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Aspect of Lift Criteria Yes/ No Comments

Will mobile crane(s) have to be moved / positioned in a particular location to carry out the lifting
Is Mobile Lifting Equipment going to be used? No

Lifting Equipment Will the lift involve use of two or more items of Lifting Equipment? No Will the lift will require using more than one item of lifting equipment e.g. Tandem Lift?

Will equipment be used to support, fix or anchor other equipment used for lifting / lowering a
Will the lift be performed with Temporary Lifting Equipment No
Could the load move during the lift? Consider all stages of the lift if the Centre of Gravity (CoG)
Will the CoG of the load move during the lift (Planned or Unplanned) e.g. shell
No could change / alter. Assess if at any stage there will be sudden movement due to the change in
flipping / case turning?

Is the load unique or of such high value that damage as a result of an unplanned event would have
Is the load unique or high value equipment? No
severe impact in terms of replacement, project and/or business impact.

Load is of a type or in an environment where careful planning is required to avoid the risk of harm
Does the load have potential for environmental harm? No
to the environmental e.g. materials being manoeuvred over or near water

A lift that involves either a new product (NPI) or a modified product where the modification would
Is the load is a new or modified product? No
impact the existing Lifting Plan and / or risk assessment

Assessment by the Competent Person or Operator identifies the load as hazardous material? e.g.
Are hazardous materials going to be lifted? No
Load chemicals, asbestos containing materials
"Below the hook" weight - take into
account all Lifting Attachments & Does the load have a ratio of less than one ton per square meter exposed to the wind that may sail
Accessories as well as the actual Will the load be exposed to outdoor wind conditions? No
in outdoor conditions
weight of the item being lifted. 0

Will people be lifted? No Will the lift involve lifting of people e.g. Crane or Boswains Chair

Will the total load be greater than 75% of equipment SWL? Combine the weights of the load, the
Is the load between 75% and 100% of SWL of fixed or mobile crane No
lifting accessories - perform a calculation against the Lifting Equipment SWL

Defined as a critical lift at the discretion of the technical advisor or competent person due to the
Does the load require highly complex rigging? No
high complexity of the rigging configuration necessary for the lifting operation.

Not permitted where local regulations prevent. Not permitted with mobile cranes. Limited to two
Does the load exceed the rated capacity of Lifting Equipment No lifts per consecutive 12 month period and limited to cranes of 5T capacity or more and not
exceeding 125% of the cranes capacity.

Will the Lifting Equipment Operators view of the load be impeded at any time during the courses
Will the Operator be unable to see the load for 100% of the lift. No
of the lift? Confirm full visibility for the entire lift path
Lift Path
Will messages or signals for positioning / guiding the load be given to the Operator by other team
Are there 5 or more people in the lifting team? No
Total movement of the load - Up / members? Is assistance is required to guide, or to rotate / manoeuvre or to land the load.
Down, North, South, East, West 0

Will the load travel over or near buildings, over or near hazardous installations, or Will the load pass over / near to a building, hazardous installation or critical equipment e.g.
over or near critical equipment flammable liquid storage or high-voltage lines? Asses the full lift route

Lift Type: Normal Lift

Notes: Refer to procedure : Lifting Operations for full details of requirments

Simple Lift Plan required:

i. Prepared by a Competent Person (CP), with the input of personnel who are familiar with the equipment and task
Normal Lift ii. Approved by a Competent Person or Technical Advisor (TA)
iii. Formally communicated (i.e. records of communication must be maintained) to all persons undertaking work where there is a risk from lifting
iv. Subject to regular documented reviews (at least annually) to ensure that they are still valid

Complex Lift Plan required:

i. Unique to a specific lift and must be accompanied by a documented lift-specific risk assessment.
ii. Prepared by a Competent Person (CP), with the input of personnel who are familiar with the equipment and task
Critical Lift iii. Approved by a Competent Person or Technical Advisor (TA) independent of the person who prepared the Plan
iv. Formally communicated to all persons undertaking work where there is a risk from lifting operations
v Lift Permit required

Complex Lift Plan required:

i. Unique to a specific lift and must be accompanied by a documented lift-specific risk assessment.
ii. Prepared by a Competent Person (CP), with the input of personnel who are familiar with the equipment and task
New / Modified iii. Approved by a Competent Person or Technical Advisor (TA) independent of the person who prepared the Plan
Product Lift iv. Formally communicated to all persons undertaking work where there is a risk from lifting operations
v Lift Permit required
vi. The lift could revert to a "Normal Lift" on completion of the first lift

Complex Lift Plan required:

i. Unique to a specific lift and must be accompanied by a documented lift-specific risk assessment.
ii. Prepared by a Competent Person (CP), with the input of personnel who are familiar with the equipment and task
iii. Must not be undertaken without prior approval from the Crane owner, a Power Services EHS Qualified Person, TA and any other
Engineered Lift interested parties e.g. Insurance company
iv. Formally communicated to all persons undertaking work where there is a risk from lifting operations
v Lift Permit required

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