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WABI ICT TRAINING CENTER :010177878 /01728674

Project one

Computer program

A computer program that replicates on computer systems by incorporating itself

into shared programs. Viruses range from harmless pranks that merely display an
annoying message to programs that can destroy files or disable a computer
altogether. Whether they're considered malicious or malevolent, all viruses spread
rapidly. For example, from one computer to millions of others around the world,
infecting machines and causing them to crash."
1. Copy the first paragraph & paste under second paragraph.
2. Indent the second paragraph about 0.5 inches from the left & right margin
3. Under line &break into four column the third paragraph.
4. Bold &italic the first paragraph
5. Use font size 14.&fonit type time new roman for all paragraphs instruction
2, create the following table using spread sheet.

Save by profit in your fodder local disk (D)

Name of asset liabilities Capital Income expense total

Title industry 80000 20000
Food industry 12000 5000
Shop industry 2000 300
Cement industry 40000 10000
Printing 15000 3000

 Capital =asset*liabilities
 Income=20%of asset
 Expense=15%of liabilities
 Total=capital income-expense
2, find out sum, max, min?
3, create the column chart using above table

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WABI ICT TRAINING CENTER :010177878 /01728674

Project TWO
1. Suppose you are working in Adama Hospital as IT support service
technician; today you have received the following four support request
forms (Form1, Form2, Form3 and Form4) from departments of the hospital.
In addition you received a call from w/t Lalise from reception to fix the
mouse that is not fast enough to work with and AtoTolina came to your
workshop and requested you to provide him a latest Dell computer.
(Note according to the hospital policy and it support service technician is
expected only to provide maintenance support and advice to requests.
A. Copy the paragraph into or time.
B. Under line paragraph 2&break into two columns with line between.
C. Bold paragraph 3,fonit size 14&fonit type areal.
2. Create the following table on excel 2007/2010.
3. Save in your folder by file name =HANA. In local (D)
4. weakly sales of bekema supper market for month of HARD 2008 ETHIOPIAN.ANDER

Srno day Unit sold Unit price Total Total Net profit
income expense
1 Monday 150 20
2 Tuesday 200 10
3 Wednesday 120 15
4 Thurs day 80 25
5 Friday 180 22
6 Saturday 110 22
7 Sunday 160 25
Calculate total income, total expense, &net profit based on the following information.

1. Total income =unit price *unit sold

2. Total expense=20%of total income
3. Net profit=total income –total expense
4. Find out total, Average ,max,min
5. Create table chart using net profit with day

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WABI ICT TRAINING CENTER :010177878 /01728674

Project three
Task 3.1,start your computer & create folder by your name in desktop

3.2, create subfolder OPC &&DKS under your folder name

3.3, Write the following on the micro soft word

A computer program that replicates on computer systems by incorporating itself

into shared programs. Viruses range from harmless pranks that merely display an
annoying message to programs that can destroy files or disable a computer
altogether. Whether they're considered malicious or malevolent, all viruses spread
rapidly. For example, from one computer to millions of others around the world,
infecting machines and causing them to crash."
3.4, save the file under subfolder: OPC by file name processing

Task 4, open spread sheet &insert the following data on excel

srno item Description quantity Unit price Total sale Vat Net

1 A4 Pen 120 110

2 A3 Pencil 200 750
3 BIC Paper 100 156
4 MOM Copier 20 52
5 HB Rubber 100 61
6 OSA duster 60 350

Task 4.1, formula

Total sale =unit quantity*unit price

Vat=15%of total price

Net sale=the difference of total sale &value added to tax

Task 4.2, sort the data Z to A order of item name

Task 4.3, draw column chart 2.D cursers total sale & net sale

Task 4.4, show how to point the document to your access

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WABI ICT TRAINING CENTER :010177878 /01728674

Project four

1. Type the following on Microsoft office word

A computer program that replicates on computer systems by incorporating itself

into shared programs. Viruses range from harmless pranks that merely display an
annoying message to programs that can destroy files or disable a computer
altogether. Whether they're considered malicious or malevolent, all viruses spread
A. Save the above paragraph by the file name business under folder occupation on the desktop
B. Create folder accounting as sub folder of occupation
C. Print only page on in 2 copies with the appropriate printer name
D. Shut down your computer properly

Trainer name Mid(30) Project(45 Final(50) total average subtract Division

Tolasa 25 35 20
Ayantu 30 30 23
Gemechu 20 33 22
Bona 23 31 19
Lata 24 32 24


Subtraction: total –mid

Division: total 1/3

Using the result given in the above table calculated

A. Total for each trainer

B. Average for each result
C. Show the average of each trainer by the result using chart
Chart title: KAB result
X. axis: trainer name
Y-axis: result

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