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Tutorial Letter 102/1/2021

Geography of Services Provision


Semesters 1 and 2

Department of Geography

This tutorial letter contains important information

about the examination which is scheduled for 1
December 2021.


This tutorial letter contains important information about the examination and your examination
preparation. Please bear the following in mind when you prepare for the examination:

• The duration of the examination is 1 hours 30 minutes (90 minutes).

• You will need to access the exam at:
• The examination paper will consist of 36 Multiple-Choice Questions only and is fully online.
• Please ensure you have stable internet access for the entire duration of the exam.
• The examination will take place on 1 December 2021 from 8:00 to 9:30 in the morning.


Please visit myUnisa for more information on how to prepare for the examination and follow the exam
preparation materials provided by the e-tutors.

Important: This examination paper differs significantly from past papers. Although studying past papers
will assist you to acquire the necessary skills to answer the questions in this examination, I advise you
not to rely solely on past papers when you prepare for the examination.


To prepare for the examination, you need to focus on the following areas of your module. Note that all
these areas of study need to be placed within the broader context of the study material.

Learning Focus Areas

1 A Geographical Perspective on the Provision of Services.
2 A Geographical Analysis and Interpretation.
3 Observing Your World and Accountability Relationships.
4 Strategic Spatial Planning for Services Provision.
5 Options for Service Provision.
6 Sources of data and data management for Services Provision.
7 Decision-Making and Conflict Management.


Breakdown of Study Guide for exam

Learning Unit 1: A Geographical Perspective on the Provision of Services:

• Know the difference between Absolute and Relative Location (page 11 of the Study Guide).
• Know the basic steps for decision making with regards to service provision.
• Know and learn section 1.4: An approach to dealing with geographical problems.
• Know the concept of Spatial Patterns and the six components that comprise it.
• Know the various Spatial processes and what is included it in.
• Know the various spatial patterns (example: linear, radial, irregular, and circular).
• Know the concept of Sustainable Development and the SDGs including what it involves.
• Know what Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is.
• Know the concepts of Municipal Open-Space System (MOSS), Spatial Development Framework
(SFD), and Integrated Development Plan (IDP).
• Know spatial plans and strategies.

Learning Unit 2: A Geographical Analysis and Interpretation.

• It is critical that you have a good idea of Learning Unit 2, as it covers spatial concepts and the
importance of service delivery, which will help you in answering a wide array of questions asked
in the exam papers.
• Know what a Topographical map and the factors it influences.
• Know spatial processes and what it entails.
• Know what is meant by economic, physical, and cultural accessibility.
• Know the definitions of spatial analysis and spatial patterns.
• Know which elements maps are comprised of (Example: a map title, appropriate map symbols
and legend, names and annotations, a north arrow, approximate scale, absolute and relative
• Know the concept of spatial patterns and the factor they influence.

Learning Unit 3: Observing Your World and Accountability Relationships.

• You will need to know Learning Unit 3 thoroughly, as it covers a rage of concepts and topics you
will be required to know for the exam.
• Importantly, you should know the three forms of accountability (Political, Organisational and
Direct user accountability).
• Know the concept of Political decentralisation and what it means.
• Know the concept of fiscal decentralisation and what is includes.
• Know the accountability relationships in services provision (Example: political, organisational,
financial, and direct-user accountabilities).

Learning Unit 4: Strategic Spatial Planning for Services Provision.

• Know the three tiers of the South African Government and how they function.
• The main functions of layout planning.
• The various ways of assessing community needs.
• Know the Behren and Watson’s (1996) six principles.
• Know Barnard (1999) and Strydom & King (2009) environmental considerations in public services
• The various approaches in assessing community needs.


Learning Unit 5: Options for Service Provision.

• You will need to know Learning Unit 5 thoroughly, as it covers a rage of concepts and topics you
will be required to know for the exam.
• Identify and know the four types of people’s needs as identified by Bradshaw (1972).
• Read and know the role of the state in services provision (page 56 of the Study Guide).
• Know the different types of accessibility and use of services (Example: economic accessibility,
physical accessibility and cultural accessibility).
• Know the theoretical model developed by Christaller.
• Know the main function of Layout planning.
• Know the concept of Devolution and what it entails.
• Read and know Regulatory decentralisation (Example: PBET, PETS and CRC tools).
• Read and know public services provision through public-private partnerships.
• Know Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in services provision.
• Know what the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) involves.

Learning Unit 6:
Sources of Data and Data Management for Services Provision.
• Be informed of the various data sources and methods of relevance to the representation and
interpretation of services provision.
• Understand and know what the demographic transition model entails.
• Know what a GPS is.
• Know what GIS is.
• Know the concept of Sustainable Development and what it entails.
• Know how conflict can be resolved through negotiation.
• Know the demographic transition model about population change over time.
• Know and understand what population pyramids entail.
• Know what a population pyramid is and what is considers.

Learning Unit 7:
Decision-making and Conflict Management.
• Read and know the public participation methods in services provision- Delphi and the nominal
group technique (page 81 of the Study Guide).
• Know the concept of Socio-economic accessibility.
• Know the different role-players involved in the decision-making process (page 81 of the Study
• Know Barnard’s (2006) possible causes of conflict.
• Know the main reason for why conflicts occur.

Please note that it essential to study and understand all content within the study guide as this will enable
you to apply various concepts and themes to questions. It is also important to be able to apply concepts
and themes to scenarios provided, or to be able to provide your own examples that illustrate your
understanding. If you have any questions about your examination preparation, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
Kenneth Manuel (079 496 8519/ 011 471 2097. Email:
Madodomzi Mafanya (Email:

Unisa 2021

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