IGCSE Geography P4 Key Answers

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How to measure gradient

- Measure a distance of 10m

- Put two ranging poles on the ends of the river bed and make sure it is vertical
- Use a tape to create a line between the poles
- Hold a clinometer at the angle of the line
- Then using the clinometer, measure the angle
- Repeat the measurement several times and calculate average
- Record the results

How to measure channel width

- Put poles on either sides of the river bank
- Stretch a tape measure across the river and ensure that it is tight
- Then look at the point where the tape measure touches/ reaches the bank
- Repeat several times and get the average
- Record the result

How to measure the channel depth

- Use ranging rod
- Record the depth by reading the scale
- Measure from the river bed to the water surface
- Repeat multiple times across the section to find the average
- Repeat with different sections and record results

How to read min and max thermometer

- Put stevenson screen outside
- Read the temperatures and record it every 24 hours at the same time of the day
- Read the value from the bottom of the index of both thermometers
- Record the min and max temperatures
- Be sure to read the value perpendicular to the scale

How to measure rainfall

- Attach the rain gauge to post
- Rainfall into the funnel and into a jar
- Measure the volume of water using a measuring cylinder and read the value from
below the meniscus
- The volume is measured in mm
- Measure every day and same time for 24 hours
- Be sure to empty the container before putting the jar back into the post

How to measure wind speed

- Use an anemometer
- Place in a high area on top of buildings
- The cups of the anemometer will rotate as the wind blow
- There will a reading displayed on the screen
- Reading is recorded as knots or miles per hour

How to measure wind direction

- Use a wind vane
- Wind will exert force on the pointer which causes it to rotate to the direction the wind
is coming from
- The pointer will point to a direction and the direction is determined by using the
compass direction below the pointer
Features of a good questionnaire
- Explanation of who is asking questions and the topic of the questionnaire
- Aimed at a target group
- Easy to read and understand
- Explain the purpose of the questionnaire
- Contains space to write answers
- The questionnaire is anonymous it doesn’t violate the person’s personal life
- Include thank you at the end

How to measure beach profile

- Put poles at each break of slopes
- Measure the distance between slopes
- Make sure the poles are vertical
- Hold the clinometer next to top
- Use a clinometer to measure the angle
- Repeat along the different places up the beach

Fieldwork for pollution

- Decide types of pollution
- Create a 1-5 scale/ environment index
- Decide on a sampling method
- Use a quadrat and throw over the shoulder
- Count the litter
- Photograph the types of pollution

How to measure wave frequency

- Place a pole in the sea near the shore
- Make sure the pole is vertical
- Count the number of waves breaking and hitting the pole
- Record it in a table/ tally
- Use a stopwatch to measure the time - the number of waves breaking for 1 minute
- Repeat the measurements and work out average

How to use a sunshine recorder

- Place the sunshine recorder outside in an open area
- Insert a paper card in the instrument
- The sun’s ray will burn the paper which creates a line
- The burn line on the paper determines the hours of sunshine
- Record for every 24 hours at the same time
- Make sure to replace the card each day
How to use quadrat to collect results (unsure)
- Throw the quadrat over the shoulder (so it’s random)
- Count the number of squares which different materials can be found
- Do more than one measurement at different sites and calculate average

Measure angle of slopes

- Place a ranging pole on top & bottom of beach
- Make sure the poles are vertical
- Use a tape measure, measure the distance
- Use a clinometer and hold it at an agreed height
- Measure the angle
- Repeat the measurement for several times and calculate the average

How to measure river velocity using floats

- Measure a distance of 10m using a tape measure
- Place ranging poles on each end of the 10m
- Make sure the poles are vertical
- Put an orange at the starting point
- Start the timer when it’s released
- When orange reaches end point, stop the timer
- Use the formula speed = distance/ time to calculate the speed
- Repeat the measurement and calculate the average

How to measure river velocity using flowmeter

- Submerge the flowmeter into the river
- The propeller should be facing upstream
- Make sure there is no obstacles infront of the propeller
- Read the digital reading of the speed displayed on the screen of the instrument
- Repeat the measurement and calculate the average
- Record the results

How to measure the depth of a river

- Extend the tape measure from bank to bank and measure the distance
- Using 0.5 m interval, put a pole at each interval as a marking
- Make sure the pole is vertical
- Identify the wet part of the pole and measure the height
- Record all the heights
- Add all the heights together and divide to obtain the mean height

How to measure the roundness of the beach materials (unsure)

- Using a random/ systematic method pick out 10 pebbles
- Using a scale determine the roundness by observing (may be unreliable as it is
- Repeat downstream
How to measure river discharge
- Use hydrograph
- Discharge (m^3/2) = cross-sectional area (m^2) x velocity (m/2)
- Highest point on hydrograph shows peak discharge
- Usually increases downstream

How to measure wetted perimeter

- Using a long chain/ tape measure, stretch it across the river bed from one bank to
- Have someone to walk on the tape measure/ chain to make sure it’s on the river bed
- Read the measurement on the tape measure
- Repeat and calculate the average
- Record the result

How to measure longshore drift (rate)

- Measure a distance of 10m of the beach
- Mark the start and end point of the 10m distance
- Using a float (orange) and put it in the water at the start point
- Release the orange and start the timer
- When it reaches the end point, stop the timer
- Calculate the speed
- Measure a distance of 10m of the beach
- Mark the start and end point of the 10m
- Using a float (orange) and put it in the water at the start point
- Release it and you will be able to observe the movement of longshore drift

Factors to consider for river fieldwork

- Accessibility/ is it a private area?
- Away from buildings
- Depth of river
- Safety - may have dangerous wild animals

Advantages of pilot survey

- Allow group to agree on what measurements to make
- Reduces error
- Allow students to experience working as a team
- Practice the fieldwork techniques

How to carry out traffic count fieldwork

- Get into groups/ pair at several different sites
- One student count the number of cars passing by by using a clicker
- Another student record the numbers
- Count for 30 minutes
- Make sure to synchronise start and finish time with other groups at different sites
+another situation (vehicles are characterised e.g number of lorries, cars, bus…)
- Get into groups at different sites
- Each student of the group is assigned to count a certain type of vehicle
- Another is in charge of recording the numbers
- Count for 30 minutes
- Make sure to synchronise start and finish time

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