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Mert Kaan Tek

Evren Solak Öz
Theory of Knowledge
October 17, 2022

a. what kind of a conflict regarding the google maps does the article share with
us? 2 points

Jerry Brotton asserts that "cartographers constantly believe they are generating maps from
some omniscient God-like viewpoint, and mapmakers have always professed objectivity.
However, the truth is that Google Maps are actually created on the west coast of America.
This affects the objectivity of the map made.Even though lack of objectivity, Google spends a
lot of its budget for developing and giving ads about Google Maps. Google’s access to a lot
of data still provides the growth of Google Maps and makes it the most widely used app on
mobile devices.

b. what reasons does it put forward about such a main issue? 2 points

2nd Century Roman empire, cartographers understood that drawing an accurate map of the
world is almost impossible. Because the shape of the world is spherical. Drawing a map of
the world on a flat surface is the main problem. primarily because the world is not flat. It's a
sphere-like object called an oblate spheroid. because a three-dimensional sphere cannot be
reduced to a two-dimensional rectangle. It is logically not possible to draw a perfect map.

c. How can the origin of such an issue be explained in relation to pragmatic

and coherence theories of truth? Explain 4 p.

The origin of these issues can even be seen in the first maps made. When they printed the
map to a papirus there were some blank parts in Africa so as a solution cartographers filled
the gaps with some figures like elephants, lions and monkeys. As a relation to pragmatic and
coherence theories of truth. These first examples of maps are proven that they are from the
past years. We can visually see the map and make thoughts about it. Everybody knows that
these maps are from past years because there is proof about it. So, we can say that it is a
coherence theory of truth.
d. To what kind of ethical issue does the article draw our attention to? explain
in depth with reference to the relevant ethical theory/-ies?
suggestion about how to answer the question : identify the issue the article
shares with us. explain how such a problem and the solutions brought forward
can be evaluated from an ethical perspective/-s. 4 points

The article talks about the origin of maps and the maps that are made in our time. The
ethical issue we can see in the article is the fact that reaching the perfect information is
almost impossible. Cartographers spent their whole life making a perfect map. Even though
the progression is unbelievable they still couldn’t make the perfect map. Not only in maps, in
every topic you search about whether it is on google or an encyclopedia the fact that this
information is written by a human. Even if it’s the most knowledgeable person in the world,
this person can still make mistakes.

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