Webinar Bonus

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'The greatest good you can do for another is not

just to share your riches but to reveal to him his

– Benjamin Disraeli.

By the way, what you’re about to learn REALLY WORKS, it is FUN, and It Will
Work for YOU TOO!

$8,000 in 90 minutes
“For the past 2 months I’ve been working with Steven Essa, last
Thursday I generated $8,000 in 90 minutes. I couldn’t have done
that without the guidance and the expertise of Steven. It’s been a
true pleasure working with Steven. He’s amazing fun to work
with. And making that money with his guidance was so easy and
I really, really just want to recommend that you jump on board
with him and buy his course and spend time with him, because
he’s an amazing guy to work with and he delivers amazing
results.” - Erlend Bakke (Norway)

$100,000 in sales in less than 60 minutes.

“I’ve been doing online marketing for over a decade, so I think I know quite a bit. Look,
nothing could prepare me for what Steven taught me about how to make a webinar more
effective. I gave a recent webinar in December and I closed over $100,000 in sales in less
than 60 minutes.”

– Scott Rewick (USA)

I made $21,425 in 90 minutes

“I made $21,425 in 90 minutes, absolutely fantastic. Highly recommend
everything Steven does. He really helped us put something together
that’s going to benefit our business and our customers. Thank you very
much Steven.”

- Shane Price (Melbourne, Victoria)


The 5-Step Success Formula

• Step 1: Choose Your Target Market

• Step 2: Build Your Mailing List
• Step 3: Promote Offers To Your List
• Step 4: Joint Venture to Accelerate your Success
• Step 5: Automate Your Business

Step 1: Choose Your Target Market

When deciding on the business idea you want to pursue, ensure the following:

• Is your idea grounded in personal experience?

Something you’ve seen, something that frustrates you, or something you want
to improve.
• Do you have passion or expertise in that field?
• Is it in a healthy market? (where people buy, spend)
• Are you cutting out the middle man? (“If your idea removes an unnecessary
step or profession, the odds are it’s a good idea”)

The science of getting rich: Find out what people want and give it to them.

To find out what people want, perform a keyword search using the following tool:
www.googleeasysearch.com. This will enable you to see what internet users look for
online. If a keyword, or keyword phrase has thousands of searches a month, it’s a
good sign.
Always make sure that for this keyword, there is not already a lot of free information
available out there. In addition, check whether it’s in a healthy market (people
looking for that specific keyword have money to spend).

The Golden Rules Of Keyword Research:

• Many keywords with traffic have little commercial value, so only target
keywords with profit potential.
• Only target keywords with “acceptable competition”. Not too little, not too
• Only target keywords with a lot of traffic to justify the time and effort spent

Example of keyword research performed for the keyword “zumba”

To ensure there is a market for your business idea, check if there are
magazines published about your topic and “for dummies” books. If there are,
it’s a good sign there’s a market for your chosen topic.

Amazon reviews on books relevant to your topic are a good indication of
whether there is a gap in your market. Reviews also give you an insight into
what your target market is really looking for.

Once you have decided on your business idea and chosen your target market, put
together your million-dollar marketing hook using the following templates:

Marketing Hooks and Webinar Title IDEAS

1. “How To Get 1,000 Subscribers in 30 Days Thanks To Social Media”

2. “How To Get 100,000 Twitter Followers In 30 Days”
3. “How To triple Your Sales thanks to effective direct response advertising”
4. “How To Get More clients for free, thanks to the Internet.” (SEO and social
media management)
5. “How To DOUBLE Your Sales… Or Your Money Back!”
6. “How To Dominate the Top 5 positions in Google and crush Your local
7. “Back Pain Free In 7 Sessions”
8. “7 Natural Remedies Against Arthritis”
9. “How Advertising Executives Can Eliminate Stress And Enjoy Life More!”
10. “How To Increase Your Printing Company’s Orders By 67% With This
Simple Trick”
11. “4 Property Investment Secrets for Busy American Physicians”
12. “Attention High-Flying Single Career Women: 5 Steps To Getting The
Man Of Your Dreams”
13. “How To Make $100,000 A Year Thanks To Ebooks”
14. “Double Your Pension”
15. “Double Your Sales In 90 Minutes”
16. “How to Quit smoking in 1 session!”
17. “How To A Helicopter At A 77% Discount”
18. “How To Buy a Top-of-The Range Brand New Porsche For Just
19. “How to buy pearl jewellery at a discount”
20. “How To Increase Your Brain Power”
21. “7 Ways To Make Money While You Sleep”
22. “3 Key Secrets You Need To Know Before You Invest In Mobile Homes”
23. “How To Make Money Thanks To Webinars”
24. “7 Ways To Profit Thanks To Your Blog”
25. “The Kindle Cash Flow webinar”
26. “7 Things You Need To Know Before Ordering a Mail-Order Bride From
27. “Stress Management for Bankers”
28. “How To Lose 24 Pounds In 10 Weeks”
29. “The Skinny Bitch Secrets”
30. Six Figure Second Incomes for Stay-at-home moms
31. “How To Reverse the Symptoms of Diabetes in 90 Days”
32. “Attention Personal Trainers: How To Be Fully Booked All The Time”

33. “Attention Personal Trainers: How To Double Your Bookings And Triple
Your Earnings!”
34. “Attention Aerobics Instructos: How To Double Your Bookings And Triple
Your Earnings!”
35. “Attention Pilates Instructors: How To Double Your Bookings And Triple
Your Earnings!”
36. “How To Get Hired FAST Thanks To The ‘Hidden Job Market’”
37. “How To Get Pregnant Now – Fertility Advice for Couples”
38. “The Fertile Body Method – How To Get Pregnant Naturally”
39. “Attention Singers: Get All The Gigs and Money You Want!”
40. “How to look 20 years younger naturally”
41. “How To Make $10k in 30 days”
42. “How to make £4,876 per month in passive income thanks to the
Property Crash”
43. “How To Retire 20 Years Early”
44. “How To Make $350 Online In The Next 14 Days”
45. “How To Make Your First $100 a Day Thanks To Affiliate Marketing”
46. “How To Survive & Thrive at 45!” (Men aged 45 going through a mid-life
47. “Double Your Dating!”
48. “7 Ways To Get Any Girl’s Phone Number In 5 Minutes or Less!”
49. “From Loser To Stud – Secrets of the Top Pick-Up Artists”
50. “How To Prevent & Stop Your Divorce”
51. “Weddings on a Budget!”
52. “How to get 400 visitors a day to your website”
53. “How To Make $100,000 a Year Thanks To Social Media”
54. “How To Make $100,000 a Year Thanks To YouTube”
55. “How To Make $100,000 a Year As a Local Business Marketer”
56. “How To Make $100,000 a Year As a Social Media Manager”
57. “The PX60 Listbuilding Method”
58. “How To Make $10k A Month Thanks To FREE Traffic”
59. “SpeedWealth” / “SpeedMoney” / “SpeedCash”
60. “7 Secrets of Millionaire Women”
61. “Double Your Income”
62. “Thousand Dollar Paydays” (10 Ways To Make $1,000 Online)
63. “Your First $1,000 online”
64. “How To Make $10k A Month From Your Blog”
65. “How To Make $10k A Month With eBay”
66. “The 4 Hour Business”
67. “How To Make $5k A Month Thanks To Fiverr”
68. “Secrets of The 4 Hour Work Week”
69. “How To Make $10,000 A Month From Your Very Own Membership
70. Six-Figure Passive Income for Architects!
71. “Attention Therapists: How To Double Your Bookings And Triple Your
72. “Attention Chiropractors: How To Double Your Bookings And Triple Your
73. “Attention Life Coaches: How To Double Your Bookings And Triple Your
74. “Attention Consultants: How To Double Your Bookings And Triple Your
75. “Attention Management Consultants: How To Double Your Bookings And
Triple Your Earnings!”
76. “Attention Dentists: How To Double Your Bookings And Triple Your
77. “Attention Mortgage Brokers: How To Double Your Client Base In 6
Weeks Or Less!”
78. “Attention Lawyers: How To Use SEO and Social Media To DOUBLE
Your Income”
79. “Attention Restaurant Owners: How To Fill Your Restaurant And Double
Your Profits!”
80. “Attention Seminar Promoters: 7 Ways To Fill Your Rooms!”
81. “Attention Salon Owners: How To Double Your Bookings And Triple Your
82. “How to generate cashflow in just 30 minutes a month” (Options
83. Portfolio Management for Lawyers Who Are Outstanding In Their
Practice And Only Average With Their Investments
84. “Second Incomes for Highly Successful Women Who Are Too Busy To
Get Out of The Rat Race!”
85. “How To Find Your Purpose And Bring Joy Back To Your Life If You’re A
‘Chardonnay Queen’
86. The webinar expert for businesses in Slovakia! France! Spain/South
Internet Marketing webinar for French-speaking entrepreneurs (France,
Belgium, Switzerland, Canada – 100 million people + 190 million second
language speakers)… for Spanish-speaking entrepreneurs (South America,
Mexico, USA, Spain – 358 million people around the world)
87. “Why Women Out-Earn Their Male Counterparts”
88. “Life Coaching for executives having a mid-life crisis!”
89. “Male Enhancement – Fact of Myth?”
90. “How Men Aged 45 Can Look 10 Years Younger In 14 Days Or Less!”
91. "How Stay-At-Home Mom Makes $700 A Week Part Time Thanks To
Social Media!"
92. “The Law of Attraction Secrets To Manifesting More Money”
93. “The Immigration & International Tax Planning Secrets for Chinese
Millionaires” (There are currently 960,000 millionaires in China (worth $1m+)
most of whom want to emigrate to USA, UK, Cyprus...
94. “Attention Landlords: How To Reduce Your Electricity Bills By Up To
95. “Attention Landlords: How To Double Your Earnings From Your Existing
96. “Secrets of Self Confidence”
97. “Become a Speed-Reading Champion In 7 Days”
98. The “Hypno-fertility” expert – how to use hypnosis to help getting
99. How to get a million dollars worth of publicity for free
100. The 12-week total body transformation system for busy women

Step 2: Build Your List

Why You MUST Build Your Mailing List

The most important thing to remember: THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST.

If you want to make a lot of money online, building your mailing list can be one of the
best decisions you ever make.

There are 7 very important reasons why having a mailing list is incredibly powerful
and highly lucrative.

When you have a mailing list you can get FREE traffic just by sending out an email!
Which means… YOU control the TRAFFIC!

Traffic is the lifeblood of any Internet business. Essentially, in the 21st century
business, traffic = money.


In other words, having a mailing list allows you to make FREE MONEY.

When you pay nothing, zero, and make $1,000 in profit, just from sending out an
email… well, this is simply an incredibly lucrative business model.

Remember: If you have 10,000 subscribers on your mailing list, it means that you
can communicate directly with 10,000 prospects anytime you want, at zero cost!

Think about the power of that! It is almost like having access to the earning power –
or wallets – of 10,000 people.

With such incredible leverage can come incredible profits!

Imagine making $1,000 to $2,000 just from sending out one email.

Having a mailing list can be like having your very own ATM machine in your living

Build your list ONCE…and make money FOREVER!

The Money Is In The List!

Having a List is KEY To Escaping The Rat Race And Achieving Financial

And best of all, you can work from home, and from anywhere around the world!

Having a list = FREEDOM!

As an internet marketer, you should be making on average $1 per subscriber per


This means that having 1,000 subscribers = $1,000 a month on average,

5,000 subscribers = $5,000 a month on average, 10,000 subscribers = $10,000 a
month on average, and so on.

This means you can give yourself a monthly PAYRISE… simply by growing your

You want to make an extra $1,000 this month? Great! Simply get another 1,000

This is why List Building allows you to grow your Business FAST!
The faster you grow your list (i.e. generate leads for your business), the faster you
grow your business!

Well-known British direct marketer Andrew Reynolds says that “For every 1,000
customers on your list, you should make £100,000 a year in sales to them.”

John Alanis, from the US, qualifies this further: “For every 1,000 customers you have
(someone that gives you $300 or more), you can make $1,000,000 a year in sales to

The Money Is In The List!

In any kind of business that you are in, in any market, and in any industry, it is vital
that you build your mailing list of prospects and your mailing list of customers.

Why? Because if you don’t have a mailing list… you are not able to generate repeat
business from existing customers!

And, it is 7 times easier to sell to an existing customer, than try to get a new

And furthermore, you can better inform your prospects and clients about the VALUE
of your offers, solutions, products, and services! (it takes 7 exposures to a message,
on average, before a prospect takes action!)

By having your prospects and clients on your mailing list, you don’t just get ‘one bite
of the cherry’, but instead you get the opportunity to sell to them over and over
again, and propose better and better solutions!

Stay in touch with your prospects and clients, send them emails twice a week, send
them a letter or newsletter every month, send them a catalogue every quarter…
Stay in touch regularly!

It has been proven that consistency in contact with your clients/prospects generates
TRUST (rapport, builds the relationship) which ultimately means much more SALES!

How can you stay in touch with them if they’re not on your mailing list!

A few days ago I sent out 3 emails to a section of my mailing list in a one-week
period, whilst I was on holiday in France:

It took me less than 45 minutes to prepare and send out these short emails, and I
made $5,723 in ‘free money’!

I didn’t even have to do any of the work, because I was promoting someone else’s
webinar – which meant I collected 50% simply for sending out 3 emails!

The Money Is In The List!

How To Get 1,000 Email Subscribers A Month

1) Create Free Offers

Examples of free offers:

Resource guide (“Top 10 Weightloss Apps”)

Product giveaway
Free Trial
Case Study

2) Use Free Traffic Strategies

• Twitter cards
• Article marketing (ezinearticles.com)
• Youtube videos
• Facebook tabs
• Social media competitions
• Social media posts
• Podcast shows (live or pre-recorded)

How a live podcast show works:

How a pre-recorded podcast show works:

When interviewing experts on your podcasts, feel free to use the following

Brett McFall+s Interview Maximiser

1. What is so good about _____________________________ ?

2. Can you give us a little bit of background about how you got involved in
_____________________ and what led you to become such an expert?

3 What are the top 3 things that someone should know in order to be successful in

5. What's the best way to get started?

6. How long does it take to really become proficient at _____________________?

7. Will your methods or advice work in any area and for anyone?

8. How much experience does a person need to ______________________?

9. Can you provide some real life examples of other people who have followed your advice?

10. If you had one secret to give about__________________________, what would it be?

11. What are some of the common problems that people experience in ______________?

12. Some people might think that it all sounds too good to be true. Is there a catch?

13. What sort of things can someone do to stay on top?

14. Where can people find more information about _________________________ ?

15. How can people contact you?

These questions are taken from the book by Brett McFall,

!How To Make Money While You Sleep!6
Available from www.brettmcfall.com/book

3) Use Paid Traffic Effectively

• Twitter ads
• Facebook promoted posts
• Facebook ads

• Press releases (prweb.com)

• Solo ads (udimi.com)
• Advertise on Online Forums (http://big-boards.com)
• Pay-Per-Click Advertising
• Pay bloggers to advertise you (http://PayPerPost.com http://Smorty.com
http://Blogsvertise.com http://SponsoredReviews.com
http://BuyBlogReviews.com http://LoudLaunch.com http://Linkworth.com)

The Golden Rules Of Email Marketing

1) Subject lines for your emails is like a newspaper headline. They absolutely
must grab your list’s attention so they open the email. Including a sense of
mystery on the headline to increase people’s curiosity will increase your open

2) To get more clicks per email you send, have the clickable
link in your email THREE TIMES: in the introduction, in the body
of your email, and in the close/P.S. of your email.
Having 3 links will double your response compared to having 1
link (this means twice as many clicks, and twice as much traffic!)

Example of placing links 3 times:

SSubject: How To Go From Zero To 1 Million In 12 Months: Case Study

Hello (firstname)

If you’ve ever wanted to have your own web business that runs on virtual autopilot, then this
could be the best email you receive all year…

For 90 captivating minutes, you can be trained LIVE by me on how to finally create a web
business that brings you the lifestyle you deserve.

Let me explain.

This Thursday, I’ll be running a 90-minute LIVE training session on how to go from zero to 1
million dollars in 12 months. I’ve done this 3 years in a row so I’ve got lots to share.

How To Make 1 Million Dollars In The Next 12 Months Thanks To Webinars
Thursday, November 6th, 12pm AEST
Register Here: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/910988008


During the training, I’ll reveal what only 5% of web entrepreneurs know. In fact, many web
business owners have begged me to share this information.

You’ll discover how to work smarter, not harder, but best of all, how it can all happen from
the comfort of your own home.

This training will give you endless ideas about what you can sell online, so don’t miss out
because I won’t be running this again.

How To Make 1 Million Dollars In The Next 12 Months Thanks To Webinars
Thursday, November 6th, 12pm AEST
Register Here: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/910988008


See you on the webinar!

Steven Essa

PS. You’ll discover why most people fail online and how to turn it around very quickly.
Register now.

2) Make a list of interesting websites and blogs in YOUR
niche, and start collating interesting articles and topics you
can write about. The more interesting your content, the
longer people will stay subscribed.

3) Shorter emails result in higher Click-Through Rates

4) The best time to send out emails to your subscribers are

early in the morning, Tuesday to Thursday, and on Weekends,
according to Ryan Deiss.

Step 3: Promote Offers To Your List

Why YOU MUST Do Webinars To Promote Offers!

Thanks to webinars:
ü Corinna Essa made $15,952 in her first ever webinar
ü Mark Anastasi (New York Times best selling author) made $200,000 in his first
ever webinar
ü Lucy Johnson (fitness instructor) made £17,000 in her first ever webinar
ü Sharon Cadore (single mum) made $14,328 in her first ever webinar
ü Jeff Feng (accountant) made $9,544 in his first ever webinar
ü Dan Buzer (business consultant) made $11,431 in his first ever webinar
ü Phil Dembon (former bus driver) made $7,455 in his first ever webinar
ü Dominique Grubisa (barrister) made $18,000 in her first ever webinar

And I could go on and on…

Further Reasons Why YOU MUST Do Webinars:

§ You can do webinars from home, or from anywhere in the world, from your
§ They cost next to nothing to run (no hosting, no website necessary, just a
$99/month gotowebinar.com subscription)
§ You don’t even need a website, a product, or even a mailing list to make
§ They help you build your relationship with your clients and prospects!
§ Webinars give you massive leverage! (You can talk to hundreds of prospects
at the same time!)
§ They work in ANY market!
§ It is normal to close 10% of your audience at a $1,000 price point (as long as
you have a good offer)! In other words, having 100 targeted prospects on your
webinar can bring in $10,000 in sales from a single webinar!
§ You can make a LOT of money easily & FAST, whilst educating and adding
value to your prospects!
§ PASSIVE INCOME! Do the webinar once… make money forever! (webinar

Promote other people’s offers using the medical centre

Disadvantages of the Expert Model:

If you are the expert in your business, chances are you’re doing ALL of the
below tasks yourself:

Expert Model



Product creation

Ensure the customers are getting results

Internet marketing

Admin tasks

Hire and manage staff

Risk money and risk time

Advantages of the Medical Centre Model:

With the “Medical Centre” model, you don’t need to do all of the above, and best of
all you can generate even more money by working just 4 hours a week! All you do,
is find an expert or experts and plug them in the webinar system so you only end up
doing the following:

Medical Centre Model

Set up a webinar

Automate the webinar

Send an email

Hire a website guy to do the membership site

Hire an outsourcer to do the social media

Check the sales

Hire an admin person

Take the expenses out of the business and split the profits 50/50 with the expert.
Step 4: Joint Venture To Accelerate Your Success

Social media is the fastest and easiest way to contact potential JV partners.

Simply login to Twitter and type in the search box a keyword relevant to your niche:

Then start looking for people to follow who are in the same niche as you:

Then once these people follow you back, you can send them personal messages
through Twitter:

Below are JV email templates to use when contacting potential partners:

1st email

Hello [Firstname],

I hope you are well. I'm a big fan of your work!

My name is [Your Name] and I specialize in [write a short sentence about what you
do]. I recently created a webinar titled “[Give Webinar Title]”, and I'm selling my
[provide your product name] in this webinar. The webinar is converting well.

Here Are Some Important Stats and Numbers About the Webinar:

1. Overall Conversion Rate is X%

2. High $X to $Y EPCs
3. Product Price is $XXX One Time
4. Payout is $XXX per sale
5. Low Refund rate (less than X%)
6. Great content that your list will truly appreciate.

Would you be interested in arranging a joint venture webinar to your list?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

2nd email

Hi [Firstname],

I wanted to check in with you to see if you've had a chance to review the proposal I
sent over. I'd very much like to create a JV partnership with [company
name]. Please let me know if you are free sometime this week to chat.

All the best,

If I don't hear from them after I send a proposal and follow up email out, I call
them. Typically I end up leaving a message letting them know that I'd like to speak
with them about the proposal that I sent over. If I don't hear back from them from
the message I alternate email follow ups and phone messages until I get an
answer. I'll even say something like, "I don't want to bother you, but I don't want to
take no answer for an answer... please let me know if this opportunity interests you
one way or another. Thanks and have a great day!"

I typically space my communications out a week.

If I've sent two emails and left two voicemails, I'll space my communications out
every two weeks to a month. I only hound the big dogs that I think would make
perfect partners long term.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Step 5: Automate

The 4 Levels Of Entrepreneurship: Which level are you at?

Level One – Wantrepreneur

Always has ideas, but never takes action. Never gets anything off the ground, but
that’s ok because he/she always has a new, better idea lined up!

Level Two – Solopreneur

A solopreneur invests in his education, registers a business and starts taking some
form of action, but they don’t get any sales and usually gets talked out of their
business idea by their friends and family. Their JOB takes over and the business
slowly dies.

Level Three – Operator

An operator will have an idea, goes and gets educated, invests in himself and starts
generating money from sales and business is going well, but suddenly realises that
he is stuck in his business. The business owns him instead of the other way around.

Level Four – Owner

Highest level of entrepreneurs and I’m going to suggest that this is the level you
want to reach. This is the reason you’re attending the seminar and why you came to
the internet in the first place. Because you want to work just a few hours doing what
you love, have the freedom and make really good money doing it. Having the
business work for you, instead of you working for it.

If You Haven’t Made Money Online Yet… This Is Why:

You have approached the internet as either an employee (‘E’ person, you just do
what you are told or less) or as a self-employed person (‘S’ person, trying to do
everything yourself) instead of approaching the internet as a business owner
(leveraging other people’s time to create and run a profitable web business)

The Ultimate Secrets To Working Less And Earning More

If you’d like to work even less, without ever experiencing a decrease in your income,
simply sell high end products.
Thanks to webinars, you can sell high end products (up to $15,000) which means:

1) You don’t need to handle hundreds of customers

2) You make more money
3) You don’t need as much traffic to generate the same amount of money, if not
4) You deal with better quality customers
5) You can give more value to customers

Then, find out what you don’t enjoy doing in your business:

Where can you outsource?

The problem with a lot of Internet Marketing strategies is that they can tie up your
time. You might find yourself spending hours in front of your computer screen,
answering emails, sending out Tweets, adding friends on Facebook, posting on your
blogs, etc.

So how can you use MORE LEVERAGE, make MORE money, and free up your
time? That’s where Outsourcing comes in.

‘Outsourcing’ is the practice of having certain job functions done outside a company
instead of having an in-house employee handle them, so as to concentrate on what
you do best and where you create the maximum value.

For example, you can outsource your daily Internet marketing tasks to English-
speaking workers in the Philippines, who will work full-time for you for less than $250
a month.

By doing the marketing work (blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) they can turn
these strategies into automated income streams for your business.

How To Hire An Outsourcer

You can hire hundreds and even thousands of well-educated English proficient
workers in the Philippines, for just $200 to $300 a month, to work for you full-time.

You can hire a full-time web designer to work for you for as little as $500 a month.

You could of course go to Elance.com, vWorker.com, Guru.com, Scriptlance.com,
oDesk.com, getacoder.com, freelancer.com, HireMyMom.com, or
peopleperhour.com, but what I tend to do is use ‘Craigslist Manila’.

First, go to http://manila.en.craigslist.com.ph and click on ‘post to classifieds’.

You will need to then click on ‘Job Offered’ and select a category:

(I tend to choose the categories ‘admin/office jobs’ or ‘writing / editing jobs’ or

‘web/HTML jobs’ or ‘business/management jobs’ – note: there are 32 different
categories to choose from).

Once you go through the steps there and submit your job description, you should
receive 5-10 CVs over the next 2-4 days, of people in the Philippines eager to start
working for you.

Job Offer Template:

Full-time Writer Needed

You will be required to write 5 blog posts a week and five articles a week that
are keyword optimized around the topic of real estate investing in Australia.
Requirements: You must be fluent in English, you must have skype and internet
at home, and willing to send a sample of your work before being hired.

Tip: re-post your job offer once a week, to get more results.

Once you’ve gone through the CVs and selected a few interesting ones, add these
people on Skype do a brief interview with them to check their level of English.

Ask them why they want this job, ask them about previous jobs they’ve held, ask
them about what they want from this job, etc.

If you like one of the applicants, give them a simple task to complete – for example:

- “Create a Facebook Page on Gardening”

- “Create a new Facebook account”
- “Contact 20 potential Joint Venture partners on Facebook”
- “Set up my LinkedIn account”

Key Qualities Your Outsourcer Must Have:

1. They must speak English fluently

2. They must complete their first task well and in time
3. They must have their own computer and internet access at home!

With your outsourcers busy making you money, your role will involve:

1. Hiring & Training outsourcers (give them clear instructions, show them
exactly what they need to do)

2. Tracking their individual results (traffic generated, affiliate commissions

earned, growth of Facebook Fans, growth of mailing list, etc.)

Managing Your Team of Outsourcers

1. They absolutely MUST send you a daily update.

This is a short email detailing what activities they completed that day, what
challenges they encountered, and how they got around them.


2. Motivating Your Team – The Carrot & Stick Approach:

Reward your best-performing outsourcers

(e.g. $100 bonus, a Flip camera, etc.)

Fire your worst-performing outsourcers every 2-3 months.

This process of rewarding your best outsourcers and firing the non-performing
ones will result in having a solid team of highly profitable, well-trained

You can hire one outsourcer to manage the rest of your team (once you have 6 or
more outsourcers).

The 5 levels of delegation:

1) Wait until told

2) Ask
3) Bring your recommendations
4) Do it and report immediately
5) Do it and report periodically



If you want to go into business, you could of course invest in a FRANCHISE.

Costs are:

§ Hand car-wash franchise: $126,000

§ Kids gym franchise: $360,000
§ Dog-washing franchise: $240,000
§ Sign-making franchise: $300,000
§ Pizza store franchise: $310,000
§ Coffee shop franchise: $140,000 to $720,000

... and that’s before any overheads, expenses, and your time are factored in!

Costs of running an Internet business:

§ Laptop $1,000
§ Internet connection $30/month
§ Getresponse $15/month
§ Gotowebinar $99/month
§ Hosting $15/month
§ Outsourcer $300/month
§ Screen recorder $118.26 for Screenflow or $299 for Camtasia
§ Webinator $497

The REAL Reason Why People Fail

People think that when you’ll make money…. then you’ll be successful. But you
have to first become a successful ‘person’, with a mindset conducive to success,
and then money appears in your life.

Belief Systems that prevent people from being successful in this business:

q “No one will want to listen to me”… “I can’t write”… “I don’t want to plagiarize
q “I don’t want to be a ‘salesman’ (or ‘saleswoman’)” “I don’t want to sell to
q “There’s too much competition”
q “What if people reject me?” “What if people don’t like my product?”
q “Making money is someone else’s responsibility”
q “I can’t make money from an Internet business.” “My friend told me this will
never work”
q “No one will want to be interviewed by me”
q “I don’t know how to do it”
q “I don’t have the time”
q “I’ll be isolated if I become successful / I will alienate my family and my
q “My friends won’t like me/support me/accept me/ and I will lose my friends”
q “I’m afraid…what if I fail?! And what if I succeed?!”
q “If there’s an economic collapse then what’s the point?”


Belief Systems of the people that succeed in this business:

q “All skills are learnable! If I don’t know how to, I find someone who does!”
q “I can create my life! Everything is possible!” “I can make money doing what I
q “I love selling my products! I love making sales!”
q “People need to hear my message! I can really help people!”
q “Having a job is a waste of time! I MUST be an entrepreneur!”
q “The only failure is to not try!”
q “Making money is easy / I’m a money magnet!”
q “There is an ABUNDANCE of opportunities, money, wealth, etc.”
q “There are millions of people out there who need what I have and what I
q “I build a great team & systems! & I build great RELATIONSHIPS!”
q “I have a burning desire to succeed!”
q “I can help other people achieve the life of their dreams!”
q “Outsource/delegate low-value activities – my time is worth £!”
q “There is MORE than enough money for everyone!”
q “Knowledge and learning is great LEVERAGE! The more you learn the more
you earn!”
q “The more value I deliver the more money I make!”
q “I’m willing to take a risk!”

WHAT STOPS YOU? The answer is FEAR. (‘I’m not ‘good enough’) Don’t tell
yourself the lie that you can’t do it. The truth is you CAN, but you don’t because
you’re too afraid.


How Money Is Created: thanks to the efforts of entrepreneurs – that keep ADDING
MORE VALUE for people –the economy grows. By organizing the efforts of people,
capital, technology... they create more VALUE.
Central banks print an equivalent amount of money and release it into the economy.
This process raises everyone’s wealth and standard of living.

§ “Making Money Is SO EASY! “Making Money Is FUN!”

§ “There Is Money… EVERYWHERE.” (Abundance Consciousness)
§ “Money Is Nothing But The Measure Of The Value I Create For Other People!”
§ “I Find Out What Problems People Have And I Help Them By Providing Great
§ “Law Of Income: You Get Paid In Direct Proportion To The Amount Of VALUE
You Deliver According To The Marketplace!” The Reason Why Most People
Are Broke Is That They Don't Deliver A Lot Of VALUE In The Eyes Of The
Current Marketplace!
§ Your financial success is directly related to the size of the problem you solve
for other people (solve BIG problems and you'll make BIG money)
§ It is thanks to the efforts of entrepreneurs that the economy grows. By
organizing the efforts of people, capital, creativity, time... entrepreneurs create
more VALUE. The more GDP grows, the more money is printed. This process
raises everyone’s wealth and standard of living.
§ “I Love Rich People! They Are Hard-Working Creative Determined People!”
§ “I Love Making Money! I Love Being Rich! I Get Help A Lot Of People, I Get To
Create A Lot of Jobs, And I Get To Enjoy The Best That Life Has To Offer!”
§ “I Love Making Money! I Can Help And Support My Family, Friends, and
Children Better!”
§ “I Love Making Money! I Can Afford To Take Better Care Of My Health And
§ “I Love Making Money! I Get To Enjoy Amazing Holidays In The Maldives!”
§ “I hate being broke! Being Broke Means I Am Being SELFISH With My Gifts,
Intellect, Ability, and LOVE. Being Broke Means I Am Too Afraid To Stand On
My Own Two Feet, And Instead Must Rely On Getting A SALARY From
Someone. Being Broke Means I Am Not Adding Huge Amounts Of Value To
§ “Money is nothing but the manifestation of my resourcefulness!”
§ “Prosperity & Abundance are my natural state! They are my birthright! Feelings
of lack, frustration… are not my natural state. My natural state is one of Total
§ “Money gives me freedom. Choices. The chance to follow my dreams!”
§ “You Become Rich By Enriching Others!” – Earl Nightingale
§ Money Is Nothing But The Manifestation Of My Resourcefulness! This
resource, called ‘money’ that you want, you have it inside of you! Stay
You become resourceful by asking a better quality of question!
Ask yourself ‘How Can I Help People Have A Better Quality Of Life? How Can
You don’t have a money shortage… you have an IDEA shortage.

Abundance Thinking – There Is MORE Than Enough Money…


Your 30-Day Action Plan

• Read the “99 Million Dollar Marketing Hooks” list and choose your Top 3
• Write down 100 reasons WHY you MUST make e.g. $10,000 per month
• Brainstorm 100 ways HOW you can make more money
• Choose your target market
• Create your ‘Million-Dollar Marketing Hook’
• Create your webinar presentation
• Set up an account at www.Getresponse.com
• Set up a Paypal account if you don’t have one yet, at www.paypal.com
• Set up a Gotowebinar account at www.gotowebinar.com
• Get a copy of Webinator to automate your webinars at www.webinator.biz
• Set up your optin pages and start building your list
• Set up your social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube)
• Create your podcast show and start interviewing experts
• Create a rolodex of potential JV partners and start getting in touch with them

Your Daily And Weekly Task Checklist

Now that you have everything set up, you need to run the business by doing a few
daily and weekly tasks listed below, so you can get traffic, build your list, get new
viewers for your webinars and make more sales.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1 Blog post ✓
1 Youtube ✓ ✓
Record a ✓
episode and
email your
list inviting
them to
listen to it
Send a ✓ ✓
email for
either a JV
webinar or
your own
Run 1 live ✓
Email the ✓
webinar to
your list
Manage ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
your social
Manage FB ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ads and
Twitter ads
Send 10 JV ✓

Please note these tasks can be all outsourced!


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