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Describe a person who is good at making

people feel welcome in his/her home .........6

MỤC LỤC Describe a person who thinks music is
Hướng dẫn sử dụng ................................... 1 important and enjoys music ......................7
Describe a picture/photograph of you that Describe a subject/something that you
you like....................................................... 2 would like to learn in the future ...............7
Describe an unusual / special meal you Describe a natural place (e.g. parks,
had ............................................................. 2 mountains) .................................................8
Describe something that you did with Describe a tourist attraction that very few
someone/a group of people ........................ 3 people visit but you think is interesting ....8
Describe a difficult thing you did and Describe an interesting place you have
succeeded ...................................................3 been to with a friend..................................8
Describe something you do to help you Describe a risk you took that you thought
study or work ............................................ 3 would lead to a terrible result but ended
Describe a useful skill that you learned as up with a positive result ............................8
a teenager ..................................................3 Describe a place you have been to where
things are expensive ..................................9
Describe a job that you would not like to
do ............................................................... 4 Describe a noisy place you have been to ...9
Describe someone (a famous person) that Describe an indoor or outdoor place
is a role model for young people ...............4 where it is easy for you to study .............. 10
Describe a person who encouraged you to Describe your favorite place in your house
achieve your goal ....................................... 4 where you can relax................................. 10
Describe an interesting older person you Describe a place you would like to go to
have met ..................................................... 4 relax ......................................................... 10
Describe a person who you are happy to Describe a place (city/town) that is good
know .......................................................... 4 for people to live in .................................. 10
Describe a person who likes to buy goods Describe another city you would like to
with low prices ........................................... 5 stay for a short time ................................ 10
Describe a person you really enjoy Describe a place you visited where the air
studying/working with .............................. 5 was polluted .............................................11
Describe a person you met at a party who Describe a place where you have taken
you enjoyed talking with ........................... 6 photos more than once ............................ 11
Describe a person you know who likes to
talk a lot ..................................................... 6


Describe a sport that you only have Describe a time when you helped someone
watched before but have not played ..................................................................16
yourself .................................................... 12
Describe something you own that you
Describe a new law you would like to want to replace ........................................17
introduce in your country ....................... 12
Describe a useful object in your home that
Describe a time you taught something new you cannot live without ........................... 17
to a younger person ................................. 13
Describe an activity you enjoyed in your
Describe a time when you taught a free time when you were young .............. 18
friend/relative something ........................ 13
Describe an interesting activity that you
Describe a time when you received money remember enjoying most in your primary
as a gift ..................................................... 13 school ....................................................... 18
Describe a time when someone gave you Describe an outdoor activity you did ......18
something that you really wanted ........... 13
Describe a piece of good news that you
Describe a time when you missed or were heard about someone you know well ......18
late for an important meeting/event ....... 14
Describe a complaint that you made and
Describe your first day at school that you you were satisfied with the result ............ 19
remember ................................................ 14
Describe a historical building you have
Describe an occasion you wore the best been to...................................................... 19
clothes ...................................................... 14
Describe a public facility (e.g. a museum,
Describe a time when some people near a library) that has been renovated and
you made a lot of noise ............................ 15 improved .................................................. 19
Describe a time you bought something Describe a daily routine that you enjoy .. 20
from a street (or outdoor) market .......... 15
Describe a piece of technology you own
Describe an occasion when you heard that you feel is difficult to use ................. 20
someone complaining about something in
Describe an advertisement you have seen
a restaurant/store or other business places
but you did not like ................................. 21
................................................................. 15
Describe a website you often visit ........... 21
Describe a time you were very busy ....... 15
Describe a uniform you wear (e.g. at
Describe a time you had to finish
school, at work) ....................................... 22
something quickly ................................... 15
Describe a long-term goal you would like
Describe a time when you picked up an
to achieve ................................................. 22
item that someone else lost ...................... 16
Describe a trip you were looking forward
Describe a time when someone who did
to but was delayed ................................... 23
quite well in a team (e.g. schoolwork or a
community) .............................................. 16


Describe an unusual holiday/vacation you Describe a film character played by an
had ........................................................... 23 actor or actress whom you admire ......... 24
Describe an interesting conversation you
had with a very old person ...................... 23
Describe a movie/film that you felt
strongly about.......................................... 24


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Đội ngũ học thuật của Mc IELTS đã biên soạn bộ câu trả lời mẫu Speaking Forecast Quý 2/2024 nhằm
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Mc IELTS có gói sửa bài Speaking 1-1 với giáo viên bản xứ/Việt Nam có thể sử dụng để:

- Luyện tập bộ forecast: giáo viên hỏi, đánh giá và gợi ý cải thiện
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- Ưu đãi HỌC PHÍ lên tới 6,000,000 VND

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Describe a picture/photograph Describe an unusual / special

of you that you like meal you had

So one of the most unusual / special meals

One of my favorite photographs is a picture
I've ever had was during my trip to Hanoi last
taken during a trip to the serene Ha Long Bay
summer. I went with a group of friends who
in Vietnam. This image was captured last
were eager to explore some authentic
spring, during a time when the weather was
northern Vietnamese cuisine. We ended up at
perfect for exploring the outdoors. The
this small, family-owned restaurant tucked
photograph was taken by a close friend of
away in one of the old quarter's narrow alleys.
mine who has a keen eye for capturing
candid moments. We ordered a dish called 'trứng vịt lộn,' which
is a fertilized duck egg that has been
In the photograph, I am aboard a small boat,
incubated for about 18 days before being
surrounded by the majestic limestone karsts
boiled. I had heard of it before but never tried
and emerald waters that make Ha Long Bay
it. When they brought it out, it looked like a
famous. I'm gazing at the horizon, seemingly
regular egg at first. But once I cracked it open,
lost in thought, with a gentle smile. My friend
I saw the partially developed embryo inside.
captured this moment just as the sun was
It definitely made me hesitant at first, but my
setting, which bathed the scene in a warm,
friends encouraged me to give it a try.
golden light.
After sprinkling some salt, pepper, and fresh
What I love most about this picture is the way
herbs on it, I took a deep breath and had my
it evokes a sense of peace and contentment.
first bite. The texture was a little unusual, but
Whenever I look at it, I am transported back
the flavors were quite unique. The herbs and
to that moment, feeling the gentle sway of the
spices really brought it all together. I had it
boat and the soft breeze, inhaling the fresh,
with some ginger and a dipping sauce that
salty air. It's a reminder of a time when I felt
complemented it well.
completely at ease and in tune with nature.
What made it so unusual / special was how
This picture holds a special place in my heart
different it was from any other egg dish I’ve
not only because of the beauty it captures but
had. The idea of eating a partially developed
also because it represents a moment of
embryo seemed strange initially, but it was
tranquility and joy amidst the beauty of one
actually quite tasty, and I’m glad I tried it. The
of Vietnam's most iconic landscapes.
whole experience broadened my culinary
horizons and gave me a new appreciation for
how diverse Vietnamese cuisine can be.


Describe something that you gave us excellent feedback. Seeing their
smiles and knowing we made a positive
did with someone/a group of impact was incredibly fulfilling.

people This experience taught me a lot about

teamwork, perseverance, and the importance
Describe a difficult thing you of staying positive under pressure. It was
difficult, but succeeding made all the hard
did and succeeded work worthwhile. It was an experience that
brought our team closer and left me feeling
I'd like to begin by sharing about an proud of what we accomplished together.
experience that was both challenging and
rewarding. Last year, I participated in a Describe something you do to
team project with my colleagues to organize
an English language camp for high school
help you study or work
students in Hanoi. It was an ambitious
project, and we knew it wouldn't be a walk in Describe a useful skill that you
the park.
learned as a teenager
The preparation was intense. We had to
design a comprehensive curriculum, When I was in school, I took this management
arrange logistics, and ensure we had class that has been incredibly useful for my
engaging activities for the students. We work now. The class focused on time
divided tasks among the team, and I was management, teaching us how to prioritize
responsible for coordinating the workshops tasks, set realistic goals, and break down
and guest speakers. It felt like juggling a larger projects into smaller, manageable
dozen things at once, and there were moments chunks. At first, it seemed a bit
when I wondered if we could pull it off. overwhelming, but once I got the hang of it,
I realized how much more efficient I could be.
We faced numerous hurdles along the way.
Some speakers canceled at the last minute, Now, applying these time management skills
and we had to find replacements quickly. has become second nature to me. When it
Additionally, there were issues with comes to studying, I use a planner to organize
securing the venue and managing the budget. my study sessions and allocate specific time
But we didn't let these challenges deter us. slots for each subject. This way, I don’t feel
We worked late hours, brainstorming and overwhelmed, and I can focus better. For
problem-solving together. instance, when I was preparing for my IELTS
exam, this method helped me balance my
The camp finally took place over a weekend, studies with other activities without feeling
and it was a resounding success. The students stressed out.
were enthusiastic, participated actively, and


At work, time management is a game- lacks. Being stuck in a cubicle, speaking to
changer. I often have multiple projects on my strangers through a headset for hours on end,
plate, and being able to prioritize tasks means seems quite isolating.
I can meet deadlines without compromising
on quality. It’s satisfying to see everything Overall, while telemarketers play an essential
come together smoothly. Honestly, I can’t role in many businesses, it's not a job that
imagine getting through my day without suits my personality or work preferences. I
these skills. They’ve really made a prefer roles that involve creativity, personal
difference in my productivity and stress interaction, and the opportunity to make a
levels. Looking back, I’m so glad I took that tangible difference in people's lives.
course; it’s been a real lifesaver.
Describe someone (a famous
Describe a job that you would person) that is a role model for
not like to do young people
One job I would definitely not like to do is
working as a telemarketer. The thought of
Describe a person who
cold-calling people all day, trying to sell encouraged you to achieve your
products or services, doesn't appeal to me at
all. goal
First of all, I find the idea of interrupting
Describe an interesting older
people at home or work to pitch something
quite uncomfortable. It would feel invasive person you have met
and awkward, especially when dealing with
irritated or uninterested individuals. The
Describe a person who you are
constant rejection and negative responses
could be quite demoralizing over time. happy to know
Additionally, telemarketing requires a high
level of persistence and resilience, which, I’d like to talk about someone who has had a
while admirable, isn't aligned with my significant impact on many lives and who I
strengths or interests. The repetitive nature of believe is a role model for young people:
the job, making the same pitch over and over Pham Nhat Vuong, the founder and chairman
again, would likely become monotonous and of Vingroup. He’s one of Vietnam’s most
unfulfilling for me. prominent and successful entrepreneurs.

I also value face-to-face interactions and the I first heard about Pham Nhat Vuong during
ability to build genuine connections with my university years when I was researching
people, which is something that telemarketing successful business leaders in Vietnam. He
established Vingroup, which has since grown


into one of the country’s largest deals and discounts. A few months ago, she
conglomerates. decided to renovate her apartment in Hanoi.

What I find most impressive about him is his Instead of hiring expensive contractors and
relentless drive and innovative spirit. He buying brand-new furniture, Linh chose to
has diversified Vingroup into various sectors, visit local second-hand markets and online
including real estate, healthcare, education, marketplaces. She spent weeks researching
and automotive with the launch of VinFast, and comparing prices, and her efforts paid
Vietnam’s first car manufacturer. His vision off. She managed to find high-quality, pre-
for modernizing Vietnam and contributing loved furniture at a fraction of the original
to its economic development is truly price. Linh also enlisted the help of friends
remarkable. and family to do some of the renovation work,
which saved her even more money.
I feel a sense of admiration and inspiration
when I think about Pham Nhat Vuong. His I felt really impressed by Linh’s approach.
journey shows that with determination, hard Her decision to renovate on a budget not only
work, and a bit of ingenuity, it’s possible to saved her a lot of money but also gave her
achieve great things. He’s not just a home a unique, personalized touch. She
successful businessman; he’s a visionary who transformed her apartment into a cozy,
has created countless opportunities for people stylish space without breaking the bank.
in Vietnam. Linh’s story is a great example of how being
resourceful and making thoughtful
Meeting him briefly at a business seminar in decisions can lead to fantastic results. It’s a
Hanoi last year was a highlight for me. His reminder that you don’t always need to spend
humility and willingness to share his a lot to achieve something great.
knowledge were evident, and I left the
seminar feeling motivated to pursue my own Describe a person you really
goals with the same dedication. Pham Nhat
Vuong is a person I'm happy to know about, enjoy studying/working with
and his story.Describe someone you know
who made a good decision recently May I share with you about a colleague of
mine, An, who I really enjoy working with.
Describe a person who likes to An and I have been teaching at the same
language center in Hanoi for the past three
buy goods with low prices
years. From the start, I could tell he was
someone special.
I would like to share about my friend, Linh,
who recently made a smart decision that An is incredibly dedicated and passionate
perfectly reflects her knack for finding about his work. He has this infectious
bargains. Linh is someone who loves to shop, enthusiasm for teaching that really rubs off
but she’s always on the lookout for the best on everyone around him. What I appreciate


most about him is his positive attitude. No Describe a person you met at a
matter how tough the day gets, he always
finds a way to stay upbeat and motivate the party who you enjoyed talking
Working with An is a pleasure because he’s
not only knowledgeable but also very Describe a person you know
approachable. He’s always willing to lend a
hand or share resources, which makes who likes to talk a lot
collaborating with him seamless. We often
brainstorm together to come up with creative Describe a person who is good
lesson plans, and his innovative ideas always
impress me. at making people feel welcome
An is also great with the students. He has this in his/her home
knack for making complex topics simple and
engaging. The students love him, and it’s easy Today i will tell you more about Mai, who is
to see why. He creates a learning environment someone who loves to talk and is incredibly
that’s both fun and effective, which makes my good at making people feel welcome in her
job a lot easier. home. I first met her at a New Year’s party
hosted by a mutual friend in Hanoi.
I feel really lucky to have An as a colleague.
He makes the workplace more enjoyable and Mai is the life of any party. From the moment
less stressful. His dedication and positive I walked in, she greeted me with a warm
energy are truly inspiring, and I look forward smile and a friendly hug, instantly making me
to continuing to work alongside him. feel at ease. She has this amazing ability to
engage everyone in conversation, no matter
how diverse the group is. At that party, we
ended up chatting for hours. We talked about
everything from our favorite books to our
travel experiences. Her enthusiasm and
genuine interest in what others have to say
make her a delightful person to talk to.

What I really appreciate about Mai is her

knack for creating a welcoming atmosphere.
Her home is always open to friends and
family. She’s the kind of person who would
offer you a cup of tea and a plate of snacks as
soon as you walk through the door. Her


warmth and hospitality are truly Hoa also enjoys playing the piano and guitar.
unmatched. She’s quite talented and often participates in
local music events and charity concerts. Last
Talking with Mai is always a pleasure because year, she even organized a small concert at
she listens actively and shares her own stories our office to raise funds for a local
with such passion. She makes everyone feel orphanage. Her performance was
valued and included, which is a rare and mesmerizing, and it was evident how much
wonderful trait. Knowing her has been a real joy music brings to her and those around her.
blessing, and I always look forward to our
lively conversations and gatherings. What I admire most about Hoa is how she
uses music to connect with others. She’s
Describe a person who thinks always ready to share her latest playlist or
recommend new artists. Her enthusiasm
music is important and enjoys makes everyone around her appreciate music
a little more.
Describe a subject/something
Allow me to share with you about my friend,
Hoa, who truly believes music is an essential that you would like to learn in
part of life and enjoys it immensely. Hoa is a
colleague of mine, and we’ve known each the future
other for several years. Her passion for music
is infectious, and it’s one of the things that In the future, I'd love to learn the Vietnamese
stands out most about her. traditional musical instrument called the “đàn
bầu”. It's a monochord zither, which creates
Hoa’s love for music began at a young age. a distinctive, soulful sound. I have always
She often shares stories about how her been fascinated by its unique tone, and I
parents used to play traditional Vietnamese believe it would be a remarkable skill to
songs at home, which sparked her interest. acquire.
Over the years, she has developed a diverse
taste in music, ranging from classical and To learn it, I'd prefer to find a local music
jazz to pop and traditional folk. school in Hanoi that specializes in traditional
instruments. There, I could enroll in a
Whenever we have a break at work, Hoa structured class with a seasoned instructor
usually has her headphones on, listening to who could guide me step by step. Of course,
her favorite tunes. She believes that music is I'd supplement this with online tutorials,
not just entertainment but also a source of particularly those that offer a deeper
comfort and inspiration. She often says that understanding of how to produce the rich,
music helps her concentrate better and lifts resonant notes characteristic of the “đàn
her spirits when she’s feeling down. It’s her bầu”.
go-to remedy for stress and fatigue.


The primary motivation behind this serene and picturesque landscape. The
endeavor is my love for traditional tranquility of the area is a stark contrast to
Vietnamese music and a desire to reconnect the bustling cities, making it a perfect
with my cultural roots. I find that playing such getaway for nature lovers. The lake itself is
an instrument would not only be personally vast and clear, with several small islands
fulfilling but also a way to preserve and dotted throughout.
promote my heritage.
Minh and I spent our days exploring the area
However, I anticipate that learning it will be by boat. We navigated through the calm
challenging because it requires a lot of finesse waters, visited nearby caves, and admired the
and precision to master the bending technique local wildlife. One highlight was our trip to
that produces the instrument's signature pitch Puong Cave, a massive grotto carved by the
variations. Nevertheless, I'm sure that river that runs through it. The stalactites and
patience, consistent practice, and guidance stalagmites inside were truly mesmerizing.
from a skilled teacher will help me tackle this
exciting challenge. What made the trip even more special was the
sense of peace and solitude. Unlike more
Describe a natural place (e.g. popular tourist spots, Ba Be Lake felt
untouched and pristine. We often found
parks, mountains) ourselves completely alone with nature,
which was incredibly refreshing.
Describe a tourist attraction
This hidden gem is a place I highly
that very few people visit but recommend to anyone looking for a unique
and peaceful escape. Its natural beauty and
you think is interesting tranquility make it a perfect spot for
relaxation and adventure, and the experience
Describe an interesting place of exploring it with a friend made it even more
you have been to with a friend
Describe a risk you took that
One of the most interesting natural places
I’ve visited is Ba Be Lake in northern
you thought would lead to a
Vietnam. This stunning lake, nestled in the terrible result but ended up
Ba Be National Park, is a hidden gem that
surprisingly few tourists visit. I went there with a positive result
last year with my friend, Minh, and it was an
unforgettable experience. I'd like to begin by sharing about a time I took
a risk that I thought would lead to disaster but
Ba Be Lake is surrounded by lush forests
turned out surprisingly well. It was about
and towering limestone mountains, creating a
three years ago, when I decided to start a small


cafe in Hanoi with some savings. The idea most famous landmarks and a major tourist
seemed exciting but terrifying because the attraction.
competition was fierce, and I had no prior
experience in the food industry. When I first arrived at Ben Thanh Market, I
was struck by the vibrant atmosphere. The
To be honest, I took this leap because I’d market is a maze of stalls selling everything
always dreamed of creating a cozy, local spot from souvenirs and clothing to fresh produce
where people could gather and relax. Despite and street food. However, I quickly realized
my passion, fear of failure loomed large since that the prices were quite steep, especially for
my family and friends doubted whether it tourists. Items that could be bought for much
would succeed. less in other parts of the city were marked up
significantly. I remember haggling over a silk
Initially, things were tough. The setup process scarf and being shocked at the initial price the
drained my energy, and I was constantly vendor quoted.
anxious about not attracting enough
customers. Yet, as days went by, word of The market is also incredibly noisy. Vendors
mouth spread, and people started call out to attract customers, bargaining
appreciating the unique, intimate vibe of our conversations fill the air, and there's a
place. Gradually, we built a loyal clientele constant hum of chatter and movement. The
who loved our menu, especially our signature sound of motorbikes zipping by outside adds
egg coffee. to the cacophony. It's a sensory overload,
with the noise level high and the bustling
In the end, this risky venture exceeded my crowd adding to the chaos.
wildest expectations. I felt an immense sense
of pride and fulfillment, having proved to Despite the high prices and the noise, I found
myself that perseverance pays off. It was the experience fascinating. The energy of
truly rewarding to see my vision come to life Ben Thanh Market is unmatched, and it
and to realize that taking a calculated risk can provides a unique glimpse into the local
sometimes yield incredible results. culture and daily life. While I wouldn’t want
to shop there regularly due to the expense,
Describe a place you have been visiting the market was a memorable
experience that highlighted the lively spirit of
to where things are expensive Ho Chi Minh City.

Describe a noisy place you have

been to

One of the places I visited last year that was

both expensive and noisy is Ho Chi Minh
City's Ben Thanh Market. It's one of the city's


Describe an indoor or outdoor daily life. Just imagining sitting on a terrace
overlooking the mountains, breathing in the
place where it is easy for you to fresh air, and enjoying the peaceful
surroundings brings a sense of calm.
Overall, whether it's my cozy living room
Describe your favorite place in corner or the picturesque views of Sapa,
these places offer a perfect blend of
your house where you can relax productivity and relaxation, helping me
balance work and leisure effectively.
Describe a place you would like
Describe a place (city/town)
to go to relax
that is good for people to live in
One of my favorite places to both study and
relax is a cozy corner in my living room. This Describe another city you
spot is perfect for getting work done and
unwinding afterward.
would like to stay for a short

My living room has a large window that lets

in plenty of natural light, making it an ideal
indoor space for studying. I have a I reside in Ho Chi Minh City, which is always
comfortable chair next to a small table where buzzing with activity, but if I had to pick
I can spread out my books and laptop. The another city for a getaway, it would definitely
calm and quiet atmosphere in my home be Da Nang. Honestly, Da Nang is an
allows me to focus without distractions. amazing place for people to live in. First off,
it offers a fantastic balance of natural beauty
When I need a break, this same corner and urban convenience. You’ve got gorgeous
transforms into my relaxation haven. I have beaches like My Khe, where you can relax
a soft throw blanket and a stack of my favorite and take in the fresh sea breeze, which makes
books right beside the chair. On weekends, I me feel so alive. Plus, the city itself is quite
often sit here with a cup of tea, gazing out of modern, with everything you need within
the window at the garden below. The view of easy reach.
the greenery and occasional chirping of birds
is incredibly soothing. Now, the food in Da Nang is to die for. I
remember tasting Mi Quang there, and it was
In terms of an outdoor place I’d love to go to like a little piece of heaven on a plate. It’s
relax, I often daydream about visiting Sapa impossible not to feel happy with so many
in northern Vietnam. The serene mountain delicious dishes around.
landscapes and terraced rice fields would be a
perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of



The people are super friendly and Despite the air pollution, I still appreciated
welcoming, making you feel right at home. the charm and energy of Hanoi. The vibrant
Their warmth really stands out and adds to street markets, historical landmarks, and
the city's charm. delicious street food made the trip
worthwhile. However, the experience was a
While I love the hustle and bustle of Ho Chi stark reminder of the environmental
Minh City, Da Nang is perfect for a short challenges faced by rapidly growing cities. It
escape. It has this laid-back vibe that’s ideal made me more aware of the importance of
for unwinding. You can explore the Marble clean air and the need for sustainable urban
Mountains or take a short trip to the ancient development to improve the quality of life
town of Hoi An. Honestly, Da Nang ticks all for residents and visitors alike.
the boxes for both long-term living and short-
term visits. Describe a place where you
Describe a place you visited have taken photos more than
where the air was polluted once

One place I visited where the air was One place where I have taken photos more
noticeably polluted was Hanoi, the capital than once is Ha Long Bay in Vietnam. This
city of Vietnam. While Hanoi is a vibrant city stunning natural wonder is known for its
with a rich history and culture, it also emerald waters and thousands of towering
struggles with significant air quality issues, limestone islands topped with rainforests. It's
especially during the winter months. a UNESCO World Heritage site and a
popular destination for both tourists and
I visited Hanoi last December, and as soon as locals.
I stepped out of the airport, I could see a hazy
layer of smog hanging over the city. The The first time I visited Ha Long Bay was with
roads were bustling with motorbikes, cars, my family a few years ago. We took a cruise
and buses, all contributing to the thick, around the bay, and I couldn’t resist
polluted air. The traffic congestion is a capturing the breathtaking scenery. The
major source of pollution, with vehicles view of the limestone karsts rising
emitting exhaust fumes continuously. majestically from the water, often shrouded
in mist, was like something out of a fairy tale.
As I explored the city, visiting famous spots Every angle seemed to offer a postcard-
like Hoan Kiem Lake and the Old Quarter, I perfect shot, from the serene waters to the
couldn’t help but notice the constant smell of vibrant sunsets.
exhaust and the occasional difficulty in
breathing comfortably. My eyes felt irritated, I’ve returned to Ha Long Bay twice since
and there was a slight burning sensation in then, once with friends and another time for a
my throat after spending a few hours outside. solo trip. Each visit provided new



perspectives and opportunities for At first, I didn't really understand the rules,
photography. During one trip, we explored but as the game progressed, I found myself
some of the caves and grottoes, like the Sung drawn into the action. The energy and
Sot Cave, which had stunning formations that camaraderie among the players were
made for fantastic photos. On another visit, contagious, and I could feel the excitement
we kayaked around the bay, getting up close building up with every run scored. Even
to the islets and capturing unique, intimate though I’ve never played cricket myself, it
shots of the natural landscape. was an eye-opening experience. I left the
field with a newfound appreciation for this
What keeps drawing me back to Ha Long game that I hadn't paid much attention to
Bay is its timeless beauty and the ever- before.
changing play of light and weather. The
photos I take there always turn out beautifully Describe a new law you would
and evoke wonderful memories of my visits.
It’s a place that feels endlessly photogenic, like to introduce in your
no matter how many times I return.
Describe a sport that you only
If I could introduce a new law in Vietnam, I'd
have watched before but have push for a strict ban on littering in public
places, like parks, beaches, and streets. This
not played yourself law would come with hefty fines and
community service as penalties. It could even
Okay, I'm here to talk to you about a sport that incentivize folks to report violations. The aim
I’ve only watched and never played: cricket. I here is to change behavior, instill a sense of
watched it for the first time last year when I civic pride, and create cleaner spaces for
stumbled upon a match in Ho Chi Minh City. everyone to enjoy.
It was a friendly game between two local
expat teams, and I was curious, so I decided The impact would be huge because it would
to hang around and see what it was all about. mean cleaner cities, healthier environments,
I was there with my cousin, who’s a bit of a and a boost to tourism as visitors appreciate
sports enthusiast. tidy, welcoming spots. At first, there might be
resistance because old habits die hard, but
The vibe at the field was quite chill, with with awareness campaigns and the
families and friends scattered around, chatting involvement of schools and local
and enjoying the atmosphere. But on the communities, I'm sure people would warm
pitch, it was a different story. The players up to it. No one likes seeing trash
were totally focused and gave it their all. It everywhere.
was fascinating to see them swing their bats
and strategize every move like it was a chess I thought of this idea because of my own
match on grass. frustration with litter in beautiful areas that



should be pristine. It’s disheartening to see and I couldn't bear seeing her doubt herself
the beaches I love tarnished by plastic waste. over something I could help her with. It was
Honestly, it makes me feel hopeful thinking just a little guidance, but it made a big
about this law because it would help preserve difference.
our natural beauty for future generations.
How did I feel? Honestly, it was a mix of
Overall, it's a necessary step. The law would pride and joy seeing her face light up when
create a more pleasant living environment and she finally understood everything. Teaching
nurture a sense of responsibility in everyone someone younger, especially family, can be
to take care of our shared spaces incredibly rewarding. You realize that even a
small effort can help shape someone's future,
Describe a time you taught and that's pretty special.

something new to a younger Describe a time when you

person received money as a gift
Describe a time when you Describe a time when someone
taught a friend/relative gave you something that you
something really wanted
I will tell to you about a time I taught my I'd like to share a time when I received money
niece, Minh, something new. This happened as a gift, which also happened to be something
about six months ago when she was preparing I really wanted. This occurred on my 25th
for her high school entrance exams. She was birthday. My parents, aware of my passion
struggling a bit with English grammar, for photography and the fact that my old
especially with tenses. I remember sitting camera was no longer adequate, decided to
down with her one afternoon in her living help me out.
room, and we went over different exercises
and examples. On my birthday, they gave me a beautifully
crafted card. Inside, I found a generous sum
I taught her a few tricks to remember the tense of money along with a heartfelt note
rules more easily. For instance, I gave her encouraging me to put it towards the new
some memory aids and short stories to make camera I had been saving for. I was
it less intimidating and more fun. She was a overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement.
quick learner, and once she started getting the This was precisely what I needed to finally
hang of it, her confidence skyrocketed. afford the camera I had been eyeing for
I wanted to help her because I knew she was
nervous about the exams. She’s a bright kid,



I felt a profound sense of joy and ever owned. I felt like I was stepping into a
appreciation. It was incredibly touching to new chapter of my life.
know that my parents understood the
importance of this to me and wanted to However, the day didn’t go exactly as
support my passion. The following weekend, planned. Despite our best efforts, we ended up
I went to the camera store and purchased the running late. The traffic was unusually
model I had been dreaming about. heavy that morning, and by the time we
arrived at the school, the gates had already
This new camera has significantly enhanced closed, and I had missed the opening
my photography. I am now able to take much ceremony.
clearer, professional-quality photos, and it
has reignited my enthusiasm for capturing I remember feeling a mix of disappointment
special moments. This gift was more than just and embarrassment as we walked in late.
money; it was an investment in my hobby The teachers were kind and understanding,
and future endeavors. and they quickly helped me settle into my
new classroom. Despite the rocky start, the
Describe a time when you rest of the day was filled with new
experiences and making new friends. The
missed or were late for an teachers were welcoming, and the lessons
were fascinating.
important meeting/event
Looking back, that first day at school taught
Describe your first day at me a lot about handling unexpected
challenges. Wearing my best clothes made me
school that you remember feel confident, even though I was late for an
important event. It’s a memory that has
Describe an occasion you wore stayed with me.

the best clothes

Let me share with you about a particularly

memorable day from my childhood that ties
together a few significant experiences. It was
my first day of primary school in Hanoi, and
it’s a day I remember vividly.

I woke up feeling a mix of excitement and

nerves. My parents had bought me a brand-
new uniform for the occasion, and I wore it
with pride. It was the best set of clothes I had



Describe a time when some clearly upset and complaining about the price
of a silk scarf she had bought, feeling she had
people near you made a lot of been overcharged compared to another stall.
The vendor, trying to appease her, offered a
noise partial refund or an exchange, but the
woman was adamant.
Describe a time you bought
Despite the noise and occasional complaints,
something from a street (or the experience of shopping at Ben Thanh
Market was memorable. The energy, vibrant
outdoor) market interactions, and sense of community among
the vendors and shoppers made it a truly
Describe an occasion when you distinctive experience.

heard someone complaining Describe a time you were very

about something in a busy
restaurant/store or other
Describe a time you had to
business places
finish something quickly
Let me share an experience from last summer
Let me tell you about a particularly hectic
when I visited Ben Thanh Market in Ho Chi
week last year when I was extremely busy
Minh City. This bustling outdoor market is
and had to finish something quickly. It was
known for its vibrant atmosphere and
the end of the semester at the language school
diverse goods.
where I teach in Hanoi, and I had a ton of final
One hot afternoon, I decided to visit the exams to grade. On top of that, I had to
market to buy some souvenirs. As I navigated prepare for a major presentation at an
through the crowded stalls, I couldn't help but educational conference.
notice the loud chatter of vendors calling out
The week started off with me juggling
their prices and the constant hum of
between grading papers and crafting my
bargaining customers. The market was filled
presentation slides. Each day was a
with the sounds of people negotiating,
whirlwind of activity. I would spend my
children laughing, and motorbikes honking
mornings in the classroom, teaching and
nearby. It was a bit overwhelming but added
managing exams, and my afternoons and
to the lively charm of the place.
evenings buried in grading and presentation
While purchasing a beautifully crafted prep.
lacquerware box, I overheard a woman at a
Midway through the week, I received a
nearby stall raising her voice. She was
sudden request from the school’s



administration. They needed a detailed report I decided to sit on the bench and wait for a
on student performance. The deadline was while. After about 15 minutes, I saw a woman
tight, and I had to drop everything to get it frantically walking along the path, checking
done. the ground and looking very distressed. I
approached her and asked if she was looking
I remember feeling quite stressed as I realized for something. She described the wallet
how little time I had. The ticking clock added perfectly, so I handed it over to her.
to the pressure, but I kept pushing through.
The relief and gratitude on her face were
Finally, just minutes before the deadline, I unmistakable. She thanked me profusely
managed to finish the report and send it off. and explained that she had been so worried
The relief I felt was immense, but there was about losing her cards and money. It felt really
no time to rest as I had to get back to my good to have helped her out.
grading and presentation work.
This experience reminded me of the
Reflecting on that week, I realized it was a importance of honesty and the positive
true test of my time management and impact a small act of kindness can have on
multitasking skills. It was exhausting, but I someone's day. It was a simple gesture, but it
felt a great sense of accomplishment once left a lasting impression on me.
everything was completed.
Describe a time when someone
Describe a time when you
who did quite well in a team
picked up an item that someone
(e.g. schoolwork or a
else lost
Let me tell you about a time when I picked
up an item that someone else lost. This Describe a time when you
happened a few months ago at a park near my
home in Hanoi. helped someone
One morning, while jogging along my usual
Let me tell you about a time when my friend
path, I noticed a small, leather wallet lying on
Lan excelled in our university project team,
the ground near a bench. I picked it up and
and I had the chance to help her in the process.
looked around to see if anyone was nearby,
During our final year, we were assigned a
but the park was mostly empty at that early
group project in our business management
hour. The wallet felt a bit heavy, and when I
course. The task was to develop a
opened it, I found several banknotes, credit
comprehensive marketing strategy for a local
cards, and an ID card inside.



Lan took on the role of team leader. She cooks rice quite well, which is a staple in my
organized our meetings, delegated tasks diet, like most people in Vietnam. I can’t
based on our strengths, and kept everyone imagine a day without it because it makes
motivated. Her leadership skills and preparing meals so much easier and faster.
dedication were outstanding. However, It’s almost like having an extra pair of hands
midway through the project, Lan fell ill and in the kitchen. Whenever I have friends over,
had to take a few days off. With the deadline it’s so convenient to whip up a big pot of rice
approaching, the team was worried about without any hassle. The reliability of this rice
meeting our goals without her guidance. cooker has been a constant comfort in my
daily life.
Seeing the situation, I stepped in to help. I
coordinated with Lan remotely to ensure her However, the rice cooker has seen better days.
vision for the project was maintained. I also It’s quite old and starting to show its age. The
took on additional tasks to support the team, non-stick coating is wearing off, and
like finalizing our presentation and sometimes it doesn’t cook the rice as evenly
compiling research data. We all worked extra as it used to. There have been moments when
hard to cover for Lan’s absence. I felt really frustrated because the rice came
out either too dry or too mushy. This made me
Despite the setback, Lan quickly bounced realize it’s time for an upgrade.
back and rejoined us. We completed the
project on time, and our presentation was a I’ve got my eye on a modern rice cooker with
success. Lan’s initial groundwork and our all the bells and whistles. It has multiple
collective effort paid off, and we received settings for different types of rice and even a
top marks. This experience highlighted the timer function. This would not only make
importance of teamwork and the value of cooking more convenient but also bring a lot
stepping up to support each other in of joy back into my daily routine. So, while I
challenging times. can’t live without my current rice cooker, I’m
eagerly looking forward to replacing it with a
Describe something you own newer, more reliable model.

that you want to replace

Describe a useful object in your

home that you cannot live

One item in my home that I really can't live

without, is my old rice cooker. I've had it for
years, and it’s been an absolute lifesaver. It



Describe an activity you smile, remembering those carefree days and
the pure joy of playing football with my
enjoyed in your free time when friends.

you were young Describe a piece of good news

Describe an interesting activity that you heard about someone
that you remember enjoying you know well
most in your primary school So, let me tell you about a piece of good news
I heard recently about a close friend of mine,
Describe an outdoor activity Phuong. Just last month, she called me out of
the blue, sounding super excited. She’d just
you did received an offer for a job she’d been
dreaming about for ages. It was a
When I was in primary school, one activity I management position at a well-known tech
really enjoyed in my free time was playing company in Hanoi, one she’d been working
football with my friends. We had this big toward for years.
open field in our school, and every afternoon,
we’d rush there right after classes. Thinking I still remember her bubbling with joy as she
back, those moments were pure gold. shared the news. We had a long chat about
how she nailed the interview and how the
Playing football wasn't just about the sport role perfectly aligned with her goals. I felt
itself; it was the thrill of the game and the genuinely proud of her because I knew how
camaraderie. I remember feeling the rush of hard she’d worked for it—countless late
excitement every time I scored a goal. It was nights studying and taking courses to upskill
like being on top of the world. And the herself.
laughter, the cheers, and even the friendly
teasing made it so much fun. When I heard it, I was over the moon. I felt
like all her dedication and perseverance had
Being outdoors added a special touch to the finally paid off. It’s inspiring to see someone
experience. The fresh air, the sunshine, and you care about achieve something they've
the wide-open space gave us a sense of poured their heart and soul into. Her
freedom that was simply amazing. We’d journey has been a testament to staying
play until the sun started to set, completely positive and keeping your eyes on the prize.
lost in the joy of the game. I couldn't be happier for her, and I know she’s
going to crush it in her new role!
Honestly, those football matches were more
than just a pastime; they were a way to bond,
to unwind, and to create unforgettable
memories. Looking back, I can’t help but



Describe a complaint that you Describe a historical building
made and you were satisfied you have been to
with the result Describe a public facility (e.g. a
Let me tell you about a complaint I made a museum, a library) that has
few months back that had a positive outcome.
So, this happened when I was staying at a nice been renovated and improved
hotel in Da Nang. The first night was fine, but
on the second day, I noticed there was a Let me tell you about my visit to the Temple
strange noise coming from the air of Literature in Hanoi, a historical building
conditioning unit in my room. It sounded like that has also undergone significant
an annoying hum that kept me up half the renovations and improvements. This
night. ancient temple, originally built in 1070, is
dedicated to Confucius and served as
The next morning, I decided to address it. I Vietnam’s first national university.
headed down to the reception and spoke to
one of the staff members there. I explained the When I visited the Temple of Literature, I was
issue calmly, hoping it could be resolved struck by its majestic architecture and
without too much hassle. The receptionist serene atmosphere. The complex consists of
listened attentively and immediately a series of courtyards, gardens, and
apologized for the inconvenience. She traditional Vietnamese buildings, all
assured me they'd send maintenance to check surrounded by ancient walls. Walking
it out right away. through the stone paths, I could sense the rich
history and scholarly pursuits that once took
To my surprise, within an hour, the place there.
maintenance team fixed the problem, and the
air conditioning was back to its normal, quiet In recent years, the Temple of Literature has
state. But that's not all. As a gesture of undergone extensive renovations to
goodwill, the hotel offered to upgrade my preserve its historical significance and
room to one with a sea view at no extra enhance the visitor experience. The
charge. restoration work included repairing the old
stone structures, replanting the gardens, and
I felt truly satisfied with the result because updating informational displays to provide
not only was the problem resolved quickly, more context and educational value.
but the staff went above and beyond to make
my stay even more comfortable. They turned I was particularly impressed with how the
an annoying hiccup into a much more renovations managed to retain the temple's
pleasant experience, which made me feel historical charm while making it more
valued as a guest. accessible and informative. The improved



signage and exhibits offered deeper insights I relish this routine because it sets a positive
into Vietnam’s educational history and tone for the day. The peaceful environment
Confucian traditions. by the lake at dawn, with just the sound of
water and the occasional chatter of early
Visiting the Temple of Literature was not only birds, really helps me center myself. It’s my
a journey through Vietnam’s rich cultural time to be alone with my thoughts, which is a
heritage but also an example of how careful rarity in my usually packed day. Plus,
renovation can breathe new life into watching the sunrise with a light breeze
historical sites. The blend of old and new around me is an unbeatable way to start the
made the experience both enlightening and day. It not only boosts my physical stamina
enjoyable. but also my mental clarity, making me feel
ready to tackle whatever lies ahead.
Describe a daily routine that
you enjoy Describe a piece of technology
you own that you feel is
Alright, let me tell you about a daily routine
that I truly cherish. Every morning, I embark difficult to use
on a brisk walk along the Hanoi West Lake,
So, let me talk about a piece of technology
a routine I commenced about two years ago.
that really gives me a run for my money: my
The rationale behind starting this routine was
smart home assistant. I got it as a birthday gift
simple yet essential: to enhance my physical
last year from a tech-savvy friend who swore
health and to clear my mind before diving
it would make my life easier. The idea was to
into my busy day.
use it for everything from setting alarms to
This habit kicked off when I noticed a controlling the lights in my apartment here in
gradual increase in stress due to my hectic Ho Chi Minh City.
schedule, and a friend suggested
Honestly, I don't use it nearly as much as I
incorporating exercise into my daily routine.
thought I would. I find myself battling with
Opting for a morning walk seemed the
voice commands more often than not. It
perfect choice, as I always loved the serene
seems like it can never quite understand my
beauty of West Lake in the early hours.
accent, and I end up repeating myself several
Following this routine is quite manageable. times, which is both amusing and
The proximity of the lake to my home makes frustrating.
it convenient, and the sheer pleasure of the
I really wanted to like it. The technology is
walk encourages me to stick to it. It’s one of
undoubtedly impressive, and when it works,
those things where the benefits are
it feels like I'm living in the future. But the
immediately apparent, making it less of a
daily struggle of trying to get it to play the
chore and more of a treat.
right song or turn off the right lights without



a hitch is a bit too much. It’s like having a such shallow ideals. It wasn’t just
high-maintenance roommate. unappealing to me; it also struck a chord
because it highlighted a divide between the
Overall, I feel a bit disappointed because the haves and have-nots, which isn't something
device is supposed to bring convenience, not to aspire to or celebrate. So, that's why that
confusion. Still, I'm hanging onto it, hoping advertisement left a sour taste in my mouth.
future updates will make it more user-
friendly. Until then, it's a learning curve I’m Describe a website you often
climbing every day.
Describe an advertisement you
It is my pleasure to present about a website I
have seen but you did not like find myself visiting pretty often: it’s a local
Vietnamese cooking blog. It’s all about
So, let me tell you about this advertisement I sharing traditional Vietnamese recipes and
saw that really rubbed me the wrong way. It the stories behind them. I stumbled upon it
was just last month, on a large billboard in the while searching for a recipe for Pho, you
center of Ho Chi Minh City. The ad was for a know, the famous Vietnamese noodle soup, a
new luxury car, which isn’t unusual in itself, couple of years ago.
but the way they went about it wasn't to my
taste at all. Now, I pop over to this site at least once a
week. Sometimes it's more often, especially if
The advertisement showed a sleek, shiny car I'm planning something special for the
parked in front of a ridiculously opulent weekend or looking for inspiration to spice
mansion, with a well-dressed couple standing up my daily meals. The website is packed
beside it. The message seemed to be that with not only recipes but also tips on how to
owning this car would put you in the same pick the best ingredients and videos that show
league as the ultra-wealthy depicted in the cooking techniques step-by-step.
ad. The whole scene was just dripping with
extravagance. I keep going back to it because cooking is a
way for me to unwind after a long day, and
What really put me off was how the ad played trying out new recipes just adds to the fun.
on the idea that success and respect are The fact that the website dives deep into the
measured purely by material wealth. It just cultural background of each dish makes it
felt so out of touch with real values and even more appealing. It’s not just about
seemed to promote materialism in a way that following a recipe; it's about understanding
was pretty blatant. the heritage behind what you cook. This
makes each dish I prepare feel like a little
I believe advertising can be creative and
adventure on its own right here in my
influential in positive ways, so it's
kitchen. Plus, the website is really user-
disappointing to see a campaign that props up



friendly and visually appealing, which Describe a long-term goal you
makes the whole experience a treat.
would like to achieve
Describe a uniform you wear
One long-term goal I would like to achieve is
(e.g. at school, at work) becoming fluent in English. I’ve always
admired how English opens up so many
I want to talk about the uniform I wear at opportunities, from accessing a wealth of
work. As an English teacher here in Vietnam, information to connecting with people from
our school has a pretty strict dress code to all over the world. Right now, I’m at an
maintain a professional appearance. We have intermediate level, but I aim to reach a level
to wear our uniform during all school hours, where I can speak, read, and write English
which means from about 7:30 in the morning effortlessly.
until 5 in the evening, every weekday.
The reason this goal is so important to me is
The uniform itself is quite formal. It consists because of its practical benefits and the
of a white blouse or shirt paired with dark blue personal satisfaction it brings. On a
trousers or a skirt. On top of that, we wear a practical level, being fluent in English can
school blazer with the school’s emblem on the significantly boost my career prospects.
breast pocket. It was provided by the school, Many multinational companies look for
so I didn’t have to worry about purchasing it employees who can communicate
myself. effectively in English. This skill could be a
game-changer for me, opening doors to
Now, how do I feel about wearing it? Well, it
better job opportunities and career
has its pros and cons. On one hand, wearing a
uniform definitely takes the hassle out of
deciding what to wear every morning. It saves On a personal level, achieving fluency in
a lot of time and ensures that everyone looks English would give me a sense of
tidy and presentable. But on the flip side, it accomplishment. I would feel incredibly
can be a bit stifling sometimes, especially proud knowing that I’ve mastered a
during the hot months here in Vietnam. The language that once seemed so challenging.
blazer, in particular, isn’t exactly made from It’s a bit like climbing a mountain; the journey
the most breathable fabric! is tough, but the view from the top is worth it.

So, while I appreciate the practicality and the To reach this goal, I plan to immerse myself
sense of unity it brings, I do wish it were a bit in the language as much as possible. This
more comfortable, especially given the local includes watching English movies, reading
climate. It’s a small gripe, though, in an books, and practicing speaking with native
otherwise enjoyable job. speakers. It’s a long road, but I’m
determined to stay the course and see it



Describe a trip you were Reflecting on it, the delay taught us to be
flexible and open to new experiences. Our
looking forward to but was spontaneous trip to Da Lat became a
memorable and unique holiday that none of
delayed us had expected but thoroughly enjoyed.

Describe an unusual Describe an interesting

holiday/vacation you had conversation you had with a

I’d like to share an experience about a trip I

very old person
was eagerly anticipating but was
unexpectedly delayed, turning it into an Last summer, I had a captivating
unusual holiday. Last summer, my friends conversation with my grandfather while
and I had meticulously planned a trip to Phu sitting in the garden of our family home near
Quoc Island, a beautiful destination in Hue, Vietnam. He’s in his late eighties and
Vietnam renowned for its stunning beaches has witnessed significant changes
and clear waters. We had everything set— throughout his life.
flights booked, accommodations arranged,
He shared stories about his youth during the
and an itinerary packed with activities.
French colonial era, describing the vibrant
However, on the day we were supposed to cultural scenes and the hardships of that
depart, our flight was abruptly canceled due time. His tales from his student days were
to severe weather conditions. Naturally, we particularly striking. He talked about his
were all disappointed as we had been involvement in the independence
looking forward to this getaway for months. movements, detailing their covert meetings
After some discussion, we decided to make and the strong sense of patriotism that
the most of the situation and embark on an motivated them.
impromptu road trip to Da Lat instead, a
This conversation wasn’t just a simple chat; it
charming mountain town known for its cool
felt like a journey back in time. He vividly
climate and scenic landscapes.
recounted his experiences, making history
This unexpected detour turned out to be an come alive. His eyes sparkled with
unusual and delightful holiday. Da Lat’s enthusiasm as he spoke, and his laughter
rolling hills, lush pine forests, and beautiful brought a lightness that made the past seem
flower gardens offered a refreshing change both real and relatable.
from our original beach plans. Despite the
I found our discussion immensely interesting
initial disappointment, this unplanned
because it provided a personal perspective on
adventure was filled with laughter,
historical events. It was enlightening to hear
exploration, and new experiences.
about these experiences from someone who



lived through them, offering lessons on aesthetics of everyday simplicity. This film
resilience and the value of freedom. This chat left a lasting impression on me, making me
with my grandfather was not only a personal appreciate the beauty of Vietnamese culture
history lesson but a poignant reminder of the and the art of storytelling through cinema.
progress our country has made and the deep
personal connections that shape our lives. Describe a film character
Describe a movie/film that you played by an actor or actress
felt strongly about whom you admire

Let’s talk about a film that really moved me. One film character played by an actor I admire
It’s called “The Scent of Green Papaya,” a is Captain Jack Sparrow, portrayed by Johnny
Vietnamese movie that I watched a few years Depp in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series.
ago. The film is set in Vietnam in the 1950s This character stands out to me for several
and tells the story of a young girl who reasons. First of all, Johnny Depp’s
becomes a servant for a well-to-do family in performance is nothing short of brilliant. He
Saigon. brings a unique blend of charm, wit, and
eccentricity to Captain Jack Sparrow, making
I watched it at a small, independent cinema him unforgettable.
in Hanoi that often showcases classic
Vietnamese films. The setting was intimate, What I really admire about this character is his
which made the experience even more resourcefulness and cleverness. Captain Jack
immersive. always finds a way to get out of tricky
situations, often in the most unexpected and
What struck me about this film was its humorous ways. I remember feeling a mix of
breathtaking cinematography and the gentle, excitement and amusement every time he
almost poetic, pace of the story. It beautifully came up with a crazy plan that actually
captured the essence of Vietnamese culture worked. His ability to think on his feet is
during that era, focusing on the daily life and something I truly admire.
the subtle class dynamics within the
household. The film's ability to convey strong Moreover, Johnny Depp’s dedication to the
emotions through simple, quiet scenes was role is impressive. He fully immerses himself
incredibly powerful. in the character, from the distinctive swagger
to the slurred speech, making Captain Jack
I felt a deep connection to the film as it Sparrow feel incredibly real. This level of
evoked a sense of nostalgia and a longing for commitment is inspiring and shows how
a Vietnam that my grandparents often much effort he puts into his craft. Overall,
reminisced about. It was not just a movie; it Captain Jack Sparrow is a character that not
was a poignant reminder of the country’s only entertains but also inspires with his quick
past, wrapped in the visually stunning thinking and unique personality. Johnny



Depp’s portrayal is a masterclass in acting,
and I admire his ability to bring such a
memorable character to life.




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