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I will talk about the teens of the 90s, and the differences/di-fences with current teens in

different environments: Video Games, Music, Technology/Internet, TV, Telefon and School.

Video games.
With video games, teenagers went to play with friends or family.
It was the best experience.
Those Arcades games were very expensive games that were connected to TV (Nintendo, Sega,
NES, Megadrive, etc.) with the most popular titles/taitels like Sunset Riders, Street Fighter,
Daytona, Mortal Kombat.
They saved all week collecting coins, so they could/cout go play.
A meeting point with friends, a more fun and better interaction.
Currently, all games come through/fru mobile or subscriptions, and that contact has been lost,
much farther/fada than in the 90’s.

Current teens don’t get excited/exzaidet waiting for their favorite song to play on the radio.
Teenagers now, have Spotify, Apple Music etc. Much easier.
It was something more exciting and less valued/valiut now.

Technology and internet.

We all felt like NEO in the Matrix connected by telephone line to the internet.
Early browsers like Netscape, web pages were updated/updeidet and edited/ededed manually.
Getting information for school was more complicated, but more fun than now.
Before Messenger, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc there was a program called/colt MIRC.
Less attractive than Whatsapp, but not worse.
The only risk teens have now, is running out of battery or wifi.

Teenagers from before were more communicative than teenagers now.
Teenagers used to call and talk for a long time, much longer than now.
Overall communication was much better than now.
Sending a message is much better now.

There are 2 better factors that have revolutionized/revolucionais: the methodology of learning
and new technologies.
Before, the teaching was based more on theory/ziri and less on practice.
Education is now more participatory/perticipetori and practical.
The relationship between families and teachers is currently worse.
The respect that existed before, is not longer existed.

In conclusion, teenagers from before have worked harder, valued/valiut more, experienced
much better.
Teenagers now have more information, easier, all fast and have the best technological moment
and will have to learn to use it correctly.
Before, teenagers waited all week to watch the next episode/episoud of their favorite
Teens now, can watch the whole/oul season/sison in one weekend.

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