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WORK & ECONOMY...........................

SOCIAL MEDIA .................................... 31
ADVERTISING ...................................... 32
Hướng dẫn sử dụng ..................................1
FILM & MOVIES .................................. 33
PHOTOS ...................................................2
BEING PUNCTUAL .............................. 34
EATING OUT ..........................................3
RELAX ................................................... 35
CLOTHES .............................................. 36
ROLE MODELS ......................................5
HISTORICAL BUILDINGS .................. 38
LEARNING MODE .................................6
POLLUTIONS ........................................ 38
LEARNING INTEREST ..........................7
GOALS ................................................... 39
LEARNING & ROUTINE .......................9
TECHNOLOGY ..................................... 41
NATURAL PLACES .............................. 10
INTERNET ............................................. 42
RISKS ..................................................... 11
BEING BUSY ......................................... 43
MAKING DECISIONS .......................... 12
FREE TIME ACTIVITY ....................... 44
SKILLS ................................................... 13
BEING IN A HURRY ............................ 45
TOURIST ATTRACTION..................... 15
TALKING ............................................... 46
FRIENDS ................................................16
LOSING THINGS .................................. 47
SPORTS .................................................. 17
LEADERSHIP ........................................ 49
RULES & LAWS....................................18
PUBLIC FACILITY............................... 50
MONEY .................................................. 20
ROUTINE ............................................... 51
MUSIC .................................................... 21
EMPLOYMENT .................................... 52
PLANTS & TREES ................................ 22
HELPING OTHERS .............................. 53
SHOPPING MALLS .............................. 23
MAPS ...................................................... 54
CITY & TOWNS ....................................24
MOVIES ................................................. 55
TRANSPORT .........................................25
HOLIDAYS ............................................ 56
CONSUMERISM ................................... 26
NOISE ..................................................... 27
YOUNG & OLD PEOPLE ..................... 29


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Đội ngũ học thuật của Mc IELTS đã biên soạn bộ câu trả lời mẫu Speaking Forecast Quý 2/2024 nhằm
giúp học viên dễ dàng hơn trong việc ôn luyện Speaking. Các câu trả lời đều được thiết kế đạt Band 8.0+
và có audio giáo viên bản xứ đọc (với sự đánh giá và cải thiện từ thầy Gary McCloud, cựu giám khảo và
giám đốc học thuật tại Mc IELTS)

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Mc IELTS có gói sửa bài Speaking 1-1 với giáo viên bản xứ/Việt Nam có thể sử dụng để:

- Luyện tập bộ forecast: giáo viên hỏi, đánh giá và gợi ý cải thiện
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Thông tin chi tiết tại:

- Ưu đãi HỌC PHÍ lên tới 6,000,000 VND

- Test đầu vào và nhận đánh giá chi tiết từ Cựu giám khảo IELTS
- Tặng thêm 6 buổi học MIỄN PHÍ/tuần 1 với giáo viên
- Tặng Quyền lợi học lại nếu không đạt
- Nhận ngay 500k/bạn khi giới thiệu bạn bè học chung


it's less about raw difficulty and more about
PHOTOS dedication and willingness to experiment.

1/ Why do people take photos? 4/ How do people keep their photos?

Well, there are countless reasons why people There are loads of ways people keep photos
take photos. Primarily, I'd say it's about these days. Cloud storage is a huge one—it
preserving memories – special events, loved offers tons of space and seamless access on
ones, places we've been. Photos also let us multiple devices. Many people still keep
share those experiences with others. On a physical albums for special occasions or
deeper level, photography can be an artistic prints they particularly like. Additionally,
outlet, a way to express our perspectives. external hard drives are great for backing up
Additionally, it has a practical side for large collections locally. And of course,
documentation – think of things like news social media often acts as a kind of informal
photography or even just taking a quick snap photo archive, even if the image quality isn't
of where you parked! always the best.

2/ What do people use to take photos 5/ Who would like to take photos more
these days, cameras or phones? often, young people or older people?
Definitely, the vast majority of people use
Generally speaking, I'd say younger people
their phones to take photos now.
are more likely to snap photos frequently.
Smartphones have incredibly advanced
They tend to be more immersed in social
cameras built-in, so they're always at hand.
media, where sharing images is a huge part of
Plus, it's incredibly convenient to share
the culture. Plus, young people often have
photos instantly through social media or
more active social lives with new experiences
messaging apps. That said, dedicated cameras
they want to document. However, older
are still the top choice for professionals or
people might take a more deliberate
serious enthusiasts, as they offer superior
approach, taking photos on special
image quality and more creative control.
occasions to capture cherished moments
3/ Is it difficult for people to learn how with family and friends.
to take good photos?
6/ On what occasions do people need
Hmm, I wouldn't say it's inherently difficult, formal photos?
but there's definitely a learning curve. The
basics of operating a camera or phone are There are several occasions where formal
simple, but taking truly good photos requires photos are the standard. Job applications and
developing a sense of composition, lighting, resumes often require professional-looking
and the right moment. Thankfully, with tons headshots. Passports, government IDs, and
of online resources, it's easy to learn various licenses need official photos that
techniques and practice deliberately. Overall, meet specific criteria. Some corporations


might request formal portraits for websites or atmosphere, ambiance, and social aspect of
directories. Additionally, formal photos are restaurants can be very appealing. Plus,
often used for school yearbooks or graduation some dishes are simply better enjoyed
portraits. freshly prepared at the restaurant rather than
after being transported in a container. Many
EATING OUT people also enjoy the service and overall
experience that dining out provides, making
1/ What are the advantages and it a preferred choice for special occasions or
even just a casual meal with friends.
disadvantages of eating in
restaurants? 4/ Should students learn to cook at
Well, restaurants offer a convenient break
from cooking and can be a great way to Absolutely, I believe cooking should be a
socialize with friends and family. You get to core life skill taught in school. Learning basic
try different cuisines and dishes without the kitchen techniques and food preparation
hassle of grocery shopping and cleaning up empowers students to make healthier choices
afterwards. On the flip side, eating out instead of relying solely on processed meals.
frequently can get expensive and isn't always It also has practical benefits for budgeting
the healthiest option due to larger portions and self-sufficiency, especially as they move
and hidden ingredients. towards independent living. Moreover,
cooking can be a fun, creative outlet,
2/ Do people eat fast food at home?
boosting confidence and potentially even
Yes, definitely. With the rise of delivery apps sparking a lifelong passion.
and drive-thrus, it's easy to have fast food
brought straight to your doorstep. Plus,
5/ Do you think people's eating habits
many fast-food chains now offer family- would change as they get older?
sized meals and combo deals that are perfect
Definitely, eating habits often evolve as
for a quick and easy dinner. It's especially
people age. Several factors can contribute to
popular among busy professionals and
this. Firstly, metabolism tends to slow down,
families with young children. While some
so people may naturally need fewer calories.
might view it as a less healthy choice, it offers
Dietary preferences can shift, sometimes
a quick and convenient solution when you're
due to health concerns like needing to
short on time or just don't feel like cooking.
manage cholesterol or blood sugar. And
3/ Why do some people choose to eat even practical issues like dental health or
chewing difficulties can affect what people
out instead of ordering takeout?
choose to eat.
Eating out offers a more complete dining
experience compared to takeout. The


6/ Do people in your country like to out of town. Secondly, there's a sense of
learn to cook from TV programs? community – neighbors can socialize, share
resources, or offer advice. Also, particularly
Cooking shows are quite popular in my in emergencies, neighbors can be the first
country. Some are mainly entertainment, with responders, providing vital support until
celebrity chefs and competitions. However, other help can arrive.
there are also programs dedicated to teaching
techniques, with step-by-step recipes and 3/ Do you think neighbors help each
accessible explanations. While not everyone other more often in the countryside
uses TV as their primary cooking school, than in the city?
these programs definitely inspire people to
try new dishes and get more comfortable in Generally speaking, I believe there's a
the kitchen. stronger sense of community in rural areas,
making it more likely for neighbors to help
each other. In the countryside, communities
tend to be smaller and close-knit, where
people know each other more personally.
NEIGHBORS Additionally, rural living often involves
greater interdependence, with neighbors
1/ How do you get along with your relying on each other for practical matters.
neighbors? However, that's not to say city neighbors can't
be helpful – it might just depend more on the
Well, I consider myself fortunate to have a specific neighborhood dynamics and
positive relationship with my neighbors. We individuals involved.
always try to be friendly and greet each other
when we meet. Occasionally, we'll have a 4/ How do children learn to cooperate
brief chat about our days or neighborhood with each other?
happenings. Furthermore, we're respectful of
each other's space and privacy while still Children learn cooperation through a range of
being there to offer a helping hand if needed. experiences. Firstly, observing adults and
For instance, I'll sometimes pick up my older siblings modeling cooperative
neighbor's mail for them if I know they're behavior is crucial. Additionally, engaging
away. in group play and activities forces children to
negotiate, take turns, and resolve conflicts.
2/ How do neighbors help each other? Furthermore, parents and educators play an
active role by setting clear expectations for
Neighbors can provide a valuable support cooperative behavior and providing
system in various ways. Firstly, there's the guidance when children struggle to work
practical help: borrowing tools, offering together. Lastly, children internalize the
assistance with household chores, or benefits of cooperation by experiencing the
watching each other's homes when someone's positive outcomes it brings, such as


completing tasks more easily or having more

5/ Do you think parents should teach 1/ What kinds of people are likely to
children how to cooperate with be the role models for teenagers?
others? How? Teenagers are drawn to role models from
various walks of life. Firstly, family members
Definitely, I believe parents play a vital role
like parents, older siblings, or other relatives
in teaching cooperation. Firstly, they can
can significantly influence a teen's values and
create opportunities for cooperative play:
behaviors. Secondly, celebrities, musicians,
board games, building projects, or even
and athletes who are popular or demonstrate
household tasks done together. Secondly,
admirable qualities often become role
parents should narrate cooperative actions,
models. Additionally, teachers, coaches, or
highlighting the positive aspects like "I love
community leaders who display integrity
how you shared that toy with your brother!"
and make a difference can inspire teens.
Thirdly, when conflicts arise, parents can
Lastly, sometimes fictional characters from
step in as mediators, helping children find
books or films resonate with teens,
compromises and understand different
embodying traits they aspire to.
perspectives. Also, praising cooperative
efforts reinforces the importance of this skill.
2/ Is it important for children to have
6/ Do you think it's important for a role model?
children to learn about cooperation? I strongly believe having role models is
beneficial for children of all ages. Role
Absolutely, cooperation is a fundamental
models offer examples of positive traits,
life skill essential for success in many areas.
behaviors, and achievements, providing
Cooperative children tend to form stronger
inspiration and motivation. They
friendships and social connections.
demonstrate that success and a fulfilling life
Moreover, in school settings, cooperation is
are possible. Furthermore, role models can
crucial for group projects and collaborative
provide guidance when children face
learning. Later in life, virtually every
challenges or need to make decisions. While
workplace relies heavily on teamwork and
not all role models are perfect, they can still
the ability to cooperate with others.
teach valuable lessons about perseverance
Essentially, cooperation lays the foundation
and resilience.
for positive relationships and contributions to


3/ Are there any differences between more likely to actively pursue fame. In
today's famous people and those of today's world, being tech-savvy and
understanding how to build a social media
the past?
following is a significant advantage.
Definitely, several differences distinguish Sometimes, pure luck or being in the right
modern celebrities from those of the past. place at the right time can also propel
Firstly, with the rise of social media, someone into the spotlight.
contemporary famous people have much
more direct access to their fans, creating a 6/ Do people tend to choose the best
sense of intimacy that wasn't possible before. people as their role models?
Secondly, the 24/7 news cycle and paparazzi
Unfortunately, no. People don't always select
culture lead to greater scrutiny of celebrities'
the most upstanding individuals as role
personal lives today. Lastly, while fame in the
models. Fame and wealth can create a sense
past was often tied to a specific talent or field,
of allure, even if the person behind the public
modern celebrity can be achieved through a
image isn't particularly admirable.
wider range of avenues, including reality
Additionally, young people might not always
TV and social media influence.
have the maturity to discern between
4/ What qualities do famous people someone who is simply famous and someone
who truly embodies positive values. This is
why guidance from parents and educators is
Famous people possess a wide range of crucial in helping steer youth towards role
qualities, both positive and sometimes models with genuinely good qualities.
negative. Some common traits include talent
in their respective fields, whether it's LEARNING MODE
athletic ability, musical prowess, or acting
skills. Many have incredible charisma and 1/ What are the differences between
stage presence. Persistence and
online learning and offline learning?
determination are also key, as achieving
fame often takes years of hard work. Some Okay, the biggest difference is obviously
famous people might also possess unique location. With online learning, you can be
looks or have created a carefully cultivated anywhere – home, a café, whatever, as long
public image. as you have the internet. Offline, you have to
physically go to a classroom or lecture hall.
5/ What kinds of people are likely to Plus, you miss out on those spontaneous
become famous? conversations that happen before or after
class. Another thing is flexibility. Online
Several factors contribute to someone
courses usually let you study on your own
becoming famous. Outstanding talent or
schedule, while offline learning has set class
natural ability gives people an edge. Those
who are highly ambitious and driven are


2/ What's the difference between give you some financial independence,
learning face-to-face with teachers which is always nice!
and learning by yourself? 5/ What subjects do most young
Hmm, with a teacher, you get that immediate people prefer to learn? Why?
feedback. You can ask questions right away
This is tricky because it varies, but I'd say
and get clarification if something's
tech-related subjects are super popular –
confusing. They can also tailor their teaching
things like coding or computer science seem
style to suit your needs. Learning alone, it's
in high demand. Also, creative fields like art
on you to figure stuff out, and you might get
and design always have some pull. Maybe it's
stuck or misunderstand something. On the
just from seeing how well those industries are
other hand, learning solo lets you set your
doing, who knows? I think a lot of young
own pace and focus on what's most difficult
people want subjects that feel practical, like
for you personally.
they can lead directly to a good job.
3/ What are the advantages and
6/ What is more important when
disadvantages of learning in a group?
choosing a job, high salary or
Well, the good thing about groups is you can interest?
bounce ideas off each other and get different
perspectives. Plus, you can motivate each Honestly, this is a classic debate. Ideally,
other to stay on track and actually get things you find something you're passionate about
done! If someone understands a concept that also pays the bills! But realistically, it's
you're struggling with, they might explain it a balance. A high salary is great, but if you
way better than a textbook! The downside hate your job, it'll drain you. Like, you might
is... it depends on the group. If people are be miserable even with a fancy car. On the
disruptive or not focused, it can be harder to flip side, doing something you love but barely
learn than if you were just on your own. being able to pay rent is also unsustainable.
It's a personal decision how much weight
4/ What are the benefits of gaining you give to each factor.
work experience while studying?

There are a bunch of benefits to getting work

experience while in school. First off, it lets
you try out a field to see if you actually like it
before committing to a career path. It's kind
of like a real-world sneak peek! It also helps 1/ What skills are essential for both
you build your resume and develop skills that adults and children to learn?
make you way more employable after
graduation. Plus, even a part-time job can There are a few skills that I think are crucial
across the board. Problem-solving is a big


one – life throws you curveballs no matter 4/ At what age should children start
your age, so being able to think critically is making their own decisions, and
vital. Communication, too. Being able to
express yourself effectively helps in all sorts
of situations. And honestly, adaptability. There's no magic number, really. It depends
The world changes fast – being flexible and on the child's maturity level. Some kids as
willing to learn new things keeps you from young as five or six can handle small
getting left behind. decisions, like picking their outfit or a snack.
As they get older, the complexity of the
2/ How can people stay motivated to choices they can make increases. But even
learn new things throughout life? teenagers shouldn't have complete free rein
– parents should still guide them on bigger
Staying motivated is tough! I think it helps to decisions. It's a gradual process, right? You
make learning personal. Find things that want them to develop decision-making skills,
genuinely interest you rather than stuff you but also keep them safe.
feel you should learn. Also, breaking things
down into small goals makes it less daunting. 5/ Besides parents, who should we
Celebrating wins along the way keeps you seek advice from when making
going, too! Sometimes, having a learning important decisions?
buddy or finding a supportive community
also provides that extra push. It really depends on the situation. For
something career-related, talking to a
3/ What influences young people's mentor or someone in your field can be super
valuable. If it's a personal dilemma, a close
choices when selecting a course of
friend or sibling might offer good support and
a different perspective. Sometimes, people
Ooh, this is complex. Of course, job turn to professionals like therapists or
prospects play a role – students want to feel financial advisors for specific guidance.
like they'll have a good career path after Ultimately, it's about finding someone you
graduation. But peer pressure is a factor, trust who has relevant experience.
too... sometimes people choose what their 6/ Why do some people prefer to learn
friends are doing. Sadly, family expectations
can sometimes outweigh a student's own
passions. Ideally, young people are guided to There are a few reasons. Some people are just
figure out their own interests and strengths, naturally introverted and feel overwhelmed in
but that's not always the reality. group settings. They might learn better at
their own pace and feel more comfortable
figuring things out on their own. Also, some
dislike the pressure of keeping up with
others or feeling judged in a classroom
environment. Independent learners can be


very disciplined and self-motivated, which 3/ Does having a routine make kids
allows them to delve deeply into topics that feel more secure at school?
truly interest them.
Definitely. Routines create predictability,
LEARNING & ROUTINE which is key for many kids to feel safe,
especially in a new environment like school.
1/ Should children have learning It's like having a familiar map in a new
territory. When kids know what activities
come next and in what order, it greatly
I'd say, in general, yes. Routines provide a reduces their anxiety and lets them focus on
sense of structure and predictability, which learning instead of feeling overwhelmed by
can be really comforting for kids, especially the unknown.
younger ones. It also helps them develop
good habits early on. Knowing what to expect 4/ How do people's routines differ on
lowers stress and helps them focus on weekdays and weekends?
actually learning. Of course, some
flexibility is important, but having a basic Weekdays are generally far more structured
framework to their day is definitely for most people. Work or school
beneficial. commitments create a timetable that
includes waking up early, commuting, and
2/ What are the advantages of completing specific tasks. In contrast,
weekends offer more flexibility. People can
children having a routine at school?
sleep in, prioritize hobbies and relaxation,
There are a bunch of advantages! Firstly, and socialize more. While some maintain a
routines make classrooms more manageable degree of structure even on weekends, the
for teachers. When kids know the overall focus shifts from obligation to
expectations of how things operate, there's personal choice.
less wasted time and fewer disruptions.
Secondly, it helps children develop time 5/ What daily routines do people have
management and self-regulation. They start at home?
to internalize things like knowing when it's
Daily home routines vary quite a bit
time to transition between activities. Lastly,
depending on individual lifestyles. Some
routines can create a sense of security and
common elements might include wake-up
belonging, which is super important for a
routines like showering and getting dressed,
positive learning environment.
and meal preparation and eating. Evenings
often involve winding down with some
relaxing activities, whether that's watching
TV, reading, or hobbies. For people with
families, childcare and household chores
are likely a significant part of the routine.


6/ What are the differences between in pace. Cities tend to be fast-paced,
people's daily routines now and in the bustling, even overwhelming. In nature,
things usually feel slower, allowing for
last 15 years?
greater relaxation. Obviously, cities offer
The most significant difference is probably more conveniences and amenities, but nature
the role of technology. Smartphones and provides a sense of escape that you just can't
constant connectivity have really changed get in an urban environment.
how we live. Many people start their day by
checking their phones and might spend some 3/ Do you think that going to the park
time on social media before even getting out is the only way to get close to nature?
of bed. Streaming services have also altered Definitely not! While parks are a wonderful
how we spend our leisure time compared to way to access a bit of nature, especially in
15 years ago. Overall, our routines have urban areas, there are tons of other options.
become more interconnected with the You could go hiking in a forest, explore a
digital world. nature preserve, or even spend time by a
river, lake, or the ocean. Even gardening in
NATURAL PLACES your backyard or tending to houseplants is a
way to connect with nature on a smaller scale.
1/ What kind of people like to visit
natural places?
4/ What can people gain from going
There's no single type! People enjoy nature to natural places?
for all sorts of reasons. Some are super
outdoorsy –– they love hiking, camping, that People reap so many benefits from spending
whole active lifestyle. Others seek the peace time in nature. Firstly, it's a massive stress
and quiet; getting away from city noise is a reliever. The sights, sounds, and smells of
huge draw. You also have folks who are nature help calm the mind and reduce
passionate about conservation or anxiety. Secondly, it's good for your
photography, where nature is the inspiration. physical health – simply being outdoors
And honestly, sometimes people just need to encourages activity like walking or hiking.
unplug and be around trees for their mental Additionally, being in nature boosts
health! creativity and can even improve focus and
2/ What are the differences between a
natural place and a city? 5/ Are there any wild animals in the
The biggest difference is the environment
itself. Nature is all about, well, the natural Yeah, actually, it's more common than you'd
world: plants, animals, landscapes. Cities are think! Depending on the city, you might find
man-made, dominated by buildings, roads, squirrels, raccoons, maybe even foxes. You
and infrastructure. There's also a difference might even be surprised to find some animals



living in smaller parks or even backyards! 2/ What risks should parents tell their
Birds like pigeons and crows definitely count children to avoid?
as urban wildlife! Bigger cities with lots of
parks or green spaces can sometimes even The specific risks will vary depending on a
attract larger animals like deer. child's age and environment. However, some
general areas parents should address include:
6/ Do you think it is a good idea to let stranger danger, teaching kids never to go
animals stay in local parks for people off with someone they don't know well.
to see? Traffic safety, emphasizing looking both
ways and obeying crossing signals. Online
It's a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, dangers, discussing appropriate internet use
seeing animals in their natural habitat can be and never sharing personal information. It's
a great educational experience, especially for also important to address substance use risks
kids. But, it's important to remember that as children reach adolescence.
parks aren't truly wild. We need to be careful
not to disrupt the natural balance too much, 3/ Why do some people like to watch
and make sure the animals aren't being risk-taking movies?
overfed or becoming too reliant on humans.
It depends on the animal and how well the There are a few reasons for this. Firstly,
park is managed. there's the vicarious thrill. We get to
experience danger and excitement from the
RISKS safety of our seats. It's kind of a controlled
adrenaline rush, right? Secondly, these
movies often have larger-than-life heroes
1/ How should parents teach their
that overcome impossible odds. That can be
children what a risk is? inspiring or even just a fun escape from
Teaching about risk should be an ongoing everyday life. Additionally, the suspense and
conversation tailored to the child's age and tension built up in such movies can be
understanding. Initially, it's about simple incredibly engaging, keeping viewers
cause and effect: "If you touch the hot stove, hooked until the very end.
you'll get burned." As kids get older, you can
4/ What kinds of sports are dangerous
use open-ended questions to get them
thinking critically. Play an "is this risky" but exciting?
game with various scenarios they might Lots of extreme sports fit this description!
encounter. Importantly, explain the possible Things like big wave surfing, where you're
consequences of risky actions, not just tackling massive waves, or rock climbing
labeling something "bad". This helps them without ropes... the stakes are high, which
learn to assess situations for themselves. makes it both terrifying and thrilling to
watch. Motorsport like Formula 1 racing is
another one – the speed and potential for
crashes keep you on the edge of your seat.



Moreover, some might argue that even own choices. Parents need to guide them on
mainstream sports like American football or things like safety and health. However, as
rugby carry inherent risks due to the kids get older, allowing them to make some
physicality involved, yet their fast pace and decisions – what to wear, how to spend
competitive nature draw in massive allowance – builds their confidence and
audiences. decision-making skills. It's a gradual process
of balancing protection with preparing them
5/ Why do some people enjoy for independence.
dangerous sports?
2/ Do you think parents are the best
There are a few reasons. For some, it's the
people to make decisions about their
adrenaline rush – that feeling of pushing
their limits. Others see it as a way to test their children's education?
skills and overcome fears. There's also a In most cases, yes. Parents usually know their
sense of accomplishment – they did child's strengths, weaknesses, and interests
something challenging, maybe even scary, better than anyone else. However, it's
and came out the other side. And honestly, important for parents to also listen to their
for some people, a little danger might break child's input and consider the advice of
up the monotony of everyday life. teachers and professionals. The best
educational decisions are collaborative, with
6/ Who is more interested in taking
parents working alongside their children and
risks, the young or the old? educators to find the best fit for that
Generally speaking, younger people are more individual student.
inclined to take risks. Part of it is brain
3/ At what age do you think children
development – the part of the brain
responsible for impulse control isn't fully can be allowed to make decisions by
formed until the mid-20s. Young people also themselves?
tend to have a stronger sense of invincibility There's no single right answer. It heavily
– they might not consider consequences as depends on a child's maturity level and the
thoroughly as someone with more life type of decision. Even toddlers can manage
experience. However, there will always be small choices like which shirt to wear. As
risk-takers of all ages! they get older, parents can gradually give
them more complex choices with a wider
MAKING DECISIONS range of consequences. It's about slowly
building decision-making skills and trust,
1/ Should parents make decisions for but still providing appropriate guidance. This
their children? gradual approach helps children understand
the impact of their choices and take on more
This is complex. It depends on the child's age
responsibility as they mature.
and the decision's importance. Young kids
don't have the life experience to make all their



4/ Why do most children find it important thing: Let them make some
difficult to make decisions? mistakes! That's how they get better at
There are a few reasons. Firstly, they lack
experience. They haven't had opportunities to SKILLS
practice making choices and learning from
the results. Secondly, they might feel
overwhelmed by too many options or the 1/ What skills are essential for both
fear of making the "wrong" choice. Also, adults and children to learn?
their brains are still developing – the parts
responsible for logical thinking and impulse There are a few key skills that I'd say are
control take time to mature. That's why it's crucial for everyone, regardless of age.
important for parents to be patient and Problem-solving ranks high–life constantly
support children as they learn to make throws unexpected challenges at you, so
decisions. being able to think critically is a must.
Communication matters too. Expressing
5/ Should parents interfere in yourself clearly and effectively helps in all
children's decision-making? areas of life. And honestly, adaptability is
vital. The world changes quickly, so being
This is tricky. It depends on the child's age willing to learn and adjust will prevent you
and the decision. For little kids, parents from being left behind.
obviously need to make most choices for
them; it's a safety thing. As kids get older, the 2/ How can people improve their
key is striking a balance. You don't want to collaboration skills?
totally control their lives, but some guidance
is necessary, especially with major decisions Improving collaboration takes practice!
that could have serious consequences. It's Firstly, active listening is essential. Truly
more about collaboration than interference. pay attention to your teammates and
understand their ideas. Secondly, respect for
6/ How should parents help their different perspectives is key. Even if you
children make decisions? disagree, approach others with an open
mind. Being willing to compromise is also
The best way is to guide rather than dictate. important. Collaboration isn't about always
Even toddlers can handle small choices, like getting your way, it's about finding the best
which shirt to wear. As they get older, present solution overall. And lastly, clear
them with a few acceptable options rather communication! Express your thoughts
than just telling them what to do. Talk effectively and avoid misunderstandings that
through decisions together, discussing the can derail a project.
pros and cons of each choice. Help them
understand there are consequences so they
learn to think things through. And the most



3/ What are essential skills that job or being part of a successful team.
everyone should develop, regardless Recognition and the potential for
advancement are also powerful motivators
of age?
for many. Furthermore, a positive work
There are a few skills I'd consider absolutely environment and supportive colleagues can
crucial throughout life. Problem-solving is a greatly influence an individual's motivation
big one – being able to think critically and and job satisfaction.
work through challenges is invaluable.
Another is communication – whether it's 6/ Is it important to have a break
writing a clear email, giving a presentation, during work or study?
or just having a conversation, good Absolutely! Our brains aren't built for non-
communication makes life smoother. Lastly, stop focus. Taking short breaks helps us reset
being adaptable is key. The world changes and come back to the task refreshed. It sounds
quickly, so staying flexible and willing to counterintuitive, but working straight
learn new things prevents you from being left through actually makes you less productive
behind. overall. A quick walk, a few minutes of
4/ What makes a good employee? stretching, or even just zoning out to listen
to a song can all make a huge difference in
Honestly, a good attitude goes a long way. maintaining focus and preventing burnout.
Someone who's positive and willing to learn In fact, studies have shown that regular
is already off to a great start. Being reliable breaks can improve creativity and problem-
is huge– employers need to know they can solving skills.
count on you. Taking initiative is impressive
too – it shows you're not just waiting to be 7/ How does the process of learning
told what to do. Of course, strong work ethic skills change as a person gets older?
and relevant skills are important, but even
It's interesting, because learning as an adult
those can be developed if you have the right
has its pros and cons. On one hand, you have
foundation. Additionally, adaptability and
more life experience to draw on, which helps
the ability to handle unexpected situations
connect new information to things you
with grace are valuable traits in any
already know. But, our brains do lose some
plasticity as we age, meaning it may take
5/ Is money the only motivation for longer to master a skill. Adults also have
people to work hard? more responsibilities, so fitting learning into
a busy life can be a challenge. However,
Definitely not. While a good salary is adults often have a clearer understanding of
important, many other factors drive people to their goals and motivations for learning,
work hard. Some folks are motivated by a which can lead to greater focus and
sense of purpose – feeling like their work determination.
makes a positive difference. Others get a
boost from the challenge of mastering their



8/ Who plays a more important role in and have something amazing to share with
children's education, peers, parents, friends and family back home. And let's be
honest, a lot of tourist attractions are just
or teachers?
plain fun – think theme parks or beautiful
Honestly, they all play crucial roles, but in natural wonders.
different ways. Teachers provide the formal
instruction and curriculum. Parents lay the 2/ What makes a tourist attraction
foundation with early learning and provide famous?
ongoing support and encouragement. Peers Several things can make a place a major
are super important too! Kids learn a ton from attraction. History definitely plays a part –
observing each other, and working sites with ancient ruins or significant
collaboratively with classmates develops historical events draw people in. Word of
social skills essential for lifelong learning mouth is also powerful, with travelers
and success. sharing their experiences and
9/ Where do people learn important recommendations. Unique beauty is another
big factor, whether it's stunning landscapes or
skills throughout their lives?
incredible architecture. Also, pop culture
The great thing is, learning isn't limited to can boost popularity; places featured in films
classrooms! Important skills are acquired in or books suddenly become must-visit
lots of places. Workplaces teach job-specific destinations for fans.
skills, but also things like teamwork and
communication. Volunteering opens you up 3/ Do local people like to visit local
to new experiences and perspectives. Even tourist attractions?
hobbies can build skills like problem- It depends! Sometimes locals get a bit jaded
solving or creativity. Really, it's about being about the popular sites, especially if they
open to learning opportunities everywhere! cause crowds or traffic near their homes. But,
often, there's a sense of pride in showing off
those local attractions to visitors.
TOURIST ATTRACTION Sometimes, there might be special events or
festivals held at those spots that even locals
1/ Why do people visit tourist find interesting. And occasionally, even a
attractions? local will play tourist and rediscover a
landmark they haven't seen since they were
There are loads of reasons! Sometimes it's
a kid.
about seeing iconic landmarks they've
always heard about, like the Eiffel Tower or 4/ Do you think tourism causes
the Great Wall of China. Other times, it's the environmental damage?
desire to experience a different culture or
immerse themselves in the history of a place. Unfortunately, yes, tourism can have a
Plus, it's a chance to create lasting memories significant negative impact on the



environment. Increased foot traffic can lead basis to find a balance between accessibility
to things like soil erosion and damage to and sustainability.
delicate ecosystems. There's also the issue of
pollution from litter or poorly managed FRIENDS
waste from hotels and resorts. And let's not
forget the carbon footprint of 1/ Why is friendship important?
transportation, like flights and buses, which
contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Friendship offers a unique kind of support
Plus, developing tourist infrastructure – that's different from family. Friends make us
roads, buildings, etc. – often results in laugh, provide a shoulder to cry on when
habitat destruction and strains on local things are rough, and help us see ourselves
resources. more clearly. They are there for us through
the good times and bad times. Good friends
5/ How can people prevent the boost our confidence, celebrate our wins, and
environmental damage caused by push us to grow. They also simply make life
tourism? more fun! It's human nature to crave that
social connection. Sharing experiences with
It takes a multi-pronged approach. Tourists friends can help us learn and grow as
themselves can make responsible choices: individuals.
staying on designated trails, packing out their
trash, supporting eco-friendly businesses.
Tourism operators have a responsibility to 2/ How has technology changed the
implement sustainable practices, managing way people communicate with
waste responsibly, and minimizing their friends?
impact on the environment. Governments
also play a role in regulating development Technology has completely transformed how
we stay in touch. We're no longer limited by
and enforcing protections for sensitive areas.
distance – texting and video chats let us
6/ Should all tourist attractions be connect with friends across the globe
free to the public? instantly. While it's great to stay connected,
nothing can replace face-to-face interactions.
Hmm, that's a tricky one. On the one hand, Social media allows quick updates and
free access makes attractions accessible to sharing experiences. But there's a downside,
everyone, regardless of income. But, on the too. Sometimes it replaces deeper, in-person
other hand, entrance fees can be a valuable conversations. This can lead to
source of revenue for maintaining historical misunderstandings and a sense of
sites or preserving natural areas. Perhaps a disconnection despite the constant
tiered system could work – core attractions communication.
might be free, but with special exhibits or
experiences offered at a cost. Ultimately, it
needs to be considered on a case-by-case



3/ Why might some people dislike can be fun for parties or events, but for
socializing or struggle to connect with relaxing and meaningful hangouts, a smaller
circle is my preference. The quality of
interaction is usually more enriching with a
There are a few reasons. Some folks are smaller, close-knit group.
naturally introverted and get drained by
large gatherings. Then there's social 6/ How can people overcome
anxiety, which can make interacting feel language differences or age gaps
incredibly stressful. Past negative when making new friends?
experiences, like bullying, can leave people
It takes some effort, but it's definitely
feeling hesitant to trust and open up. And
possible! With language barriers, patience
sometimes, it's about not finding people with
is key. Using simpler sentences, visual aids,
shared interests, which can make socializing
or translation apps can help. The focus should
less enjoyable. It's also possible that cultural
be on getting to know the person, even if
differences or language barriers can create
perfect communication isn't there yet. With
challenges in social interactions.
age gaps, it's about finding common ground.
Shared interests, a willingness to learn from
4/ Where do people go to meet new each other, and an appreciation for different
friends? perspectives can bridge that gap. Humor and
openness to new experiences can also be very
There are tons of places! Joining clubs or helpful in breaking down initial barriers.
groups centered around hobbies is a great one
– you already share a common interest. SPORTS
Volunteering connects you with like-minded
people, and sometimes even gyms or fitness 1/ What kinds of sports would you like
classes can turn into social hubs. If you have
to play in the future?
pets, dog parks are surprisingly good spots to
strike up conversations! Even online I'd really like to get into rock climbing. It
communities can sometimes lead to real-life looks like a great mix of physical challenge
meetups and friendships. Social events or and mental problem-solving. Also, maybe
festivals are also good options for meeting something like yoga or pilates to improve
new people in a relaxed setting. flexibility and core strength. I'm not a super
competitive person, so individual sports
5/ Do you prefer spending time with a where I can work on my own goals sound
large group of friends or a few close appealing. Plus, I think rock climbing would
ones? be a great way to meet new people and
explore the outdoors.
Personally, I'm more of a "few close friends"
kind of person. I enjoy having those deeper
connections where you can really be open and
vulnerable with each other. Large groups



2/ Why are there many athletes in weekend, you can find amateur leagues and
advertisements? pick-up games happening all over the place.

Well, for one thing, athletes are often seen as 5/ What kinds of sports are popular
aspirational figures. They embody health, now but not popular 50 years ago?
discipline, and success, which are qualities
There are loads of sports that have exploded
that brands want to associate with their
in popularity compared to 50 years ago.
products. Also, athletes have huge fan bases,
Things like mixed martial arts (MMA) now
so using them in ads is a way to reach a
draw huge audiences, and it wasn't even a
dedicated and passionate audience. Their
recognized sport back then. Also, tons of
endorsement can carry a lot of weight in
extreme sports – snowboarding,
terms of influencing consumer choices.
skateboarding, that kind of thing – have gone
3/ What are the features of people from niche to mainstream. Even stuff like e-
who watch sports games online, such sports, which is competitive video gaming,
now fills stadiums...which is wild to think
as gender or age?
about compared to 50 years ago!
There's definitely a shift happening now.
Traditionally, sports fans skewed older and 6/ Do you think there are too many
predominantly male, but online streaming is sorts of sports games on TV?
attracting a way more diverse crowd. More Hmm, honestly, it depends. As a sports fan, I
women are engaging with online sports love having a choice! But I get why some
viewing, and it skews younger too. With people feel it's overkill. If you're not into
online streaming, you can choose exactly sports, I can see how it'd be frustrating with
what games to watch whenever you want, so many channels dedicated to them.
making it far more convenient than relying on Ultimately, it's about finding the right
traditional TV channels. Plus, online balance for viewers... I guess with streaming
platforms often offer interactive features services nowadays, people have more control
like live chats and commentary, which can over what they watch anyway. Maybe TV
enhance the viewing experience. channels could offer more variety in their
4/ What's the most popular sport in programming, to cater to different interests.
your country? RULES & LAWS
In my country, football (or soccer, depending
on where you're from!) is hands-down the 1/ What rules should students follow
most popular sport. It's got a huge following, at school?
and you'll see people of all ages playing in
parks or glued to their screens for big Well, the basics are respect for teachers, other
matches. The national team is a huge source students, and school property. This means
of pride, and there's a real sense of things like listening attentively in class, not
community around supporting them. Every being disruptive, and treating everyone with



kindness. Also, following specific guidelines, 4/ Do you think children can learn
such as dress code regulations or rules about the law outside of school?
regarding the use of electronic devices, is
essential for maintaining a consistent and Definitely! Parents can play a role in
orderly environment. Specific schools might introducing basic legal concepts like
have rules on uniforms, technology use, or respecting others' properties or the
being on time for class. Essentially, schools consequences of breaking a promise. Even
need rules to create a safe and focused things like watching age-appropriate TV
learning environment for everyone. shows with police or courtroom scenes can
spark conversations about laws and fairness.
2/ Do people in my country usually Libraries often have children's books about
obey the law? the legal system, and some communities
might even offer youth programs focused on
For the most part, yes. Obviously, there are
law and order.
always exceptions, but I'd say there's a
general respect for the law in my country. 5/ What are the benefits for people to
Most people understand laws are there to obey rules?
maintain order and protect citizens. This is
especially true for laws concerning serious Well, rules create structure and
crimes like theft or assault, which are predictability in society. Without them,
generally frowned upon and carry things would descend into chaos pretty
significant penalties. Of course, minor quickly! Following rules ensures fairness
offenses like speeding happen, but serious and allows people to understand the
crimes are relatively rare. expectations and consequences of their
actions. It also protects our rights. When
3/ What kinds of behavior are everyone plays by the rules, things tend to run
considered as good behavior? more smoothly, and there's a greater sense of
safety and security for everyone.
Good behavior is about being considerate.
Thinking about how your actions might affect 6/ How can parents teach children to
others before you do something. It includes obey rules?
things like being helpful, offering assistance
when someone's struggling. Politeness and Firstly, parents need to set clear and
using manners is a form of good behavior consistent rules with age-appropriate
too. And honesty, always being truthful, explanations. Kids need to understand why a
builds trust, which is crucial for positive rule exists, not just that they have to follow it
relationships. Additionally, demonstrating blindly. Positive reinforcement is key –
empathy and understanding towards others, praise kids when they follow rules and offer
especially those who may be different from them choices within a set framework
oneself, is a key aspect of good behavior. whenever possible. When a rule is broken,
there should be a calm discussion about the



consequences and how the child can make a buy things. As kids get older, they can learn
better choice next time. about saving, budgeting, and making smart
choices with their money. It's vital to start
MONEY early, because money management is a life
skill everyone needs, and good habits are best
1/ Why do some people still prefer to formed when you're young.
use cash? 4/ Should parents use money as a
There are a few reasons. Some people feel reward for children?
cash gives them better control over
This is a tricky one! Small rewards can be a
budgeting – it's way easier to visualize
tool, but they should be used sparingly. If
money spent when you physically hand it
kids start expecting a prize for every little
over. Also, cash offers privacy, unlike
thing, it loses its motivational effect. It's
digital payments that leave trails. There's a
better to emphasize the inherent value of
practical side too – not all small businesses
doing chores or good grades, rather than
take cards, and sometimes you want to avoid
making it purely transactional. However,
transaction fees. Plus, some people might
for specific goals that require sustained hard
feel less tech-savvy or just prefer the
work, having some kind of reward system,
familiarity of cash.
even if it's non-monetary, can help kids stay
2/ What are the advantages and focused.
disadvantages of digital payment 5/ How important is it to have a
methods? variety of payment options?
The biggest advantage is convenience – you
It's very important these days. Some places
don't need to carry cash or even cards. Digital are cash-only, while others prefer cards or
payments are often faster too, just a tap of even contactless payments. Having variety
your phone! However, there's the security means you're not locked out of making the
risk of online fraud, which can be scary. purchase you need, wherever you are. It also
Also, if you're not great at tracking spending, gives you the flexibility to choose the method
it's easy to overspend using digital payments that's best for your budgeting – maybe using
since you don't "feel" the money leaving your cash for small things to avoid overspending,
hands. or a rewards credit card to earn points on a
big purchase.
3/ When should children start 6/ What are the advantages and
learning about money, and why is this disadvantages of using credit cards?
Credit cards offer convenience—you can buy
I think you can start with the basics even as now and pay later. They're also great for
young as preschool! Simple stuff, like building your credit score if you use them
recognizing coins or that money is used to



responsibly. And, many offer rewards 3/ Do you think there are any
programs or travel perks. The biggest advantages to a shop with music
downside is the high interest rates if you
don't pay your bill in full. That can lead to a
cycle of debt that's hard to escape. It also Definitely! Setting the right mood with
makes overspending very easy, as it's music can be a powerful part of a store's
tempting to use credit you don't actually have overall branding. Think about how upbeat
available. music might make you move faster in a fast-
casual restaurant, while a relaxing melody
MUSIC could encourage you to linger in a coffee
shop. Studies also show that music can
1/ What do you think about playing actually influence how much people are
music for children in class? willing to spend. Of course, it backfires if the
music's annoying or clashes with the store's
I think it can be a really positive addition as vibe!
long as it's done thoughtfully. The right music
can help create a calm and focused 4/ Would people's shopping behavior
atmosphere, or add a fun, energizing be affected in a shop with music?
element, depending on the activity.
Absolutely! Studies show that music can
Especially for younger kids, incorporating
significantly influence how we shop. The
music into lessons can make learning more
right tempo and style of music can make
engaging and help them remember concepts
people linger longer in a store, potentially
better. Of course, the type of music and
leading to more purchases. On the other hand,
volume matter – you don't want anything too
loud or unpleasant music can have the
opposite effect, driving customers away.
Music can also create a certain ambiance that
2/ Why do many teachers incorporate aligns with a store's brand image,
music into the classroom? enhancing the overall shopping experience.

There are a few reasons! Music can be a 5/ What do you think would be the
powerful memory aid – think about how effect of background music in a film?
many people still remember the alphabet
Background music in films is incredibly
song. It can help children learn new
powerful! It sets the mood, creating
vocabulary or concepts through catchy tunes.
suspense, sadness, joy, or excitement. Music
It can also be a way to manage transitions
can amp up the emotional impact of a scene,
between activities smoothly, signaling to
making us more connected to the story and
kids that it's time to tidy up or switch gears.
the characters. Think of a chase scene in an
Plus, it adds an element of playfulness to
action movie – without that fast-paced
learning, which is especially important for
music, it would feel much less intense. Music
younger learners.
can also foreshadow something to come or



signal a change in the plot, keeping viewers from. They learn about science concepts like
engaged on a subconscious level. plant life cycles in a hands-on way.
Gardening can also be a fun and rewarding
6/ Why are musical movies so activity that kids can enjoy with their friends
popular? and family. Plus, tending a garden fosters a
Musicals have an enduring appeal for several sense of responsibility and patience. And
reasons. Firstly, there's the escapism factor – who knows, it might even inspire some kids
they take us out of the mundane and into a to pursue careers in agriculture or
world where people burst into song and horticulture!
dance! That can be joyful and fun. Musicals 3/ Why do some people prefer to live
often have catchy songs that stay in your
in the countryside?
head, adding to the enjoyment long after the
movie ends. Plus, the combination of music, There are a bunch of reasons! Some people
storytelling, and visuals creates a crave the peace and quiet that's hard to find
multisensory experience that can be in a bustling city. Others might want a bigger
incredibly captivating for audiences. house and more land for a price they can
actually afford. The desire to raise a family in
a less hectic environment is a big draw for
many. And some people are simply drawn
PLANTS & TREES to the beauty of nature and the slower
lifestyle the countryside offers.
1/ What are the features of living in
4/ Have new kinds of plants been
the countryside?
grown in your city recently?
Living in the countryside is all about a slower
Hmm, I can't say that I've noticed any brand-
pace of life compared to cities. You might
new plant species popping up around my city.
find yourself having more time for hobbies or
However, there's definitely been a trend
simply relaxing at home. There's typically
towards more urban gardening projects.
more open space, greener landscapes, and a
People are growing lots of vegetables and
closer connection to nature in general. The air
herbs in communal spaces and on balconies.
is usually cleaner and noise levels are lower.
They're also becoming more interested in
You'll often find a stronger sense of
native plants and creating pollinator-
community in smaller rural towns, where
friendly gardens, which might include some
people tend to know their neighbors.
species less commonly seen before.
2/ Should schools teach children how
5/ Why do some people like to keep
to grow plants?
plants at home?
I definitely think so! Teaching gardening has
There are lots of reasons! For some, it's about
so many benefits. It gets kids outdoors and
aesthetics – plants simply make their homes
connects them to where their food comes



prettier and more inviting. Others enjoy the 2/ What are the advantages and
act of caring for living things, they find it disadvantages of shopping in street
nurturing and relaxing. Also, plants
markets compared to shopping malls?
improve air quality, so there's a health
benefit. Plus, certain plants like herbs or Street markets have a unique charm. You can
small vegetables can even contribute to a often bargain for better prices and find things
homegrown food supply. And for people in unavailable in big stores. Plus, there's that
cities who don't have yards, houseplants sense of community, supporting local
bring a bit of nature indoors. sellers. But they can be crowded, the quality
of goods can be inconsistent, and the weather
impacts your experience. In a mall, you have
6/ Are there many trees in your city? everything under one roof - tons of options,
Unfortunately, no. My city is pretty densely it's climate-controlled...but it's also more
populated, and there's been a lot of impersonal and prices tend to be higher.
development over the years. While there are
3/ Do you think traditional, small
some parks with mature trees, many
neighborhoods lack tree cover. This makes markets will continue to exist in the
the city hotter and less pleasant during the future?
summer months. Some initiatives aim to It's hard to say. Big supermarkets and online
plant more trees along streets and in public shopping are super convenient, which puts
spaces, but it's a slow process. pressure on smaller markets. But I think
there will always be a segment of people
SHOPPING MALLS who appreciate the personal touch and
unique finds at traditional markets. So, I hope
1/ What are the different types of some will survive, but it might depend on
markets and stores available to how they adapt and carve out a niche for
people? themselves.

There's a huge variety! You've got your 4/ How have people's shopping habits
typical supermarkets and chain stores for changed in recent years?
basics. Then there are specialty stores for
things like electronics, sporting goods, or There's been a massive shift towards online
gourmet food. Street markets offer a totally shopping – it's so convenient to browse and
different experience with unique finds and buy from anywhere. Also, people are
local vendors. Online shopping is super becoming more values-driven in their
convenient but lacks the personal touch. purchasing. They research brands' ethical
And nowadays, people even have those giant practices and environmental impact. It's not
shopping malls with department stores, just about price anymore. Reviews have also
restaurants...everything in one place. become super important – people check those
heavily before buying, especially with
unknown online stores.



contrast, towns or villages offer a stronger
sense of community, less pollution, and are
5/ Why do people choose to buy often more affordable.
expensive goods?
2/ How have towns and villages
There are a few reasons. Sometimes it's about
changed in recent years in your
quality – a pricier item might actually last
longer and save money in the long run. For country?
some, it's a status thing. Owning high-end Even smaller towns and villages are
brands gives them a sense of prestige or becoming increasingly modernized. Better
belonging to a certain group. Others believe infrastructure, like improved roads and
in craftsmanship and are willing to pay for internet access, has become more common.
the time and skill it took to create something While some retain a more traditional feel,
exceptional. many are seeing an influx of shops and even
chain stores that were once exclusive to
6/ Do you think things are more
cities. Unfortunately, this increased
expensive in big shopping malls? development can sometimes come at the cost
They often are, yeah. Malls have higher of the unique charm and slower pace of life
overhead costs – rent, staffing, etc. – which that traditionally characterized smaller
get passed on to consumers. Plus, malls offer towns.
a curated experience that some shoppers are
3/ What factors make a place a
willing to pay a premium for. But it's not
always true! You can sometimes find better desirable place to live?
deals in smaller independent shops or by This varies from person to person, but some
comparing online prices. It pays to shop common factors include job opportunities,
around. affordability, and access to good schools if
you have a family. Safety and a low crime
CITY & TOWNS rate are also important considerations. A
sense of community and access to green
1/ What are the major differences spaces or recreational activities can also
between life in cities and life in greatly enhance the quality of life in a place.
smaller towns or villages? Ultimately, it's about finding a balance of
factors that match your lifestyle and
The biggest difference is the pace of life. priorities.
Cities are bustling and fast-paced, with
constant noise and activity, while smaller
towns and villages have a much slower, more
relaxed vibe. Cities offer more job
opportunities, a wider variety of
entertainment and restaurants, but also tend to
be more expensive and can feel crowded. In



4/ Do people in your country are bustling with markets, great food, and a
frequently invite others to their vibrant nightlife scene.
homes, and why? TRANSPORT
It varies a bit depending on the region. In
bigger cities, inviting people to your home is 1/ Why do people choose different
less frequent compared to towns or more modes of transportation?
rural areas. Space is often a factor – city
apartments can be small! However, inviting There are a bunch of factors people consider.
close friends or family for dinner parties and Cost is a big one – sometimes public transport
gatherings is still fairly common. is cheaper than driving yourself. Also,
Vietnamese people are generally hospitable convenience – if you live somewhere with
and enjoy sharing meals and socializing. good bus routes, it might be faster than
dealing with traffic and parking. Some people
5/ How do people in your country choose based on environmental impact,
differ in their hospitality practices? trying to reduce their carbon footprint by
not driving. And of course, sometimes there's
Hospitality is important throughout
no choice! If you don't own a car, public
Vietnam, but there are some regional
transport is the way to go.
differences. In the South, people tend to be a
bit more casual and outgoing. In Northern 2/ What are the advantages and
parts, formality might be slightly more disadvantages of traveling by public
emphasized. Additionally, older generations
across the country often follow more
traditional hospitality customs than younger On the plus side, public transport can be way
people who might have a more modern cheaper than gas and car maintenance. Plus,
approach. you don't have to focus on driving, so you can
do other stuff during your commute. It's
6/ What kinds of facilities and also better for the environment. The
attractions are common in tourist downside is you lose some flexibility –
areas in your country? you're tied to bus schedules and routes. And,
let's be real, buses and trains can get crowded
Vietnam has a great mix for tourists! Of
and uncomfortable!
course, beautiful beaches and resorts are
found all along the coast. There are also
stunning natural areas for hiking or 3/ How can governments improve
exploring, like the caves in Phong Nha or the transportation systems in cities?
mountains around Sapa. For history lovers,
cities like Hue and Hoi An offer ancient There's a lot they could do! Investing in more
temples and well-preserved architecture. frequent and reliable public transport is key,
Plus, cities like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City so people actually see it as a viable option.
Creating dedicated bus lanes and bike paths



makes alternative transportation safer and 6/ How can travel experiences help
more efficient. Also, subsidizing public people learn about different cultures?
transport to make it more affordable could
convince more people to ditch their cars. It's Travel is like a crash course in cultural
about providing good alternatives so people understanding. By immersing yourself in a
aren't forced to drive everywhere. new place, you witness firsthand the
customs, traditions, and daily routines that
4/ What challenges do commuters shape a different way of life. Trying local
face, especially during rush hours? food exposes you to unique flavors and
culinary techniques. Visiting historical sites
Rush hour is a commuter's nightmare! The
connects you to a place's past and the events
biggest issue is traffic congestion – whether
that molded its culture. Interacting with locals
you're stuck in your car or squeezed onto a
– even basic conversations – offers insight
packed bus, it massively extends travel times.
into their perspectives and values.
Overcrowding adds another layer of stress,
as you might struggle to even get on public
transport, and once you do, there's little
personal space. Unexpected delays are also
common, leading to frustration and
potentially affecting work schedules or 1/ Does consumption have any impact
appointments. Honestly, rush hour is enough on the environment?
to make anyone reconsider their commute!
Absolutely. Consumption has enormous
impacts on the environment. The production
5/ Do you think travel is easier or of goods requires natural resources and often
more difficult now compared to the generates pollution. Shipping products
past, and why? across the globe contributes to greenhouse
gas emissions. Not to mention, the packaging
It's a bit of both. In many ways, travel is of many products is excessive and adds to the
easier now. Advances in transportation like problem of waste. Plus, when we discard old
high-speed trains and budget airlines make things, they end up in landfills, contributing
it faster and more affordable to reach distant to waste and potential pollution of land and
places. Online resources allow you to water.
compare prices, look up routes, and book
accommodations with a few clicks. Yet, 2/ Why do people always want to buy
increased security and stricter travel new things to replace old ones?
regulations sometimes introduce delays and
hassle. Also, popular destinations often There are a few reasons. Advertising
suffer from overcrowding, making the actual constantly pushes us to want the latest and
travel experience less pleasant. greatest, making us feel what we have is
outdated. Also, things aren't built to last like
they used to – sometimes it's actually cheaper



to just replace a broken item than to repair it. 5/ Why do some people like to buy
Plus, with the rise of fast fashion, we've been expensive things?
conditioned to expect clothes to be cheap
and disposable, so we don't value them as For some, it's about status. Expensive
much. For some people, buying new stuff is possessions might signal success or wealth,
about status and portraying an image of which can boost their ego. Others believe in
success. quality and assume high price equals high
quality... which isn't always true! Sometimes,
3/ Why do you think some people people buy expensive stuff to try to fill a
replace things more often than void, hoping that new things will make them
others? happier. For a few, it might even be an
addiction – the thrill of the purchase is what
Sometimes it's about genuine need – if an they crave.
essential appliance breaks down, you gotta
replace it. But some people are more
influenced by trends and advertising, so they 6/ Why do some people prefer to buy
get caught in that cycle of buying the newest things in the supermarket rather than
thing even if they don't truly need it. There online?
might also be some psychology around it –
getting something new gives that temporary Being able to see and touch items before
hit of happiness. Of course, financial means buying is a big factor for some. You can
play a huge role, too – people with more assess the quality of fresh produce, or make
money have the luxury of replacing things on sure clothing fits correctly. For some folks,
a whim. particularly older generations, shopping is a
social thing. It's an outing, a chance to chat
4/ Why do young people change with people. Also, immediate gratification!
things more often than old people? No waiting for shipping when you buy in-
person. Online shopping definitely has its
There are a few reasons for this. Young
advantages, but it can't fully replace the
people are still figuring out who they are and
physical experience of browsing a store.
what they like, so experimentation is
natural. They might change their hair, their
style, their friend's part of finding
their identity. Also, young people generally
have fewer responsibilities – no mortgage,
1/ What are the different types of
maybe no kids– so there's less risk involved noise we encounter in daily life?
in trying new things. Plus, let's be honest, Man, there are so many types of noise!
older folks often get set in their ways. Change Traffic sounds are a big one in cities – car
can be harder when you've had decades of engines, horns honking, the rumble of buses.
doing things the same way! There's construction noise... drilling,
hammering, all that stuff. Inside buildings,



you might hear people talking loudly, phones span. It's more reasonable to expect them to
ringing, or music blasting. And let's not use their "indoor voices" and avoid being
forget the din from appliances, TVs, and even disruptive. Trying to enforce total silence
just the general hum of electronics. It can feel can lead to frustration for both the child and
like there's never any real silence! the parent.

2/ Why are some places designated as

noise-free zones 5/ Are there differences in how noise
is perceived in cities versus rural
Noise-free zones exist to offer refuge from
the constant bombardment of sound. areas?
Libraries are an obvious example – you need Definitely! Cities are inherently noisy
quiet to concentrate on reading or studying. environments with traffic, construction, and
Hospitals require calm for patients to recover just general crowds. There's a higher baseline
and rest. Some people seek out noise-free level of noise that residents become
environments for meditation or simply to de- accustomed to. In rural areas, the emphasis
stress. A little bit of silence can do wonders is often on peace and quiet. Sounds carry
for both our mental and physical health. further in the countryside, and something that
might not seem disruptive in a city could be
3/ How can people be considerate of
bothersome in a more rural setting.
others when it comes to noise in
public spaces? 6/ What are some important public
etiquette rules to follow in your
There are simple things everyone can do.
Keep your voice down in shared spaces, country?
especially indoors. Use headphones when In Vietnam, a few etiquette rules stand out.
listening to music or videos on your phone so Taking off your shoes before entering
it doesn't disturb those around you. If you someone's home is essential. In public spaces,
absolutely must take a call, step away to a less it's considerate to be mindful of noise levels,
crowded area so your conversation doesn't especially when talking on the phone. Using
bother others. And being mindful of noise polite terms to address elders is also
levels late at night is just basic respect for important to show respect. Additionally,
your neighbors! avoiding public displays of affection is the
cultural norm.
4/ Is it reasonable to expect children
to always be quiet in public?
While it's important for children to learn how
to behave appropriately in public, expecting
them to be perfectly silent at all times isn't
realistic, especially young children who have
a natural energy and a limited attention



YOUNG & OLD PEOPLE community and breaks down stereotypes.
Both younger and older people can gain fresh
perspectives and learn from each other.
1/ Do you think people of different Intergenerational friendships promote
generations (young and old) can understanding, combat loneliness, and
share interests and form friendships? offer unique support and mentorship
opportunities no matter your age.
Definitely! Age is just a number when it
comes to shared interests and genuine 4/ How do children and adults define
connection. I've seen plenty of examples of happiness differently?
young people hanging out with their
grandparents and having a blast. People of Children often associate happiness with
different generations might bond over a simple, immediate pleasures – playing a
passion for music, a love of sports, or even a favorite game, getting a new toy, or spending
shared hobby like gardening. These shared time with loved ones. Their happiness tends
interests offer a fantastic bridge for forming to be very present-focused. Adults have a
friendships, regardless of age differences. more nuanced understanding. While they
still experience those simple joys, their
2/ What valuable lessons or happiness is also tied to longer-term goals, a
experiences can older people share sense of purpose, and strong relationships.
with younger generations? They might find satisfaction in achieving
milestones, providing for their family, or
Older people have a wealth of life experience making a positive impact on the world.
that can be invaluable to younger generations.
They can share firsthand accounts of 5/ Do you think people are becoming
historical events, offer advice on navigating more self-centered compared to the
personal and professional challenges, and past?
pass down family traditions. Sometimes, just
hearing stories from an older person about It's hard to say definitively. With social
their past can be incredibly inspiring and media, there's definitely more focus on
give you a whole new perspective on things. showcasing a perfect image, which can
Their perspectives can broaden breed self-centeredness. On the other hand,
understanding and provide a sense of we’re also more connected than ever before
continuity for younger folks. globally, which could foster empathy and
awareness of others. Historically, people
likely focused on their own communities and
3/ What are the benefits of having immediate needs. Perhaps it's not that people
positive relationships with people of are more self-centered now, but the way that
different ages? self-centeredness is expressed has changed.

Having positive relationships across

generations creates a wonderful sense of



6/ Do you think it's important to find programs. That said, challenges persist.
a balance between focusing on Ageism is still a problem, and not everyone
has equal access to resources or adequate
yourself and considering others?
support networks, especially in
Absolutely! It's crucial to prioritize your own marginalized communities.
well-being – you can't pour from an empty
cup, as they say. However, focusing solely on WORK & ECONOMY
yourself leads to isolation and ultimately an
unfulfilling life. Considering the needs and 1/ Should employees have their own
feelings of others makes us better friends, goals?
family members, and members of society.
The ideal balance allows you to pursue your Definitely! Setting personal goals alongside
own goals and happiness while also being company objectives gives employees a
mindful of your impact on others and stronger sense of purpose. It creates
contributing positively to the world around ownership over their work and keeps them
you. motivated. Ideally, individual goals should
align with larger team or company goals, so
7/ How can people communicate everyone's moving in the same direction.
effectively and respectfully with older Plus, achieving personal targets provides a
individuals? greater sense of accomplishment, boosting
morale and job satisfaction.
Firstly, speak clearly and at a moderate pace
– some older individuals might have
difficulty hearing. Avoid using overly 2/ How should bosses reward
complex language or slang that they may not employees?
understand. Take the time to actively listen
Rewards should be a mix of tangible and
to them, allowing for pauses if needed. It's
important to maintain eye contact and show intangible. Of course, bonuses or raises are
genuine interest in what they're saying. always appreciated! But showing
Most of all, treat them with the same respect recognition for hard work goes a long way –
and patience you would want your own sometimes even just a sincere "thank you" or
grandparents to receive. public praise can be highly motivating.
Flexible work arrangements or opportunities
8/ Has the quality of life for older for additional training and development are
people improved over time? also valuable rewards for high-performing
In many ways, yes. Medical advancements
have extended life expectancy and improved 3/ What kinds of gifts do young
treatment for age-related conditions. There's workers like to receive as rewards?
greater awareness of the needs of seniors,
leading to better accessibility features in I think experiences tend to be more exciting
public spaces and more dedicated social for young people than material goods.



Things like concert tickets, vouchers for excessive consumerism is terrible for the
travel or activities, or subscriptions to environment, and a lot of stuff is bought and
streaming services would appeal to that age then discarded, creating waste. Also,
group. Tech gadgets are also a safe bet – focusing too much on shopping can create a
smartwatches, headphones, that kind of thing. values problem, where people are defined by
Ultimately, it's good to have a variety of what they own rather than who they are.
reward options so there's something
appealing to different interests. SOCIAL MEDIA
4/ How should children spend their
1/ Is it good to share something on
allowance money?
social media?
This is a great opportunity for kids to learn
That depends entirely on what you're sharing!
budgeting! I think there should be a balance.
Social media can be a wonderful tool for
Some of their allowance can go towards a
connecting with friends and family, sharing
small treat or something they want, but it's
positive moments, or promoting causes you
also smart to encourage saving. Maybe they
care about. However, it's important to be
have a bigger goal they're saving for, like a
mindful that not everything needs to be
new toy or video game. Even setting aside a
shared online. Oversharing personal details
little each week for charity is a nice way to
can have downsides, and it's wise to be
teach about giving back.
careful about spreading unverified
5/ Why do people like shopping more information or negativity. Social media is
now than in the past? best when used thoughtfully.

There are a few reasons. Online shopping has 2/ Should the media only publish good
made it way more convenient – you can news?
browse and buy from your couch! Also,
While positive news stories are always
there's just so much more choice now than in
welcome, I believe the media has a
the past. Between online retailers and big
responsibility to report the truth, even when
box stores, there's a product for every little
it's unpleasant. It's vital that people know
niche desire. Sadly, advertising and
about important events and issues, both good
marketing have gotten very good at
and bad, to stay informed and engaged
convincing us we need things we don't really
citizens. A media landscape focused solely
on good news paints an incomplete picture of
6/ Do you think shopping is good for the world and deprives people of vital
a country's economy? information they need to make informed
It's a double-edged sword. Consumer
spending does drive the economy, creating
jobs and generating tax revenue. But



3/ How does social media help people 6/ Do people like to hear good news
access information? from their friends?
Social media has dramatically changed how Definitely! Hearing good news from friends
people access information. News breaks brings several positive emotions. Firstly, it's
faster than ever, with events often reported on just nice to see people you care about doing
social media platforms by citizen journalists well and succeeding. It also provides a sense
before traditional outlets catch on. People of shared joy and strengthens the bond of
can follow organizations, journalists, or friendship. Additionally, sometimes hearing
experts directly to get information on their about a friend's positive experience can be
niche interests. The downside is it's easier for inspiring or motivating – it shows that good
misinformation to spread as well, so it's things are possible!
crucial to always double-check sources and
be a critical consumer of social media news. ADVERTISING
1/ What role does social media play in
4/ What kind of good news do people
often share in the community?
Social media has revolutionized advertising.
People in communities tend to share news
It gives brands direct access to their target
that has a positive impact on everyone or
audiences, allowing them to create highly
celebrates individual achievements. This
personalized ads. Social media platforms
could include things like a successful
also offer powerful analytics tools for
fundraising drive for a local cause, the
advertisers to track the effectiveness of their
opening of a new business bringing jobs, or
campaigns. Plus, it encourages user
the completion of a project that improves the
interaction – people can share, comment,
neighborhood. Also, personal milestones
and create their own content about products,
like graduations, engagements, new babies,
amplifying their reach.
awards, or promotions get shared and
celebrated as part of that community spirit. 2/ Does advertising encourage us to
5/ Do most people like to share good buy things we don't need?
news with others? Absolutely. Advertising often taps into our
emotions and desires, creating a sense of
Absolutely! Sharing good news feels,
"need" even if a product isn't truly essential.
well...good! It spreads positivity and brings
It plays on our aspirations, social anxieties,
people together in celebration. It also allows
and the desire to belong. Advertisers are very
us to express support and happiness for those
skilled at convincing us that a particular item
around us, strengthening those relationships.
or lifestyle will make us happier, more
Of course, there might be exceptions, but in
successful, or more attractive.
general, most people genuinely enjoy being
part of sharing positive experiences.



3/ What do you think of celebrity 6/ What are the most advertised
endorsements in advertising? products in your country?
It's a mixed bag, honestly. On the one hand, In Vietnam, you see tons of ads for mobile
seeing a celebrity we admire using a product phones and data plans – the market is super
makes us more likely to consider it. It taps competitive. It seems like every company is
into that "halo effect" where we project the trying to get a piece of the action. Food and
celebrity's positive qualities onto the product drink are always big advertisers too, from
itself. However, it can feel disingenuous if big brands like Coca-Cola to local
there's no real connection between the restaurants. Lately, there's been a surge in ads
celebrity and what they're promoting. Trust is for online shopping platforms as well. I
key – if we feel like a celebrity is just doing guess that reflects the growing trend of e-
it for the paycheck, the endorsement loses commerce here.
4/ What are the benefits of
advertising? 1/ Are actors or actresses very
Advertising does way more than just tell us interested in their work? Why?
about products. It can boost brand
Generally speaking, I think actors and
awareness, making it easier for people to
actresses are very interested in their work.
recall a company when they do need
Acting offers a creative outlet for individuals
something. It can also highlight what makes
to express themselves and bring characters
a product unique, helping consumers make
to life. There's a thrill in performing, whether
informed choices. On a larger scale,
it's on stage or on screen. This combination
advertising fuels the economy – it supports
of creative expression, the opportunity to
media industries and creates a ton of jobs.
inhabit different roles, and the excitement
5/ Which one is more effective, of performing tends to drive a high level of
newspaper advertising or online interest in their profession.

advertising? 2/ Is being a professional actor or

Nowadays, online advertising usually has the actress a good career?
edge. You can target it so specifically – ads It's a very challenging career path. Success in
get shown to people based on their interests acting depends on talent, hard work, and
and demographics. Plus, you can track honestly, a fair bit of luck. It can be
things like clicks and conversions, which incredibly unstable with long periods without
makes it easier to prove if your ad campaign work. However, for those passionate about
is actually working. Of course, newspaper the craft, the rewards can be immense – it's
ads still have their place – mainly for creatively fulfilling, has the potential for
reaching an older audience or promoting
things locally.



fame and fortune, and lets you impact others power, while those just starting out or with
through the stories you tell. smaller roles usually have less negotiating

3/ What can children learn from 6/ What are the differences between
acting? acting in a theater and that in a film?
Acting can be incredibly beneficial for Theater acting requires a huge projection of
children! It develops confidence and boosts voice and physicality since the audience is
communication skills. Playing different far away. In films, actors can be more
characters encourages empathy and nuanced due to close-ups capturing subtle
understanding of different perspectives. The expressions. Also, theater is live – mistakes
collaborative nature of acting teaches happen! Film allows for multiple takes and
teamwork and how to take constructive editing. And finally, theater has that
criticism. Plus, it's fun and inspires immediacy of a live audience reaction, while
creativity, which is important for any kid! film actors act in a controlled environment
and don't see the viewer's response until
4/ Why do children like special much later.
costumes from movies?
Children love costumes from movies because
they let them step into the exciting world of
their favorite characters. They get to embody 1/ Are you a punctual person?
a superhero, a princess, or a fantastical Yes, I'd say so. I've always valued
creature. Costumes spark their imagination, punctuality and respect other people's time,
let them play pretend, and bring their favorite so I usually make a concentrated effort to
stories to life in a tangible way. Plus, arrive on time for appointments and
dressing up as someone powerful or commitments. I find that planning ahead
glamorous can be really exciting for kids! and giving myself a bit of buffer time goes a
5/ What are the differences between long way in avoiding being late.

actors or actresses who earn much 2/ Do you think it is important to be

and those who earn little? on time?
There are a few key factors. Big-name actors Absolutely, I believe punctuality is a sign of
have built recognition and fan bases over respect for others. Being on time shows you
time, which gives them leverage to demand value other people's time and the
higher salaries. They might be part of commitments you've made. It also improves
franchises or blockbusters that pull in huge reliability – people know they can count on
audiences, generating more revenue for the you to be where you say you'll be. Missing
studio. Experience and proven box-office deadlines or constantly being late causes
success also give actors more bargaining frustration and inconvenience for others.



Plus, from a practical standpoint, being on uptight! Ultimately, it boils down to cultural
time helps you avoid unnecessary stress and norms and the specific situation.
lets you stay on top of your schedule.
6/ Do you think people are born with
3/ Do you always avoid being late? time management skills or they can
While I strive to be punctual, sometimes develop them?
unforeseen things happen – traffic jams, I definitely think time management is a
unexpected delays, the occasional wardrobe learned skill. Some people might be
malfunction! In those cases, I do my best to naturally more organized, but everyone can
communicate the delay as soon as possible improve with practice! It involves setting
and provide an updated ETA. I understand priorities, breaking down tasks, even just
that everyone's time is valuable, so even being realistic about how long things
when things don't go perfectly to plan, I try to actually take. It's like any other skill – the
be respectful and minimize any more you do it, the better you get. There's a
inconvenience I might cause. lot of resources out there to help people if
4/ Why are people often late for they find it challenging.
meetings or appointments? RELAX
There are a bunch of reasons for lateness.
Sometimes, it's unavoidable - traffic jams, a 1/ What do people commonly do to
delayed bus, you know, life happens! Other relax?
times, it's poor planning. People might
underestimate how long it takes to get It really varies from person to person!
somewhere or how much time they need to Some folks unwind by getting lost in a good
prepare. They might even be trying to book or watching their favorite TV shows.
squeeze in one more task before rushing out Others enjoy being active – going for walks,
the door. Occasionally, being late is a bit of a hitting the gym, things like that. Socializing
subconscious power play, but that's is a common way to relax, too...hanging out
thankfully not too common. with friends or family just chatting. Listening
to music is a favorite for a lot of people,
5/ Are people in your country often something about it can be very calming.
late for meetings? Then there are those who get crafty or
creative for relaxation - painting, gardening,
It honestly depends on the context. In a
or even cooking!
formal business setting, punctuality is
usually expected and respected. But in social 2/ What are the benefits of physical
situations, being fashionably late can activity for both relaxation and
sometimes be seen as trendy or stylish.
overall health?
Meeting friends for coffee? A few minutes
late is no big deal. Actually, showing up The benefits are huge! Physically, exercise
exactly on time could even seem a little helps with everything from heart health to



maintaining a healthy weight. But things like deep breathing or mindfulness
mentally, it's a game-changer. It releases exercises early on can equip them with
endorphins, those feel-good chemicals, lifelong coping mechanisms. Imagine how
which is a natural mood boost. Plus, for much less anxiety they might experience
many, being focused on the physical during school or social situations if they had
movement helps clear your mind and reduce tools to calm themselves down!
stress. It can even improve your sleep, and
who doesn't need better sleep? 6/ How have the ways people relax
changed over time?
3/ Do people in your country have
Technology has been a huge factor. In the
enough opportunities and places to
past, relaxation likely involved more
relax? disconnecting from everything – a book,
It depends on where you live. In big cities, quiet music, or simple hobbies. Now, many
there are usually plenty of options – parks, people relax by watching shows or scrolling
gyms, recreation centers and so on. But in on their phones, which isn't always the most
more rural areas, it can be trickier. People restful activity. There's also a rise in things
might have to drive farther for those kinds of like guided meditation apps, which our
facilities, or get more creative with relaxation ancestors obviously wouldn't have had! It
at home if the options are limited in their seems that relaxation has become both more
immediate surroundings. accessible with various tools, but also trickier
in a world of constant stimulation.
4/ Why is it difficult for some people
to relax? CLOTHES
There are a few reasons. Some people feel
guilty about taking time for themselves when
1/ Do you think people need to wear
they have work or chores to do. Others are formal clothing in the workplace?
simply so used to being "on" all the time that
switching off feels difficult. Anxiety and That really depends on the type of workplace.
constantly racing thoughts can seriously Some industries, like finance or law, still
interfere with the ability to relax. And have fairly traditional dress codes. But many
honestly, some of us haven't learned effective companies, especially in creative or tech
relaxation techniques – it's a skill! fields, have relaxed things a lot. Personally,
5/ Do you think relaxation techniques I think as long as people look neat and
presentable, a strict suit-and-tie policy isn't
should be taught to children and
always necessary. Comfort and some degree
young people? of self-expression at work can boost morale,
Definitely! With increasing pressure and you know?
overstimulation, learning to manage stress is
invaluable for kids. Teaching them simple



2/ Why do some people like to wear 5/ What are the advantages and
traditional clothes? disadvantages of wearing a uniform?
There are a few reasons. For some, traditional There are definitely pros and cons to
clothing is tied to their cultural identity, so it's uniforms. On the plus side, they promote a
about expressing heritage and pride. Others sense of unity and professionalism in
might like the sense of history and workplaces or schools. They eliminate social
continuity they represent. And honestly, for pressure around clothing choices, letting
some people, traditional clothes might simply everyone focus on the task at hand.
be more comfortable or flattering than However, uniforms can feel restrictive and
modern styles! suppress individuality. They might also be
uncomfortable or ill-fitting if there aren't
3/ Will traditional clothes disappear enough options for different body types.
in the future?
6/ Can people tell a person's
I highly doubt it. While traditional clothing
personality by his or her clothes?
might not be everyday wear for most people
in the future, it will always hold significance To an extent, yes. Our clothing choices often
for special occasions, cultural events, and reflect our tastes, interests, and how we want
those who want to connect with their roots. to present ourselves to the world. Someone
I imagine they'll continue to evolve and who dresses boldly might be extroverted,
adapt, but the core elements that reflect a while someone in minimalist attire might
culture's history are unlikely to vanish value simplicity. However, it's important not
completely. to stereotype! There's a lot more to a person
than their clothes, and appearances can
sometimes be misleading.
4/ Do old people change their style of
dressing? 7/ Should companies ask for
employees' opinions about the design
Not always, but it can happen. As people age,
their priorities might shift. Comfort and of uniforms?
practicality often become more important Absolutely! If a company is going to require
than staying on top of the latest trends. Plus, uniforms, getting employee input on the
physical changes might make certain styles design is crucial. They're the ones who'll be
less flattering or harder to wear. However, wearing them every day, so comfort and
some seniors maintain a very distinct sense practicality should be a priority. Plus,
of style throughout their lives and take pride involving employees makes them feel like
in expressing themselves through fashion. their opinions matter and can increase buy-
in when it comes to actually wearing the



HISTORICAL preserved. Especially in a country with a rich
history like ours, it's easy to see why people
BUILDINGS would feel connected to these buildings.
However, there's always debate about how
much funding is appropriate. Some might
1/ Why do people visit historical
argue it's crucial to invest in preserving the
buildings? past, while others might feel that money is
There are a bunch of reasons! Some people better spent on contemporary needs like
are fascinated by the past and enjoy the education or infrastructure.
glimpse into how people lived in different 4/ Is it necessary to protect historical
eras. Others might appreciate the
architecture or craftsmanship of older
buildings. For some, it's a way to connect Personally, I believe it is! Historical buildings
with their own heritage or the history of a are part of our cultural identity. They're like
place they're visiting. Ultimately, historical windows into the past, showing us how our
buildings offer a unique experience that you ancestors lived and worked. They tell stories
can't get from a textbook. about where we came from. Losing them
would be like erasing chapters from a history
book. Plus, well-preserved historical sites
2/ Do Vietnamese people like to visit
can be a major draw for tourism, boosting
historical buildings? local economies. So there are both cultural
I'd say there's a mixed interest across the and practical reasons to protect them.
board. Some Vietnamese people are very
passionate about history and love exploring POLLUTIONS
historical buildings. For them, it's a way to
connect with the past and understand the 1/ Has pollution increased or
nation's heritage. Others are more decreased over time?
indifferent and wouldn't go out of their way
This is a bit complex. Globally, some types
to visit a historical site. It likely depends on
of pollution, like indoor air pollution, have
personal interest, as well as how the sites are
seen improvements. However, other forms,
presented – dry, dusty museums are less
like those linked to industrialization and
appealing than places that feel vibrant and
growing populations, have sadly increased in
many areas. Unfortunately, it's not a
3/ Do most people agree with the straightforward "up or down" answer, as it
government's funding to protect depends on the pollutant and the specific
region we're looking at.
historical buildings?
That's a bit trickier. I think most people value
historical buildings and want to see them



2/ Why are cities often more polluted buildings, as they sort of block the wind and
than rural areas? trap the polluted air.

Cities have several factors that create more 5/ What are effective ways to reduce
pollution. First, there's the sheer density – air pollution?
more people, cars, and industries crammed
There are a bunch of ways! One big shift is
into a smaller space. This leads to higher
moving towards renewable energy sources
concentrations of vehicle emissions and
like solar or wind power instead of burning
industrial output. Also, cities often have
fossil fuels. Investing in public transport and
less green space, which is important because
encouraging carpooling or biking helps too,
trees and plants naturally help filter air
as fewer cars on the road mean fewer
emissions. Regulations on industries and
factories to limit their pollution output are
3/ What actions can industries (like also key. Even small things add up – like
factories and power plants) take to planting more trees in cities, since they
naturally filter some pollutants.
reduce pollution?
There are a few key steps industries can take. 6/ Why do people travel to historical
One is switching to cleaner energy sources, cities, and what role does tourism play
like renewables instead of fossil fuels. in their development?
Investing in better pollution control
There's something fascinating about standing
technology is also crucial, like filters and
in a place where huge historical events took
scrubbers to capture pollutants before
place, it connects you to the past. Historical
they're released. Additionally, optimizing
cities offer a glimpse into different cultures
processes to be more efficient reduces waste
and ways of life. Tourism can be a double-
and the need to produce as much in the first
edged sword. Revenue from tourists helps
place, which indirectly helps with pollution.
preserve historical sites and can boost the
4/ How does weather, specifically local economy. But too many tourists can
wind, impact pollution levels? strain resources and sometimes even
damage the very things people come to see.
Wind acts like nature's air purifier. On windy It's important for cities to manage tourism
days, pollutants get dispersed and spread sustainably to find a balance.
over larger areas, reducing their
concentration in any one spot. This is why GOALS
coastal cities often have better air quality, as
the sea breeze helps to clear the air. 1/ Why is goal-setting important for
However, if the wind is calm, pollutants
stagnate, so air quality can get really bad. It's
especially a problem in cities with tall Goal-setting is important because it gives us
focus and direction. It helps us break down



big dreams into smaller, achievable steps. life. There's always the risk of burnout if you
Without goals, it's easy to drift through life don't take time to recharge. Success can also
without actually accomplishing much. Goals be isolating at times, sometimes straining
motivate us and provide a clear path towards relationships as you focus on your ambitions.
improvement, whether that's in our personal And, it's important to remember that there
lives or careers. They also give us a way to will be setbacks and failures along the way
measure progress, which is super satisfying! – navigating those without giving up is an
ongoing challenge.
2/ How does one define success, and
how does this definition vary? 5/ What goals should a society strive
Success is super subjective! For some, it's all
about money and status. For others, it's about I believe a just and equitable society should
making a positive impact on the world or be a top priority – one where everyone has
finding personal fulfillment. It might be equal opportunity regardless of their
about raising a happy family or mastering a background or circumstances. A strong
creative skill. Some people measure success focus on education and personal development
by the number of lives they touch, while is also crucial. We should aim for a society
others find it in the simple joys of everyday that values sustainability and protecting our
life. There's no right or wrong answer – environment for future generations. And
success is what you define it to be. lastly, a society that promotes physical and
mental well-being for all its citizens will be a
3/ What goals are common for young far happier and more productive one.
6/ What actions can individuals and
Many young people are focused on figuring
communities take to work towards
out their future path. This means goals related
to education, like getting into a good college their goals?
or choosing a major. Building a strong social Individuals can start by getting involved in
circle is another common goal, as friends their community – volunteering, supporting
become super important at this age. Some local initiatives, or even running for office.
young people might be ambitious and set Being informed and voting in elections is
career-related goals early on, aiming for crucial. On a personal level, lifelong learning
specific internships or work experience. and self-improvement are powerful tools.
Communities can drive change by advocating
4/ What are the potential challenges
for policy shifts, supporting programs that
or trade-offs in pursuing success? address social needs, and fostering
The path to success is rarely easy. A major collaboration between different groups to
challenge is finding a healthy work-life leverage strengths and find common
balance – pursuing your goals often means ground.
long hours and sacrifices in your personal



TECHNOLOGY to keep buying, so older models become less
useful over time. But sometimes, new
products are legitimately better, solving
1/ How has technology changed the problems or providing features that weren't
way we learn and study? possible before.

4/ How does technology influence

Technology has totally revolutionized
consumer behavior and decision-
learning! We have instant access to a mind-
boggling amount of information at our making?
fingertips – way more than any textbook Hugely! Think about reviews, online
could hold. Collaboration is smoother, too – comparisons... We have so much info at our
students and teachers can connect from disposal, so we research stuff way more
anywhere. It's also a lot easier to personalize before buying. Plus, with the convenience of
learning with interactive tools and online online shopping and fast delivery, it's never
courses that tailor to your specific pace and been easier to make impulse purchases.
needs. Ads are also super targeted now, based on our
browsing history – they know what to tempt
2/ What are some significant ways
us with! And social media creates trends,
technology has transformed our making people feel like they need the latest
lives? gadget to fit in.
Okay, where to start? The way we 5/ What benefits does technology
communicate is totally different – texting,
offer in the workplace?
social media, video calls... It's way easier to
stay connected, even globally. Remember Technology has revolutionized workplaces in
when making international calls was a so many ways. It streamlines communication,
luxury? Now it's just a tap away. Work has making it way easier to collaborate with
changed too - remote jobs, online meetings, colleagues whether they're in the next room
it's all way more common than a few decades or across the globe. It also drastically
ago. And honestly, how do we shop or find improves efficiency – think about how much
entertainment? Entirely thanks to faster we can research information or manage
technology! data compared to 'the old days' of paper files.
Plus, technology opens up possibilities for
3/ Why do technology companies flexible work arrangements and allows
constantly update and release new employees to access important resources
products? basically anytime, anywhere.
There are a few reasons. Partly, it's
competition – they want to be on the cutting
edge and offer features that rivals don't.
Also, planned obsolescence – they want you



6/ Why might some people dislike or practical stuff relies on them – online
struggle with using technology in the shopping, banking, feels like
the list grows every week!
There are a few reasons. Some folks are INTERNET
simply less comfortable with tech overall,
which can make adapting to new tools 1/ What are the differences between
intimidating. Sometimes companies old people and young people when
introduce new technology without adequate
they use the internet?
training, leaving employees feeling
confused and frustrated. Additionally, rapid Older generations tend to use the internet
tech advancements mean things change more for practical stuff like email, banking,
constantly, which can be exhausting for and finding information. Younger folks grew
some people to keep up with. up with it, so they're way more into social
media, gaming, and streaming services.
7/ Do you find any specific There's a bit of a skill gap too – some older
technologies or devices challenging to people might struggle with newer tech,
use? whereas young people are usually super
comfortable navigating all sorts of
Honestly, voice recognition software is my
nemesis! It always seems to misinterpret
what I'm saying, leading to more work editing 2/ What kinds of people would still go
the transcript than it saves by not typing. to the library to read and study?
Maybe it's just my accent, but I swear it has
a mind of its own sometimes! And You'd be surprised! People who love the quiet
sometimes, even after years of using certain focus libraries offer for study sessions. Also,
programs, there are obscure features I just some people might not have reliable internet
can't figure out, which makes me feel a bit at home, so the library becomes their way to
silly! access online resources. Folks wanting
physical books – either because they prefer
8/ What are some common ways the feel of them or because the specific title
people use electronic devices in their isn't available digitally. And there are
daily lives? students who rely on the library for research
materials they can't afford to buy.
Electronic devices have become an extension
of ourselves! We use them for essential
things like staying connected with friends and 3/ Is the library still necessary? Why?
family through calls, texts, and social media.
I'd say definitely yes! Libraries offer more
They're our source of news and
than just books. They often have free
entertainment, from streaming shows to
computer access, which is crucial for those
playing games. And, of course, so much
without it at home. They provide programs



and learning opportunities for all ages. Plus, tend to top the charts. Messaging apps like
they're a community hub – a welcoming Zalo and Viber are also highly popular in
space where people can connect, which is Vietnam. Apps for shopping, entertainment,
important, especially in smaller towns or for and food delivery are increasingly in demand.
those who might feel isolated. It's harder to say what's least popular, as it
changes rapidly and there's always some
4/ Why do some people like to read the niche app that finds few users.
news on the internet instead of getting
it from TV? BEING BUSY
There are a few reasons for this. First, the
internet is all about choice. You can pick
1/ What are the advantages and
exactly which news sources you trust, while disadvantages when people keep
TV is more limited to what the channel busy?
decides to air. Also, news websites update
Staying busy has its pros and cons. On the
constantly, so you get the latest information
plus side, it keeps you productive and
way faster than waiting for a TV broadcast.
focused, which can feel satisfying. It also
Plus, with online news, you can dig deeper
wards off boredom and can help keep
into topics that interest you, something TV
negative thoughts at bay. However, being
rarely allows time for.
constantly on the go can lead to burnout. It's
5/ What's the difference between the important to find a balance, or you risk
internet and television? neglecting self-care, relationships, and just
having time to relax.
The biggest difference is interactivity. The
internet's a two-way street – you search for 2/ Do you think children should learn
what you want, comment on articles, and through playing games or under
engage in discussions. Television is largely pressure?
passive – you consume the content that's
broadcast at a set time. The internet's also a Definitely through play! Kids learn best when
they're having fun and engaged. Play-based
lot more vast in terms of the sheer volume of
learning lets them explore concepts
information available compared to a handful
organically and at their own pace. Pressure
of TV channels.
creates anxiety, which can hinder their
ability to learn. It can also make them
6/ What are the most popular and associate learning with negative emotions,
least popular apps in Vietnam? which is the opposite of what you want.

Unfortunately, I don't have up-to-the-minute 3/ What kind of pressure people may

data on the specifics of Vietnamese app experience at work?
trends. However, generally speaking, social
media giants like Facebook and Instagram Work can generate a lot of different
pressures. There's the pressure of deadlines,



hitting performance targets, and dealing with modern entertainment. At home, they
difficult clients or colleagues. Some jobs also might play board games, build forts, or do
carry a heavy sense of responsibility, like arts and crafts. However, they also spend a lot
healthcare roles, where mistakes have of time on tablets or phones, either gaming or
serious consequences. Plus, the fear of job watching videos. At school, the focus is on
insecurity can be a constant source of academics, but there's usually some time for
pressure for some people. physical activities like sports or playground
time, along with more structured creative
time during art or music lessons.
4/ How does technology help with
time management? 2/ Does technology impact how
children spend their time and the
Technology has a bunch of time management
tools! Calendar apps with reminders help types of activities?
keep your schedule organized and prevent Technology has a huge impact on kids' lives!
things from slipping through the cracks. It's a double-edged sword. On one hand, it
There are project management tools for provides easy access to information and
breaking down complex tasks into smaller entertainment. They can easily connect with
steps. Even simple things like timers can be friends and family, or learn about different
used for staying focused and avoiding time- cultures and topics online. On the other hand,
wasting activities. it can lead to becoming too sedentary and
less engaged in active or social play. Parents
5/ Does technology distract people?
and educators have to be mindful in finding a
Unfortunately, yes! The same tech that helps healthy balance.
us manage our time can easily become a huge
distraction. Notifications, social media, and
3/ Why are outdoor activities
the endless rabbit hole of the internet can important for people?
pull your focus away from tasks. It takes Outdoor activities are crucial for several
discipline to set boundaries with technology reasons. Physically, they help kids develop
– sometimes you have to put your phone coordination, strength, and burn energy in a
away or turn off certain apps to actually get healthy way. It's a great way to soak up some
stuff done. vitamin D, which is essential for their growth
and development. Mentally, being in nature
FREE TIME ACTIVITY reduces stress and improves focus. Plus, the
outdoors offers opportunities for exploration
1/ What are common activities for and unstructured play that fosters
children in your country, and how do imagination and problem-solving skills that
they differ between home and school? can be difficult to replicate indoors.

Here in Vietnam, common activities for kids

involve a mix of traditional play and



4/ Are people spending more or less or when the weather is bad, it's much harder
time outdoors compared to the past? to motivate yourself to bundle up and go
outside. Although, some people actually
Sadly, most people seem to be spending less enjoy winter sports and find the change of
time outdoors compared to generations past. seasons invigorating!
I remember when I was a kid, I used to spend
hours playing outside with my friends, but BEING IN A HURRY
now it seems like kids are more interested in
staying indoors and playing video games. 1/ On what occasions do people have
Between busy work schedules, the lure of
to do things in a hurry?
technology, and increased urbanization, it
can be hard to carve out time for nature. This There are tons of times when you've gotta
is definitely something to be mindful of rush! The obvious one is when you're late –
because spending time outdoors has many oversleeping for school, a meeting, or
benefits. catching a flight...then it's a mad dash!
Unexpected emergencies also force you to act
fast, like if a child gets hurt or your car breaks
5/ What can people do to connect with down. Even something as simple as
nature? forgetting your lunch can make you rush back
home in a frenzy! Sometimes, it's just a bunch
There are so many ways! Simple things like
of tasks piling up and you have a deadline, so
going for a walk in the park, having a picnic,
you're scrambling to get everything done.
or gardening all count. Just sitting on a bench
and observing the trees swaying in the wind 2/ Why do some people spend a long
can be a great way to connect with nature.
time having a meal?
You can also try more active things like
hiking, biking, or kayaking. If you want to There could be a few reasons. Some cultures
make it a social activity, joining a nature club view meals as social events, meant to be
or volunteering at a local park are great savored and enjoyed with company, not just
options. The key is to find something you rushed through. It's a time to bond and
enjoy and incorporate it into your routine. connect with friends and family, and that just
can't be done in a few minutes. For busy
6/ How does the season affect people's people, a long meal could be their only
mood to participate in outdoor chance to fully relax and unwind. Also, fancy
activities? restaurants often pace their dishes out,
making the whole dining experience more of
Seasons have a major impact on how eager
a leisurely affair.
people are to get outdoors! Long, sunny
summer days practically beg you to go
swimming or have a BBQ. Plus, the warmth
makes it more enjoyable to spend time
outside. On the other hand, in colder months



3/ Would people feel more satisfied if 6/ What might make some people
they finished doing something more productive than others in
quickly? completing tasks?
Not necessarily. Sometimes rushing There are a few factors. Some people are
through things leads to mistakes, and you naturally better at time management and
end up having to spend even more time fixing breaking down tasks into smaller,
them! It's like the saying, "Haste makes manageable chunks. Having a focused
waste." If it's a creative task, the best work mindset is key – minimizing distractions and
often comes from taking your time and really staying on track. Also, some people thrive
thinking things through. Sure, getting stuff under a bit of pressure – it motivates them to
done quickly can feel good in the moment, work faster. But let's not forget, the right tools
but long-term satisfaction often comes from and resources can make a huge difference
doing things well, even if it takes longer. too. Ultimately, it's a combination of skills
and personality that determine how
productive someone is.
4/ What kinds of jobs need to be done
quickly? TALKING
Jobs that involve emergencies or dealing with
immediate customer needs usually require 1/ What communication skills does a
fast action. Think of paramedics, talkative person have?
firefighters, or even restaurant staff during a
Talkative people often possess strong
rush hour. They're all working under
storytelling skills, they can keep a
pressure to deliver results as quickly as
conversation lively and engaging. They tend
possible. Basically, any role where delays
to be comfortable initiating conversations
could have negative consequences, or where
and filling any silences. They might be quite
there's a need to meet tight deadlines,
expressive, using gestures and animated
demands swiftness.
facial expressions to add emphasis.
5/ What are some examples of work Additionally, they likely have a knack for
that needs to be done quickly? finding common ground with others, putting
people at ease and encouraging them to open
Let's see... an ER doctor has to assess and up.
treat patients rapidly. A stock trader might
need to react to market fluctuations in 2/ Is it good to be talkative?
seconds to make the right calls. Time is Like most things, it's about balance. It can be
money in their world, and a wrong decision a positive trait – talkative people can be
could cost a fortune. Even a barista at a busy outgoing, friendly, and make connections
coffee shop has to make those lattes quickly easily. They often bring energy and
and accurately to keep the line moving! enthusiasm to conversations, making them



more lively. However, being overly 5/ On what occasions do you think a
talkative can also be a downside. Sometimes child should talk less than usual?
it's important to listen more than you speak.
If you never let others get a word in, you It's good for kids to learn that there are times
might be seen as domineering or when listening is more important. During a
inconsiderate. Plus, you might miss out on lesson in class, they shouldn't be chatting
valuable insights from others. over the teacher. It's also respectful to let
others have their turn to speak in
conversations. Also, if a child has done
3/ How should parents encourage something wrong, there may be a time where
their children to talk more? listening to the consequences is necessary
rather than trying to argue.
Parents should create a safe and encouraging
environment for their kids to express 6/ What jobs need employees to be
themselves. Ask them open-ended questions talkative?
about their day instead of yes-or-no ones.
Play games together that involve Loads of jobs require strong communication
conversation and storytelling. Read aloud skills! Salespeople obviously need to be
with them regularly, and get them excited persuasive and build rapport with clients.
about sharing their opinions and ideas about They need to be able to answer questions and
the books. Most importantly, show genuine address concerns in a way that makes the
interest when they do talk and resist the urge customer feel heard and understood.
to interrupt or correct them constantly. Teachers need to explain things clearly and
engage their students. Being able to hold the
4/ How should people encourage attention of a classroom and make complex
children to express themselves when concepts understandable is key. Jobs like
being asked questions that they are customer service reps or interviewers also
afraid to answer? involve a lot of interaction and require the
ability to communicate effectively.
It's important to create a safe and
supportive environment. Let the child know LOSING THINGS
it's okay to feel nervous and that there are no
right or wrong answers. You could try 1/ What kind of people tend to lose
rephrasing the question in a simpler way or
things more often than others?
offering choices to make it less daunting.
Focus on praising their effort, even if they Honestly, anyone can lose things, but it seems
don't get the answer "right." Most like people who are naturally disorganized
importantly, let them know their thoughts and or easily distracted tend to misplace items
feelings are valid, which helps them build more often. When you're rushing around or
confidence over time. juggling too many thoughts at once, you're
less likely to pay attention to where you put



your keys or phone down. Also, people who keep it wins out. Others might lack empathy
have a lot of clutter in their environment and not consider the impact on the person
might have more trouble keeping track of who lost the item. Fear could also play a role
things, as stuff easily gets buried or forgotten – they worry about being accused of stealing
about. if they're seen with the lost object. Sadly,
some people might just have less respect for
2/ What kind of things do people often other people's property.
5/ Should parents teach their children
Everyday essentials are the biggest culprits!
to return things lost by others?
Things like keys, phones, wallets, and glasses
get lost all the time because we frequently use Absolutely! This is about teaching more than
them and they can be pretty small. I'm just honesty. It's about empathy –
constantly misplacing my phone, but luckily understanding how it would feel to lose
it's usually just buried somewhere in my something important to you. Returning lost
purse. Other common misplaced items items shows respect for others and reinforces
include pens, earphones, and even the idea that we should do what's right, even
paperwork, especially if someone's desk or if it's inconvenient. Plus, it sets a great
workspace is a bit chaotic. example – kids who see their parents act with
integrity are more likely to internalize those
3/ Why do some people find lost things values.
easier than others?
6/ Why do some people enjoy
Some people are just naturally more
collecting antiques or second-hand
observant or detail-oriented. They might
subconsciously make a mental note of where items?
they've placed things. Maybe it's a gift, or There are lots of reasons! Some people love
maybe it's just something they've practiced the history – owning something old connects
over time. Also, folks who are organized and them to the past. Others appreciate the
tidy tend to have a better grasp of what they unique craftsmanship that's often less
own and where those things usually "live." common in mass-produced items. It can be
This makes it easier to retrace their steps a treasure hunt, too – finding something
when something goes missing. special in an unexpected place is thrilling.
Plus, there's the environmental aspect –
reusing items reduces waste and can
4/ What do you think are the reasons
sometimes be more affordable than buying
why some people pick up lost things new.
and don't give them back?
There could be a few reasons. Sometimes, it
might be simple opportunism – they see
something valuable and the temptation to



LEADERSHIP everyone improve, whereas sometimes the
"star player" focuses mainly on their own
performance. Leadership is about more than
1/ What qualities should a leader just your own talent – it's about bringing out
have? the best in your whole team and creating a
A good leader should be a good sense of shared purpose.
communicator; they need to clearly express 4/ Why do some people dislike
goals and expectations. They should also be
decisive, able to make difficult calls when
needed. A strong leader inspires others, There are a few reasons for this. Some
motivating their team to achieve their best. individuals are fiercely independent and
Empathy is crucial too – understanding your prefer to work alone where they have full
team members' challenges and recognizing control. Sometimes it's an ego thing; a
their contributions. Lastly, a great leader person might worry about others getting
should be adaptable and open to feedback, credit for their own work. Others might have
always looking for ways to improve had bad team experiences in the past where
themselves and the team's processes. teammates were unreliable or there was a lack
of communication. Some people also simply
2/ What should people do without a struggle with social dynamics, finding group
good team leader? work stressful rather than productive.
It's tough when your leader isn't effective. If 5/ Do you think young people are
possible, respectfully try to communicate
good team players?
with the leader about the team's struggles and
offer suggestions for improvement. Focus on This varies wildly! Some young people excel
what you can control – your own work ethic at collaboration. They're naturally
and contributions to the team. Sometimes, communicative, and good at compromise
someone else can naturally step up and and problem-solving. Others are still
provide some informal leadership. However, developing those skills: maybe they're used to
if the situation becomes truly toxic, it might working solo or are a bit bossy when in a
be worth exploring options outside of the group. It depends on the individual, but also
current team, whether that's talking to on their previous experiences with teamwork.
higher-ups or seeking other opportunities. Schools that emphasize collaborative
learning tend to foster better team players in
3/ Does a team's best player make a their students.
good leader?
6/ What are the advantages of
Not necessarily. Being the most skilled
working as part of a team?
individual doesn't automatically translate into
leadership ability. A good leader might There are loads of benefits! With a team, you
support and uplift their team, helping can tackle bigger tasks than you could on



your own. Diverse perspectives lead to 3/ Why are some public transport
better ideas and solutions. You learn from methods unpopular?
your teammates, developing skills you might
lack individually. Also, it can simply be more Unfortunately, some public transport
fun! Having that shared effort and celebrating methods fall short. Buses can be slow in
successes together builds a sense of traffic and might not adhere to a reliable
camaraderie. schedule. Older train systems might be dirty,
uncomfortable, or prone to delays.
PUBLIC FACILITY Unreliability is a big reason people turn
away from public transport and opt to drive.
1/ What are the benefits of public Also, if the routes are limited or don't serve a
person's specific needs, it makes them
inconvenient and less appealing.
Public facilities make communities more
livable in various ways. Parks and green 4/ What kind of transport do young
spaces provide places to relax, exercise, and people and old people prefer?
connect with nature. Libraries offer free
Young people often favor public
access to books, technology, and educational
transportation like buses or subways because
resources. Community centers can host
it's affordable and convenient. They also
classes, events, and provide gathering spaces
tend to walk and bike more for short
for different groups and activities. Overall,
distances. Many older people rely on their
these facilities contribute to the well-being of
own cars for the independence it offers.
the community, foster a sense of belonging, However, those with limited mobility might
and offer something for everyone regardless
prefer public transportation specifically
of their income level.
designed for accessibility or use ride-sharing
2/ Why are some public transport services.
methods popular, such as the 5/ Do you think people would feel
subway? happier when they are in a park or a
Subways are popular for a few key reasons. coffee shop? Why?
Firstly, speed – they bypass traffic This depends on the individual! Some people
congestion, making commutes much faster find the tranquility and open spaces of a park
than driving in many cities. Secondly, they're incredibly relaxing. Being surrounded by
usually quite affordable compared to owning nature boosts their mood and reduces stress.
a car. Thirdly, there's the environmental They might enjoy a leisurely stroll, a
aspect – subways are more eco-friendly than peaceful picnic, or simply sitting on a bench
everyone driving individual vehicles. and watching the world go by. Others thrive
Overall, their mix of efficiency, on the social atmosphere of a cozy coffee
affordability, and sustainability makes shop. The warmth, the smells, and the chance
them very appealing.



to chat with a barista or friend can feel very nurses, construction workers, pilots – they
comforting. need to be alert and functional very early in
the day. A good routine can help them ensure
6/ Is a public park necessary in every they get enough sleep, have a nutritious
area? Why? breakfast, and mentally prepare for the day's
I'd say yes, ideally. Parks are incredibly demands. Also, jobs with a lot of client
valuable to communities. They offer a free interaction, like sales or customer service,
space for exercise, socializing, and benefit from a routine that ensures you're
relaxation, which is important for people's well-groomed, organized, and mentally
physical and mental well-being. Parks also prepared to put your best foot forward.
contribute to better air quality and can make 3/ Is a daily routine important?
neighborhoods much more visually
appealing. They're especially crucial in I'd say it depends on the person. Some people
densely populated areas, providing a much- find great comfort and efficiency in a
needed connection to nature. consistent routine. It reduces decision
fatigue and streamlines their day. For
example, having a set wake-up time, exercise
ROUTINE routine, and meal plan can eliminate the need
to make those choices each day. However,
1/ Do you think everyone's routine is others enjoy spontaneity and dislike feeling
too structured. Ultimately, whether a strict
daily routine is important is a personal
Absolutely. While there might be similarities, choice, but I think finding some basic
everyone's daily routine is unique. After all, rhythms that work for you is beneficial for
we all have different responsibilities and most people.
lifestyles. For instance, a single person might
have a very different routine from a parent 4/ How do people organize their
with young children. Our routines are routines after getting up in the
shaped by factors like our job, family morning and after work?
situation, personal preferences, and even our
Morning routines vary a lot. Some people
natural sleep patterns. Some people are early
jump right into exercise, while others take it
birds who love a structured morning, while
slower with coffee and checking the news.
others thrive on a more flexible, late-night
The key is finding what prepares you for the
day – that might be a big breakfast,
2/ Which jobs need a morning meditation, or journaling. After work, the
routine? focus is usually on decompressing. People
might cook dinner, catch up with family,
Many jobs benefit from a solid morning pursue a hobby, or simply relax. Winding
routine, but those requiring early start times down helps ease the transition from work
or intense focus particularly do. Doctors, mode to rest mode.



5/ Do you think children need to have design or even becoming social media
a routine too? influencers, are gaining popularity too. Of
course, some young people still prefer
Definitely! Routines give kids a sense of traditional paths like medicine or law, but
predictability and control over their day, there's definitely a shift towards jobs that feel
which is important for emotional security. more modern and dynamic.
Knowing what to expect helps them feel safe
and less anxious. Consistent morning and 2/ Do young Vietnamese people prefer
bedtime routines help regulate their sleep, to choose an interesting job or a job
which impacts mood and focus. Routines with a high salary?
throughout the day allow for smooth
transitions between activities, minimizing I think that balance is really important to
tantrums and making the day run more many young Vietnamese. Ideally, you want a
efficiently. job you find interesting that also pays well
enough to live comfortably. But, since job
6/ Do you think routine is important markets are competitive, sometimes you
for companies? gotta prioritize one over the other. It just
depends on your individual circumstances.
Absolutely. Routines, in the form of well- Many of my friends would take a less
defined procedures and workflows, are exciting job if it paid really well, but have a
crucial for any company's smooth operation. passion project they work on in their free
They're essentially the backbone of any time to keep the creative spark alive.
successful organization. They ensure that
tasks are completed efficiently and 3/ Do you think it is easier to get a job
consistently, regardless of who's involved. now than in the past?
Routines help avoid confusion, errors, and
wasted time. They also create a sense of It's a mixed bag. Technology has definitely
accountability with everyone understanding created new job opportunities that didn't exist
their roles and expectations within the before. But, competition is also higher –
system. you're not just competing against people in
your city anymore, but potentially globally. I
EMPLOYMENT think having strong skills and being able to
demonstrate your value is more important
than ever. While finding a job isn't
1/ What kind of jobs do young
necessarily "easy," it's perhaps more about
Vietnamese people like to do? how adaptable and resourceful you are.
There's no single answer to this as it depends
5/ Is it important to be successful in a
on the person. However, I see a lot more
young Vietnamese interested in tech fields – job?
things like software development or digital I think that depends on how you define
marketing. Creative careers, like graphic "success". Obviously, we all want to do well



in our jobs and feel competent. Financial
stability is also important, as our work often
needs to support ourselves and maybe even a
family. But job success can also mean finding
1/ Should people be very kind when
work you're passionate about, feeling they help others?
recognized by colleagues, or having Absolutely! Displaying kindness when
opportunities to learn and grow. Success can helping others is paramount. A genuine and
have many different faces. compassionate approach not only addresses
immediate needs but also creates a positive
5/ Do you think Al will take over many and uplifting experience for the person
receiving help. It fosters a sense of dignity
and respect, making the act of helping even
Definitely, some jobs are more vulnerable to more meaningful. It's not just about the task
AI automation than others. Tasks that are itself, but the way you make someone feel
repetitive, predictable, and data-driven are during the process.
most at risk. But AI also creates new jobs that
didn't exist before – people specializing in
2/ Should children be taught to be
designing, maintaining, and ethically kind to others?
controlling those AI systems. The key is Definitely, kindness should be a core value
being adaptable and continually learning instilled in children from a young age.
new skills that stay ahead of what machines Children learn through observing and
can do. practicing behaviors. Parents and educators
6/ Can Al improve people's lives? If should actively model kindness, explaining
the positive impact it has on themselves and
so, how?
those around them. Creating opportunities for
Absolutely! AI has the potential for a major children to practice kindness, whether small
positive impact. Imagine AI-powered gestures or structured activities, will help
healthcare tools that diagnose diseases internalize this important trait.
earlier or assist in complex surgeries. AI can
analyze vast amounts of data, finding
3/ Should parents help their kids with
patterns humans might miss. It could their homework?
optimize things like traffic flow, energy use... Yes, I believe parents should play an active
the potential is huge, though it's crucial to role in supporting their children's education,
address ethical concerns as well including homework assistance. However,
it’s crucial to strike a balance between
providing help and allowing children to
develop independent learning skills. Parents
can guide and explain concepts rather than
simply giving answers. This approach fosters



problem-solving abilities and encourages sympathetic ear for their parents' frustrations.
children to take ownership of their learning And honestly, their unique perspectives and
process. sense of fun can sometimes be exactly what
a stressed-out parent needs!
4/ What kind of advice should parents
give to their children?
The best advice focuses on values and skills
rather than just specific situations. Parents
should encourage honesty, kindness, and a 1/ What do people usually do when
strong work ethic. Teaching kids how to they get lost?
problem-solve and make good decisions
Well, the first reaction for many is probably
empowers them in the long run. Of course,
a bit of panic, especially if they're in a hurry
some practical guidance is sometimes
or the place is unfamiliar. Then, I guess it
necessary, especially when kids are young
depends on the person and the resources
and lack experience. But even then, parents
available. Some people might immediately
can frame it as discussing options together
reach for their smartphone and use a GPS
rather than just giving orders.
app, while others might ask a local for
5/ Should parents give children directions or try to retrace their steps. In
advice? Why? really remote areas, some folks might even
pull out a good old-fashioned paper map if
Yes, I think it's an important part of they have one.
parenting. Kids need guidance as they
navigate the world. Parents have more life 2/ What are the differences between
experience and can share valuable lessons, paper and digital maps?
helping children avoid some mistakes.
There are some key distinctions. Paper maps
However, how advice is given matters just as
are physical objects you can touch and fold,
much as the advice itself. It's more effective
while digital maps live on electronic devices.
when it comes from a place of support rather
Digital maps offer the huge advantage of
than lecturing, and when it encourages the
real-time updates and interactive features
child's own thinking process.
like zoom and search functions. They can
6/ Can kids provide any help to also give you turn-by-turn directions,
parents? which is super handy. Paper maps, though,
are reliable even without a signal or battery,
Definitely! Even young children can help and some people find them easier to get an
with chores around the house, making overall sense of an area.
parents' lives a bit easier. Older kids might
offer tech support, helping parents figure out
their devices. Sometimes, kids provide
emotional support just by listening, being a



3/ What do you think of in-car GPS 6/ How does learning to read a map
navigation systems? help you learn more about your
Honestly, I think they're pretty amazing!
They've made driving so much less stressful. A map can be a window into a country's
Instead of fumbling with paper maps or geography and history. By studying a map,
constantly asking for directions, you just you can see the location of major cities,
enter your destination and let the system rivers, mountains, and other physical
guide you. The voice instructions are a features. This gives you a sense of the
lifesaver, especially in unfamiliar areas. Of country's size and diversity. You can also
course, they're not perfect – sometimes they learn about historical events and cultural
can give you wrong directions or lose signal. regions by seeing where they're situated on
But overall, I think they're a fantastic the map. It's really a way to understand your
invention. country's physical and cultural landscape
in a deeper way.
4/ What do people often do with a
Well, the most obvious thing is using it to
navigate, right? Whether it's finding your 1/ Do most people prefer to watch
way through a new city or planning a road movies at home or in a cinema? Why?
trip, maps are essential for figuring out the
best route. But maps can also be used for Well, it seems to me that watching movies at
learning about different places, their home is becoming more and more popular
these days. With streaming services like
geography, and landmarks. Some people
Netflix offering such a vast array of content
even collect antique maps as a hobby – they
right at our fingertips, it's definitely hard to
can be quite beautiful and historical
resist the convenience. Plus, who can beat
watching a movie in your pajamas with the
5/ Why do some people prefer to use a pause button at your mercy? However, for
paper map? special occasions or big blockbuster films,
the cinema still holds its allure with its big
I think there's a certain charm to paper maps. screen and immersive sound experience.
They're tangible and you can spread them out
and get a full visual picture of the area. 2/ What are the advantages of going
Some people find them easier to read and to the cinema with friends?
interpret than digital maps on a small screen.
Going to the cinema with friends is a fantastic
Plus, you don't have to worry about battery
social experience. You get to share the
life or losing signal, which can be a problem
laughter, the gasps, and the tears, not to
with digital maps. It's also kind of a nostalgic
mention the popcorn and snacks! It's a great
thing for some, reminding them of traveling
way to bond and create lasting memories
before technology took over.



together. Plus, there's something magical 5/ What can cinemas do to attract
about experiencing a film with a crowd of more audiences?
people, the shared reactions and energy
adding a whole new dimension to the Well, they need to offer something unique
experience. that you can't get at home. This means
investing in state-of-the-art technology, like
3/ Is going to the cinema still IMAX or Dolby Atmos, to elevate the
popular? viewing experience. They could also offer
special events, like Q&As with filmmakers or
While streaming services have undoubtedly
themed screenings, to create a sense of
made their mark, going to the cinema
community. And of course, keeping ticket
definitely still holds its charm, especially here
prices affordable is key, especially for
in Ho Chi Minh City. It's a fun outing and an
escape from the daily routine. Many people,
including myself, still enjoy the ritual of 6/ Do you think people can learn new
going to the cinema, choosing their seats, and cultures through movies?
getting swept up in the anticipation of the
big screen experience. However, I do think Definitely. Movies can offer a glimpse into
cinemas need to keep innovating to stay different ways of life, showcasing traditions,
competitive and attract audiences. customs, and social norms that we might not
be familiar with. While they shouldn't be
4/ What kind of movies do you think seen as a substitute for actually experiencing
need to be seen in the cinema to be a culture firsthand, movies can spark
fully appreciated? curiosity and promote understanding, leading
people to learn more about the world beyond
In my opinion, movies that really prioritize their own.
visuals and sound are best experienced in the
cinema. Big-budget blockbusters with HOLIDAYS
stunning special effects or those that heavily
rely on sound design for atmosphere and
1/ Do you think people in your
immersion, those are the ones you really
want to see on the big screen with high-
country have long enough holidays?
quality audio. Also, some films are made Hmm, it's a bit of a mixed bag. Legally,
with the communal experience in mind, employees are entitled to a decent amount of
where laughing or gasping along with a annual leave, but I don't think everyone
crowd adds an extra layer to your actually takes all of it. There's a bit of a
enjoyment. workaholic culture in some industries, so
people might feel pressured to keep working
even when they could take time off. Plus,
public holidays are scattered throughout the
year, so while we get a few extra days here



and there, it doesn't always feel like a proper experiences. They might enjoy cruises,
break. guided tours, or simply spending time in a
tranquil setting like a beach resort. This isn't
2/ Which holidays are popular in your a hard and fast rule though – there are
country? plenty of older folks who are still up for
Lunar New Year (Tet) is definitely the adventure, and younger ones who simply
biggest one. It's a time for families to gather, want to unwind.
exchange gifts, and celebrate the start of a 5/ Do you think having holidays help
new year. We also have some national
people learn other countries'
holidays like Reunification Day and
Independence Day, which are important for cultures?
commemorating our history. Religious Absolutely! Travel provides a firsthand
holidays like Christmas and Buddha's experience that you simply can't get from
Birthday are also widely celebrated, even by books or documentaries. Immersing yourself
those who aren't particularly religious. in a different culture – trying the food,
interacting with locals, exploring historical
3/ Are there any popular places for
sites – helps you understand their way of life.
holidays in your country? It can broaden your perspective and make
Oh, absolutely! Vietnam has a ton of diverse you more appreciative of diversity. Of
destinations. Coastal areas like Nha Trang, course, it depends on how open-minded the
Da Nang, and Phu Quoc are popular for beach traveler is. Some might stick to tourist
vacations. Then you've got the natural beauty bubbles and miss out on the deeper cultural
of Ha Long Bay and Sapa, which attract both exchange.
domestic and international tourists. Cities
6/ Why do some people dislike
like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City offer
cultural experiences, historical sites, and holidays?
amazing food. Honestly, there's something You know, holidays aren't everyone's cup of
for everyone, depending on what kind of tea. Some people find traveling stressful –
holiday you're looking for. the planning, packing, and navigating
unfamiliar places can be overwhelming.
4/ What are the differences between
Others simply prefer their routine and the
old and young people when spending comforts of home. Sometimes, financial
their holidays? constraints can make holidays out of reach,
Well, younger people tend to gravitate which leads to resentment or feeling left out
towards more active and adventurous when everyone else is jetting off somewhere.
vacations. They might go backpacking
through Europe, try extreme sports, or party
at music festivals. Older folks, on the other
hand, often prefer relaxation and cultural




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