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Chapter 10 - Approaching the customer with adaptive selling.

 Describe the three prescriptions that are included in the presentation strategy.
 Discuss the two-part pre approach process.
 Describe team presentation strategies.
 How adaptive selling builds on four broad strategic areas of personal selling.
 Describe the six main parts of the presentation plan.
 How to effectively approach a customer.
 Describe seven ways to cover the prospects attention and arouse interest.

Question Answer

Tara is developing a presentation strategy. She includes developing the presale

establishing objectives for the sales presentation, presentation plan.
providing outstanding customer service, and:

Marvin Hill represents a company that sells industrial learn as much as possible about
solvents used in certain manufacturing processes. the structure and culture of the
Tomorrow, he will visit an established manufacturing organization.
company for the first time. An appropriate objective of this
sales call could be to:

Closing the sale over several calls is often referred to as: Multi-call sales presentations.

The purpose of developing social contact is to: get customer's attention.

Part one of the sales presentation is called the ___ preapproach

___sales presentations are especially common in multi-call

complex sales.

When Paul is selling into a situation with complex product a team selling solution.
solutions that involve technical experts, he often employs:

The preapproach stage can be considered as the True

research stage before the actual presentation.

Research studies indicate that the referral approach is customers will be far more
effective because: impressed with your good points
if they are presented by a third
party rather than by you.

Mitch often considers what factor(s) when setting how familiar the prospect is with
presentation objectives? the product

Ramona realizes the most important factor when dealing determining the various buying
with a buying team is: influences.

A complex selling situation often requires a: team presentation.

Denise understands that an effective sales helps verify parts of the sales
demonstration: presentation.

"Mrs. Smith, will your company be buying some False

computers this year?" This is an example of a customer
benefit approach.

An important reason for applying the team approach in to improve the need identification
selling is: process and to better identify the
solution to customer's buying

The user influencer is one who may use the product, the True
financial influencer is one who controls the finances, and
the technical influencer is one who can provide the
expertise necessary to make the correct buying decision.

Buyer resistance does not normally occur in the selling- False

buying process.

A good way to get the prospect's attention would be to True

use the customer benefit approach.

Which one of the following is an effective suggestion for recognize that it is normal to feel
dealing with sales call reluctance? anxious about the initial contact

All of the following statements are true, except? Salespeople should concentrate
on a single objective for each
sales call.

The three main objectives of the approach include: 1) to Generate interest in your product
build rapport with the customer; 2) to capture the
prospect's full attention; and 3).

In today's dynamic sales presentations, the correct order relationship, presentation,

for strategies is: customer strategy happening
before the presentation strategy.

An effective strategy to convert buyer's attention to focusing on the buyer's dominant

interest would be by: buying motives.

The presentation strategy should be developed before the False

relationship, product, and customer strategy in order to
have an effective plan.

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