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6 Practice: Evaluating the Arab-Israeli Conflict Practice

World History Sem 2 Name: Zac
Date: 5/24/24

In this assignment, you will complete the following steps:

1. Research: Complete a graphic organizer with details about the causes and effects
of key developments in the Arab-Israeli conflict based on content from this course
and two additional secondary sources.

2. Write: Write a three- to five-paragraph argumentative essay with a claim that takes
a stand on the primary causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

This section is worth 10 points. Use the scoring rubric below for more details on how you
will be graded on your analysis.

To begin your research, go back and review the content in this course that addresses
the Arab-Israeli conflict. Also, gather facts and details using the secondary source
websites listed below.

Secondary Sources

● "Israeli-Palestinian"

● Jewish Virtual Library: "Israel-Palestinian Negotiations: History & Overview"

As you research, be sure to complete each section of the graphic organizer. The
following list presents the types of information that will help you complete your essay. It
is important to realize that more than one key event or development may belong to a
single phase of the conflict.
Arab Palestinians Jews Other Countries

Jerusalum being a Jerulsaum also palestinians based
deeply religious city being a scared of the islamic
for the Muslims place for the jews principles

Deep rooted They believed Palestinians having

religious belief tied in divine promise a religious claim
the land being with the land the with other middle
sacred and not palestinians were east countries
wanting that give it occupying supporting

Religious Factors

Establishment of Middle eastern

The displacement the State of Israel countries not
of the palestinians 1948 recognizing Israel
during the creation as its own country
of israel The jews had the or state.
desire for a
The refugee crisis homeland after the
The loss of
territories to create
Historical Factors
The palestinians The Annapolis
established Hamas disengagement Conference
Government from the Gaza Strip

Meeting with
Hamas takeover of President Barack
Gaza Obama and Prime
Minister Netanyahu
Prime minister
Netanyahu getting
re elected and The 2016 French
doing damage Initiative
control from his
opponent that was
promoting peace
between the two

Political Factors or

This section is worth 20 points. See the scoring rubric below for more details on how you
will be graded.
Examine the evidence you gathered from your research. Use this evidence to form a
claim about the primary causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Write a three- to
five-paragraph argumentative essay that clearly states and supports your claim.

Consider these factors as you write:

● The historical, cultural, and religious reasons the Middle East remains a complex

● The historical, political, cultural, and social factors that fueled the Arab-Israeli

● The role of outside nations in the region, including the United States, in the conflict
and the attempts to resolve it

The Arab-Israeli conflict has been greatly influenced by religious issues from Arab
Palestinians, including the importance of Jerusalem as a sacred city for Muslims, the
existence of religious landmarks like the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the deeply ingrained
religious beliefs related to the territory.

The conflict has also been greatly influenced by historical Palestinian factors, such as
the 1948 creation of Israel and the subsequent Palestinian refugee crisis, as well as the
Palestinian territories lost to Israel in wars like the Six-Day War. The Arab-Israeli conflict
has also been impacted by religious considerations from other Middle Eastern nations,
such as the historical ties to the area, the shared religious identity with Palestinians, and
the support for Palestinian rights based on Islamic values. The struggle between Israelis
and Palestinians is still going strong because of the underlying tensions and conflicting
claims to the land brought about by these historical and religious elements.The
intermingling of religious convictions with territorial conflicts has complicated the
process of arriving at a long-term solution.

The struggle between Israelis and Palestinians is still going strong because of the
underlying tensions and conflicting claims to the land brought about by these historical
and religious elements. The intermingling of religious convictions with territorial conflicts
has complicated the process of arriving at a long-term solution.The attempts to bring
about peace and a long-term resolution to the war have been made more difficult by the
historical injustices and grievances on both sides.The dispute has become more
complex due to the involvement of other Middle Eastern nations, each with their own
interests and viewpoints, making it a complex and difficult problem to resolve

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