Letter To Integrity Marketing Group - Sexual Harassment Complaint - Exhibit 1 - Carey Vs NAA

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Timeline of Incidents
2008: Becoming Agency Managers

- In 2008 Jason & I had caught the eye as a rising leader in the Alliance and Andy Albright started working with
us. Up until this time even though we had been with the Alliance for 2 years we had every little interaction
with him. Something had changed and after talking with both of us, several times via telephone and he
proceeded to ask ... who was in charge?

- We paused on the answer because Jason and I had always seen each other as equal & when we informed
him that it was both he refused to coach us. Desperate to grow our business, to be part of the “in” crowd of
higher leaders, we made a choice to make me the official leaders of all agency operations, and he told us
that we were to only counsel with him from now on and the moment we worked with anyone else, he
would drop us and never work with us again. Little did we know that one decision would impact us for years
to come but when you are 24 years old, red flags aren’t always seen.

- Despite the fact that I was the “leader” according to Albright, for years later I would never be acknowledged
as the leader, my name and reference never appeared anywhere, including leaderboards, income earned or
recognition. The appearance from The Alliance and Andy was that Jason was a MAN and therefore the face
of our agency. Publicly – I’m his supportive spouse, even though I ran the office, managed the staff, hired,
trained, grew our agency production, and worked 50-60 hours a week. Publicly, Jason would get all the
credit and the only one that knew, was Andy. It would be years before the other leaders in the company
would come to understand my unofficial leadership position.

- Albright began only speaking and texting me. He would call all hours of the night Sometimes 1, 2am EST
more often than not he would ask if Jason was around as if to see if he was listening. He had made it clear
that he would only speak with me. It was always odd because he would ask about Jason but he never
wanted to talk to him. Most of these calls came while he was intoxicated usually 2 bottles plus of wine.

- During these calls Albright would bash Jane Albright constantly, saying how terrible she was. That she was
crazy, mistrustful and how she would pick fights with him no matter what he did but she made up for it in
bed because crazy women have “perks” and that she could leave at any time but she wouldn’t live the life
she had now.

- (I remember thinking, I don’t want to know this… I don’t want to hear about you and your wife’s sex life or
how your intimate relationship works but I had no choice but to listen because Andy was all powerful and
all-knowing and I should feel honored that he would call me because to refuse would be met with swift
wrath and he held our business in his hands.)

- As the calls increased his bashing turned from his unhappiness with Jane to Jason and I’s relationship. He
would coach me saying “you should not be so nice to Jason, don’t hold his hand so much when you are at
events and talk more about your fights because we were too happy of a couple and people hated us for it.
They can’t relate to you.” ---- This began to drive a wedge between Jason and I as it created conflict that was
not there as we love being around each other and have a great relationship.

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Christmas 2008: A special invite to attend a carrier trip 2009
- That Christmas we were informed via email that Andy had invited us to join him on the Assurity carrier trip.
We were confused on why we were being invited but took it as a sign that we were doing the right things in
our business and were being giving the opportunity to elevate our status among the other leaders and with
the Albrights. It felt like it was a test that we needed to pass because if we were liked, it could open doors
for advancement, give us opportunity to get to know the leaders personally and start to bridge the gap of
being on the other side of the US.

- We wanted to be part of the club and although I knew I would be accepted because it was all men, Jason,
who was a top producer and one of the top trainers could be.

- When we arrived, we expected to see lots of Alliance leaders but quickly found out that there were only 4
other couples and we were the smallest leaders of The Alliance that attended that trip. To our knowledge
everyone else has earned it but we had not. This confused us as we honestly now didn’t know why we had
been chosen out of all of the more qualified leaders.
(It would not be revealed until later on that year that there may have been other intentions)

2009: Traveling to meetings and an inappropriate encounter

- At the request of Andy, I began traveling more and more to different cities over the country where he was
hosting meetings. I didn’t have agents there but he wanted me at these trainings and if I wanted his
coaching, I was expected to attend them.

- Fall of 2009: I was again invited to attend a 4-day bootcamp swing North Carolina, Boston, Atlanta & Dallas
— we would train all day/night and in the late at night all managers were expected to stay late where
drinking of many bottles of wine and alcohol would be consumed. I would always participate because for the
most part I was met with a tolerance among the other male leaders. I was one of the few female leaders and
even fewer of the ones that would travel. I wanted a shot; I wanted the ability to be respected by the
people that I respected and I was willing to put in the same work or more to prove that I too belonged there.

- I rarely drink as I have a very low tolerance for alcohol and being aware that most of the time, I was one of
the only women in the room, I always wanted to be alert and aware of my surroundings knowing how things
can get out of hand with too much alcohol. I make it a point to never put myself in situations that could
compromise my safety, my integrity, or my loyalty to my marriage. My rule is, I don’t drink unless Jason is
with me.

- On This Night in Atlanta everything would change for me. The manager get together after the meeting was
being held at the hotel restaurant and we began about 11pm. It was a small group of leaders, about 5 of us
that had been invited and we were sitting all sitting at a large u-shaped booth. As was the custom, Andy
determined who sat where at the table and I was promptly seated next to him. Food and a diet coke for me
was ordered, no alcohol. I was harassed by the guys over the fact that I was not drinking, after what would
have been the 3rd night of meetings and travel. Andy and the other leaders drink bottle after bottle and
what I remembered most is that the wine never stopped flowing. For almost 3 hours the other leaders and
Albright drank. Andy was known for drinking in excess and he would brag about how many bottles he could
drink and then get up the next morning function and perform better than most who had not been drinking.
As 1:30 am approached & the bottles of alcohol had been consumed we agreed to go to bed as we had
another day of travel and meetings to finish off the swing of cities. We all got up, said our good byes and
headed our separate ways towards our rooms. Albright, who was incredibly intoxicated, he looked
disorientated and walked with a fumbling step. None of this was terribly new to me as I had seen it several
times before.

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- As I made my way to the elevators, he slowed me down from the rest of the guys to engage me in
conversation away from them. They all got into the elevators but we had stopped now and they were all
gone. I was alone and he was rambling on about business, other leaders and why I would pass them all if I
kept doing what I was doing and following what he told me to do.

- I was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to go to bed knowing that we would be up and headed to
the airport in a few short hours. I pressed the elevator button and stepped into it when the doors opened,
Albright followed closely behind me. I pressed my floor number and when I turned around, he was inches
away from me. There was lots of space in the elevator but this distance from me, made me uncomfortable.
It was intimate. When I asked what floor number, he was on he motioned that it was the same as mine. This
was a big hotel and maybe he was on my floor but he was highly drunk and was slurring his words and his
proximity to me in the elevator was sending all kind of signals that I was in a potentially dangerous situation.
The elevator door opened and he followed behind me never looking for his room number but just followed
me and when I came near my room, I began Panic. He was following me and I didn’t know what to do or
say, I encouraged him to go to bed but he wanted to keep talking, he was waiting for me to open my door
but I did not. I feared if I opened the door, something bad would happen that I did not want. I was in an
impossible situation, if I opened the door, I would have to refuse him entry and it played out in seconds in
my mind of me losing my business and my family because somehow it would be my fault. That I had
encouraged it, wanted it or was being a tease. And at that time history had taught me that society doesn’t
side with women but always with men of power.

- I did the only thing I could think of and that was to sit down on the floor of the hall outside of my room and
talk to him. I talked to him about Jason, our 2 girls and my dreams of wanting to change the world, the
calling I believe God had put on my life. I just kept talking for almost an hour till he practically passed in the
hallway and without saying a word, I got up and went quickly into my room. I waited at the door after I
closed it and heard him groaning as if to get up and then he was gone.

- The next morning was as if nothing had happened. Nothing was said about it but something had changed.
He sent me to fetch his coffee and every time I would let me know how he liked his coffee “like women
sweet and blonde” - I was blonde at the time.

Comments and situations like these became more and more common for me when I traveled and I had no idea
what to do about it. He was the president, Owner & CEO and there was nothing I could do about it. (It took me
over a year to describe this encounter to Jason because of the shame I felt like somehow, I had done something
that gave the wrong Idea. That I was the cause of this unsolicited advance and that I could have done something
different to have avoided it.)

Spring of 2010: Andy came to Las Vegas, NV

- A meeting was planned in Las Vegas that was 3 hours from our home in California and because we were the
most senior leaders in the area, we were expected to host Andy. And when Andy came to town this meant
drinking & gambling at the craps table till 2-3am. It meant that all young good-looking women spouses
would stand there with our hands on the table & occasionally rolling the dice for luck while Andy gambled
with 10 of thousands of dollars. All in the name of talking “business”. We are not much of a gambler but if
you are a leader that is where you were in Vegas when Andy came to town.

- The following morning, he asked to have breakfast with only Jason and myself where we reviewed the
meeting the day before, talked about rising stars and formed plans for the future and as we were saying our
good byes in the front entrance of the hotel he said to Jason and I:

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“Some things are going to have to change for a while, Jane believes that Tawny & I are having an affair. For
Jason and I’s sake, I can no longer speak to you over the phone, we can’t text each other, or receive any
emails from each other. Only Jason & I can have contact. Have Jason email me or text me if you need
something. All communication has to come from him.” He said “Jane’s crazy & paranoid over everything
even if she doesn’t have any evidence or proof.” I was just the one that Jane decided was the one to blame.

- Our car pulled up at valet and in shock of what was being told to us, we said “we understood” got into the
car, left the hotel and went back to our room in silence.

- I went locked myself in our bathroom once at the hotel and I sobbed uncontrollably. Stress, fear, worry
poured out of me in never ending tears. I cried till the bath tub water was ice cold. Everything that I had
feared from the encounter in Atlanta was coming true. I now knew that I had not mis-understood his actions
that night and I was so scared for what would come next… I was scared for my marriage as another man had
just told my husband that there was affair speculation from his wife. I was scared for my business, for the
rumors and the labels that would be a part of my name moving forward. There was a history of top male
leaders cheating on their wives with agents from Philipp Huggins, John Kight, Art Leazer, and I now was
another female’s name on this list to be blamed for a failed marriage.

- This black list lasted for almost 3 years and as a leader of my business I was shut out of every event or
gathering without a “chaperone” of my own. If I needed to communicate with Albright, an email was sent
via Jason’s email. I lived in constant fear that at any moment … all that we had built as a couple would be
taken away.

- Jane Albright truly believed Albright was having an affair with me and she wanted me GONE! But because
Andy would not let that happen, she would spend the next few years making my life miserable for what she
believed I had done to her family and from that moment on at every major event, meeting and trip she did. I
would endure so much judgment from the other wives, the rumors of our affair started to spread amongst
the company, I heard things like you can’t trust her with your husband, the only reason why we had been
seeing so much success is because I was sleeping with Him. I would be blasted from stage in the women’s
meeting and on trips we were isolated, always under the watchful eye of staff and Jane.

I endured it all in silence.

Albright summit 2013

- 3 years had passed when a MENS ONLY leadership event was announced. The women leadership practically
rioted upon finding out that we would be excluded yet again from an event that could determine our
advancement within the company. The male leadership already had a men’s only mutual of Omaha trip
annually and now a special meeting with guest speakers, leadership training and other cool things are we
couldn’t be a part of. We, the women leadership, were seen as inferior, an afterthought to our male counter
parts and when the women leaders demanded to be allowed, it was granted but the women never forgot
that they had to demand a seat and neither did the male leadership.

- The price tag for this exclusive event was 7,500 and included your hotel but because of the price Jason and I
could not afford to have both of us attend and because we fought so hard to allow women to join in, I was
the one to go. When I arrived for the event, a room had not been booked for me by Albright’s staff.
Everyone else had a room but myself and the hotel was completely booked that weekend so there were no
additional rooms available — after a few hours and some rearranging of staff and Diane Lampe, I ended up
sharing a room with her because there were no other options and I was grateful that she took me in despite
not really knowing each other well.

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- What should have been an incredible event turned into a nightmare because the culture of women being
inferior was so intense. During the event other male leaders would complain about the other women there.
The comments were “why are we there? How come we couldn’t let this be a guy’s thing? No one wants to
follow a woman leader…” “Men don’t want to follow a woman because it’s like your nagging wife and when
women lead it makes men feel small because we are doing what they are supposed to do and they do want
to be out shined.” Their opinion was, we’re just wasting our time and raining on their fun of being boys with
their lewd comments. We were bullied, teased and made fun of for wanting to lead. It was a boy’s club and
Andy Albright was leading the charge with sexist & demeaning comments as to “why we were so emotional”
and “if we would just announce if it was that time of the month, it would be so much easier on them.” I could
only endure so much and had decided to leave the event early because the scrutiny was so intense but
Diane convinced me to stay.
She said, “if I leave, they WIN!”

4th quarter 2013: Shawn Meaike & forming of FFL

- That winter Shawn Meaike left the company and formed FFL and there were rumors that we were leaving
too. Albright called us and threatened that if we left that he would “destroy us” & that we may “walk away
but that we would not walk away with anything intact”. He knew his wrong with me and not wanting that to
come to light, his threats and intent to create fear were immense. So, when our entire team left, Paul
McClain (Jason’s cousin) & Andrew Taylor, we stayed, missing out on future earning of our team for years to
come because of fear. We suffered one of the largest exoduses of people in The Alliance going from our high
of $450,000 a month down to $75,000 issue paid. It devastated our business.

- When McClain gave reasons for leaving, one of them was that the last time him and Natasha were in Las
Vegas, Albright was so drunk at the craps tables. That on that night he started making grunting noises and
licking his lips in a smacking sound towards Natasha as if his inner thoughts of sex were now his outer
thoughts and he could no longer stay in that environment where his wife was treated that way. I knew he
wasn’t wrong.


- After FFL was formed something changed in Andy towards us and our team. Now every person that left our
organization, he had a vendetta as if on a mission to sue all of them and remind Jason and I that if we ever
left, he would make it far worse for us. Our contracts that we were required to sign in order to continue to
do business got tighter and tighter and now what started off as a non-captive 1099 independent contractor
business turned into a prison, where not only are we captive, we can no longer could control commissions,
promotions and our very income. It turned into a job in which everything that we do is owned by the
alliance, every system, idea, website, training and some carriers a lifetime ban.

- What also changed was he started calling and texting me again. He was back to his old ways and the alcohol
intake was extreme… he called me just about every night, sounding extremely intoxicated, sometimes
happy, sometimes angry but most of the time, to tell me how unhappy he was in his marriage. During this
time, the need to prove loyalty was extreme. It wasn’t enough that we have stayed and continued to grow
our business despite losing everything. He needed us to follow everything he said without questioning him
even if he was wrong. Questioning would result in severe verbal abuse and attacks. I moved forward….
Playing the part of whatever, he asked me to do out of fear. We had got to witness first hand as the hell he
could put someone through as he would always make it a point to inform us the misery his lawyers were
raining down.

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2017 – Exodus of NAA continued

- During this time, it felt like a never-ending exodus of agents and leaders going to FFL and other companies.
The fear of people leaving was intense and so was Andy suspiciousness. Andy has spoken many times about
working around leaders and developing close relationships with downline. Andy began taking it a step
further and started to divide organizations (Leaders from their Agents) by driving emotional wedges. I’ve
heard him tell us several times that “whenever you think someone is going to leave, talk junk about them to
their downline, drive a wedge, and bring them close to you.” In 2017 Andy began to drive wedges between
us and Jason & Noelle Thornton. They began to change, become angry, bitter and resentful. This couple had
been through so much and we helped them go from living in a car, homeless with their kids to making 200k
a year. Andy started actively referring our calls with the Thorntons but it was getting us nowhere. We
wanted nothing more than to see them win and one day Noelle lost it on me started calling me emotional,
irrational borderline crazy and that’s when I knew that Andy was pitting us against each other because the
day before he used the exact words to describe Noelle. The result was the Thornton’s quit and we had
another organization gone.

2019: ARC

- In Jan 2019 ARC was rolled out. This Idea was formed not more than 3 months prior and under the new
system all of our commission would be paid to the alliance and we now had a change in bonus structure and
a change in commissions. This resulted to a 25% loss of income for most leaders and their organization. As
you can imagine the leadership and sales field were enraged. They believed that their money was being
stolen from them and to make matters worse the system did not work. It was never tested. They just
activated it and it went live. The mess that was created became enormous and agents weren’t being paid,
incorrect charge backs were appearing and banking deposits we never made.

- I went to Andy time and time again asking him to put someone in charge to help fix the issues and before
long, Mike Alleman & I were given that task, to head up a team to help fix the ARC. Mike and I worked 20
plus hours a week coming up with solutions and then going to the independent team that was in charge of
the ARC to fix it. We had become unpaid employees all in the name of keeping our business afloat. As the
year came to an end, I made a suggestion to put Robbie Craft into the position because we could no longer
labor for the alliance for free.

- The stress of running a business that felt like it was on the verge of collapsing because of reduced
commission, change of how we were paid, change of levels and the frustration of agents at times not getting
paid or taking weeks to get the policy fixed was overwhelming. I received daily calls, emails and texts of
angry agents demanding it to be fixed.
- The Alliance as a whole suffered a massive loss. They had no faith in their CEO, their leaders or their system.

May 2019 Paris Incentive Trip:

- Andy Albright sat down with us and members of our team in the Hotel Restaurant/Bar. He was talking to
Daniel & Cassie Silva, our team member, and was asking him who his best person is. Dan told him that his 2
best was Stephanie Senic and Teresa Smith. Andy’s immediately responded by saying that “it’s better if he
found some guys to build because women are crazy”. He then turned to Cassie Silva and said rhetorically
“isn’t that right.” This comment hurt Dan & Cassie Silva as Cassie was a smart educated and successful
women and they would later quit in 2020

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- This comment was especially hurtful to me and undermined my leadership in front of our entire team
because in their eyes, I was the leader and the CEO just said how women weren’t good enough to count on.
That’s when I truly began to realize that I would never be good enough.

Integrity buy-out: Spring 2020

- After the buyout Andy caused financial fear and uncertainty with his communication, promotions and his
execution of GLO. Andy told us and other leaders to promote everyone to higher ranks, even 120% – on the
bases that they’d receive GLO Bonus: We chose not to follow his instruction because we refused to work for
free. This made us unpopular with Albright.

- This didn’t make since to us,

o Devaluing the promotion guidelines and making them arbitrary.
o Devaluing everybody who believed and fought to earn their contract levels.
o Andy had previously taught that the best way to create momentum was through paychecks and
promotions. I found this philosophy and strategy to be true, but this strategy would have the net effect
of taking away the promotion incentive to push themselves. Making it harder to create momentum.
o Giving away & reducing our override commissions but keeping our contract level and expenses the
o If qualifying for an Integrity Partnership is based on override commissions, then reducing overrides
would make it harder to qualify – not easier.

May 2020: Vegas Leaders meeting

- Andy told us how he was going to “force Agency Manager Penny Wilson to advance promote Jake & Bell
Crause to a 115% contract level because Penny is lazy and doesn’t deserve the override and if Diane did not
get off her ass that he would strip everything away from her too.” He would strip Her team, her income and
her business. Then over lunch that day in Las Vegas when he sat down with Penny Wilson, Belle & Jake
Crause & Diane Lampe, he announced that Penny was going to promote Belle & Jake. This was not a
suggestion but an order from him and in that moment, he effectively cut Penny’s income without a
discussion. 6 weeks later corporate made the change and Penny was irate that her business was being single
handedly destroyed.

- Another example, a former Agency Manager Jane Hill - Albright called their major leaders in her business
without out her knowledge and told them that if they hit a certain number that was below what the
promotion guidelines stated he would promote them to 120%. This move effectively cut the Hills out of their
business income and it wasn’t until he had made that commitment to all of their leaders that he then called
Jane and informed her what he had done. This made it impossible for her to do anything about it because
Albright had already made the promise.

- The fear was real, the threats were real and each story he told me was about him boasting how if I did not
play along that he would rip apart our business too and there was nothing we could do about it. I saw how
he targeted female leaders because he knew that we would not fight him over the promotions and would
just “take It”. Once again, the feeling of being trapped creeped up. I would have to stand there and take the
threats, the abuse, the fear of not being in control of my business because leaving meant losing everything
that I had worked for.

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May-June 2020: Andy Albright Drives a Wedge between Will Parries (downline agent) and I.
- Will had been complaining about the promotions and contract levels that may because he heard that Andy
was hiring new agents to the 120% contract and moving agents up and he wanted in on the action even
though he was only performing at a 75% contract level averaging 5-7 thousand a month.

- He reached out to Andy to enlist his help to be promoted without having done any of the work on the
promotion guideline and instead of Andy telling him to get to work, Andy removed the standard that he was
holding us too with written guidelines, and told him that he would do it. Albright effectively was making the
change, but when Albright called me to inform me about what was going on, Albright was met with a much
different response from me than with the Hills and Penny Wilson. I would not go down without a fight for
my business.

- A verbal argument began with myself and Andy over the phone as he was practically demanding that we
promote Will to our level. We were yelling and cursing at each other as I saw this as an assault on my
business that I worked tirelessly on especially during the pandemic. We were leading the team to back-to-
back growth years even with the Arc implementation. I let him know that I won’t be held hostage by one
agent and their demands and would start a chain of events in our business with our other leaders. My
suggestion was to fire Will and make an example of anyone that wanted to make demands and devalue
everyone one else on our team that earned their contract levels according to the guidelines. I wasn’t about
to tolerate being bullied.

- Albright assumed I would roll over and when I didn’t, he became enraged with me. Calling me difficult,
impossible, emotional and to stop behaving “like a girl.” He then explained to me, “this is why your team
keeps leaving, because you’re unreasonable.” That “you’re making too much money off of Will and your
team. This is why FFL is growing, Shawn Meaike tells his team the Spread is Evil and they all go to work.” I
was to blame for all the loss and failures of my business and organization. I hung up on him as the personal
attacks were being spued at me in efforts to get me to bend to his demands for promoting Will.

- An hour later I called Andy back and we settled that argument by agreeing to buy Will $1500 worth of leads,
and booked him 20 annual reviews a week from our office to help him grow his volume for 2 months then
based on his performance we could re-evaluate. Will failed to hit the standard and he then demanded to be
move to 110 or be transferred to Riddles hierarchy, because he was promoting people to that level to start.
Will would later use Andy’ s exact words of “we make too much off of him.”

- Will went to Albright & Albright allowed Will (not an agency manager with no promotion or contract
authority) to hire Ronald Fleming at a 120% contract level. The same contract level as us, and higher than
Wills contract level without even consulting or notifying us. He was systematically cutting our leadership in
our business and circumventing us.

- Will became even more frustrated that his downline was given a higher contract than his and we were
essentially holding him back and by September he had contracted with FFL and left taking his whole team

- Albright knew what he had caused and knew that I knew & when Will left. He immediately started litigation
with Will Parries to make Will pay. Albright vowed to fight Shawn over it and promised to make it up to me
for the loss of income. He said he would get Shawn to split, take it to Integrity and get future commissions
somehow paid to us and knowing that solution was a fantasy, I offered another solution which was for
another team direct to corporate be given to us to work with. He denied it saying that it would not be
morally right to that agent or team and later I would find out that’s because he was transferring all of
corporates teams and producers to Brandon Manley.

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3rd Quarter 2020: telephone conversation with Albright

- Andy called me on a phone, I had him on speaker (Jason was in the room) as I was in the kitchen doing
things and he proceeded to tell me that his time was getting more valuable and he was making choices of
who he would speak to and although he thought Jason was great… “He doesn’t have the personality it takes
to get our business to the next level and that I’m only going to speak to you from now on.” It begins again
but this time when Albright called, I made sure Jason was present. I would not repeat the same mistake.

4th Quarter 2020: Reno Meeting with Andy and other Leaders:

- Andy spent about 30 minutes talking about how “Bryan Adams is a killer.” Through his stories to me Albright
was implying that Bryan is going to go after and sue anyone who leaves. More threats, more bullying and
more promises of lawsuits. He boasted that over the years his lawyers have gotten remarkable at winning
and taking everything from agents that crossed him.

- There were rumors everywhere about people leaving the Alliance and he was putting Jason and I on notice
that if we left that if would be swift, painful and he would stop at nothing.

January 2021: Resigning of Jane & James Hills, Kyle Weinbrenner, Chadwick Ray organization

- That January 3 organizations resigned from the Alliance during our National convention by not attending the
event. I had no idea that they would not be there but because Jane was a close friend of mine for almost 8
years. Albright pulled me outside of the conference, for everyone to see, and began grilling me alone for 45
min about Jane Hill. Jason was still in the conference as he had no idea what was taking place outside. I
knew nothing about the situation other than they were unhappy with how they have been mistreated. That
entire weekend only I would continually be pulled aside and grilled by NAA Staff Robbie Craft, then by Chris
Hill, and then Andy again.

February, March, April, & May 2021: Andy stopped returning Tawny’s communication & minimized our

- After that event we started to be minimized in The Alliance even though we were on track for a 40% year
over year growth. We once were featured on every call and asked to host on a regular basis, now we were
not even invited to crucial calls for the company and had to find stuff out via our downline. This was
intentional because Jason and myself were good friends with Jane and James Hill. We were under constant
suspicion of plotting to leave. Our team didn’t understand why we were no longer getting recognized for the
work we were doing and we kept silent as to not invite negativity into our business. Andy’s problem was
with us and our team didn’t need be brought into the mix.

- Communication began to slow and come to a halt from Albright. I would text and it would be weeks before
we got a one- or 2-word response. It was always that he was busy or some excuse as to why he wasn’t
communicating. I had seen this scenario play out before and it always ended with the leaders being fired. I
felt lost, angry and hurt that after 15 years, after all he had put Jason and I through, after the loss of so many
team members that we would be cast aside.

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May 2021, Alliance corporate headquarters

- Jason was in Robbie Craft’s office. Robbie made the statement to Katrina Gustin, that he had told Andy
“That the reason the company isn’t growing is because the agents are making too much money. Andy asked
me what should we do about it and I told him that’s for you to decided but we need to figure out how to
make them unhappy.”

2021: In order to process all that was happening I started seeing a Christian counselor to help me process and
deal with all of my hurt, pain and the abuse that I received over the years.

- And despite his silence towards us, we continued to do our job and grow our business. Our team was
growing in Tampa Fl and we made several trips there. Each time we prepared to go across the country, Jason
and I would call and text asking to meet and each time, we were ignored and the final time in April his
response via text was that he had been working Jane Albright pretty hard and she reminded him that she
doesn’t get paid to see people anymore. I remember thinking, what a horrible this to say to someone that I
only dealt with you because she was paid to. It triggered something inside of me and all the fear from years
ago came rushing forward. This confirmed that she still no longer trusted me and refused to meet us any
longer now that she did not have to be nice to us.

- I had had enough of the games and the counseling was giving me the courage I needed to stand up for
myself and how I would be treated moving forward. I wanted my personal power back and no longer would
I allow someone else to dictate my actions.

June 2021: Andy started returning phone calls again

- By which time his communication with felt fake and insincere & I could no longer go on pretending that we
had a professional or mentor relationship. I no longer wanted to take his phone calls anymore. I was still
running our agency but if he wanted to talk to me personally other than business related information, he
would need to call Jason.

- I texted Andy that he needs to talk with Jason for now on, that I no longer wish to communicate with him.
That made him livid, despite the fact that he had not initiated contact in almost 2 months. From that
moment on Andy became even more aggressive towards me trying to get me to communicate and he was
not happy that he had to talk to Jason.

July 30th – Family Reunion

- By Family Reunion our relationship had become so strained that on our way to convention our pay had been
stopped and we assumed that we will be fired when we arrived… it was later fixed when we arrived. I think
they assumed that we would leave the same way that the Hills had left earlier and were going to hold our
pay until we arrived.

- During the month of June and July I repeatedly asked to not be contacted and to give me space and when
we showed up, he could not help himself. I was speaking with a bunch of leaders when Albright showed up
behind me and when I turned around ready to welcome whoever it was ... it was Andy coming in for a hug
and despite that fact that I had made it clear that I didn’t want to have contact with him... I didn’t want to
cause a scene in front of the leaders so I hugged him and then politely moved on to another group to get

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- As the Manager dinner begun, Jason and our team of leaders had already gotten plates but when I arrived
later sitting next to Jason was Andy... he had sat down at our table desperate to engage in conversation with
me and again to not pass negativity to our team I sat on the other side of Jason, smiled, spoke with our
leaders, was polite but not engaging. After realizing that He was not going to get me to engage, he quickly
got up and left.

During the conference –

- Jane Albright, pulled me into Andy’s office and asked what they could do to repair the relationship. I wasn’t
sure how to respond to this gesture. She asked me for forgiveness for being so terrible to me and creating a
hell for myself with the gossip, demands on Andy and the blasting from stage all the years ago because she
truly believed that I was having an affair. Now she believes how wrong she was and knows that it couldn’t
be further from the truth. Then she began to tell me in details how it begun and no saw how it was not me
but Andy that created the mistrust and appearance of something more between him and myself.

- She said Andy would call & text me and then lie about it to her and say it was someone else he was
communicating with. She would find him calling me all hours of the night after she went to bed. It was never
Jason that he called, ALWAYS me. And the moment she knew something was going on with him and I was in
her words “He had snuck away when they were on private vacation just the 2 of them and when he returned,
she asked him, where he went? and he said to make a call. Jane pressed him further to find out who. He
confessed that he was calling me because it was my birthday. She said she lost it because Albright barley
remembers her birthday, even after his assistant puts things together for him and that he never calls agents
on their birthdays let alone to go out of his way. That’s when she knew it was more than just a mentor role
and that something must have been going on between two of you.”

Since then, until December, she texted me almost monthly wanting to restore the relationship.

Sept 23rd, 2021 FG Study Group in Treasure Island FL, Jason and I invited to breakfast with Andy
- The majority of the conversation centered around him telling stories of people who left NAA years ago and
how he’s been able to get them terminated from their current carriers.

- It seemed apparent that he was indirectly letting us know the power he has over us if we ever decided to
leave and they he could get us terminated for years to come because of how much weight he had with
companies. He threatened to move us to wholesale.

After this event we were have been excluded from all Manager/Leaders Call and communications

- In October - Andy hosted conference calls with the leaders regarding areas to focus on & travel too. These
were areas that we had presence in, and he excluded us from the call. Our team was starting to question
and so were other leaders why weren’t on the call or why weren’t we speaking up with Andy to put our
names down on his travel schedule. I had to tell them it was because we were excluded and didn’t even
know about it till now.

- Andy excluded us from a leaders call that he did regarding the 1st changes to GLO that was announced on
7/29/2021 and then again excluded us from a leaders call that took place before November going over the
New Changes to GLO set for Jan 1 2022.

- The retaliation for refusing to talk with him one on one since June 2021 was becoming more and more

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Dec 5th 2021- a conversation with Chris Hill regarding changes with GLO,

- Chris explained the New Changes to GLO (RM and above with a downline RM above) were currently in
effect, and whatever you qualified at in Nov/Dec takes effect Jan 1, 2022. I explained to Chris that it’s Dec
6th, why has there’s been no communication of changes, but now that we are ¾ of the way through the
qualifications the standard has changed in without telling anyone till today.
- We ended the call by saying that Jason and I would take this up with Andy as he was only the messenger and
did not have all the answers

Dec 6th 2021: Call with Andy Albright (Lack of NAA Communication & GLO General):
We initiated a call together with Albright to bring up 2 points

1. Lack of communication regarding “Hierarchy Change Rule.” (The amount of time that has to pass before
an agent can be Hierarchy Changed)

We had an agent of our that was cross recruited to another hierarch. The agent was eligible to begin
with because she had been with us for less than 6 months & Osuna/Otzoy had spent money flying to FL
and trained her. We asked Pam Slaydon why she was moved. Pam’s response was that they made a
change from 6months to 3months on 8/4/2021.There was no written commination or announcement to
the field. When we brought it up to Andy he denied and said that it’s been this way for the last 2yrs,
even though we sent him Pam’s email with the date it changed.

His lack of communication on any important information was now affecting our business and leaders as
they could clearly see that we were being left out of the loop on purpose.

2. Change to GLO without prior knowledge and when we brought this point up with Andy, he said that we
must have heard it wrong, that the new standard doesn’t start till Jan, and it’s our fault for not
understanding what Chris said. He didn’t understand why we were giving him grief over it now as Chris
had told him that we were excited. I corrected him that I was not excited and we added Chris Hill onto
the call.
- Chris confirmed that we heard it the way he explained. That he didn’t know that he was
explaining it wrong, and that he was slightly confused reading it from a text from Andy
- We brought up that it seemed unfair that under the new changes, a leader can lose their GLO
Bonus because of 1 bad month (Both the Downline and the Leader’s base must be GLO Qualified
in the same month in order for the Leader to receive GLO)

His response was that “it’s actually a good thing because another upline leader will make more GLO
because the downline is losing theirs.” I expressed how terribly wrong it would be for a leader to feel
good about taking money away from their downline and that leader should be ashamed of themselves
for inflicting financial harm on their leader. Andy took offense and started attacking us.
- Jason at that point took control of the call between Andy and I as it became heated.
He let Andy know that we have other issues to work out but it be better to do so at a later time
when everyone can be calmer.
- Jason sent Andy a formal email that night letting him know the other issues that have been
bother us & preventing us from performing at our peak level.
- Response was that the issues were too important to discuss via email and that we needed to
speak in person.

The next week our GLO for us and our team was stopped. (Our strained relationship was now affecting
our money and our team)

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Dec 13th 2021: Boiling point - GLO (Generation Loyalty Override) Bonus Removed for Entire team

A whirl wind of calls and texts began as now it was 100% retaliation for what I had said the week before and my
refusal to be bullied.

Our case to have our GLO restore were as followed:

a. It was explained verbally on July 29th 2021 (Manager Dinner at Family Reunion) that the requirements to
earn GLO would change beginning Aug 2021.
i. In order to qualify for GLO, both you and the downline would have to be GLO Structure Qualified
for 2 months in a row to receive a GLO Bonus over said downline.
ii. Once Qualified, you stay Qualified for a period of 6 months, in which you have those 6 months to
requalify to stay qualified.
iii. No written communication, guidelines, texts, or emails were communicated to the field to insure
b. We were informed on Dec 14th that there was no “6 Month Lock-In Period,” & we lost GLO because we
didn’t hit the structure in Oct and Nov.
i. Osuna Lost GLO over Otzoy because Otzoy didn’t hit the structure requirements in Oct and Nov.
1. There was no communication November or December (via verbal or written) that
informed Osuna or ourselves that we were going to stop receiving GLO as of Dec 13th.
2. There was no warning at any time that the GLO Bonus was going to stop Dec when it did.

c. Both Andy Albright (on the phone) and Robbie Craft (in Text) denied having ever said or heard of any “Lock-
In Period.”
i. Again, there was No written communication, guidelines, texts, or emails were communicated to the
field to insure understanding.

d. Several emails where exchanged, in which I requested the GLO be reinstated as he allowed for Edelia Reyes
to continue to receive her GLO over Lee Reyes on Oct 16th (She had hit GLO Structure Aug & Sept but Lee
had missed his GLO Structure).
i. Andy refused & his refusal seemed to be retaliation from a conversation and email exchange that
took place back on Dec 6th

December 13th – 1st time reaching out to Integrity Partners

- I notified both Alliance Integrity partners (Alex Fitzgerald & Paul Roberts) of the encounter that had taken
place and the retribution I was receiving. I explained to them in some detail what had been taken place over
the last year and sought their council on how to resolve this matter amicably. Alex Fitzgerald asked if I
would be okay with him sending an email to Integrity corporate on my behalf on December 14 detailing my
account and my request to have someone mediate between us as if became apparent that this matter
would not be resolved without outside help.
- Alex Fitzgerald sent an email that I approved to Integrity. No contact from integrity was ever made to help us
resolve the matter.

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Dec 19th - Andy & Jason had a telephone Call on Dec 19th in which he laid out his opinions on his reasons not to

1. He didn’t want to acknowledge that there’s no written communication, guidelines, texts, or emails were
communicated to the field to insure understanding that could have prevented any misunderstandings.
2. He didn’t want to acknowledge our 17% Growth year over year (nor) the 36% Growth the year before on
the Extreme Manager Bonus.
3. He was fixated on the Hierarchy Recruiting numbers, and when I explained to him some of the several
personal issues that our leaders were going through, he said that’s “Not his Problem.”
4. He accused Jason and I of being “Absentee to our team.” Despite that we traveled heavily to host
meetings for our team, even during the pandemic, conducted weekly calls and trainings and worked to
grow our downline.
5. He accused us of unfairly holding promotions back to keep a higher spread so that we don’t have to
a. Every month NAA Autogenerate a Promotion Report and says that it will auto promote.
i. Many people on the list our inactive (or) don’t even have an insurance license, but
because we hired agents underneath them, the system is using downline production to
auto promote agents that may not even be here or eligible to receive a commission.
ii. We requested for the Auto Promote to be turned off so that we can ensure that the
right people were getting their promotions.
b. Jason made Andy aware of these points and told him that we hadn’t held anyone back who
rightfully deserved it.

6. I asked Andy if he was going to reinstate and he said no, but he wanted Preston Sockwell to get on the
phone with me the next day, and see if there’s anything that he could find that would convince him

Dec 20th: Preston Sockwell & Jason had a phone conversation on

- He confirmed that my YTD Issue Paid was at $1,910,000, up over the previous YTD of $1,633,178 7
- There are new changes with the GLO Requirement coming January 1st, and he confirmed that if the
proposed new guidelines were currently in effect that we’d still be GLO Qualified under the new changes
- Preston seemed more interested in quizzing me over and wanting me to explain other reports of recruiting
and volume.

Jason continued to send additional emails to Andy outlining the positives of our organization that he seemed to
keep ignoring and I asked him to communicate his decision in writing to both Osuna and myself.

Dec 21st 2021 – Tawny’s email response

I responded for the 1st time regarding GLO via email and clicked on reply “To All,” which included previously cc’d
individuals of Robbie Craft, Preston Sockwell, and Marvin Osuna (seemed appropriate, see that his Income was
also being affected by these decisions.

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Dec 21 2021 - Andy’s response

- Andy called Jason furious over email and that she cc’d Marvin Osuna (even though he had already been cc’d
on previous emails. Andy began threatening him by making statements about terminating us, taking away
our commissions, taking away our group, & taking away the Premium Finance.
1. When Jason asked Andy if he was threating him, he said “No! It’s a promise Motherfucker!!!”
2. Jason explained that we’ve done nothing to break our contract and be terminated and he said that “I
don’t need a reason Motherfucker!”
3. He brought up that we stopped sending him monthly gifts.
4. He told me how ungrateful we were.
5. He told me to get my wife under controlled and that he’d make our lives extremely difficult.
6. He kept going after Tawny specifically, her attitude, calling her a dumbass, and throwing a tantrum.
7. He told me he can make us go away today and that I better get Tawny get in-line.

- We’ve never been so degraded and fearful of our lively hood as we were after this call.

We Contacted several lawyers to review options

- We were fully anticipating be fired at any moment, having are commissions completely stopped, and having
a lawsuit filed against us for any reason Andy Albright could think up. We needed to be prepared because
every interaction that I had with Albright was hostile, threatening and abusive.

About an hour after that call Andy sent another email:

- Blaming us for losing his Temper.

- Inferred that by having Osuna cc’d on the email, “I was putting negative and wildly incorrect innuendos like
this in Osuna and that is was bad for your business and ours.”
- From our perspective – I’m keeping him informed of situation and decisions that is directly affecting his
income and he had already been cc’d on previous emails without protest before.
- He stated that the criteria for GLO is “on every single Levels chart.”
- The Levels Chart only covers the structure requirement for the individual person. *Agent Levels Chart can be
- It states nothing about the requirement that your downline must also be GLO Qualified in order to receive
- It states nothing on any Lock-In Periods, Grace Periods, or what is required to maintain GLO
- Finally, He stated that he’d call Jason later.

Andy did try to call me around 11:58 am PST, but we didn’t feel safe accepting his phone call.
He then sent a text to Jason, asking me “What’s the deal Jason? Do you want to hear what I propose?”
Fearing that his idea of proposal meant termination, I elected to send him text stating the I “respectfully request
to see any proposal in writing 1st, so that we could have an intelligent conversation about it.”

- Jason then sent Andy an email at 2:34 and letting him know again:
That we have no plans of leaving, that it’s not negative to seek clarification and that I didn’t feel safe
talking to him on the phone or zoom today after the events that transpired.

- Andy sent a reply email:

That he was sorry that we didn’t feel safe talking to him on the phone or over zoom
That basically that he was upset over our “ingratitude and unappreciation of all The Alliance has done
over the past 16yrs…” Said that he wants to trust us but won’t consider any exceptions on GLO until we
talk on the phone or zoom.

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- He then stated that “Also I had NOT heard anything about Osuna’s health situation. Communication.
Communication. & Communication. Aways HELPS!!!” & Now that He know this, it does matter.”

- It didn’t matter to him when we 1st brought it up our email on the 14th, and it didn’t matter to him when we
spoke on the 19th, but after his blow-up event it mattered.

Dec 22: GLO restored to Osuna but not Carey’s

- Marvin Osuna let us know that Andy had called him that day and informed him that he’s going to reinstate
his GLO Bonus.
- Andy started to blast us on the TWC leaving us unnamed but specific enough for us to know who he is was
talking about.
- I no longer was getting cc’d on communication from Andy. He had cut me out of all discussions.

Another Email sent to Andy from Jason:

- Letting him know that we’re grateful that he Reinstated Osuna’s GLO.
- we agreed that communications need to be better moving forward.
- That I’d be willing to talk with him today and that I’d be on a plane to Reno to host a meeting and Christmas
- As far as meeting in person, we’re in Banff Canada from Dec 25th through Jan 1st for our family Christmas
vacation. It may be possible to get together during his Vegas dates.

Integrity Partners were once again notified of the even bigger situation that was playing out and the threats of
being fired for any reason were made.

Dec 23rd - Had recorded Zoom Call with Andy Albright, Preston Sockwell, Tawny, and myself:

The tone of the call was amicable as it was being recorded and Andy was acting calm and had agenda he wanted
to follow. We spent a fair amount of time talking about recruiting numbers.

- He kept on the attack about are recruiting numbers being down, which we agreed and stated multiple times
that we were concerned with the recruiting numbers as well and had plans to get it back on track.

- Throughout the call he kept going after myself regarding my attitude even though the only negative call that
I had with Andy was with the 3 of us on Dec 6th

- Andy has never attacked Jason over having a bad attitude when they had disagreements or when they
would go long extended periods of time not communicating with each other. But the moment I had a
disagreement or decides to take a step back from working from Andy, I was viciously attacked and labeled
for be difficult, emotion or having a bad attitude.

- throughout the call I kept asking Andy “what do you want from me,” & Andy’s reply was better attitude. My
response was always the same, “do I not smile at events? Do I not stand and clap? Do I not sit on the front
row? Have you heard of any negativity coming from me?” He had no response because what he wanted
from me was adoration and total compliance.

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- He informed us that he decided to re-instate the GLO bonus but brought up how we were stacking agents
under Jenna Carey (our daughter) and not to expect any future GLO over Jenna. We chose not to argue this
point even though:
1. We’re independent contractors and should be allowed to run our business as we see fit.
2. We were following his example that he set with Brandon Manley (his son-In Law).
3. He’s hierarchy change several top agents and recruiters to Brandon Manley: Robert Wilson, Andy Lee,
Pam Moore, etc.….
4. His corporate recruiters call through agents in other hierarchies that haven’t written a policy in the
last month to get them started again under Brandon.
5. He doesn’t hide the nepotism as he has stated several times that his goal is to get Brandon to Partner
in 6 months and don’t you wish you had someone to put people underneath.
6. It’s okay for him to do it with his son-In Law Brandon Manley, but not okay for Jason & I to copy him.
7. We chose not to bring up this contradiction because:
a. Fear of further retaliation.
b. He had already previously threatened to fire us, he has absolute control over our contracts
and commissions, & it wasn’t worth the risk to bring the point up.

We finally were able to push past and found common ground that we can work toward a professional

Jan 3rd 2022, GLO Bonus Fully restored but no GLO Backpay for policies issued from Dec 13th to Dec 28th.

Jan 10th: Meeting with Andy in Las Vegas NV

- We Agreed to meet face to face at a restaurant in Las Vegas.

- The meeting was frosty at best and when we asked what his ideal outcome would be from this meeting, his
response was to “wipe everything clean and start fresh. To forget all that had happened and move forward.
Otherwise, we can part ways & we’re not going think it’s a fair deal.”
- We were expecting to have documents there for us to sign over our team and our premium finance as part
of a termination so for us it was a relief that the meeting didn’t go down that way but the stress and anxiety
of the events made me physically sick. I returned home and Jason continued on to the agent meeting that

January 26th, 2022: Alaska Lead Bonus was refused to be paid out to one my agents and Agency Manager Lee
Reyes, for not showing up to January’s 2022 National Convention.

- Lee Reyes was had purchased a ticket but was unable to attend because he was sick and diagnosed with
- we explained this in an email to Robbi Craft and Andy Albright on 1/26/2022, but they decided not award
Lee his earned contest bonus.
- This demonstrated Control over us being independent contractors, that you have to show up to a meeting
that you have to pay for, in order to receive some portion of your compensation, and it doesn’t matter if you
are sick with Covid or not.
- This validated our lack of trust that new contract levels and or bonuses earned in the future will not be

Jason continued to talk with Andy on Lee’s behalf and Andy finally agreed to release the bonus to Lee Reyes in
the 1st week of February.
- We were grateful that NAA did right by Lee Reyes but it didn’t stop Lee from experiencing anger and eroding
his confidence in Andy and NAA during this time.

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Feb 2022: Reaching to Integrity again

- It had been several weeks since our initial contact with our situation with Andy and we had received no
follow up. Not a call, email or text and I decided to try one more time. This time I called Bob Grannan at
Integrity headquarters. We spoke briefly, he thanked me for my call and said he would see what solutions
could be made if any. My hopes in contacting Bob were to open a conversation about the situation that was
growing with us. No other attempt to continue a conversation was made.
April 18th 2022 GLO (Generation Loyalty Override) Bonus Removed over the Osuna and Reyes Hierarchy & Osuna
lost GLO over Otzoy Hierarchy:

Here’s a screen shot of the email that Jason sent Andy on 4/21/2022

- Andy was in Africa and returned to do the Activity call on 4/22/2022 and he sent me a reply on 4/25/2022 –
Stating “Great Work” and “I don’t see why we can’t fix this for you fast.” To Date, the GLO Bonus hasn’t
been restored.

A different set of GLO Bonus standard for Myself and Jason then he does for other people
- For Marvin Osuna - Told him that he will continue to receive GLO Bonus as long as Otzoy issues over 55k in a
month only, but the same wasn’t requirement wasn’t granted as we lost bonus because Osuna only issued
70k but didn’t qualify as a Reginal Manager that month. (Confirmation email from corporate can be
provided upon request)

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End Summary of Complaint

Beginning 2008 to Present – Andy Albright has personally fostered a hostile work environment against Tawny
Carey. An environment of inappropriateness, intimidation, mockery, insults, interference with work
performance, offensive jokes, discriminatory statements, & misconduct.

Our contract with The Alliance identifies us as an independent contractor. The Alliance has been our only source
income since Aug of 2006 due to the power & control Andy Albright has over our commissions, contracting
ability, and lawsuits. Over the last 16yrs Andy Albright has made it clear to us thorough direct conversations,
innuendos, 20+ public lawsuits (7 of which have been against former members of our downline), and direct
threats - that he has absolute control over our business & income. Any attempt at leaving, developing any 2nd
source of income with our insurance license, that could be deemed “competitive” in nature (determine by Andy)
will resort in LOSS of ALL Earned Trailing Commissions and any unpaid Earned First Year Commission (to include
income from both personal production and team production) & lawsuits. The net effect is that we’re treated and
controlled to a point beyond that of an employee.

We constantly operate in a climate of fear & retribution, that at any time – everything can be taken from us.
We’ve lost faith in Andy Albright’s Leadership & Stewardship. We have no trust that our dignity, compensation,
bonuses, contract levels, & autonomy will be honored. We have no trust that new contract levels and or
bonuses earned in the future will be honored. He’s demonstrated that rewards, contract levels, bonuses, and
compensation is completely arbitrary, subject to his sense of discretion and pay to play. He’s demonstrated that
women will not truly be treated fairly compared to male counterparts. We’ve lost faith that we will ever be able
to grow our business beyond a certain point and qualify for Partnership due to Andy Albrights destructive &
sabotaging behavers.

It is our sincere desire to resolve this matter amicably with Integrity.

We’re requesting that you investigate these allegations of Gender Harassment, Discrimination, and Hostile Work
Environment. We request that you work to resolve it promptly. We request a schedule an appointment with you
so we can discuss this matter, to put an end to this inappropriate treatment, to decide how it should be
addressed, and what can be done to make things right.

We’re looking forward to your prompt response. Thank you.

Tawny & Jason Carey

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