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Seminar Paper & Presentation

Final Grade 15% (Paper 10% and Presentation 5%)

Choose a topic of interest and present your findings and research to the class. This can be any
Cybersecurity topic. You may give a self-contained tutorial on the topic or deeply focus on the
detailed discussion of any specific issues related to that topic. Notice the seminar paper
assignment has to be done by each student individually.

Paper: (Due May 10, 2024)

Note: Presentations are scheduled before the paper due date, so prepare accordingly.
Length: The minimum length is 2000 words (not including references), and the text should be
divided into sections with the appropriate heading.

 Use a range of sources to research your topic.

 You are expected to use journal articles, recent texts, and web resources.

Format: A seminar paper template is available on Blackboard

Also, read the citation rule and sample journal paper available on Blackboard. You should follow
proper and consistent citation format.

Important: Presentations are scheduled before the paper due date, so prepare accordingly.
Length: 12 minutes
• Your presentation MUST be interactive. Don’t read your essay to your audience.
Instead, engage them with some interactive task
• Summarize key points
• Use visual aids (PowerPoint, screenshots, diagrams as needed, etc.)

Submission Instructions:
1. Make an electronic pdf file of your paper and submit it electronically through
2. Write the paper in your own words, do not copy text from the internet or any other
3. Email or hardcopy submissions will not be accepted
4. Submit your presentation file electronically through Blackboard
5. Presentations will continue as needed over a 2-week period

Some suggested seminar paper topics:

 Security Challenges in 5G Networks

 Cybersecurity in Supply Chain Management
 Cybersecurity for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
 Cybersecurity and Privacy in Social Media
 Cybersecurity for Smart Cities
 Securing Personal and IoT Devices in the Home
 Biological and Genetic Approaches to Authentication
 Digital Forensics and Incident Investigation
 Artificial Intelligence in Phishing Detection
 Securing E-Government Services
 Quantum-Safe Cryptography
 Cybersecurity in Aviation and Aerospace
 Cybersecurity and Human Rights
 The Role of Cybersecurity in Election Integrity
 Securing Remote Work Environments
 Cybersecurity Challenges in the Healthcare Industry
 Cybersecurity Implications of 5G IoT Networks
 Secure Messaging and Communication Apps
 Cybersecurity and Legal Considerations for Data Breaches
 Securing Smart Grids Against Cyber Attacks
 Cybersecurity for Autonomous Vehicles and Connected Cars

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