elon Musk’s efforts to

reassure businesses that
Twitter is safe for their
brands have suffered another
setback after Omnicom, one of the
analytics company, shows that British
business confidence fell to its lowest
level in 13 years in October.
The bosses’ lobby group said it was
likely to be “damaging in the short and
statement, including changes to the
shortage occupation list and to the way
big planning decisions are made.
Accenture and S&P Global said in
their latest sentiment survey that
in the next 12 months and 23 per cent
expect a fall in output. Firms are still
planning to take on staff, but hiring
intentions fell to a two-year low. The
Bank of England expects unemploy-
centre of Madrid by the end of the year.
Karim Malak, easyHotel’s chief exec-
utive, has completed the €145 million
acquisition of eight hotels in the
Benelux region that were franchised to
world’s largest advertising long term” if the chancellor’s tax and optimism about the outlook for next ment to rise above pre-pandemic levels the brand.
agencies, advised clients to spending plans were not accompanied year had fallen to its lowest level since next year after the recession, which is “We have a couple of targets in our
suspend their spending. by supply side reforms. the financial crisis in 2009. expected to start this winter, weakens sights but nothing material right now,”
Tony Danker, its director-general, The poll, conducted in February, demand among companies for workers. he said. “Our investors are very keen to
the times | Monday November 14 2022 37


green energy lifeline The week ahead

Inflation is expected to have peaked
at nearly 11 per cent in October after
energy bills rose by a further 27 per
cent on average. The introduction of
Power generated German backing for Xlinks the government’s £2,500 cap on

10.5 gigawatt UK
A German energy investment
group has become the latest backer
energy prices for the average
household came into force last
month and is expected to knock
of the Xlinks project, which is several percentage points off the
Cost seeking to raise £100 million for the peak of inflation, which previously
Steel used

£18bn 90,000
next stage of its Morocco-to-Britain
power cable plans. Xlinks said it
had formed a “financial and
was expected to exceed 13 per cent
this autumn.
The consumer prices index is
tonnes strategic partnership” with the forecast to have risen from 10.1 per
Battery storage Essen-based con|energy, which cent in September to 10.9 per cent in
capacity Number of solar panels would invest an undisclosed October when the Office for

5 gigawatt 12m multimillion-pound sum.

Con|energy’s existing investments
include ChargePoint, the electric
National Statistics data is released
on Wednesday. Inflation is expected
to remain close to 11 per cent for the
Rising bills for energy are helping to
drive up consumer prices inflation

vehicle charging group, and Levitate remainder of the final quarter money markets’ expectation that
Cable length Number of UK homes powered
Capital, a group founded by Simon before dropping towards 10 per cent interest rates will peak at 5.25 per

7m Morrish, the Xlinks chief executive,
that invests in air mobility, drones
and space technology.
at the beginning of next year. The
Bank of England has forecast that
CPI will fall back to about 5 per cent
cent, a level that officials at the
Bank have warned is unlikely.
Analysts at Pantheon
Number of wind turbines XLinks has already attracted by the end of 2023. Its target is 2 per Macroeconomics forecast a lower

several well-known backers, cent. The central bank’s forecasts peak for CPI at 10.4 per cent in the
including Ian Davis, the former must be taken with a pinch of salt final quarter and 9.3 per cent in the
Rolls-Royce chairman, Michael because they are based on the first three months of 2023.
Liebreich, the founder of Bloomberg
New Energy Finance, and Greg
Jackson, the founder of Octopus tomorrow
Energy, the supplier which itself
invested an undisclosed sum in the After Vodafone agreed year results. Along Interims Gear4Music,
project earlier this year. a multibillion-euro with last week’s James Cropper, Land
deal for its phone Vantage Towers move, Securities, Ninety
masts business with a Nick Read, the chief One, Speedy Hire,
this length around the world in slightly consortium led by two executive, vowed to Vodafone, Wincanton,
different circumstances. I don’t want to private equity firms, consolidate in several Workspace
diminish the challenge of actually investors will be markets, including Finals Imperial
doing it, but we’re not requiring a looking for signs of Britain. Shareholders Brands
technology breakthrough.” progress on its other will be interested in Trading updates:
He said the government of Singapore strategic priorities talks to merge with BAE Systems, Melrose,
had “contracted to link the north when it publishes half- Three UK. Vesuvius
Australian desert to Singapore . . . a very,
very, very similar project to the one
we’re talking about” and that “there are wednesday
already 20-odd different projects which
are being looked at around the world Analysts believe there is the has paid off over the past 18 months
for long-distance renewable inter- prospect for downgrades when as yields have come in, but with
connection”. British Land delivers its half- yields heading out again this is
While talks with the British govern- year results. The share price likely to affect its portfolio,
ment have been “frustratingly slow” would suggest as much, according to Matthew
amid recent political turmoil, Xlinks with the stock at a Saperia, at Peel Hunt,
has been approached by other coun- 50 per cent discount to the broker. He thinks
tries interested in what it may be able to net asset value. “it will be interesting
offer them. Lewis said it would have to Spiralling interest to see” how London
consider alternatives if Britain did not rates spell double performs, given his
commit. jeopardy for expectation that rents
“A lot of countries have woken up to landlords: they make have risen rapidly
the opportunity which exists for long- the cost of servicing enough to offset yield
distance, direct connections with debt more expensive and repricing.
renewable energy sources, which are lead to yields widening, Interims British Land,
railing Xlinks, which will need almost high-tech, green new sector with mas- not just off their border. There are which can dent building values, Castings, CMC Markets,
10,000 miles of cabling, the company sive growth potential,” Lewis said. countries in Europe that are actively especially if rents are stagnant. Experian, Mediclinic, Premier
has created a sister project, XLCC, He insisted the Xlinks cabling project looking for the sort of project we’re CBRE, the property agent, estimates Foods, Renold, Schroder Reit, SSE
which has gained planning consent to was not as risky and ambitious as it may offering the UK government. The commercial property values have Finals Sage
build a new cable manufacturing plant sound, pointing to a 2,000-mile HVDC central question is: does the UK gov- fallen by 5 per cent in three months. Trading updates Hill & Smith,
at Hunterston in Scotland. “This would cable that China has already built ernment want to be at the leading edge British Land’s punt on retail parks Membership Collective
kickstart the UK into a high-growth, above ground. “Cables exist already of of what is happening here?”
expand the brand and will invest in
deals. We’ve established a foothold on
the Continent, but we don’t have
Administrators make millions Burberry has made three changes to
its leadership team in less than a
months to October. The FTSE 250
group’s Winterflood division, which
makes markets in smaller company
enough hotels in the UK.”
Britain is easyHotel’s biggest market,
with a presence in 20 locations, from
at Debenhams as fees increase year and a half, including the
departure of Riccardo Tisci as its
creative director in September.
shares, will be under scrutiny after a
77 per cent collapse in profits last
year as trading volumes dried up.
London to Liverpool. It has 18 fran- Emma Powell that FRP partners’ charges had However, in addition to its There could be news on a plan to
chised hotels and 24 owned or leased. increased from £595 to £695 an hour to boardroom, investors’ attention will optimise the capital structure: in
The group was floated in 2014 but in The administrators of Debenhams have £640 to £740, while a junior profes- be focused on how well the luxury September the group said it was
2020 was taken private and is now made more than £7.2 million in fees sional and support staff rate had risen fashion company is navigating considering issuing debt securities.
79 per cent-owned by ICAMAP Invest- since the department stores chain filed from £175 to £245 to £190 to £260. FRP pandemic restrictions in China, its Interims Burberry, Fuller Smith &
ments and Ivanhoé Cambridge. for insolvency two and a half years ago. told investors in an update that it largest market. The first-quarter Turner, Great Portland Estates,
In an update for the year to the end of FRP Advisory was appointed in April expected to report a 10 per cent lockdowns in China dampened the Halma, Intermediate Capital,
September, easyHotel said trading had 2020 when the retailer went bankrupt increase in revenue for the six months rate of revenue growth to 1 per cent, International Distributions Services,
been strong, with total sales of more for a second time, shortly after lock- to the end of October. but expect revenue of £3.1 billion Investec, Mitie, Syncona
than £62 million and occupancy of downs forced the closure of its stores. It Debenhams first filed for adminis- and pre-tax profit of £578 million for Finals Grainger
between 85 per cent and 90 per cent oversaw the sale of the 200-year-old tration in 2019, which handed control the 12 months to the end of next Trading updates Close Brothers,
over the past two months. department store’s brand and website to a consortium of hedge funds, led by March, up from £2.3 billion and Keller, Kier, Pershing Square,
It said its low price “continues to to Boohoo for £55 million in January Silver Point Capital, Alcentra and £511 million, respectively, the Seraphim Space, Spirax-Sarco,
resonate strongly with customers”, last year. The deal resulted in 12,000 job GoldenTree, while shareholders, in- previous year. Tyman
enabling it to win market share and to losses and 124 store closures. cluding Mike Ashley’s Frasers Group, Close Brothers will give clues as
lift revenue per available room by 37 per New documents show the adminis- were wiped out. According to the new to how small and medium-sized
cent on its owned and leased estate, trator received an additional £1.9 mil- report, the hedge funds have received business borrowers are faring. The friday
ahead of the 10 per cent growth of its lion in remuneration between April £315 million in the administration merchant banking group reported a
competitors. Malak, 45, said the group and October this year, taking the total process so far. Unsecured creditors — small rise in bad debts in the year to Interims Bank of Cyprus, Liontrust
had benefited from “an element of fees received since 2020 to almost including local authorities, HM Reve- July and analysts will be watching Asset Management, Nationwide
trading down from four-star hotels” £7.3 million. FRP declined to comment. nue & Customs and pension schemes for further deterioration in the three Building Society
by consumers. The administrators’ report reveals — are unlikely to receive any return.
38 Monday November 14 2022 | the times


Taxman’s Covid
fraud squad will
leave billions in
hands of crooks
James Hurley with additional funding of £100 million
to form a team of 1,250 people, but posts
A squad set up to recover billions of were filled by people from within
pounds that were lost or stolen from HMRC. The tax authority said the
Covid support schemes may have funding had allowed “us to replace the
damaged recoveries for the exchequer tax experts [who were] moved on to
by diverting resources from better- tackling support scheme fraud”.
performing parts of HM Revenue & TaxWatch said the taskforce had a
Customs. lower return on investment than other
The Taxpayer Protection Taskforce, parts of HMRC, “suggesting that di-
set up by Rishi Sunak in March 2021 verting staff for this work may not have
when he was chancellor, will not been the best” use of limited resources.
recover at least £3.3 billion paid to After a downward revision, fraud and
criminals or ineligible claimants when error losses across the three schemes
it winds down next year, according to a are expected to be about £4.5 billion.
study by TaxWatch. The taskforce is expected to recover up
The report relates to three pandemic to £625 million, on top of £536 million
schemes: the furlough scheme; the self- saved before its creation, leaving more
employment income support scheme; than £3.3 billion outstanding. minister had committed launched a £3 billion The zero-emission buses
TaxWatch, an investigative think
tank, also highlighted a lack of “serious
Only six of to deliver 4,000 zero-
emission buses, only half
national bus strategy. Of
that, more than
were to end diesel pollution

The amount of Covid support cash paid
in error or claimed by fraudsters
consequences” for most of those found
to have abused the schemes, with civil
and criminal penalties levied in only a
very few cases. The group said there
was “very little deterrent”.
4,000 buses
are delivered
a dozen have entered
service under his scheme.
Ahead of the autumn
statement this week, the
Confederation of
£500 million was set aside
to put thousands of
emission-free buses on
the road. However,
ministers confessed last
its National Bus Strategy
promises to build back
greener, minimise
pollution and tackle
congestion that clogs up
Alex Dunnagan, TaxWatch’s acting Passenger Transport, the week that under the our towns and cities,” the

director, said: “Billions of pounds are oris Johnson’s trade body for the bus terms of that funding only confederation said.
and the Eat Out to Help Out pro- outstanding. It should be a government multibillion-pound industry, is urging the a handful had entered The trade body insisted
gramme. priority to get this money back.” promise to “bus chancellor not to park service. After a its demands were not an
By the time the taskforce closes, it Dame Margaret Hodge, who was back better” has previous funding parliamentary question, example of another sector
will have collected less than a quarter of chairwoman of the Commons’ public been left stuck in the commitments for the Richard Holden, a with its hand out for
the money lost to fraud and error across accounts committee, said: “We must depot, with thousands of sector just as the transport minister, taxpayer funding, but
the programmes, TaxWatch estimated. bring through legislation to provide green vehicles government has shelved conceded that of the were an attempt to hold
It questioned whether the specialist HMRC with the long-term resourcing undelivered or even Johnson’s plan for a new money set aside, 40 per the government to
taskforce had harmed HMRC’s recov- and powers it needs to deter would-be unordered and with Great British Railways cent remained account for promises it
ery efforts by diverting staff from “other fraudsters and tax cheats, who will look congestion in towns and public body to oversee unallocated; of the has made to end urban
more lucrative recovery work, reducing at this and think that they can get away cities worse than it was train transport. ambition to get 4,000 diesel pollution, alleviate
overall compliance yield”. More than with murder.” before the pandemic, the Eighteen months ago, zero-emission buses on road congestion with
half of recoveries from investigating The tax authority said that moving passenger transport Johnson and Grant the road, only 341 had funding for prioritised
the Covid schemes had come from coronavirus scheme recovery work industry has warned Shapps, his transport been ordered. bus routes and to deliver
HMRC teams that pre-date creation of into “business-as-usual” compliance (Robert Lea writes). secretary who is now the “The government needs its net zero commitments
the taskforce, the report said. activity from next year will be more While the former prime business secretary, to get back on board with on passenger transport.
The taskforce was created last year efficient.

House prices hold up despite the storm Prosecutors seek 15 years

Tom Howard Rent bills at new record bidding wars, but now they’re back in
more familiar territory and pricing
in jail for Theranos chief
Even amid darkening economic clouds right first-time is even more critical to
and predictions of a sharp slowdown in Renters are spending more of their securing a quick sale,” Tim Bannister, Callum Jones However, the group closed in 2018 after
the housing market, people selling their monthly pay packets on their Rightmove’s director of data, said. US Business Correspondent questions were raised over the capa-
homes are not cutting their asking accommodation than ever before, The average asking price on Right- bility of its technology and the relia-
prices by as much as some industry with rents having hit another record move is 7.2 per cent higher than it was in Elizabeth Holmes should spend 15 bility of its tests following a series of
experts had expected. high in October (Tom Howard November last year, but that represents years in prison, prosecutors have said, articles in The Wall Street Journal. It
The average asking price of a prop- writes). a slowdown from this spring, when the as the Theranos founder’s family and had used widely available commercial
erty coming on to the market has fallen The average rent on a newly let figure was in double digits. Over the friends pleaded for leniency before her machines for many tests and some
by 1.1 per cent, or just over £4,000, this home in Britain rose to £1,204 per past month, 8 per cent of unsold prop- sentencing on Friday. medical practitioners raised alarm over
month, according to Rightmove. calendar month, according to the erties on the site have had their prices Supporters of the entrepreneur, the accuracy of results. Holmes, 38, was
Asking prices have fallen in every latest lettings index from Hamptons, trimmed, double the number that were convicted of defrauding investors and convicted in January after a four-
region, with those in Wales, where the the estate agent. It means tenants reduced in the same period of 2021 but conspiracy while running the defunct month trial in California.
property market has been particularly are paying £80 a month — or £960 a comparable with the 7.5 per cent of blood-testing group, have urged a judge Prosecutors wrote: “Considering the
strong in the past two years, dipping by year — more than they were this reductions in October 2019. The to look beyond what they described as extensiveness of Holmes’s fraud, the
3 per cent. time last year. number of people looking to buy is a “mocked and vilified” caricature. sentencing factors support a sentence
In October, asking prices of proper- The pace of rental growth down 20 per cent versus a year ago but Her lawyers called for a sentence of of 180 months’ imprisonment, as it
ties on Rightmove’s online property stabilised somewhat over the is 4 per cent above 2019 levels. 18 months or less, citing statements would reflect the seriousness of the
portal tipped over £371,000 for the first summer and into autumn. Average Prices were driven higher in the past from relatives, friends and allies des- offences, promote respect for the law,
time ever, but the average has now rents were 7.1 per cent higher year- two years by the shortage of homes up cribing “Liz”, a mother and business- provide for just punishment for the of-
dropped back to £367,000. However, on-year in October, the fifth for sale, which could not satisfy de- woman who had made mistakes but fences, and deter Holmes and others.”
this fall is in line with what Rightmove consecutive month of single-digit mand. However, there are now 13 per who had endured years of inaccurate Holmes also should pay “full restitu-
typically would expect in November increases after rental growth peaked cent more sellers coming to market and negative depictions in the media. tion” of almost $804 million to inves-
before the pandemic erupted. In pre- at 11.5 per cent in May. than there were last autumn, though Theranos, once a fêted Silicon Valley tors in Theranos, they added, citing
coronavirus years, sellers would put there remain more would-be buyers start-up, was valued at $9 billion at its Walgreens Boots Alliance and Safeway.
their homes on the market at lower than available houses. peak after receiving hundreds of Other investors included the Walton
prices in an effort to tempt would-be triggered by a lockdown-induced “race Some economists have predicted millions of dollars from investors. family, heirs of the Walmart founder,
buyers in the run-up to Christmas. for space”. that, in the face of soaring mortgage Founded in 2003, it promised to revolu- and Rupert Murdoch, executive chair-
Rightmove said the market was “During the market frenzy, many rates and a looming recession, house tionise healthcare with technology that man of News Corp, ultimate owner of
becoming “more normal” after two agents said they had to rip up the rule- prices will fall by 15 per cent, perhaps it said needed only a few drops of blood newspapers including The Wall Street
years of “exceptional” price growth book on valuing properties due to more, over the next year or so. to conduct hundreds of medical tests. Journal and The Times.
the times | Monday November 14 2022 39


Mark Littlewood Rishi Khosla

We can do more to bring
Why is there a reluctance to scrap EU technology companies to
laws that could land a Brexit dividend? list on the London market

Yesterday Jeremy in any sensible fashion. are near-impossible for economic s a high-growth previous 25 per cent minimum, was a
Hunt, observed, to When we finally exited the EU, the modelling to capture. However, it is technology business, a step in the right direction; as was its
the surprise of no decision was made to transpose all of surprising that politicians attracted to question OakNorth is decision to allow a “targeted form”
one, that the the legacy EU-based legislation and the possibilities of liberalisation have often asked is: “Where of dual-class share structure within
economy was in rules into domestic law. The reasoning been so reticent in at least suggesting would we list if we were to premium listing segments, which
“choppy waters”. The chancellor’s went that individuals and businesses some areas of possible reform. go public?” While we have no plans gives company founders more
analysis is bleak not only in that it must not face a cliff-edge of regulatory One area is in the labour market. at present to list, the location is control over big decisions. But we
signals an intention to increase taxes uncertainty. Having got used to a The Agency Workers Directive was something I’ve discussed with need to go further.
this week but also because it certain modus operandi over several opposed by the UK government under numerous tech chief executives and If the government and
underscores the fact we have now decades, the rulebook simply couldn’t David Cameron. There has been no co-founders. policymakers want more technology
spent 15 years in which the be torched at one minute past explicit change in Conservative policy London is having a tough time companies to list here, they need to
metaphorical economic weather has midnight on the day of our departure. since then, yet the rule (providing convincing technology companies to do a few more things. First, they
been choppy at best and a full-blown In more sotto voce terms, it was agency workers with employment list here, as shown most recently by must get the growth investors to the
tsunami at worst. suggested we would then look through rights more akin to permanent the Cambridge-based Arm Holdings. UK to understand the strength of the
Each government seems destined to these inherited laws and decide which employees) remains in place. Perhaps The main challenges we’ve identified tech ecosystem at first hand and to
inherit a worse situation that its to scrap, which to amend and which to it doesn’t need to be removed in its are that while Britain offers lower meet some of the companies that
predecessor. Deteriorating public keep to best suit our needs as an entirety, but surely we cannot believe costs and lower securities litigation, could list in the future. Second, they
finances, higher taxes and sluggish or independent country. it is perfectly framed and worded for as well as more certain price could consider a study into what
even negative economic growth have That now seems like a process that the prevailing conditions in the discovery, the American market has factors are driving the higher “price
become the new normal. Permanent isn’t ever going to get off the contemporary UK labour market? much more depth and liquidity and, multiple” premiums in the US and
short-term crisis management is now launchpad. Rather than going through The General Data Protection crucially, the growth investors that find ways to import that to the UK.
the standard mode of governing. the process of working through EU Regulation, which seeks to deal with the UK is lacking. In fact, Britain has Third, they could look at how to
We can’t expect our politicians regulations line-by-line, the privacy rights and data-handling, been able to generate only a few true make the first couple of years less
always to be able to magic away the impression given is that we will shrug bears down on business efficiency. onerous for new initial public
consequences of a global pandemic or our shoulders and tacitly admit such a Once again, this doesn’t mean it needs offerings, so that businesses can ease
a war that causes an international task isn’t worth the candle. Devout to be immediately incinerated, but into life as a public company.
energy crisis. However, we might Remainers who believe the European could its broad aims be accomplished London is a city in a league of its
expect them to make a better fist of Union had perfected a state of by redrafting or relaxing it? The own: it’s a thriving tech hub, home to
seizing opportunities that present regulatory nirvana might be content powers-that-be seem largely a global finance centre with an
themselves, even in sub-optimal with such an outcome, but it seems a uninterested in even addressing the enviable reputation as a beacon for
circumstances. Nowhere has this curious approach to be taken by those question. The plethora of rules strong regulation. Britain has so
failure been so stark as in the strange who railed against costly and introduced since the banking crisis much to offer: world-class research
story of the almost complete absence inefficient intervention from Brussels. may have had the intention of making universities (four of the world’s top
of a so-called Brexit dividend. They now seem to be implying that the financial services sector more ten universities are here); forward-
Some of those who voted Remain in none of this interference was costly secure, but has it had such an effect? thinking regulators with an open
the 2016 referendum will consider or inefficient enough to make it No one seems much bothered in approach to innovation; a strong
such a dividend to be an illusion. They worth changing. finding out. framework of common law and a
often make the case that leaving the The consequence, for those of us Perhaps the fault does not lie wholly common language; and a timezone
European Union was always going to who believe at least some EU rules with politicians. As Jacob Rees-Mogg that allows true global operations.
be damaging and a coterie of them were injurious, is that each noted recently, when he was business London boasts a thriving technology The result is that the UK has created
already yearn for a future government government is handing on to the next secretary he was told that the process sector and a global financial centre more technology unicorns than any
reattaching us to the EU bloc. a regulatory regime that it surely of reviewing a mere 318 inherited other country, bar America and
However, even if you take the gloomy believes to be sup-optimal. The vicious European Union rules would take 370 growth investors, including asset China, and is a world leader in terms
view that Brexit was always bound to circle of slow growth requiring higher civil servants a full year. managers such as Baillie Gifford. of attracting investment. We are, as
be a net negative, there are still taxes to meet huge public spending is Whether through a lack of political Rishi Sunak has made clear his Kemi Badenoch, the international
grounds to be frustrated that the UK therefore reinforced. will or bureaucratic intransigence or ambitions to make London a top trade secretary, put it recently,
has failed to mitigate its departure by Those who are sceptical that there both, we appear unwilling even to listing location for technology “Europe’s unicorn capital” and it is
using some of the economic could be gains from a rollback attempt to find a regulatory Brexit businesses: in 2020, our new prime vital that growth investors see this.
tools that it now has of inherited European dividend. Although critics will say the minister gave Lord Hill of Oareford With new leadership, an economic
available. regulation often short-lived Truss administration the task of carrying out an downturn that means fewer
As for those on the demand a list of seemed determined to head for the independent review of the UK’s companies are listing in the short
Leave side of the which regulations raging rapids, the choppy waters the listing arrangements. In September term and hundreds of billions of
divide, they must be would be repealed new chancellor faces as he delivers his 2021, he hosted Treasury Connect to dollars being wiped off the market
scratching their and the precise autumn statement on Thursday are meet technology leaders and discuss values of US-listed tech businesses,
heads that, having benefits that unlikely to be much more tranquil in their needs and, a month later, there’s an opportunity for the

decided to “take supposedly the years ahead. The height of the announced the UK Secondary country to take stock and
back control”, would accrue. captain’s ambition Capital Raising Review. see what can be done to make
there appears to The second of appears to be to keep Meanwhile, the Financial Conduct London more attractive for growth
be little appetite these is hard to the boat afloat, not Authority announced listings rule investors. If policymakers can get
for using any of this provide in to find a way to changes to boost growth and this right, the technology companies
new-found control concrete terms as a increase its speed. innovation in UK stock markets. Its will inevitably follow.
more deregulated move to allow firms to freely float
Regulations drafted in economy unleashes Mark Littlewood is director-general only 10 per cent of their share capital Rishi Khosla is co-founder and chief
Brussels still exist on the dynamic and of the Institute of Economic Affairs. when they go public on the London executive of OakNorth, a London-based
UK statute book entrepreneurial forces that Twitter: @MarkJLittlewood Stock Exchange, compared with the bank and financial technology investor
40 Monday November 14 2022 | the times


VW investors try to bin Green ‘car hater’

Oliver Moody Berlin endorsed her party’s opposition to the wagen and local politics goes back to parties of the establishment whose appear to clash with other directors.
construction of new motorways. the aftermath of the Second World interests have broadly aligned with One potentially flashpoint is VW’s
Shareholders have threatened to try to The German Shareholders’ Protec- War. In 1949 the outgoing British Volkswagen’s. However, after an elec- dependence on China, which accounts
force out Volkswagen’s newest director, tion Association, which represents the military administration initially tion last month the Social Democrats for about 40 per cent of its global sales.
a Green Party politician and cycling interests of 7,000 investor groups, said it handed control of the company to the now govern the state in coalition with Last year, while she was still leader of
enthusiast, arguing she is “manifestly was considering a legal challenge to her state of Lower Saxony, where Volks- the Greens, which made Hamburg the opposition, Hamburg and her
unsuited” to overseeing the largest car- appointment. Ulrich Hocker, the wagen is biggest employer and has its deputy chief minister and education Green colleagues criticised the com-
maker in Europe. association’s president, told the Neue headquarters at Wolfsburg. When it minister as well as propelling her on to pany’s involvement in Xinjiang, a west-
Julia Willie Hamburg, 36, was ap- Osnabrücker Zeitung newspaper that, was reprivatised in 1960, the regional the Volkswagen board. ern province of China where author-
pointed to the group’s supervisory board as an opponent of the car industry government clung on to a big stake and It is unclear how she plans to ap- ities have brutally persecuted the local
by the German state of Lower Saxony, charged with helping to guide its big- to two of the twenty seats on the more proach the job. She has not made any Uighur population. Their statement
which holds 20 per cent of the shares gest manufacturer, Hamburg faced an powerful half of its two-tier board comments on Volkswagen since taking said Volkswagen’s controversial joint
with voting rights. “insoluble conflict of interest”. Bild, system. up the post last week, but her defenders manufacturing venture in the region
Since dropping out of a political another newspaper, has campaigned Traditionally, these posts have been argue she could try to accelerate its had “helped the Chinese leadership to
science and philosophy degree, she has against her, describing her as a “car- held by senior state ministers from the existing green agenda, including its downplay its violence against the
spent her career in regional politics. hater” with no grasp of numbers. Christian Democratic Union and the pivot towards electric vehicles. Uighurs” and this was something “no
She does not drive and has publicly The relationship between Volks- Social Democratic Party, the two There are issues where her views German company should connive in”.

Elon Musk must “regain
control” of the network’s
Auditors’ body
‘unsafe to
environment, a big
advertising agency says cashes in on
advertise Twitter until it could
“prove it has
record fines
brands’ reintroduced
safeguards to an Tom Howard
acceptable level and

lon Musk’s has regained control The accountancy regulator has fined
efforts to of its environment”. auditors a record £33.3 million in the
reassure Musk, meanwhile, is past year, almost half of which went the
businesses that set to defend his Institute of Chartered Accountants in
Twitter is safe for their record $56 billion pay England and Wales.
brands have suffered package at Tesla in The Financial Reporting Council
another setback after court this week. His fined PwC £5 million for failings in its
one of the world’s remuneration as chief audits of Kier and Galliford Try, the
largest advertising executive of the construction companies, as well as
agencies advised automotive group imposing a £1.5 million fine for Grant
clients to suspend amounts to the Thornton for failing to apply “profes-
their spending “largest compensation sional scepticism” when signing off the
(Callum Jones writes). grant in human accounts of Mike Ashley’s Sports
Omnicom, an history”, lawyers for Direct empire.
American marketing an investor argue. The total was 77 per cent more than
conglomerate with Lawyers for Musk the £18.7 million the previous year, data
more than 5,000 insisted his pay from Thomson Reuters Confirmation
corporate clients, package, put in place shows. The tally differs from the FRC’s
warned of the risk to in 2018, has driven total as they track different periods. In
companies’ public extraordinary returns its annual report, for the year to the end
profiles on the social for other Tesla of March, the FRC fined accountancy
network. They should shareholders by firms a record £46.5 million.
halt activity there “in were given “verified” the actual business experimenting with an that the risk to our setting “demanding” The biggest fine issued over the past
the short term”, it status for a fee of $8 a was forced to clarify “official” mark for clients’ brand safety terms for the tycoon. year was of £14.4 million to KPMG for
recommended. month after fake that it was not. paying advertisers. has risen sharply to a The trial starts today forging documents in connection with
Changes to Twitter accounts took Musk, 51, said this In a memo entitled level most would find at Delaware’s court of its audit of Carillion. That fine, along
after Musk’s advantage. When a weekend that Twitter’s “Twitter — continued unacceptable”. chancery, where with £515,000 of penalties given to
$44 billion takeover newly verified account subscription service brand safety The company, which Musk’s lawyers spent individuals in the case, all went to the
have caused problems posing as Eli Lilly, the would “probably” concerns”, obtained by has clients including months wrangling ICAEW, the accountants’ trade body.
for companies. Twitter pharmaceuticals return at the end of The Verge technology Apple and with Twitter as he The scheme that allows for the ICAEW
was forced to pause a group, tweeted that the week. The website, Omnicom McDonald’s, advised sought to withdraw to collect the fines, highlighted by The
scheme in which users “insulin is now free”, platform has been described “evidence “pausing activity” on from his takeover. Times, has been criticised by the body’s
members and politicians.
42 Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Business Times Enterprise Network

Start-up gains momentum

at manoeuvring satellites
A physicist and an peration Get It Up, a tiny
plasma-based power
Harwell science campus in south
T engineer have been system providing
propulsion to a small
Operation Get It Up’s successor, So
Much for Subtlety, will be five times
industry propelled into the space cube satellite, will sit on as powerful. In the pipeline is Look
top of a Falcon 9 SpaceX rocket due What You Made Me Do, which
race just as costs fall, to be launched next month. should be five times more powerful
It has been designed by engineers again, firing 100 plasma shots a
Richard Tyler reports at the start-up Magdrive, based at the second and shifting ever heavier
satellites and service vehicles around.
Fans of the Iain M Banks sci-fi
series about a utopia of humanoid
races, called The Culture, will
recognise that the nomenclature
echoes that given by Banks to the AI
minds driving his starships.
Thomas Clayson, a plasma physicist
who turned 31 yesterday, and his
co-founder, Mark Stokes, 32, a
mechanical and machine-learning
engineer, believe that their hardware
can support even bigger spacecraft.
They are having talks with Rolls-
Royce about using small nuclear
reactors to power future “mega-
Magdrive” thrusters, which could
propel asteroid-mining vehicles.
It is all quite a leap from the
1,400 sq ft engineering lab that the
11-strong team occupies. It is decked
out with Lego Star Wars spaceships,
including a half-finished Millennium
Falcon, alongside expensive kit that
allows them to replicate the vacuum
of space.
Magdrive is one of a growing
number of UK space start-ups that
are gaining momentum as the cost of
launching craft into space falls and
commercial interest grows. It is
focused on improving the propulsion
systems used by spacecraft when they
are in space. Chemical propulsion is
still required to generate the lift to
escape the Earth’s gravitational pull.
Once there, though, either chemical
or electric thrusters are typically used
to help craft and satellites maintain
their orbit, move around and,
increasingly, avoid collisions.
The company’s thrusters draw in
power from solar panels, stored so
that they can be discharged at a Mark Stokes, left, and Thomas Clayson
higher power to ionise a metal
propellant to create a plasma that is them the ability repeatedly to
high-temperature and high-density. rendezvous in space, manage satellite
The plasma is confined, accelerated constellations and avoid space junk.
and directed using magnetic fields Both self-declared “big nerds”
and the end result is an efficiently during their teenage years, Stokes
generated and powerful thrust. studied classics at Warwick University
“We essentially fire thousands of after being put off physics by his
plasma bullets to achieve the push,” schoolteachers: “They were not
Stokes said. “The whole point of using inspiring at all.” But he loved
a metal propellant is to have the same technology and decided to take on
efficiency as electric systems have, mechanical engineering and a maths
but to give them a hundred-fold degree via the Open University, while
improvement in thrust.” holding down a bar job and an
Lessons are learnt and fixed with internship. “For four months I was
each stage of the component designs, doing 110-hour weeks, before I burnt
typically completed during three- out,” he said.
month sprints of work. For example, He met Clayson at Imperial
Stoke said: “When you ionise a metal College, where Stokes did an MSc in
into a plasma you need to make sure biomedical engineering. Clayson had
that it doesn’t just create a messy gone straight into exploring
layer of stuff over your internal astrophysics and gained a PhD in
electronics. This is a system that is plasma laboratory astrophysics —
designed to do hundreds of millions “Basically blowing up things with
of shots over its lifetime. You can’t pulsed power to re-recreate
have any build-up of any kind of supernovas on a tiny scale” — before
metal material whatsoever.” working on fusion power.
The test flight next month is to The co-founders did not follow the
show that the Magdrive can function traditional university spinoff route to
in space as part of a power system; if set up Magdrive. Clayson had the idea
they can move the small satellite a of using a strong magnetic field to
little that would be a bonus. “Our first contain a large amount of plasma and
units out the door have to show off,” use it to launch a rocket. They spotted
Stokes said. They hope that Magdrive a grant application from the
will help to power the large number European Space Agency and
of small satellites scheduled for although they were not selected the
launch over the next decade, giving 50-page application provided the
the times | Monday November 14 2022 43

Rare chance
to recruit
Offering a human
tech talent connection is key
Hannah Prevett
Businesses have a “rare opportunity” to
hire tech talent after job cuts at the
American giants Meta, Twitter and
to brand success
Salesforce and UK start-ups, the boss of transition once I was able to power
a specialist recruitment firm has said. Susie Ma up production. It mimicked my
Logan Naidu, founder of Kernel market days and meant I could
Group, which owns the recruitment maintain a business that prized
agency Dartmouth Partners, said it was personal relationships while
the “perfect time” to recruit. “You don’t retaining the trustworthy and “Give
get these windows of opportunity very first” approach that’s become a
often,” he said. brand differentiator. I launched this
Meta, the parent company of Face- business model because I knew my

book and Instagram, said last week that ou can’t sell products ambassadors could offer the same
it was cutting 11,000 jobs, including without people, and in my personal touch and create a
about 650 in the UK. Twitter, Sales- experience the bigger the burgeoning customer base.
force and Stripe have shed thousands of business the less emphasis Tropic ambassadors generate
staff. Fintech firms such as Klarna and is placed on people. sales by bringing people together.
Revolut are also cutting back. Internet shopping has meant a more They share the products at social
Edward East, founder of Billion impersonal experience is taking gatherings where customers can try
Dollar Boy, an influencer agency that precedence over our human need at before they buy, and are trained so
employs 140 people in London, New work and as consumers for they can recommend the right ones
York and New Orleans — said: “I know connection. to individuals. They’re encouraged
10 or 15 people who are incredibly good Anyone who’s worked on a market to get personal, to know their
at what they do who have just been laid knows its uniqueness: small customers intimately, so they always
off from Meta because their roles businesses heading out whatever the select the right products for them.
weren’t revenue-generating, but they weather to set up their stalls. Their It’s this close connection that has
would be fantastic additions for us.” businesses survive through their seen 50 per cent of customers who
One person in particular had caught face-to-face interactions and by purchased through a Tropic
his eye. “I definitely want to hire her but building direct bonds with browsers. ambassador on our website return to
I also recognise that you have to be I launched my beauty brand on shop again, versus 30 per cent of
really cautious about immediately the back of a homemade body scrub direct customers. These touchpoints
saying, ‘Hey, come and join us’ because I sold at Greenwich market and have a massive impact on overall
they’ve just lost their job and this is not learnt quickly that while my product trade; ambassadors’ sales make up
an easy time for them.” pitch pulled the people in, it wasn’t 95 per cent of our business — the
Bet365, the online sports gambling what made them stay. The beauty personable, personalised and
business that is Stoke’s biggest private industry is competitive. Creating a personal ambassador shopping
sector employer, is also alive to the strong customer connection and experience has steered Tropic’s
opportunities. Dan Myatt, who mana- ensuring that my product and I are success.
ges recruitment for its 1,700-strong trusted is paramount. I developed a Not every business model has this
technology division, said: “It could free whole routine. I’d offer people a free vehicle for closeness, and Tropic has
up some relevant skills. Companies like treatment: a scoop of my its own community of

[Meta] have also extended the salary scrub to massage into organic customers too.
bandings quite dramatically. People their hands. They’d We use Trustpilot, so
have been highly paid for minimal wash off the salts in a our product reviews are
years of experience so it could be a
shock to the system.”
bowl of water and feel
the softness of their skin
You can’t open and honest; our
collections boast either a
He said that despite the economic
slowdown the group was not holding
from the nourishing
plant oils. I’d pour out
just list a free gift or a saving; we
work with Provenance
back its recruitment drive, with 243
roles open in its technology team.
the water and present
them with the dead skin
product on and invest in clinical
data for proven results
Naidu said the current job cuts were
likely to be just a first wave. “Typically
cells at the bottom. The
result was so
your website and backed-up claims;
we publish gender and
of Magdrive are developing the next generation of space propulsion systems
what happens in a cycle like this is that
a lot of the talent that’s first out gets jobs
transformative I had no
problem making a sale.
and expect racial equality reports
and well-researched

nudge they needed. They set up industry, despite the country’s

on a similar salary level,” he said. “If
there are further cuts that happen then
Customers like to “try
before they buy”. It’s not
the sales to articles about ingredient
sourcing. All help to
Magdrive in 2019, starting at a
laboratory at the Westcott Venture
ambitions and planned launch this
month in Cornwall. “The capacity
you’ve got a bigger pool of unemployed
people to pick from and so it goes back
enough to list a product
on your website and
pour in nurture a tightness to
our brand — customers
Park in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, here will allow us to do more in-orbit to being a buyers’ market.” expect the sales to pour know who we are and
before moving to Harwell. demonstrations and our R&D is going in. Trust is key – people are not only that we care deeply about giving
They have raised £2 million in to continue in the UK, for sure,” purchasing goods, they’re buying them the information they need to
venture capital, plus about £4 million Stokes said. “But we are selling to About TEN into your brand. They need to make informed purchases (plus, a
in grant funding. Their lead investor satellite operators, so manufacturing believe both are worth it. People little something on us for that added
is Founders Fund, an early backer of will be done in the US. It’s where the didn’t just blind purchase my scrub, special touch). We ensure that a
SpaceX and Facebook, and they are in
regular contact with its principal,
bulk of the customer base is,
including the US government. And to
6 See Times Enterprise they had to try it first. My modus
operandi in business has always
personalised experience stretches to
our website, with build-your-own-
Delian Asparouhov. He also happens be honest, the UK is not a great place Network online for been “Give first” and it remains one collections and a “skincare routine
to be the cofounder of the American to manufacture high-value items and of Tropic’s values. Giving shows you finder” to help customers find the
company Varda, which is building then ship them out.” daily news, insights care beyond profit and helps foster right products. And a 30-day
factories to operate in space. Magdrive is to move into a and inspiration for bonds to your product and brand. happiness guarantee means they can
Connections like that open doors. 4,500 sq ft unit this month and will Connection cultivates return goods for refund or exchange
Stokes said he would recommend any have Thales Alenia Space as a entrepreneurs and commitment, and a committed if they didn’t live up to expectations.
UK hardware company to tap friendly neighbour. The engineering customer base cultivates success. People should be the very heart of
American investors. “They are far less giant’s satellite propulsion and design business leaders Offering that free hand treatment business. Brand owners need to have
risk-averse,” he said. “So they invest teams are already providing allowed customers not only to touchpoints with customers at every
for far less equity.” The pandemic, he mentoring and tech assistance. 6 Sign up for the experience the results that I’d waxed level. This January, I’ll be taking
added, had made it just as easy to get “The potential for a manned weekly TEN newsletter lyrical about in my pitch first hand; Tropic across the UK to speak
on a call with an American investor spacecraft is definitely on the it also gave them a moment of directly to my customers. To tell
as with a British one. horizon,” Clayson said. to receive the inside indulgence and time to get them the brand story, to allow them
Capital is vital as revenues will not Stokes added: “It’s very scalable acquainted with me too. It was a to feel as close as they can to Tropic.
start flowing until early 2025 from technology. By drawing in more track on key issues well-oiled machine that made my To share how our success relies on
hardware sales to potential customers, power and storing more power and facing growing scrubs a sell-out. The more time I social connection and the ways our
such as Varda or Planet, a US firm discharging it more rapidly, we can spent with my customers — the ambassadors are the driving force,
that has launched 450 satellites that build a much larger Magdrive.” businesses, delivered to more I treated them and the better I offering customer care not for a
capture data on Earth, and Clayson added: “We are looking got to know them — the more I “demographic” but to individuals.
Astroscale, an orbital debris-removal towards the lunar economy and your inbox every could tailor my pitch to the things
and satellite-servicing company based asteroids.” Wednesday morning that mattered to them. All were Susie Ma, 34, is the founder and CEO
in Japan. Humanoid utopia beckons: Banks’s invaluable for attracting returning of Tropic Skincare, which had profits
The pair believe that there are gigantic “general control unit” faces who spread the word about my before interest, tax and other
limitations to how much the UK will spacecraft Lightly Seared On The product, and business boomed. charges of £12 million on sales of
benefit from the growth of the space Reality Grill would be proud. Direct selling was a natural £90.6 million in 2021
44 Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Business Equity prices

Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly
(million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

Automobiles & parts v v v

v v v

v v v

Banking & finance v v


v v

v v v v

v v
v v v
v v

v v v
v v

Consumer goods
v v
v v

v v v

v v v


Investment companies v
Mkt cap Price Wkly Forecast Mkt cap Price Wkly Forecast v
(million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E



v v

v v


v v
v v
v v

v v

v v

v v v

v v



Construction & Engineering v

v v

v v
v v

v v

v v v
the times | Monday November 14 2022 45

Equity prices Business

Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly
(million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

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v v
Industrials v
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Leisure v v v
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the times | Monday November 14 2022 47

Founding member of the

Clash and Public Image Ltd
Keith Levene
Page 48

David English
Actor, record-company mogul, charity fundraiser, author of the Bunbury Tails children’s books and ‘godfather’ of English cricket
David English was sitting at home on in the Window, recorded backwards by
the night of the England cricket team’s Tim Rice and released under the pseu-
dramatic victory at Lord’s in the 2019 donym Rover. English promoted the
World Cup final when the phone rang. record by sending it to journalists and
It was Joe Root on the line. After a few disc jockeys with a dog bowl. The record
words with England’s star batsman, the sold only eight copies.
wicketkeeper Jos Buttler spoke to En- Things could only get better and they
glish, followed by Ben Stokes then other did when RSO signed Clapton and the
team members. “They were in the hotel Bee Gees, whom English accompanied
and they had had a few Coca-Colas,” to Miami where they recorded Jive Tal-
English recalled. “They all passed the kin’ and Nights on Broadway and rein-
telephone around and said, ‘Dave, vented themselves as a disco act.
thanks for everything you did for us’.” He became particularly close to
Ten of the starting XI in England’s Barry Gibb, who sang at his wedding.
World Cup-winning side had cut their One night, when staying with the group
teeth as junior players in English’s Bun- in a hotel in Paris, a drunken English
bury Festival and they never forgot his decided to climb along the edge of his
role in their development. balcony to the next-door suite, fol-
English took over the annual week- lowed by Barry and his brothers Mauri-
long under-15 tournament when the ce and Robin. “We looked in and saw a
game’s authorities ran out of money in couple making love. The woman
1987. Over the next 35 years hundreds looked up and saw a madman followed
of young cricketers participated in the by three Bee Gees,” he recalled. The
festival under his benign stewardship. next day they encountered the woman
Among them were 118 who progressed in the hotel’s dining room where one of
to England colours. Their number in- the band told her how nice it was to see
cludes not only the 2019 World Cup her with her clothes on.
winners but nine of the England team As Clapton’s closest confidant, En-
that won the Ashes in 2005, including glish was there
Michael Vaughan and Andrew Flintoff. when the gui-
After talking to Root and the players tarist wrote the
after their 2019 victory, English took a hit single Won-
call from Trevor Bayliss, the team’s Aus- derful Tonight
tralian-born coach. Bayliss added his while his wife
appreciation and told him that “the Pattie Boyd was
boys” often talked about how English English, right, with Barry Gibb from the Bee Gees at Bunbury cricket festival in 2004; right, with upstairs taking
had encouraged them and set them on Ian Botham on a charity ride, 1989; below, paying homage to his cricket-playing rabbits in 2001 rather too long
their way. “That meant a lot. They are to get ready for
like an extended family for me,” English Ian Botham alongside a host of other seasick. “I had never felt so ill. I stag- tering Brigitte an evening out.
said proudly. “There’s a real satisfaction celebrity friends from Elton John and gered back to the hotel only to find that Bardot in a St Tro- “She was taking
to having known them when they were Roger Daltrey to Will Carling and Rory Beefy had installed a water bed in my pez nightclub. “I ages and he
Bremner. Cricket-loving politicians room,” he recalled. went up to her wrote the song
He was kissing Brigitte and even a prime minister also turned
out for English’s side.
English joined Botham on his charity
walks and hosted the cricketer’s road-
and in my best
O-level French
while he was
fuming at her,”
Bardot but had to hide “No one ever gets grand in the dress- shows in Australia and around Britain. asked her to recalled English.
ing room. It’s ‘John Major, meet Donny In a foreword to English’s 2003 memoir, dance, introduc- While Pattie was
from her boyfriend Osmond’ and ‘Eric Clapton, meet Ian Mad Dogs and the Englishman: Confes- ing myself as upstairs she
Botham’,” English said. Rock groups sions of a Loon, Botham called him “the David Anglais,” called down,
15 and watching them go through the and cricket teams had much in com- funniest man I’ve ever met”. He also he said. “We “Keep him
ranks to the England team.” mon. “Each member brings something, served as best man at English’s wedding started kissing. amused, Arthur!”
English, who became known as the be it as a bowler or bass player, and the to Robyn (née Dunckley). The mar- It was going very using Clapton’s
“godfather of English cricket”, aimed end result is a team performance.” riage was later dissolved and he is sur- well until her nickname for his
not only to impart cricketing wisdom His closest friend in cricket was vived by their children — Amy, who boyfriend, Gun- friend, which
but also to offer lessons in life to his Botham and English had the scars to works in financial technology; and ter Sachs, came out and I came from the
teenage charges. “At that age you are prove it. Their friendship started David Jr, a musician — and by his had to hide behind the dustbins.” music-hall star Arthur English. The re-
not a child but you are not an adult. You during the 1981 Lord’s Test against partner, Lia Lanaja. Back in England he was briefly on the sult was one of the finest songs Clapton
are faintly worldly-wise, but still peep- Australia, in which Botham made a His schools’ festival and charity MCC ground staff at Lord’s but soon re- ever wrote.
ing over the Coca-Cola cans,” he said. “I duck in both innings and was then team were both named after the alised he was never going to be quite In between running a record label
taught them at the festival to relax and sacked as captain. In the team hotel Bunbury Tails, a series of children’s good enough as a cricketer, even and managing some of the biggest acts
have fun along the way.” afterwards, English “told him my books he wrote about cricket- though he claimed to have once clean- in popular music, English somehow
After games he treated the young best jokes for three hours to playing rabbits called the bowled Viv Richards. He vigorously squeezed in a parallel career as an actor.
players to meals at Nando’s, organised cheer him up”. They stayed Bunburys. They led to rejected suggestions that the great man He played a corpse in Z Cars and there
karaoke sessions and generally encour- up all night drinking and the him recording the had generously gifted his wicket so that were further TV appearances in Em-
aged them to let their hair down. The next morning Botham song We’re the English would have a good after-dinner merdale, Secret Army and Bergerac.
high jinks were all relatively innocent, took a very hungover En- Bunburys, written story to tell. There was also an appearance along-
and the most outrageous incident in- glish with him to a promo- with Barry Gibb of His other passion was rock music and side Laurence Olivier, Sean Connery,
volved nothing more than a “gruff and tional appearance at the the Bee Gees and after a brief stint as a showbiz reporter Robert Redford and Michael Caine in
in-your-face” teenage Stokes pouring Piccadilly showroom of featuring Clapton on for the Daily Mail in 1971 he landed a job Richard Attenborough’s 1977 epic war
piri-piri sauce into a soft drink belong- his sponsor, Saab. When guitar and vocals. as a press officer for Decca Records, film A Bridge Too Far. During a break in
ing to the “angelic” Root. English was sick in the David Stuart English was handling publicity for artists including filming he pulled out a cricket bat and
In parallel with the schools’ cricket taxi, Botham taunted born in 1946 in Brentford, the Rolling Stones and Tom Jones. Two taught Redford how to play.
festival, English also ran the Bunbury’s his “weak constitution”, Middlesex and grew up in years later he was headhunted by Yet of all his exploits, it was his
celebrity charity cricket team. “It all but he arranged a Saab Hendon, north London. He Robert Stigwood (obituary, January 10, schools’ cricket festival of which he was
started when we had a game in Eric car for his new friend and learnt to play cricket at Bell 2016). “I’m going to start my own record most proud. “People haven’t heard of
Clapton’s garden and I suggested get- over the next few years Lane primary, where the label and you’re going to make it the David English and I’m quite happy
ting an XI together,” he recalled. “So I they were constant school’s most famous old boy, greatest in the world,” the impresario about that,” he said. “I can’t play guitar
phoned up all the famous people I knew companions. Denis Compton, became his told him. Installed as president of RSO like Eric, I can’t sing like Barry and I
and at our first game we had Phil Col- “It was great fun but idol, and later studied at White- Records, English found himself in “a can’t play cricket like Ian. But I can help
lins as wicketkeeper and Eric and Bill he did get boisterous,” field secondary modern. His massive office with chandeliers, secre- people achieve their dreams.”
Wyman as first and second slip.” English remembered. childhood was difficult after taries and marketing managers” but
The Bunbury matches, which over On one occasion Both- his father walked out. with no artists and no product. David English CBE, rock’n’roll mogul and
the years raised more than £14 million am took him out for a After leaving school with no He set about looking for acts to cricket benefactor, was born on March 4,
for charity, also featured professional day’s ocean fishing and idea what to do, he took a gap record and his first release was a novel- 1946. He died from a heart attack on
cricketers including Viv Richards and English got horribly year around Europe, encoun- ty version of How Much is That Doggie November 12, 2022, aged 76
48 Monday November 14 2022 | the times


Keith Levene
Guitarist with the Clash and Public Image Ltd who defined an expansive post-punk style but never stayed long with a band
When Keith Levene was three years On leaving PiL after a trio of ground- three albums, including 1979’s Metal
old, his mother took him to the doctor breaking and influential albums, Le- Box, now regarded as a seminal mo-
convinced that her son was abnormal. vene went on to experiment with early ment in post-punk experimentalism,
There was something not right in his sampling techniques and hip-hop to the influence of which reverberates to
development, she explained. Instead of produce for other acts, including the this day.
playing with cars and toy soldiers, all he Red Hot Chilli Peppers. He left PiL in 1983, two weeks before
did was to sit in silent fascination Among the many musicians who a tour of Japan, over “creative differen-
watching vinyl singles rotating on the paid tribute on his death was Mike Scott ces”, one of which was his chronic hero-
family’s record player. of the Waterboys, who wrote on Twit- in addiction. He moved to America
“Don’t worry about it,” the doctor re- ter: “You innovated, you chimed, you with his wife, the journalist Shelly da
assured her, suggesting that her son Clashed, you soundtracked Johnny Cunha, from whom he later separated,
might one day become the conductor of Rotten’s last great moments and you and recorded a solo album before re-
a great orchestra. The detail of the pre- once trounced me at Space Invaders.” turning to Britain, broke and feeling
diction wasn’t quite accurate, but the Julian Keith Levene was born in 1957 sorry for himself. “I felt ripped off by all
doctor was correct in suggesting that a in Muswell Hill, north London, the son my close friends and every record com-
lifetime spent making music awaited. of Harry Levene, a Jewish tailor, and his pany I ever dealt with,” he said.
By the time Levene was 18, he was a wife May. His fascination with music Recovering his equilibrium, he re-
founder member of the Clash with Joe was all-consuming from an early age corded several solo records, built gui-
Strummer, Mick Jones and Paul Simo- and when he was watching those vinyl tars and wrote a memoir titled I Was a
non. Two years later he teamed up with records going round as a toddler, his Teenage Guitarist 4 the Clash (2015)
Johnny Rotten, the former Sex Pistols ears were as engaged as his eyes. “I was before his productivity was curtailed by
singer, to form Public Image Ltd (PiL). this weird kid,” he admitted. “But I liver cancer. He is survived by his part-
He stayed with neither for long, but sensed a strange vocabulary I could un- ner Kate Ransford, an environmental
his legacy was profound as the common derstand. The sound emanating from campaigner and former nurse with
thread between the two most impor- the speakers was what it was all about.” Levene, left, with Johnny Rotten in 1981. Below, in a rare appearance in 2007 whom he lived in Norfolk, and by a son,
tant bands to emerge in the punk-rock After prep school he won a place at Kirk, who lives in New York City. In
grammar school, where at 11 his head- tasks were to clean the cymbals and Clash without any problems like me recent years he was a great enthusiast
‘He made a guitar do master told him that his absorption in
music made him “antisocial”. By then
change the snare on the drum kit.
One night in early 1976 his life was
being difficult every five minutes with
an idea they wished I wasn’t even sug-
for Bitcoin and other crypto-curren-
cies, which he described as the punk
things that were not he had progressed from the Beatles’ changed for ever when he saw one of gesting,” he reasoned. rock of the financial world.
early singles and a love of classical the Sex Pistols’ early gigs. In punk rock He joined the Flowers of Romance, a For all that he played a seminal role
supposed to be possible’ music — Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf he heard something raw, visceral and punk outfit who never recorded but in- in two influential bands and was re-
was a childhood favourite — to the dangerous and knew he wanted to be cluded in their line-up future members garded as a musical innovator, Levene
explosion that turned popular music on emerging sounds of prog-rock bands part of it. He already knew Jones and of the Slits and Sid Vicious, with whom believed that he could have achieved
its head in the late 1970s. such as Yes. Simonon and they began playing to- Levene co-wrote the notorious more. “I think I’ve short-
With PiL his guitar-playing created a On leaving school at 15, much against gether but needed a singer. Belsen Was a Gas, which changed myself in that I
new musical syntax, defining an expan- his parents’ wishes, he took a job in a Levene approached Joe Strummer, was to become part of never quite followed
sive post-punk style that combined an- factory, where the “white noise and who at the time was playing with the the Sex Pistols’ live through with all that I
gular, abrasive tones with ringing pop wall-to-wall sheet-metal din” took their pub-rock band the 101ers. After a repertoire. started,” he said. “I
opulence and thrillingly wove dub, place in his sonic vision and would later month of rehearsals, the Clash played When the Pistols feel like there’s a
free-form jazz, prog rock, new wave, in- feed into his experimental music their first gig in July 1976, supporting broke up in disar- lot of stuff
dustrial and avant-garde influences in- making. the Sex Pistols. Yet two months later ray in early 1978, residing inside
to the basic rock template. “He made a He left home soon afterwards, living Levene was gone, disillusioned by the Rotten, who re- me that I never
guitar do things that were not supposed in squats around London, breaking into music the band was making and eager verted to his birth got a chance to
to be possible,” Rotten said. empty properties and fitting new locks for something more ambitious. At a name of Lydon, get out.”
“What happened was once I got good to create “a place to hang out, leave rehearsal Strummer grabbed him by asked Levene and
enough to know the rules, I didn’t want your records and your leather jacket the lapels and said: “Just what is wrong the bassist Jah Keith Levene,
to be like any other guitarist,” Levene and your guitar”. with you? Are you into this or not?” Wobble to join him guitarist, was born
said. “My biggest rule was to break the While hanging around at Yes gigs “he Levene’s answer was to lean his guitar in PiL. Levene con- on July 18, 1957. He
rules and the motivation behind PiL gradually crept up to the stage and against the amp, leaving it howling with tributed guitar and syn- died from complications
was a deep resentment of rock’n’roll started helping” until he was given an feedback, and to walk out. thesizer, and co-wrote and of liver cancer on
and a longing for new forms.” official position as a roadie. His specific “It meant the Clash could be the co-produced the band’s first November 11, 2022, aged 65

Mehran Karimi Nasseri

English-speaking Iranian refugee known as Sir Alfred who lived in an airport, inspiring an opera and a Steven Spielberg film
A couple of hours in an airport is as on a diet of airport food, he was bald on visitors, but celebrities and humanitar- off family: his father, who died from
much as most people can take. Mehran top with frizzy wild hair on the sides, ian organisations gradually stopped cancer when Nasseri was 23, was a doc-
Karimi Nasseri, an English-speaking and four missing teeth. He smoked a trumpeting him as a symbol of bureau- tor with the Anglo-Persian Oil Com-
Iranian refugee known as Sir Alfred, gold pipe. This self-appointed castaway, cratic folly or to highlight the plight of pany and his Scottish-born mother was
spent decades in the noisy Terminal 1 of who rarely strayed far from the alcove refugees. Airport staff who had once a nurse. He studied psychology in his
Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris, listen- with the Seventies-era red bench and befriended this elegant refugee lost pa- homeland before arriving at the Uni-
ing to jangling announcements over table where he slept under an airline tience and saw him as a pest. Medical versity of Bradford in 1973 to take a
the public address system and watching blanket, spent his days reading the Brit- officials gave up on their attempts to course in Yugoslav studies.
as fraught travellers rushed for their ish newspapers and writing his diaries persuade him to accept the state care There were complex accounts of him
flights, all the time waiting patiently for in English. Around him sat cardboard and benefits to which he was entitled. being photographed taking part in pro-
his own elusive boarding call. boxes and bags stuffed with the posses- The anxiety of life in unfulfilled tran- tests against the Shah, his stipend being
His story began when he was exiled sions of the man who, with echoes of sit was the inspiration for Jonathan cut, disagreeing with his mother over
from Iran as a student activist, lost his Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, lingered for Dove’s opera Flight, which was present- his parentage, falling foul of the Iranian
papers in Belgium and somehow ended official documents that never came. ed by Glyndebourne in 1998 and Scot- authorities and spending three spells in
up in Paris in 1988. He tried to reach Sometimes he made a trip to the bank tish Opera in 2018. He was the subject jail, reaching Belgium and losing his pa-
Britain, where he had once studied, but upstairs, where he had a savings ac- of From Here to Where, a low-budget pers, though whether accidentally, de-
was turned back at Heathrow and was count. Mindful of the persistent warn- film written by Paul Berczeller and di- liberately or stolen is not known.
then refused entry to France. Out of ings that “Passengers are reminded to rected by Glen Luchford that received Nasseri eventually left Charles de
ideas and money, he settled into life at keep their personal luggage with them its first showing at the 2001 Edinburgh Gaulle airport in 2006, when he was
Terminal 1. Immigration workers nick- Nasseri at his airport home in 2004 at all times”, he persuaded a friendly Film Festival, and in 2004 published a taken to hospital, at which point the
named him Albert, but he later insisted shopkeeper to watch his possessions. memoir that was described by The Sun- authorities dismantled his “home” in
on Sir Alfred, a name adopted from a but he opted to stay on, demanding a The journalist Michael Paterniti day Times as “a profoundly disturbing Terminal 1. He was cared for by the
British bureaucrat’s letter that began promise of citizenship and permission visited in 2003 for GQ magazine and and brilliant book”. He was also said to French Red Cross and at an Emmaus
“Dear Sir, Alfred”. to” work in Britain or an English- found him rising between 6.30am and have received $250,000 after inspiring shelter in the 20th arrondissement.
For the first 11 years he was stranded speaking country. “I want to live in a 8am, shaving at his bench and complet- Tom Hanks’s character Viktor Navor- A few weeks ago he returned to the
on his bench by the fast-food outlets free democratic system. When I obtain ing his ablutions in a choice of two ski who becomes trapped at JFK air- airport, now taking up residence in Ter-
and shops, but he was not lonely. “All a certificate of citizenship I will be free bathrooms. “He preferred the smaller port, New York, when his home coun- minal 2F, where the band U2 filmed
the staff know me and the police are to move,” he told The Times in a grave, and quieter of the two because it was try collapses into revolution in Steven their video for the song Beautiful Day.
friendly, too. People bring me coffees quiet voice while sitting in a pizza joint. closer to his bench and had a shower,” Spielberg’s film The Terminal (2004).
and food,” he said. Passengers gave him “If I walk out of here, it would not help Paterniti observed. Meanwhile, his case Yet no one, not even the man himself Mehran Karimi Nasseri, Iranian refugee,
their complimentary toiletries and the my case.” Then there was a flash of was taken on by Christian Bourget, a it seemed, knew the full story of “Sir Al- was born in about 1945. He died from a
authorities sometimes called on him to humour. “Perhaps I might take a flight French human rights lawyer. fred”. What appears to be the case is heart attack on November 12, 2022, aged
act as a Farsi interpreter. for the pleasure of it, but I would come Nasseri’s decision to remain in Ter- that Mehran Karimi Nasseri was born around 76 or 77
In the summer of 1999 Belgium back here.” minal 1 eventually moved him from the in the city of Masjed Soleiman, in the
granted him refugee papers and he was Neat and dignified, even if his pallid, category of cause celèbre to nuisance. oil-rich south of Iran, possibly in 1945.
free to leave the departure lounge — gaunt face was testimony to many years He lived on handouts from friends and He was one of six children from a well- Email:
the times | Monday November 14 2022 V2 49

Law Report Births, Marriages and Deaths 6 020 7782 7553

THIS is what the LORD says: I will answer

Toppling the Edward Colston your prayers because I have set a time
when I will help by coming to save you.
I have chosen you to take my promise of
hope to other nations. You will rebuild the
DE SAVARY TAYLOR Andrew Richard died peacefully
on 1st November 2022, aged 72. A beloved
husband to Heather, a much-loved father
to Alex and Pips, and a cherished

statue was not proportionate country from its ruins, then people will
come and settle there. Isaiah 49.8 (CEV)

Bible verses are provided by the

grandfather. For funeral details contact
Shaws of Bolton. Donations to Bolton
Hospice gratefully received.

Bible Society Funeral arrangements

but one which had arisen in a real gredients of the offence was sufficient
case. There was no power to refer the- to justify any conviction as a propor- CALLIL Carmen at St Martin-in-the-Fields,
oretical questions of law. tionate interference with any rights Anniversaries
Trafalgar Square, London, on 16th
That was not, however, what the engaged under articles 9, 10 and 11, MAGEE : BOYER November 2022 at 5pm. Doors open
Attorney General had done in the without the need for a fact-specific Jill, 14th November 2022, our first wedding 4.40pm. All welcome.
present reference. At the heart of the proportionality assessment in indi- anniversary. Every day I remind myself just
how lucky we are to have found each Peter John died suddenly on
case originally advanced by the vidual cases. That said, the circum- other. I love you with everything I have. 30th October 2022, aged 78.
prosecution was the proposition that stances in which such an assessment Yours always, Rich. Yachtsman and entrepreneur,
the conduct in question did not would be needed were very limited. LEGAL, PUBLIC, COMPANY &
much-loved husband of wife Lana,
attract any protection under the It was common ground that it father of Lisa, Nicola, Tara, Amber and PARLIAMENTARY NOTICES
Convention. The judge had not ruled would be convenient to deal with the Deaths Savannah and grandfather of seven.
The funeral will take place at 11am To place notices for these
Causing significant damage to prop- on that issue but proceeded on the remaining questions together. Ques- RIGHELATO Professor Renton died
erty during political protest fell out- assumption that Convention rights tion 2 was a broad one asking what
on 21st November at St Luke’s sections please call
peacefully at home on 8th November 2022, Chelsea, Sydney Street, London
side the protection of the European were engaged. principles judges in the crown court aged 79. Much-loved husband of Patricia, SW3 6NH. No flowers please. 020 7481 4000
Convention on Human Rights The questions referred raised should apply when determining whe- father of Rowan, Jason, Sarah and Rachel, Donations, if desired, to the Teenage
issues of law which sought the opin- ther the qualified rights found in arti- and grandfather of six. Cancer Trust or the RNLI. Notices are subject to
because prosecution and conviction
for the offence of causing criminal ion of the court on whether that un- cles 9, 10 and 11 of the Convention confirmation and should be
damage in such circumstances was derlying assumption was correct; and were engaged by the potential con- received by 11.30am three
proportionate. if not, how the matter should be dealt viction of defendants for acts of dam- The simple way to place your days prior to insertion
The Court of Appeal (Criminal Di- with. There was no principle which age during protest. Question 3 asked announcement in The Times.
vision) so stated in answering three prevented the Attorney General in what circumstances the question
questions referred by the Attorney from advancing a different (or devel- of proportionality should be with- Available 24 hours a day,
General under section 36 of the oped) argument from that advanced drawn from the jury. seven days a week.
Criminal Justice Act 1972 concerning by the prosecution at trial in relation The context of those issues was a
the rights to freedom of conscience, to a point of law that was in issue. trial in the Crown Court in respect of
freedom of expression and freedom In the present case the prosecution damage which exceeded £5,000 in
of assembly under, respectively, arti- had contended that the protest was value. The Convention did not pro-
cles 9, 10 and 11 of the Convention, non-peaceful and fell outside the vide protection to those who caused Court Circular Legal Notices Legal Notices
which arose from the acquittal of the scope of Convention rights. The sub- criminal damage during protest
defendant, Rhian Graham, and three mission entailed the proposition that which was violent or not peaceful. CR-2022-002112
others of causing criminal damage to the defence of “lawful excuse” did not Neither did it provide protection IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE
a bronze statue contrary to section arise for Convention reasons. That when the damage was inflicted vio- BUSINESS AND PROPERTY
1(1) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971. was at the heart of the submission ad- lently or not peacefully. Articles 9, 10 COURTS OF ENGLAND AND
Tom Little KC and Victoria Ailes vanced by the Attorney General and and 11 were not engaged in those cir- WALES
for the Attorney General; Clare the questions of law the court was cumstances and no question of pro- IN THE MATTER OF HAMMERSON
Montgomery KC and Blinne N asked to consider. portionality arose. PLC
Ghrálaigh for the defendant; Louis The first question asked whether Moreover, prosecution and con- AND IN THE MATTER OF
Mably KC as advocate to the court. once the prosecution had proved the viction for causing significant dam- THE COMPANIES ACT 2006
Liberty intervened by way of written two main ingredients for the offence age to property, even if inflicted in a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by
of criminal damage under section 1(1) way which was “peaceful”, could not aPart 8 Claim Form dated 4
submissions only. November 2022 the above named
The Lord Chief Justice, giving the of the 1971 Act — namely (a) that the be disproportionate in Convention Buckingham Palace Company has made an application to
judgment of the court, said that the defendant destroyed or damaged terms. Given the nature of cases that 12th November, 2022 Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice for
questions of law were said to have property belonging to another and were heard in the crown court it was The King and The Queen Consort the cancellation of the Company’s
arisen from a trial in Bristol crown (b) did so intentionally or recklessly inevitable that, for one or both of were present this evening at the capital redemption reserve.
court of four protestors for allega- — no question of proportionality those reasons, the issue should not be Royal British Legion Festival of the application is directed to be heard
tions of criminal damage to a statue under the Convention could arise. left to the jury. That would be because Remembrance at the Royal Albert before an Insolvency and Companies
of Edward Colston, who had accumu- The court had concluded that the conduct in question was on any Hall. Court Judge at the Rolls Building, 7
lated a large fortune in a wide range prosecution and conviction for caus- view not peaceful, alternatively the The Prince and Princess of Rolls Building, London EC4A 1NL on 22
of trading activities which included, ing significant damage to property damage was significant, or both. Wales, The Earl and Countess November 2022.
ANY creditor or shareholder of the
through the Royal African Company, during protest would fall outside the Although the present case had not of Wessex, The Princess Royal said Company desiring to oppose
the transportation of African slaves protection of the Convention either involved the destruction of the stat- and Vice Admiral Sir Tim the making of an Order for the
to the West Indies and America. because the conduct in question was ue, the damage that was caused was Laurence, The Duke and confirmation of the cancellation of the
The issue, in short, concerned the violent or not peaceful, alternatively clearly significant. Pulling the heavy Duchess of Gloucester, The Company’s capital redemption
extent to which the European Con- (even if theoretically peaceful) prose- bronze statue to the ground required Duke of Kent and Princess reserve should appear at the time of
CR-2022-003276 the hearing in person or by Legal
vention on Human Rights sanc- cution and conviction would clearly it to be climbed, ropes attached to it Alexandra, the Hon. Lady Representative for that purpose.
be proportionate. and then the use of a good deal of Ogilvy were also present. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE
tioned the use of violence against BUSINESS AND PROPERTY Any person wishing to appear
property during protest, thereby ren- However, the offence of criminal force to bring it crashing to the COURTS OF ENGLAND & WALES should contact
dering lawful causing damage to damage encompassed causing dam- ground. Buckingham Palace INSOLVENCY AND COMPANIES in
property which would otherwise be a age which was minor or temporary. The debate about the fate of the 13th November, 2022 LIST (CHANCERY DIVISION) advance of the hearing for the remote
hearing link. A copy of the Part 8 Claim
crime. Causing damage to property Were a prosecution for criminal dam- statue had to be resolved through The King laid a wreath at the IN THE MATTER OF GORE STREET Form will be furnished to any such
was a criminal offence pursuant to age of that degree to be initiated aris- appropriate legal channels, Cenotaph this morning on ENERGY STORAGE FUND PLC p e r s o n r e q u i r i n g i t b y
the Criminal Damage Act 1971 sub- ing out of a protest, the case law of the irrespective of evidence that those the occasion of Remembrance AND IN THE MATTER OF THE the undermentioned solicitors.
Day. COMPANIES ACT 2006 DATED this 14th day of November 2022
ject to a defence of “lawful excuse”. European Court of Human Rights channels were thought to have been NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 1
On January 5, 2022, the jury suggested that there would need to be slow or inefficient, and not by what A wreath was laid on behalf of Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
November 2022 a Claim Form was Exchange House
acquitted the four defendants. A a case-specific assessment of the pro- might be described as a form of The Queen Consort by Captain issued in His Majesty's High Court of Primrose Street
range of defences had been run at portionality of conviction, at least in criminal self-help. Edward Andersen. Justice seeking the confirmation of a London EC2A 2EG
connection with damage to public The circumstances in which the Wreaths were also laid by The reduction in the amount standing to Tel: 020 7374 8000
trial. The defence with which the the credit of the share premium
present reference was concerned was property. statue was damaged had not involved Prince of Wales, The Earl of Wessex Fax: 020 7374 0888
account of the above-named company, Ref: 31053047
whether conviction for the damage The court would expect that such peaceful protest. The toppling of the and The Princess Royal. Gore Street Energy Storage Fund plc, Solicitors for the Company
done to the statue was a dispropor- prosecutions would not be launched statute was violent. Moreover, the A wreath was laid on behalf of by an amount of £100 million.
tionate interference with the because they would be a dispropor- damage to the statue was significant. The Duke of Kent by Captain AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that
the final hearing of the Company's CR-2022-002590
defendants’ right to protest. The tionate reaction to the conduct in On both those bases the prosecution Charles Longstaff. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE
claim is directed to be heard before the
court was not concerned with the question. Thus, scrawling a message had been correct in its submission The Queen Consort, The Insolvency and Companies Court Judge BUSINESS AND PROPERTY
other defences. It was impossible to on a pavement using water-soluble that the conduct in question fell out- Princess of Wales, The Countess of of the Business and Property Courts of COURTS OF ENGLAND AND WALES
know whether the jury acquitted on paint might technically be sufficient side the protection of the Conven- Wessex, The Duke and Duchess of England & Wales at the Royal Courts of COMPANIES COURT (Ch D)
that basis or one of the others. The to sustain a charge of criminal tion. The proportionality of the con- Gloucester, The Duke of Kent, Justice, Rolls Building, 7 Rolls IN THE MATTER OF BRITISH
damage but to prosecute or convict viction could not arise for considera- Princess Alexandra, the Hon. Lady Building, Fetter Lane, London, EC4A SMALLER COMPANIES VCT PLC
reference could, therefore, have no 1NL on 22 November 2022 at 10.30 a.m. AND IN THE MATTER OF THE
bearing on the acquittals. for doing so as part of a political tion by the jury. Ogilvy and Vice Admiral Sir Tim or so soon thereafter as Counsel may COMPANIES ACT 2006
A preliminary issue arose as to protest might well be a dispropor- That was not to suggest that the Laurence were present during the be heard. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the
whether the court had jurisdiction to tionate response. defendants were in fact guilty of the Ceremony. ANY creditor or shareholder of the said Order of the High Court of Justice
give its opinion on any of the ques- It followed that the answer to the offence of criminal damage because, The Earl of Wessex afterwards Company desiring to oppose the Chancery Division dated 25 October
took the salute at the March Past of making of an Order for the 2022 confirming the cancellation of the
tions because they had not arisen at first question was that the offence of as explained, the jury had been con- confirmation of the said cancellation of share premium account of British
the trial. Section 36 of the Criminal criminal damage did not automati- cerned with a range of defences. Ex-Servicemen and Civilian the share premium account of the Smaller Companies VCT plc (the
Justice Act 1972 conferred a power to cally fall within the category of offen- Solicitors: Treasury Solicitor; Organisations on Horse Guards Company should appear at the time of "Company"), created upon the issue of
refer a point of law, not in the abstract ces whereby proof of the relevant in- Hodge, Jones and Allen. Parade, London SW1. the hearing in person or by Counsel for ordinary shares, resolved on and
that purpose. effected by a special resolution passed
AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that at an annual general meeting of the
the hearing shall be a remote hearing Company held on 16 September 2022
and shall be conducted using such video and the statement of capital approved
conferencing technology or telephone by the Court were registered by the

A new collection of conferencing facility as the court

decides. Any person intending to
appear at the hearing (whether in
person or by Counsel), and any member
of the public or representative of the
media intending to attend the hearing,
should contact the ICC Judge's Clerks
Registrar of Companies on 27 October
Dated the 14th day of November 2022
Howard Kennedy LLP
No. 1 London Bridge, London, SE1 9BG
Solicitors for the Company

Times obituaries at

who will put them in touch with the
relevant person for arrangements to be
made to appear at or attend the
A copy of the Company's Claim Form
will be furnished to any such person

To place notices for these sections

requiring the same by the under-
Delve into the lives of the quirky and unorthodox mentioned Solicitors on payment of the
regulated charge for the same.
please call: 020 7481 4000

DATED this 14th day of November 2022

Stephenson Harwood LLP Notices are subject to
1 Finsbury Circus
London EC2M 7SH confirmation and should
Available now from Tel: +44 (0)20 7329 4422
be received by 11.30am
Ref: 1431/01-57-00533 Solicitors for the above-named three days prior to insertion.
the times | Monday November 14 2022 51

Today Patchy rain and cloud spreading slowly eastwards across the British Isles. Max 17C (63F), min 4C (39F) Weather Eye
Paul Simons
Around Britain Five days ahead Wind speed Sea state Orkney Shetland
Key: b=bright, c=cloud, d=drizzle, pc=partly cloudy Remaining unsettled 34 Calm
du=dull, f=fair, fg=fog, h=hail, m=mist, r=rain, (mph) 11 11
sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, t=thunder with further spells of rain Slight 27
*=previous day **=data not available spreading across the Temperature Moderate
Temp C Rain mm Sun hr* British Isles 28 (degrees C)
midday yesterday 24 hrs to 5pm yesterday
11 21
11 FG 0.0 2.1
Tomorrow Flood alerts and warnings
Spells of rain will spread eastwards
Aberporth 17 S 0.0 1.3
across England, Wales and Scotland. A At 17:00 on Sunday there was one 13
Anglesey 18 S 0.0 4.9 dry morning in Ireland but through the flood alert and no warnings in England, 13
Aviemore 17 S 0.0 0.0 afternoon showers will spread in from and no flood alerts or warnings in
Barnstaple 16 S 0.0 ** the southwest. 18

11 FG 0.2 **
Wales or Scotland. Aberdeen
C F n a cold, foggy night 100
Bedford Max 14C, min 6C 35 95
For further information and updates years ago, the UK’s first
Belfast 15 PC 0.0 0.0
in England visit flood-warning- 30 86
Birmingham 12 C 0.2 **, for Wales radio programme was
Bournemouth 17 S 0.2 5.3 10 NORTH 25 77
broadcast from Marconi and 20 68
Bridlington 11 C 0.4 **
for Scotland SEA 15 59 House on The Strand in
Bristol 15 S 0.0 3.9
Camborne 16 PC 0.0 1.0 12 10 50
central London. It was 6pm on
9 Edinburgh
Cardiff 15 PC 0.2 1.1
18 Glasgow 5 41
November 14, 1922, when the BBC
Edinburgh 14 S 0.0 0.4 0 32
Eskdalemuir 14 S 0.2 **
11 17 -5 23 announced, “This is 2LO, Marconi
Glasgow 14 S 0.0 0.1 -10 14 House, London calling”, 2LO being
14 PC 0.0 ** 14
Hereford Londonderry
Herstmonceux 15 C 0.0 0.2 ATLANTIC
-15 5 the identification number granted
Ipswich 13 PC 0.4 2.3
Newcastle by the General Post Office for its
OCEAN Carlisle
Isle of Man 14 PC 0.0 3.8
Wednesday Belfast radio broadcasting licence. A news
Isle of Wight ** ** ** ** 11
Jersey 15 S 0.0 8.2 An unsettled day with showers or 11 13 programme was followed by a
longer spells of rain spreading up from 8
Keswick 17 S 0.0 ** the southwest. Largely dry with sunny rk
York weather bulletin read by Arthur
Kinloss 16 S 0.0 0.8 spells in the northeast. Burrows, director of programmes,
Leeds 9 C 0.2 ** Max 14C, min 5C
Lerwick 11 M 6.0 0.1 Manchester Hull
who read it twice — once fast and
Leuchars 11 FG 0.0 0.8 Liverpoo
Liverpool 10 then slowly, so listeners could decide
Lincoln 11 FG 0.2 2.6 Galway IRISH 8
which they would prefer.
Liverpool 14 S 0.0 ** 9 SEA 14 Sheffield
London 12 C 0.0 1.0 Dublin The items included a report on
Lyneham 15 S 0.0 0.9 dense yellow smog that had
Manchester 15 S 0.0 0.1
14 C 0.0 **
10 12 Nottingham enveloped London and much of
Margate Shrewsbury
11 England for the previous two days. It
Milford Haven 15 PC 0.0 **
Newcastle 13 S 0.0 ** 13 was bitterly cold with frost in calm
Nottingham 10 FG 0.0 1.3
Birmingham Cambridge conditions and the weather forecast,
Orkney 12 S 0.0 0.1 Cork
Oxford 14 S 0.0 ** 10 supplied by the Meteorological
Swansea Oxford 13
Plymouth 16 S 0.0 ** Department of the Air Ministry, was
Portland 16 S 0.0 ** Cardiff
Scilly, St Mary’s 15 M 0.2 **
Thursday Channel Islands CELTIC 17 for more cold foggy weather.
Shoreham 12 C 0.0 0.5 Sunny periods and scattered heavy
SEA Bristol London The broadcast was made by the
showers, heaviest and perhaps
Shrewsbury 14 PC 0.0 0.0 thundery in the south and west. 15
Snowdonia 17 S 0.0 ** Southampton
British Broadcasting Company, as
Max 13C, min 3C 13 the BBC was originally called, which
Southend 13 M 0.2 0.0 eter
South Uist 15 PC 0.2 ** 16 Plymouth Brighton had been formed in October 1922 by
Stornoway 14 C 0.4 0.0
Tiree 14 PC 0.0 0.0
a group of wireless manufacturers
Whitehaven 16 S 0.0 2.8 8
13 including Marconi. The chairman of
Wick 12 S 0.0 ** 17 the company, Sir William Noble,
Yeovilton 16 S 0.2 2.2
outlined plans for the radio weather
General situation: Patchy rain Republic of Ireland, N Ireland: A dry SW Eng, Channel Is, Wales: Cloudy forecast to The Times: “The
The world 13
spreading eastwards across Wales, day with lengthy sunny spells although with patchy rain this morning, Meteorological Department of the
All readings local midday yesterday
Scotland and England. Dry with sunny there is the small risk of a shower becoming brighter with sunny spells Air Ministry is supplying us, at first
Alicante 22 PC Madeira 23 PC 12 spells in Ireland. in eastern areas. Light to moderate developing later. Light south or
Amsterdam 15 S Madrid 15 PC
at any rate, with two weather
London, SE Eng, Cen S Eng, Mids, IoM, southeasterly winds. Maximum southwesterly winds. Maximum 15C
Athens 19 PC Malaga 22 PC
NW Eng, Lake District, SW Scotland, 12C (54F), minimum 4C (39F). (59F), minimum 5C (41F). reports. It may be that we shall
Auckland 20 PC Mallorca 22 PC arrange for a third report, but that
30 S 21 PC Friday Argyll, Glasgow, NW Scotland: Early Edinburgh and Dundee, Cen Highland, E Anglia, E Eng, Cen N Eng, NE Eng,
Bahrain Malta
Bangkok 32 PC Melbourne 25 B A largely dry day in the east with
fog will lift into low cloud through Aberdeen, NW Scotland, Moray Firth, Borders: Any mist and fog will lift has not yet been fixed up.” This was,
Barbados 29 SH Mexico City 23 S lengthy sunny spells. Sunny periods the morning. During the afternoon NE Scotland, N Isles: A largely cloudy revealing sunny periods this morning. however, not the first radio weather
Barcelona 19 S Miami 29 B and scattered showers in western outbreaks of patchy rain will spread but dry day with some patchy fog Thick cloud will spread in from the
areas, possibly wintry over the in from the west. Light to moderate over the hills. Moderate to strong west later in the afternoon. Light and
service. In 1902, Marconi broadcast
Beijing 8 S Milan 15 S Scottish hills.
Beirut 27 S Mombasa 30 PC southeasterly winds. Maximum southeasterly winds. Maximum 13C variable winds. Maximum 14C (57F), storm warnings for shipping in the
Max 12C, min -1C
Belgrade 15 S Montreal 14 C 17C (63F), minimum 4C (39F). (55F), minimum 5C (41F). minimum 5C (41F). Atlantic in Morse code.
Berlin 11 B Moscow 8 B It is not clear how many listeners
Bermuda 26 PC Mumbai 33 S 7
Bordeaux 19 S Munich 9 S Tides Noon today tuned in to the first radio broadcast
Brussels 14 S Nairobi 24 B Tidal predictions. in 1922, although only 30,000 radio
Bucharest 14 S Naples 16 B Heights in metres HIGH
8 1016
licences had been issued, costing ten
Budapest 9 M New Orleans 14 C Today Ht Ht LOW
Buenos Aires 26 S New York 21 PC 10 Aberdeen 04:37 3.6 16:39 3.7 HIGH shillings (50p) each, equivalent to
Cairo 24 PC Nice 18 B Avonmouth 09:54 11.1 22:15 10.5 LOW £26 in today’s money. And there was
Calcutta 28 S Nicosia 25 PC Belfast 02:21 3.1 14:42 3.5 1024
4 FG 12
1016 hardly a fanfare of publicity for the
Canberra 22 B Oslo Cardiff 09:39 10.4 22:04 9.8
Cape Town 21 B Paris 13 S 08:30 5.0 20:51 4.6
1000 launch, with The Times announcing:
Devonport LOW
Chicago 2 C Perth 20 B
Dover 02:00 6.0 14:13 5.7 “Preliminary ‘broadcasting’ will be
Copenhagen 11 R Prague 3 FG LOW HIGH authorised from Marconi House this
Saturday Dublin 02:46 3.5 15:03 3.6 976
Corfu 20 B Reykjavik 11 C 984 1008
A band of heavy rain will spread Falmouth 08:12 4.6 20:33 4.2 evening.” But the following year the
Delhi 26 S Riga 10 S
into western areas through the day. Greenock 03:34 3.2 15:35 3.5 992 LOW
Dubai 31 S Rio de Janeiro 29 B
Eastern areas will stay dry for much of
1016 Cold front radio broadcasts grew more popular
Dublin 15 B Riyadh 31 S Harwich 02:25 3.7 14:56 3.6 1016
Faro 20 PC Rome 18 S
the day with sunny spells.
Holyhead 01:17 4.8 13:31 4.9 Warm front and the output of programmes
Max 13C, min 0C HIGH
Florence 17 PC San Francisco 15 PC Hull 09:21 6.2 21:18 6.4 Occluded front increased rapidly.
Frankfurt 11 S Santiago 18 B Leith 05:55 4.7 18:04 4.7 Trough
Geneva 10 B São Paulo 24 B Liverpool 01:59 8.0 14:12 8.0
Gibraltar 20 PC Seoul 10 B 8 London Bridge 04:34 6.3 17:03 6.3
Synoptic situation Highs and lows Hours of darkness
Helsinki 7 S Seychelles 30 PC Lowestoft 00:16 2.4 13:05 2.2 24hrs to 5pm yesterday Aberdeen 16:27-07:20
Hong Kong 28 S Singapore 29 SH Milford Haven 09:09 5.9 21:35 5.5 A decaying cold front will bring Belfast 16:54-07:24
Honolulu 28 PC St Petersburg 7 B a band of cloud and patchy Warmest: Porthmadog,
13 Morecambe 02:10 7.9 14:23 7.9 Gwynedd, 21.2C Birmingham 16:46-06:59
Istanbul 17 PC Stockholm 6 S
9 Newhaven 01:59 5.8 14:06 5.6 rain across England, Wales Coldest: Cairngorm, 2.2C Cardiff 16:55-07:00
Jerusalem 28 S Sydney 23 B
Newquay 08:02 6.0 20:29 5.6 and Scotland. A dry morning Wettest: Lerwick, Exeter 16:59-06:59
Johannesburg 13 SH Tel Aviv 28 S in Ireland but in the afternoon Shetland, 6.0mm
Oban 08:32 3.5 20:59 3.1 Sunniest: Jersey, 8.2hrs* Glasgow 16:41-07:23
Kuala Lumpur 29 PC Tenerife 25 PC a series of fronts associated
12 Penzance 07:40 4.8 20:00 4.5 Liverpool 16:47-07:07
Kyiv ** ** Tokyo 24 PC with an area of low pressure
27 S 6 PC Portsmouth 02:32 4.3 14:39 4.2 Sun and moon London 16:42-06:48
Lanzarote Vancouver moving up from the southwest For Greenwich Manchester 16:43-07:04
Las Palmas 30 PC Venice 15 S Shoreham 02:03 5.5 14:08 5.3 Sun rises: 07.16
The Times weather Southampton 04:14 4.1 13:32 3.9
will bring thick cloud and heavy Newcastle 16:35-07:08
Lima 16 DU Vienna 7 M Sun sets: 16.12
rain. A cold front will spread Moon rises: 20.37 Norwich 16:33-06:47
Lisbon 18 B Warsaw 9 B page is provided Swansea 09:14 8.0 21:39 7.5
eastwards tomorrow bringing a Moon sets: 13.29 Tue Penzance 17:09-07:05
Los Angeles 19 S Washington 21 PC Tees 06:58 4.7 19:06 4.8
28 S 6 D
by Weatherquest spell of rain to all areas. Third Quarter: November 16 Sheffield 16:41-07:01
Luxor Zurich Weymouth 09:18 1.7 21:53 1.5
the times | Monday November 14 2022 53

Wane set to
survive abject
Samoa choke
to emerge victorious when the stakes
were at the highest.
Just like the 2013 semi-final defeat by
New Zealand at Wembley and the 2017
27 final loss to Australia in Brisbane, what
might have been an epic ending turned
into another sob story.
Rugby League World Cup A Samoa side who had been
Ross Heppenstall
thumped 60-6 by England in the World
After a devastating World Cup semi- Cup opener at St James’ Park four
final defeat which reduced head coach weeks earlier were too strong in the
Shaun Wane to tears, emotions were capital, as Stephen Crichton’s golden-
raw in the England camp. point drop-goal proved decisive.
Some players were too upset to talk, How on earth did England lose
while others spoke with searing hon- to a team they had beaten so
esty about the magnitude of a hugely comprehensively four weeks
damaging setback. earlier? Australia
It said much for the bitter disappoint-
ment of a significant opportunity lost
In truth, Samoa have got
better every week since
v Samoa
for the 13-a-side code in this country. then while England were World Cup final Makinson is left devastated after an error-strewn England side again fail to grasp an opportunity for glory
A tournament that was seven years in able to cruise through the Saturday, Old Trafford
the making, originally scheduled for group stages, and only Pap- Kick-off: 4pm score at 26-26 after sorely needed around the ruck on Sat- opposition. The next World Cup will be
last autumn but postponed for 12 ua New Guinea, in the quar- 80 minutes. urday, at hooker also drew criticism. held in France in 2025.
months due to the pandemic, and ter-final, seriously tested them. TV: BBC1, BBC Extra-time was a dis- Cooper, the Wigan Warriors prop, Wane said: “I know the talent we
funded by £25 million of government “We have got no one to blame iPlayer aster for England, whose said: “I’m completely devastated and it’s have. We will get in this position again
money had promised so much. but ourselves,” Herbie Farnworth, handling errors gifted Samoa so hard now to even think straight. and we will be better next time.”
Four comprehensive wins before En- England’s Brisbane Broncos centre, the field position which allowed Ste- “We were sloppy and behind most of Whether or not the 58-year-old will
gland arrived at the Emirates Stadium said. phen Crichton’s 84th-minute drop-goal the game but kept clawing it back. still be in position remains to be seen,
had encouraged genuine hope that “We just let ourselves down a little bit to prove decisive. “Credit to Samoa, though because but for some time yet he will feel the
Wane could maybe, just maybe, deliver and didn’t stick to the game plan that “There are some heartbroken lads in they scored a couple of unbelievable pain of a defeat that will leave deep
a first World Cup since Great Britain we’ve spoken about all week. that dressing room,” George Williams, tries and I hope they go on and win it scars.
lifted the trophy in 1972. “We had a strong fightback the Warrington Wolves half back said. now.” Wane looked inconsolable as he
Even if England had reached Satur- towards the end but it “It was some players’ first tourna- Wane is under contract at the Rugby admitted: “I’m gutted, absolutely
day’s final against the holders, Austra- wasn’t enough — errors ment and probably other players’ last, Football League for another year and wounded.
lia, at Old Trafford, it would have again killed us. Gutted so you can imagine there will be some seems certain to remain in position. “We were below our standards.
given rugby league the kind of doesn’t come close, it just tears. Despite choking when it mattered There is some soul-searching going on
high-profile relevance it so f***ing hurts.” “Watching that kick go over felt like a most, England have emerged as a com- from us staff. We have to be better. A
desperately craves on these England had con- nightmare, but we got what we ing force under the uncompromising semi-final is not good enough.”
shores. ceded only six tries en deserved. Wiganer. And that was the truth.
In the end, though, it route to the semi- “We’re way better than what we A popular figure with his players and
was a familiar tale of final but shipped five showed but we fell short on the biggest a father figure to some, Wane has
woe, as England, who at the Emirates with stage and that’s why it hurts so much.” created a tight-knit bond with the Scorers: England: Tries Whitehead (25min),
made a string of costly er- Matt Parish’s men a Seasoned internationals such as Sam squad during the tournament and Bateman 45, Farnworth (64, 78) Goals
rors, were simply not side transformed Tomkins, Kallum Watkins, Elliott meshed NRL-based talent such as Tom Makinson 5. Samoa: Tries Lafai (6), Sao (31),
good enough when it since their shambolic Whitehead, Ryan Hall, Chris Hill, Mike Burgess, Dom Young, Whitehead, Crichton (49, 73), Goals Crichton (3)
Drop-goal Crichton.
mattered most. opening display in Cooper and Michael McIlorum may Farnworth and Victory Radley with his England S Tomkins; D Young, K Watkins,
Sure, there was Newcastle. have played their last games in an Super League stars. H Farnworth, T Makinson; J Welsby, G Williams;
heart and there was England never England jersey. The key to England’s continued T Burgess, M McIlorum, C Hill, J Bateman,
courage but, crucially, looked comfortable Wane, the England head coach, ad- progress is playing games on a more E Whitehead, V Radley. Interchange M
they did not have the or convincing but, de- mitted worryingly that he could have regular basis and, while a mid-season McMeeken, M Knowles, L Thompson, M Cooper.
composure and the skill spite being second- done more to prepare the team ade- international against France seems Samoa J Sua’ali’i; B To’o, S Crichton, T Lafai,
best for much of the quately for their semi-final and his certain in 2023, it is hoped they will also T May; J Luai, A Milford; R Hunt, F Brown, J
Defeat left Wane, the afternoon, they came selection of the 34-year-old McIlorum, face a meaningful autumn series Paulo, L Sao, J Su’a, O Kaufusi. Interchange
C Harris-Tavita, J Papali’i, S Leniu, K Tuilagi.
head coach, tearful from behind to level the who lacked the kind of energy England against southern hemisphere Referee G Sutton (Aus). Attendance 40,489.

Germany hosts Brady bunch in Munich cheer festival

Tough draw for Britain after defeat American football The NFL’s newest
stage proved a happy hunting
Tennis bring Caroline Garcia, the world No 4 this week. The way the players have ground for its oldest star as Tom
Stuart Fraser Tennis Correspondent who won last week’s WTA Finals, and conducted themselves shows how Brady became the first quarterback to
the former world No 11, Alizé Cornet. much they want it and they are ready to play — and win — in four countries
The agony of narrowly missing out on If Britain lose, there could still be a perform. They absolutely deserve it.” (Charles Walford writes).
the final of the Billie Jean King Cup in route into the finals through a host’s It is hoped that a first run to the semi- The game in Munich’s Allianz
Glasgow was further compounded by a wild card for the second consecutive finals since 1981 will inspire the British Arena was the first time that the
challenging draw for the Great Britain year. The International Tennis Federa- women to new heights on the tour next league had ventured to Germany —
team in next year’s edition of the world tion has decided to choose a location at season. Harriet Dart was the stand-out which joined England and Mexico as
cup of women’s tennis. a later date, meaning the possibility of a singles performer, and the 26-year-old an international venue — and it was
Had Britain won the deciding losing team in the qualifiers getting is clearly capable of going far beyond Brady’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers who
doubles rubber of Saturday’s semi-final back in by successfully bidding for the her present ranking of No 98. dominated the early exchanges
against Australia — they were only four finals. While this raises questions of “This has definitely given me a lot of against the Seattle Seahawks. quarter appeared to have sealed the
points away in the match tie-break — sporting integrity, the British captain confidence going into next year,” Dart They went in 14-0 up at half-time game for the Buccaneers, but Geno
automatic entry to the 2023 finals Anne Keothavong made it clear that she said. “You know you’re going to have after Brady, right, threw a 31-yard Smith, the Seahawks quarterback
would have been assured. would like the LTA to express interest. ups and downs, and it’s just about touchdown pass to Julio Jones before enjoying a productive season, made
Instead, they were pulled out of the “That’s a no-brainer,” she said. “We remaining positive and having a really Leonard Fournette, the running back, them sweat, connecting with Tyler
hat yesterday to face France in a qualifi- are very grateful to the LTA for invest- good outlook long term, and a plan. I scored from a yard out. Lockett and Marquise Goodwin to cut
er at home on April 14-15. This will be a ing in this competition. Without that, feel like I have gained yards with that Another Brady touchdown pass to the lead. But Tampa Bay held on for a
tough task as the visitors will likely we wouldn’t have had the opportunity this year.” Chris Goodwin early in the fourth 21-16 victory that leaves them at 5-5.
54 Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Sport Women's Rugby World Cup final

All Black legends key to triumph Middleton: Red

cards for intent
New Zealand
34 Elgan’s Alderman’s team
would be fairer
2 of the tournament
Elgan Alderman
31 1 2 3 Simon Middleton said referees should
consider intent around high tackles
Elgan Alderman Auckland Annaëlle Amy Cokayne Siteri
Deshaye (Fr) (Eng) Rasolea (Fiji) after Lydia Thompson’s red card in the
Not even a 30-game unbeaten run and 4 5 World Cup final, having admitted that
four years of million-pound investment Madoussou Abbie Ward
he would never get over the defeat.
could bring glory for the Red Roses on Fall (Fr) (Eng) Thompson was sent off for a face-to-
Saturday. They fought valiantly, equal 6 8 7 face collision with Portia Woodman in
partners in a brilliant contest, but Alex Matthews Sophie Sarah Hirini the 18th minute. England were leading
Rugby World Cup finals involving New (Eng) de Goede (Can) (NZ) New Zealand 14-0 but lost 34-31. Wood-
Zealand are a simple game: 30 women 9 man appeared to display the fencing re-
chase a ball for 80 minutes and, at the Pauline
sponse, a reaction in which a person’s
end, the Black Ferns win. Bourdon (Fr) 10 arms are outstretched after a brain
Five finals against New Zealand this Ruahei
trauma, as a medic attended to her on
century, five defeats for England. The Demant (NZ) 12 the ground. Zoe Aldcroft and Abby
big show focuses Kiwi minds. They Theresa Dow later underwent head injury as-
have lost ten times to England in Fitzpatrick (NZ)
13 sessments — the latter not immediate-
women’s rugby, but even when they Stacey ly, though she passed it. Dow was tack-
drift and fester, they always get their act Fluhler (NZ) led high by Kennedy Simon, who was
together when a trophy is on offer. 11 15 14 deemed to have made contact with
Their act was in pieces 12 months Dow’s shoulder first and yellow-carded.
Portia Emilie Abby Dow
ago. New Zealand travelled to England Woodman (NZ) Boulard (Fr) (Eng)
“There has got to be a penalty for a
and France for a quartet of stuffings. It high tackle or head clash or things that
was the series that made the Black endanger players,” Middleton, the En-
Ferns realise that they were way off the gland head coach, said. “I just think you
pace — they had not played for 26 have to take intent into consideration.
months — and led to Te Kura Ngata- Maybe that’s the bit that’s missing as
Aerengamate’s allegations of a toxic part of our protocols and consistency.”
environment. There followed a cul- Middleton suggested a replacement
tural review, the resignation of Glenn after 20 minutes could be a solution,
Moore, and the installation of “The and said the final would not have been
Professor”: Wayne Smith. The a grand spectacle without his
players, with full-time deals, were 14-woman team’s determination.
ready for their seven-month dash. “All the things that have been
Smith headlined a dream ensem- brought in have had a huge impact on
ble. Graham Henry on analysis, Mike the game in terms of concussion and we
Cron on scrums, plus Whitney should keep going as hard as we can to
Hansen, daughter of Steve. Smith and New Zealand celebrate their sixth World Cup after victory over England, while make the game as safe as we can but
Henry, accustomed to the All Blacks left, Henry and Smith enjoy the win with Ariana Bayler and Kennedy Simon there were some far more intentful in-
straitjacket, were met by players who cidents across this competition that
treated the team bus like a jamboree. Demant was player of the match term candidates. The Black Ferns didn’t get what we got,” he said.
At their pre-final press conference, but Stacey Fluhler was the patron saint channelled their chaos into rugby form. “[Thompson] did not deserve this.”
Kendra Cocksedge and Ruby Tui were Ngan-Woo stole it from Abbie Ward. of the highlights reel, duping Emily The on-field chaos is magnetic, but off- Middleton, who had long said World
living their best lives. Tui is a marketer’s The partisan crowd view was that En- Scarratt for her own try and popping field serenity would be welcome. It may Cup victory was the side’s necessary
dream: Eric Idle in front of a micro- gland were boring and all maul. It was majestically to Ayesha Leti-I’iga for the prove to be Smith’s greatest legacy of all. goal, looked crestfallen at Auckland’s
phone, Eric Rush in front of a tackler. the source of four of their five tries, match-winner. Fluhler hurt her ankle Grand Millennium hotel as England
A string of former All Blacks have though they made a sweeping backs- in the process, hobbling off with a smile prepared to fly home yesterday. He is
come in to help: Richie McCaw, Keven inspired score in the third minute when so wide it started in Auckland and fin- Scorers: New Zealand: Tries G Ponsonby (18min), contracted until the summer of 2023,
Leti-I’iga (24, 71), Rule (39), Fluhler (40), Murray
Mealamu, Ben Smith, Conrad Smith, Thompson was still out there. ished in London. (48). Cons Holmes 2. England: Tries Kildunne
but would not be drawn on his future. A
Ali Williams. Dan Carter worked with New Zealand scored two maul tries, The Black Ferns have captivated (2min), Cokayne (12, 31, 53), M Packer (20). Cons kilometre away, the Black Ferns were
the kickers (not that the Black Ferns lest we forget, but the other four (all on their nation. Surely now, even outside Scarratt 3. on stage in front of a crowd, celebrating
kick often). Smith wanted his side to be the side of the pitch where Thompson World Cups, the love and funding will New Zealand R Holmes; R Tui, S Fluhler, T a sixth World Cup win in seven editions.
Fitzpatrick, P Woodman (sub A Leti-I’iga 17); R
unshackled. They have won 12 matches was absent) displayed their attacking continue? Smith was the overlord, the Demant, K Cocksedge; P Love (K Murray 46), G Bill Sweeney, the RFU chief execu-
in a row since June, culminating in prowess. Everyone would have seemed man with a thousand contacts, but De- Ponsonby (L Connor 46), A Rule (S Taumata 62), tive, said England’s defeat would not re-
narrow victories over Europe’s top two. boring compared with the Black Ferns. mant, Fluhler et al were in the arena, M Roos (J Ngan-Woo 64), C Bremner, A Bremner, duce fan or governing-body invest-
S Hirini, C McMenamin (K Simon 50; sin-bin 64).
More than 42,000 fans were at Eden The fly half and captain, Ruahei marred by sweat and blood. For Smith, England E Kildunne; L Thompson, E Scarratt, H
ment in women’s rugby, which is not yet
Park. England, down to 14 players after Demant, made the most offloads in the it was a seven-month fling that brought Aitchison, A Dow (T Heard 66); Z Harrison, L profit-making. “Growing the women’s
Lydia Thompson’s 18th-minute red tournament and at 34-31 in the final lifelong love, enough to overcome En- Packer (C MacDonald 50); V Cornborough (M game is a really key strategic priority, it
card, had a chance to win it with a line- minutes, she tapped a penalty in her gland’s Simon Middleton, eight years at Muir 72), A Cokayne (L Davies 72), S Bern (S helps the overall game, not just at the
Brown 72), Z Aldcroft (C O’Donnell 27), A Ward, A
out in the final play. They went for a tel- own half. That gave England their the helm. The Red Roses have had se- Matthews, M Packer (S Kabeya 50), S Hunter (P elite level but at the grassroots,” he said.
egraphed front ball and Joanah chance. She got away with it. renity, with spreadsheets and long- Cleall 40). Sent off: Thompson (18). “We will definitely keep investing.”

Sorry, but England losing was right result for England dominating the collisions. the expertise of the forward coaching. decided another way was the better internationals. Hookers are the new
Stuart Barnes And with that, the capacity to control Yet let’s not forget, New Zealand route to success. Given the utmost wingers, tucked tight at the rear of the
territory. Turnovers, penalties. Kicks rumbled over for a pair of driving mastery of their lineout throughout unstoppable drive. Advocates of this
to the corner? Plenty of them. In fact, lineout tries of their own. Does the the tournament and this match, I type of try will defend it as a well-
not even to the corner. The Red game really believe matches with six don’t blame the England head coach, worked technical ploy. Why shouldn’t
Roses drove over from 22 metres out catch-and-drives is the way this sport Simon Middleton, and his it be given the same value as some
for one of their maul tries. It appeared should be heading? players. fancy-Dan wing’s finish?
to be an irresistible force, steering The women’s game is not The game is about Here’s why. The five-metre position
England to victory. encumbered with the winning, especially when is predominantly created by a penalty

he last lineout of the World Amy Cokayne, the England hooker, macho thud and bluster of the match happens to be won by the defensive team.
Cup final was an agonising scored a hat-trick of tries before being the male game that is the World Cup final. This Sometimes the source is the scrum.
moment for the Red Roses. substituted. Had England won, she otherwise known as tradition. was a match where both Half the penalties awarded at this set
Their pain was to prove the would surely have been adjudged It has an opportunity to sides were able to piece are guesswork. The cost of a
Black Ferns’ ecstasy as player of the match. Hat-trick heroes freshen up the sport. score from penalty referee getting his interpretation
England’s primary weapon of choice, always are. But for more than a Wayne Smith rebuilt the kicks to the corner. incorrect is too great. The other
their all-conquering catch-and-drive century, it has been the wings Black Ferns within a year. Five or seven-point source is the breakdown. Middleton’s
routine, was defused. New Zealand sprinting into the corner and the Their modus operandi outcomes make England are outstanding in the rough
competed at the front, stole headlines. The Red Roses have was to attack from all the policy an and tumble of the tackle zone. To
possession and with it won a sixth exceptional ability on both flanks. over. Some of their tries almost attempt to play your way out of your
World Cup. The score they conjured against were superlative. unthinking, own half is to risk the penalty, the kick
Take the partisan feelings out of Canada in the semi-final, which Abby England were just instinctive one. to the corner . . . you know the rest.
what was a turbocharged occasion Dow finished, was the best try of the as capable but Look at the It wasn’t that long ago that Eddie
and the lingering, long-term emotion tournament. Yet England — let no Gallagher Jones explained the excessive
was, dare I say it, relief. This was a one be in any doubt — were focused Thompson was Premiership negativity of England’s obsessive
game full of blood and thunder. A red on winning this game ugly. Four sent off in blood- and the kicking game in the light of this
card and a clattering occasion, with close-range tries are a testimony to and-thunder final autumn quandary. Put simply, it is too risky to
the times | Monday November 14 2022 55

Rugby union Sport

Erasmus launches video offensive Farrell fearful

over lack of
against referee Barnes over defeat Irish leaders
John Westerby authorities again. World Rugby de-
clined to comment yesterday, and it re-
A one-year ban from the sport they love
would make most people wary of trans-
gressing, but Rassie Erasmus has once
mains to be seen whether there is suffi-
cient explicit criticism of Barnes in the
tweets to take action, yet the target of
Peter O’Reilly
again reacted to a defeat by drawing at- his comments is abundantly clear.
tention to the decisions of a referee. After defeats in their opening two Johnny Sexton dominated the fall-out
After a three-point defeat by Ireland matches, on Saturday South Africa face from this scratchy, unimpressive Irish
a week earlier, South Africa fell four an Italy team buoyed by their victory victory, even though he wasn’t playing.
points short in a rollercoaster contest in over Australia, before travelling to Andy Farrell’s over-reliance on his 37-
the Stade Velodrome on Saturday Twickenham to face England a week year-old captain and fly half — and on
evening, during which Wayne Barnes, later. Erasmus is clearly hoping for a other absent members of the team’s
the English referee, showed two red more sympathetic hearing from refer- leadership group — leaves Farrell
cards — to Pieter-Steph du Toit, of ees in their final two fixtures. sweating over who is and is not fit for
South Africa, and Antoine Dupont, of The Springboks will expect to be Saturday’s Test against Australia.
France — and a yellow card to Deon without Du Toit for those matches after Sexton hasn’t trained since the 19-16
Fourie that left the Springboks a man his sickening clear-out that left Jona- victory over South Africa nine days
down for the final ten minutes. than Danty with a fractured eye socket ago, when he played for much of the
The reaction of Erasmus, the South in the 12th minute. Although his mo- second half with his right thigh heavily
Africa director of rugby, was to post a mentum into the contact was increased strapped. Others who sat out training
tweet after the game drawing attention by a nudge from behind by Kwagga last week include Andrew Porter,
to two other decisions that had not gone Smith, his team-mate, Du Toit pro- James Ryan, Josh van der Flier, Conor
the way of his team — a pass from Willie pelled himself head-first into Danty, Murray and Hugo Keenan, not to men-
le Roux that was adjudged forward and who was on the ground. tion a few others in longer-term rehab.
a forearm hand-off from Thomas Dupont, the France captain, can be Farrell said that he would know more
Ramos, the France full back, into the considered less culpable, but aerial about the make-up of this week’s team
face of Cheslin Kolbe — accompanying challenges are judged on the outcome once he had sat down with his medical
them with sarcastic comments. “We and Kolbe landed heavily on his neck. staff. On Saturday, Ireland looked flat
really only have ourselves to blame as The South Africa wing had risen early and directionless against a Fiji side that
the French were awsome [sic] both on to attack a clever kick from Faf de Klerk mixed occasional brilliance with an
the field and off,” he wrote. “We just have and, although Dupont kept his eyes all-too-familiar ill-discipline. Api
to fix these fundamental errors like fixed on the ball, players have a respon- Ratuniyarawa and Manasa Saulo both
tackle technique and simple passing.” sibility to avoid making contact with received yellow cards, while Albert
Yesterday he followed up with a slew airborne opponents and he failed to Tuisue was sent off in the 46th minute
of further videos, including one ques- spot Kolbe’s advance. for driving his right shoulder into Joey
tioning the decision-making around After France had roared into a 13-0 Carbery’s jaw. Yet Ireland weren’t abso-
Fourie’s yellow card, which turned the lead, South Africa mounted a stirring lutely safe until the 75th minute, when
match in France’s favour. “Deon cop- comeback that was given greater impe- Cian Healy scored their fifth try.
ping a lot of flack for this yellow card, to tus by Dupont’s dismissal, but Fourie’s “There’s a lot of big characters who
be honest I also thought the Blue 16 de- yellow card tilted fortunes back in the were not in the changing-room,” Farrell
tached and maul over,” he tweeted, “we favour of the home side, setting the said, in attempt to rationalise a sub-
just have to work harder and make sure Barnes, the stage for a thrilling finale. Roared on by standard performance.
we understand the rules correctly! Very English referee a full house, Sipili Falatea’s late score en- “It’s not just Johnny. Look at all the
costly. We deserve all the criticism!!” who sent off two abled France to extend their winning experience that is out of the side. Not
Erasmus, remember, is the coach players — one run to 12 matches, a sequence stretching just the injured lads, it’s Bundee [Aki],
who released an hour-long tirade after from each team back to the start of the autumn interna- Iain Henderson, Keith Earls not being
the opening Test of the British & Irish — as France beat tionals last year. They will be expected here. When you’re missing so many,
Lions’ series against South Africa last South Africa, is to add another victory when they face other people know they need to try to
year in which he excoriated the deci- the latest subject Japan on Sunday in Toulouse. fill that vacuum but they need the expe-
sion-making of Nic Berry, the Austra- of Erasmus’s ire As part of the preparations for the rience of doing that.”
lian referee. He was widely criticised after the director World Cup next year, France are show- Farrell expects a big challenge from
for his outburst, seen as deliberately of rugby was casing themselves around the country Australia who were also resting front-
undermining match officials, and was banned for in their quest to galvanise support for liners on Saturday, when they suffered
banned by World Rugby from attend- releasing a video, their attempt to lift the Webb Ellis Cup a first-ever defeat by Italy in Florence.
ing his team’s matches for a year, a right, criticising for the first time. This humdinger of a “Australia made plenty of changes,
punishment that expired six weeks ago. another official contest followed a last-gasp victory probably looking at us this week,”
Despite the unprecedented severity during last year’s against Australia in Paris a week earlier Farrell said. “They were very strong in
of the punishment, Erasmus expressed Lions tour and if they keep providing entertain- Paris last week [when France won 30-
little contrition and now appears intent ment like this, the whole country will be 29] especially at the set piece. That’s the
on testing the patience of the game’s glued to the World Cup next year. type of game we’re expecting.”

our game’s future Switched-on Wales find physicality

“Rugby players, anywhere in the style of game, defending ferociously,
play with the ball in hand. Better to
practise your kick-and-chase game. It
takes less time than all that passing
On this occasion, Bath eventually
won the game with an old-fashioned
wing’s dive in to the corner. Two
world, my experience is when they’re
challenged around physicality, you
normally get a response,” Wayne Pivac,
winning the kicking battle and hanging
in games, rather than using the more
ambitious methods that Pivac once
and running-angle stuff.
Anyone see Friday night’s Rugby
League World Cup semi-final
covering defenders could not prevent
a thrilling touchdown.
The driving lineout is the bane of
13 the Wales head coach, said.
“These boys were very keen to get out
there and put some of the wrongs of last
wanted to implement.
So, they never totally shrugged off
Argentina here and had the visiting
Steve James
between Australia and New Zealand? our time. It limits ambition with the week right.” side taken their chances we might have
It was a game of outstanding skill. ball in hand for both the team in For all its modern analytical complex- In such circumstances you need your been writing a very different story.
Players spend time working on possession, in attack and defence. For ities, rugby union, particularly at the big players to lead the way, and Pivac This was a result that Pivac needed
their skills as opposed to perfecting that reason, there is a degree of relief highest level, remains the most simple had those individuals in the back-row badly. His emotion at its conclusion was
the all-but-indefensible driving that England, driven by their driving of games. Win the physical collisions forwards Taulupe Faletau and Justin clear evidence of that. He could even be
lineout. It makes union a duller game, lineout, were unable to eke out a and it is more than likely that you will Tipuric, the captain. In fact, every looking at a return of three from four
for all the drama of Saturday World Cup-winning fifth try from this win the game. Emotional levels need to member of the pack had their mo- from the autumn now, with Georgia
morning. What can the sport’s set piece. be at their very peak. ments, as Wales’s work at all the contact and Australia to come.
authorities do? They can make the With New Zealand world “Edge” is how Argentina’s head areas was hugely improved. Of course, For this weekend’s match against the
driving lineout less attractive as a champions, perhaps the next coach, Michael Cheika, described it it was far from perfect. The attack still Georgians, the usual practice would be
scoring proposition. They can take generation of women players and after his team’s defeat. His side lacked it, gives concern, even though Tomos to field an experimental side, but that
the conversion out of the equation to coaches will dream the sort of dreams he said, and he was right. The victory Williams, the scrum half, enjoyed one notion is complicated by the Australia
make it a five-point maximum the that Wayne Smith turns into reality. over England had taken too much from of his finest matches for his country and match being outside World Rugby’s
moment the referee says “drive”. England, down to 14 women after the them, and replicating such heights George North confirmed his rise to a window and therefore players based in
On Friday night, watching Bath v early red card for Lydia Thompson, proved impossible. top-notch international outside centre. England like Louis Rees-Zammit, Nick
Leicester Tigers, a statistic flashed up had a reason to keep it tight, but this By contrast Wales were transformed Wales’s two tries came from a driving Tompkins, Christ Tshiunza and Sam
on my TV screen, informing viewers has been the template for most of the from their flaccid performance against lineout and a rather fortuitous charge Wainwright being unavailable. “We’re
that Bath score from 65 per cent of tournament. They played like men. New Zealand on their first weekend of down. It has become very evident that not going to make wholesale changes,”
their drives. From a neutral For the sake of the sport, I am glad this autumn. The riot act had been read, this Wales side are at their most effec- Pivac said. “We want to put out a side
perspective, such scores are tedious. the Black Ferns women prevailed. and there was a significant reaction. tive when adopting a Warren Gatland that can go again against Australia.”
56 Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Sport Rugby union

Bad luck and poor

discipline deny
Scots famous win
tradition of exploiting weakness, so Scotland also defended tenaciously
when Jack Dempsey was shown a yel-
low card for a deliberate (if instinctive)
at times. There was a period early in the
second half when New Zealand were
knock-on in the 65th minute, Scotland hammering away at their line but they
New Zealand
31 must have known what was heading
their way. It turned up in the form of
kept their shape and discipline and
drove the All Blacks back upfield. That
Scott Barrett, who bulldozed over from passage ended with Russell kicking his
Alasdair Reid
short range for the score that swung third penalty of the game. When the
Scottish Rugby Correspondent
things New Zealand’s way. Barrett’s ball sailed over the bar New Zealand
brother Jordie whacked over the con- had conceded 23 points without scoring
A predictable outcome, but a far from version and the lead was theirs again. one of their own.
predictable match. For long, enthrall- Mark Telea, the debutant winger, Scotland would have taken more
ing periods, Scotland played with wit, who had scored early in the game, from the game if they had had a little
energy and determination, taking their claimed a second, going over in the right more composure near the line. On
game to the All Blacks and bossing the corner five minutes from the end. The either side of half-time they had players
scoreboard for good measure. crowd howled with fury as the stadium penalised for holding on too long when
They denied New Zealand a single screens showed Telea losing control of having the patience to recycle could
point for 55 minutes, and if their luck the ball after the touchdown, but as have led to scores.
and discipline had held then they might clumsy as it looked there was no ques- In fairness, the All Blacks defended
just have denied them a win as well. tion that it was good. But then Scotland brilliantly in that area, but Scotland
But 117 years of history were not to be never lose to the All Blacks without at have a track record of suffering rushes
erased so easily. Having struggled to least an element of indignation. of blood in these situations and it is
find their gears for much of the game, Fortunately, there was much more to something they have to address.
New Zealand started to click mena- savour in Scotland’s performance as To their credit, Scotland’s discipline
cingly in the final quarter. They were well. Stuart Hogg had his best game for showed vast improvement after their
nine points behind at the start of that a long time and he had quality support lapses against Australia and Fiji over
period, eight ahead at the finish. In from his back-three colleagues, Darcy the past couple of weeks. They conced-
piling on 17 unanswered points in those Graham and Duhan van der Merwe. ed three penalties in the first five
closing minutes they said much about Finn Russell fully justified his recall minutes, but were close to squeaky
their own levels of pride as well. with an intelligent all-round display, clean for the rest of the half. At the
The All Blacks have a tradition of and there were noble contributions in interval they were at the virtuous end of
finishing strongly, so Scotland probably the pack from Jamie Ritchie, Matt an 8-5 penalty count.
knew it was coming. They also have a Fagerson and Richie Gray. That pattern was all the more Telea goes over for his second try of the game, which was greeted with fury by

2.30 Handicap Chase 1.40 Selling Hurdle (£4,738: 2m) (8)

Exeter (£6,862: 3m) (11)
Rob Wright

3.20 Maiden Hurdle

(£4,357: 1m 7f 113yd) (4)
1.00 Handicap Hurdle
(£5,065: 2m 7f) (7 runners)
2.10 Handicap Chase (£5,773: 2m 1f) (4)
Rob Wright
3.50 Handicap Hurdle
(£3,976: 1m 7f 113yd) (4)
3.00 Handicap Chase (£9,313: 3m) (4) 2.40 Handicap Hurdle
(£5,065: 2m 4f 114yd) (10)

1.20 Novices' Hurdle

(£7,624: 2m 4f 110yd) (3)
1.30 Novices' Chase (£9,313: 2m 3f) (4)
Rob Wright
3.30 Novices' Hurdle
(£4,084: 2m 2f 111yd) (14)
1.50 Handicap Hurdle
(£3,431: 2m 4f 110yd) (5)

3.10 Handicap Chase

2.00 Novices' Hurdle (£4,084: 2m 1f) (15) (£4,248: 3m 4f 102yd) (4)
12.40 Handicap Chase
(£9,040: 2m 4f) (3)

2.20 Handicap Hurdle

(£3,431: 1m 7f 113yd) (7)

1.10 Novices' Hurdle Course specialists

(£4,629: 2m 4f 114yd) (12) Exeter: Trainers A Honeyball, 12 winners from
40 runners, 30%; J Snowden, 5 from 19, 26.3%.
Jockeys A Coleman, 11 winners from 36 rides,
30.6%; H Cobden, 25 from 112, 22.3%.
Leicester: Trainers O Murphy, 13 from 38, 34.2%;
E Williams, 4 from 19, 21.1%. Jockeys C Gethings,
4.05 Open NH Flat Race 6 from 27, 22.2%; F Gregory, 3 from 16, 18.8%.
(£2,723: 2m 1f) (15) Plumpton: Trainers A Ralph, 3 from 7, 42.9%;
F O'Brien, 5 from 14, 35.7%. Jockeys T Cannon,
42 from 169, 24.9%; S Twiston-Davies, 7 from 37,
2.50 Juvenile Hurdle 18.9%.
(3-Y-O: £6,154: 1m 7f 113yd) (7) Wolverhampton: Trainers J Horton, 3 from 9,
33.3%; C Appleby, 32 from 97, 33%. Jockeys
Blinkered first time: Plumpton 1.40 Kalaya. J Mitchell, 86 from 430, 20%; W Buick, 15 from
Wolverhampton 5.00 Dream Final. 8.00 Tabaretta. 75, 20%.
8.30 Socially Shady.
the times | Monday November 14 2022 57

Scorers: Scotland: Tries Penalty (12), Graham
‘Other’ All Blacks are beaten (14). Con Russell. Pens Russell (31, 42, 54).
New Zealand: Tries S Barrett (2min, 65), Telea
Late comeback
The England internationals Joe
Marchant, pictured below, and Zach
Mercer both scored tries for the
(7, 75). Cons J Barrett 4. Pens J Barrett (62).
Scotland S Hogg; D Graham, C Harris (M
Bennett 65min), S Tuipulotu (B Kinghorn
keeps Saracens
Barbarians as they beat a second-
string New Zealand team 35-31 at
76min), D Van der Merwe; F Russell, A Price
(B White 65min); P Schoeman (R Sutherland
57min-67min), F Brown (E Ashman 71min), Z
clear at the top
the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. Fagerson (WP Nel 57min), R Gray, G Gilchrist
The All Black Select XV were denied (Gray 65min), J Ritchie (captain), H Watson (J
players who were with the senior Dempsey 18min, sin-bin 67), M Fagerson.
Gallagher Premiership
squad for their game in Edinburgh. New Zealand J Barrett, M Telea, A Lienert- The Saracens captain Ben Earl hailed
Brown (sin-bin 67), D Havili (R Ioane 53min), the resilience of his side as they staged
C Clarke, B Barrett (S Perofeta 79min), F a remarkable recovery to beat
Christie (TJ Perenara 57min); E De Groot (G
Bower 51min), S Taukei’aho (C Taylor 57min),
Northampton Saints 45-39 and
N Laulala (F Newell 51min), S Whitelock (capt), preserve their unbeaten Gallagher
S Barrett (T Vaa’I, 71min), A Ioane (S Frizell Premiership record in a thrilling match
59min), D Papali’i, A Savea. at the StoneX Stadium.
Referee F Murphy (Ire). Attendance 67,144. Saracens had won their previous
eight league matches but they looked
down and out when they trailed 39-17 to
ing himself to intercept a pass from a rampant Saints after only 52 minutes.
David Havili as New Zealand tried to Saracens’ cause was not helped by
build a move from deep. The little wing- the loss of Max Malins and three front-
er still had work to do, but he side- rowers to injury, resulting in consider-
stepped Jordie Barrett beautifully and able disruption and passive scrums, but
went over. they overcame this handicap to move
Graham came agonisingly close to 15 points clear at the top of the table.
remarkable as the Scots suffered a claiming a second a few minutes later Earl, named player of the match, said:
horror start. when Hogg, who was playing superbly, “Everything seemed to be against us
With little more than two minutes gave him the ball near the right corner. and to get the win was a testament to
played they conceded the first try when Graham tried to dance his way through our resilience and team spirit.
Samisoni Taukei’aho, the All Blacks and appeared to have scored with a “We rolled with the punches in the
hooker, crashed over from behind a spectacular dive round the flag, but middle 40 of the game and then man-
lineout, then gave up a second when replays showed his foot had grazed the aged to dig ourselves out in the last 20.”
an inch-perfect crossfield kick by touchline a moment before. Sean Maitland scored two tries for
Beauden Barrett was collected by However, Scotland added to their the hosts, while Gareth Simpson, Josh
Telea. With the game only seven tally, and moved ahead for the first Hallett, Earl and Elliot Daly claimed
minutes old Scotland found themselves time, soon afterwards when Russell the others, with Alex Goode kicking a
trailing 14-0. clipped over an easy penalty from penalty and five conversions as Alex
It looked like a rout was coming. straight in front of the posts. Lozowski added a conversion.
Instead, we witnessed a dramatic reviv- Russell added another couple of pen- Fraser Dingwall scored a hat-trick of
al. In the 12th minute Scotland worked alties in the third quarter to turn the tries for Saints with Mike Haywood and
a clever move from a lineout that sent screws on New Zealand. By now, with Courtnall Skosan also on the try-
Hogg blasting through the centre. Scotland leading 23-14, the atmosphere scoring sheet. Finn Smith added four
He chipped into the dead-ball area was rising to a peak, but there was conversions and two penalties.
and looked odds-on to win the race nervousness in there too. The Saracens head coach Joe Shaw
until Anton Lienert-Brown tackled him And quite rightly. It was the surest praised the efforts of Earl, who must
without the ball. Frank Murphy, the thing going that the All Blacks would wonder what he needs to do to be a
referee, studied the replay and decided, dig deep to salvage the game, and dig member of Eddie Jones’s England
correctly, that it was a penalty try. they did. Dempsey’s departure made squad. “He’s such a bright star and a fan-
Two minutes later, astonishingly, the outcome almost inevitable. As he tastic performer,” Shaw said. “We have
Scotland were level. This time it was walked off the pitch, Scotland’s shot at given him the captaincy in the last two
the crowd who thought that he had lost control of the ball before touching down Graham who delivered the try, station- history went with him. or three weeks and he’s thrived on it.”

3.40 Handicap Hurdle 6.00 Handicap (£10,308: 7f) (8) 7.00 Handicap 8.00 Nursery
(£4,248: 3m 1f) (7) (Div II: £3,726: 5f) (11) (2-Y-O: £5,508: 1m 1f 104yd) (5)

8.30 Handicap
(£3,726: 1m 6f) (13)
6.30 Handicap
5.30 Novice Stakes (Div I: £3,726: 5f) (11)
Wolverhampton (£4,320: 7f) (11)
Rob Wright

7.30 Nursery
(2-Y-O: £5,508: 5f) (6)

5.00 Novice Stakes

(2-Y-O: £3,672: 1m 1f 104yd) (13)

Results Yesterday’s racing results

66, 68, 70; R Knox (Scot) 69, 65, 70; S Piercy National League One Birmingham Moseley Cheltenham Fontwell Park
American football 67, 70, 67; A Rai (Eng) 70, 64, 70; A Noren Rugby union 29 Cambridge 26; Bishop’s Stortford 22 Sale Going: good Going: good (good to soft in places)
NFL (Swe) 65, 66, 73; P Rodgers 68, 63, 73. Men’s international matches England 52 29; Chinnor 33 Esher 41; Darlington Mowden 1.10 (3m 80yd ch) 1, The Real Whacker 12.30 (2m 1f 162yd hdle) 1, Maclaine (D A
Buffalo 30 Minnesota 33 (OT); Chicago 30 Women’s Aramco Team Series Japan 13; France 30 South Africa 26; Georgia Park 40 Taunton Titans 13; Hull 30 Cinderford (G Sheehan, 10-1); 2, Indigo Breeze (5-2); Jacob, 11-8 fav); 2, Gold In Doha (11-2);
Detroit 31; Kansas City 27 Jacksonville 17; 19 Samoa 20; Ireland 35 Fiji 17; Italy 28 30; Rams 26 Plymouth Albion 14; Rosslyn 3, Bardenstown Lad (11-10 fav). 5 ran. 3, Trevor’s Lad (12-1). 8 ran. NR: Delta Run. 2 l,
Jeddah: Leading final scores (Great Britain
Miami 39 Cleveland 17; New York Giants 24 and Ireland unless stated): 203 C Noja (Ger) Australia 27; Scotland 23 New Zealand 31; Park 40 Leeds Tykes 12. NR: Mister Coffey. l, 47l. P Neville. 2 l. O Sherwood.
Houston 16; Pittsburgh 20 New Orleans 10; 68, 70, 65; C Hull 70, 65, 68 (Noja won play-off Spain 34 Namibia 15; Tonga 39 Chile 10; Wales Women’s World Cup: Third place play-off 1.45 (1m 7f 199yd ch) 1, Nube Negra (Harry 1.00 (2m 3f 104yd ch) 1, Tip Top Mountain
Tampa Bay 21 Seattle 16; Tennessee 17 at first extra hole). 204 N Garcia (SA) 67, 70, 20 Argentina 13; Barbarians 35 Maori All Canada 0 France 36. Final New Zealand 34 Skelton, 1-10 fav); 2, Ganapathi (10-1); 3, Daly (Bryan Carver, 100-30); 2, For Langy (100-30);
Denver 10. 67. 205 V Carta (It) 67, 69, 69. 206 L-A Pace Blacks 31 (at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium). England 31. Tiger (16-1). NR: Edwardstone, Sizing Pottsie. 3, Eceparti (100-30). 5 ran. 5l, 11l. R Walford.
(SA) 71, 68, 67; B Law 70, 69, 67. 207 C Hedwall 8l, 35l. D Skelton. 1.30 (2m 1f 162yd hdle) 1, Trojan Horse
Golf (Swe) 69, 67, 71. 208 P Babnik (Slove) 71, 65,
Gallagher Premiership Exeter Chiefs 22 Snooker 2.20 (3m 3f 71yd ch) 1, Does He Know (David (Rex Dingle, 13-8 fav); 2, Aviles (15-8); 3, Anger
London Irish 17; Gloucester 21 Newcastle Bass, 6-1); 2, Eva’s Oskar (8-1); 3, Back On The Management (7-1). 7 ran. 10l, 6 l.
DP World Tour Nedbank Challenge 72; L Beveridge 72, 67, 69; V Kapoor (India) Cazoo UK Championship
69, 70, 69. Selected: 209 G Hall 72, 67, 70. Falcons 27; Saracens 45 Northampton 39. Lash (9-2). 11 ran. NR: Ramses De Teillee, A J Honeyball.
Sun City, South Africa: Leading final scores: P W D L F A B Pts York Barbican: First round J Perry (Eng) bt Slipway. 1 l, 2l. K C Bailey. 2.05 (3m 3f 149yd ch) 1, Slipway (Luca
277 T Fleetwood (Eng) 70, 70, 70, 67. 278 R LPGA Tour Pelican Women’s Championship N Robertson (Aus) 6-2; L Brecel (Bel) bt Lyu
Saracens 9 9 0 0 318 220 7 43 2.55 (2m 87yd hdle) 1, I Like To Move It (Sam Morgan, 13-2); 2, Premiumaccess (9-1); 3,
Fox (NZ) 64, 74, 72, 68. 279 S Sharma (India) Belleair, Florida: Leaders after two rounds Sale 8 6 0 2 219 171 4 28 Haotian (China) 6-4. Twiston-Davies, 17-2); 2, Gin Coco (4-1 fav); Cyclop (22-1). 11 ran. NR: Abaya Du Mathan, Len
72, 69, 69, 69. 280 R Ramsay (Scot) 69, 71, 71, (United States unless stated): 130 A Corpuz 3, Harbour Lake (10-1). 13 ran. NR: Castel Brennan, Samuel Jackson. 3 , 13l. B Pauling.
69. 281 S Soederberg (Swe) 71, 71, 72, 67; C 65, 65. 131 A Thompson 64, 67; M Stark (Swe) Northampton 9 4 0 5 266 280 8 24
Harlequins 7 4 0 3 218 197 6 22
Tennis Gandolfo, Current Mood, Playful Saint. 2.40 (2m 1f 162yd hdle) 1, Quinta Do Mar
Bezuidenhout (SA) 73, 68, 68, 72. 282 G Green 68, 63; M Fassi (Mex) 62, 69. 132 N Korda 66, 5 l, 13l. N A Twiston-Davies. (Luca Morgan, 9-2); 2, Irish Hill (15-8 fav);
(Malay) 72, 65, 75, 70. 283 R Hoejgaard (Den) 66; C Ciganda (Sp) 64, 68. 133 Kim Hyo-joo (S Gloucester 7 4 0 3 189 183 5 21 Nitto ATP Tour finals
Exeter 8 4 0 4 220 207 4 20 Turin: Round robin C Ruud (Nor) bt F Auger- 3.30 (2m 87yd hdle) 1, Fennor Cross (S D 3, Amelia’s Dance (14-1). 8 ran. NR: Hystery
69, 69, 69, 76; R Bland (Eng) 68, 68, 75, 72; Lee Kor) 64, 69; A Ewing 68, 65. 134 A Buhai (SA) Torrens, 3-1); 2, Ukantango (12-1); Bere. Hd, 9l. B Pauling.
Min-woo (Aus) 68, 76, 70, 69; M Kieffer (Ger) 69, 65; G López (Mex) 65, 69; Liu Yu (China) Leicester 7 3 0 4 176 181 5 17 Aliassime (Can) 7-6 (7-4), 6-4; T Fritz (US) bt
R Nadal (Sp) 7-6 (7-3), 6-1. 3, Springwell Bay (2-1 fav). 8 ran. NR: Father Of 3.15 (2m 5f 135yd ch) 1, Ballaquane (Brendan
70, 72, 69, 72; B Grace (SA) 70, 67, 71, 75. 69, 65; B Lang 69, 65. Bath 8 3 0 5 198 215 5 17 Jazz. 3 l, 3 L. J C McConnell.
Newcastle 7 2 0 5 164 195 5 13 Powell, 9-4); 2, Dindin (13-2); 3, Aughnacurra
US PGA Tour Cadence Bank Houston Open Rugby league Bristol 7 2 0 5 169 246 5 13
WTA Billie Jean King Cup finals
Emirates Arena, Glasgow: Final:
4.00 (2m 87yd Flat) 1, Gentle Slopes
(H Cobden, 12-1); 2, School Days Over (14-1);
King (15-2). 4 ran. NR: Enduring Love,
Wetanwindy. 2l, 2 l. O Sherwood.
Leaders after three rounds (United States London Irish 7 1 0 6 181 223 6 10
unless stated): 195 T Finau 65, 62, 68. 199 B Men’s World Cup semi-final England 26 Switzerland bt Australia 2-0 (Switzerland 3, Cape Vidal (7-1). 13 ran. NR: Crambo. 4l, 2 l. 3.50 (2m 3f 49yd hdle) 1, Annie Day (Jack
Taylor (Eng) 66, 68, 65. 202 T Alexander 66, Samoa 27 (at Emirates Stadium). Championship Cup: Pool one Jersey Reds 55 names first: J Teichmann bt S Sanders 6-3, 4- M F Harris. Quinlan, 11-4 fav); 2, Briery Express (17-2);
66, 70; W Clark 66, 68, 68; J Rose (Eng) 67, 69, Wheelchair World Cup: Semi-finals (at Hartpury 24; Nottingham 19 Ealing 6, 6-3; B Bencic bt A Tomljanovic 6-2, 6-1; did Jackpot: Not won. Pool of £45,610.95 3, Midnight Gold (25-1). 11 ran. NR: Talk Of The
66. 203 J Dahmen 67, 68, 68; G Woodland 69, English Institute of Sport, Sheffield): France Trailfinders 26. Pool three Ampthill 29 not play: Bencic and Teichmann v Sanders carried forward to Wolvrhmptn today. Moon. 2 l, 2 l. B I Case.
67, 67. 204 J Hahn 68, 65, 71; M Hughes (Can) 84 Australia 40; England 125 Wales 22. Richmond 5; Caldy 7 Cornish Pirates 26. and S Stosur). Placepot: £142.10. Quadpot: £33.50. Placepot: £140.90. Quadpot: £42.10.
58 Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Sport Rugby union

We can beat New Zealand with

Who would Times writers
Alex Lowe select to face All Blacks?
Alex Lowe
Correspondent 1 2 3
E Genge L Cowan-Dickie K Sinckler
4 5
England’s autumn campaign advances D Ribbans J Hill
6 8 7
into its second phase with Eddie Jones
M Itoje B Vunipola T Curry
impressing upon his men the opportu-
nity to achieve “something special”. 9
After underestimating Argentina and J van
dispatching Japan with ease, England Poortvliet 10
will regroup today and begin prepara- M Smith 12
tions for their first Test against New O Farrell 13
Zealand since the 2019 World Cup M Tuilagi
semi-final, an assignment swiftly fol- 11 15 14
lowed by South Africa’s arrival at J May H Slade F Steward
Ben Youngs, right, leads England’s
Twickenham. celebrations after their victory in
There was a frisson of excitement the sides’ last meeting in Yokohama
about the All Blacks fixture, even as I want Steward available to combat
fans danced to live music in the stadium New Zealand’s cross-kick to Jordie New Zealand’s two most recent Tests,
concourse on Saturday night, partly Barrett, one of their key plays, while against Wales and Scotland, have fol-
because of the scarcity factor. New Zea- Slade’s running lines, left boot and lowed a similar pattern. The All Blacks
land have graced Twickenham only creativity give England another started hot, streaking out ahead in the
once since 2014 and England victories dimension in attack. Steward does opening few minutes, and they finished
over the All Blacks, only eight in 115 not have electric pace but he is a well but were under pressure in the
years, often take on an iconic status. powerful finisher. With May bringing middle section.
Prince Alexander Obolensky’s two the gas, this back three allows England will have seen how Scot-
tries in 1936; Jonny Wilkinson’s chip- Tuilagi to remain as a direct-running land’s physical defence disrupted New
and-chase at Twickenham in 2002 and midfield foil to Smith and Farrell. Zealand’s discipline at Murrayfield,
his kicking through a Wellington storm allowing the hosts to come from 14-0
in 2003; Manu Tuilagi’s thunderous Stuart Barnes down to lead 23-14 before TJ Perenara
performance in 2012 and then his try and the All Blacks bench rescued the
in Yokohama, which started with 1 2 3 situation. They will also have recog-
England’s V-sign response to the haka. E Genge L Cowan-Dickie K Sinckler nised how critical it will be to take their
This All Blacks vintage is not the 4 5
chances. Three times Scotland were
all-conquering team of 2005 or 2015. halted on the All Blacks line.
D Ribbans J Hill
Indeed, they hit an all-time low in the 6 8 7 “The way that we want to play as an
world rankings this year by losing a Test M Itoje B Vunipola T Curry England team, defence is a huge part of
series at home to Ireland and suffering 9
the game,” Simmonds said. “New
a 25-18 defeat by Argentina in Christ- Zealand’s attack is very good, as we’ve
J van
church, leaving Ian Foster, the head Poortvliet 10 seen over the last few weeks, and they
coach, within 80 minutes of the sack. M Smith 12 do score tries. We’re going to still start
But they battled back from the brink. O Farrell 13
on defence and our set piece is going to
They won the Rugby Championship be huge. That’s how England win
H Slade
and have now strung together six con- games. When we do get chances to
secutive victories, not all of them espe- 11 15 14 attack, like we did today, we showed we
cially convincing but they are finding C Murley F Steward J Cokanasiga can put some phases together and our
ways to win. If Ardie Savea, their No 8, weapons were there to be seen.”
is not on World Rugby’s shortlist for That was how England played in the
men’s player of the year when it is Here’s the team I’d select, not the Yokohama semi-final: a powerful fluid-
announced today, it will be a scandal. one I expect to take the field. Smith ity in attack underpinned by a dismant-
England, with a 50 per cent win is touched with the stuff of genius, ling of New Zealand’s lineout and a
record in 2022, are in a not dissimilar with the right place, right time claustrophobic defensive effort.
place, as a team also trying to find knack, and he and Farrell functioned “There will be certain things we did
themselves again. There have been a better on Saturday. Jones seems to well in that game that will be impor-
couple of false dawns in the past year like the potential of Smith’s magic tant,” Jones said. “Their team has
and defeat by the Pumas was a step and Farrell’s basics. That leaves the changed and they are playing a slightly
backwards, but a shift in attitude last third midfield position to be settled, different style of rugby — playing more
week translated into a seven-try vic- between Slade and Tuilagi. off the scrum half — but if we go after
tory over Japan on Saturday. “This sets them, they are there for the taking.”
us up better, with a little bit of Will Kelleher The aforementioned attitude shift in

Farrell: Steward
confidence going into a big game,” Sam the England camp was a reaction to the
Simmonds, the No 8, said. 1 2 3 listless, ill-disciplined display against
The World Cup preparation narra- E Genge L Cowan-Dickie K Sinckler Argentina. The message was ham-
tive will be paused this week. Both 4 5 mered home in a players-only team
teams need to win. Jones relishes these D Ribbans J Hill meeting on Wednesday, just before
big one-off occasions and he was up 6 8 7 their main training session of the week.
and running on Saturday night, identi- M Itoje B Vunipola T Curry Maro Itoje always leads those conver- hardworking he is as a young lad. He’s
fying the All Blacks as vulnerable even
before they were pushed to the limit by
J van
sations but the supporting cast rotates.
Last week the points were made by Ben
obviously got some special talents.
“Because of his aerial stuff, some
Scotland yesterday. Poortvliet 10 Youngs and Freddie Steward and they other things go unnoticed. You see him
“This is an opportunity to play
against one of the giants of world rugby.
M Smith 12
O Farrell 13
hit home, leading to a more disciplined
defensive performance, which pres-
13 on Saturday breaking tackles and
setting up tries. That’s a big part of his
Like anyone, you want to do something M Tuilagi sured Japan for time and space. game too.”
Will Kelleher
special in your life and our players are 11 15 14 The performance was not perfect by Deputy Rugby Correspondent Farrell is spot on. Watching England
no different. They want to do something J May F Steward J Nowell
any means and Japan were poor; cer- — however the rest of the team have
special,” Jones, the head coach, said. “It tainly some of England’s attack was too Practically the most praiseworthy fared — since Steward made his debut
is about believing that there are parts of telegraphed in the early stages and will Owen Farrell can be about a player is in the summer of 2021 we have become
our game that are better than theirs and England need a supercharged need to improve in sharpness. But there that “he loves getting better”. so used to him dominating in the air,
making sure that the players under- forward pack, with carriers was an improved intent and cohesion, In Farrell’s terse way, where he plays and have been so mightily impressed
stand where the All Blacks are weak. everywhere. In my chosen team Billy which is something positive to build on. down most things asked of him, that is with his security at the back, that we
“Even when the All Blacks were Vunipola comes back for Sam Steward was outstanding at full back a bit like someone more ebullient say- perhaps do not see all the other ele-
winning at 92 per cent they still had Simmonds to add bulk, but Genge again, carving lines through the Japan ing their team-mate is the best rugby ments of his game that are improving.
weaknesses, and you’ve got to be able to and Sinckler are key carriers. At defence and dominating the air. Marcus player they have ever seen. Before an analysis of that, though,
find those weaknesses. outside centre Tuilagi is a certainty, Smith found his groove after some early Freddie Steward, the England full here is Steward himself on how he has
“Like any team, if you dig down deep and I’ve gone with experienced stutters. Jack van Poortvliet, at scrum back who looks more supreme by the honed his greatest skill: catching.
enough, make them scratch at the back wings — May adding the nous and half, was swift and accurate. Smith and Test, was the player Farrell was talking “A lot of it is the mindset that I’ve had
of their head and make them think, pace needed. Alex Mitchell, Guy Porter each scored twice. There about on Saturday night. to work on,” the Leicester Tigers full
‘This isn’t how it’s supposed to go,’ you Simmonds and Jack Willis can lift the was a try from Ellis Genge and a penalty Farrell said: “I can only speak of back said. “When you’re running out at
can put them under pressure. We were tempo off the bench and Cokanasiga try earned by England’s rolling maul, Freddie himself and how good he is Twickenham and you have 80,000 fans
able to do that in 2019 and there’s no can hit holes when bodies tire. two important weapons against the All around the place, in training, how much around you screaming and the ball goes
reason we can’t do that again.” Blacks in prime working order. he wants to get better, how honest and in the air, it’s quite a daunting experi-
the times | Monday November 14 2022 59


set piece, says Simmonds RFU: Next

head coach
doesn’t have
Up there with the best
Since Steward's England debut in July 2021
Most metres made in Tests Defensive catch success % in Tests
to be English
Rieko Ioane (NZ) Stuart Hogg (Sco) Will Kelleher
1,440 93.6 Elgan Alderman Auckland
Will Jordan (NZ) Willie le Roux (SA)
1,076 93.4 The RFU no longer minds if Eddie
Jones’s successor is another foreigner,
Freddie Steward (Eng) Steward as it wants to finalise the appointment
1,002 91 of a new England head coach by May.
Jordie Barrett (NZ) Edoardo Padovani (Ita) Bill Sweeney, the union’s chief execu-
975 90.5 tive, said in March that he wanted an
English coach to succeed Jones when
Marika Koroibete (Aus) Hugo Keenan (Ire) he leaves after the 2023 World Cup.
908 89.8 However, he has cooled that stance
having drawn up a list of candidates,
increasing the chances that England
will look at the New Zealander Scott
England more clinical Robertson and the Irishman Ronan
O’Gara, as well as the Leicester Tigers
England were more effective
director of rugby, Steve Borthwick.
inside Japan's 22 than in any
other match this year, taking an
Asked if he stood by his plan to
average of more than three
appoint an Englishman, Sweeney said:
points for every visit there “I didn’t actually say that. What I said is
it has to be the best coach, the right
Japan (Nov 12) 3.25 coach. If it was an English person it
makes life easier. It’s got to be the right
Australia (Jul 2) 2.75
England v person, if they are English then great.”
Italy (Feb 13) 2.54 In March Sweeney had spelt out why
New Zealand Argentina (Nov 6) 2.43
he would prefer an English coach.
Saturday, 5.30pm “We’ve got such a wealth of English
Twickenham Australia (Jul 16) 2 coaches,” he said. “As a leading nation
we should be developing English
TV: Amazon Prime Video Australia (Jul 9) 1.73 coaches and an English style of play.
Radio: talkSPORT That should be long term and the pref-
Wales (Feb 26) 1.33
erence would be an English set-up.
Scotland (Feb 5) 1.22 We’ve got a war room that’s got every
English coach you can imagine, based
France (Mar 19) 0.88 here and internationally. We’ve got an
Ireland (Mar 12) 0.75 advanced succession plan in place.”
The RFU wants to announce the new
coach before the 2023 World Cup prep-
arations. “We’re still on track,” Sweeney
said. “We said we’d announce in May. It
could be earlier. Sometimes it’s not
within your control. It’s in good shape.”
Their initial idea was for the new
coach to join Jones’s set-up for the
World Cup in France, then take over in
2024. That may prove expensive if they
want to appoint O’Gara, whose con-
tract at La Rochelle runs out at the end
of the 2023-24 season. Robertson could
join after the Super Rugby season with
the Crusaders in mid-2023.
Borthwick would represent the
Steward, who delivered smoothest transition, as he was one of
an eye-catching display Jones’s assistants between 2016 and
at Twickenham, could be 2020. In April the Tigers chief execu-
an important weapon tive, Andrea Pinchen, said that the club
against the All Blacks would not stand in Borthwick’s way.
“If you were the RFU and didn’t put

is special – and not just in the air

his name into the mix then there is
something remiss,” Pinchen said. “I
would be naive if I wasn’t expecting a
phone call.
“Would the club block that? No. We
really wouldn’t. He is a proud English-
ence. I’ve done a lot of work with the When he spotted a gap in midfield, raked off his right foot across and down “He’s doing extremely well. Consider man. If another nation came calling, we
psychologist, Dave Priestley, back at Steward scythed through it; his Tigers the field was a metre from being a per- him and Marcus [Smith], 10 and 15, might have another conversation.”
the club and Andrea [Furst] here [with team-mate Jack van Poortvliet came fect 50:22 kick, around the hour mark. that’s the spine of the team. And JVP Rob Baxter at Exeter Chiefs could be
England] on dealing with that and with him, took his pass and sent Joe There were also moments of strong [Van Poortvliet], five Tests, that spine of another option if the RFU wanted more
ignoring everything except the ball, Cokanasiga through, who popped to self-awareness, like when he mistimed young guys are doing exceptionally of an overseeing, director-of-rugby
because that’s all that matters. That’s Smith for the try. a kick-chase, and instead of clattering well. He’s 15 Tests into his career, he’s style leader, with coaches underneath
been the biggest work-on for me. It was all down to Steward’s first step the catcher realised he was not going to going to have a couple of bad ones.” him. However it is understood Baxter
“It’s that focus. When that ball goes on the accelerator, and the instinct of make a legal hit, so raised both arms to We have not seen a bad Test from has had no contact from England.
up, that is all that matters. So it’s [think- the players around him. show the referee he was not taking the Steward yet — a player who started well Sweeney wants the England men’s
ing], ‘Where’s the ball going to land, When Ellis Genge scored after half- man out in the air. and is getting better week after week. team to be more approachable and
what do I need to do with my timing time it was Steward who had carried It is these sorts of intelligent promote the sport more readily, follow-
and my footwork to get there?’ twice in the build-up; once down the moments that defy Steward’s lack of ing the example of the Red Roses.
“It’s trying not to think about what’s wing, and another to set up a carry for Test experience. It is remarkable to Scorers: England: Tries Steward (12min), Smith 2 “They [the women’s side] are really
(24, 74), Porter 2 (40, 50), Genge 48. Cons Farrell
coming, the next phase, just that ball.” Kyle Sinckler — the phase before think he turns 22 in December, and has 6. Pens Farrell 5. Japan: Try Saito. Con Lee. Pens
accessible and grateful for everything,”
In the Japan match Steward was key Genge bashed over — in the 22. played only 15 Tests to date. Yamasawa 2. Sweeney, who was at the women’s
to four of England’s seven tries. For the And when Henry Slade came on, “Some players come through — England F Steward; J Cokanasiga (H Slade 63), World Cup final in Auckland on Satur-
first try, which he scored, he curved a Steward moved to the wing, helping to Owen was one — where they look G Porter (M Tuilagi 63), O Farrell (capt), J May day, said. “I was on the pitch watching
(sin-bin 34); M Smith, J van Poortvliet (B Youngs
lovely outside arc of a line off Marcus assist Smith’s second. With six minutes experienced right from the start,” Eddie 63); E Genge (M Vunipola 55), L Cowan-Dickie them come off [after their defeat].
Smith. left he kicked cleverly down the touch- Jones said of Steward. “Others tend to (J George 55), K Sinckler, D Ribbans (A Coles 55), “There was an eight-year-old New
The second was his best involvement. line, which Slade hacked on and Smith take longer to mature. He’s got a good J Hill (B Vunipola 60), M Itoje, T Curry, S Zealand boy looking for autographs.
Eleven minutes in he fielded a ball at gathered to dot down. head on him, doesn’t get too ahead of Japan R Yamanaka; K Matsushima, D Riley, R
Tatyana Heard took her boots off and
the back, and instead of just hoofing it That showed how Steward’s kicking himself. Nakamura, G van den Heever (S Fifita 55; sin-bin gave him her socks. It was a tremendous
into the air he swerved across the pitch, has come on. The smart-ball statistics “The only flashiness we’ve seen is 69); T Yamasawa (S Lee 40), Y Nagare (N Saito gesture and comes naturally. They want
looking for a little opening break- showed how he hit the longest punt of that ridiculous moustache — we’re 55); K Inagaki (C Millar 55), A Sakate (c), J Gu, W to engage, promote the game and do
Dearns, J Cornelsen, M Leitch, K Himeno, T Tatafu
through or a soft shoulder to run into. the day: 54 metres. One other effort he going to have to get rid of that for him. (P Labuschagne 55). their best for it.”
60 Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Sport Brazilian Grand Prix

Russell wins
as Mercedes
make most of
Red Bull row
going through and all the support I’ve
Rebecca Clancy had from the rest of my family, my girl-
friend, my trainer, my manager.
“And then obviously the likes of
Gwen [Lagrue] who gave me the oppor-
Motor Racing tunity to get on the programme with
Correspondent Mercedes and James Vowles and Toto
[Wolff]. The list is endless. I can’t thank
them enough and yeah, super proud.”
George Russell’s first phone call after Russell had the perfect start and was
winning his maiden Formula One in control of what turned out to be a
grand prix was to his family. He wanted chaotic grand prix, but it was not a
to share the moment with his mum, straightforward race for Hamilton, who
dad, brother, sister, niece and nephew found himself colliding with his former
that he has worked his whole life for. title rival Max Verstappen, and the two
He had won the sprint in São Paulo did not hold back after the incident.
on Saturday but the tears that flowed The safety car was deployed on the
after taking the chequered flag yester- first lap as the McLaren of Daniel
day showed what winning the main Ricciardo hit Kevin Magnussen,
event meant to the 24-year-old. It was spinning the Haas, which then collect-
also Mercedes’s first victory of the ed the Australian as he span off, and
season after what has been a difficult both were forced to retire.
year for the team. When the racing restarted on lap
However, celebrations had to be put seven, Verstappen and Hamilton Russell was emotional,
on hold as he spent last night on a rewound the clocks to 2021, when they inset, after his first grand
15-hour flight to Abu Dhabi for next spent the whole year battling and fre- prix victory, while his
weekend’s final race of the year. quently colliding. They had not had Mercedes team-mate
It was at Interlagos five years ago that contact this year, until now, and it was Hamilton took second in
Russell made his F1 debut, in a practice as heated as when they were fighting São Paulo, despite clashing
session for Force India, back when he for the drivers’ championship. with Verstappen, top
was in Formula Two. He probably did As they made their way down the
not think he would have to wait so long long start/finish straight, Verstappen With it being clear that the race re- roughly the same into next season, he As both drivers emerged from their
for his first win, but during a tough sniffed an opening up the inside of quired every driver to stop twice, teams highlighted the importance of the win cars an emergency meeting was con-
three years at Williams he flirted with Hamilton into turn one as they battled played around with strategy, keeping as the winter break looms and the team ducted inside their hospitality area
the back of the grid in every race and in for second, but Hamilton came back drivers out on different tyres for differ- look to be back in the championship before either was sent to speak to the
his first season with Mercedes they and was just ahead as they went into ent lengths of time. fight next season. media. When they did, Verstappen re-
handed him a woefully uncompetitive turn two. There was not enough space Eventually it evened out and Russell Next door at Red Bull, however, there fused to give his reasons for not moving
car at the start of the season. for both of them and they collided. was still leading, with Hamilton behind was no such harmony. On the final lap over. Pérez maintained his disappoint-
But a significant upgrade in Austin “He left me no space,” Verstappen him as Lando Norris retired by the side Verstappen was running sixth, with his ment and appeared to reference when
two races ago has resulted in a marked fumed over the radio. “That was no of the track with an electrical issue. team-mate Sergio Pérez behind him. he moved aside in Spain to allow Ver-
turnaround for Mercedes and they racing incident, mate,” Hamilton told That brought out the safety car with Pérez is fighting Ferrari’s Charles stappen to win the race there this year.
were competitive a race later in Mexico his team. 16 laps remaining. Russell somewhat Leclerc for second in the drivers’ stand- Verstappen has insisted that he will
City, and now here in São Paulo. They After the race, Hamilton added: optimistically asked his team if he was ings and Red Bull ordered Verstappen, help Pérez to claim second in the cham-
did not win by chance or luck, but by “What can I say? You know how it is racing with his team-mate or if they who has already sewn up the title, to pionship next weekend if he can, but it
sheer pace, something that seemed im- with Max.” were going for the one-two. “You’re give the place to Pérez, an order that may not be that straightforward.
plausible only a few months ago. The stewards decided that the racing. Be respectful,” he was told, and was flatly ignored. “I told you already With Mercedes back fighting for
To make Mercedes’s day even better, Dutchman was to blame and handed as the race got back under way he knew last time. Don’t ask that again to me, are wins and having a superior car to the
Lewis Hamilton followed his team- him a five-second penalty. Verstappen’s his only hope of a win was to hold off his we clear about that? I gave my reasons Red Bull yesterday, they will be out to
mate home in second place to give them race was hurt further as he picked up seven-times world champion team- and I stand by it,” Verstappen replied, claim another victory. And Hamilton
maximum points. damage to his Red Bull in that collision mate, and that is exactly what he did. when asked why he hadn’t moved over. now only has one chance remaining to
“I’m speechless. On the in-lap all of and was forced to pit immediately for a Hamilton was quick to congratulate Christian Horner, Red Bull’s team maintain his record of winning a race in
these memories sort of came flooding new front wing, which dropped him to Russell, and spoke of his happiness for principal, got on the radio to Pérez to every season in which he has competed,
back,” Russell said. “Starting off with the back, though he did recover to the team after picking up their first win apologise, to which the Mexican and he will do everything he can to try
my mum and dad in go-karting and finish sixth. of the season. With the cars staying replied: “It shows who he really is.” to secure it.

How they finished

G Russell (GB) Mercedes
1hr 38min 34.729044sec
14 M Schumacher (Ger) Haas +29.889 9 Alonso Alpine 81
Maxwell out of ODI series
15 A Albon (Thai) Williams +36.016 10 Bottas Alfa Romeo 49
L Hamilton (GB) The injury rules Maxwell out for at
Mercedes +1.529s 16 N Latifi (Can) Williams +37.038 Cricket
Elizabeth Ammon least 12 weeks, meaning he will also
17 Y Tsunoda (Jpn) AlphaTauri +1 lap miss most of the Big Bash League and
C Sainz (Sp) Fastest lap of race S Pérez 1:11.010
18 L Norris (GB) McLaren DNF A freak accident at a party has ruled the could be a doubt for Australia’s Test
Ferrari +4.051s
19 K Magnussen (Den) Haas DNF Australia all-rounder Glenn Maxwell tour to India in February.
Constructors Points out of the ODI series against England “Glenn is in good spirits,” George
4 C Leclerc (Mon) Ferrari +8.441 20 D Ricciardo (Aus) McLaren DNF
1 Red Bull 710 which starts on Thursday. Bailey, Australia’s chief selector, said. “It
5 F Alonso (Sp) Alpine +9561 Driver Team Points 2 Ferrari 514 Maxwell, 34, broke his leg and was an unfortunate accident and we
6 M Verstappen (Neth) Red Bull +10.056 1 Verstappen Red Bull 424 Mercedes 491 underwent surgery on Saturday after feel for Glenn, given he was in great
7 S Pérez (Mex) Red Bull +14.080 2 Leclerc Ferrari 287 4 Alpine 167
he and a friend became entangled while touch in his last few games.”
8 E Ocon (Fr) Alpine +18.690 running across a tennis court at a It is the latest in a series of recent
3 Pérez Red Bull 286 5 McLaren 146 birthday party. Cricket Australia stated off-field injuries that have befallen
9 V Bottas (Fin) Alfa Romeo +22.552 4 Russell Mercedes 257 6 Alfa Romeo 55 yesterday that neither Maxwell nor his players. Jonny Bairstow broke his leg on
10 L Stroll (Can) Aston Martin +23.552 5 Hamilton Mercedes 234 7 Aston Martin 50 friend was intoxicated at the time. a golf course just before the final Test of
11 S Vettel (Ger) Aston Martin +26.183 6 Sainz Ferrari 227 8 Haas 36 Despite Australia’s early exit from the the English summer, while Australia’s
12 P Gasly (Fr) AlphaTauri +26.867 7 Norris McLaren 111 T20 World Cup, Maxwell was in good Josh Inglis was ruled out of the T20
9 AlphaTauri 35
form, hitting 118 runs in four innings World Cup by an injury he suffered
13 Z Guanyu (Chn) Alfa Romeo +29.325 8 Ocon Alpine 86 10 Williams 8 with a strike rate of 161.64. when a golf club snapped in his hand.
62 Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Sport T20 World Cup final

Buttler has taken

Morgan blueprint
and improved it strikers of the ball to go for quick runs. and that happens when you have
Simon Wilde Buttler also made a brave, instinctive changes in leadership. There were
call at the toss in the semi-final when he some really good chats about believing
chose to field rather than bat, and put in ourselves more,” he said. Even
the onus on India’s batsmen to work out though results were not good, the
what was a defendable score — some- players retained a camaraderie. “They
Melbourne thing they singularly failed to do. “I looked out for each other,” Mott said.
think the majority of us were thinking, An important development was the
‘Maybe bat first,’ ” the head coach, move this year to split coaches, some-
On the eve of the T20 World Cup final, Matthew Mott, said. “It’s a great wicket, thing that has provided greater stability
Jos Buttler paid tribute to the healthy let’s go and put a statement out there. to both red-ball and white-ball teams.
position he had inherited from his He [Buttler] consulted and then said, Buttler has alongside him a head coach
predecessor as England’s white-ball ‘No, I think this is our best chance of in Mott, plus specialist short-format
captain, Eoin Morgan. “We’re still reap- winning.’ It proved a masterstroke.” consultants, whose attentions are
ing the rewards of Eoin Morgan’s Every captain would love to have a solely devoted to winning ODIs and
tenure and the changes that happened bevy of all-rounders at his beck and call T20s.
in the white-ball game,” he said. “We’re and Buttler has been fortunate to have Under Morgan, this may not have
very much riding that wave.” in his team Stokes, Sam Curran, Liam mattered as much, as Morgan had been
This was true, but also typically self- Livingstone and Ali. Before this tourna- captain since 2015 and knew exactly
effacing. Buttler has never been one to ment, they had never played in the same what he wanted — even if, in the case of
big himself up. The reality, though, is England T20 team. Stokes and Curran his resolute opposition to Alex Hales
that even in the five months since his (named player of the tournament here) returning to the side because of past
appointment Buttler has taken on the were both unfit for the T20 World Cup breaches in discipline, this may not
Morgan era, added to it his own distinc- in the UAE last year when Morgan’s side have been a good thing. When Jonny
tive stamp — and led his side to World went out in the semi-finals. Bairstow was injured, and a replace-
Cup victory at the first time of asking. Buttler also had the advantage of not ment opener was needed, Buttler con-
Buttler, 32, is a hugely experienced having Morgan the batsman in his side. sulted other players before giving his
T20 cricketer and if all the high- In his last 22 months as England support to Hales being recalled.
pressure matches he has played for captain, Morgan passed fifty only once Hales would not only score heavily in
England and in the Indian Premier in 26 T20 international games. Whoev- the later stages of the tournament but
League have taught him anything, it is er filled his place, there was probably also played so aggressively that it took
a need for flexibility. As captain he has going to be an improvement. pressure off Buttler, his opening part-
shown a desire to have more bowlers at At the outset, one of the biggest chal- ner, allowing him to bat freely without
his disposal than Morgan did; if some- lenges facing Buttler was how to man- worrying that everything depended on
one has an off day with the ball, age matters in the field while also him making a score.
Buttler wants alternatives to keeping wicket. Here Ali, his depu- Buttler and Morgan remain close.
hand. Shuffling an attack also ty, played a crucial part in bridg- When the Buttler era began with a T20
does not allow opposition bats- ing the gap by standing at mid- against India at Southampton in July,
men to settle. on or mid-off and relaying Morgan said: “Today I start life as an
He certainly rang the messages between captain England fan. For now it makes sense to
changes during this World and bowlers. Buttler and Ali detach myself from the England set-up
Cup: five different bowlers regularly convened to give Jos and Motty room.”
were called on in the first between overs. In fact, with Morgan making an
seven overs against Sri Buttler’s leadership immediate move into the Sky Sports
Lanka, six in the first seven style is to speak to players commentary box, he has been almost
against New Zealand and one on one, perhaps in or constantly on hand, which has enabled
six in nine in the semi-fi- around training, to make Buttler to seek his advice when needed.
nal against India. His in- sure they have clarity on But Buttler is quite firm: he is captain
novative use of Ben their individual roles. Before and no one is pulling his strings.
Stokes as an opening a match began, he would ad- The T20 team left home on Septem-
bowler also fitted this ap- dress the players as a group in a ber 14, playing series in Pakistan and
proach. huddle on the outfield, when he Australia by way of a World Cup build-
“I’ve asked the guys to be would emphasise the import- up. These games were not without their
ready to bowl at different ance of always taking the game hitches. Buttler was carrying a calf
times, to fulfil different on. “We must try and play with injury, which kept him out of all seven
roles in different games, a level of freedom,” he said. Pakistan games; he was probably fit
and everyone’s really One player said that one of towards the end of the series but decid-
grown into that,” he said Buttler’s greatest strengths was ed against taking undue risks, and
after the New Zealand an ability to stay “in the mo- trusted Ali to deputise. England won
game, when on a whim he ment” and not get distracted 4-3.
decided to open the bowl- by external issues that do There were other fitness concerns.
ing with Moeen Ali’s off not really matter. Buttler’s Livingstone was hampered by an ankle
breaks. “I feel I have many captaincy journey has issue and Mark Wood and Chris
options. I’ve just got to not been altogether Woakes were coming back from long
trust my instinct as to smooth. Of the four layoffs. All were nursed back just in
who is best for that parti- ODI and T20 series time to play full parts in the World Cup
cular time. The ‘feel’ on against India and group stage. The biggest setback was an
the day is really impor- South Africa in the ankle injury to Reece Topley only days
This fluid approach
equally applies to the
summer, three were
lost and one was
drawn, a worrying
before the start. More recently injuries
to Wood and Malan forced them out of
the semi-final.
England’s 7 Moeen Ali Contributed more
than his 57 runs and two
wicketless overs suggest, and
batting order, as was
demonstrated by Buttler
dropping Dawid Malan
start both for the
new captain and for
Mott, who had been
The biggest alarm came with an
unexpected defeat by Ireland in a rain-
affected game at the MCG. Buttler and
World Cup was an able deputy to Buttler.

Harry Brook Youngest member

to No 8 against New Zea-
land to allow other, freer
announced in May
as England’s
Mott let the players stew in their
embarrassment, Buttler saying: “I think
ratings 4 of team had a quiet tournament,
but his 20 off 23 in the final was
white-ball we should let it hurt . . . you’ve got to feel a good effort under pressure.
coach. the disappointment.”
Mott ad- With no more room for error, captain Jos Buttler Had an outstanding
Mott, very much
part of England’s
week that the team had a dip in confi-
last and coach were confident there would
be a positive reaction from their char-
9 tournament, as leader, tactically,
and as opener. Also some fine
new era, holds dence during this period. “The team ges — and there was. After that, every By Simon Wilde takes among his nine catches.
the trophy aloft had lost a bit of its mojo and swagger game was won, mostly in great style.
the times | Monday November 14 2022 63


It is staggering to
think what Curran
can go on to achieve
with the extra bounce off the surface
Jonny Bairstow from a length, as soon as Ben came to
the wicket I thought he would see it
through. It was tailor-made for him.
This was why he was selected for this
England batsman and tournament.
Times columnist There is a lot more to cricket than
all the stuff people see on the field
and then make instant judgments

couldn’t be happier for the lads. upon on social media and the like.
It is an amazing achievement to There are characters who have huge
be the first men’s team to hold influence in the dressing room and in
both World Cups together. I’m the training environment, and Ben is
obviously gutted that I was not undoubtedly one of them. He is
there, but I am also immensely proud simply invaluable to this England
to be part of this white-ball team. He has done it so many times
generation, which has turned before and got all the T-shirts, so
England into such a dominating force there was no better player to call
in world cricket. I know from previous upon in such a situation, when things
experience that it won’t have been a were getting a little tense.
quiet night of celebration, for sure. He navigated his way through that
It was a riveting occasion in chase so smartly. There were some
Melbourne. The pitch wasn’t the hairy moments, of course, and
greatest, and I do think it was a good England were helped a little by the
toss to win in that regard. But injury to Shaheen Shah Afridi, but the
England bowled brilliantly, with Adil way Ben seized the moment when
Rashid and Sam Curran producing Shaheen could not finish his third
two extraordinarily special spells. over was typical of him. As Babar
As I mentioned in my previous Azam turned to the off spin of
column, I could not believe that Iftikhar Ahmed, I knew exactly what
people were writing Adil off. He has Ben was thinking. This was the time
always produced when we have to go. We talk about targeting certain
needed him to. For him to bowl a bowlers and targeting certain
wicket maiden in a World Cup final is moments. This was one of them. A
quite remarkable. big one of them. It takes enormous
But it was not just that. Look at courage to seize such an opportunity
the pace he bowled in this final. in such a huge game.
It was slower than he had bowled all England needed 41 from 30 balls at
tournament. To have that skill to vary the start of that over. Thanks to Ben
your pace according to the conditions hitting the last two balls for four and
is incredible, and to have the nous to six, suddenly that was down to 28
recognise so quickly to do that is just from 24.
as impressive. When Moeen Ali then hit the first
Sam has been brilliant throughout two balls of the next over from
this campaign and it was no surprise Mohammad Wasim for four, that was
Main, Buttler that he was named both player of the game over. That is what happens
celebrates match and player of the tournament. when you have done all the hard
captaining England He is a fierce competitor who always work and waited for that moment to
to the T20 World wants to be in the big moments on bring the rewards.
Cup title with his the big occasions. He is still only 24 I am so pleased for Jos Buttler.
wife, Louise, and and it is staggering to think what he He is an amazing person, player and
their children, might be capable of in the future now captain. Go back to the summer
Georgia and given how well he has responded to and there were people questioning
Maggie, on the all his challenges so far. everything about the white-ball
outfield at the MCG. Sometimes people look at his set-up under him and Matthew Mott,
Right, Stokes after bowling and think it might be a little the coach. It was ridiculous, really,
hitting the winning innocuous. Nothing could be further and some of the comments made
run, having led from the truth. It is not always the then look very silly now.
England’s reply fastest bowlers who are the most It was a transitional period with a
through periods dangerous, just as it is not always the new captain and a new coach, and
of turbulence in brightest kids at school who go on to people had new roles. There was
conditions that achieve the most later in life. bound to be a period of settling in.
favoured the That said, Sam is a really intelligent It was obvious that Jos was going to
bowlers. Left, cricketer, always thinking his way be a superb captain. He is a very
Rashid takes the calmly through situations with a clear different character from Eoin
return catch to plan. He works exceptionally hard at Morgan, but they are very close
dismiss Babar all aspects of his game and possesses mates and they have always talked a
Azam, the Pakistan great skills and wonderful nerve. lot about captaincy. Jos has taken all
opener, during an It was written in the stars that Ben the good parts of Eoin’s work and
impressive spell Stokes would be there at the end to added his own bit of style. He has also
from the spinner hit the winning runs. I was watching batted magnificently.
that yielded only it and, though the Pakistan quicks As I said, I’m elated for him and the
one boundary. were causing some serious problems team. World champions again.

Sam Curran A revelation with Liam Livingstone Had a quiet Phil Salt Got his chance in the Mark Wood One of the stand- Reserves Liam Dawson, Richard
9 the ball, particularly adept at the
death. Named man of the final
6 tournament with the bat but
proved a useful spin option and
5 knockout stage, replacing
Malan. Hit two fours in final
8 outs before a right hip problem
ended his tournament. Fastest
Gleeson and Luke Wood, brought
in after the promotion of Mills, were
and player of the tournament. took six catches as an outfielder. after coming in at a tricky time. bowler from any country. with the squad throughout, but were
not needed.
Alex Hales Back in after three Dawid Malan What may be his Ben Stokes England’s great all- Non-participants Head coach
8 years in exile, he began slowly
before exploding. England’s
4 last major tournament ended in
disappointment as injury ruled
8 rounder delivered at key times,
twice settling nerves to see
Reece Topley Cruelly ruled out after
suffering an injury five days before the
Matthew Mott When the shock defeat
by Ireland threatened to derail
second-leading runscorer. him out of the semi and final. them home in taut run chases. opening match. England’s campaign, Mott publicly
Tymal Mills Promoted to a full squad called the performance timid but kept
Chris Jordan Had to wait for his Adil Rashid Four wickets did Chris Woakes Most expensive member after Topley’s injury, but did faith with the same players and called
8 chance but his experience told
in the semi-final and final, in
8 not do him justice: he bowled
his full four overs in each match,
7 of the regular seamers but took
some big wickets and hit
not play a match.
David Willey Willey’s path into the XI
for a more attacking mindset. It was a
measured stance, and the right one.
which he took five wickets. and got better and better. winning runs against Sri Lanka. was blocked by the excellent Curran. The team bounced back.
64 2GM Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Sport T20 World Cup final

This champion side prove

continued from back The weather played ball and a little ball, England’s first of the tournament,

30 years ago to Pakistan. There have

been good days as well — remember
over 80,000 spectators turned up on a
muggy evening, the majority support-
ing Pakistan. About an hour after the
and he followed that with a wide. Then
Mohammad Rizwan nearly ran himself
out, chancing a quick single to Chris
Ruthless Stokes
Boxing Day in the Ashes in 2010-11?—
and this was among the best of them.
This was a very personal triumph,
last ball had been bowled, England’s
players made their way over to the
bottom tier of the Shane Warne Stand,
Jordan at mid-off.
With a good sight of the stumps,
Jordan missed by some distance. Grad-
capitalises on
too, for Jos Buttler, the quiet man who
had taken the baton from England’s
where a few thousand England sup-
porters had stayed to celebrate. It was
ually things settled and with Rizwan
dragging the excellent Curran on to his
Shaheen misery
greatest one-day captain, Eoin Mor- not quite the MCG of 2010-11, when the stumps in the powerplay, Pakistan
gan, and who had endured a wobble in Ashes were won, but these were lovely could not inflict much early damage.
the summer, before stamping his images to be beaming to television The pitch was patchy and mottled
authority here. Seven years after break- screens in England on a cold November and a little two-paced. A combination of
ing his bat in frustration in the Adelaide Remembrance Sunday morning. the conditions, the magnitude of the oc-
dressing room, when England were It was not hard to imagine the scenes casion and the excellent bowlers on ei-
bundled out of the 2015 tournament, in both countries as the game began. In ther side, kept the scoring in check. For
Buttler became the third England men’s Pakistan there were surely tens of mil- Pakistan, only Shan Masood found the
captain to lift a World Cup. lions watching, huddled around televi- middle of the bat with any regularity
It means England are the first men’s sion sets in the teeming cities of Kara- and he shepherded the innings stylishly
team to hold the 50-over and T20 titles chi and Lahore, and in the villages and from the eighth over onwards. York-
simultaneously. It shows what a golden valleys, too, praying for a repeat of 1992. shire can look forward to a cool and in-
era this has been in one-day cricket, a They were watching a young, emerg- telligent cricketer next year as captain.
process of rejuvenation begun by ing team, full of fast-bowling talent, up With the powerplay done, Adil
Andrew Strauss and Morgan seven against an experienced England team, Rashid then gave a mini-exhibition of
years ago. They may not be finished yet, average age 31 and including six players wrist-spin bowling, under the shadow
as many of these players will be around who had been in the 2019 World Cup- of the Shane Warne Stand. Until this
for the next World Cup or two, but even winning squad. Experience was a vital, match he had only taken two wickets in
if success eludes them in future, it can differentiating factor on the night. the tournament but had bowled far
be said without fear of contradiction That said, there were nerves. The more effectively than that bare statistic
that they have been a champion side. first ball, delivered by Stokes, was a no- suggested. His performances against
Sri Lanka in Sydney and India in Ade-
laide were top class, and he came into
Top this match full of confidence, having
performers made a small technical adjustment by
bowling wider on the crease.
All stats are Buttler allowed Rashid free rein in
from the Super the middle overs, bowling him straight
12s onwards through and using him to shackle Paki-
Most runs stan’s middle order. He doubled his tally
Virat Kohli of wickets, dismissing the 21-year-old
(India) 296 Mohammad Haris, who hoisted to
Suryakumar long-on, and then Babar Azam, who of-
Yadav (India) 239 fered a simple return catch. Babar has
Jos Buttler had his issues with Rashid’s googly
(Eng) 225 before, and failed to pick it again.
Alex Hales The Pakistan captain’s dismissal
(Eng) 212 came in the 12th over, a wicket maiden
Glenn Phillips from Rashid. The rest of this over
(NZ) 201 showed Rashid’s confidence and range
of skill, as he bowled ever more slowly
Highest strike to the new batsman, Iftikhar Ahmed,
rate (min 100 and found an impressive amount of
runs scored) turn. Later on, Shadab Khan bowled
Suryakumar economically, but, quicker through the
Yadav (India) air, he lacked Rashid’s devil and threat.
189.68 Curran returned to bowl with his
Rilee Rossouw usual intelligence and skill at the end of
(SA) 169.87 the innings, returning figures of three
Glenn Maxwell for 12 in four overs, while Chris Jordan
(Aus) 161.64 was entrusted with three of the last six
Marcus Stoinis overs, a measure of his captain’s faith.
(Aus) 161.53 Only a dropped catch from Harry
Quinton de Kock Brook spoilt an otherwise flawless
(SA) 161.03 performance in the field and only 31
runs came in the last five overs. Paki-
Most wickets stan’s total of 137 felt 20 runs short of
Sam Curran being competitive.
(Eng) 13 But Pakistan have both spirit and
Wanindu skill with the ball, the latter on show im-
Hasaranga (SL) 11 mediately when Shaheen Shah Afridi
Anrich Nortje swung one back through Alex Hales’s
(SA) 11 defences. Three quicks, Shaheen, Nas- Injury helps England overcome middle overs stutter
Shadab Khan eem Shah and Haris Rauf were entrust-
(Pakistan) 11 ed with the powerplay and came England’s score at the end of each over compared to Pakistan’s
Shaheen Shah pounding in. It was Rauf, skiddy, fast 140
Afridi and determined, who provided a fur- Wickets
(Pakistan) 11 ther boost when Phil Salt pulled to mid-
wicket in the fourth over, caught by Ifti- 120
Lowest economy khar for ten, and Buttler edged behind
rate (min 60 balls in the sixth, out for 26, shortly after es- 100
bowled) saying a scoop shot for six off Naseem.
Anrich Nortje It was time then for Stokes and Brook England
(SA) 5.37 to set about restoring things, which 80
Mustafizur Stokes did more calmly than Brook. Shaheen injured at the
Rahman Quite how Naseem went wicketless is a start of the 16th over
(Bangladesh) 5.6 60
mystery: having beaten Buttler on the
Adil Rashid outside edge six times in the powerplay, Runs
(Eng) 6.12 he now passed Stokes’s outside edge Pakistan 40
Shaheen Shah three times in one over, provoking a
Afridi smile from Stokes, as if to say: too good.
(Pakistan) 6.15 Bizarrely, it was when Brook was 20
Bhuvneshwar dismissed for 20 in the 13th over that Over
Kumar (India) 6.16 the match swung decisively to England, 0
as, taking a stunning catch at long off, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Shaheen damaged the knee that had
the times | Monday November 14 2022 2GM 65


England are in golden era Final scoreboard

‘He’d drop himself if he
@Mohammad Rizwan
b Curran
Fullish, nips back, dragged on
15 14

batted that way in Tests’

*Babar Azam
c and b Rashid
32 28 Stokes’s patient innings 2016 final push him back. The things
he’s gone on to achieve in his career
Attempted cut, looped back leaves anxious captain since then is just amazing.”
Stokes praised the speed with
Mohammad Haris 8 12
c Stokes b Rashid Buttler on edge of seat, which Buttler adapted after becoming
white-ball captain in June. “Look at
Tossed up, taken at long on writes Simon Wilde how quickly he has managed to take
Shan Masood 38 28 control of the team and progress it
c Livingstone b Curran

os Buttler joked that Ben from the legacy that Morgs [Eoin
Flicked in the air to midwicket Stokes would have been Morgan] left. Jos has now created his
Iftikhar Ahmed 0 6 dropped from the Test side for legacy. He’s a guy everyone follows in
c Buttler b Stokes his cautious approach after the the field. It shouldn’t be taken for
Nibbles outside off, thin edge all-rounder anchored England granted how hard it is to make
Shadab Khan 20 14 to a T20 World Cup title. tactical decisions under pressure in
c Woakes b Jordan Stokes, England’s Test captain, has this format, but 95 per cent of his
Slapped across line to mid-off made it an article of faith that he and decision-making he has got right.
Mohammad Nawaz 5 7 his players should approach red-ball “It is good to be able to say double
c Livingstone b Curran in ultra-aggressive fashion. But when world champions. I am very proud.
Full, chipped to the deep it mattered most, in front of 80,462 at You don’t get to win World Cups too
the MCG, patience proved the key. often so to win two is pretty special.”
Mohammad Wasim 4 8 Stokes hit only two fours in his first Stokes applauded the bowlers for
c Livingstone b Jordan ten overs at the crease before keeping Pakistan to 137 for eight. “In
Slower ball, hoisted to the deep accelerating after Shaheen Shah Afridi finals, especially chasing, you forget all
Shaheen Shah Afridi 5 3 had broken down in the 16th over to the hard work that came first. [Adil]
not out guide England to a five-wicket win. Rashid and Sam Curran, that is what
Haris Rauf 1 1 “I was comfortable [in the chase] won us the game. To restrict them to
not out after ten overs,” Buttler said. “If Ben 130-odd, the bowlers have to take a lot
Extras 9 played like that in a Test match he of credit.”
(b 1, lb 1, w 6, nb 1) would drop himself! But the guy can Buttler said of the bowling attack:
soak up pressure. I was not enjoying “It has improved no end and that’s
TOTAL (8 wkts, 20 overs) 137 it. Liam [Livingstone] was next to me why we’re champions. Sam Curran
Naseem Shah did not bat. and he said, ‘I never want to sit next has been an absolute revelation. He’s
Fall of wickets 1-29, 2-45, 3-84, 4-85, to you again if I am batting next.’ ” a brilliant cricketer. He loves those
5-121, 6-123, 7-129, 8-131. Stokes, who went in after the early crunch moments and he deserved the
Bowling Stokes 4-0-32-1; Woakes loss of Alex Hales and Phil Salt, player of the tournament [award].
3-0-26-0; Curran 4-0-12-3; Rashid 4-1-22-2; scored an unbeaten 52 from 49 balls We’re so proud to have him in our
Jordan 4-0-27-2; Livingstone 1-0-16-0. to see his side home with six balls to team. He’s only going to get better.
spare in a dramatic run chase “You can’t [over]estimate the hard
hampered by an injury to the Pakistan work people have put in — Mark
fast bowler Shaheen and a pitch made Wood and Chris Woakes coming back
*@J C Buttler 26 17 greasy by light, persistent rain. At one from injuries, Chris Jordan being
c Rizwan b Rauf point Stokes, on 20, slipped mid-pitch injured. It’s an amazing effort from
Back of a length, edged and narrowly escaped being run out. everyone. David Saker has come in as
A D Hales 1 2 “He always stands up in the biggest a bowling coach and he’s added a
b Shaheen moments,” Buttler said. “He’s a man huge amount. Guys taking ownership
Perfect length, deflects off pad who can take a lot of pressure on his makes my job a lot easier, to say, ‘I
P D Salt 10 9 shoulders and perform. With him in trust you to bowl whatever you think
c Iftikhar b Rauf the middle, you know you’ve got a you need to bowl.’ ”
From left: Shaheen Hard length, pulled to midwicket
took a stunning good chance. I’m so proud of him and Moeen Ali, Buttler’s deputy, who
B A Stokes 52 49 pleased for him. shared a stand of 48 in 35 balls with
catch at long off, not out
but in the process “He’s a true match-winner and he’s Stokes, described it as “one of the best
H C Brook 20 23 been there in those scenarios time days of my cricketing career”. He
damaged the knee
c Shaheen b Shadab and again. It certainly wasn’t his most added: “It was about keeping my
that had kept him Hard and flat, straight to long off
out of action for so fluent innings or he probably didn’t intent. If I was going to get out it was
M M Ali 19 13 time the ball as well as he can, but we to get out being positive.”
long this summer.
b Wasim knew he was never going to go down Woakes, one of four players on the
He received Inside edge into leg stump
treatment on the without a fight, and be there at the field who also won at Lord’s in 2019,
field but was L S Livingstone 1 1 end. We’re immensely lucky to have alongside Buttler, Stokes and Rashid,
not out him. He’s one of the great players of said: “We’ve lost a lot of games in
unable to bowl, and
Stokes, main, took Extras 9 English cricket.” Australia, so to win here at the MCG
full advantage (lb 1, w 8) Buttler said he was particularly was amazing. The wicket offered a bit
TOTAL (5 wkts, 19 overs) 138 pleased for Stokes as he had bowled to the quicks but the occasion played
kept him out for so long in the summer. ball of the 19th over to the mid-wicket the last over in the 2016 final against into that. It gets the better of people.”
S M Curran, C R Woakes, A U Rashid and
Shaheen left the field briefly, then boundary, and the job was done. C J Jordan did not bat.
West Indies in Calcutta which cost Buttler added: “We’ve always tried
returned and was asked to bowl the 16th There was a poignant backdrop to Fall of wickets 1-7, 2-32, 3-45, 4-84, 5-132. England the game when Carlos to push the boundaries to get ahead of
over, with England 41 runs short. He the game, with the news of the death at Bowling Shaheen 2.1-0-13-1; Naseem Brathwaite hit him for four sixes. the rest of the world, and be braver
bowled one ball, but could bowl no the age of 76 of David English, who 4-0-30-0; Rauf 4-0-23-2; Shadab “It’s a shame he than anyone else, and we’ll take
more, and Babar turned to the off spin- founded the Bunbury cricket festival. 4-0-20-1; Wasim 4-0-38-1; Iftikhar did his what comes from that. We know
ner, Iftikhar, to complete the over. When the English Schools Cricket 0.5-0-13-0. [Amazon there’ll be the odd slip, but we trust
Stokes chose his moment to pounce, Association could no longer afford to Prime] that method. It’s served us well.”
hitting the final two balls of the over for run a festival for the best under-15 Umpires K Dharmasena (Sri Lanka) documentary a Babar Azam, the Pakistan
a four and a six. Twenty-eight runs cricketers in the land, English took on and M Erasmus (South Africa). year early. He captain, said: “We were 20 runs
from four overs were now required; the task, to the eventual benefit of more TV umpire C Gaffaney (New Zealand). could have added short but the way the fast bowlers
there was some wiggle room at last. than a 1,000 first-class players and over Reserve umpire P Reiffel (Australia). that in. He’s been on started in the first six overs and
Moeen Ali took three fours from the a hundred England internationals. Match referee R Madugalle (Sri Lanka). an amazing journey, all the middle overs we had a
next over, bowled by MohammadWas- Buttler was among that number, as Man of the match S M Curran these big moments. I [strong] comeback. After
im, and the wind went from Pakistan’s was Stokes. They and the rest of En- (England). always remember his the Shaheen injury
sails. It was a case, then, of how quickly gland’s players wore black armbands, Man of the tournament Curran. words to Jofra maybe the match went
England would finish the job, which and it was a fitting reminder of all those [Archer, before the to England’s side. I’m
they did with an over to spare. Ali did who contribute to moments like this. Super Over of very happy with the
not make it to the finish line, removed As 15-year-olds, when playing in the 2019 way we performed.”
by Wasim for 19, but it was hard not to their own Bunbury festivals, those inside today World Cup
appreciate what this meant to him, dreams of World Cup or Ashes glory David English: actor, charity final] about Buttler praised
his team for
having missed the Lord’s final in 2019. would have started to form for players things don’t
Stokes brought up his half-century like Buttler and Stokes. On a quite bril- fundraiser and ‘godfather’ define you being brave
— his first, remarkably, in T20 interna- liant Melbourne evening, those dreams of English cricket and he’s and pushing
tionals — and then clobbered the final came true again. obviously never let that boundaries
2GM Monday November 14 2022 | the times

Sport Russell wins in Brazil

Briton in tears after claiming
first grand prix victory
The Game
All the weekend’s football as
Premier League hits pause

Ronaldo: I’ve
got no respect
for Ten Hag
Charlotte Duncker
Cristiano Ronaldo has accused
Manchester United of betraying him
and attacked the club’s manager Erik
ten Hag for not showing him respect.
Ronaldo — who wanted to leave Old
Trafford in the summer but failed to
find a major club who were prepared to
offer a deal United would accept — also
criticised the club for failing to
modernise since the retirement of Sir
Alex Ferguson, and said that he had
never heard of Ralf Rangnick before
the German was appointed United’s
interim manager last season.
Speaking to Talk TV in an interview
to be broadcast this week, Ronaldo
suggested that his former team-mate
Wayne Rooney has been critical of him
because he is jealous, both because
Ronaldo is still playing at 37 and also
because he is more physically attract-
ive. Ronaldo said: “I don’t know why he
criticises me so badly. Probably because
he finished his career and I’m still
playing at high level. I’m not going to
say that I’m looking better than him.
Which is true.”

Stokes finds greatness again Ronaldo’s agent has been trying to

agree a deal for him to leave the club in
the January transfer window, and his
attack appears a deliberate attempt to
accelerate his departure. He said that
he felt some at the club had been trying
It had to be Ben Stokes, of course it and in the field and in Sam Lanka. He delivered again. to force him out since last year.
Mike Atherton did. In the recently released Amazon Curran — player of the match England have endured some He said: “People should listen to the
Prime documentary Phoenix from and of the tournament — and bad days at the Melbourne truth. I feel betrayed. And I felt that
the Ashes, Joe Root explained that Adil Rashid they had two Cricket Ground. A year ago, in some people, they don’t want me here.
Chief Cricket “the big moments find him”. At the bowlers at the top of their the Ashes, they were Not only this year, but last year too.”
Correspondent, Melbourne Cricket Ground, six years game who held Pakistan in humbled by a hitherto little- Ten Hag has repeatedly left Ronaldo
Melbourne after a teary defeat in the T20 World check. But with Pakistan’s known Australian seamer out of his starting XI and suspended
Cup final against West Indies in fast bowlers straining for called Scott Boland. They him for one match when he refused to
Pakistan v England Calcutta, a big moment found him wickets on a tricky surface, had never won a T20 come on as substitute for the final
again and, this time, he dragged England needed Stokes’s international at the minutes of a game against Tottenham
Melbourne (England won toss): England to another World Cup win, nerve and bottle to play the ground and, of course, Hotspur last month. Ronaldo said of his
England beat Pakistan by five just as he did at Lord’s in 2019. kind of innings he had there was the small matter manager: “I don’t have respect for him
wickets He did not do it alone, of course. played in the final group- of a World Cup final loss because he doesn’t show respect for
England were clinical with the ball stage game, against Sri me.” Ronaldo also said the club lacked
empathy in their attitude towards him
after his son was stillborn in April.
The England players celebrate as Buttler lifts the T20 World Cup trophy in Melbourne, after Stokes, inset, again played a starring role in victory, hitting the winning run

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