Phrasal verbs-KEYS

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Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs
A Rewrite the sentences, using the correct phrasal verb from the list in the correct tense.

bring up cast aside live up to make out pay off point out
set off stand for take in turn out

1 What time does she usually start her journey for the office in the morning?
What time does she usually set off for the office in the morning ?
2 What do the initials UNO represent?
............................................................ stand for...........................................................................................................
3 They have abandoned the old methods as useless and are employing new ones.
............................ Cast aside: If you cast aside someone or something, you get rid of them
because they are no longer necessary or useful to you.
4 His writing is so bad that it is impossible to understand what he is saying.
............... make out = understand: hiểu..............................................................
5 You can't expect the class to absorb so many difficult concepts all at once.
................................................................ take in........................................................................................................
6 I hope you won't mind if I indicate the mistakes you have made.
........................................................... point out..........................................................................................................
7 The royal children were not looked after and taught how to behave by their parents.
................................................................... brought up....................................................................
8 He was a great disappointment to his parents, and failed to behave so as to justify their
.............................................................................................................................. live up to......................
9 The work proved to be more difficult than we had imagined.
........................... turned
10 We knew we were taking a risk, but luckily the gamble proved successful.
.............................................................................................................................. paid off.....................................

B Rewrite the sentences, using the correct phrasal verb from the list in the correct tense.
back out of break down break out crop up hold out
run into set out speak out split up turn up

1 I was wondering if anyone I knew would appear at the meeting.

........................................................................................... turn up...........................................................................
2 She was once married but the marriage collapsed after three days!
................................................... broken down...........................................................................
3 The prospective buyers of the house withdrew from the deal when the owners raised the
................................................................................ backed out of...............................................................................
4 If you've been badly treated, say what you think openly. Don't keep it to yourself.
................................................................... speak out....................................................................................
5 Problems in teenagers' relationships with their parents often appear unexpectedly.
.......................................................................................................................................... crop up.....................
6 The twins depended on each other so much that they resented being separated.
.......................................................................................................................................... split up.........................
7 The Second World War started in 1939.
....................................................... broke
8 She left that place the next morning in search of the truth.
............... set out....................................................................................................................................................
9 We met each other quite by accident at the railway station.
..................... ran into.......................................................................................................................................
10 I bought just enough food and drink for the party, and it lasted till the end.
.............................................................................................................................. held
C Rewrite the sentences, using the correct phrasal verb from the list in the correct tense.
come about cope with die down dress up hack out
make up for put out send back set up spring up

1 We are short staffed at the moment and cannot manage that amount of work.
................................................................ cope with...................................................................
2 It's an informal party. There's no need to put on your best clothes.
.................................................................................................... dress up.........................................................
3 I can't imagine how the misunderstanding happened.
................................................................................................ came
4 The sports facilities at the hotel compensated for the bad weather we had on holiday.
........................................................................... made up
5 The minister waited for the noise to become less loud before going on with his speech.
.................................................................................. die down..............................................................................
6 The cheque was returned because he had no money in his account.
........................................ sent
7 The Government are going to establish a committee to inquire into the complaints.
......................................... set up.............................................................................................
8 Shops selling mobile phones are suddenly appearing all over the place.
................................................................................ springing up...................................................
9 The explorers cut out a rough path through the jungle.
......................................... hacked
10 The World Cup committee were upset to discover that they were not all staying at the
same hotel.
......................................................................... put out..................................................................................................
D Rewrite the sentences, using the correct phrasal verb from the list in the correct tense.
claw back come up with do away with flag down hang on to
hold up miss out on put up put up with rub off on

1 We had no idea of how to deal with the problem until she produced this clever solution.
.................................................................................................................. came up with.........................................
2 Though he talks of retiring, he'll hold on tightly to power for as long as he can.
........................................................................ hang on.....................................................................................

3 The firm's improved prospects have enabled investors to recover some of their losses.
........................................................................................................................... claw back..........................................
4 The minister appeared at the meeting with a sheep dog, hoping some of its lovable
qualities would be transferred to him.
............. rub off on...........................................................................................................................................
5 Please raise your hand if you want to ask a question.
................... put up..................................................................................................................................................
6 I was tired of waiting for the bus, so I waved to a taxi to make it stop.
............................................................... flagged down......................................................
7 By failing to send in the questionnaire, I lost the opportunity of a free holiday abroad.
......................................................... missed out on......................................................................
8 The Post Office has decided to cancel the second delivery of the day.
.................................................... do away with............................................................................
9 It's a disgrace, and I don't see why I should tolerate it any longer.
.......................................................... put up with.........................................................................
10 The traffic was kept waiting for half an hour by the lorry being double-parked.
.............................................held up..........................................................................................................
E Rewrite the sentences, using the correct phrasal verb from the list in the correct tense.
break up call off cut off fall off get away with
keep up put off rule out splash out wipe out

1 The reports of violence in the country stopped tourists being interested in visiting it.
.......................................................................................... put tourists off visiting................................................
2 We would be unwilling to exclude any reasonable explanation for what happened.
............................................................ rule out.............................................................................................................
3 There was a lot of interest in the course at first, but numbers have decreased recently.
.............................................................................................................................................. fallen off......................
4 Our campaign to eliminate the disease completely has achieved partial success.
......................................... wipe out..........................................................................................................................
5 The schools have closed for the holidays, so the children are all at home.
............................................ broken up..........................................................................................................
6 You can't escape unpunished for murder, even if you are a famous sportsman.
.............................. get away with..........................................................................................................................
7 It was a cause for celebration so we decided to spend a lot of money on a meal at an
expensive restaurant.
..................................................................................................... splash out..................................................
8 The village has been separated from the world by the floods.
................................................ cut off.......................................................................................................................
9 Their victory enables them to maintain their challenge for the championship.
.................................................................. keep up....................................................................................................
10 The game was cancelled at the last minute because of ice on the pitch.
...................................... called off..............................................................................................................................
F Rewrite the sentences, using the correct phrasal verb from the list in the correct tense.
bank on bowl over catch up with end up make up
stand up to stow away strike down while away work out

1 Everyone was astonished and impressed by the force of her personality.

........................................ bowled over.........................................................................................................
2 Women account for 90% of the work force.
....................... make up.........................................................................................................................................
3 He joined the firm as an office boy and finished his career as managing director.
....................................................................................... ended up....................................................................
4 It's an interesting theory but I doubt if it will remain valid under close examination.
................................................................................................... stand up to.......................................................
5 She keeps fit by doing physical training every morning
........................................... working out.................................................................................................................
6 I had a long wait at the airport so I relaxed and passed the time doing crossword puzzles.
................................................................................... whiled away.........................................................................
7 While on holiday he was infected and incapacitated by a mysterious illness.
............................................................. struck down.....................................................................................
8 He got into the country by climbing aboard and hiding on a ship.
................................................................. stowing away..........................................................................
9 The evil life he has led will overtake him and cause him trouble one day.
................................................... catch up with him.....................................................................................
10 They say it will be fine tomorrow but after looking at those clouds, I wouldn't be very
confident of it.
........................ bank on.......................................................................................

Collocations, common combinations

Collocations (1)
G Complete the sentences with the correct preposition(s).
1 I couldn't have managed by myself. It was a good thing you were ..on..... hand to help out.
2 You may not think so now but the long run you'll be grateful for my advice.
3 They fell in love ........ at......... first sight.
4 The trouble with the minister is that he's ......out of........ touch with public opinion.
5 It was a sensible proposal so we were all agreement.
6 There's a policeman ....on. duty at the crossroads.
7 He refused to answer questions when he appeared court.
8 He acts very strangely. I'm not sure that he' his right mind.
9 He raised his gun to fire but the bird was already .. out of.... range.
10 The public have a right to know these things. They should not be kept

Collocations (2)
H Complete the sentences with the correct preposition(s).
1 They used to be very common birds but their numbers are decline.
2 That problem is very common. Your brother's experience is a case point.
3 He was a rebel, contrast to his father, a judge.
4 The ship hit a rock and sank .... without... trace.
5 It's the first time that these animals have been bred captivity.
6 They set off pursuit of the thieves.
7 They insist on the rent being paid advance.
8 You are .....under... arrest and anything you say may be used against you.
9 It seemed right at the time, but retrospect was clearly an error. = with
10 His novels were once very popular but now they are all ....out of.... print.

Verb + preposition (1)

I Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
1 When you change jobs, you have to adapt different systems.
2 We know each other well, so we can dispense .. with... formalities.
3 They were charged ... with..... an offence under the criminal code.
4 What led you ..... to.... that conclusion?
5 They withdrew .....from the agreement at the last minute.
6 If he insists ....on...... attending the meeting, we can't prevent it.
7 He always respond criticism by losing his temper.
8 I find it easy to identify ....with.......... her because I had a similar upbringing.
9 I don't approve .....of.... that sort of behaviour.
10 He's an obvious suspect, though he's never been convicted ..of......... a crime.

Verb + preposition (2)

J Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
1 The child vie.....with......... each other .........for.............. their mother's attention. = compete
2 The evidence conflicts ....with...... the official explanation.
3 Products must conform to European safety standards.
4 Their research contributed the success of the project.
5 He gets very angry whenever anyone disagree ....with................ him.
6 He is very reliable so I have no hesitation in entrusting the task .
7 I'm not sure if that law applies .to........... foreigners.
8 I don't think this is the right moment to invest shares.
9 I like going to the theatre, but that play didn't appeal me.
10 Ever since he disappeared, the newspapers have indulged speculation.

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