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[Scene 1: Int.

Bedroom - Night]

We see an average 23-year-old guy lying on his bed at 3:00 AM. He's surrounded by
motivational posters, books, and gadgets. His eyes gleam with determination.

Character (thinking): "I'll conquer the world!"

[Scene 2: Int. Bedroom - Morning]

Cut to the next morning. The guy is still in bed, tangled in his blanket, with a disheveled
appearance. His room is now messy with discarded motivational items.

Character (sighing): "I don't wanna go to work anymore."

[Scene 3: Ext. Outside House - Morning]

The guy reluctantly drags himself out of bed and trudges towards the door. As he opens it,
he is greeted by the harsh sunlight and a flock of birds chirping.

[Scene 4: At night on his bed]

The first scene repeats and he says the same lines again with the same facial expression.

Ends with black screen with the text "Don't let nightly ambitions fade with the morning light."
on it.

"Nightly ambition vs. Morning reality." [video title]

Sound Effects

1. Night Ambience: Low, subtle background noise indicating the peacefulness of the
night. This could include distant crickets chirping or a gentle breeze rustling through
the trees.
2. Alarm Clock: A loud, jarring sound to signify the abrupt transition from night to
morning. This could be a classic ringing alarm or a digital beeping noise.
3. Morning Ambience: Brighter and more energetic compared to the night ambience.
Birds chirping, distant traffic sounds, and maybe the sound of a neighbour starting
their car can add to the atmosphere.
4. Footsteps: Slight shuffling or dragging sound as the guy reluctantly drags himself out
of bed and towards the door.
5. Door Opening: A creaking sound as the guy opens the door, adding to the sense of
reluctance and dread.
6. Motivational Music: Upbeat and energetic music playing in the background during
the "conquer the world" scene to emphasize the guy's determination and enthusiasm.
7. Sigh: A heavy, defeated sigh as the guy realizes he has to go to work in the morning.
8. Repetition Echo: As the scene repeats with the guy back on his bed at night, there
could be a subtle echo effect to emphasize the cyclical nature of his motivation.
9. Text Appear: A soft chime or ding sound as the text "Don't let nightly ambitions fade
with the morning light." appears on the screen, signaling the end of the video.

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