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Weeke7 eS OCR fe Oxford Cambridge and RSA cl IK + A Level Mathematics B (MEI) as H640/01 Pure Mathematics and Mechanics Question Paper Wednesday 6 June 2018 — Morning Time allowed: 2 hours You must have: + Printed Answer Booklet ‘You may use: + a scientific or graphical calculator INSTRUCTIONS + Use black ink. HB pencil may be used for graphs and diagrams only. + Complete the boxes provided on the Printed Answer Booklet with your name, centre number and candidate number. + Answer all the questions. + Write your answer to each question in the space provided in the Printed Answer Booklet. Additional paper may be used if necessary but you must clearly show your candidate number, centre number and question number(s). Do not write in the barcodes. You are permitted to use a scientific or graphical calculator in this paper. Final answers should be given to a degree of accuracy appropriate to the context. The acceleration due to gravity is denoted by gms~2. Unless otherwise instructed, when a numerical value is needed, use g = 9.8. INFORMATION + The total number of marks for this paper is 100. * The marks for each question are shown in brackets {tl * You are advised that an answer may receive no marks unless. you show sufficient detail of the working to indicate that a correct method is used. You should communicate your method with correct reasoning. * The Printed Answer Booklet consists of 20 pages. The Question Paper consists of 42 pages. ©.06R 2018 [03/1002] ‘OCRIs an exompt Chay bo (LKISw) 1645283, Turn over Arithmetic series 4nla+i) Geometric series gs = ace’) a+ (n—1)d} 2 Formulae A Level Mathematics B (MEI) (1640) (ata =a" +"C,a" "b+ "Ca" 7B? +. "Ca BT +B" (en), nln (14) = 14m OS (l 1). x oO x Fig. 10 Find, in terms of f, the area of the finite region between the curve and the x-axis, ee ems of w, 7 11 Fig. 11 shows two blocks at rest, connected by alight inextensible string which passes over a smooth pulley. Block A of mass 4,7kg-rests on a smooth pane inclin ° to the horizontal. Block B of mass 4kg rests on a rough plane inclined at 25° to the horizontal. On either side of the pulley, the string is parallel to a line of greatest slope of the plane. BTOck B is on the point of sliding up the plane. - Block A Fig. 11 (@ Show that the tension in the string is 39.9N correct to 3 significant figures. at (i) Find the coefficient of friction between the rough plane and Block B. is // 1)? + Gt 1)?= 25, the line 4y = 3x—32 and the tangent to the circle at the Dis the point of intgrsection of the line 4y = 3237 and the tangent at A. wen @ ae 0) tae ce (Gi) Prove that ADBC isa squae, Be (Gv) The point Fis the lowest point ee eocean18 wosn0t in Turn over 8 13. The function f(x) is defined by £() = 727-8". Jenny uses her scientific calculator to create a table of values for f(x) and f"(x). x £0), i) 0 3 0 0.25 | 2.9954 | -0.056 0.5 | 2.9625 | -0.228 0.75 | 2.8694 | -0.547 1 | 2.6684 | -1.124 4.25 | 22490 | -1.977 15 0 _| ERROR (@ Use calculus to find an expression for ra. Gi) Find the first thee terms of the binomial expansion 0 "(@) and hence explain why the calculator gives an error for F(x). Bre (iii) Jenny integrates the first three terms of of the binomial expansion of fQ) to estimate the value of [,327=88 ae, Explain why Fenny’s method is valid in this ease. (Vou do not need to evaluate Jenny's a 's approximation.) brs (iv) Use the trapezium rule with 4 strips to obtain an estimate for S Vio7= ee ax, Bee ‘The calculator gives 2.921 17438 for fi YV27= Be dx. The graph of y = f(2) is shown in Fig. 13. Fig. 13 () Explain why the trapezium rule gives an underestimate. Ww 9 14 The velocity of a car, vs“ at time 1 seconds, is being modelled. Initially the car has velocity Sms“ and it accelerates to 11.4ms" in 4 seconds. — In model A, the acceleration is assumed to be uniform. ieee @ Find an expression for the velocity of the car at time / using this model. Bie (i Explain why this model is not appropriate in the long term, ce Model A is refined so that the velocity remains constant once the car reaches 17.8: Gi) Sketch a velocity-time graph for the motion of the ear, making clear the time at which the acceleration changes. Bee (iv) Calculate the displacement of the car in the first 20 seconds according to this refined model, Bee In model B, the velocity of the car is given by {rose —0.05¢ for 0<1< 8, 178, for 8 <1< 20. (©) Show that this model gives an appropriate value for v when ¢ (vi) Explain why the value of the acceleration immediately before the velocity becomes constant is likely to mean that model B is a bettet model than model A._ Show that model B gives the same value as model A for the displacement at time 20s. Be END OF QUESTION PAPER % Week 7 arxwer pages ~ if &-2) se Leror ver by factar Uae §(2)20 S@- 3@)* 8/0)*+ 3(2) «2 “2 fe (x-Dy « Leos 4 Cela meet) roe berueer0 2! Dewalt: e'- Sit eS Odea da" 1 berseon 0 3 sec+ 2eevO =4 O66 KHO (l+tan’0) + Zand = & tan © + ZeanO-3 =O (cid #+3\(cenOe |) = ° eO=3 en x4! ] nf s : ZN) 6-45" 25° t e (eG 22a sedili) = 71565 (lp) G = Ls; lok bas" , 205", 28h 435" @= (obu3s", 288. 6g5" ee ut eats Das ye oe) (memo ee ae F-\4 - 2.¥a@4) 3.ba = bbb F =20.|2N. a= Ob et ew — 5) c= Cite 27 Jes ae be); eves orl tk + (26-6); a) han en 3s Ve(2- WG)i+ 26)-b6) © So statianoy ae 23, 6 Na-50 d-z0 a) 1120 cock maath 10 mpd by LIZ Ugeos = Zhe panes a=S0 & &rallZ eae Sn = & (2(50)+ (eu-i)20) = \2 Cloo+ 460) £4720 ~ a) G, LOE. H5407 rh2056 > £54077 5467.76%6720 «saved es, can Aeela, 7)) F=30+50 - gon @) Hxx =50,2 ot 2 =1254 8)) Sientcos* = ES FS ) =1lb rinse cssre)* = Gfiatlee))* = 4 pe) = Bl-ceshr i) {sin > cos" do =F) (cosh ae a La ~ FG sink tc sin bse tof $e 4 + bee™ ek Xe the +2@)e* ys ot). b> GE = NOlsecands “= Me Ne go Soba ii) wha ye Zs 225-35 Cun s35 a gb OS (20 =x* ye ce x= Fe=loasuns Ocdcio.gs 2 Wwe ke QP Dlx gel debe dot a 10) ye (le- 2c) |y se wien y= 0 (k-Shx = 0 af the-d Me -§ best : xek ahx=o ee ks eee aie ae ke ke ]-Lke-4)ht = ae ote ae I) Fr. Blon ele puitt of slebns) ) SS a pall Sey : ars yz T= b Fin bO = 349. $84 | 30\ 8) Readue 6 (A) : pike) “lsaa af) % \e beg cos 28° Rake g(%): T-Fe basin@S F =E L. 7a stnb0 ~ beg in S = pn (6): ke. Ty sin bO- agsin 2S = pre Ay ces 2s UPapin bO- kgsin2S <= O.bSLUbZE 78S ges = O66 Cede) MA 2) G50- eG+l)*-25 Cs Ce Wendy DP) by-t-32 os bel) Gage y= deh fh (a Zc AG ae * Ears tage eral rhea = 200% * eee Stee “post be be emngent ® wher wel - BALL, by = 3G)-32 & eS) hy = -20 yr av it) ale subered by or eavgort ancl he redins is 90° so dD £¢ CBD = fo My, et =z Mg 2 2 $ ° pasperciculor so £ ACB = 90 soe 4E AC-CB (sack) | “pus be a Squose S a) Ae “is -b a ley ab =1 C,- hb a on Ps, Be snd $s G)26 = F 0. but es) ab rye O37 Dae (50 bu sso lO = ¥ OUST ELM 3) SG) = (27-82). ») oe 4 (27-88) 2a? at re 7 SOIL, = 809. (e7- sds’) e S ce 27) ° 2-18. @)' “EZ = is an efrar Hie eaygehing dice! bg F ba eral y iil (27-8) = 27° (1.42) 2 30-8 Y (Us) SO gat 73 9. PB (-§- Bae )) ett ae is) Uh Ge 181 foe [> 2 ote 3 oe bncts ore workin che inenal a L. w) SE (Bo 2. bbEL + 202. 456 + 244254 28640) = 2A) $3. Wa ) tlee OG gep between the cave nel ube seaps d& the Lrpeziws, othe oreo will be an urderesuiake, . 7 a 3+ 5x —~ 4 Wee. Be VeW tak [viene 1 ele be S 4a a= Pt ole i) The cor is (waed o che welocty they co, oclurove 0 so coddi't contnve ihvewse continvovsly, ve iii) y= (78 vlan v 178 =48_ 3 / a tr. gy G08) GC\har sed eS ae — Daa oe Ne de i288 = 32 G=l2xiz8 - 213. C= 5x6 = ko in A AsBte ) v= 5 + 0.604)" 0.05 (6) = Node ms! 7 W) aa Me kde Oset “uber c#8 (rable damenneblld): aa 6-96 =O as the we reaches vhe moxitun.¢ veloc, wide lich eagle erlains che sucdler chage in madel te ae ° 8 _ — 1 4 7 Re ease iolittamtolosteeeic: 202 - ose" | Cs WO, ZH e- SID = Wem 4% ons the sare valve singe chis is Ure some Sor che fine & seconds teen the che velocses remains che seme as muckl A ail pe ZO, . todd also he PERE IE | 2Ndb eet Bes = FOG, Em Se Bens BET cy r Name __ Sack Qwe/ Signature Class Date Materials For this paper you must have: * The booklet of formulae and statistical tables. * You may use a graphics calculator. Instructions * Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Pencil should be used for drawing, * Answer all questions, © You must answer each question in the space provided for that question. If you require extra space, use a supplementary answer book; do not use the space provided for a different question, ‘© Do not write outside the box around each page, Show all necessary working; otherwise marks for method may be lost. * Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work that you do not want to be marked. Information © The marks for questions are shown in brackets. ©. The maximum mark for this paper is 100. Advice © Unless stated otherwise, you may quote formulae, without proof, from the booklet. ‘* You do not necessarily have to use all the space provided. © Oxtora University Press 2017 ‘Acknowledgements: www oxfordeecondary co uk/ecknowledoements Question Mark 1 wlo}~folala|elr 40 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 Total A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) ‘Answer all questions in the spaces provided. x=f and y=2t Find a Cartesian equation of the curve. ft py | 1 A curve is defined by the parametric equations. | Circle your answer. { | 2 [mark] | | | | | | | | Circle your answer. | @®) (2, 6) } @,6) @,-6) (2,6) | ? L_ = _ © Oso Unsly Paw 2017 ‘Acknowledgements: ww ubdacknowted A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) 3 An ancient circular shield is excavated during an archaeological dig. Once exposed to the air it starts to corrode. The area affected by corrosion, A, is modelled by the equation = aoe + imber of weeks that have passed since the shield was excavated. a 2 of the shield is corroded, find the number of weeks since the excavation, given that ihe shield has a diameter of 1,5 metres. 2, > ~ eH r= 075 Gx Tx .75) =2 7 Blea eee 0. $283saboa7 =2°% Y Nog, €9.€225 3544007 = &-I €= lag, OR Z2SSHUCOZs | 7230445 s XH ——_ > b State one limitation of the model, ance che shield erodes covplerely the Meebl cs " “| incosTeck since it does nok limit he ever thar cer be E A BOG shel 6 Gade a Vigne eri as the ¢ valve inceasee), CEASE Che iace ¢ Using words, describe a refinement that voucoul pa to improve the model, 1 mafic xc de & ) (© Orford University Press 2017 ‘Acknowledgements: ww. oxfordsecondary.co,uk/ecknowledgements A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) 4 A student is trying to prove that when two consecutive odd numbers are squared, the result is always even. His attempt is shown below: Step 1: Check the first two cases P+37=14+9=104 34 57=9425=34V Step 2: Check for an arbitrary larger pair of consecutive odd numbers 15° +17? =225 +289= 514 ¥ Step 3: Conclusion Since it is true for the first two cases, and it works for an arbitrary larger pair of consecutive odd numbers, it must be true for all pairs of consecutive odd numbers. | a Explain what is wrong with the student’s attempt. sey | Iehavg ae wecles Sar Uyese cases ubis does Ade onckiovel) Shaw Ue same is the for de 2 all the cases / b Prove that the student’s claim is correct. IB mtarks{ consecuure odd pthars—> Zn+| &Za-\ (Zari) + n=l) = Blente bn | + beat bane | | 2 8712 = 2Cba*+1) Zz Lhsays ever silce vis chavble hoe ‘vocedgement wat seeconda.coAlcknowldgements A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) ls Josh, an environmental scientist, suggests that the rate at which compost decomposes is inversely proportional to the square root of the mass, C tonnes, of compost. a Given that fis the number of days that the compost has been decomposing, construct a differential equation involving C, ¢ and a constant ko model Josh’s claim, [3 marks} ac ke de EO b — Asecond scientist, Julia, believes that Josh’s model is incorrect. Julia believes that the correct model is = oF Given that C= $ when = 0, use Julia’s model to show that C’= Se™ and find the limiting value of C as ¢ geis very large. [9 inarist wee 2 € GEA S-GNde HC = a(2+t) MNES ES US ta (240)" Ae hS-4 2c « Ihc = Gls In5-4 ym Nantes of C: | | pes | aC-In5 See 4 In(é) = ee oe C= Se*= 3032653249 | = BZ | h@ =" | = | $ | | | ‘einoundgonne wae co ssicen A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) Felicity, a physicist, is studying wave patterns. She believes that a particular wave is governed by the function f(x) = acos.x—4sin.x where a isa positive constant and x is measured in radians. Given that the maximum value of f(x) is 19, ae the value of @ and the smallest positive value of x for which £(x)=/i9_ a GCOSX - besinn = xb a v 4 = a7+lb Beat ere SB cos 2c - Usen ne = cs X CU - sine sinh alk = sia alz =co3y > UK Sanaa ox. eat! (4) | \b2/98472, S60 TF HR cos (c+ x) AH cos Coes = x =2T-% =5 \2lo2be3s Wel rer = Cos (I) 4K 2U . == ~ Siz CRD Reos (c+X) u | | | | | > SHS 9, 2 | | | | | | | | i (© Orford University Press 2017 ‘Acknow mens A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) 4 3 7 Show that {*—> gy = isa rai 1ow Soaen* Ink where k is a rational number to be found. IZ marksy uv & 3 8 3 ) i 3 = Meri) + B&-2) en x= ol an = 2 3 ss 3-34 B--\ = | | 1 3 A+ a | C-xrl) FOF G2) Gay Ged | | | | | | | ara en ie = (nF )-et) = Wf). | © Orford University Press 2017 = Ee Ackac nis: yw oxford 20 ubiacknowiedaements A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) 8 a Anartist is planning the design of a logo and models it using coordi The design features two overlapping circles with a line segment joining the points where the circles meet. | Ifthe two circles have equations x? +y? =6 andx? +(y—2) =4, find, correct to 3 dp, the length of the line segment joining the points where the circles meet. marks x= EF lagth = Gi «iH = TS = 5.87 Bae b The designer decides to change the design. He moves the smaller circle to sit directly to the right of the larger one so that the centres of both cireles are horizontally aligned. The smaller circle is now tangent to | the larger. Work out the vector of translation required. [unarks] | & 2 | : feos packing = SE o's ads = 2 xtc 3 ce cc tauslagon = 24 Se - x%b-d"=b 6) les ob = (0,0) O'S odapificenvre = CO, 2) | oo Must ke ees E -| Snoaiagernts: wee ovaréecondarcosW/acnowedarents A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Sot A) ee Three consecutive terms of a geometric sequence are 2x—1, 3x+1 and 4x43 ‘Show that the common ratio is 1 [Gororkesy | = Suri _ bart CS == _— Gx-1) ‘Cay Dy Nxt bre +| = Pat 2x -3 thy th =O (x+2)*= End of section A © Orford University Press 2017 Acknowedgeme nts: www oxfordsecondary.co ub/acknowledaements, A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) ae | 10 | l Section B Answer alll questions in the spaces provided. ‘A force F acts on a particle of mass 2 kg ‘The particle accelerates at 3 m s” and experiences a constant resistive force of 10N Find the value of F F = (2+3)sto = b+I6 6 Circle your answer. 6N -6N (sx) 60N A ball is thrown vertically downwands from the top of a cliff. Its initial speed is 2m s* Find the speed of the ball after 7 seconds. Veacae 2+7%y Sx a2 aa ty Circle your answer. > 7gms* (2+7g)ms? ogms' 2ms" | | | | | | updo | | | 1 ‘© Onford University Press 2017 ‘Acknowledgements: www.ox‘ordeeconda.co.utlecknowledgements A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) 12a Hannah rests a uniform plank of mass 10 kg on two tree stumps. The plank is 3m Tong and the stumps are 2 m apart, The plank rests centrally, as in the diagram below. as as 05m 2m | Hannah stands on the left end of the plank and puts her pet rabbit Snufiles at the right end, Hannah has mass 45 kg and the plank is on the point of tilting about stump A. Find the mass of Snuffes and the normal reaction at A. Baars] 4Syx 34 dgxlS = Rx2.5 1359 + 15g =25R | 15Og = 258 bop 87 | | SG nerd reaction ae A | | LS, + 10,484 = b0g | | 51 = bq | s Ske, | | mana | | | b State the significance of modelling the plank as uniform. tm the weight othe pltk acts in vhe centre (Sm), SSnowedgten: uh aeiecondr ox ck oedema A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) 13a A stone, modelled as a particle, is projected from the top of a cliff at an angle of 30° with initial velocity 12 ms Find the maximum height above the cliff top reached by the stone. masts | hen yt 2 uts 2as (O* = (esn30)"+2Cg)s = ((2sin30)* s = 5b 1.33.67346) soos Aye 28h Cl) = b Give two reasons why modelling the stone as a particle is an important simplification. (2 wars} Pail sesitence con bee ig, nowech 7 tee Mass is regligihe. = spia faze con be iqaoed | | | | | | | ‘Reencuospoment asa ovledgements A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) the plane and the particle. | (Pf: 5x 4.08 R | &: 5g x 65iN15 FE b — Ahuorizontal force Given that the co the particle. | ~~ F=pR 2 60.27% 6.26 B= ‘© Oxford Ur ‘Acknowledgements: www ovfordsecondary co wWacknowledaements (Y: SOsalS* + Sgcos|S” = | 60.2713 1774 | @ R= GRARLLELL: | (2)! 5020515 - 54 sald — 14a A particle of mass S.kg rests on a rough plane inclined at 15° to the horizontal. If the particle is just at the point of slipping, find the coefficient of friction between Bunerist F- pe Sqx duals > Me (Sax 5 cas\5) Pe SpeSialS 2 Bald 2s | 5g x Seals 3 2 Oo 2b7404 40h Dee ied to the particle so that it moves up the plane. of friction stays the same, find the acceleration of [Bari R We LN 1b. 144 6504] 161850 [b.150 = € 14. 464158] = Nab 7 A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) | 15a A particle is held in equilibrium by three forces, | F=Gi+5)N ‘ind the values of a and b _3+¢S)+a =o SEL +b=e -—Z4+a ac b =-| =e = b FF is reduced to (21+ j)N Given that the particle has mass 4 kg, find the magnitude and direction ofthe resulting acceleration. = F-(2.j) ~CSruj) + Get) tor) = TS 4b375h53 ~ (© Oxford University Press 2017 la\ = Ga =JSe+ JZ = Loso07zblos Be Ho diteiion is -!OW° co pusinive Pyrat] Vv Z| ‘Acknowledgements: www oxforsacondary.co ublacknowiedgerments A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) 16a __A ship sails from a harbour at time ¢= 0 hours and its displacement, s km, is modelled using the equation s =3e'—4e" 5 - ae 44 1 Show that the velocity, v, can be written as v= kmh 1 marks} Tb Lact che® LD ee* << | v= Ba Bet she 7 7 = ah Sf. e e ST | | } | | | | b Explain, with a reason, whether the velocity of the ship a ever be zero. [2 pairks} | No because tes an expanned Junction ond ieee All olueys ee potadre . A malagued Vo My + Atwnleer nel edded at, | ¢ After Z-hours, the acceleration of the ship is 20 km h? Find, correct to 3 significant figures, the value of T (7 marks] Ee Bet she ve ve a= Bet-le’ ZO = Set -be* Set be -20 =0 Be*-2Oe"_L =O =6 Sblool74g €* = -0.1A 33508 x \nb.choolme-e- 1 42S8s3use = 1.93 A.40? oes wr © OxardUnvoriy Press 217 ‘cincundprtnh Wn aftieconday co hasta ena A level Mathematics Paper 2 (Set A) 17 The graph shows the velocity of a motoreycle as it moves along a horizontal straight road for 30 seconds, The rider is at a point P when ¢= 0 ‘The combined mass of the motorcycle and rider is $50 kg | | | a Find the distance of the rider from point P after the 30 seconds of motion. [3 marks} | | | > | | ZQO4I2) x1 = aan “A 27 =724 | LAYS) $27 | | t | | | | |b Find the maximum magnitude of the resultant force aeting on the motorcycle and | rider. [2 mark | | aecd® =F =O S pet | EF =S550x4.5 = 24750 | | 1 | End of questions | © Oxo Unveriy Press 2047 ‘Acnouodgements: yn oor Ssecondar co dactnowledoements A level Mathomatics Paper 2 (Set A)

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