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English Idioms About Change

To Break The Mold

Meaning: to change the way we do things, to destroy, to completely change things

Mold /məʊld/ – is something that you make to create a piece of pottery or a piece of
sculpture that you pour in your clay, whatever it is to create this shape.


Neil broke the mold by being the first in his family to become a doctor.

To Change Your Tune

Meaning: to change your opinion quite radically


They quickly changed their tune when they realized that I was the managing director.

To Reinvent The Wheel

Meaning: to do something that has been already done by other people; to invent
something that already exists; usually used in the negative


There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, why don’t we just use this application?

To Stick To Your Guns

Meaning: to keep with your decision on something and under no circumstances you are
going to change your mind

The Prime Minister has reassured his pro-Brexit colleagues that he’ll stick to his guns.

To Have A Change Of Heart

Meaning: to do something differently than we did before


I had a change of heart. I realized that the office is not such a fun place without my work
colleagues and decided to work from home.

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