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STD- 12 (SCIENCE STREAM) Max. Marks:-25

SUB:-ENGLISH (013) Time:-1.00 hours
1. There are total 20 Questions in this Unit Test Paper.
2. Options are internal.
3. Write the answers of this Unit Test in a note book.
 Write whether the sentences are True or False: [2]
1. The workers have liberties of their own.
2. Germans could not raise good soldiers in the slums.
 Find and write the nearest meaning: [2]
3. Decent : reform - little - assurance - proper
4. Condemn : recognise - realize - criticize - produce
 Select the most appropriate language functions from the brackets and
write them against sentences (expressing purpose, expressing
emotion, showing double comparison) [2]
5. The less you talk, the more you can work.
6. What a delicious flavor this ice-cream has!
 Select the most appropriate response: [2]
7. Ditya: How did you reach the theatre?
Pravin: _______________________(Showing Result)
a) I called Uber to reach the theatre.
b) I was late so I called Uber.
c) I walked so fast that I reached the theatre before time.
d) Unless I called Uber, I could not have reached the theatre.
8. Yug: How does Sushila sing?
Mitva: ______________________(Showing Supposition)
a) She sings like a good singer.
b) She sings as well as Lataji.
c) She sings as if she were Lataji.
d) She likes to sing sweet song but her voice is harsh.
 Select and write the most appropriate questions to get [2]
the underlined words/phrases as their answers:
9. Umbrella ants take these pieces of leaf to their nests.
a) Where do Umbrella ants take to their nests?
b) What do Umbrella ants take to their nests?
c) How do Umbrella ants take to their nests?
d) When do Umbrella ants take to their nests?
10. Climate change and global warming are dramatically urgent and
serious problems.
a) What is climate change and global warming identified as?
b) What kind of problems are climate change and global warming?
c) How are climate change and global warming?
d) What kind of problems were climate change and global warming?

 Read the extract and answer the questions: [4]
As civilization has grown more complex, the workers have
become more and more enslaved, until today they are
little more than parts of the machines they operate. Daily
they face the dangers of railroad, bridge, skyscraper,
freight train, stokehold, stockyard and training at the
docks, on the railroads and underground and on the seas.
They move the traffic and pass from land to land the
precious commodities that make it possible for us to live.
And what is their reward? A scanty wage, often poverty,
rents taxes tributes and war compensations.
11. What kind of dangers do the workers face everyday?
12. Which reward do the workers get for their hard labour?
Remember they have eyes like ours that wake
Or sleep, and strength that can be won
By love. In every land is common life
That all can recognise and understand.
Let us remember, whenever we are told
To hate our brothers, it is ourselves
That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn.
13. How do we behave with our brothers when we are told to hate
14. How can we win strength?
 Read the extract and answer the questions: [4]
The King had a very beautiful daughter. One day he
found out that she had fallen in love with a poor young
soldier in his army. The King was very angry. The soldier
was arrested and taken to the arena. The princess knew
which door concealed the tiger and which one concealed
the beautiful girl. However, she was a very jealous
princess and did not want the soldier to marry the girl
behind the door. Neither did she want to see her lover
killed the tiger.
15. Why was the King very angry?
16. What did the princess know?
I need you both to be with me and understand me about
my decisions regarding what’s wrong and what’s right. I
wish to try out my ways to deal with the situations
around me. I recall that when I was learning to walk, I
used to fall quite often. But with you love and care, I
learnt to get up and run. While experimenting in my life
I know, I may fail but I am also sure that you will be there
with me. I have learnt from you that experience
generates strength to begin anew after committing
17. How did Ananya learn to get up and run?
18. What did Ananya learn from her parents?

 Do as directed: [2]
19. The King had a very beautiful daughter. He found out that
she had fallen in love with a poor young soldier in his army.
The King was very angry. The soldier was arrested.

Start like this: The King has a very beautiful daughter…..

20. Anubhuti Sharma writes an email to for

replacing her music system which is not working properly.
Draft an email in about 100 words on it. [5]
You visited an old-age home in your city last week. Prepare
a brief report on it in about 100 words.

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