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Exercise 4: Binomial Distribution and Poisson Distribution

We will cover this exercise during the webinar on Saturday 1 April. We will also go through
selected questions from Exercise 3: Probability
1. A random variable X has binomial distribution with 11 trials and probability of success 0.4. Find
(a) P (X = 0)
(b) P (X = 7)
(c) P (X > 8)
(d) P (X ≥ 3)
(e) P (2 ≤ X < 5)
(f) P (2 < X ≤ 6)
2. A courier company has a large fleet of vans. 20% of the vans experienced at least one breakdown in the
past year. A random sample of 15 of these vans is selected. What is the probability that
(a) none of the vans experienced at least one breakdown in the past year?
(b) exactly four vans experienced at least one breakdown in the past year?
(c) fewer than three vans experienced at least one breakdown in the past year?
3. During an archery tournament, each archer shoots arrows at a target. For each arrow the distance from
where the arrows lands on the board to the centre of the board is recorded. The winner of the tournament
is the archer with the smallest average of such distances. It is known that on average 25% of the archers
achieved an average distance of 50 cm or less. Find the probability that, for a random selection of 12
(a) no archer achieved an average distance of 50 cm or less.
(b) exactly 3 archers achieved an average distance of 50 cm or less.
(c) more than 4 archers achieved an average distance of 50 cm or less.
4. A X be random variable that has a Poisson distribution with rate of 4. Find
(a) P (X = 1)
(b) P (X = 0)
(c) P (X < 2)
(d) P (X > 1)
5. Football fans pass through a stadium turnstile at a rate 4 people every 10 seconds. Find the probability
(a) 2 fans will pass through the turnstile in a 10-second period.
(b) at least 4 fans will pass through the turnstile in a 10-second period.
(c) 15 fans will pass through the turnstile in a 1-minute period.
(d) 40 fans will pass through the turnstile in a 2-minute period.
6. The average number of phone calls per minute coming into ta call room of a company is 2.5.
(a) Find the probability that during one particular minute there will be :
i. no phone call at all.
ii. exactly 3 calls.
(b) For one particular 10-minute period. Find the probability that 32 phone calls will be received.

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