Master - Salary

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A salary record holds a worker's base pay amount for a specified period and currency
the salary range used to validate base pay and calculate metrics such as comp-ration and quartile
This payroll assignment must be complete before you load salary records

METALINK Column Descriptions:

Date From The date on which the salary record starts.
Date To The date on which the salary record ends. Leav
Salary Amount The base salary amount. If you are using salary
Multiple Components Specify Y if you are using salary components.
Next Sal Review Date The date on which the salary should next be rev
Assignment Number The number of the assignment this salary is for.
Salary Basis Name The name of the salary basis for this salary.
Action Code The action associated with the salary record, su
Salary Date From The start date of the salary. Required if you are
Simple Component Name The name of the simple component.
SalarySimpleComponent Amount The amount for the simple salary component. Y
Percentage The percentage for the simple salary componen
Assignment Number The assignment number for the salary, required
Assignment Number The assignment number of the workers assignm
Date From The start date of the salary. Only required if usi
SalaryComponent Component Reason Code The code for the component, such as PROMOTI
Change Amount The change amount associated with the salary
Component Approved Specify Y if you are Approving salary componen
Assignment Number The assignment number of the workers assignm
Pay Rate Name The pay rate name
Pay Rate Short Name The unique name for the rate component.
Salary Date From The date on which the rates component record
SalaryPayRateComponent Salary Date To The date on which the rates component record
Rate Amount The amount associated with the rates compone
RateAnnualAmount Specify value when Calculate Rate Component
RateAnnualFtAmount Specify value when Calculate Rate Component
Rate Factor The factor associated with the rates componen
salary record starts.
salary record ends. Leave this attribute blank if this is the latest salary record with no end date.
t. If you are using salary components then enter the sum of all salary component amounts plus the previous salary amount.
ng salary components.
salary should next be reviewed. If supplying a date it must be later than the DateFrom attribute.
gnment this salary is for.
basis for this salary.
with the salary record, such as HIRE, PROMOTION, CHANGE_SALARY and so on.
alary. Required if you are using user keys to identify the salary this simple component is for.
e component.
mple salary component. You can provide the amount for certain simple component types, such as user enters amount.
simple salary component. The amount is calculated by applying the percentage to the based on simple component. You can provide the p
er for the salary, required when identifying the salary using user keys.
er of the workers assignment the performance document is for.
alary. Only required if using user keys to identify the parent salary record for this component.
onent, such as PROMOTION, LOCATION, ADJUSTMENT and so on.
sociated with the salary component. This amount is added to the previous base salary to derive the new salary amount for the salary reco
proving salary components.
er of the workers assignment the performance document is for.

he rate component.
rates component record starts.
rates component record ends. Leave this attribute blank if this is the latest record with no end date.
d with the rates component. If the RateFactor is supplied leave this attribute blank.
culate Rate Component Values is N.
culate Rate Component Values is N.
with the rates component. If RateAmount is supplied leave this attribute blank.
salary amount.

ponent. You can provide the percentage for certain simple component types, such as user enters percentage.

ary amount for the salary record. If the ChangePercentage attribute is supplied leave this attribute blank.
Legends Required Optional Example

Date To Multiple Components

Date From (YYYY/MM/DD) Salary Amount
(YYYY/MM/DD) (30 Chars)

Sample with No History

2018/01/01 4712/12/31 120.00 Y

Sample with History

2018/01/01 2018/12/31 80000.00 Y

2019/01/01 4712/12/31 85000.00 Y

Salary Basis Name(80
Next Sal Review Date Person Number (30 Chars)

Hourly / Salaried
2019/01/01 E2900

Hourly / Salaried
2019/01/01 E2900

Hourly / Salaried
2020/01/01 E2900
Action Code (30 Action Reason Code Component Reason
Change Amount
Chars) (30 Chars) Code



Cost of Living
Action Action Code
Global Transfer GLB_TRANSFER
Add Employee Work Relationship HIRE_ADD_WORK_RELATION
Rehire an Employee REHIRE
Temporary Assignment TEMP_ASG
Add Assignment ADD_ASSIGN
Add Employment Terms ADD_EMP_TERMS
Automated Grade Step Progression CMP_GRADE_STEP_PROGRESSION
Grade Step Rate Synchronization CMP_GSP_RATE_SYNCHRONIZATION
Assignment Change ASG_CHANGE
Allocate Workforce Compensation ALLOCATE_GRP_CMP
Global Temporary Assignment GLB_TEMP_ASG
Working Hours Change WORK_HOURS_CHANGE

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