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An Analysis of Students Lacks in English for Majoring in missionary

management at Alauddin University of Makassar

Saripa ikawati

Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

This study aims to provide information about the shortcomings or obstacles in the teaching and learning
process of students majoring in Islamic propagation management towards English. Therefore, a
deficiency analysis is needed to find out what obstacles students have in the process of teaching and
learning English. This study was conducted to collect information about the shortcomings or problems of
English in order to analyze what obstacles or shortcomings students experience in learning English. In
this study, the researcher used a quantitative method with a questionnaire via Google form as a research
instrument. The respondents of this study were students majoring in Islamic propagation management
class of 2023, with a total of 66 students. The results found after conducting this study were that students
majoring in Islamic propagation management experienced several obstacles and shortcomings when
learning English, such as lack of confidence, lack of literacy, and inadequate facilities.

Keyword: analysis, learning, students

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang kekurangan atau hambatan dalam proses
belajar mengajar mahasiswa jurusan manajemen dakwah Islam terhadap Bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu,
diperlukan analisis kekurangan untuk mengetahui hambatan apa saja yang dialami mahasiswa dalam
proses belajar mengajar Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang
kekurangan atau permasalahan Bahasa Inggris guna menganalisis hambatan atau kekurangan apa saja
yang dialami mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan
metode kuantitatif dengan kuesioner melalui Google form sebagai instrumen penelitian. Responden
penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa jurusan manajemen dakwah Islam angkatan 2023 yang berjumlah 66
mahasiswa. Hasil yang ditemukan setelah dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa jurusan
manajemen dakwah Islam mengalami beberapa kendala dan kekurangan saat pembelajaran Bahasa
Inggris, seperti kurang percaya diri, kurang literasi, dan fasilitas yang kurang memadai.

Kata kunci: analisis, pembelajaran, mahasiswa


In today's globalized world, proficiency in English has become increasingly crucial for
students across various academic disciplines. This is particularly true for those pursuing
specialized fields such as missionary management, where effective communication with diverse
populations is paramount. At Alauddin University of Makassar, students majoring in missionary
management are expected to develop strong English language skills to excel in their future
careers. However, there is growing concern about the gaps in English proficiency among these

This study aims to identify and analyze the specific areas where students majoring in
missionary management at Alauddin University of Makassar struggle with English. By
examining these "lacks" in English language skills, we can gain valuable insights into the
challenges faced by these students and develop targeted strategies to address them.
Understanding these deficiencies is crucial for improving the curriculum, teaching
methodologies, and overall language support provided to students in this program.

Through a comprehensive assessment of students' English language abilities, this research

seeks to pinpoint the most significant areas of difficulty, whether they be in speaking, listening,
reading, writing, or specific aspects of grammar and vocabulary relevant to the field of
missionary management. The findings of this study will serve as a foundation for enhancing the
English language component of the missionary management program, ultimately better
preparing students for their future roles in cross-cultural communication and outreach.

Lacks analysis in English language learning has been a significant focus of research in the
field of second and foreign language teaching. This concept was first introduced by
Hutchinson and Waters (1987) as part of the needs analysis framework in English for
Specific Purposes (ESP).
According to Hutchinson and Waters, 'lacks' refer to the gap between learners' current
English language abilities and the expected or required level of proficiency. This analysis
is crucial for identifying areas where learners need the most improvement.
Brown (2016) expanded on this concept by emphasizing the importance of lacks analysis in
designing effective language curricula. He argues that a deep understanding of learners'
deficiencies allows educators to better tailor instruction and target areas needing
In the context of ESP, Long (2005) stresses that lacks analysis should consider not only
general linguistic skills but also competencies specific to particular fields or professions.
This is particularly relevant for programs like missionary management, where highly
specialized language skills may be required.
Research by Bocanegra-Valle (2016) indicates that effective lacks analysis involves
various data collection methods, including proficiency tests, self-assessment
questionnaires, interviews with learners and stakeholders, and classroom observations. This
multi-method approach provides a more comprehensive picture of learners' deficiencies.
Rahman (2020), in his study of EFL learners in Indonesia, found that lacks analysis often
reveals significant gaps in productive skills (speaking and writing) compared to receptive
skills (reading and listening). This finding highlights the need for greater focus on
developing productive skills in EFL contexts.
Finally, Belcher (2009) emphasizes the importance of connecting lacks analysis to broader
needs analysis and long-term learning objectives. She argues that understanding learners'
deficiencies should inform not only short-term course design but also long-term language
development planning.


This research uses a descriptive method, specifically using a quantitative approach

through a descriptive design, In finding the right data regarding the analysis of the lack or
obstacles to student learning in majoring in missionary management, where researchers use data
collection techniques through questionnaires, where respondents are given a choice of
predetermined answers, that can be selected directly by respondents through Google Forms. As
well as using literature review or what is commonly known as a literature review. The literature
review is a summary of the researcher's efforts and theories. obtained through relevant reading
or investigating an event, either in the form of actions or writings that are studied, to obtain
conceptual and theoretical facts about "English for Specific Purposes and needs analysis".
Questionnaire data that has been successfully obtained using the Google form platform, will be
analyzed using the average score frequency.Some data in this research will be presented in the
form of frequencies and percentages only.


A. Findings

1. How do you rate your English ability?

• From the data I got, 56.7% of people chose answer C where the answer is less. And there are
also 19.4% who chose answer A where the answer is Good. And while the percentage of B and
D is 11.9% where the answer is very less and also quite good.
2. Do you feel less interested in learning English?

• From the data I got, 52.2% of people chose answer C where the answer is disagree, while
37.3% of people chose answer B where the answer is agree, while 6% of people chose answer D
where the answer is strongly disagree, and finally no one chose answer A where the answer is
strongly agree.

3. What makes you feel insecure when speaking English?

• From the data I got, 47.8% of people chose answer D, which is all of the above, while 28.4%
of people chose answer C, which is poor pronunciation, 16.4% of people chose answer B, which
is lack of vocabulary, and finally 7.5% of people chose answer A, which is fear of making
4. Do you feel that the material taught in English class is appropriate for your needs in the
dakwah management department?

• From the data I got, 44.8% of people chose answer C, which is quite appropriate, while 29.9%
of people chose answer B, which is appropriate, 14.9% of people chose answer D, which is less
appropriate, and 10.4% of people chose answer A, which is very appropriate.

5. In your opinion, what factors cause difficulties in learning English in your department?

• From the data I got, 38.8% of people answered A, which is lack of learning references, while
25.4% of people chose C, which is uninteresting learning methods, another 20.9% chose D,
which is lack of study time, while 9% chose E, which is poor facilities, and the lowest was those
who chose B with a percentage of 6%, namely the lecturer did not understand the lecture
material presented.
6. In your opinion, what abilities need to be developed by students of Da'wah Management?

• From the data I got, 68.7% of people chose A, which is Speaking, while 16.4% chose C, which
is vocabulary mastery, 7.5% chose D, which is Reading, and no one chose B and E, which are
Writing and listening.

7. In your opinion, how good are the facilities for students of Da'wah Management in
understanding English courses?

• From the data I got, 43.3% of people chose answer C, which is quite good, while 29.9% of
people chose B, which is good, 16.4% chose D, which is not good, and finally 10.4% of people
chose A, which is very good.
8. In your opinion, how good are the facilities needed by students of Islamic management to be
able to understand English courses well

• From the data I got, 35.8% of people chose answer A, namely reference books such as
dictionaries, while 34.3% of people chose B, namely English labs, 20.9% chose C, namely
additional classes, and finally 9% of people chose D, namely English learning applications

9. In your opinion, how difficult is it for you to present/explain speaking material in English in
the Islamic Management department

• From the data I got, 59.7% of people chose answer B, namely difficult, while 34.3% of people
chose A, namely very difficult, 4.2% chose C, namely easy, and finally 1.8% of people chose D,
namely very easy
10. Have you ever had difficulty understanding new English words or sentences

• From the data I got, 73.1% of people chose answer A, namely yes, often, while 22.4% of
people chose B, namely sometimes, 4.5% chose C, namely never

11. If so, how do you overcome the difficulty of understanding words/sentences in English?

• From the data I got, 32.8% of people chose answer C, namely trying, while 29.9% of people
chose B, namely looking at a dictionary, 20.9% chose A, namely asking a friend, and finally
16.4% of people chose C, namely asking the teacher.
B. Discussion
The majority of students in the Da'wah Management department at Alauddin
University of Makassar self-assess their English ability as less than proficient,
with 56.7% rating it as "less" and only 19.4% as "good." Despite this, most
students (52.2%) disagree that they are less interested in learning English,
indicating a positive attitude towards improving their language skills.

Speaking emerges as a primary concern, with 68.7% of students identifying it

as the skill most needing development. This aligns with the finding that 59.7%
find it difficult to present or explain material in English. The main factors
contributing to insecurity when speaking English include poor pronunciation,
lack of vocabulary, and fear of making mistakes.

Students generally feel that the English course material is quite appropriate for
their needs in the Da'wah Management department (44.8%). However, they
identified several factors hindering their English learning, including lack of
learning references (38.8%), uninteresting learning methods (25.4%), and lack
of study time (20.9%).

Regarding facilities, students rate them as quite good (43.3%), but there's a
clear desire for improved resources. Reference books like dictionaries (35.8%)
and English labs (34.3%) are seen as the most needed facilities to enhance
English learning.

Vocabulary acquisition appears to be a significant challenge, with 73.1% of

students often having difficulty understanding new English words or sentences.
To overcome this, students employ various strategies, including trying on their
own (32.8%), using dictionaries (29.9%), and seeking help from friends or


In conclusion, while students show interest in improving their English skills, particularly
speaking, they face several challenges including lack of resources, vocabulary difficulties, and
speaking insecurities. Addressing these issues through improved facilities, focused speaking
practice, and enhanced vocabulary learning strategies could significantly benefit the English
language development of Da'wah Management students at Alauddin University of Makassar.


Belcher, Diane. "What ESP is and can be: An introduction." English for specific
purposes in theory and practice (2009): 1-20.
Brown, James Dean. Introducing needs analysis and English for specific purposes.
Routledge, 2016.
Hutchinson, T. A. (n.d.). English for Spesific Purposes. Cambridge University Press
Bocanegra-Valle, Ana. "Needs analysis for curriculum design." The Routledge
handbook of English for academic purposes. Routledge, 2016. 560-576..

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