Marketing MCQs (3rd Sem SPL)

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Third semester Orientation (Test for Marketing Specialization)


This is multiple-choice aptitude test. Please mark the appropriate response
1) What is the marketing mix?

a) Product, Price, Place, Promotion b) Place, Promotion, People, Profit

c) Product, Profit, People, Publicity d) Price, Profit, Promotion, Publicity

2) Which of the following is NOT a part of the SWOT analysis?

a) Strengths b) Weaknesses

c) Opportunities d) Tactics

3) 3. What does the term "ROI" stand for in marketing?

a) Return on Investment b) Rate of Interest

c) Return on Innovation d) Revenue of Income

4) 4. Which stage of the product life cycle focuses on expanding market share?

a) Introduction b) Growth

c) Maturity d) Decline

5) 5. What is the purpose of market segmentation?

a) To divide a market into distinct groups with similar needs and characteristics
b) To combine different markets for cost efficiency
c) To target only one specific segment
d) To ignore market differences for a broad approach
6) 6. Which of the following is an example of a demographic segmentation variable?
7) a) Lifestyle b) Geographic location
8) c) Age d) Personality
9) 7. In which stage of the consumer decision-making process does a consumer
recognize a need?
10) a) Evaluation b) Purchase
11) c) Problem recognition d) Post-purchase evaluation
12) 8. What is the term for the set of controllable tactical marketing tools used to produce
the desired response from a target market?
13) a) Marketing mix b) Market segmentation

PRIMAA - Academic Excellence Cell, JCMM, Belagavi

Third semester Orientation (Test for Marketing Specialization)

14) c) Product lifecycle d) Competitive advantage

15) 9. What is the key objective of the 'promotion' element in the marketing mix?
16) a) To set the right price b) To create awareness and persuade
17) c) To distribute products efficiently d) To design appealing products
18) 10. What is the process of gathering, interpreting, and applying information about a
market called?
19) a) Marketing strategy b) Market analysis
20) c) Market research d) Marketing segmentation
21) 11. What is the purpose of a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?
22) a) To target a broad audience b) To differentiate a product or service from
23) c) To decrease product price d) To minimize promotional activities
24) 12. Which pricing strategy sets a high initial price to recover development costs
25) a) Skimming pricing b) Penetration pricing
26) c) Competitive pricing d) Cost-plus pricing
27) 13. What does the acronym AIDA stand for in the context of advertising?
a) Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
b) Awareness, Interest, Decision, Action
c) Attention, Investment, Development, Advertising
d) Analysis, Implementation, Design, Advertising
28) 14. Which of the following is an example of a guerrilla marketing tactic?
29) a) TV commercials b) Billboards
30) c) Flash mobs d) Print advertisements
31) 15. What does the term "Viral Marketing" refer to?
a) Marketing through viral infections
b) Marketing using online viruses
c) Spreading marketing messages rapidly through word of mouth and online
d) Marketing during flu seasons
32) 16. What is the primary purpose of a marketing plan?
a) To increase product prices
b) To outline marketing goals and strategies for a specified time period

PRIMAA - Academic Excellence Cell, JCMM, Belagavi

Third semester Orientation (Test for Marketing Specialization)

c) To reduce advertising costs

d) To conduct market research
33) 17. What is the concept of "Positioning" in marketing?
a) Physical location of a product in a store
b) Creating a distinct image and identity for a product in the minds of consumers
c) Changing the price of a product
d) Product placement in advertising
34) 18. Which social media platform is known for its 140-character limit for posts?
35) a) Facebook b) Instagram
36) c) Twitter d) LinkedIn
37) 19. What is the purpose of a call-to-action (CTA) in marketing?
a) To summarize a marketing message
b) To create suspense
c) To prompt an immediate response or action from the audience
d) To entertain the audience
38) 20. What is the marketing concept that focuses on building long-term relationships
with customers?
39) a) Transactional marketing b) Relationship marketing
40) c) Mass marketing d) Direct marketing
41) 21. Which stage of the product life cycle is characterized by a rapid increase in sales
and profits?
42) a) Introduction b) Growth
43) c) Maturity d) Decline
44) 22. What is the term for a marketing strategy that tailors products and marketing
messages to the individual needs and preferences of customers?
45) a) Mass marketing b) Customization
46) c) Standardization d) Differentiation
47) 23. What is the purpose of a focus group in market research?
a) To observe consumer behavior in natural settings
b) To collect numerical data
c) To gather qualitative insights through group discussions
d) To conduct surveys
48) 24. Which of the following is an example of a secondary data source?
49) a) Surveys b) Census data

PRIMAA - Academic Excellence Cell, JCMM, Belagavi

Third semester Orientation (Test for Marketing Specialization)

50) c) Observations d) Experiments

51) 25. What does the acronym CRM stand for in marketing?
52) a) Customer Relationship Management b) Customer Resource Management
53) c) Consumer Response Mechanism d) Customer Retention Management
54) 26. Which type of marketing involves promoting products through non-commercial
channels, such as public service announcements?
55) a) Social marketing b) Cause-related marketing
56) c) Guerrilla marketing d) Non-profit marketing
57) 27. What is the purpose of a target market in marketing?
a) To identify competitors
b) To define the group of potential customers for a product or service
c) To set advertising budgets
d) To establish distribution channels
58) 28. Which of the following is an example of a psychographic segmentation variable?
59) a) Age b) Income
60) c) Lifestyle d) Geography
61) 29. What is the term for the percentage of total market sales held by a brand, product,
or company?
62) a) Market share b) Sales percentage
63) c) Profit margin d) Revenue share
64) 30. In the context of the product life cycle, what is the focus of the maturity stage?
65) a) Expanding market share b) Maximizing profits
66) c) Introducing new products d) Capturing early adopters

PRIMAA - Academic Excellence Cell, JCMM, Belagavi

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