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Quadratic Equations

α β
1.If α ≠ β but α ²=2 α −3 ; β ²=2 β−3 then the equation whose roots are and is
β α
A) 2x²+3x+2=0 C) 2x²-3x+2=0
B) 3x²+2x+3=0 D) 3x²-2x+3=0
Ans: B

2. If k>0 and the product of the roots of the equation x²-3kx+2 e 2logk −1=0 is 7then the sum of

The roots is
A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8
Ans: C

( )
3. The number of real solutions of the equation =−3+ x−x ² is
A) 2 B) 0 C) 1 D) 3
Ans: B

4. If ax²−(2 a+3)x +(3+5 a)=0 has no real roots ,then ' a ' lies∈the interval

A) ( )
−3 3
4 4 ( )
C) −∞ ,

B) (−∞ ,− ) D) (−∞ ,− ) ∪ ( , ∞ )
3 3 3
4 4 4
Ans: D
5. If the roots of the equation bx²cx+a=0 be imaginary then for all real values of x, the
Expression 3b²x²+6bcx+2c² is
A) Greater then 4ab C) greater than -4ab
B) Less than 4ab D) less than -4ab
Ans: C

6. The equations x²+3x+5=0 and ax²+bx+c=0 have a common root. If a, b, c∈ N then the least

Possible values of a+ b+ c is equal to

A) 9 B) 6 C) 3 D) 2
Ans: A

7. If a∈ R and the roots of x²-2x-a²+1=0 lies between the roots of x²-2(a+1) x+ a(a-1) =0 then ‘a’

Belongs to

A) (1,∞ ¿ B) ( −14 , 1) C) (-∞ , 0 ¿ (

D) −∞ ,−
4 )
Ans: B
8. If every pair from among the equations x²+ax+bc=0, x²+bx+ca=0 and x²+cx+ab=0 has common
Root, then the sum of three common roots is
A) A b c B) 2 a b c C) 3(a+ b+ c) D) (a+ b+ c)
Ans: D
9. If a, b, c, d are real and no two of them are simultaneously zero, then the equation (x²+ax-
(x²-cx+b) (x²-dx + 2b) =0
A) At least two real roots
B) At least four real roots
C) All roots are real
D) At least two imaginary roots
Ans: A

10. If α , β are the roots of x²+px-q=0 and γ , δ are that x²+px+r=0 then

(α −γ ¿(β−γ )(α−δ)(β−δ) =

A) (q- r) ² B) (q+ r) ² C) – (q+ r) ² D) – (q- r) ²

Ans: B

11. Assertion(A): f(x)= ax²+ b x+ c for a (≠ 0 ¿ , b , c ∈ R . When a>0 and b²- 4ac<0, f(x) =0 has

Complex roots.
Reason (R): The graph of f(x)= ax²+bx+c cuts x-axis
A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A and R are true and R is the not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Ans: C
12. Assertion (A); If 2x²+3x+4=0 and ax²+bx+c=0 have a common root, then a: b: c=2:3:4
Reason (R): For a quadratic equation in x, complex roots occur in conjugate pairs.
A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A and R are true and R is the not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Ans: A

13. If α is a root of the equation 4x²+3x-1=0 then the other root is given by

A) -2α −1 B)4 α ²+ α −1 C) 4α ³−3 α D) 4α ²−3 α

Ans: C

14. If the harmonic mean between the root of (5+√ 2 ¿ x ²−bx+(8+ 2 √ 5)=0 is 4,

Then the value of b is

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4-√ 5 D) 4+√ 5

Ans: D
15. If the equation (x-a) (x- 2015) + 1=0 has integral value of ‘a’ is
A) 2014 B) 2015 C) 2016 D) 2017
Ans: D
16. The sum of values of x satisfying the equation ¿ ¿ is
A) 3 B) 0 C) 2 D) none of these
Ans: B

17. for how many values of the co-efficient ”a” do the equations x²+ax+1=0, x²-x-a=0
Have a common real solutions ?
A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3
Ans: B
18. The sum of the fourth powers of the root of the equation x³+x+1=0
A) -2 B) -1 C) 1 D) 2
Ans: D
19. If one root of equation x²-4ax+a+f(a)=0 is three times of the other then minimum value of f(a)

−1 1 1 1
A) B) - C) D)-
6 10 12 12
Ans: D
20. The equation x²+bx+c=0 has distinct roots. If 2 is subtracted from each root the results are
The reciprocals of the original roots, then b²+c² is
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
Ans: D
21. If a, b, c are three distinct positive real numbers, then the number of real
Roots of ax²+2b|x|-c=0 is
A) 0 B) 4 C) 2 D) 1
Ans: C
22. The roots of the equation a(b-2c)x²+b(c-2a)x+ c(a-2b)=0 are___________ when ab+ bc+ ca=0

c (a−2 b) c a−2b a−2b a−2 b c (a+2 b)

A) 1, B) , C) , D)1,
a(b−2 c ) a b−2 c a−2 c b−2c a(b +2 c)
Ans: A

( ) ( ) is
2 2
α β
23. If α ∧β be the roots of the equation x²+3x+1=0, then the value of +
1+ β 1+α
Equal to
A) 18 B) 19 C) 20 D) 21
Ans: A

24. The value of √ 1+√7 +√ 1+ √7+ ................... ∞ is

A) 2 B) 1 C) 0 D) 3/2
Ans: A

25. If the quadratic equation px²+ q x- r =0 (p≠ 0 ¿ is to be solved by the graphical method, then

which of the following graphs have to be drawn?

A) y=x², y= r- q x C) y= x², q x+ p y-r =0
B) y= px², y= q x-r D) y= x², q x – p y=r
Ans: C

26. If y²+6y-13m =0 and y²-3y+m=0 have a common root, then the possible values of m is

−27 81 81 27
A) 0, B) 0, - C) 0, D) 0,
16 16 16 16
Ans: D
27. The graph of y=2x² and y=ax + b intersect at two points (2, 8) and (6, 72). Then the

Quadratic equation in x whose roots are a+2 and −1 is
A) x²+11 x −126=0 C) x²+11 x +126=0
B) x²−11 x+ 126=0 D) x²−11 x−126=0
Ans: D
28. Let S denote the set of all values of a for which the equation 2x²-2(2a+1)x+a(a+1)=0
Has one root less than a and other root greater than a, then S equals to

A) (0, 1) B) (-1, 0) C) (0, ½) D) (−∞ ,−1)∪(0 , ∞ )

Ans: D

2 2
29. The equation x+ =1+ , has
1−x 1−x
A) no real roots C) two real roots
B) one real root D) infinitely many roots
Ans: A

30 If the roots of the quadratic equation ax²+bx+ c=0 are α ∧β ,then the equation whose roots

Are α ²∧β ² is

A) a²x²-(b²-2ac) x+c²=0 C) a²x²+(b²+2ac) x+c²=0

B) a²x²+b²x+c²=0 D) a²x²-(b²+2ac) x+c²=0
Ans: A
31. Roots of the equation (x²+x+1) + (x²+2x+3) +……+(x²+20x+ 39) =4500 are
A) Rational and equal C) irrational
B) Rational and distinct D) imaginary
Ans: B
32. The graph of y= x²+2x-3 is
Ans: 3
33. The real roots of the equation|x²+4x+3|+2x+5=0 are

A) 4, -1+√ 3 B) -4, -1-√ 3 C) ± 4, -1± √ 3 D) -2, -4, -1± √ 3 Ans: B

34. The sum of roots of |x²-x-6|= x+2 is

A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8
Ans: B
35. The number of roots of x²-4x=[x]+3=0 is______ (where [.] denotes G.I.F)
A) 3 B) 2 C) 1 D) 0
Ans: D

36. If the equation x²+2x+3=0 and ax²+bx+c=0 a, b, c ∈ R have a common root then a: b: c is

A) 1: 2: 3 B) 3: 2: 1 C) 1: 3: 2 D) 3: 1: 2
Ans: A
37. If the ratio of the roots of x²+ax+b=0 and x²+px+q=0 is same then
A) a²q=p²b B) q²b=pa² C) q²a=pb² D) qb²=ap²
Ans: A

38. If a, b, c ∈ R such that a+ b+ c=4; a²+b²+c²=6 then the range ‘a’ is

A) [ ]
,2 B) [2,3] C) [0,2] D) (-1,1)

Ans: A

39. If the equitation x²+a x+b=0 and x²+bx+a =0, (a≠ b ¿ have a common root then a+ b=?

A) 2 B) 1 C) 0 D) -1
Ans: D
40. If the three equation x²+ax+12=0, x²+bx+15=0, and x²+(a+ b) x+36=0 have a common
Roots then a²+b²=?
A) 113 B) 112 C) 71 D) 57
Ans: A
41. The range of real values of the parameter ‘a’ such that (2a+1)x²-a(x-1)-2=0 has one root
Greater than 1 and the other root less than 1

< a<
1 1 1 6−2 √ 23 1
A) B) a<- , a> C) a∈ R D) a∈ , Ans : A
2 2 2 2 7 2
42. If the equation |2x²-3x+1|=k has four real roots, then
1 1 1 1
A) 1<k< B) - < k <0 C) 0<k< D) - < k <0
8 8 4 4
Ans: A

43. Product of real roots of the equation t²x²+ ¿ x ∨+ 9=0is

A) always positive C) does not exit

B) always negative D) 2
Ans: C

44. The value of x satisfying |2−|2 x−4||=1 are distinct and can be ordered as a<b<c<d,

Then which of the following inequality holds good

A) 0<a<b<c<d C) a<b<0<c<d
B) A<0<b<c<d D) a<b<c<d<0
Ans: A
45. If the min(2x²-ax+2)> max(b-1+2x-x²) then the roots of the equation 2x²+ax+(2-b)=0 are
A) Negative and distinct C) Opposite in sign
B) Positive and distinct D) imaginary
Ans: D

46. If the roots of x² -2ax+a²-1=0; a∈ R are greater than -2 but less than 4 then ‘a’ lies in the


A) (-∞ ,−3 ¿ B) (-2,0) C) (-1,3) D) (5,∞ ¿

Ans: C

47. If roots of (4b-b²-5) x²-(2b-1) x+3b=0; where b∈ R lie on either side of unity, then number of

Integral values of b is equal to

A) 4 B) 3 C) 2 D) 1
Ans: C

48. If 5. x log 2+2 log x =24 then x=

7 7

A) 9 B) 4 C) 49 D) 64
Ans: C

49. If x=3+2√ 2 then x ⁴−6 x ³+6 x +6=?

A) 1 B) 3 C) 5 D) 7
Ans: D

50. If x²-x-2 is a factor of x⁴- λ x²- μ, then λ ²−μ ²=?

A) 1 B) 9 C) 25 D) 49
Ans: B

51. If one root of equation x²- λ x+12=0 is even prime while x²+ λ x+ μ=0 has equal roots, then μ is

A) 32 B) 24 C) 16 D) 8
Ans: C

52. The solution set of the equation log x 2 log 2 x 2=log 4 x 2 is

A) {12 ,2} B) { 2−√2 22 } C){ 2−2 22 } D) None

Ans: B

53. The solution of | x−1x |+¿ x∨¿ ¿ x−1∨¿

is ¿

A) x>0 B) x≥ 0 C) x∈(1 , ∞) D) x∈(1 , ∞)∪{0 }

Ans: D

54. If α , β are the roots of x²+x+1 then the equation whose roots are α 19 ¿ β 7 is

A) x²-x+1=0 B) x²+x+1=0 C) x²+19x+7=0 D) x²+3x+3=0

Ans: B

55.Two numbers are such that their sum multiplied by the sum of their square is 5500 and their
Difference multiplied by the difference of the squares is 352. Then the numbers are
A) Prime numbers only C) Prime but not odd
B) Odd positive integers D) Odd but not prime
Ans: B

56. The number of ordered pair [p, q] such that p, q∈{1 ,2 , 3 , 4 } and the equation px²+qx+1=0

Has real roots is

A) 7 B) 8 C) 9 D) 6
Ans: A

57. Let f(x) = ax²+bx+c; g(x) =ax²+px+q where a, b, c, p, q∈ R and b≠ p . If their discriminant s are

Equal and f(x)=g(x) has a root α , then

A) α will be A.M of the roots of f(x)=0 & g(x)=0

B) α will be G . M of the roots of f(x)=0 & g(x)=0
C) α will be A.M of the roots of f(x)=0 or g(x)=0
D) α will be G.M of the roots of f(x)=0 or g(x)=0 Ans : A
58. If , are the roots of x²-3x+5=0 and r, s are the roots of x²+5x-3=0 and α r+ βs , αs+ βr are the
Roots of x²+px+q=0 then (p+ q) is
A) 37 B) 173 C) 371 D) 317
Ans: B

( )
1 3
59. If x²+x+1=0 then ∑ xr +
isequal ¿

A) 180 B) 100 C) 197 D) 192

Ans: C
60. If the difference between the roots of x²+2px+q=0 is two times the difference between the

Roots of x²+qx+ =0, where p≠ q , then
A) P-q+1=0 B) p-q-1=0 C) p+q-1=0 D) p+q+1=0
Ans: D
61. If a(b-c) x²+b(c-a) x+ c(a-b) is a perfect square, then a, b, c are in
(a, b, c are distinct non-zero real numbers)
A) A. P B) G. P C) H. P D) A.G.P
Ans: C

62. If the equations x²+abx+c=0 and x²+acx+b=0 (b≠ c ¿ have a common root, then their roots

Satisfy the equation

A) x²+a (b+ c) x+a²bc=0 C) x²-a (b+ c) x-a²bc=0
B) x²-a (b+ c) x+a²bc=0 D) x²+a (b+ c) x-a²bc=0
Ans: B
63. If ax²-bx+5=0 does not have two distinct real roots then minimum value of 4a+ b is

−5 −4 5
A) B) C) -4 D)
4 5 4
Ans: A
64. If x and y are positive real numbers and m, n are any positive integer and
n m
x y
E= ,then
( 1+ x ) ( 1+ y 2 m )

1 1 1
A) E≥ B) E¿ C) 0<E≤ D) 0<E≤ 4
4 2 4
Ans: C

65. If the harmonic mean between the roots of (5+√ 2 ¿ x ²−bx+(8+ 2 √ 5)=0 is 4 , then the value of b


A) 2 B) 3 C) 4-√ 5 D) 4+√ 5
Ans: D

66. Let f(x) =x²+ax+b, where a, b∈ R .If f(x)=0 has all its roots imaginary then the roots of

f(x)+f '(x)+f "(x)=0 are

A) Real and distinct C) equal
B) Imaginary D) rational and equal
Ans: B
67. The value of ‘a’ for which the quadratic expression ax²+|2a-3|x-6 is positive for exactly two
Integral value of x is

A) ( −34 ,− 53 ) B) ( −34 ,− 35 ] C) [ −3 3
5 ] [
5 )
Ans : A
68. The quadratic equations x²-6x+a =0 and x²-cx+6=0 have one root common. The other roots of
The first and second equations are integers in the ratio 4:3. Then the common root is ______
A) 3 B) 2 C) 1 D) 4
Ans: B
69. Let α ∧β be the roots of the equation px²+ qx + r=0, p≠ 0. If p, q and r are in A.P and

1 1
+ =4 , thenthe value of ∨α −β∨is¿
α β

√61 B
2 √17
√34 D)
2 √34
9 9 9 9
Ans: Block
n n
70. Let α ∧β be the roots of x²-6x-2=0 with α > β ,if a n=α −β for n≥ 1, then the value of

a10 −2 a8
2 a9
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
Ans: C

1 1 1
71. If the roots of the equation + = are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign, then
x+ p x+ q r
The product of the roots is___________

−( p ²+ q ²)
A) -2(p²+q²) B) –(p²+q²) C) D) -p q Ans: C
72. Number of rational roots of the equation |x²-2x-3|+4x=0 is
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
Ans: A
73. The sum of all the real roots of the equation |x-2|²+|x-2|-2=0 is
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
Ans: D

74. Let α , β be the roots of ax²+ bx+ c=0. If α + β , α ²+ β ² , α ³+ β ³ are in G.P and ∆=b ²−4 ac , then

A) ∆ ≠ 0 B) b ∆=0 C) ∆=0 D) c ∆=0

Ans: D
6 /5 3 /5
75. The product of real roots of the equation |x| −26|x| −27=0 is

A) −310 B) −312 C) −312 /5 D) −321 /5

Ans: A

76. α ₁ β ₁ are the roots of ax²+bx+c=0 and α ₂ β ₂ are the roots of px²+qx+r=0. If
α ₁ α ₂=β ₁ β ₂=1, then
a b c a b c a b c
A) = = B) ap=bq=cr C) = = D) = =
r q p p q r p r q
Ans: A

77. If α ans β are the roots of the equation x²+px- =0 , where p ∈ R , then the minimum value of
2 p²
4 4
α + β is
A) 2√ 2 B) 2-√ 2 C) 2 D) 2+√ 2
Ans: D
78. All the values of m for which both roots of the equation x²-2mx+m²-1=0 are greater than -2
Less than 4 lie in the interval
A) -2<m<0 B) m>3 C) -1<m<3 D) 1<m<4
Ans: C
79. If n is positive integer and n
∈[5,100]thenthe number of positive integral roots of the equation x ²+ 2 x−n=0

A) 4 B) 6 C) 8 D) 10
Ans: C

80. Let f(x) be a function such that f(x)=x-[x] where [x] is the greatest integer less than or equal to

Then the number of solutions of the equation f(x)+f ( ¿=1 is/are

A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) infinite
Ans: D

1 1
81. If α , β are the roots of the eqaution 6 x ²−6 x +1=0 then (a+ bα +cα ²+dα ³)+ (a+bβ+ cβ ²+dβ ³)=¿
2 2

a b c d
A) a+ b+ c+ d B) + + + C) a+ b+ c- d D) a+ b- c- d
1 2 3 4

Ans: B

82. The reals x and y satisfy log 8 x +log 4 ( y ²)=5∧log 8 y+ log 4 (x ²)=7 then the value of x y is

A) 1024 B) 512 C) 256 D) 81

Ans: B

3+d 3+2 d
83. If 3+ + 2 +… ..¿ ∞=8 , thend=¿
4 4

A) 9 B) 10 C) 12 D) 15

Ans: A

84. If the sum of the roots of the equation ax²+bx+c=0 is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of

a b c
Squares, then , , are∈¿
c a b

A) A.P B) G.P C) H.P D) A.G.P

Ans: C

85. Three positive numbers from an increasing G.P. If the middle term in this G.P is doubled,
New numbers are in A.P, then the common ratio of the G.P.

A) r = 2- √ 3 B) r = 2+ √3 C) r= 3+ √2 D) r= 3- √ 2
Ans: B

[( )] [ ( )]
log10 x log x 10
1 1 1 1
86. The value of x satisfying the equation 3 1− + ....¿ ∞ = 20 1− + .... ∞ is¿
2 4 4 16

1 1
A) B) 10 C) 1000 D)
100 10

Ans: A

87. If α ∧β are the zeros of the quadratic equation kx²+4x+4=0 such that α 2+ β2 =24

Then the value of k is

A) 1 or 2/3 B) 1 or -2/3 C) 1 or 3/2 D) -1 or 2/3

Ans: D

88. If a, b, c are real and the roots of the equation (a²+ b²)x²-2b(a+ c)x+(b²+ c²)=0 are real and

Then a, b, c are in

Ans: B

89. If (a²+ b²) x²-2(ac+ bd) x+(c²+ d²) =0 has no real roots, then

A) ad=bc B) ab=cd C) ac=bd D) ad≠ bc

Ans: D

90. If one root of the equation ax²+bx+c=0 is three times the other, then b²:ac=

A) 3:1 B) 3: 16 C) 16:3 D) 16:1

Ans: C

91. If α + β=2∧¿ α ³+ β ³=−56, then the quadratic equation whose roots are α , β is

A) x²+2x-16=0 C) x²+2x-15=0
B) x²+2x-12=0 D) x²+2x-8=0
Ans: D

92. If k>0 and the product of the roots of the equation x²-3kx+2 e 2logk −1=0 is 7, then the sum of
Roots is
A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) -6
Ans: C

1 1 1
93. If the sum of the roots of the equation + = is zero, then the product of the roots
( x +a) (x+ b) c
1 −1 1
A) (a ²−b ²) B) (a ²−b ²) C) (a+b ²) D) (b ²−a ²)
2 2 2
Ans: C
94. If ax²+bx+c=0 and bx²+cx+a=0 have a common root and a, b, and c are nonzero real

(a ³+b ³+c ³)
Then the value of is
A) 3 B) 2 C) 4 D) 1
Ans: A

95. If x=1 +
1 ,Then the value of x is
2....... ∞

√ 5
√ 3
√ 7
√ 5

Ans: D

(aα ²+c ) (aβ ²+ c)

96. If α , β are the roots of the equation ax²+bx+c=0, then the value of + is_____
(aα +b) (aβ+ b)
b(b−2 ac ) ¿ b(b ²−2 ac ) b(b ²−4 ac )
A) B) b ²−4 ac ¿ C) D)
4a 2a a² c ac ²
Ans: C
97. If the ratio of the roots of ax²+2bx+c=0 is same as the ratio of roots of px²+2qx+r=0, then

2b q ² b q b² q² b² c
A) = B) = C) = D) =
ac pr ac pr ac pr q² r
Ans: C
98. If the equation x²+px+qr=0 and x²+qx+pr=0 have a common root, then the sum and products
Their other roots are respectively.
A) R, pq B) -r, pq C) pq, r D) -pq, r
Ans: B

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