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Classical Civ – Athenian Democracy – Practice planning

‘The main purpose of Cleisthenes’ reforms was to prevent conflicts breaking out between nobles in
the future.’ How do you agree with this statement?

Agree (respective to AO2) – 508 BC Clesithenes reforms
- Dikasteria – Dike
- Reorganisation of the tribes (and the allocation of demes from each of the three locations)
- Ostracism
- Prytany system
- Deme assemblies
Disagree (respective to AO2)
- Archons and the Council of Areopagus
- Strategoi
- Dikasteria – paying for professionals

- Prevent disputes arising among individuals of nobility which could grow and cause factional
- Remove prior influences which nobles could apply to cause conflict.
- Remove individual nobility which could cause conflict.
- Measures were put in place to prevent corruption by nobles.
- Increase the general public’s involvement in politics to decrease the effect of decisions made
by the nobility.
- Certain positions with a lot of political power were still only open to the richer nobility which
resulted in these nobles being able to make more crucial decisions (create conflict as a result
of factional strife).
- The opportunities for those with wealth were much greater than those who were not as
wealthy, so these individuals had a greater impact and could escalate conflict.
- Nobility with wealthy could get around the legal system by using their wealth.

‘Solons’ reforms gave the Athenians equality before the law but not political equality.’ To what
extent do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your views.

Disagree (respective to AO2)
- Heliaia – Right to appeal

How important for the development of Athenian Democracy was the Period between 483 and
460BC? Give the reasons for your views.

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