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That the dragon had killed their people.

Actually, when the king came to this cave many years

ago, he saw that there are three eggs of the dragon here, from which three dragons are coming
out. The king killed the children of this three dragons, and the dragon is still taking revenge

on them. This scene cuts and shows us a scene from the past, where the king is begging the

dragon for his life. Then the dragon said the king that I also want to see you suffering. I

will need three children from each generation of yours. After taking their sacrifice, I will let you

and your kingdom live in peace. The scene comes again in the present, where Elodie’s dad was

calling out to his daughter. And then the dragon comes front of him. He says to the dragon

that I have come to take my daughter back. Even if I have to fight you for this, I am ready to
fight. The dragon says to him, then call your daughter here. Elodie’s dad says loudly, Elodie,

wherever you are, don’t come here. As soon as he says this, the dragon gets angry: and

she stabs one of her nails into Elodie’s dad’s chest. Seeing her dad dying in front of her eyes, a

scream came out of Elodie’s mouth, which distracts the dragon. She goes to the other

side to find Elodie, and as soon as she gets a chance, Elodie comes to her dad. He was saying

to Elodie that I am dying because of my sins, but you have to stay alive. Go, your mother

and sister are waiting for you on our ship. As soon as he says this, he dies and Elodie moves

forward to go from here. Using the chain from which they had come here, Elodie was going

up by using it, and the dragon had also seen her. Again and again, avoiding the dragon’s fire
attack, she somehow gets out of this cave. She was now sitting on her dad’s horse, and running
away from here. The dragon was behind her to attack the fire. She gets off the horse and

hides in the mountains. In this way, she is not seen by the dragon, and in the anger the dragon
burns her horse. In the distant palace, the queen was watching all this. She was also angry

and says that all this is happening because of Elodie, and I will fix everything. In the ship,
Elodie’s sister, who was watching the fire in the mountains, suddenly the queen comes
on this ship, and kidnaps Elodie’s sister. Because her plan was that now she would give Elodie’s
sister, to the dragon instead of Elodie. And save her kingdom from the dragon. Elodie’s mother,

who tries to save her daughter, the queen has gone from there by stabbing her. The next

day, Elodie also reached her ship, where she meets her injured mother, who tells Elodie that

I am absolutely fine, I will take care of myself. Go, find your sister, whom she is going

To sacrifice in front of the dragon instead of you. Here, Elodie tells her mom: that our is also no
more. After telling this, she immediately goes to the cave, because she knew that the queen:

Would have taking her sister to the cave, where the queen really cuts her hand: and Elodie’s

Sister’s hand, mixes her blood in her blood: and throws it in the pit below, and the dragon

Catches Elodie’s sister. Elodie had also reached the cave by this time, but no one knew about her:

because before she went to the dragon, she was preparing herself. First of all, she brings a lots

of shining insects with her: and takes her dad’s sword with some weapons in the cave, which
could have been useful in fighting the dragon. It is shown in the scene that the dragon has

not killed Elodie’s sister yet. She was sitting with her dead children: and was telling

Elodie’s sister: that your elders killed my children. And now I will kill their daughter Elodie,

and make them restless in the same way. I know that she will definitely come to save you.

I will enjoy killing her more than killing you. Here Elodie, to distract the dragon, makes some
noise inside the cave. So that the dragon knows she is coming, and as soon as the dragon does

to the dragon goes to the other side to find her, Elodie comes to her sister. Before Elodie saves

her sister and takes her away, the dragon comes here again. Elodie tells the dragon that we were
lied to. We were told that you attacked their kingdom, but the truth was that they killed your
children. The dragon says, whatever it is, if they are your elders, then I will take their revenge

from you. Elodie says, no, we are not their children. Before Elodie tells anything else to the
dragon, the dragon attacks her with her fire. To save herself, when Elodie turns back, she falls
into the water. She was in a lot of pain now. The dragon grabs her again, and injures her with her
nail. And this time, to save herself from a big loss, Elodie attack her eye with her sword. The
dragon was angry with this attack. As she throws Elodie away and attacks her with her fire, but

by colliding with the stones there, the dragon’s own the fire started burning her. The dragon was
very hurt after burning. And now Elodie tells her to look at the wound on my hand. In the same
way, by cutting and mixing their blood with us, and made it royal blood and presented it to you.

We are not their children. They are living in peace in their house. And sacrificing innocent girl
like us. And you didn’t do anything good to them. Just like they killed your children, you also
killing someone’s children. After knowing the truth, the dragon becomes very sad. And tells
Elodie that my punishment should be that I die. So kill me. But Elodie does not kill her. And the
small insects that she had collected, she put on the dragon and heals the dragon’s wounds. She

had come to the real traitors to take revenge. That is, to the prince and queen in that kingdom,
who, by giving her wedding lure, had thrown her in front of the dragon in the cave . here, the
prince was preparing to sacrifice another girl like her , in front of the dragon by giving her a
wedding lure. Elodie’s tells her the truth: and ask her to run away from there . After that,

Elodie tells everyone, who has to save their lives , can go from there. The queen says ! O girl,

what do you think: if you’ve survive the dragon, and you can scare us. That what harm will

you do to us alone ? Elodie says , I am not alone. As soon as she says this, the flying dragon in
the sky comes up to this palace. The dragon has also destroyed: the entire palace with the royal

family here. Her revenge was now fulfilled in the right way. After that, in the last scene of the
story, we are shown that Elodie, her sister , and her mother are in this kingdom. They are

preparing to return to their kingdom. Elodie now tells her mom that I am sure that you’ll

take the treasure of this kingdom in replacement of my dad: will also run this kingdom

very well. Listening to this , her mom is very happy, and they go their kingdom. Where the

dragon was also going with them as Elodie’s dragon. And showing this , this story ends here.

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