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9 Project: Complete Your Assignment Project

English 10 Sem 2 Name: Zac Amin

Points Possible:40

Prepare and give a presentation about a theme from Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Four Freedoms

speech. You must identify the theme — which can be one of the four freedoms or something

else Roosevelt focuses on — and discuss how it relates to (1) your own life and (2) a current

issue. In other words, you will make a connection between the past and the present.

You are expected to prepare at least an outline to guide you during your presentation, although

you may also write the speech out word for word if you choose. You aren't required to support

your points with evidence from sources (except for the Four Freedoms speech itself), but some

casual research will inform you about current issues related to themes in Roosevelt's speech

and allow you to refer to examples more easily.

Your presentation should include the following elements:

● A claim that lets the audience know the theme you're focusing on and the scope of your


● Support for your points in the form of examples from (1) Roosevelt's speech, (2) your

own life, and (3) current events

● An outline that organizes your topics, subtopics, and examples

● An introduction, body, and conclusion

You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one. If you

haven't done so, go back and complete that activity now.

Optional: If you aren't in an environment in which you can present to classmates, provide one- to

two-sentence explanations next to each topic, subtopic, and example on your outline. These

sentences will explain exactly what you plan to say out loud at each point in your speech.

Differentiate these annotations from the rest of the outline in a clear way by underlining them,

using a different font, or writing them in a different color.

Ask yourself these questions as you revise:

● Is the theme that I've identified something I can support? Is there enough evidence for it

in FDR's speech?
● Does my claim clearly state which theme I'm focusing on? Does it also say how that

theme connects to the present day?

● Does my introduction present my claim in a clear way? Does my body do what my claim

promises? Does it present examples from my own life and current events that show how

the theme in Roosevelt's speech relates to the present day? Does my conclusion remind

the audience of my overall point?

● Is my outline easy to read (both for me and for my instructor)? Does it clearly show the

relationship between the introduction, body, and conclusion, and between the topics,

subtopics, and examples?

● Do I support everything I say with examples from the Four Freedoms speech, my own

life, and current events? Do I give examples often?

Use this rubric to determine how well you're meeting the criteria for the assignment.
“Freedom From Fear”

In the theme “Freedom From Fear,” it helps us to understand the huge importance in
security and peace in ourselves personally and globally throughout the world. This theme is
relatable towards me in some ways and many for others. To add on, “Freedom From Fear”
greatly consists of the fight against terrorism and how important that security truly is. Going into
this and seeing Roosevelt’s view helped me better understand how important it is to live for a
world free of fear.

Roosevelt pictured a system where everyone would live free of threats and violence and
came together to make peace. He had said, “Freedom from fear means a world-wide reduction
of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position
to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor.” This again helps us envision
peace and security.

To continue, in my own life I have experienced this theme from living in a nice quiet
neighborhood and having good people around me who make me feel secure. This feeling of
security helps me have a better mindset on not stressing about the things I have no control over
involving others. Also, it has helped shape the person I am today and helped me grow
tremendously in my mind. Therefore, I think having a sense of protection and security in your
personal life can go a long way mentally and physically.

However, obviously this is not the case in many places. There are constant threats of
terrorism going on everywhere and it creates a huge impact on security globally. However, the
international has done everything in their power for many years to stop this world wide crisis
and have aimed to provide freedom of fear on a global scale.

Lastly, for Freedom of Fear to really be achieved, it takes a world wide cooperation. For
example, countries would have to work together and help ensure this sense of security through
their own agreements and policies with each other. These policies would have to reduce conflict
between others and help promote peace.

To conclude, the theme “Freedom From Fear” is very relatable to today just how it was
many years ago in 1941. Security is very important in our world today especially with so many
threats popping into place, however it is our choice on what we can do to help participate in
fixing this. There are many ways we can help fix this global problem such as, raising awareness
to the problems, supporting government peace policies, or showing kindness and being
peaceful to others around you. Your individual actions can help show what kindness and
security can truly be, but it is up to you if you want to be involved with it.
1. Franklin D. Roosevelt, "The Four Freedoms" (State of the Union speech), Washington, DC, January
6, 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum,
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