Sciences CRI D

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**Report: Impact of Science and Technology on Immunity**

Science and technology have revolutionized healthcare, profoundly impacting immunity. From
vaccinations to immunotherapies, these advancements have reshaped our understanding and
management of infectious diseases and autoimmune conditions. This report explores how
science and technology influence immunity, including their effects on vaccination,
immunotherapy, and the imitation of the immune system.

**Science and Technology's Influence on Immunity:**

1. **Vaccination and Immunization:**

- *Positive Impact:* Vaccines are one of the most significant achievements of science and
technology in bolstering immunity. They stimulate the body's immune response to specific
pathogens, preparing it to recognize and fight off future infections.
- *Example:* The development of vaccines against diseases like smallpox, polio, and measles
has led to dramatic reductions in morbidity and mortality worldwide.

2. **Immunotherapy:**
- *Positive Impact:* Immunotherapies harness the body's immune system to combat diseases
such as cancer and autoimmune disorders. They enhance immune responses or modify
immune cells to target and destroy harmful cells.
- *Example:* Checkpoint inhibitors, a type of cancer immunotherapy, unleash the immune
system to recognize and attack cancer cells, leading to improved survival rates in certain

● Biomedical Engineering: Scientists are developing artificial immune systems

that mimic natural immune cells. These engineered immune cells, sometimes

called CAR-T cells, can be programmed to target specific diseases like cancer.

● Diagnostics: Advancements in technology are leading to faster and more

precise diagnostics to identify pathogens. This allows for targeted treatment and

minimizes the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

3. **Immune System Mimicry:**
- *Positive Impact:* Emerging technologies aim to mimic or enhance the body's immune
system to combat infections or diseases more effectively.
- *Example:* Artificial immune systems in biotechnology are designed to detect and neutralize
pathogens in diagnostic tests or therapeutic applications, offering rapid and targeted responses.

**Effects of Science and Technology on Immunity:**

1. **Loss in Immunity:**
- *Negative Impact:* Technological advancements, such as improved hygiene and sanitation,
have led to reduced exposure to pathogens, potentially weakening immune responses.
- *Example:* Reduced exposure to diverse microbial communities due to urbanization and
modern lifestyles may contribute to increased rates of allergies and autoimmune diseases.

**Benefits and Disadvantages of Vaccination:**

1. **Benefits of Vaccination:**
- *Positive Impact:* Vaccines prevent millions of deaths annually and contribute to the
eradication or control of infectious diseases, saving healthcare costs and improving public
- *Example:* The global eradication of smallpox through vaccination stands as one of
humanity's greatest achievements in disease control.

2. **Disadvantages of Vaccination:**
- *Negative Impact:* Vaccine hesitancy, fueled by misinformation, distrust, and concerns about
safety, can lead to decreased vaccine coverage, outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases,
and erosion of herd immunity.
- *Example:* Controversies surrounding the MMR vaccine and autism have contributed to a
decline in vaccination rates and resurgence of measles outbreaks in various regions.

**Environmental, Ethical, and Social Implications of Vaccines:**

1. **Environmental Impact:**
- *Negative Impact:* Vaccine production processes may generate waste, consume resources,
and contribute to environmental pollution.
- *Example:* Some vaccine manufacturing methods involve the use of materials derived from
animals or require energy-intensive processes, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and
environmental degradation.

2. **Ethical Considerations:**
- *Negative Impact:* Issues of access, equity, and prioritization in vaccine distribution raise
ethical concerns, particularly in resource-limited settings.
- *Example:* Disparities in vaccine access between affluent and marginalized communities
perpetuate health inequalities and exacerbate social injustices.
3. **Social Implications:**
- *Positive Impact:* Vaccination campaigns foster community resilience, trust in public health
systems, and social cohesion.
- *Example:* Mass vaccination programs have played a crucial role in controlling epidemics
and pandemics, strengthening societal resilience and preparedness against infectious threats.

Science and technology wield significant influence over immunity, shaping our ability to prevent,
diagnose, and treat diseases. While advancements like vaccination and immunotherapy offer
immense benefits, they also pose challenges and ethical considerations that require careful
consideration in public health policy and practice. Understanding the complex interplay between
science, technology, and immunity is essential for addressing present and future healthcare
challenges effectively.
○ Vaccine

■ Gives protection against diseases and boost body’s immune system

■ Vaccines are a dead or altered (harmless)

■ Entered into the body and triggers the immune system and the body starts to produce


■ And then the body produces memory cells which gives long lasting immunity

■ So this is also active immunity

■ How this affects population

● If the majority of the population vaccinated this reduces the number of breeding

grounds of the pathogen thus helping the population not vaccinated

● Prevents epidemics and pandemics

○ Injection of antibodies

■ Many methods most common are an injection or through mother’s breast milk to a


● These are an example of passive immunity

○ Short-term defence against a pathogen by antibodies acquired from

another source
○ Memory cells are not produced in this type of immunity

○ These are fast acting

○ From mother to infant via breast milk – this is important as it helps the

very young to fight off infections until they are older and stronger and

their immune system is more responsive

○ Used for diseases like rabies and tetanus

○ Controlling spread of diseases

■ Sanitation

● Remove waste on roads and other public resources as they may have

pathogens on their surface

■ Waste disposal

● Waste attracts flies

■ Personal hygiene

● Washing and using soaps kills or washes off bacteria

■ Hygienic food preparation

● Food cold to slow growth of bacteria

● Cover food to avoid flies

● Cook food well

The commonest phagocytes in blood are called neutrophils and they are easily

recognised by their irregular shaped nucleus and cytoplasm packed full of granules.

Lymphocytes are much smaller white cells and are identifiable by their clear cytoplasm

and large spherical nucleus that takes up 90% of the volume of the cell.

The internal structure of the villus is called a lacteal. Each villus

moves nutrients from the intestine to a network of capillaries and fine

lymphatic vessels. These lymphatic vessels are called lacteals. The

lacteals transports excess fluid, fatty acids, and glycerol away from

the small intestine into the blood.


Thermal expansion is a phenomenon where materials expand or contract in response to

changes in temperature. This concept finds practical application in various fields, notably in the
design and engineering of thermal flasks.

Thermal flasks, also known as thermos flasks or vacuum flasks, are containers designed to
keep the contents at a stable temperature by minimizing heat transfer between the interior and
exterior environments. They typically consist of an inner vessel surrounded by a vacuum layer
and an outer casing. The vacuum layer serves as an insulator, preventing heat exchange
through conduction and convection, while the reflective inner surface minimizes radiation heat

Science and technology are extensively applied in the design and manufacturing of thermal
flasks to address specific challenges related to maintaining temperature stability over extended
periods. For instance:

1. Material Selection: Engineers utilize materials with low thermal conductivity for the inner
vessel and vacuum layer to minimize heat transfer. Materials such as stainless steel, glass, and
specialized insulating materials like polyurethane foam are commonly used.

2. Seal Design: The effectiveness of a thermal flask depends on the quality of its seal.
Advanced sealing techniques, such as double o-ring seals or silicon gaskets, are employed to
ensure airtightness, preventing the ingress of air and maintaining the vacuum insulation.

3. Testing and Quality Control: Science is applied in the form of rigorous testing procedures to
evaluate the thermal performance of flasks under various conditions. Quality control measures
ensure that each flask meets specified standards for heat retention and durability.

Implications of using science and its application to solve the problem of temperature control
through thermal flasks interact with several factors:

1. Social: Thermal flasks contribute to convenience and comfort by allowing individuals to carry
hot or cold beverages during travel, work, or outdoor activities. They promote a culture of
sustainability by reducing the reliance on single-use containers, thereby minimizing waste.

2. Economic: The widespread use of thermal flasks reduces the need for frequent purchases of
disposable cups or bottles, leading to long-term cost savings for consumers. Additionally, the
manufacturing and sale of thermal flasks create employment opportunities within the industry.

3. Ethical: The production of thermal flasks involves considerations of ethical sourcing of

materials and labor practices. Ethical concerns may arise regarding the environmental impact of
manufacturing processes and the disposal of end-of-life products.

4. Environmental: Thermal flasks help mitigate environmental issues associated with disposable
beverage containers, such as plastic pollution and energy consumption in production. By
encouraging reusable alternatives, they contribute to resource conservation and reduction of
carbon emissions.

In conclusion, the application of science and technology in designing thermal flasks

demonstrates how innovation can address specific challenges related to temperature control
while influencing various societal, economic, ethical, and environmental factors. However,
ongoing efforts are necessary to ensure that these advancements align with sustainable
practices and ethical standards.
Stopping distance and braking distance are crucial concepts in automotive safety, as they
determine the distance a vehicle needs to come to a complete stop after the driver applies the
brakes. Stopping distance is the sum of two components: thinking distance and braking
distance. Thinking distance is the distance a vehicle travels while the driver reacts to a hazard,
such as seeing an obstacle and deciding to brake. Braking distance is the distance the vehicle
travels while the brakes are applied and the vehicle decelerates to a stop.

Car safety features are designed and implemented using scientific principles to address the
problem of reducing stopping distance and minimizing the impact of collisions. Here are some
examples of the science and technology used in car safety features:

1. **Antilock Braking System (ABS)**: ABS uses sensors to detect when a wheel is about to
lock up during braking. It then modulates the brake pressure to prevent the wheel from locking,
allowing the driver to maintain steering control. ABS reduces braking distance by preventing
skidding and maximizing tire grip on the road surface.

2. **Electronic Stability Control (ESC)**: ESC helps prevent loss of control during emergency
maneuvers or slippery road conditions. It uses sensors to detect if the vehicle is veering off its
intended path and selectively applies brakes to individual wheels to help stabilize the vehicle. By
maintaining directional stability, ESC contributes to reducing stopping distance and avoiding

3. **Traction Control System (TCS)**: TCS prevents wheel spin during acceleration on slippery
surfaces by reducing engine power or applying brakes to individual wheels. By maximizing
traction, TCS helps optimize braking performance and reduces the risk of skidding, thereby
enhancing overall stopping distance.

4. **Collision Avoidance Systems**: Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) incorporate

various sensors, such as radar, lidar, and cameras, to detect potential collisions and assist the
driver in avoiding or mitigating them. These systems may include features like automatic
emergency braking, forward collision warning, and lane departure warning. By alerting the driver
or autonomously applying brakes, collision avoidance systems aim to reduce both thinking and
braking distances, ultimately improving overall safety.

Implications of using science and its application to solve specific problems in car safety features
interact with various factors:

1. **Social Implications**: Improved car safety features can lead to a reduction in the number of
injuries and fatalities resulting from car accidents, thus positively impacting society by
preserving human life and reducing healthcare costs associated with treating accident-related
2. **Economic Implications**: While the initial cost of implementing advanced safety features
may increase the price of vehicles, the potential long-term economic benefits include savings on
healthcare expenses, insurance premiums, and productivity losses due to injuries sustained in
accidents. Additionally, safer vehicles may lead to lower costs for road maintenance and
infrastructure repair.

3. **Ethical Implications**: Ethical considerations arise regarding the allocation of resources and
the prioritization of safety features in vehicle design. Manufacturers must balance the
cost-effectiveness of safety technologies with their potential to save lives and prevent injuries.
Additionally, ethical dilemmas may arise in situations where autonomous systems must make
split-second decisions to prioritize the safety of occupants versus pedestrians or other road

4. **Environmental Implications**: While safety features themselves may not directly impact the
environment, the adoption of technologies such as electric vehicles (EVs) and lightweight
materials for vehicle construction can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and
mitigating environmental pollution associated with traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.
However, the manufacturing and disposal of complex safety systems may have environmental
costs that need to be considered.

In conclusion, the application of science and technology in car safety features plays a crucial
role in mitigating the risks associated with driving and reducing stopping distance. However, it's
essential to consider the broader implications, including social, economic, ethical, and
environmental factors, to ensure that advancements in automotive safety contribute to overall
societal well-being and sustainability.

Unit 3:


Report: The Vital Cycles and Challenges of Air and Water Purification


Our planet thrives on a delicate balance maintained by fundamental biogeochemical

cycles: the oxygen cycle, the nitrogen cycle, and the water cycle. These intricate

processes sustain life by ensuring the continuous circulation of essential elements. This

report explores these cycles and the growing concern for air and water quality in the
modern world. It delves into purification techniques, their advantages and

disadvantages, and the multifaceted considerations surrounding their implementation.

The Essential Cycles

● The Oxygen Cycle: Oxygen, produced primarily through photosynthesis by

plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, fuels cellular respiration in living organisms and

decomposition by bacteria and fungi. This cycle maintains a vital balance

between oxygen production and consumption.

● The Nitrogen Cycle: Crucial for protein synthesis, nitrogen gas (N₂) from the

atmosphere undergoes conversion into usable forms for plants via nitrogen

fixation by bacteria. Plants then incorporate this nitrogen into organic molecules.

Decomposition releases nitrogen back into the environment, completing the cycle

through processes like nitrification and denitrification.

● The Water Cycle: Solar energy drives the continuous movement of water on,

above, and below Earth's surface. Evaporation, condensation, precipitation,

infiltration, runoff, and groundwater flow ensure the vital distribution of water for

ecosystems and human needs.

The Threat to Air and Water Quality

Industrialization, urbanization, agricultural practices, and pollution significantly

compromise air and water quality. Emissions from vehicles, factories, and other sources

contribute to air pollution, causing respiratory problems and impacting climate change.

Water pollution, arising from contaminants like chemicals, heavy metals, and

pathogens, threatens aquatic life and human health.

Purification Techniques: A Double-Edged Sword

To address these concerns, various purification techniques have been developed:

● Water Purification: Techniques like filtration, sedimentation, disinfection

(chlorination or UV irradiation), and desalination remove impurities and

pathogens, making water safe for consumption and other uses.

● Air Purification: Air filters, electrostatic precipitators, and scrubbers eliminate

pollutants like particulate matter, gases, and odors. Additionally, catalytic

converters in vehicles reduce harmful emissions.

However, these advancements come with drawbacks:

● Environmental Impact: Chlorination, for instance, can generate harmful

disinfection by-products, and air purification processes might be energy-intensive

or produce waste that contributes to environmental degradation.

● Cost: Implementing purification systems can be expensive, limiting access to

clean air and water for developing countries and marginalized communities.

● Resource Consumption: Desalination plants, for example, often require

significant amounts of energy and resources. Air purification technologies may

also consume electricity, contributing to carbon emissions and resource


● Health Concerns: Certain water treatment chemicals or by-products might have

adverse health effects if not properly managed.

Beyond Science: The Societal Impact

The application of science to solve environmental problems is intricately linked to social,

economic, ethical, and environmental considerations:

● Social Equity: Access to clean air and water is a fundamental human right. Yet,

disparities in access and quality disproportionately affect disadvantaged

communities. Equitable distribution of resources and infrastructure development

are crucial for ensuring everyone has access to safe drinking water and

breathable air.

● Economic Considerations: Implementing purification technologies and

addressing pollution can strain budgets. However, the economic benefits of

improved public health and environmental protection often outweigh the initial

costs, leading to sustainable development.


The oxygen, nitrogen, and water cycles are the foundation of life on Earth. Maintaining

air and water quality is paramount for human and ecosystem health. Purification

techniques offer solutions, but their implementation involves navigating environmental,

economic, and social complexities. By acknowledging these challenges and prioritizing

equitable access to clean air and water, we can ensure a healthier future for all.

Additional Considerations

● Emerging Technologies: Explore advancements in water purification, such as

membrane filtration and nanotechnologies, and their potential impact. Discuss

the development of more energy-efficient air purification methods.

● Public Awareness: Highlight the importance of public education and community

engagement in promoting responsible resource management and advocating for

clean air and water policies.

● Case Studies: Include specific examples of successful large-scale or

community-based water and air purification projects to illustrate the practical

application of these solutions.

By incorporating these elements, you can create a more comprehensive report that not

only discusses the science behind these cycles and purification techniques but also

emphasizes the social and economic factors that influence their implementation and the

importance of ensuring clean air and water for all.

The commonest phagocytes in blood are called neutrophils and they are easily

recognised by their irregular shaped nucleus and cytoplasm packed full of granules.

Lymphocytes are much smaller white cells and are identifiable by their clear cytoplasm

and large spherical nucleus that takes up 90% of the volume of the cell.16 Feb 2015

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