Teens Review

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C. Circle the correct words.

1. I slipped / sprained on some water and fell down and hurt my knee.
2. Look at those shadows / footprints in the sand.
3. Alma was riding his bike when he chased / crashed into a tree.
4. The men needs help! Someone call for an ambulance / adventure!
5. Get me the ladder / wheel. I want to climb up to that tree.
6. Tell Maria to stop that voice / noise. I can’t hear the TV.
7. The boy screamed when / while she saw the blood on the floor.
8. José, I broke your MP4 player. Please, don’t be angry / worried with me

A. Complete the sentences with the Past Progressive of the verbs in the
drink / watch /follow /try /eat / not sleep

1. A strange person__________________ me home from the gym last night.

2. _________you____________ TV at nine o’clock yesterday evening?
3. She_______________ candy floss while her cousins________________
milkshakes at the fair.
4. Romina___________________at 3:30 this morning because she heard a noise
and woke up.
5. The Boy__________________ to scare the wolves away for quite a while,
but in the end he climbed up a tree.

B. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of
the verbs in brackets.
1. While Ted_________________ (look for) his mobile phone, he_____________
(find) his keys.
2. Mary and I_______________ (explore) the forest when it_______________
(start) raining.
3.____________you______________ (see) Daryl while you_______________ (ride)
your bike in the park?
4. While the children_______________ (swim) in the pool, Mrs
Jones________________ (read) a book.
5. Emma_____________________(not hear) the phone because she
________________(listen) to loud music.
1. Silence! I think there’s_____in the yard.
a. anyone b. someone c. everyone
2. Would you like______tea ?
a. nothing b. anyone c. something
3. The officer didn’t know what happened because___________ saw the
a. nobody b. anybody c. nothing
4. She can’t find her cellphone_____________.
a. anywhere b. somewhere c. nowhere
5. It rained all day and__________ in the yard got wet.
a. everywhere b. everything c. every
6. __________left the party at about 11 o’clock.
a. Everyone b. Anyone c. Everything
7. She opened the box but there was_______ in there!
a. anything b. nothing c. any
8. Susan has________ friends, so she’s sad.
a. no b. nothing c. nobody

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