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Wealth Prophecy August 19 2011 Dr John Demartini

Q. What are your assets? A. Know your assets, know where you are today! When you value money, you also value and know your assets. Know your assets, have then organised, filed and updated. Appreciate the value of your assets. This will tells you where you are. Make a list of your financial assets (tangibles) and put a $ value on them to ground yourself in reality, where you are today. Q. Where are your billions? (intangible) Q. Where are your unpackaged billions? Those that can be converted into cash. Identify your intangible assets to get real about where is your wealth and where you are today If you are serious about building wealth, identify your tangible and intangible assets. Know where you are right now and be grounded in reality, because the person with the most certain wins. Know where are you are going The person with a vision flourish, the person without a vision perish Define what is financial independence for you. Buy appreciating assets, not depreciating liabilities. The key to wealth building is to manage what you make , not how much you make. Ask yourself: What is my dream lifestyle? How much would it take to achieve it? What is my strategy (mission) to get there? What are the techniques required to get there? Wealth building is an ongoing education process about financial management No strategy = fantasy about wealth building!

Value wealth building starts by valuing self, paying yourself first. Consumerism is the annihilation of self (Altruism). To build wealth, financial education and financial IQ are required.

Save before you invest and speculate. Revisit: Secrets of financial success How to make a hell of a profit and still go to heaven. Always have liquidity (weeks, months, years in advance) Liquidity gives you mental stability, so you don't react emotionally to the market. The human psyche can tolerate changes of +/- 10% without emotions. Bigger changes, emotions rules. Find a strategy that gives you a methodical and sustainable way to build wealth. Long term vision pays, short term gratification costs.

The Six Steps to raise your wealth building on your values list:
1. 200 benefits of building a business that serves ever greater number of people. Find the needs of others (other worth) an fee their needs. Develop a product, service or idea to solve a problem, fill a need or answer a question. You can: Do it yourself because you love it Delegate to someone to build a business (elance) Find people that will do it for you and invest in them (elance) You cannot be wealthy without being of service Everything is on the way, not in the way Q. Whatever I do, How does this serves me I building my wealth? 2. 200 benefits of refining and polishing the business to make more profit. Work on the business not in the business or have somebody that does that, delegate. Parkinson's Law: Prioritise to increase your self-worth. Productivity, profitability, meaningfulness Streamline and shed low priority things Focus on the top 20% activities that gives you the 80% results. Hire to delegate the low priority items, and focus only on the high priority and meaningful items.

Pareto's Law: Ricardo's Law:

3. 200 benefits of saving an ever greater proportion of the profit.

Emotions interfere with wealth building. If you put more demand on yourself you create more supply to yourself Focus on what people needs (other worth). Savings in place to create liquidity and emotional stability. Money flows where money goes Appreciate where you are now and put in place a strategy to go where you want to go. Forced Accelerated Saving Technique: Save no less than 10% of your income/profit, do it electronically so no emotions are attached to it, and increase every quarter, so it doubles every two years. 4. 200 benefits of investing with ever progressive leverage. Long term vision pays, short-term reward costs. Buy and invest in quality and in track record. Educate yourself about each class of investment as you go on the ladder of risk and volatility.

5. 200 benefits of amassing a great fortune. 6. 200 benefits of having a financial cause to leave a legacy. A cause bigger than yourself. Sensory (Reward) brain Motor (Services) The greater the cause, the greater the wealth potential Do what you love and love what you do. You can't get beyond your own fears until you have a cause bigger that your fears and bigger than yourself Q. How can I get paid to do whatever I love doing? Do what you love and delegate what you are not inspired about. Know thyself = know your values, what is mots important and meaningful to you. Be thyself = give yourself permission to be thyself to live according to your values, to live a life and act congruently according to your values. Love thyself = love and appreciate every part of yourself, every trait, because they serve you.

The Master of Life looks for challenges and solves them If you have fears and hesitation is because you have a fantasy and you have subordinated yourself to other people. When you are certain of your vision and poised, there is no fear and hesitation. If you have fears and hesitation, own the traits of the people you subordinated yourself to and manifest these traits according to your values. You can't fake who you are! Be grateful for yourself for what you have and Love yourself.

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