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Source l

Source: CARPHA
source 2

Denpe Awareness
DcngUC fever is a .mosquito home disease that·may cause a
pemon to get a fever, headache, joint, and muscle pains.

Here is what to do if you get Dengue. Get plenty rest and drink
lots of water or juice. If you develop a fever take Panadol,
CetamQl or other similar medication. The Minis1ry of Health
and Wellness says that aspirin should not be takenas this will
make itworse;

At present, the only way .to prevent and .control the spread of
Dengue is to destroy the mosquitoes that pass QB the di~.

The foDowing·some tips on how you. can do that:

L D9 not k~Jl old drums,·u~ tyres; pla$ti~ coµ~~ u;i your

surroundings~ ·

2. Cover sleeping area with mo~uito ri.cUiog.

3. Avoid mosquito bite~ ev~ during 1he day.

4. Wear long sleeve shirts -~ long pan~ outdoor.

5. Use mosquito repellent 0.11 skin and clothing.

6.- Change water in animal and pet containers regularly.

Source: (Adapted) http://jis.govJm


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Part 1A


This part has TWO (2) questions. Read each question carefully
then answer BOTH questions.

1. Which Source is mainly about how to treat fever caused by Dengue?

2. Which Source is about different diseases we can get from mosquitoes?

MOEYI/SAI I/G4PT/I ,i no11 aoP Art o /'')') c;

Part 1B

This part has THREE (3) questions. Read each question carefully
then answer them.

Mosquitoes are harmful to human beings.

3. Which source(s) supports the statement in the box?

4. Why is the Ministry of Health and Wellness saying that we should not use
aspirin to treat fever that comes from Dengue?


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MOEYI/SAU/G4PT/LanguageArtsf22 '


5. Give two ways, one from each source, that you can reduce mosquito
breeding sites?

Source 1

Source 2:

MOEYI/SAU/G4PT/LanguageArtsf22 7
Part 2


Read the task below and the information about what to include in
your letter, and then begin your work.

Write a letter to the principal of your school explaining three things that students can
do at school to avoid getting Dengue. Your letter must include evidence from
Source 1 and Source 2.

When you write your letter remember to:

• stay on the topic
• use details from Source 1 and Source 2 to support your explanation
• give details from the sources in your own words
• follow rules of writing (spelling, punctuation, and grammar usage)

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