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2112924, 10:02PM ood dalvary wobsite-t docx = GJsideshare on >) = x ) food delivery website-1.docx (oct 26,2023 + Download as DOCK, POF «oes « 72 views F 678470 (Faioae) OO

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(2022098000013115, {CosMAM ATES, 2238850002618) n petal iment forthe andthe therein BTech in Computer Engng to th Senkalchand Pa Unive isa record of bon fide worked out by her unde my guidance and supervision, Head of Departmen Guided by: .COMPLTER ENGINEERING MR, INES MEVADASIRSahalhandPtel Collet ‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The satisfaction tha accompanies hate succesful cman of ay task woul be ncamplete without the reno of people whose ceaseless Corporation ‘made pole, whote conta gidane and encouragement Crown ll flo with success Wehave then flrs in thi projec. However would nothave been pssbe without the ‘he done inspiron and cansrctive spans tathnphul nthe preparation hipaa We woul keto expres ar ratte tomar th pants &mamber of ‘Santalchand Pate College of rgnering visage ter kndo- operation ad encouragement which lp usin completion of his project. Our thanks and aprecitions also go 9 caleages in developing ret anc pape who have wlingy eles us outwith her ables PATEL DHRU S (2020959902754) PATEL OM K202205900013138)GOSMAIML AMTeSHo, (0210990002618) '5 ABSTRACT Online fod ordering management syste a sofware used ace the customers Sometimes you conf Ike cooking doesn fee to goto thereat, *herefre we here ropes an Oine Fees Ordering Management Syste which can el the cutometsto good delivers immed ately, This mos designer asnge restaurant having vats food items at alba fod price. ie eflcve may 0 der your ood ad moe win no tn od il be vee Custom elsheheslogn orm with passuran oder taser theriormato deli and then hey ca select ie favreeodtens, lace the ter, so mention the qual analy can make the pyment hen the arderis pce ges stored inthe danas ofthe etaurats and then test go though he oders an processes ifiienty We shouldbe using HTML, CSS, {JAVASCRIPT ANP? SERVER forte tractive designing whichever usar would rj tase aswell aoc con updte and plead rou things wth ene Ths would benefit ‘he prope wing ths webs. Keynords: namic Dstabase Management, tomate Food Ordering Stam Sec Automaton Envronment {INDEX Se Tope Page PROLECT INTRODUCTION 1.1 Proje Denton 1.2 Purpose OF Eating Sten Objectives yer 4 Features Sater | Sop? SOFTARE HARDWARE REQUIREMENT. Hrduare2.2 Hardware Saeiestion23 Sofware 24 Sofware Speciation 3 PROJET PLANNING. 3. Ati Chart 4 PROJECT DESI 4. User Case hntps:wwslideshare,net"187847Oifo0d-delvery website dood 28130 docx 2112124, 10:03 PM {ood delivery wobsi 1 Refernces 8. Blography 82 References FgurelndexS Figur o.Fgur Name Page no. 13. Aly Chart2 41 Anchor 342 Use ase 44.3 System $4.4 Package 646 Use case lag ofStudert 948 Pree 1068 tral ny 34.1 D3tFow 124.1 Data Stor 13412 Level OFD 14413 min eel 1 DFD 154.14 Fey Level 1DFD 1648 Student eel DED 3746 my 18617 Arbus 9.428 Roloehip ‘CHAPTER PROJECT INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION OF PROLECT The "Onin Food Odring System” nar been developed to overidethe probs prevaingin the retina ‘maria system. Iissofware support eimnat and in some cates educa he harsh faced by this eiing se, Moreover thisyrem isdesignador te portcaarraed of ‘he company ary ou opentionina enaath ane eect ranrer The webs edea ae much possible aud ero whe eterngthe data, Rate poder mesge whe entering vl ta, No foal knee snes forthe eto uethisyte, Ths nal roves its ueersnen dy Online Fad Ordering Sytem, ae desrbed sve, ‘an ado eror es, ture, reliable ad fat management syste, ean atthe set concentrate on tarot aces rather te cncentiat onthe record kaeping Thus ol lp organi neti zation of esouees. Every organization, whebebigor sma, as hallenges to avetcme an managing the information Category, Food a, Ore, Part Cofi rdet. Ever Online oad Ordering System hs tern ood ter needs therfore we design excuse employee menageret see ta re adopted your ‘marageialequirerens Tiss designed tat n sage planing nd wil ep you ensure tat youregarizton equipped with the right velo infrmation and ets or Yur utr goals. Als fothase uy nective who are ayn he po, our aytemcome wth rete scr festices, hic wil lw youto manage yourworfoce arting, sl ‘ines These syrtemsutilulimatl lon outo beer marage eau, 98.1. Purposesystem: BS the food osering system thes dajshas ne of heft owing mares tough bing ew ia hth projet we hve deelopedsomething ike *hesameto fam‘rom ane sere the ratinina much tier way possible. Nowadays, eope are more regular dine at the resaurantorther meas Theanine food ordering system provides convenience rthe customers that ae rthing seca bt the general bus peoplefthe society, overcomes the demerisf he marval ote or mess system and the fashioned queuing stam. This system enkancsthereadynade feds that people Therefore, thssjtem enhancesthe sped of geting ood on apesonis pateand the quality andimannero ange oer fom the cstomer. prov des better communkcaon platlorm. The user's deals ae tored wing eletonic media The online ood ordering stm roves the menu cine ad the custome can easily place heard jus cng the mouse of by touching a buton on the srartghones. 2 Objectives cl Ssten-The main ‘jective of the Projct on Onine Food Ordering Sytem so manage the des of ood, lem Category, Shopping at Custer, Orde manages al the nfrmaton about Fond, Delivery ees, Orr, oad The poet italy built sdmintratve an ad thus ony the sminititrsgunreneed he azn, The purpose ofthe poeta an pplicaton programs reduce the manuaiwork‘ormanaging the Food or Category, ley Aseres, shopping Car Ak trace al he dea abou the Shopping Ct, Curae, ore 10.2.3 Brsting system: the past cea, poop have to phys isthe oles or saan foreting font andhaveto make paymenss trough cathode mast the ‘ime gue to unawares of adrancedtcnnaeges cera laces. Inhimethod tire awl a physi work equted aengwhch tine iesomethingtha roar ein ample amount Thetrad'tonal fod ordering proce ent efile enovghtorhaesandrsaurans athe hveto del th teow, nthe reauant.Teald methods ean be classe into atgorswhichare pape round andverbl rounded, For papartased work, the water comes and pens down foods that customers rd and pssthe fod ist Cnfasng paper tothe ches or cooks nthe tebe ruta res. A, om the owner's pent view mltalning data records and the accounts inthe pysl le ra cumbersome and tedious wort ds. Aras, ts al afrisas anyone can acest madly eds, L4 Propose systems TNs systems burch of bene Kor vaous points lien. This onre appli nates the endases to reise tthe system on, sl head rol hal choles Far theme ls, anode faonne Aso the payer ‘an be made throu onine mode oat he tine of home devery depenting upon the customers chee and convener, The slecion made the stores willbe avaible *hehotel caption orto the person handing he work eigen Now tistame pron wills ths odes tothe pei chet be completed win af rion tie. son ste chef prepares the fod, hater person forwardsthe parcels the delvery persons signe withthe locaton and customer entity ofthe customer alongwith te il stave Wh his applet, the workload ofthe waterin the hate Save reduced orn sme sustons, the work is abolene, One fhe varus benef ofthese that theres sh ara huge cron present inthe reavanthanin tat case someiesunavalaby fables c downs the retaurascustomer 11.1.5 Features often Productand Componentbased 8 eating & Changing issues at as 8 Query sue Uso ay death 8 Reporting & Charing in mare comprehensive way B ser accounts to convothe acess and maitan ects Simple tats Reslutons W Mute Priors Severe Targets stones forging he ropranmers® ‘tachment &Addonal Corimens lor ooeinfarmation @ Robust dabsee bac endBVavousavel of apr vale with tol iter citea's contain Deter stra ‘Erccuracyin work Easy fst retreat formaton. Bel designed reper Decense the land fhe person mln esting manualsjsten. feces fry formation 12. CHAPTER2 SOFTWARE L HAROWARE REQUIREMENT.21HadareHatdaare rele the physical components al acompute Computer Hardware say pat the compute that tse can ouch hese pars There the pri eleonic devices wed bl up the comautr 2. Hardware Speciation. everson: Dual oe 2 generation Mery 512 MB ad 6068 a per he data) 2. Sotare Soar in callection of atuctins, pocedres, oeumentation tat pefoms diferent aks ona compute system. wean 3) leo Computer Sofware isa programming code crested ona compute proceor The code canbe machineivel cade athe code writen fran operating syste, 2. Sofware Speceation Operating System: Windows Loeconmrended), Database PHPMYADMINocthos] HPP Seve MYSQL, 13, HAPTER 3 ACTIVITY CHART ACTIVITY DMG. yster analy stem design deployment 10152025 303 404 FOOD DELNERY See 3 Series Series} 14 CHMPTER 4 PROJECT DESI 4.1.1 USER CASE DIAGRAM Ase cae dara usd represent the djnomicbehavou ofa jen encapsulates thesste'sfurconly by incopoiting ut aes actor, ante elon mods the sh service, nd nina eqied by ysersubaem fan appicaion dil the igh evel ‘cana faster and lz tes how the urer hanes 3 ster. 43.2 PURPOSE OF USE CASE DIAGRAM: The main purpose of use ease gra eto prey the dynam aspect fs ator Raccumulstethesysem'sreqrement, which incur th ners agwellasexealinfuenes invokes pertng ue cate, and several hing at iva the actors and element accountable orth implementation of usecase grams. representshow nenty From the exeralenronmertcaninteactwithapartof thst 41.3 S1MBOL (OF USE CASE- ACTOR: Acton ase case cogram's any ety tha pefoms aoe inne gen stem. Ths eal be person oganzaton ofan eeralsjstem 2nd usual awn Ube shelton how below. 15, BUSE CASE:-Ausecse represents 3 function oran actn within the spstem. caw asanvalané named withthe function. SYSTEM The system used define te scope ‘heusecaseanddawn.as2 rectangle Thisan atonal element but usu when youre vsuaizng ge systems For exam youcon crete all the usa cses ai then use te stem objeto define the scape covered by your poet OF you can even seta show the dflerenaens covered in diferent ass, 1742.1 FO OINGRAME- LEVEL ODD. ADMIN OED 19.4.3 ERDIAGRAM ENTITY RELATION: 2.4.4 ACTIUTY DIAGRAM: 4.4. Fig customer atv dagam 214.42 Fi. callctor side city diagram 44.3 sop side activ aga 22,45 DATA DICTIONARY 1.) TB sdmin Fila Nae Dat type Sei nt 2 Ful_ nore Varchar 100 Urenae tear 100 Passwort acho 2552) Ta etoon Fel Name Oats ‘ype Sieg nt 10 Tile char 109 magenae varchar 55 Featured Varhar 19 Ave varchar 103) TL food: Fld Name Oata type Ses tT Vtenar 10 Dereripton Te Pie oecinal 102 age nae Varena 255 Cstgory 4 10 Featured arena 10 Active varehar 0 . hntps:wwslideshare,net"187847Oifo0d-delvery website dood 23130 2112124, 10:03 PM {ood delivery wobsi 28 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION Conclision Our ejects oly hue vertuet satis the needs to manage the po} work Svea userfendly codinghas als adooted. Ths package sal prove tobe powell ptchagein saying all te requirements of heschal The objective of software planning eto provide framework tt enables the manger to ‘rake resonable estimates made within ited tin fe a the bearing ofthe software projet and shouldbe updated regula the projec progiestes. BAthe ends conetudes at wenave madectoronfoloning ois. Adespto othe backgiound andcontstf te poet and iran to wotkatedydonein he ara. Made slaterentofthe sms and objectives ofthe projec. The cesiption of Purpose, Scope, nd apply. We define the prosam on whch we areworking nthe project. Re deserve the requireent Spesicatons th at andthe actions thatcan be done on hese things. We undertan te problem domainand produce 2 model fester, which deserve operons thatanbe prfreconthe system. We inte esis nd pertionsin deta ncadingsceen yous We degra serine and acrty ves reatedto syste. Hal the system implemented 2nd testes according ots cases 28, Future seope ofthe projec ->ina tse tca be surarad that the future sop ofthe projet ces around mansning information regarding @ We can ae pintrin ‘etre Wecan pvemere advance sofware fer Online Food Orden System including morales We wi ose platform on online sarvestomaketacesiblewortdvice Integrate mule osdalancersta dt the lads fhe syste 8 Creme the maser and save databace suture to reduce the overead ofthe database qutiesImpiment the bac mechan rang bac of edebse and database on regular ba' on dirt serves B The above mentoned points ae the erhancemants whic canbe done toincease ‘he apaebity and spect his projet Here we can mainte recresof Food er and Cater. As, ai canbe seen that owas the Pajers af versatile Le so thesis _scoeforinteduingsmetodta maintain the Orne Fed Ordering Sten. nancarents canbe dn to sntinal the ad em Category, Casteer, Orde, Confirm Ode RC have loathe options open so that thre iay ater ture eourmentin theyre bythe urerfor the enhaneamentfthe system then ti pose to implement them Inthe st ‘ne woud ket thank lth peronsimaued inthe vlopant fhe yom sect orirerct, Wehapetha the projectiles pupae forwnch ie del thre by Undeiningsvece of pocers, [CHAPTER ABOUT TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY We hve uedne following web echolgiesfor student atendance maragemet ten PHP hype Preprocessor PHPFea ererapurposeprogramminglanguag orginal deine or web development twat anally reste by Rare ardor in 1894 the PHP reference plementation snow prosuedby The PH Group. PH gals for Personal Home Page, Buti aw stands forthe recut nis PHP: Hyperet rerocssor PHP code may Beexected wth omar ine nteface(CL4,enbedce nts HTML code or used combination with various web template sysens, web content managenen systems, nde famewors PHP cee sualy processed by PHP ntereterimplemanted aa module ina web srr ra &ComrvonGateay Inertace (Ci executable + MYSQL Moe SQL Servis ful featured eations atabase aragement ste RO34S) that fers avarity af admnitatve tools ease the burdens of datatose development, meintenance snd adminstaton 31 CHAPTER 6 REFERENCE sblogaphy:- hts wutolsointconinder hu “tps: Ohts:wwm.wscheatcom OhtsMmcom Bock: PAP The Compete eference Download Now gion = (92024 Sikeshare fom Serbs vos hntps:wwslideshare,net"187847Oifo0d-delvery website dood 30130

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