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Parents' Perceptions of the Importance of Teaching Mathematics:

A Q-Study
Ashlynn M. Holley
Brigham Young University

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Holley, Ashlynn M., "Parents' Perceptions of the Importance of Teaching Mathematics: A Q-Study" (2023).
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Parents’ Perceptions of the Importance of Teaching Mathematics: A Q-Study

Ashlynn M. Holley

A thesis submitted to the faculty of

Brigham Young University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science

Steve R. Williams, Chair

Daniel K. Siebert
Douglas L. Corey

Department of Mathematics Education

Brigham Young University

Copyright © 2023 Ashlynn M. Holley

All Rights Reserved


Parents’ Perceptions of the Importance of Teaching Mathematics: A Q-Study

Ashlynn M. Holley
Department of Mathematics Education, BYU
Master of Science

Mathematics education has gone through multiple reform efforts over the last century and
continues to be the target of improvement efforts. Past changes in curriculum and goals have
sometimes led to heated debates between various stakeholders. Knowing the views of different
stakeholders can help determine what common ground there is between these different groups
and where areas of disagreement might arise. Parents are especially important to understand
because they have been influential in past reform efforts. Despite the importance of parents’
opinions, little research has been conducted concerning their perspectives on the importance of
mathematics teaching. Using Q-methodology, I was able to discern major beliefs about
mathematics teaching held by parents including the most and least important reasons for teaching
mathematics, as well as the commonalities and differences in parents’ perspectives.

Keywords: teaching, mathematics, parents, perspectives, q-methodology, curriculum, reform


I would first like to thank my amazing family, especially my parents, for all of their love

and support to get me where I am today. They have helped me value education in my life and

have encouraged me and cheered me on when I did not know if I could finish. I could not have

done it without them.

I would also like my advisor, Steve Williams, for being an amazing mentor as I have

worked on my thesis and for his incredible patience, guidance, and expertise. I would also like

to thank the others who served on my committee, including Dan Siebert, Doug Corey, and Kate

Johnson, for their insights on how my work could improve and for their confidence in me to

accomplish my goals.

Finally, I would like to thank all of the others who have helped me in my journey in the

graduate program at BYU. I enjoyed the time in my classes taught by Doug Corey, Steven

Jones, Keith Leatham, Blake Peterson, Dan Siebert, and Steve Williams, my hallway chats with

Tenille Cannon, Sharon Christensen, and Stephanie Brunner, as well as being mentored by Dawn

Teuscher during my time teaching College Algebra. I enjoyed learning next to and from my

fellow graduate students in the program, and I will forever remember the countless hours spent

working, laughing, and encouraging each other in our offices. I would also like to thank Kathy

Lee Garrett for keeping things organized and making sure I had everything done in order to


TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................................................... i

ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ vii

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER TWO: BACKGROUND .............................................................................................. 4

History of U.S. Mathematics Education ..................................................................................... 4

Backlash Through History .......................................................................................................... 6

The Importance of Parents as Stakeholders ................................................................................ 8

Previous Studies in Valuing Mathematics Education ............................................................... 11

Views, Attitudes, Opinions, and Beliefs ................................................................................... 16

Research Questions ................................................................................................................... 17

CHAPTER THREE: METHODS ................................................................................................. 19

Q-Methodology Overview ........................................................................................................ 19

Q-Methodology Steps ............................................................................................................... 22

Concourse and Selection of Subset ........................................................................................... 23

Selection of Participants ........................................................................................................... 24

Data Collection: Q-Sorting and Interview ................................................................................ 25

Data Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 26

Factor Analysis as Applied to Q-Methodology .................................................................... 26

Choosing the Number of Factors .......................................................................................... 27

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 31

Consensus Statements ............................................................................................................... 31

Description of Factors ............................................................................................................... 34

Factor 1: Personal and Scientific Utility ............................................................................... 34

Factor 2: Training the Brain.................................................................................................. 39

Factor 3: Personally Meaningful ........................................................................................... 43

Summary ............................................................................................................................... 47

Follow-up Interviews ................................................................................................................ 48

CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION ................................................................................................. 51

Answering the Research Questions .......................................................................................... 51

Answering Research Question #1 ......................................................................................... 51

Answering Research Question #2 ......................................................................................... 52

Reflection on History ............................................................................................................ 52

Mathematics Education Today ............................................................................................. 53

Contributions............................................................................................................................. 53

Parents’ Perspectives ............................................................................................................ 53

Q-methodology ..................................................................................................................... 55

Implications............................................................................................................................... 55

Limitations and Direction for Future Research ........................................................................ 56

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 57

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 58

Appendix A: Statements ............................................................................................................... 63


Table 1: Factors and Loadings Following Rotation.….………………………………………. . 29

Table 2: Consensus Statements .................................................................................................... 32

Table 3: Statements with Ranks Greater Than 2 or Less Than -2 for Factor 1 ........................... 36

Table 4: Statements Ranked Higher/Lower in Factor 1 Than in Any Other Factor .................... 38

Table 5: Statements with Ranks Greater Than 2 or Less Than -2 for Factor 2 ........................... 40

Table 6: Statements Ranked Higher/Lower in Factor 2 Than in Any Other Factor .................... 42

Table 7: Statements with Ranks Greater Than 2 or Less Than -2 for Factor 3 ........................... 44

Table 8: Statements Ranked Higher/Lower in Factor 3 Than in Any Other Factor .................... 46


Figure 1: Distribution Grid .......................................................................................................... 26

Figure 2: Factor and Eigenvalue Scree Plot ............................................................................... 28


For most of recorded history, mathematics has been a subject of formal instruction,

beginning with the scribes of ancient Egypt and Babylon over 4000 years ago, and continuing to

the present day. For much of that time, mathematics instruction focused on methods of solving

practical problems. Around 2000 years ago, the ancient Greeks began to reason more about

theoretical mathematical questions, but mathematics retained its focus on describing the real

world. Thus, calculus was developed and became an indispensable tool of science. Mathematics

continued to change in more abstract ways that led to different mathematical structures, some of

which include group theory, ring theory, and linear algebra (Baumslag, 2014). Despite current

mathematics’ dual nature as both practical and abstract, today as in the past, there is little doubt

that mathematics should be taught at least to some segment of the population for whom it would

be useful. For most of history, this has meant that arithmetic, some simple geometry involving

areas and volumes, and perhaps some mathematics of calendaring were taught to a select few

whose duties required such knowledge. Now, a much wider range of mathematical topics are


Over time, societal changes such as industrialization, growth in scientific knowledge and

technology, and patterns of exploration and immigration have complicated the issues of what

mathematics should be taught and to whom. In the context of the United States, an influx of

immigrant students and the shift from an agricultural to an industrial economy changed the view

of who should be educated, the number of students able to attend school, and the perceived

importance of mathematical knowledge for society. In the last century, these factors have led to

various changes in the mathematics curriculum. Each of these changes was accompanied by

pushback and sometimes vitriolic arguments about the proposed changes (Herrera & Owens,

2001; Klein, 2007; Roitman, 1999; Schoenfeld, 2004; Wilson, 2003). Although there seems to

be a current lull in the public debate over mathematics curriculum, on the whole there have been

at best temporary agreements about what mathematics should be taught.

The history of these changes also illustrates the importance that various educational

stakeholders play in decisions about school mathematics. There are many different reasons for

caring about why mathematics should be taught in schools, which may vary with the relationship

people have with the school system. Each group of stakeholders may have quite different

reasons for believing that mathematics is important, and thus quite different views of why and

how it should be taught. These stakeholders include teachers, principals, mathematicians,

parents, students, politicians, researchers, etc. (Janmaat et al., 2016).

Hendrickson (1974), writing shortly after one effort to reform mathematics instruction

(the “New Math”) and during the first efforts of another (a renewed push beyond “Basic Skills”

to include problem solving), considered several responses to the question, “Why do we teach

mathematics?” In his brief article he considered potential answers from a range of different

stakeholders. For students, mathematics can bring increase access to further schooling, better

employment, as well as the enjoyment of solving personally relevant quantitative problems. It

can further enhance mental skills (e.g. abstract and critical reasoning), and for some can bring the

enjoyment of the beauty and the structure of the subject. For society as a whole, mathematics

can play a pivotal role in solving problems from “physical, social, and cultural situations” (p.

468). Including current problems involving the environment, economy, and social inequalities.

Finally, it is instrumental in training scientists and engineers (STEM workers), and producing

better informed and more involved citizens.

Collecting data about why different stakeholders value teaching and learning

mathematics can help us understand if groups of stakeholders value mathematical knowledge for

different reasons and thus understand the perceived goals of teaching mathematics. In order to

agree on what mathematics curriculum should be taught, we must understand what people

believe the purpose of teaching mathematics is. Knowing different stakeholder’s values will

help determine if there is a common ground between the groups, and such common ground can

act as a starting point for curricular decisions. If there is no common ground, then knowing what

different stakeholders value can act as a starting point to further discussion and negotiation about

how much mathematics and what kinds of mathematics should be taught in schools.

In the following chapter I will review the recent history of mathematics teaching reforms

in the United States as well as the resulting conflicts that have occurred over the issue of what

mathematics should be taught. I will then review what is known about the importance of

stakeholders in general and parents in particular, as well as look over the relatively sparse

literature on opinions of why school mathematics is important. The chapter will end with my

research questions.


History of U.S. Mathematics Education

In order to better understand the complexity of the question of what mathematics should

be taught, it helps to review the history of mathematics being taught in the United States over the

past hundred years or so. Up through the end of the 19th century, high school and college was for

the elite, with the vast majority of people receiving a basic elementary school education at best

(Schoenfeld, 2004). By the beginning of World War II, more and more students were attending

school, with the number of students attending high school in 1940 being almost 20 times the

number of students attending high school in 1890, where almost 75% of 14-17 year-olds in

America attending (Stanic, 1986). However, with this influx of more students, the curriculum

did not change from earlier and the more diverse student population was not adequately prepared

to successfully engage in the curriculum meant for the elite.

The next substantial change in the mathematics curriculum happened in the late 1950s.

In 1957, the USSR successfully launched Sputnik into space. This caused Americans to worry

that they were falling behind in the scientific field, so more of an emphasis was placed on the

sciences and mathematics in school. This led to the creating of a new mathematics curriculum,

called New Math (Schoenfeld, 2004). However, New Math ended up not finding success in

schools. One reason is that the teachers were not trained and prepared to teach it, so they were

uncomfortable trying to implement it in their classrooms and additionally did not really buy into

its vision. Additionally, parents did not recognize the mathematics that their students were being

taught and ultimately rejected the change because they did not see the value of it. These two

examples show the importance of considering the viewpoints of various stakeholders, in this case

the teachers and the parents. The importance of stakeholders will be discussed in more detail

later. Ultimately, by the early 1970s, New Math stopped being used in schools, and school

mathematics returned to being focused on skills and procedures as it used to be, which became

known as the Back to Basics movement (Schoenfeld, 2004).

In reaction, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) published An

Agenda for Action in 1980 with eight recommendations for school mathematics, including

making problem solving a basic skill. The recommendations were the catalyst for further efforts

to reform mathematics classrooms, including the 1985 California Mathematics Framework

written by the California State Education Department, and eventually, NCTM’s Curriculum and

Evaluation Standards in 1989 (Schoenfeld, 2004). The goal of the Standards was to create a

vision of what mathematically literacy should include, what mathematics should be valued, and

guide in the revision of mathematics curriculum in schools. The Standards included topics that

should receive less attention in school, several of these include rote memorization and complex

computations by hand. However, the Standards were written at a level of generality, which left a

great room for different interpretations from schools, teachers, and curriculum creators and

consequently led to different material being taught, all claiming to be following the Standards

(Schoenfeld, 2004).

In 1995, NCTM published the Assessment Standards for School Mathematics to help

promote the development of new assessment strategies that would assist teachers to evaluate

their students’ performance that reflects the reformed vision of mathematics that NCTM held

(NCTM, n.d.). Five years later, in 2000, NCTM published Principles and Standards for School

Mathematics, which was a new version of standards for rigorous college and career readiness. It

also emphasized the importance of having well-prepared and well-supported teachers to lead to a

high-quality mathematics education program.

Most recently, the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) were

established by a consortium of states in 2010 (National Governors Association Center for Best

Practices Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010). CCSSM includes learning goals

regarding the mathematical content that should be covered, as well as mathematical practices

students should engage in. NCTM states that the goal of the CCSSM is “to ensure that all

students graduate from high school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in

college, career, and life, regardless of where they live” (NCTM, n.d.). It is helpful because it

specifies what students should know at the end of each grade and brings more continuity for

mathematics education throughout the states, seeing that 41 states initially adopted the CCSSM.

Despite the good intentions of the standards, they have been faced with backlash from some.

Backlash Through History

Schoenfeld (2004) discusses the time of debates after the Standards (NCTM, 1989) were

released, with one of the fronts in California. The California Mathematics Framework (CSED,

1985) encompassed a vision of what should be included in mathematics instruction and shared

much of the general philosophy of the 1989 NCTM Standards document. With this came new

change in material and practices, which raised concern among some parents, who started forming

organizations against the reform. For example, a sample of a test was released, which had

questions that asked students to calculate an answer and then write a memo justifying their

answer, but there was backlash because students who gave incorrect answers, but good

explanation were graded higher than students who got the correct answer but gave insufficient

explanation. In 1995 and 1996, there were public hearings held regarding the Framework to

promote dialogue about the standards. Eventually, the math wars grew to a national scale by

1998 and various anti-reform movements were held across the nation, with pro-reformers often

unable to effectively counter the attacks on the reform movement.

The debates and disagreements continue today. In February 2021, California tried to

approve new guidelines regarding mathematics education in public schools, “but ever since a

draft was opened for public comment in February, the recommendations have set off a fierce

debate” (Fortin, 2021, para. 2). Because of the public debate and outrage that was proposed,

these new guidelines were not approved. The backlash of reform is not uncommon in

mathematics education, as is seen with the overthrow of the New Math and debate over the

Common Core standards. This latest debate in California reminds us that, “the battle over math

pedagogy is a tale as old as multiplication tables” (Fortin, 2021, para. 5).

From this brief overview of mathematics in school for a little over the past century, we

see that there has been much conflict and disagreement as different curricula reforms have been

set in place. “There has been constant reform rhetoric but little actual reform of the school

mathematics curriculum” (Stanic & Kilpatrick, 1992, p. 407). Problems continue to remain with

the mathematical education of US students. Very little has actually happened in the way of

reforming the mathematics that is taught and the focus of the teaching. The previous attempts at

reforming the mathematics curricula have either been rejected or have been too vague as to

actually bring uniformity. The teaching of mathematics needs to continue to be scrutinized until

disagreements are resolved and a more permanent solution is agreed upon. Understanding the

subjective judgements underlying these disagreements is important to resolving them. And, as

Schoenfeld (2004) points out, “resolution is essential, because the math wars, like all wars,

involve casualties to innocent parties” (p. 254), the nation’s children.

The Importance of Parents as Stakeholders

Of the many stakeholders, one important group is the parents of children in the school

system. Parents are one of the largest stakeholder groups. The use of parents includes

guardians, caretakers, or anyone that has responsibility of the students away from school.

Behind every student are parents who want the best for their child. Parents play a critical role in

their children’s development because they are the first educators of their children (Rockliffe,

2001). Parents are often around their children more than any other group of stakeholders and

have the power to influence their children because of their close relationship with them

(Albersamann & Rolka, 2012). Because of this, they likely are the ones who have the greatest

influence on their children’s views of mathematics. Parents are also behind the front line of

education and have the power to bring change into the schooling systems if there is enough

parental support and outrage against some policy or curriculum. The following section outlines

why parents’ views matter, how parents’ views may differ from each other, and the power that

parents have to bring change.

Graue and Smith (1996) evaluated how parents interpreted their student’s scores on

assessments after a new mathematics program focusing on activity-oriented learning was

introduced at a Middle School in the Midwest. The students in the class came from all levels of

mathematical ability rather than being grouped. One parent from the study found from the

assessment that her daughter was behind the other students. Because of this, the parent

distrusted the program and instead wanted her daughter to just be taught the basics. On the other

hand, a different parent saw from the assessment that her son was above average. She felt like

her was not challenged enough in the new program and was bored, so she wished for something

different from the new mathematics program in order for her son to be pushed to his full

potential and to show that he was capable of doing a higher-level of mathematics than his peers.

Both of these examples show how parents views of their child’s education can affect the

implementation of school reforms. When changes are made, parents need to see how that change

will be in the best interest of their child and will help their child progress.

Graue and Smith (1996) also note how parents often see the status and social standing of

their children connected to their competence in mathematics. Students’ performance on

mathematics assessments located them at different places in the academic hierarchy, which may

drastically effect opportunities available to them further on in their academic career and life.

Thus, parent’s perceptions of the effects of a reform on their children’s academic status will

affect how parents react to the change. In order for new reform not to be seen as a failure in the

eyes of the parents, they need to see how the change fits the needs of and benefits their child. I

argue that an important aspect in having parents react positively to change is knowing what they

value in that education in the first place. For instance, for a positive change in mathematics

education, we must first know why parents value the teaching of mathematics and then use that

knowledge while reforming mathematics curriculum. Then parents can see why they value the

teaching of mathematics reflected in the mathematics taught to their children.

A study by Rockliffe (2001) investigated parental involvement in mathematics education

at an elementary school in Canada, where data were collected through interviews. They noted

that there was a range of involvement in parents as far as engaging their children in mathematics

outside of school. The older the children got, the less involved parents were in school

mathematics. She also found that experiences from early on in the lives of the parents had a

great effect on their attitudes towards mathematics. Parents had a variety of positive and

negative feelings towards mathematics. After the interviews, Rockliffe categorized the parents

into three groups: math evaders, math achiever, and math advocates. Math evaders were those

who had anxiety about mathematics, had had negative experiences with mathematics early on,

lacked confidence in their mathematical abilities, had a deep dislike for mathematics, and lacked

confidence to help their students learn mathematics. However, they recognized the importance

of mathematics and did not want their children to have the same attitudes towards mathematics

that they had. Math achievers were those who loved mathematics, had had positive experiences

with mathematics early on, and felt highly confident in using mathematics in their daily lives and

helping their children learn mathematics. They were not afraid to teach their children

mathematics outside of school and sometimes questioned how teachers taught their students

mathematics. Math advocates were those who valued mathematics and its importance but had a

variety of experiences early on that influenced their attitudes toward mathematics. They felt

moderately comfortable in using mathematics in their daily lives and helping their children learn

mathematics, but they did not want to confuse their children by teaching concepts differently

than how the teachers were teaching their children. From this, we can see that parents see the

value of mathematics in their children’s education, but also that they value the teaching of

mathematics for a variety of different reasons.

As discussed earlier, the New Math was ultimately rejected and stopped being used in

schools not long after it was introduced. One large factor in this was the parents rejecting the

mathematics because they did not recognize the value of it (Schoenfeld, 2004). The following

back to basics movement was meant to eliminate conflict that parents, and others, had with the

previous reform movement and implement programs that parents were comfortable with. So as

to not run into the same mistakes made when trying to implement the New Math, the NCTM

decided to emphasize informing parents and the public about proposed changes. However, in

various documents released in following years, such as A Nation at Risk (National Commission

on Excellence in Education, 1983) that was released in the 1980s, parents were actually

portrayed as potential barriers and stumbling blocks in the efforts to implement reform in

mathematics education (Peressini, 1998). This shows that parents are important in the successful

implementation of reform and how protests from parents can cause reforms to stagnate. Thus,

parents do have power when it comes to the material being taught to their children. Schoenfeld

(2004) and Wilson (1999) both discuss the powerful role parent organizations played in the

conflicts of the 1990s.

When considering reform in mathematics instruction, researchers most commonly

investigate the experiences that mathematics teachers have and often neglect to explore parents’

perspectives of the mathematics instruction of their children (Graue & Smith, 1996). Thus, there

is not much research about parents’ beliefs about mathematics and mathematics education

(Albersamann & Rolka, 2012). Graue and Smith also note how they believe that the degree to

which parents accept and embrace changes in the schooling of their children affects the success

of reform efforts. Thus, parents need to be on board with any curriculum changes and the first

step of getting parents on board is understanding their perspective of the purpose of schooling,

and why they value the teaching of mathematics in the first place. In my research, I look at the

question of why parents value instruction in mathematics.

Previous Studies in Valuing Mathematics Education

Investigating values in mathematics education has not been a topic that has received a lot

of research before the early 2000s (Fan, 2021). The following outlines a few studies that have

been conducted in recent years to evaluate what students find important in their mathematics


Hill et al. (2021), noting that many students have negative emotions and poor attitudes

towards mathematics, conducted research on 119 8th grade students from Australia. The students

took a survey in which they replied to a few questions, primarily about what was important to

them when learning mathematics. They found that the most common theme that these students

valued was cognitive aspects, meaning general mathematical understanding and skills.

Following this was the value of accomplishment, meaning general success, obtaining good

grades, maintaining accuracy, and obtaining confidence. Other themes the students valued

included creating supportive relationships, engaging in interesting material, eliciting positive

emotions, cultivating perseverance, and meaningful mathematical contexts.

A similar study was conducted looking at the mathematics educational values of Pāsifika

students in years 7 and 8 in New Zealand (Hunter, 2021). Data were collected through students

selecting their three most and least important mathematics education value statements on a

survey. The most common values that students ranked as most important were practice to

achieve improvement, family support to get help, respect between teacher and students, and

persistence to keep working on difficult problems. The most common values that were ranked as

least important were accuracy and utility, meaning doing mathematics that is useful for life

outside of school.

Similar studies were conducted in Korea and Eastern China, where students were also

given surveys to respond to. It was found that the students in Korea valued understanding,

connections, fun, accuracy, and efficiency in their mathematics education (Pang & Seah, 2021).

The students from Eastern China valued culture (mathematics history and seeing mathematics as

a powerful tool to improve human civilization), memorization, technology, objectism (reifying

things), practice, understanding, and control (Tang et al., 2021).

These studies show how there are many themes that students may value in their

mathematics education. The students surveyed valued different aspects from one another.

Regardless of why these differences are seen, this study shows that differences exist and that not

everyone may value mathematics education for the same reasons. Thus people, in this case

students, can value different things about learning mathematics.

The findings from these studies may help improve a student’s experience in the

classroom, but not necessarily improve the mathematics curricula being taught. Thus, studies

need to be conducted that specifically look at why mathematics is valued. Knowing why it is

valued will help curriculum creators to know how to improve and create a curriculum that is

reflective of the beliefs of the importance of mathematics.

These studies also do not shed light as to why people in the United States may value the

learning and teaching of mathematics. It is also limited to only students’ perspectives.

Understanding how mathematics is valued by students is important in order to provide quality

mathematics instruction that is engaging to the students. By understanding how mathematics is

valued, mathematics can be modeled and taught in schools in a way that aligns more with how

the students value it. This study is important, because students’ perspectives are important, but

are not the only views that should be looked at. In addition, it is important to evaluate how

teachers, curriculum developers, educational policy makers, government leaders, parents, and the

general public value mathematics teaching and learning because each of these different groups

are a critical part of the education process, and what is taught in schools has an effect on virtually

all people and on the future.

My study addresses the views of a different group of people, namely parents. Parents

have been alive longer than their students and have more experiences in life, thus they may see

the benefits and different uses of mathematics in more and different ways than students. To limit

possibilities of cultural differences accounting for differences between the same type of

stakeholders, my study also focuses solely on perspectives from those living in the United States

of America. In addition, I look at why people value mathematics education because knowing

why people value the teaching of mathematics can lead to effective and lasting curricula change.

Knowing what is valued in mathematics education will help shape what mathematics should be

taught in the classrooms.

West (2020) looked over a variety of sources to capture statements about why people

may value the teaching of mathematics. West found the following general categories of reasons

people value mathematics being taught in schools:

Tradition: West (2020) notes that mathematics may be of value because it has been

taught throughout history and has always found a place in classical liberal education

Gaining Valuable Skills: Baumslag (2014) notes that many people believe that their

mathematics background will help them to be able to reason logically in different

situations and help them to analyze different information presented to them in order to

deduce what information is reliable or not.

Usefulness in Daily Life: Baumslag (2014) notes that mathematics is used in a variety of

daily activities, including calculating change after making a purchase with cash, making

measurements for house projects, telling time, creating a budget, and evaluating the


Usefulness in Particular Vocations: Baumslag (2014) notes that mathematics is used in

everyday lives by those in STEM fields, such as mathematicians, scientists, and

engineers. For example, mathematics can help engineers build functional planes.

Training Future Mathematicians: West (2020) notes how school mathematics helps

produce future mathematicians which will further advance the field of mathematics.

Benefits for Schooling: Freudenthal (1968) argues that mathematics is unique over other

school topics because it has great flexibility, and this flexibility allows it to apply to a

greater variety of situations than most other topics taught in school. Additionally, Lee

(2012) found that there is a strong correlation between mathematics success in high

school and completion of four years of college. It has also been considered the gate that

helps people get into college. With a college education comes access to better paying


Vehicle Towards Social Awareness: West (2020) notes how mathematical literacy helps

to open doors to social mobility and how school mathematics can help students think

about social justice issues and equality.

Important to Society: Baumslag (2014) notes how school mathematics may give

students knowledge to help them become well-educated so they can be contributing

citizens in their country.

Mathematical Beauty: West (2020) notes that some people value mathematics because

of its pure beauty.

Background and Contributions of Mathematics: West (2020) notes that some people

value mathematics in order to recognize its role in developing our modern society and


Not surprisingly, teaching mathematics can be considered of value for a variety of

reasons. However, there still remains a question as to what specific groups of stakeholders value

in mathematics and mathematics education, and consequently what mathematics they belief

should be taught in schools.

Views, Attitudes, Opinions, and Beliefs

In the words of Schoenfeld (2004), conflicts over mathematics curricula and pedagogy in

general, and those of the Math Wars in particular, amount to “war in the absence of real

ammunition” (p. 269) in the same sense that there are little or no data that can definitively

answer the question of which curricular standards or instructional methods are best. Roitman

(1999) questions whether such data could exist, when she claims that “the notion that there is a

way to find out which pedagogical method or curriculum works” is a “delusion” (p. 129). Her

argument is based both on the difficulty of conducting such research and on her conviction that

good teaching is better seen as a day-by-day experiment in which teachers use ideas from both

old and new perspectives to reach individual students.

Whether, like Roitman, we believe in the near impossibility of settling curricular disputes

through empirical means, or like Schoenfeld we believe progress is being made in that direction,

many or most of the disagreements are not about objective facts. They depend on the subjective

judgments of the stakeholders involved – things we might informally call beliefs, attitudes,

views, values, opinions, or perceptions. Leder and Forgasz (2002) point out that “in everyday

language, the term ‘belief’ is often used loosely and synonymously with terms such as attitude,

disposition, opinion, perception, philosophy, and value” (p. 96). We could easily add other terms

to this list, some more emotional or affective (sentiments, feelings), some more rational or

cognitive (thoughts, ideas).

As the study of beliefs has become more important in psychology and education, various

attempts have been made to provide frameworks distinguishing among these closely related

terms and providing definitions. These have not resulted in anything close to agreement. As one

example, we can look at attempts to distinguish between beliefs and attitudes. Rokeach (1972)

defines an attitude as an organized collection of beliefs, whereas Cooper & McGaugh (1970)

suggest that belief is a special kind of attitude, and Aiken (1980) asserts that attitudes have

beliefs as one of many components. More recently, Goldin et al. (2009) noted: “One thing that

has not changed in the past few years is the absence of universal acceptance by mathematics

education researchers of a definition of beliefs…” (p. 2).

Given this state of affairs, it seems reasonable to follow the lead of Halloran (1970) and

Leder and Forgasz (2002) who suggest that despite the lack of agreement about a precise

definition, most researchers in this area can understand each other, and much useful work can

still be done. Later, I will discuss how belief is defined in terms of the theory of operant

subjectivity, which underlies in part the methodology of my proposed research. For the time

being, nothing will be lost by using the term belief with its everyday meaning.

Research Questions

The research I conducted is based in two suppositions: a) that various important

educational stakeholders, including parents, teachers, mathematicians, students, business leaders,

and politicians, likely have different ideas about why it is important to teach and learn

mathematics; and b) that knowing these varying ideas would provide a possible starting point

toward finding agreement, or at least help us better understand the nature of the stalemate in

moving mathematics instruction forward. This is the problem I addressed. In particular, this

study investigates the following research questions: 1) What are parents of secondary

mathematics students’ perspectives of the most and least important reasons about the importance

of teaching mathematics? 2) What are the differences in beliefs among parents of secondary

mathematics students about the importance of teaching mathematics?


Q-Methodology Overview

Q-methodology was developed by William Stephenson, a British psychologist who first

obtained degrees in physics before his interest in research methodology led him to psychology.

He was a contemporary of B. F. Skinner and shared with him a strong belief in the scientific

study of human behavior, patterned after the study of the physical world. Also, like Skinner, he

believed in the importance of observed behavior, rather than theorized inner traits or conceptions

that were inferred from behavior. Thus he adopted the notion of humans operating on their

environment as the fundamental observable fact of human behavior.

Despite his affinity for behaviorism, Stephenson set himself apart from others in that

camp by insisting that aspects of our mental and social life that we have usually referred to as

being subjective – emotions, beliefs, attitudes, opinions, and so forth, could be systematically

studied through observations of behavior. Stephenson came to call his viewpoint operant

subjectivity. Q-methodology was developed to serve that purpose.

Because of its roots in behaviorism, Q-methodology does not depend on any theory of

mental states or activity – what Stephenson referred to as “the mentalistic fictions of

psychologists” (Stephenson, 1953, p. 113). Although Stephenson does use terms that we

associate with mental content, such as opinion, attitude, and belief, they do not imply an inner

mental state or process, but rather the result of observable interactions of subjects with

communicative statements. In this sense, they are operationally defined by parts of the data

collection and analysis process.

Briefly, Q methodology captures subjectivity by presenting people with a set of

statements that express a range of opinions about a particular topic (in this case, why teaching

mathematics is important). By sorting these statements according to the degree to which they

agree or disagree, the person provides a ranking by agreement on each statement. These

rankings are an observable record of the person’s judgements of the topic at hand, and constitute

a measure of that judgement. These rankings can then be correlated to other people’s rankings

and factor analyzed to produce common clusters of judgements that are present in the selection

of people studied. Stephenson (1953) referred to these factors as attitudes, but it is important to

remember that the terms used at this level are not referring to theoretical mental states, but to

empirical relationships discovered from the data. Of course, theories may enter into the process

of interpretation, and there is nothing in the methodology that insists on a behavioral theoretical

stance. Indeed, it has been suggested that Q-methodology is a mixed methodology that is

compatible with other methods of qualitative inquiry (e.g. Brown, 1996).

One way to think of what is being measured by the data collected in a Q Study is how

people react to statements about a certain topic, in terms of agreement or disagreement. This

more or less operational definition of what Brown (1996) called attitudes and what was referred

to above as judgements is consistent with the roots of Q-methodology, but in the spirit of Leder

and Forgasz (2002) and Halloran (1970) discussed in the last chapter, gives us a way to discuss

how parents react to various reasons for teaching mathematics, and therefore how they may react

in the future to similar statements in the media, from political speeches, from conversations with

neighbors, teachers, and their own children. This seems a reasonable interpretation of what

might be called their attitudes or beliefs about why teaching mathematics is important. It

moreover gives us a way of predicting likely conflicts or resistance to efforts to change

mathematics instruction.

Q-methodology is regarded as widely applicable to situations where understanding the

viewpoints of groups is required. The methodology helps researchers discover participants’

perspectives on the topic being researched as well as the relations among differing perspectives.

Raadgever et al. (2008) state that, “Q-Methodology is intended to systematically elicit individual

perspectives, and to group them into shared perspectives using quantitative factor analysis” (p.

1099). It is particularly appropriate for my purposes because of the subjective nature of why

people value mathematics teaching. Raadgever et al. (2008) found that Q-Methodology “proved

to be a good method for eliciting and analyzing stakeholder perspectives in a structured and

unbiased way” (p. 1097). Jacobsen and Linell (2016) also suggest that “Q methodology provides

a tool for systematically investigating the perceptions of stakeholders …. It is a data reduction

technique that identifies shared views across a population, producing distinct narratives that each

describes a viewpoint” (p. 199). They go on to suggest that it is also “suited to studying strongly

contentious issues … in which case Q methodology can help with finding mutually acceptable

policies” (p. 199).

There are some potential advantages with using Q methodology, especially in cases

where the research question involves finding attitudes that are shared by or distinguish among

members of groups. As a first approach it is likely less time consuming that analyzing a series of

in-depth qualitative interviews. Zabala et al. (2018) note that it “allows researchers to

acknowledge views that are marginalized” (p. 1192) and can also reveal hidden views that “do

not necessarily emerge through other methods because these views are controversial, and

respondents are not vocal about them or do not articulate them explicitly otherwise” (p. 1192).

Q-Methodology Steps

Brown and Rhoades (2919) explain that most Q-methodology studies can be conceived as

including four parts: development of the concourse, the Q-set, the Q-sort into the distribution

grid, and the factor analysis process. The following list describes each of these parts. The list is

followed by an in-depth explanation of what this looked like in my study.

The concourse consists of a wide range of statements regarding the research topic, in this

case, why it is important to teach mathematics. The concourse is meant to capture the breadth of

possible perspectives and opinions on the topic. Concourses are generally large, containing

several hundred separate statements, gleaned from surveys, reviews of literature or media,

interviews, and other similar sources. For my study, I used the concourse developed by West

(2020) as a starting point.

The Q-set is a much smaller, yet representative subset of statements taken from the

concourse. Q-methodology does not specify how the Q-set is chosen from the concourse. In

some studies, the statements are chosen randomly. In others, preliminary categories are used to

guarantee some degree of representation among major themes in the concourse. These

categories can emerge from an analysis of the concourse itself (an inductive approach) or can be

based on predetermined theoretical categories into which statements are placed. (Paige & Morin,

2016). I have chosen the inductive option, as I describe in more detail below. There is no hard-

and-fast rule regarding the size for a Q-set, but typical Q-sets range in size between 20 and 60


A Q-sort is the activity of participants sorting items from the Q-set according to how

much they agree or disagree with the statements. In this way, the sorting is like ranking the

statements on a Likert-type scale, from (for example) -4 for strongly disagree to +4 for strongly

agree. However, in a Q-sort, participants are asked to attend to the number of items ranked at

each scale point. Fewer items are allowed to be ranked at the extremes (e.g. +4 or -4) and more

are allowed to be ranked in the middle (e.g. -1, 0, or 1), thus causing the rankings to fall into a

predetermined distribution grid, which provides some uniformity across participants. The

distribution grid is constructed to be an approximation to a normal distribution, and thus takes

the appearance of a triangle (or inverted triangle).

Once a distribution grid is created by each participant, the rankings on each item across

all part all participants can be subjected to exploratory factor analysis. Unlike traditional

methods in which the items being ranked (the Q-set) would be reduced to a few common factors,

Q-methodology seeks to find factors common among the participants. The same general factor

analytic methods, including the formation of a correlation matrix, the extraction of factors,

rotation to clarify factors, and using factor loadings to interpret factors, are used in Q-

methodology. Three are also some analytic methods, to be discussed below, that are specific to

Q and that help us build understanding of commonalities and differences among the factors.

Concourse and Selection of Subset

I took the concourse developed by West (2020) as my starting point and used it to create

the subset of 42 statements that I used in the Q-set. The statements were first examined to see if

any seemed miscategorized and whether the categories themselves seemed well-defined.

Statements that seemed miscategorized were then put into appropriate categories. I then

examined statements within each of the categories developed by West to develop subcategories

within each general category. Just over 80 subcategories were developed across all the original

categories, some of which were combined with similar subcategories. As this process was

carried out, it amounted to a complete revisiting of West’s original categorizations, some of

which survived and some of which did not.

The process used amounted in the end to a fairly standard qualitative coding procedure,

in which statements were reanalyzed and recoded as necessary, and categories were combined.

This resulted in a stable list of 42 categories. Statements representative of the 42 stable

categories were chosen to be a part of my Q-set of 42 statements. Statements were reworded for

clarity such that the language used in the statements would be clear and familiar to the

participants (Sæbjørnsen et al., 2016). The list of the 42 statements can be found in the

Appendix. Finally, I performed a brief pilot study with this Q-set, to ensure that the selection of

statements was clear and understandable to participants. The pilot study gave me more

information about how long the sorting would take. I found that participants took 15-20 minutes

to complete.

Selection of Participants

Watts and Stenner (2014) discuss that some important characteristics to consider when

selecting participants is to consider participants who have a clear viewpoint to express,

participants whose viewpoint of the subject matters, and participants who are not all

homogeneous to one another.

I solicited Q-sorts from 12 parents who currently have students enrolled in, or recently

graduated from, public schools in Utah. I choose the participants from among parents I

personally know, and I used the snowball technique to find more participants from their

recommendations. I asked them to recommend parents that might think differently than they do,

in order to promote a more diverse sample of parents.

Data Collection: Q-Sorting and Interview

The data collected comprises information collected from a) the participants sorting the

statements from the Q-set and b) a brief follow-up interview with five of the participants in order

to see whether they think my results capture their attitudes about the topic.

For the Q-sorting, participants first categorized the statements from the Q-Set into three

categories: agree, disagree, and no strong feelings either way. I emphasized that there were no

correct or incorrect answers, and that I just wanted to know their true opinions. They then sorted

the statements from each of the categories based on how strongly they agreed or disagreed with

the statements, placing the statements in the distribution grid. The distribution grid (Figure 1)

consists of 9 columns, which are labeled in the following order: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4. I

directed participants to place two statements in the -4 and +4 columns, four statements in the -3

and +3 columns, five statements in the -2 and +2 columns, six statements in the -1 and +1

columns, and eight statements in the 0 column. I showed them an empty distribution grid for

reference. I let participants choose whether to start with organizing the statements they

disagreed most with or agreed most with into the distribution grid. If they chose to start with the

statements they agreed most with, they started placing the statements they agreed with most in

the +4 column and continue to place them in the consecutive “+” columns until their agree with

statements were all sorted. They likewise did the same with the statements they disagreed with

most by placing them in the “-” columns. They finish by placing the statements from the no

strong feelings either way pile into the remaining spaces, with those they agreed with more on

the right and less on the left. I then recorded the position of the cards relative to each other in the

blank distribution grid.

Figure 1
Distribution Grid

The brief follow-up interview was conducted a couple of months after the initial card

sorting by parents once the data had been analyzed. During this interview, I first reminded

parents about the card sort that they had performed earlier, then I asked them to name the first

reasons that came to mind about why teaching mathematics is important. I then briefly

summarized the three factors (using group instead of factor) and asked what group of parents

they thought they fell into.

Data Analysis

Factor Analysis as Applied to Q-Methodology

Factor analysis is a means of reducing a number of variables by “looking for variables

that correlate highly with a group of other variables, but correlate very badly with variables

outside of that group” (Field, 2000, p. 424). In this case the variables are individual parents and

their Q-sorts, which each represent a viewpoint about the teaching of mathematics. The

viewpoints with high intercorrelations may be thought of more or less as a single viewpoint,

which is the factor that is found by factor analysis. As Field (2000) points out, the factor can be

considered a new dimension “that can be visualized as classification axes along which

measurement variables can be plotted,” (p. 424) the measurement variable in our case being Q-

sorts that represent viewpoints of parents.

When using factor analysis methods, a few more or less standard decisions need to be

made by the researchers; these are discussed at length in the literature on factor analysis. One is

the number of factors to extract, which is discussed briefly below. Others deal with extraction

methods (e.g. principal components analysis versus other methods of looking at variance

reduction) and rotation methods (e.g. varimax versus manual rotation). Researchers using Q-

methodology have by no means standardized these decisions, but little evidence suggests that

they make a significant difference in the final analysis of Q-sorts.

Most standard software packages for statistical analysis perform factor analysis, and there

exist some designed specifically for Q-methodology. In this project a software package called

Ken-Q Analysis (Banasick, 2019) was used, and the defaults of principle components analysis

and varimax rotation were accepted as being widely recognized methods of factor analysis in Q-

method studies (Akhtar-Danesh, 2016).

Choosing the Number of Factors

A principal component analysis on the 12 Q-sorts yielded three factors whose associated

eigenvalues were larger than 1, a very common rule of thumb in determining the number of

factors to extract. Although somewhat subjective, the scree plot of factors and eigenvalues is

often used to determine an appropriate number of factors as well. The curve in figure 2 seems to

flatten after 3 factors, so the decision was made to keep three factors for rotation. Collectively

they accounted for 67% of the variance in the data set.

Figure 2
Factor and Eigenvalue Scree Plot

A varimax rotation was performed, resulting in the factors and loadings shown in table 1. To be

significant at the ρ < 0.01level, a factor loading needed to exceed 2.58 times the standard error,

or = 0.389. We note first that Q-sort 4 loads significantly on all three factors. It is said to

be confounded, and is typically eliminated from the next phase of analysis.

At this point in the analysis, certain Q-sorts are “flagged” based on their factor loadings,

so they represent major or defining Q-sorts for a given factor. In making these decisions, Watts

and Stenner (2014) suggest that the factor loadings should be more than just significant, with

factor loadings of greater than 0.60 on the relevant factor (see Jordan et al., 2005, Morea, 2022;).

These “flagged” loadings are marked with an asterisk in Table 1.

Table 1
Factors and Loadings Following Rotation

Q-Sort Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3

1 0.8262* -0.1429 -0.0156
2 0.0769 0.7938* 0.0644
3 0.8188* 0.1906 -0.0308
4 0.5660 0.4776 -0.4599
5 0.7315* 0.2096 0.3868
6 0.6711* 0.4844 -0.0711
7 0.3619 0.7102* 0.0174
8 0.6051* 0.3584 0.1335
9 0.0725 0.8675* 0.1636
10 0.3177 0.6246* 0.2749
11 0.0292 0.2507 0.8523*
12 0.6403* 0.3592 -0.1058
Note. Defining or “flagged” loadings are marked with an asterisk (*).

It is worth pausing to remember that the three factors represent groups of Q-sorts from

parents with common viewpoints of the topic. The factor analysis has reduced the 12 different

viewpoints represented by the 12 Q-sorts to three general viewpoints. It remains to describe

these three composite viewpoints by examining what the statements contribute to each. This is

accomplished by creating a factor array for each factor. This is essentially a ranking of each

statement in a way that represents the viewpoint of the factor as a whole, just as an individual Q-

sort represents the viewpoint of an individual parent. This is accomplished by a series of


1. A factor estimate for each factor is constructed from a weighted averaging of the

individual Q-sorts that load significantly on that factor (and only that factor). The weight

measures the degree to which that Q-sort contributes to the factor. Given a Q-sort with

loading f on a factor A, its weight is determined by dividing (1−𝑓𝑓2) by the maximum value

of that ratio for all Q-sorts loading on factor A.

2. The rank of each statement in a given Q-sort is multiplied by its weight in the factor and

the sum of those products across all Q-sorts loading on the factor is computed. The

higher the sum for a given statement, the more a given factor (parent group) agrees with

that statement.

3. In order to make cross-factor comparison, these sums of weighted ranks need to be

standardized (since different numbers of Q-sorts were used for different factors) into z-

scores. The associated z-scores can be compared across factors.

Finally, a factor array can be computed by rank ordering the z-scores and from all the statements

and assigning ranks to the statements according to the constraints from the original Q-sorts

gathered from the participants. Thus, the statement with the top two z-scores in this study would

be given ranks of +4, the next three given ranks of +3, and so on down to the lowest two z-

scores, that would be given ranks of -4.

The cross-factor comparison allowed by factor arrays gives rise to other analytic tools for

interpreting factors. Two used in this research include:

Distinguishing statements are those that members of a particular factor group have ranked

significantly differently from those in all the other factors (in our case, both of the other


Consensus statements are those whose rankings by the factor groups do not distinguish

between any pair of factors. In our case, this means that all three parent groups have

ranked or valued those statements in nearly the same way.


Consensus Statements

One of the purposes of this research is to determine if there is some common ground

among stakeholders. Consensus statements, which are those that are rated in essentially the same

way in all three factors, give us some insights into this question. These statements do not

distinguish between any pair of factors, meaning the ranks of these statements in the three factors

have z-scores that do not differ from each other at a p < 0.01 level of significance. Thus these

statements do not distinguish between any pair of factors; and there is general agreement about

them across the 12 participants. There are 14 consensus statements in the data set, namely

statements 1, 4, 8, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 31, and 34, as shown in Table 2; thus, there

is general agreement across the factors about these statements. In the table and elsewhere in this

section, when I refer to where a statement was ranked, that refers to the column in the

distribution grid where it is found, not the overall rank out of the 42 statements.

Table 2
Consensus Statements

Statements Rank in Average Average

Distribution Z-Score Rank in
Grid of Grid
Teaching mathematics is important… F1 F2 F3
31 …because doing mathematics develops and quickens the 2 3 3 1.23 2.67
14 …to produce people to work in STEM fields (science, 4 1 1 0.806 2.00
technology, engineering, mathematics).
22 …to help students realize and gain an appreciation for the 2 1 3 0.999 2.00
role it plays in the development of science, technology, and
our civilization.
34 …because it trains students to think critically and 1 3 1 0.852 1.67
4 …because learning mathematics helps students interpret, 1 2 1 0.728 1.33
analyze, and question data for validity.
8 …because it trains students to give effort to rigorous work. 0 1 2 0.408 1.00
15 …because it is a body of knowledge that is true everywhere 0 1 0 0.268 0.333
and forever.
1 …because of the permanence of mathematics in the world. 0 0 -1 -0.001 -0.333
26 …because mathematical knowledge leads to a higher 0 -1 -2 -0.574 -1.00
socioeconomic status.
28 …because jobs that provide economic self-sufficiency -1 -1 -2 -0.769 -1.33
require mathematics.
19 …to teach, learn, and help students engage in social justice. -3 -2 -1 -0.847 -2.00
20 …because it can transform students’ awareness of society. -2 -3 -1 -0.962 -2.00
25 …because it is part of the traditional school curriculum. -2 -2 -3 -1.18 -2.33
23 …because it is a valuable and indispensable part of a human -3 -4 -4 -1.73 -3.67
being’s identity.

Of the consensus statements, six statements (31, 14, 22, 34, 4, and 8) have positive

rankings from each factor, indicating a degree of agreement across the factors as some of the

more important reasons for teaching mathematics. The highest mean rank was given to

statement 31, dealing with mathematics developing the minds of students, which means that all

three factors agree that this is an important reason to teach mathematics. Two other statements

(14 and 22) deal with the role of mathematics in advancing work in the STEM fields. The

remaining three (34, 4, and 8) also relate to mathematics having a positive effect on mental

processes, in this case critical and analytical thinking, fluency in interpreting data, and working

hard. All of these statements were agreed upon by the parents in all three factors that these were

more important reasons to teach mathematics. Thus, our group of parents seem to agree on the

importance of teaching mathematics in support of preparing students for STEM fields, data

fluency, and for developing the mind in general, particularly in developing critical and analytical


There were also six statements (23, 25, 20, 19, 28, and 26) that were given negative

rankings of essentially the same levels by all three factors, indicating a uniform sense that these

reasons for teaching mathematics were not very important to the group of parents. Statement 23,

dealing with mathematical knowing being a part of human identity, had the lowest negative

ranking, with statement 25, referring to mathematics being a traditional part of the school

curriculum, having the second lowest average rank (among the consensus statements). The next

lowest average rankings were given to statements 19 and 20, dealing with mathematics aiding

students in seeing and dealing with societal problems. Finally, statements 26 and 28, with the

third lowest negative rankings, dealt with the role of mathematics in the future economic status

of students. All of these statements were agreed upon by the parents in all three factors that

these were less important reasons to teach mathematics.

There were two statements (1 and 15) that were given fairly neutral rankings by all three

factors, meaning that the groups expressed neither strong agreement nor strong disagreement

with these reasons for teaching mathematics. Both of these statements relate to the nature of

mathematics, particularly that it is a true body of knowledge and that it is everywhere.

To summarize these findings, it seems that the consensus statements ranked negatively,

or as least important, relate to humanities, tradition, societal issues, and social economic status.

Ranked more neutrally, or as neither the least nor most important, is the nature of mathematics.

The consensus statements ranked positively, or the most important reasons to teach mathematics,

relate to habits of mind, critical thinking, STEM fields, and developing the mind.

Description of Factors

Having discussed common opinions across all three identified groups/factors in the

previous section, I turn now to descriptions of the three groups themselves.

Factor 1: Personal and Scientific Utility

Table 3 below shows the two highest (F1++) and lowest (F1--) ranked statements for the

group of parents identified as Factor 1, and marks both distinguishing (D) and consensus (C)

statements, as well as those statements ranked higher (F1+) or lower (F1-) by Factor 1

participants than those identified with the other two factors.

As can be seen, participants identified with Factor 1 ranks statements about the

importance of mathematics for personal finances and for training in STEM fields as being most

important to them. Their strong view of mathematics supporting the management of personal

finances distinguishes this group from the other two—the opinion is both strong and (among our

participants) unique in its strength. This group also shares with the other groups the view that

mathematics is important in the training of experts in the STEM fields. These views are

suggestive of support for mathematics being a useful tool to accomplish certain ends, whether

financial or scientific/technological.

Examining the other statements ranking highly in Factor 1 supports the assertion that the

utility of mathematics is valued by this group, whether that utility is manifested in daily life

(statement 2), careers (statements 9 and 27), or education (statement 42). It seems clear that the

group associated with Factor 1 appreciates mathematics for its usefulness in science, work, and

daily life. For this reason, I chose to call this group of parents the Personal and Scientific Utility


By contrast, this group gives aspects of mathematical training based on its intrinsic

beauty or feelings of satisfaction for students its lowest rankings. They also give their next

lowest ratings to aspects of mathematics that contribute to students assuming roles that improve

society as a whole (statements 11 and 19) and students’ personal interest (statement 17). This

again suggests a focus on utility—things that are useful personally to the students in their lives.

Table 3
Statements with Ranks Greater Than 2 or Less Than -2 for Factor 1

Statement Statements Ranks in

Number and Type Factors
Teaching mathematics is important … F1 F2 F3
Highest Ranked
3 D ++ …to help students learn about personal finances (budget, 4 2 0
save, taxes, interest, etc.)
14 C ++ …to produce people to work in STEM fields (science, 4 1 1
technology, engineering, mathematics).
2 + …because mathematics can be applied in many areas of 3 0 2
daily life.
9 D + …because it is a useful skill in many careers. 3 -1 0
27 + …because it gives one access to a wider variety of career 3 0 1
42 D + …because mathematics is used in many other school 3 -2 0
Lowest Ranked
17 - …because it is interesting and intriguing. -3 -3 2
11 - …because it allows students to become productive citizens -3 0 -1
19 C - …to teach, learn, and help students engage in social -3 -2 -1
23 C …because it is a valuable and indispensable part of a -3 -4 -4
human being’s identity.
18 -- …because it creates feelings of pleasure, joy, and -4 -3 1
16 -- …because of its intrinsic beauty. -4 -4 0
Notes. D marks a distinguishing statement that Factor 1 participants have ranked significantly
differently than those in other factors; C marks a consensus statement; ++ and -- mark the two
highest ranking statements and two lowest ranking statements, respectively, for Factor 1; + and –
mark statements that are ranked higher and lower (respectively) in Factor 1 than in the other

Turning from the extremes to the more moderate views (see Table 4) we find that this

group, more than the others, has moderate support for mathematics’ usefulness in furthering

college opportunities (statements 40 and 41), and producing knowledge that fills the economic

and other needs of society (statements 12 and 13). That they are also moderately more likely to

see mathematics as important for producing mathematicians is consistent with the value they put

on STEM fields. They are somewhat less supportive than the other two groups of teaching

mathematics in order to provide students with mental skills or habits of mind (statements 6, 7, 8,

30, 32, and 35) or because they feel mathematical knowledge can provide a more meaningful life

(statement 5).

Table 4
Statements Ranked Higher/Lower in Factor 1 Than in Any Other Factor

Statement Statements Ranks in

Number and Type Factors
Teaching mathematics is important… F1 F2 F3
Other Positive Statements Ranked Higher in Factor 1
13 …because it is necessary for the economy. 2 0 1
39 D* …because it is a universal language that is understood 2 0 -1
40 D* …to help students be ready for college. 1 -1 -3
29 …to produce/train future mathematicians. 1 -1 0
41 D* …because it allows students to meet college entrance 1 -1 -3
requirements, which allows students to reach higher
education and degrees.
12 …because our civilization would collapse without it. 1 -2 0
1 C …because of the permanence of mathematics in the 0 0 -1
26 C* …because mathematical knowledge leads to a higher 0 -1 -2
socioeconomic status.

Other Negative Statements Ranked Lower in Factor 1

15 C* …because it is a body of knowledge that is true 0 1 0
everywhere and forever.
8 C …because it trains students to give effort to rigorous 0 1 2
6 …to teach students how to tackle difficult tasks and cope 0 2 0
with failure.
30 D* …because it encourages creative logic, reasoning, and -1 4 4
7 D* …to help students grow persistence and confidence. -1 2 2
5 …because it allows students to better understand the -1 0 4
world and live more meaningfully in it.
38 …because it is a powerful means of communication. -2 -2 3
35 D* …to enhance imagination and build creativity. -2 1 3
32 D* …to help students reason abstractly. -2 2 2
Notes. D marks a distinguishing statement for Factor 1 at the p < 0.05 level; D* marks a
distinguishing statement for Factor 1 at the p < 0.01 level; C marks a consensus statement that
fails to distinguish between factors at the p < 0.01 level; C* marks a consensus statement that
fails to distinguish between factors at the p < 0.05 level.

Factor 2: Training the Brain

Table 5 below shows the highest (F2++) and lowest (F2--) ranked statements for the

groups of parents identified as Factor 2, and marks both distinguishing (D) and consensus (C)

statements, as well as those statements ranked higher (F2+) or lower (F2-) by Factor 2

participants than those identified with the other two factors.

As can be seen, participants identified with Factor 2 rank statements about the importance

of mathematical training to encourage creative logic, reasoning, and discovery and to produce

critically and quantitatively literate citizens as being most important to them. Their strong view

of mathematics education helping students to engage in creative logic, reasoning, and discovery

is shared by participants identified with Factor 3, thus it is not unique in its strength. However,

this group’s view of mathematics education helping to produce critically and quantitatively

literate people distinguishes this group from the other two—the opinion is both strong and,

among these participants, unique in its strength.

Examining the other statements ranking highly in Factor 2 suggest that teaching

mathematics to enhance mental skills is values by this group, whether the development of mental

skills is through developing the mind (statement 31), through critical and analytical thinking

(statement 34), or processing and approaching different situations (statements 33 and 36). It

seems clear that the group associated with Factor 2 appreciates mathematics education for its

ability to train the brain how to process different situations, even those not directly associated

with mathematics. For this reason, I chose to call this group of parents the Training the Brain


By contrast, this group gives aspects of mathematical training based on its indispensable

part of a human being’s identity and its intrinsic beauty its lowest rankings. They also give their

next lowest rankings to aspects of mathematics that relate to school (statement 42), personal

feelings of intrigue and satisfaction (statements 17 and 18), or social heritage and communication

(statements 20, 21, and 38). This again suggests a focus on training the brain—things that can be

used to help develop the mind to engage in various situations.

Table 5
Statements with Ranks Greater Than 2 or Less Than -2 for Factor 2

Statement Number Statement Ranks in

and Type Factors
Teaching mathematics is important… F2 F1 F3
Highest Ranked
30 F2++ …because it encourages creative logic, reasoning, and 4 -1 4
10 D F2++ …because it produces critically and quantitatively literate 4 0 -2
31 C F2+ …because doing mathematics develops and quickens the 3 2 3
34 C F2+ …because it trains students to think critically and 3 1 1
33 D F2+ …to help students think about quantitative situations and 3 0 -2
how to process them.
36 F2+ …to develop problem solving skills 3 2 -1
Lowest Ranked
42 D F2- …because mathematics is used in many other school -2 3 0
38 F2- …because it is a powerful means of communication. -2 -2 3
17 F2- …because it is interesting and intriguing. -3 -3 2
20 C F2- …because it can transform students’ awareness of society. -3 -2 -1
18 …because it creates feelings of pleasure, joy, and -3 -4 1
21 …because it is a vital part of our Western cultural -3 -1 -4
16 F2-- …because of its intrinsic beauty. -4 -4 0
23 C F2-- …because it is a valuable and indispensable part of a -4 -3 -4
human being’s identity.
Notes. D marks a distinguishing statement that Factor 2 participants have ranked significantly
differently than those in other factors; C marks a consensus statement; ++ and -- mark the two
highest ranking statements and two lowest ranking statements, respectively, for Factor 2; + and –
mark statements that are ranked higher and lower (respectively) in Factor 2 than in the other

Turning from the extremes to the more moderate views (see Table 6) we find that this

group, more than the others, continues to have support for mathematics education to develop the

mental skills and, additionally, because of mathematics’ presence, truth, and ability to make one

wise. They are somewhat less supportive than the other two groups of teaching mathematics for

use in careers or to better society as a whole.

Table 6
Statements Ranked Higher/Lower in Factor 2 Than in Any Other Factor

Statement Statements Ranks in

Number and Type Factors
Teaching mathematics is important…. F2 F1 F3
Other Positive Statements Ranked Higher in Factor 2
6 D …to teach students how to tackle difficult tasks and 2 0 0
cope with failure.
4 C* …because learning mathematics helps students 2 1 1
interpret, analyze, and question data for validity.
7 …to help students grow persistence and confidence. 2 -1 2
32 …to help students reason abstractly. 2 -2 2
37 …because it shows students how to model every-day 1 0 -2
problems mathematically.
15 C* …because it is a body of knowledge that is true 1 0 0
everywhere and forever.
11 …because it allows students to become productive 0 -3 -1
24 D …because a knowledge of math is part of what it 0 -1 -3
means to be wise and educated.
1 C …because of the permanence of mathematics in the 0 0 -1
Other Negative Statements Ranked Lower in Factor 2
27 …because it gives one access to a wider variety of 0 3 1
career options.
2 D …because mathematics can be applied in many areas 0 3 2
of daily life.
13 …because it is necessary for the economy. 0 2 1
29 …to produce/train future mathematicians. -1 1 0
9 …because it is a useful skill in many careers. -1 3 0
12 …because our civilization would collapse without it. -2 1 0
42 …because mathematics is used in many other school -2 3 0
38 …because it is a powerful means of communication. -2 -2 3
Notes. D marks a distinguishing statement for Factor 2 at the p < 0.05 level; D* marks a
distinguishing statement for Factor 2 at the p < 0.01 level; C marks a consensus statement that
fails to distinguish between factors at the p < 0.01 level; C* marks a consensus statement that
fails to distinguish between factors at the p < 0.05 level.

Factor 3: Personally Meaningful

Table 7 below shows the highest (F3++) and lowest (F3--) ranked statements for the

parents identified as Factor 3, and marks both distinguishing (D) and consensus (C) statements,

as well as those statements ranked higher (F3+) or lower (F3-) by Factor 3 participants than those

identified with the other two factors.

As can be seen, the participants identified with Factor 3 ranks statements about the

importance of mathematics education helping students better understand the world and to

encourage creative logic, reasoning, and discovery as being most important to them. Their

strong view of mathematics education helping students to better understand the world and live

more meaningfully in it distinguishes this groups from the other two—the opinion is both strong

and, among these participants, unique in its strength. This group’s strong view of mathematics

education helping students to engage in creative logic, reasoning, and discover is, as mentioned

earlier, shared by participants identified with Factor 2, thus it is not unique in its strength.

Examining the other statements ranking highly in Factor 3 suggest that teaching

mathematics to grow personally internally is valued by this group, whether it is through gaining

an appreciation of mathematics (statement 22), to develop the mind (statements 31 and 35), or to

communicate with others (statement 38). It seems that the group associated with Factor 3

appreciates mathematics education for its ability to help them develop as a person. For this

reason, I choose to call this group of parents the Personally Meaningful group.

By contrast, this group gives aspects of mathematics training based off of its

indispensable part of a human being’s identity and it being a vital part of our Western cultural

heritage its lowest rankings. They also give their next lowest rankings to the aspects of

mathematics that relate to school (statements 25, 40, and 41) and being wise and educated

through mathematics knowledge (statement 24). This again suggests a focus on personal internal


Table 7
Statements with Ranks Greater Than 2 or Less Than -2 for Factor 3

Statement Number Statements Ranks in

and Type Factors
Teaching mathematics is important… F3 F1 F2
Highest Ranked
5 D F3++ …because it allows students to better understand the 4 -1 0
world and live more meaningfully in it.
30 F3++ …because it encourages creative logic, reasoning, and 4 -1 4
22 F3+ …to help students realize and gain and appreciation for 3 2 1
the role it plays in the development of science,
technology, and our civilization.
31 F3+ …because doing mathematics develops and quickens the 3 2 3
35 F3+ …to enhance imagination and build creativity. 3 -2 1
38 D F3+ …because it is a powerful means of communication. 3 -2 -2
Lowest Ranked
24 F3- …because a knowledge of math is part of what it means -3 -1 0
to be wise and educated.
25 F3- …because it is part of the traditional school curriculum. -3 -2 -2
40 D F3- …to help students be ready for college. -3 1 -1
41 F3- …because it allows students to meet college entrance -3 1 -1
requirements, which allows students to reach higher
education and degrees.
21 F3-- …because it is a vital part of our Western cultural -4 -1 -3
23 C F3-- …because it is a valuable and indispensable part of a -4 -3 -4
human being’s identity.
Notes. D marks a distinguishing statement that Factor 3 participants have ranked significantly
differently than those in other factors; C marks a consensus statement; ++ and -- mark the two
highest ranking statements and two lowest ranking statements, respectively, for Factor 3; + and –
mark statements that are ranked higher and lower (respectively) in Factor 3 than in the other

Turning from the extremes to the more moderate views (see Table 8) we find that this

group, more than the others, has moderate support for mathematics education because of

mathematics internal beauty, the feelings of satisfaction and pleasure that it brings, and the

various mental skills it enhances. They are somewhat less supportive than the other two groups

of teaching mathematics in relation to money (both personally and economically), to process and

model quantitative problems, and because of mathematical properties.

Table 8
Statements Ranked Higher/Lower in Factor 3 Than in Any Other Factor

Statement Number Statements Ranks in

and Type Factors
Teaching mathematics is important… F3 F1 F2
Other Positive Statements Ranked Higher in Factor 3
7 …to help students grow persistence and confidence. 2 -1 2
8 C …because it trains students to give effort to rigorous 2 0 1
17 D* …because it is interesting and intriguing. 2 -3 -3
32 …to help students reason abstractly. 2 -2 2
18 D* …because it creates feelings of pleasure, joy, and 1 -4 -3
16 D* …because of its intrinsic beauty. 0 -4 -4

Other Negative Statements Ranked Lower in Factor 3

3 D …to help students learn about personal finances (budget, 0 4 2
save, taxes, interest, etc.).
6 …to teach students how to tackle difficult tasks and cope 0 0 2
with failure.
15 C* …because it is a body of knowledge that is true 0 0 1
everywhere and forever.
1 C …because of the permanence of mathematics in the -1 0 0
36 D* …to develop problem solving skills. -1 2 3
39 …because it is a universal language that is understood -1 2 0
10 …because it produces critically and quantitatively literate -2 0 4
26 C* …because mathematical knowledge leads to a higher -2 0 -1
socioeconomic status.
28 C* …because jobs that provide economic self-sufficiency -2 -1 -1
require mathematics.
33 …to help students think about quantitative situations and -2 0 3
how to process them.
37 …because it shows students how to model every-day -2 0 1
problems mathematically.
Notes. D marks a distinguishing statement for Factor 3 at the p < 0.05 level; D* marks a
distinguishing statement for Factor 3 at the p < 0.01 level; C marks a consensus statement that
fails to distinguish between factors at the p < 0.01 level; C* marks a consensus statement that
fails to distinguish between factors at the p < 0.05 level.


Overall, parents in Factor 1 seem to value the practical utility of mathematics, meaning

looking at how the mathematics taught will actually be used in the daily lives of their children

outside of school. Parents in Factor 1 are less concerned with the indirect benefits and skills that

are gained from learning mathematics, such as feeling good or gaining perseverance and other

skills that are not specific to mathematics and can be used in non-mathematical situations.

Overall, parents in Factor 2 seem to value how learning mathematics is used to train the

brain, meaning how learning mathematics gives rise to skills that are not specific to only

mathematics. Parents in Factor 2 are less concerned that mathematics should be taught because

it is a part of our human identity.

Overall, parents in Factor 3 seem to value how learning mathematics will be personally

meaningful to their children right now. This may mean helping their children understand

mathematical things and thus live more meaningfully, learning other skills that will help them

outside of mathematics, or creating positive feelings for the child. Parents in Factor 3 are less

concerned that mathematics should be taught because it is a part of our human identity or with

how learning mathematics now could help them later on.

Out of all of the distinguishing statements, there were three statements that were

distinguishing for all three factors: statements 3, 40, and 42. Statement 3, about personal

finance, was neutrally or positively viewed by all three factors, so all parents think teaching

mathematics to learn about personal finance is important to some degree, but the degree to which

they find it important varies. Statements 40 and 42 are slightly different in that Factor 1 views

these as important while the other two factors view them as less important, or negatively. These

statements both relate to schooling and college, which makes sense because Factor 1 cares more

about the direct benefits of teaching mathematics, in this case directly helping them in school or

get into college, while Factor 2 and 3 parents care more about brain skills or current personal

meaningfulness, of which school or getting into college in the future are not a part of.

Follow-up Interviews

After analyzing the data and determining the three factors, I had a brief interview with

five participants in order to check my analysis. I chose two parents that were categorized in

Factor 1, two parents in Factor 2, and the one parent who was not in any factors. The one parent

in Factor 3 was not available for further interviewing. During the interview, I first asked parents

to share the first things that come to mind for what are the most important reasons for teaching

mathematics. This time they did not have the cards with reasons to look at, but just went off of

what first came to mind. I then explained the three different groups (factors) of parents that my

analysis discovered and asked them to say what group they most agreed with. They were

unaware of what group I had categorized them being in.

In answering the first question, the first Factor 1 parent said that the most important

reasons for teaching mathematics are to give students a basic understanding of commerce and to

help kids learn the importance and value of finances. When asked what group he thought he

would be in, he replied with the first group (Factor 1). In answering the first question, the

second Factor 1 parent said the most important reasons for teaching mathematics is that people

use math their whole lives so they need to learn it, math teaches logic and one needs to know

how to logically figure things out, math teaches discipline and how to do things correctly and in

order, students need math to do well in college even if they do not use math through college,

math makes one smarter, one cannot function without basic math, and math makes one more

financially secure for instance by knowing how to invest. When asked what group she thought

she would be in, she replied with the first group (Factor 1). Thus, both parents categorized in

Factor 1 believed that is where they belong.

In answering the first question, the first Factor 2 parent said that the most important

reasons for teaching mathematics is to help students better thought process both in math and in

general by knowing how to break things down, learn the basics and know the facts, understand

why we need to use math, helps develop the brain, helps in music and different areas, helps

students be educated and pursue careers, and helps build upon skills. When asked what group

she thought she would be in, she replied with the second group (Factor 2). It is interesting to

note that after saying she aligned most with the second group, she said that she believed if you

could do the training the brain things that Factor 2 values, then you would be able to do the

practical utility things that Factor 1 values. In answering the first question, the second Factor 2

parent said that the most important reasons for teaching mathematics is to help one function in

everyday life, learn the practical application of math, and to encourage and foster skills that

come along through learning math like logic and reasoning. When asked what group she thought

she would be in, she said the first group (Factor 1). Thus, the first parent categorized in Factor 2

believed that is where she belongs, but the second one thought she aligned more with Factor 1. It

is important to note how this second Factor 2 parent did bring up in the free response question

that mathematics education is important to foster skills that come with learning math, like logic

and reasoning, which I would group more with training the brain (Factor 2). I later looked at this

participants’ distribution grid and the answers in the positive side mostly were all relating to

training the brain, with only two statements in the +2 column that categorize more with Factor 1.

I am not sure the reason why the parent said Personal and Scientific Utility this time around, but

this shows that both can be important to parents and that perhaps they go hand in hand.

In answering the first question, the parent that did not fall into any one of the three

categorizes (because he loaded significantly with all three) said that the most important reasons

for teaching mathematics is for the day-to-day practicality of mathematics, that it teaches broader

range of thinking skills, and is needed for a job. When asked what group he felt like he most

aligned with, he said the first group (Factor 1) followed closely by the second group (Factor 2).

Thus, out of the five parents who participated in the additional interview, four of the

parents categorized themselves in what factor/group that I categorized them being in. These

were both of the parents categorized as Factor 1, one of the parents categorized as Factor 2, and

the parent who loaded significantly on all three factors. I am concluding that the parent who

loaded significantly on all three categorized himself how I categorized him because he

essentially answered with two of the groups. The one parent who I categorized as being in

Factor 2 categorized herself as Factor 1. Despite the one parent not categorizing how I did, I still

think my results are valid. In the free response portion of the interview, she talked about a

reason associated with training the brain. In addition, Q-methodology is used to determine

factors, and she did categorize herself with one of the identified factors.


Mathematics education has gone though many changes over the last century and is

continuing to change and evolve. Knowing the views of different stakeholder can help

determine what common ground there is between these different groups. The stakeholder group

of parents is especially important to understand because behind every student is a parent and

parents have historically caused setbacks when new reform mathematics has tried to be

implemented. Despite the importance of parents of stakeholder, little research has been

conducted concerning their perspectives on the importance of mathematics teaching. Through

using Q-methodology, I was able to identify three factors, with the most and least important

reasons for teaching mathematics, as well as the commonalities and differences in parents’


Answering the Research Questions

As a reminder the research questions for this study are 1) What are parents of secondary

mathematics students’ perspectives of the most and least important reasons about the importance

of teaching mathematics? 2) What are the differences in beliefs of the importance of teaching

mathematics? After answering the research questions, I will reflect about how this might help us

understand the past and what this means for the future.

Answering Research Question #1

To answer the first research questions, we can look at what there is general consensus

about from all parents of the most and least important reasons for teaching mathematics. This

can be answered by looking at the consensus statements. The reasons that parents all agree are

more important reasons for teaching mathematics is to help students develop and quicken their

minds, to help produce people to work in STEM fields and gain an appreciation for how

mathematics develops science, technology, and our civilization, to train students how to think

critically and analytically, and to help students interpret and analyze data. The reasons that

parents all agree are the less important reasons for teaching mathematics is because it is a

valuable and indispensable part of a human being’s identity, because it is a part of the traditional

school curriculum, because it can transform students’ awareness of society, to teach and help

students engage in social justice, because jobs that provide economic self-sufficiency require

mathematics, and because mathematical knowledge leads to a higher socioeconomic status.

Answering Research Question #2

To answer the second research question, we can look at the factors that were found from

the data. The top reasons that one group of parents values mathematics education is that it has

practical utility, such as financially, vocationally, or academically. The top reasons that another

group values mathematics education is that it will help students develop mentally, such as

obtaining reasoning, analyzing, and persevering skills. The top reasons that the last group values

mathematics education is that it will help students live more meaningfully by better

understanding the world and promote discovery. Some noticeable differences in the least

important reasons that different groups of parents value mathematics education is because of the

beauty of mathematics, because of the positive feelings it creates, and because it helps one to

become a productive citizen.

Reflection on History

After analyzing my results, it may be beneficial to look back on history and see if we can

identify why there was backlash at certain times. To do this, we are assuming that parents back

then had the same beliefs as parents today. For instance, let us consider New Math that was

implemented after the USSR’s launching of Sputnik. Mathematics taught in New Math

consisted of things such as set theory, modular arithmetic, and abstract algebra. When

considering parents from the first factor, who believe a large reason why mathematics should be

taught is because of the practical use of it in daily life through personal finances and schooling,

then they would not see how the more abstract concepts taught in New Math would be benefiting

their children in their daily lives. Thus, this could be a source of backlash from parents.

Mathematics Education Today

Currently, California is trying to adopt a new mathematics framework for mathematics

education. Amongst the many different things contained in the framework, one aspect

emphasizes the need for using mathematics problems to discuss social justice and solutions to

public policy issues (Schwartz, 2023). This focus on looking at inequalities through

mathematics and finding solutions has received much backlash. This means that there are

different people (stakeholders) valuing this aspect of mathematics education differently from

others. Looking at my results, we find that parents view teaching mathematics to help students

engage in social justice is viewed as less important (in the negative side of the distribution grid)

in all three groups of parents. This means that those who are viewing this aspect as more

important will need to come up with ways to change parents’ views of this aspect in order for

them to accept this framework.


Parents’ Perspectives

Little to no research has been conducted concerning perspectives of the importance of

teaching mathematics. Most research that has been done has looked at students’ perspectives.

My study sheds light on parents’ perspectives of the importance of teaching mathematics.

My study identifies three factors, or groups, from the parents in the study. One factor

(Personal and Scientific Utility) was the group of parents who believed the most important

reasons for teaching mathematics was because of the practical utility of mathematics, such as

relating to financial benefits, careers, and schooling. These parents are less concerned with the

indirect benefits students reap from mathematics, the nature of mathematics, and the societal

impacts of mathematics. The next factor (Training the Brain) was the group of parents who

believed the most important reasons for teaching mathematics was because learning mathematics

can train the brain, such as learning how to reason through problems, critically analyze data,

develop persistence, and so on. These parents were less concerned with the nature of

mathematics and it being a part of one’s identity. The last factor (Personally Meaningful) was

the group of parents who believe the most important reasons for teaching mathematics was

because it can be personally meaningful to the students, such as through helping students to

better understand the world, encouraging creative thinking, or developing other useful skills.

Identifying these factors are important for several reasons. First, it shows that there are

different groupings of parents in the way they view the importance of mathematics education.

Knowing what parents value most from mathematics education is important because this can

help teachers and curriculum designers present new curriculum in ways that parents will be more

likely to accept based on what they value. For instance, the practical utility, training the mind, or

personal meaningful aspects can be emphasized to parents, to help them accept and not reject the

new curriculum. In addition, knowing the issues that are of least important to parents, as well as

areas where there is disagreement among parents, is also helpful so teachers and curriculum

designers can know ahead of time where there might be pushback from parents, so they can start

addressing those issues ahead of time. Ultimately this knowledge will help to facilitate a more

productive conversation and hopefully lasting results that will be most beneficial to the students.


One contribution is the success in using Q-methodology to collect data on the

perspectives that parents have about the importance of teaching mathematics. Q-methodology

was historically used primarily in the social sciences but has started to gain more use in STEM

fields in more recent years. My study contributes to showing that Q-methodology can

successfully be used in STEM fields, particularly in mathematics education.

By using Q-methodology, parents were able to consider reasons that perhaps they would

not have thought of if they were just answering questions in an interview. This method took very

little of their time, perhaps was less stressful than an interview would be, and many parents even

said that they enjoyed and had fun reading through and sorting the statements. Thus, recruiting

parents might be easier because it seems less intimidating than an interview.


We need to be aware of the way others think and, in particular, in the field of

mathematics education we need to be aware of the way that parents value mathematics

education. Awareness of how parents value mathematics education can help facilitate productive

conversations about what mathematics should be taught in school and why. One implication is

that there should be more direct conversations about what people value in mathematics

education. When conflicts arise or there is backlash about certain curriculum, it could be fruitful

to ask parents what they value in mathematics education for their students. This way, the teacher

or curriculum designer can help point out how the mathematics does connect to what the parents

value. If needed, they can see how they can enhance the curriculum and mathematics to help

support the values parents are seeking for their students in their mathematics classrooms.

Limitations and Direction for Future Research

My research does not suggest that there are only the three factors that I identified from

my study, namely practical utility, training the brain, and personally meaningful. There could be

other factors that were not uncovered from my sample of parents. There could be other

connections or reasons parents have the values they do. My study did not look into possible

connections between the parents in each factor to see if there were commonalities between them.

My sample of parents was chosen simply if someone was a parent of a student in the public

education system. Further investigation into similarities between parents and their values by

having more specific criteria to participate, such as geographical location, race, social-economic

standing, gender, and so on. Further investigations could also have an increased number of


My study just looked at one group of stakeholders, namely parents. Parents are just one

of many groups of stakeholders that are important to look at. In the long run, the views of all

different stakeholders need to be looked at in order to see the commonalities and differences

between the groups and find what people value so what is taught in mathematics reflects that.

When we know what different stakeholders value, then productive conversations can be held to

help bridge the gap between the groups so ultimately the mathematics and how it is taught will

be accepted by all. This will provide the best mathematics education for our students.

Methodologically, future studies could explore larger numbers of participants in

particular stakeholder groups, as well as other decisions regarding numbers of factors, extraction

and rotation methods, and other criteria for flagging Q-sorts to see if any clearer pictures emerge

of participants’ views.


Mathematics education continues to evolve to provide the best education for students.

Knowing why people value mathematics will help us to know what should be taught.

Specifically knowing what parents value will help bridge the gap between the curriculum and

how it is accepted by parents. As we further our research to see what all groups of stakeholders

value, mathematics education will be able to be shaped into something that everyone will accept

and see the value in.


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Appendix A: Statements

1. Teaching mathematics is important because its permanence in the world.

2. Teaching mathematics is important because it can be applied in many areas of daily life.
3. Teaching mathematics is important to help students learn about personal finances (budget,
save, taxes, interest, etc.).
4. Teaching mathematics is important because it teaches students to be able to interpret,
analyze, and question data for validity.
5. Teaching mathematics is important because it allows students to better understand the world
and to live more meaningfully in it.
6. Teaching mathematics is important to teach students how to tackle difficult tasks and cope
with failure.
7. Teaching mathematics is important to help students grow persistence and confidence.
8. Teaching mathematics is important because it teaches students to give effort to rigorous
9. Teaching mathematics is important because it is a useful skill in many careers.
10. Teaching mathematics is important because it produces critical and quantitively literate
11. Teaching mathematics is important because it allows students to become productive citizens.
12. Teaching mathematics is important because our civilization would collapse without it.
13. Teaching mathematics is important because it is necessary for the economy.
14. Teaching mathematics is important to produce people to work in STEM fields (science,
technology, engineering, mathematics).
15. Teaching mathematics is important because it is a body of knowledge that is true everywhere
and forever.
16. Teaching mathematics is important because of its intrinsic beauty.
17. Teaching mathematics is important because it is interesting and intriguing.
18. Teaching mathematics is important because it creates feelings of pleasure, joy, and
19. Teaching mathematics is important to teach, learn, and resolve social justice issues.
20. Teaching mathematics is important because it can transform students’ awareness of society.
21. Teaching mathematics is important because it is a vital part of our Western cultural heritage.
22. Teaching mathematics is important to help students realize, and gain an appreciation for, the
role it plays in the development of science, technology, and our civilization.
23. Teaching mathematics is important because it is a valuable and indispensable part of a human
being’s identity.
24. Teaching mathematics is important because it is a part of what it means to be wise and
25. Teaching mathematics is important because it is part of the traditional school curriculum.
26. Teaching mathematics is important because its knowledge leads to a higher socioeconomic
27. Teaching mathematics is important because it gives one access to a wider variety of career
28. Teaching mathematics is important because jobs that provide economic self-sufficiency
require mathematics.
29. Teaching mathematics is important to produce/train future mathematicians.

30. Teaching mathematics is important because it teaches creative logic, reasoning, and
31. Teaching mathematics is important because it develops and quickens the mind.
32. Teaching mathematics is important to help students reason abstractly.
33. Teaching mathematics is important to help students think about quantitative situations and
how to process them.
34. Teaching mathematics is important because it teaches students to think critically and
35. Teaching mathematics is important to enhance imagination and build creativity.
36. Teaching mathematics is important to develop problem solving skills.
37. Teaching mathematics is important because it teaches students how to model every-day
problems mathematically.
38. Teaching mathematics is important because it is a powerful means of communication.
39. Teaching mathematics is important because it is a universal language that is understood
40. Teaching mathematics is important to help students be ready for college.
41. Teaching mathematics is important because of its role in college entrance requirements, to
help students can reach higher education and degrees.
42. Teaching mathematics is important because it is used in many other school subjects.


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