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Donald J. Trump is a british crown agent

Contributing Writers | Opinion | Americans for Innovation | Apr. 10, 2024, UPDATED Apr. 13, 2024 |

Fig. 1- Donald John Trump. His current public o ering of Trump Media & Technology Group (NASDAQ: $DJT) is
interlocked 17-layers deep to the British government, Crown, and its controllers in the Pilgrims Society. Was his
surprise meeting Monday night with British Foreign Minister David Cameron the payo with bearer bonds and
o shore account codes?

Trump media's
interlocked nested doll
British funders
($DJT) began publicly trading as a “business combination”
Acquisitions Company (SPAC).

Like a Russian nested doll on steroids, 17-layers deep,

Donald Trump’s Truth Social was funded by the British
Treasury via Coutts Bank— the bank of the British monarchy
and Pilgrims Society, established by pagan Babylonian
Radknight merchant-bankers in 1692 (see Radknight refs. In
Domesday Book, 1086).
The British Pilgrims Society (founded 1902) was rst
discovered to have prepared a 24-point strategy to "Annex
America" in 1907 by American journalist Lillian Scott Troy.
Lillian published it in 1912. She was kicked out of Britain at
the end of WWI for being annoying to the Pilgrims Society
plans. She called them "the Benedict Arnold Society." She
exposed that Andrew Carnegie was o ered a "dukedom" by
King Edward in 1913 to deliver America to Britain for

"Would Ānnex ĀmericĀ."

Fig. 1a--Editor: (May 13, 1913). Would Annex America

[says Lillian Scott Troy], p. 20. The Commercial Appeal
(Memphis, Tennessee).

Note: Columbia University president Nicholas Murray

Butler served as president of the Pilgrims Society of
the United States "branch" from 1903-1945.

Elihu Root was co-founder of the Pilgrims Society

(1902); former U.S. Secretary of War (1899-1904); U.S.
Secretary of State (1905-1909); NY Senator (1909-1913);
founding president, Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace (1910); Nobel Prize (1912);
founder, Council on Foreign Relations (1918)

John Hay was U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St.

James where he promoted annexation of America by
Britain. He once described (banker) war "as necessary
as it is righteous" and described another war as "a
splendid little war"--he was a Pilgrims Society
merchant-banker warlord par excellence.

British Babylonian RĀdhĀnite merchant-

banker Drones strike the U.S.

Fig. 2--L/R British Prime Minister David Caermon, Deputy Prime Minister, Nick
Clegg, May 18, 2010. In 2024, now "Sir" Nick Clegg e ectively controls Facebook
and Lord David Cameron just funded Facebook's ostensible rival, Truth Social.
Both social networking companies operate on the social networking inventions
of Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies who holds patents on the
inventions--patents that have not been protected by the U.S. Courts. Photo : Daily
Mail . For educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

Breaking news:
Monday evening, Apr. 08, 2024, the smarmy Lord (Baron) David Cameron met
with Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago. Cameron is a member of the British Pilgrims
Society, Privy Councillor, former British prime minister, and now Foreign Secretary.
As such Cameron has e ective control of all foreign nancings of the British

The mockingbird British Pilgrims Society press (formerly named the Empire Press
Union [formed in 1909], including New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune,
LA Times) is slobering all over itself to justify the optics of the dubious meeting.

Should a casual observer see no correlation between Trump Media's public o ering
just weeks ago (Mar. 26, 2024) and Cameron's funding of said o ering through its EF
HUTTON LLC underwriter?

Was Cameron ignoring protocol so he could hand-deliver Trump's bearer bonds and
British o shore account codes in exchange for letting the British Pilgrims Society
take nancial control of Truth Social?

The meeting was dubious for at least the following reasons:

1. PROTOCOL IGNORED: Protocol dictates that a sitting British Foreign Secretary
must be hosted by his U.S. counterpart: the U.S. Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken.
Blinken was AWOL.

Cameron was accompanied by British Ambassador to the United States Dame Karen
Pierce. Pierce is a notorious sycophant of the United Nations and election rigger
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown. Reminder: the UN was founded by the British Pilgrims
Society via the YMCA in 1945. In another breach of protocol, Pierce's counterpart to
the Court of St. James, U.S. Ambassador to the UK, Jane Hartley, was AWOL as well.

Both Pierce and Hartley are evident members of the Pilgrims Society. Hartley's
pedigree includes interlocked relationships with Harvard's Kennedy School, the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Council on Foreign Relations,
Economics Club of New York, Universal MCA (NBC) Pictures, Empire Press Union
(now CPU Media Trust), Westinghouse (RCA, Marconi, BAE, United Fruit Company).
One cannot paint a more Pigrims Society sycophant.

The evident conclusion is that the Pilgrims did not need Harley in the meeting since
Cameron and Pierce were senior to her in their American annexation plans.

2. BRITISH CONTROL FACEBOOK: Cameron, as prime minister, was the former boss
of Sir Nicholas Clegg, his deputy prime minister. Clegg e ectively controls
Facebook, along with British spy Baron Lord Richard Allan. On the surface, Trump
Social and Facebook are competitors, but the British Pilgrims Society controls them

3. CAMERON NOTORIOUSLY HATES TRUMP: In 2016, Cameron bloviated on the

oor of the British House of Commons that Trump's remarks were "devisive, stupid
and wrong." Chameleon Cameron showed not an ounce of love for Trump before he
was president, but now he comes calling to citizen Trump.

4. BRITISH NOW CONTROL TRUTH SOCIAL: Cameron, as the current foreign

secretary, controls the nancing of Truth Social via the British Treasury's control of
NatWest Group PLC and its subsidiary Coutts Bank--the bank of the British royals
worldwide. Coutts controls the EF HUTTON British asset managers that y under the
ag of "Kingswood," fronted by one Gary Spencer Wilder, who purchased and
controls the sources of cash available to Trump's underwriter: EF HUTTON LLC.

5. TRUMP'S SCALLYWAG LAWYERS: Trump's securities attorney, NELSON,

MULLIONS, RILEY & SCARBOROUGH LLP, is interlocked with the British Pilgrims
Society through its in uential partner Philip Lader--who himself was a U.S.
Ambassador to the Court of St. James (UK)--a spawning ground for the British
Pilgrims Society.

(Apr. 10, 2024)--On Mar. 26, 2024, TRUMP MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY
GROUP ($DJT) began publicly trading as a “business combination” with
DIGITAL WORLD ACQUISITION CORP—a Special Purpose Acquisitions
Company (SPAC).

In short, we believe the TRUMP-MEDIA-DIGITAL-WORLD-SPAC is an

insider’s scheme where the outcomes are predetermined by a newly-
minted EF HUTTON underwriter before the trading starts. This o ering
is evidently rigged to reward the insiders at the expense of an
unsuspecting Main Street (sucker) public.

Trump's securities law rm on this o ering is Nelson Mullins Riley &

Scarborough LLP, or Nelson Mullins LLP for short. See Press Release
and S4 Registration, Amendment No. 8.

Curiously, Nelson Mullins LLP carries NO NEWS about the Trump

Media nancing on their corporate website. Normally, such "white
shoe" rms bark like dogs when they take a company public. In fact, a
search of their website for "truth social" returns ZERO results about
Trump. Who are they really working for?

Nelson Mullins LLP's Wikipedia touts their former partners including

Philip Lader, Marco Rubio, and Trey Gowdy. Lader is by far and
away the most interlocked partner with British Pilgrims Society
interests. Lader is the former chairman of WPP plc--a bloated British
advertising and communications behemoth headquartered in London
(READ: propaganda, market manipulation, mind control) that employs
205,000 people in 112 countries.

Lader was executive vice president to Sir James Goldsmith's U.S.

holdings (read. "Kingswood" UK company role in nancing Trump--
"land owned by the King"). Lader was groomed at Duke, Michigan,
Harvard Law, and Oxford University (UK). He is a director of the RAND
Corporation, Lloyd's of London, and the British Museum (where
much evidence of the ancient pagan Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-
bankers who took over The City of London, by royal charter in 1067, is
hidden) . Need we say more? He is also a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council, Columbia University International
Advisor Board. Lader's British Pilgrims Society credentials are

Rep. Jim Jordan (OH 4th) certainly knew about the Miller Act Notice
and the theft of social networking. Entrepreneur, inventor Michael
McKibben personally met with Jordan four times to brief him. Jordan
even delivered the First Amended Miller Act Notice to Trump's White
House through his sta ! See Fig. 8 below. Did Jordan not inform
Goudy, Nunes, Rubio? Were their sta s all asleep at the wheel? Or, are
they all in on the latest derailing gravy train? Why do none of them lift
a nger to protect true American inventors? Why do none of them
protest the theft from and control of the U.S. Patent O ce by British-
crown-controlled SERCO (since 2006)?

Wikipedia says plainly that Lader is honored "For his contributions to

trans-Atlantic relations" [read: British Pilgrims Society plan to
ANNEX AMERICA, see below].


Trump owns between 58% and 69% of Trump Media, according to Forbes . Trump’s
exclusive deal broker is EF HUTTON. Baby boomers remember the iconic EF HUTTON
TV propaganda tagline: “When EF Hutton talks, people listen.” Few know that EF
HUTTON evaporated during the 2008 banking debacle because of their criminal
subprime mortgages.

In 2021, the EF HUTTON brand was purchased by Kingswood Capital Markets, a

subsidiary of Kingswood Holdings Ltd, which, in turn, was a subsidiary of Benchmark
Investments LLC. Benchmark was the US broker dealer with the licenses to operate
the newly-minted EF HUTTON brand used by Trump.

It is easy to get lost on the twists and turns embedded in these interlocking
relationships, so stay focused on the name “Kingswood.”

After William the Conqueror’s conquest of England in 1066, he immediately

chartered The City of London using pagan Babylonian "Radknight" merchant-
bankers in 1067, “Kingswood” literally meant “woods (property) reserved for the
King” exploited for ship building, construction, housing, fencing, transportation,
tools, textiles, sports, armaments, weapons, perimeter security, food, wildlife,
hunting, sport, furniture, mechanical devices, cures, recreation, indentured

We have prepared a spreadsheet to help straighten out this Trump Social funding
crooked stick, but here is the summary. Links to these proofs are embedded in the

$DJT British Pilgrims Society asset manager

fund sources

Fig. 3--Donald J. Trump. (Compiled Apr. 03, 2025). Interlocked Relationships Map for
Trump Media & Technology Group ($DJT). Anonymous Patriots.

Bookmark: #trump-con |

Trump and the Great Con

Watch on

Fig. 4--Gabriel & McKibben. (Apr. 04, 04). Trump and the Great Con. American Intelligence Media, Americans for
Innovation. Just in case this video gets censored from YouTube after this article, click here for a raw *.mp4 video backup.
(Download your own copy as well.)

Bookmark: #trump-con2 |

Trump is a British Crown Agent


Watch on

Fig. 4a--Gabriel, McKibben. (Apr. 12, 2024). Trump is a British Crown Agent. American Intelligence Media, Americans for
Innovation. YouTube Version | Raw *.mp4 video le.

EF HUTTON's ultimate controller is British, not American. Coutts Bank, the

monarch's bank, sits inside this 17-layer nested doll along with the British Treasury.

Coincidentally (?), Governor Ron DeSantis' 30-year old sister Christina died
mysteriosly in London while working for KPMG Volcker Solutions where she was
auditing "covered accounts." Her boyfriend and her likely handler actually worked
for Coutts Bank. Ron was virtually silent about the death of his sister in her prime.
See this video for details: Was Ron DeSantis Sister Murdered in London?

Also coincidentally (?), Paul Volcker, former Federal Reserve chairman, and Obama
bank bailout chair, was vice president of the Pilgrims Society in New York with Henry
Kissinger during the carefully engineered 2008 banking scandal.

Henry Kissinger & Paul Volcker (Rockefeller sycophants)

self-identified as British Pilgrims Society leaders in 2007
Fig. 5— The Pilgrims Foundation, Inc., EIN 13-3095744. (2007) . Henry Kissinger, Paul Volcker,
Vice Presidents (Fiduciary O cers), Form 990, previously named The William J. Donovan Memorial
Foundation, also The Pilgrims Society of the United States, PDF p. 5. IRS.

Henry Kissinger, vice president; see coverage linked above; Rockefeller sycophant
Paul Volcker, vice president; see coverage linked above; Rockefeller sycophant
Miner Warner : president; Salomon Brothers (London, New York), Merril Lynch
Mark Sisk: Bishop of New York (Anglican)
John Whitehead: Goldman Sachs, U.S. State Department, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, United Nations
Association Harvard Overseer, Brookings Institution, New York Stock Exchange, American Academy of
Achievement (Pilgrims lite), Rockefeller interlock, Bilderberg Group Steering Committee, Getty Trust (with
Gavin Newsom's father William Alfred Newsom III). See Gavin Newsom.
Laurence Windsor: Time Inc.
Robin Duke: Saturday Night Live actor and writer, Pilgrims Society propagandist ("Me thinks she was
employed too steadily").

Sir Nick Clegg (Facebook) and King Charles III are BFFs;
has (Sir) Donald Trump been invited to the club?
Fig. 6--On Dec. 30, 2017, Prince Charles knighted Nicholas
Clegg, now a "Sir" who e ectively controls Facebook.
Clegg was the deputy prime minister of the UK for prime
minister David Cameron.

On Apr. 25, 2019, then President Trump was served o cial notice that the U.S.
government violated the property rights of social networking inventor Leader
Technologies--the First Amended Miller Act Notice.
Fig. 7--FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE. (Apr. 25, 2019). Leader Technologies, Inc. to U.S.
Executive pursuant to 40 U.S.C. §3131 et seq. Leader Technologies, Inc.

Truth Social has parked its Ponzi scheme on Michael McKibben's patented
technologies without paying a license fee. Despite having proof that Trump received
formal notice of the theft, these facts are not disclosed to Trump's prospective
investors in their SEC ling. This is fraud.

Trump knows all about the theft of social networking. Leader sent him hundreds of
Fifth Amendment demands by its shareholders. It was delivered by senior sta ers
from Rep. Jim Jordan's o ce. We note that the Truth Social SEC disclosures
discombobulate their position relative to potential infringed property. The wording
is evidently intended to absolve Trump of any potential liability for a supposed lack
of knowlege of his infringement of Leader Technologies social networking

Rep. Jim Jordan's staff hand delivered the

Miller Act Notice to the white House
Fig. 8--Leader Technologies' Fifth Amendment Takings Clause demands for compensation under the Miller
Act that were hand carried to the White House by senior sta ers from Rep. Jim Jordan's o ce. Some of Leader's
shareholders reside in Rep. Jordan's Ohio district. Note: Since this Notice was put forward, numerous
unscrupulous attorneys aligned with the British Pilgrims Society and their American sycopants have tried to
assert that the Miller Act does not apply to the government con scation of software construction projects. They
also argue that the bonds supplied to the federal government by the tens of thousands of bene ciaries of
government technology payments cannot be used to pay Leader Technologies for the e ective con scation of
thier inventions.

The purpose of the Fifth Amendment Takings Clause was speci cally to compensate owners of property from
having their property siezed by the federal government without due compensation. Leader's circumstance
could not be more classically applied. See Legal Social.

Fig. 9 --Five Eyes, ANCIB(US)-ANCICC(UK). (Mar. 11, 1946) . DAY 1: TOP SECRET CREAM, Inauguration Meeting, U.S. - British
Signal Intelligence Technical Conference, March 11, 1946, DOCID: 2959299, REF ID: A2666693, National Archives Ref: HW-80-5,
PDF p. 108. NSA.

Note: British MI6 is still redacting in 2024 many of the names on their 1946
delegation, thus committing espionage against the United States in 1946, and still
Who pulls Donald Trump's chain?

The British Pilgrims Society through The City of

London and the Babylonian
Rā dhā nite (Radknights) merchant-banker pagans who
control the British Crown.
Their unkies doing their bidding in the USA are British Spy No. 7 Alexander
Hamilton’s American banks, notably JPMorgan, Bank of America, Bank of New York
Mellon, State Street along with asset managers like BlackRock, Fidelity, T. Rowe
Price and Vanguard, who are controlled by the British Crown and the Rothschilds in
the City of London via the Monarch’s “Golden Share.”

Don’t believe that the British run America? Just look at the false ag they are trying
to orchestrate in Poland right now. Poland is historically one of the favorite choke
points of the British Empire to try and take down Russia to seize control of Russia’s
11 times zones of resources, again. When will we learn?

Fig. 10-The Georgia Guidestones is a monument made in 1980 by an anonymous author

that details in 8 di erent languages how to build a new society, with apparent advocacy of
population control, eugenics, and internationalism. It was destroyed by an unknown person(s)
on Jul. 27, 2022. See



Fig. 11—The City of London is controlled by the Pilgrims Society who carry on the
pagan control of the Rādhānite merchant-bankers of Babylon. “The City of London
Corporation” was chartered in 1067 after the coronation of William I, William the
Conqueror, on Dec. 25, 1066 AD at Westminster Abbey.

William was Norman (French). The Babylonian Rādhānite (demon-worshipping

pagans who claimed to be Jews for more than three millennia) already had an
extensive banking and trade network through Europe and Middle East, Scandanavia
and Africa to China.

The Rādhānite merchant-bankers were forced to ee Babylon (renamed Baghdad)

ahead of the armies of the Muslim Seljuk Turks in 1055 A.D.—just 11 years earlier.
They fanned out along their extensive network of merchant-banking trading post
across the known world.

“And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple,
and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who
sold pigeons. He said to them, It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of
prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.'” Matthew 21:12-13.

“Synagogue of Satan”

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are
not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to
know that I have loved thee.” Revelation 3:9.

In the process, they rebranded themselves as “Ashkenazi Jews.” They had called
themselves Jews for millennia while in Babylon, but they had created their unique
pagan version that followed the Talmud, Yiddish, and rabbis, rather than the Torah,
Hebrew, and Prophets.

The Babylonian Empire codi ed debt slavery by sanctioning usury (charging interest
on the loan of money) in the Code of Hammurabi (1755–1750 BC). They put fake
Jews in charge of these practices. While the Prophets Ezekiel and Daniel ca. 600 BC
were decrying usury, exiled "Jews" like the Egibi and Marushu banking families, who
had so intermixed with Persians that their Jewishness had vanished, were assigned
the task of running all aspects of the Babylonian economy, including Silk Road
commerce from Britain to China, leveraging Solomon's Gold, banking, nance,
intelligence, propaganda, engineering, agriculture, and trade.

The Babylonian Empire worshipped demon gods who demanded child sacri ce and
debt slavery, including Mammon, Moloch, Asmodeus, Ba’al, Baphomet, Beelzebub,
Behemoth, Ishtar, Legion, Leviathan, Lucifer, Mammon, Marduk, Moloch, Pazuzu,
Satan, Agrat bat Maḥlat, Alu, Alukah, Asherah, Ashmodai, Astarte, Azazel, Belial or
Beliar, Bel-Marduk, Chemosh, Dagon, Deber, Dever, Ekimmu, Gallu, Horon, Ilu
Limnu, Keteb,
̣ Kotar Hosis, Labartu, Labartu, Lamashtu, Lilith, Lilu, Lotape, Mavet,
Nahar, Nergal, Ninisina, Pentalpha, Rabisu, Reshef, Resheph, Resheph, Samael,
Shachar, Shalem, Shamḥazai, Shedim, Shedim, Tannin, Tiamat, Tirosch, Yoḥane bat
̣ and others.

King Solomon's 700 wives and 300 concubines eventually lured him into building
temples to and worshipping these Babylonian demon gods. This is evidently when
the Babylonian Rādhānite took full control of Solomon's Gold that had been carted
o to Babylon. Then, shipped to The City of London ca. 1067 AD.

Tell the Synagogue of Satan

Jesus Christ: "Get behind me, Satan."
—Matthew 16:23

Described above is abject immorality on the part of the British Pilgrims Society and
their Babylonian Rādhānite synagogue of satan demons.

Morality must win the day.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Reminder Re. the Miller Act Notice—The Perpetrators of

this Epic Fraud must disgorge their ill-gotten gain
Bookmark: #miller-act-notice |

Click image to open PDF of this and the next slide

Fig. 12—The First Amended Miller Act Notice. Click here to download the PDF (check your Downloads folder after
clicking). See also, Complaint against Judge Leonard P. Stark's fraud against his own court in Leader v.
Facebook and 2,400 other patent cases.

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT

NOTICE to President Trump (the then-current President) It is a contract
demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's WEAPONIZATION THIEVES
18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions
were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and
Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W.
Marshall and the Department of Defense O ce of Net Assessment,
and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for
continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-
industrial corporations.
James P. Chandler, Andrew W.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to III Marshall
President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence
Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.

bookmark: #cost-of-merchant-banker-wars |

Click this image to play video.

Fig. 13-- Michael Boldin. (Feb, 27, 2023) . The Cost of War is Much More than Financial. Tenth Amendment
Center. Source: YouTube . ( Raw *.mp4 video le ).

NOTICES: This blog and its links may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent veri cation.
Think for yourself. No claims are made to the properities of third parties. For educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. This blog
relies upon the social networking inventions of Leader Technologies, Inc., Columbus, Ohio that are used under license. U.S. Patent Nos.
7,139,761, 7,925, 246, & 8,195,714.

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