9-10. Lennon A Legend

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As a boy………………….

cuando era niño

Always …………………..siempre Verbs
Was born…………….nació
Trip………………………..viaje, gira
Was……………………..fue, era
Germany ……………….Alemania
Introduced…………..presentó Asked……………………..preguntó
Later………………………más tarde
Made…………………..hizo, hicieron Began …………………….empezó
Their son………………..su hijo (de ellos)
Became……………….llegó a ser Called………….llamado
Their first single……..su 1er sencillo (de ellos)
Married……………….se casó
On the charts………….en las listas
Were…………………..eran, fueron Shot…………….disparó
LP (long play)………….larga duración
Hits…………………………éxitos Killed……………mató
Pop music charts…….listas de popularidad
Led……………………….dirigidos Lived……………vivía, vivió
World tour……………..gira mundial
Last time………………..última vez
Had……………………….tuvo, tenía
Break up…………………separación
Such as ………………….tales como
Househusband……….esposo hogareño
About…………………….acerca de
Daddy…………………….papi, papito
Interested………………interesado, interesó
Again……………………...otra vez
Moved……………………se mudaron
Three weeks…………..tres semanas
Young man……………..joven
Looking after ………….cuidando

John Lennon was born in Liverpool, England on October Apart from composing, recording and giving concerts,
9th, 1940. as a boy, he was artistic and intelligent but John made 5 movies, including four with the other
Beatles. He also wrote two books and had art
he was always a rebel. In 1956, he met Paul McCartney,
exhibitions, especially after meeting Yoko Ono in 1966.
and Paul introduced him to George Harrison in 1958. in
1960, The “Silver Beatles” made their first
John and Yoko got married on March 20th, 1969 and
international trip –to Germany_ with Pet Best as they moved to New York in 1971. John continued to
drummer. Later they became The Beatles and Ringo Write songs, such as “imagine”. His son, Sean, was born
Star became the drummer. on October 9th, 1975 and John left public life. He
became a “househusband”, looking after his son. One
day, his son saw a movie on TV about The Beatles and
was very surprised. “Were you a Beatle daddy”? He
asked his father.

John married Cinthya Powell in August 1962 and their

son, Julian, was born on April 8th, 1963. By now The
Beatles were famous. Their first single , “Love me do”,
reached #17 on the charts and their first LP, “Please,
please me”, which they recorded in 16 hours on

February 11th, 1963, was the #1 LP for six months. Their

next eleven hits all reached number 1 on the pop music
charts and The Beatles, led by John and Paul, became a
pop legend.
Apart from composing, recording and giving concerts, John
made 5 movies, including four with the other Beatles. He
also wrote two books and had art exhibitions, especially
In 1980, John began writing again. In three weeks, he and
after meeting Yoko Ono in 1966 . Yoko wrote 25 songs, which they recorded as an album
called “Double Fantasy”. A new life was beginnig. But later
that year, on December 8th, 1980, a Young man who was a
John and Yoko got married on March 20th, 1969 and they fanatical admirer of John Lennnon shot and killed him
moved to New York in 1971. John continued to Write songs, outside the building where he lived in New York.
such as “imagine”. His son, Sean, was born on October 9th,
1975 and John left public life.
He became a “househusband”, looking after his son. One day,
his son saw a movie on TV about The Beatles and was very
surprised. “Were you a Beatle daddy”? He asked his father.

The Beatles made their last world tour in 1966 and they
played together for the last time on January 30th, 1969.
One reason for the breakup was that John became more
and more involved with Yoko Ono. As he did this, his musical
interests changed and he also became interested in other

Fecha de entrega: 14 de mayo a las 10:00p.m MARK CHAPMAN shot & killed Lennon :’(

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JOHN LENNON: A LEGEND Fecha de entrega: 14 de mayo a más tardar a las 22:00
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