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Natural Hypertrophy

Compendium 2.2
Table of Contents

General Hypertrophy/Bodybuilding ................................................................................................................................... 3

Ultimate Hypertrophy Programs .................................................................................................................................. 3
Novice Split 3x ...............................................................................................................................................................7
Novice Full Body 3x (To be revised)...............................................................................................................................7
Four-day Intermediate Program ................................................................................................................................... 8
Four-day Intermediate Split.......................................................................................................................................... 9
Gentleman Split Complete ...........................................................................................................................................10
Gentleman Split Template ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Sheiko-inspired Bodybuilding Program (To be revised) ............................................................................................. 12
Specialist Physique Programs............................................................................................................................................ 15
Anime Characters ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
Adam Training Program .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Baki Hanma Training Programs .................................................................................................................................. 16
Tokita Ohma Program ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Guts Training Program ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Toji Fushiguro Training Program (V-Taper Workout) ................................................................................................. 21
Zodd Training Program .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Build a Back Like Yujio Hanma .................................................................................................................................. 24
Build Superhuman Grip Strength Like Hanayama.......................................................................................................25
Superheroes & Video Game Characters .......................................................................................................................... 26
Kratos Training Programs........................................................................................................................................... 26
Doom Slayer PPL Program......................................................................................................................................... 28
Superman Aesthetics Bodybuilding Program (Henry Cavill Physique) ...................................................................... 29
Greek Aesthetics Lifting Programs ................................................................................................................................. 30
Apollonian Physique ................................................................................................................................................... 30
Farnese Hercules Physique ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Silver Era Aesthetics Program (Steve Reeves Physique) ................................................................................................ 32
Olympic Weightlifter Physique Program ........................................................................................................................ 34
Martial Arts Weight Training Programs ........................................................................................................................... 36
Karate/Kung-Fu.......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Judo/Sumo ..................................................................................................................................................................37
Muay Thai/Kickboxing ............................................................................................................................................... 38
Fitness Celebrity Collaborations & Program Revamps .................................................................................................... 40
The PERFECT Hybrid Calisthenics Program (Feat. Bald Omni Man)........................................................................ 40
Revamped 4 Days Greek God Program (Alex Eubank) ................................................................................................ 41
Superhero Aesthetics Bodybuilding Program (Kinobody Hollywood Physique)......................................................... 41
Alan Thrall Bodybuilding Program ............................................................................................................................. 42
MASSterplans ................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Full Step-by-Step MASSterplan for Big Forearms....................................................................................................... 43
Big Shoulders MASSterplan ........................................................................................................................................ 43

Full Step-by-Step MASSterplan for Big Arms ............................................................................................................. 44
Full Step-by-Step Abs MASSterplan ........................................................................................................................... 44
Big Back MASSterplan ................................................................................................................................................ 45
General Lifting Guidance ................................................................................................................................................. 46
The 85% Rule ...............................................................................................................................................................47
Change Log ........................................................................................................................................................................52

When you see a ‘+’ between two exercises, this denotes that these exercises should be performed as a superset with
minimal rest between them. When this occurs between three or more exercises, this is termed a giant set and should
likewise be performed with minimal rest between exercises.
Your first point of reference for all of these programs and other guidance – and instructions for how they are to be
run – should be Natural Hypertrophy’s Youtube videos.
I have linked these to the headings within the compendium but some of what is contained here will not make sense
without watching many other of Natural Hypertrophy’s videos. In particular, you should search for his work on
evolving rep/set ranges, super sets, giant sets, the various exercise technique videos, and the body part exercise tier

General Hypertrophy/Bodybuilding

Ultimate Hypertrophy Programs

Barbell Squats 2x6-8 + DB curls 2x8-10
Dips 2x6-8 + DB rows 2x10-12
Rope triceps extension 3x10-15 + Cable lateral raises 3x10-15 + Cannonball crunches 3x8-10

Barbell OHP 2x6-8 + Hammer curls 2x8-10
Neutral grip lat pulldowns 3x8-12 + Leg curls 3x12-15
Leg extensions 3x10-15 + Cable flies 3x12-15 + Neck curls 3x15-20

Romanian Deadlifts 2x8-10 + Seated calf raises 2x15-20
Ring push-ups 3x10-12 + DB preacher curls 3x8-10
Leg press 2x8-10 + Skull-crushers 2x10-12 + Leg raises 2xAMRAP


Barbell Squats 3x4-8 OR Hack Squats 3x6-10 + EZ bar curls 3x6-8 OR DB curls 3x6-10

Dips 3x6-8 OR Bench 3x6-8 + DB rows 3x8-12 OR Cable rows 3x10-15

Rope triceps extension 3x10-15 OR Katana extension 3x10-12 + Cable lateral raises 3x10-15 OR Powel raises 3x10-12
+ Sit-ups 3x10-12 OR Cannonball crunches 3x8-10


Barbell OHP 3x6-10 OR DB OHP 3x8-12 + Hammer curls 3x6-10 OR Reverse curls 3x6-12

Neutral-ups 3x4-6 OR Neutral grip lat pulldowns 3x8-12 + Leg curls 3x12-15 OR Hyperextensions 3x10-12

Split squats 3x8-12 OR Leg extensions 3x10-15 + DB fly press 3x10-12 OR Cable flies 3x12-15 + Neck curls 3x15-20
OR Neck extensions 3x15-20


Romanian Deadlifts 3x6-12 OR Barbell Row 3x8-12 + Seated calf raises 3x15-20

Incline press 3x6-10 OR Ring push-ups 3x10-12 + DB preacher curls 3x8-10 OR Bayesian curls 3x12-15

Leg press 3x8-12 OR Smith machine squats 3x8-10 + Skull-crushers 3x8-12 OR French press 3x8-10 + Hanging
knee raises 3xAMRAP OR Leg raises 3xAMRAP


Barbell Squats 3-4x4-8 OR Hack Squats 3-4x6-10 + EZ bar curls 3-4x6-10 OR DB curls 3-4x6-12

Dips 3-4x6-8 OR Bench 3-4x6-8 + DB rows 3-4x8-12 OR Cable rows 3-4x10-15

Rope triceps extension 3-4x10-15 OR Katana extension 3-4x10-12 + Cable lateral raises 3-4x10-15 OR Powel raises
3-4x8-12 + Sit-ups 3-4x8-12 OR Cannonball crunches 3-4x10-15


Barbell OHP 3-4x6-12 OR DB OHP 3-4x8-12 + Hammer curls 3-4x6-12 OR Reverse curls 3-4x6-12

Neutral-ups 3-4x4-8 OR Neutral grip lat pulldowns 3-4x8-12 + Leg curls 3-4x12-15 OR Hyperextensions 3-4x8-12

Split squats 3-4x8-12 OR Leg extensions 3-4x10-15 + DB fly press 3-4x8-12 OR Cable flies 3-4x12-15 + Neck curls 3-
4x15-20 OR Neck extensions 3-4x15-20


Romanian Deadlifts 3x6-12 OR Barbell Row 3x8-12 + Seated calf raises 3x15-20

Leg press 3x8-12 OR Smith machine squats 3x8-10 + Machine rows 3x8-12 OR Incline rows 3x8-10

Upright rows 3x12-15 OR Face-pulls 3x10-15 + Hanging knee raises AMRAP OR Leg raises AMRAPx3


Incline press 4x6-10 OR Ring push-ups 4x10-12 + DB pullovers OR Machine pullovers 4x8-12

DB preacher curls 4x8-10 OR Bayesian curls 4x12-15 + Skull-crushers 4x8-12 OR French press 4x8-10

Monday Upper:

Dips 3-4x6-8 OR Bench 3-4x6-8 + DB rows 3-4x8-12 OR Incline rows 3-4x10-15

Barbell OHP 3-4x6-12 OR DB OHP 3-4x8-12 + EZ bar curls 3-4x6-10 OR DB curls 3-4x6-12

Rope triceps extension 3-4x10-15 OR Katana extension 3-4x10-12 + Cable lateral raises 3-4x10-15 OR Powel raises
3-4x8-12 + Sit-ups 3-4x8-12 OR Cannonball crunches 3-4x10-15

Tuesday Lower:

Barbell Squats 3-4x4-8 OR Hack Squats 3-4x6-10 + Seated calf raises 3-4x15-20

Power shrugs OR Clean pulls + Leg curls 3-4x12-15 OR Hyperextensions 3-4x8-12

Split squats 3-4x8-12 OR Leg extensions 3-4x10-15 + Neck curls OR Neck extensions 3-4x15-20

Wednesday Arms:
Close grip bench 3-4x6-10 OR Ring push-ups 3-4x8-12 + DB pullovers OR Machine pullovers 4x8-12

JM press 3-4x6-12 OR Skull-crushers 3-4x10-12 + EZ bar preacher curls 3-4x6-12 + OR Spider curls 3-4x10-15

Hammer curls 3-4x6-12 OR Reverse curls 3-4x6-12 + Upright rows 3x12-15 OR Face-pulls 3x10-15 + Windshield
wipers 3-4x8-12 + Russian twists 3-4x10-15

Friday Upper:

Incline press 3x6-10 OR AD press 3x8-12 + Krock rows 3x10-12 OR Meadows rows 3x12-15

Chin-ups OR Neutral-ups 3x4-8 + Triceps pushdowns OR Cross body triceps extensions 3x10-15

DB fly press 3x8-12 OR Cable flies 3x12-15 + Preacher hammer curls OR Bayesian curls 3x8-12

Saturday Lower:

RDL 3x6-12 OR Good morning 3x6-10 + Standing calf raises 3x12-15

Farmers carries 3x30m OR Suitcase deadlifts 3x8-10 + Neck curls OR Neck extensions 3-4x15-20

Leg press 3x8-12 OR Smith machine squats 3x8-10 + Cable crunches OR Dragon Flags 3x6-12

Monday Upper:

Dips 3-4x6-8 OR Bench 3-4x6-8 + DB rows 3-4x8-12 OR Incline rows 3-4x10-15 + EZ bar curls 3-4x6-10 OR DB
curls 3-4x6-12

Barbell OHP 3-4x6-12 OR DB OHP 3-4x8-12 + Fat grip neutral ups 3-4x4-8 OR Neutral grip lat pulldowns 3-4x8-12
+ Decline sit-ups 3-4x8-12 OR Abs rollout 3-4x10-15

Incline cable flies 3-4x8-12 OR Converging chest press 3-4x6-10 + Rope triceps extension 3-4x10-15 OR Katana
extension 3-4x10-12 + Seated lateral raises 3-4x10-15 OR Powel raises 3-4x8-12

Tuesday Lower:

Barbell Squats 3-4x4-8 OR Hack Squats 3-4x6-10 + Seated calf raises 3-4x12-15

Power shrugs OR Clean pulls + Leg curls 3-4x12-15 OR Hyperextensions 3-4x8-12

Split squats 3-4x8-12 OR Leg extensions 3-4x10-15 + Neck curls OR Neck extensions 3-4x15-20 + Close stance DB
seated calf raises 3-4xAMRAP

Wednesday Upper:

Close grip bench 3-4x6-10 OR Ring push-ups 3-4x8-12 + DB pullovers OR Machine pullovers 4x8-12 + EZ bar
preacher curls 3-4x6-12 + OR Spider curls 3-4x10-15

Fat-grip chin-ups 3-4x4-8 OR Supinated grip lats machine 3-4x8-12 + Hanging knee raises 3-4x10-15 OR Reverse
crunches 3-4x8-12 + Cable lateral raises 3-4x10-15 OR Incline Y raises 3-4x8-12

JM press 3-4x6-12 OR Lying triceps extensions 3-4x10-12 + Hammer curls 3-4x6-12 OR Reverse curls 3-4x6-12 +
Upright rows OR Face-pulls 3-4x10-15

Thursday Lower:
RDL 3-4x6-12 OR Good morning 3-4x6-10 + Standing calf raises 3-4x8-12

Leg press 3-4x8-12 OR Heel elevated pause squats 3-4x8-10 + Serratus push-ups OR Serratus punch 3-4x15-20

Reverse lunges 3-4x10-12 OR GHR 3-4x10-15 + Neck curls OR Neck extensions 3-4x15-20 + Toes-out standing calf
raises 3-4xAMRAP

Friday Upper:

Incline press 3-4x6-10 OR AD press 3-4x8-12 + Krock rows 3-4x8-12 OR Meadows rows 3-4x12-15 + Preacher
hammer curls 3-4x8-12 OR Pronation twists 3-4x10-15

Chin-ups OR Neutral-ups 3-4x4-8 + Triceps dips 3-4x6-10 OR Cable skull-crushers 3-4x10-15 + Cable crunches 3-
4x8-12 OR Dragon Flags 3-4x6-10

DB fly press 3-4x8-12 OR Cable flies 3x12-15 + Bayesian curls 3-4x12-15 OR Pelican curls 3-4x6-10 + Rear delt
swings 3-4x10-15 OR Upright rows 3-4x12-15

Saturday Lower:

Smith machine squats 3-4x10-15 OR Pendulum hack squats 3-4x6-12 + Seated calf raises 3-4x8-12

Farmers carries 3-4x30m OR Suitcase deadlifts 3-4x8-12 + Incline rows 3-4x8-12 OR Kelso shrugs 3-4x10-15 +
Neck curls OR Neck extensions 3-4x15-20

Snatch grip hyperextensions 3-4x8-12 OR Single leg RDLs 3-4x10-15 + Close stance DB seated calf raises 3-

Novice Split 3x

[Compound movement / Main knee flexion] Squats (1-3 heavy sets, 4-8 reps)
[Compound movement variation] Deadlift variation / pull-ups (4 sets, 6-10 reps/AMRAP)
[Isolation work / non-specific accessories] Skullcrushers / hammer curls (4 sets, 8-12 reps)
[Pseudo GPP / Additional horizontal presses] Push ups / abs (AMRAP)

[Compound movement / Main horizontal press] Bench (1-3 heavy sets, 4-8 reps)
[Back off sets of the main horizontal press] Bench (3 sets +, 6-10 reps)
[Main vertical press] OHP / chin-ups (4 sets, 6-10 reps/AMRAP)
[Isolation work / non-specific accessories] Hyperextensions / cable rows (4 sets, 8-12 reps) / abs (AMRAP)

[Compound movement / main hip hinge] Deadlifts (1-3 heavy sets, 2-5 reps)
[Compound movement variation] Squat variation / pull-ups (4 sets, 6-10 reps)
[Isolation work / non-specific accessories] EZ bar curls / pull-ups (4 sets, 8-12 reps/AMRAP)
[Pseudo GPP / Additional horizontal presses] Push ups / abs (AMRAP)

Novice Full Body 3x (To be revised)

Squat 3x5
Rack pulls / Block pulls 4x8 superset pull-ups
Close grip bench 4x12 superset curls
Stiff-legged Romanian deadlift LIGHT superset face-pulls
Abs / calves & neck

Bench 3x5
Deadlift variation 4x8 superset pull ups
Front squats/SSB/Goblets 4x8 superset wrist curls
Hyperextensions LIGHT superset facepulls
Abs / calves & neck

Deadlift 3x3
Pause squats 4x8 superset pull ups
Dumbbell bench 4x12 superset skull crushers
Overhead press 3x5 superset facepulls
Abs / calves & neck

Four-day Intermediate Program

Monday – Upper:
Bench or Dips (4-8 reps, 3-5 sets)
Bench or dip variation (close-grip bench or vertical torso paused dips, 6-10 reps, 4 sets) + Chin ups AMRAP superset
Pendlay rows or Seal rows (8-12 reps, 4 sets) + BB shrugs AMRAP + Skullcrushers (8-12 reps, 4 sets)
OHP (4-8 reps, 3-5 sets) + EZ bar curls or Dumbbell curls (8-12 reps, 4 sets) + Chin ups AMRAP
Finisher: Abs AMRAP + Facepulls (10-15 reps) + Lateral raises (8-12 reps) AMSAP

Tuesday – Lower:
Squat (4-8 reps, 3-5 sets)
Squat variation (6-10 reps, 4 sets) + Pull ups AMRAP superset
Deadlift variation (RDLs or Straight legged deadlifts or Hyperextensions, 8-12 reps, 4 sets) + Coan grip or Plates or
Dumbbell grip superset (15s hold, 4 sets)
Finisher: Abs AMRAP + Calves (10-15 reps) + Pull ups AMRAP AMSAP

Thursday – Full body:

Deadlift (4-8 reps, 3-5 sets)
Squat variation (8-12 reps, 4 sets) + Pull ups AMRAP superset
Bench or Dips (4-8 reps, 3-5 sets) + Chin ups AMRAP superset
OHP (4-8 reps, 3-5 sets) + Skull-crushers or Behind-the-head dumbbell extensions superset (8-12 reps)
Weighted pulls ups (4-8 reps, 3-5 sets) or Pendlay rows or Coan rows or Seal rows (8-12 reps, 4 sets) + Chin ups
AMRAP superset
Finisher: Abs AMRAP + Calves (10 to 15 reps) + Grip work (15s holds) AMSAP

Saturday – Full-body:
Squat (4-8 reps, 3-5 sets)
Deadlift variation (8-12 reps, 4 sets) + Pull ups AMRAP superset
Bench or Dips (4-8 reps, 3-5 sets) + Chin ups AMRAP superset
OHP (4-8 reps, 3-5 sets) + Skullcrushers or Behind-the-head dumbbell extensions superset (8-12 reps)
Weighted pulls ups (4-8 reps, 3-5 sets) or Pendlay rows or Coan rows or Seal rows (8-12 reps, 4 sets) + Chin ups
AMRAP superset
Finisher: Abs AMRAP + Calves (10-15 reps) + Grip work (15s holds) + High volume push ups (if you chose not to do
Bench or Dips that day) AMSAP

Sunday – GPP:
High-volume pull ups; high-volume push ups; high-volume ab work; plate carries; high-volume traps work; high
volume hyperextensions AMSAP.

Four-day Intermediate Split

Day 1 – Upper body day (chest, shoulders, triceps, upper back):

Horizontal press, 1-3 sets of 4-8 reps

Back off horizontal press, 3 sets of 4-8 reps or 6-10 reps + long head of the triceps superset, 6-12 reps

Vertical press, 3-6 sets of 2-5 reps + Chin ups superset AMRAP

Day 2 – Lower body day (glutes, hammies, quads, upper back):

Knee flexion, 1-3 sets of 4-8 reps or 2-5 sets of 6-12 reps

Hip hinge, 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps or 8-12 reps + Pull ups superset AMRAP

Ab isolation or calf isolation or both AMRAP

Day 3 – Arm day (biceps, triceps, shoulders):

Curls, 4 sets of 3-7 reps + delt elevations 6-10 reps + long head of the triceps 8-12 reps

Horizontal or vertical press, 4 sets of 6-10 reps + isolation movement superset, 8-12 reps

Day 4 – Lower body day (glutes, hammies, lower back, upper back):

Pull from the floor, 1-3 sets of 2-5 reps or horizontal pulls, 4 sets of 6-10 reps or 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Knee flexion, 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps or 8-12 reps

Ab isolation or calf isolation both AMRAP or hyperextensions, 4 sets of 8-12 reps

Gentleman Split Complete

Monday – Upper – OHP – Shoulders, triceps, biceps, lats + traps

BB OHP 2-5 reps / 3-4 sets
EZ bar curls 6-10 reps + skull-crushers 8-12 reps + Pendlay rows 6-10 reps / 3-4 sets
Chin-ups (not weighted) AMRAP + cable lateral raises 10-15 + BB shrugs 10-15 reps / 4 sets
Diamond push-ups + knee raises + calf raises (unweighted) AMRAP / set AMRAP

Tuesday – Lower – Squats – Glutes, quads, hamstrings, lower back, calves, lats
Squats 1-3 sets / 4-8 reps
Back-off set or variation 3 sets / 4-8 reps
Stiff-legged deadlifts 6-10 reps + pull-ups (weighted) 4-6 reps + leg raises AMRAP / 4 sets
Back hyperextensions 8-12 reps + pull-ups (weighted) AMRAP + leg raises AMRAP (if no SL deadlifts) / 4 sets
Calf raises (weighted) 10-15 reps + neck work 10-15 reps + leg raises AMRAP / 4 sets

Thursday – Upper – Bench – Chest, triceps, shoulders, lats + rear delts

Bench 4-6 reps / 3 sets
Dumbbell OHP 8-12 reps + French press 6-10 reps / 4 sets
Chin ups (weighted) 4-6 reps + knee raises AMRAP + wrist curls 8-12 reps / 4 sets
Hammer curls 6-10 reps + Rear delt flies 8-12 reps + triceps extension 10-15 reps / 3 sets
Neck work 8-12 reps + Crunches AMRAP + calf raises (weighted) 8-12 / 4 sets

Friday – Lower – Deadlifts - Glutes, quads, hamstrings, lower back, calves, upper back (focus switch)
Deadlifts 2-5 reps / 1-3 sets
Deadlift back-off set 2-5 reps / 1-3 sets OR Squat variation 8-12 reps / 3-4 sets
Rack pulls 8-12 reps + pull-ups (not weighted) AMRAP + leg raises AMRAP / 3-4 sets
OR (avoid if all back-off sets were done)
Nippard shrugs 10-15 reps + pull-ups (not weighted) AMRAP + leg raises AMRAP (doable even if back-off sets were
done) / 3-4 sets

Saturday – Upper – Arms – Shoulders, biceps, long head triceps, calves, lats + rear delts
Hammer/supinated curls 8-12 reps + standing dumbbell OHP 6-10 reps + standing French press 6-10 reps + seal
rows 8-12 reps / 2-4 sets
EZ bar preacher curls 8-12 reps + cable lateral raises 10-15 reps + face pulls 15-20 reps + DB rows 8-12 reps / 2-4
Calf raises (weighted) 10-15 reps + neck work 10-15 reps+ knee raises AMRAP + wrist curls 8-12 reps / 4 sets

Gentleman Split Template

Monday – Upper – Vertical press – Shoulders, triceps, biceps, upper back

Vertical press
Horizontal press OR Back off set of vertical press / variation + Knee raises
Curl + Triceps extension with shoulder flexion + Horizontal pull + Facepulls (if Horizontal press was done)
Vertical pull (not weighted) + Lateral raise + Shrugs + Calf raises

Tuesday – Lower – Knee flexion – Glutes, quads, hamstrings, lower back, calves, upper back
Knee flexion
Back-off set or variation of knee flexion
Hip hinge + Vertical pulls (weighted) + Leg raises
Hamstring isolation (no axial loading) + Vertical pulls (weighted) + Leg raises (if main Hip hinge movement)
Calf raises (weighted) + Neck work + Leg raises

Thursday – Upper – Horizontal press – Chest, triceps, shoulders, upper back

Horizontal press
Vertical press + Triceps exo with shoulder flexion
Vertical pulls (weighted) + Leg raises + Wrist flexion
Curls + Lateral raise + Triceps extension + Facepulls
Neck work + Ab isolation + Calf raises (weighted)

Friday – Lower – Hip hinge - Glutes, quads, hamstrings, lower back, calves, upper back (focus switch)
Hip hinge
Back-off set or variation of hip hinge (if no partial pull) or Knee flexion
Partial pull + Vertical pulls (not weighted) + Leg raises
Shrugs + Vertical pulls (not weighted) + Leg raises (doable even if back-off sets were done)

Saturday – Upper – Arms – Shoulders, biceps, long head triceps, calves, upper back / chest
Curls + Vertical press + Triceps exo with shoulder flexion + Supported horizontal pull
Back-off set or variation of curls + Lateral raises + Facepulls + Back-off set of horizontal pull
Horizontal press + Back-off set or variation of curls + facepulls
Calf raises (weighted) + Neck work + Knee raises + Wrist flexion

Sheiko-inspired Bodybuilding Program (To be revised)
I do not recommend this program for novices. Late novices to intermediates can follow it. Advanced lifters will have
to modify it based on their needs. Program below.

Template 1
Monday – Upper:

Bench (3 sets, 6-10 reps) superset Rows (DB preferred, 6-12 reps)

OHP (4 sets, 2-5 reps) superset Chin-ups (AMRAP or 6-10 reps)

DB fly (3 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Curls (6-10 reps) superset Triceps extensions (8-12 reps) superset abs (AMRAP)

Wednesday – Lower:

Squats (3 sets, 6-10 reps)

Good mornings (4 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Pull-ups (AMRAP or 6-10 reps)

Snatch grip rack pulls (3 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Calf raises (AMRAP) superset Neck (15-20 reps)

Friday – Upper:

Bench (3 sets, 6-10 reps) superset Rows (DB preferred, 6-12 reps)

Close grip bench (4 sets, 6-10 reps) superset Skull crushers (8-12 reps)

OHP (4 sets, 6-10 reps) superset Chin-ups (AMRAP or 6-10 reps)

Lateral raises (3 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Curls (8-12 reps) superset Abs (AMRAP)

Saturday – Lower:

Deadlifts (3 sets, 4-6 reps)

Pin squats (3 sets, 6-10 reps) superset Pull-ups (AMRAP or 6-10 reps)

Block pulls (4 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Leg raises (AMRAP)

Snatch grip hyperextension (4 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Calf raises (AMRAP) superset Neck (8-13 reps)

Template 2
Week 1

Monday – Upper:

Bench (3 sets, 6-10 reps) superset Rows (DB preferred, 6-12 reps)

OHP (4 sets, 2-5 reps) superset Chin-ups (AMRAP or 6-10 reps)

DB fly (3 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Curls (6-10 reps) superset Triceps extensions (8-12 reps) superset abs (AMRAP)

Wednesday – Lower:

Squats (3 sets, 6-10 reps)

Good mornings (4 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Pull-ups (AMRAP or 6-10 reps)

Snatch grip rack pulls (3 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Calf raises (AMRAP) superset Neck (15-20 reps)

Friday – Upper:

Bench (3 sets, 6-10 reps) superset Rows (DB preferred, 6-12 reps)

Close grip bench (4 sets, 6 to 10 reps) superset Skull crushers (8-12 reps)

OHP (4 sets, 6 to 10 reps) superset Chin-ups (AMRAP or 6-10 reps)

Lateral raises (3 sets, 8 to 12 reps) superset Curls (8-12 reps) superset Abs (AMRAP)

Saturday – Lower:

Deadlifts (3 sets, 4-6 reps)

Pin squats (3 sets, 6 to 10 reps) superset Pull-ups (AMRAP or 6-10 reps)

Block pulls (4 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Leg raises (AMRAP)

Snatch grip hyperextension (4 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Calf raises (AMRAP) superset Neck (8-13 reps)

Week 2

Monday – Upper:

Bench (3 sets, 6-10 reps) superset Rows (DB preferred, 6-12 reps)

Incline bench (3 sets, 6-10 reps) superset Chin-ups (AMRAP or 6-10 reps)

DB fly (3 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Curls (6-10 reps) superset Triceps extensions (8-12 reps) superset Abs (AMRAP)

Wednesday – Lower:

Squats (1 set, 6-10 reps)

Deficit deadlift (4 sets, 6-10 reps) superset Pull-ups (AMRAP or 6-10 reps)

Snatch grip rack pulls (3 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Calf raises (AMRAP) superset Neck (15-20 reps)

Friday – Upper:

Dips (3 sets, 6-10 reps) superset Rows (DB preferred, 6-12 reps)

DB bench (4 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Skull crushers (8-12 reps)

OHP (4 sets, 6-10 reps) superset Chin-ups (AMRAP or 6-10 reps)

Lateral raises (3 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Curls (8-12 reps) superset Abs (AMRAP)

Saturday – Lower:

Snatch grip deadlift (3 sets, 4-6 reps)

Pause squats (3 sets, 4-8 reps) superset Pull-ups (AMRAP or 6-10 reps)

Block pulls (4 sets, 8-12 reps) superset Leg raises (AMRAP) superset Calf raises (AMRAP) superset Neck (8-13 reps)

Specialist Physique Programs

Anime Characters

Adam Training Program

Day 1:
Bench press (3x6-10) + Dumbbell rows (3x8-12)
OHP (3x4-8) + Chin-ups (AMRAPx3 bodyweight OR 3x5 weighted) + Knee raises (AMRAPx3)
Goblet squats (3x6-10) + DB Curls (3x8-12) + Side planks (AMRAPx3) + Calf raises (AMRAPx3)

Day 2:
Barbell curls (3x6-10) + Barbell rows (3x8-12)
DB OHP (3x6-10) + Pull-ups (AMRAPx3 bodyweight OR 3x5 weighted) + Leg raises (AMRAPx3)
Close grip bench (3x8-12) + Finger curls (3x8-12) + Bicycle crunches (AMRAP x3) + Calf raises (AMRAPx3)

Day 1:
Chin-ups (AMRAPx3 bodyweight, 3x5 weighted) + Knee raises (AMRAPx3)
Reverse supinated ring rows (AMRAPx3 bodyweight OR 3x6-10 weighted) + Goblet squats (3x6-10)
False grip dead hangs (AMRAPx4) + Side planks (AMRAPx4) + Calf raises (AMRAPx4)

Day 2:
Ring push-ups (AMRAPx3 bodyweight, 6-10 weighted) + Reverse snow angel (AMRAPx3)
Ring dips (AMRAPx3 bodyweight OR 6-10 weighted) + Romanian deadlifts (3x8-12)
Decline push-ups (AMRAPx4) + V-up crunches (AMRAPx4) + Butterfly lateral raises (AMRAPx4)

Baki Hanma Training Programs

Program 1: Hanma Calisthenics

Day 1:
Push-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Neck curls AMRAP
Pull-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Leg raises AMRAP
Band squats AMRAP for 3 sets + Band shrugs (vertical torso) AMRAP

Day 2:
Ring rows AMRAP for 5 sets + Neck extensions AMRAP
Band OHP AMRAP for 5 sets + Band calf raises AMRAP
Band good morning AMRAP for 3 sets + Band curls AMRAP

Day 3:
Diamond Push-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Neck side raises AMRAP
Chin-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Planks
Band deadlifts AMRAP for 3 sets + Band shrugs (horizontal torso)

Day 4:
Ring rows AMRAP for 5 sets + Neck curls AMRAP
Band OHP AMRAP for 5 sets + Band calf raises AMRAP
Band good morning AMRAP for 3 sets + Band curls AMRAP

Day 5:
Push-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Neck extension AMRAP
Pull-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Leg raises AMRAP
Band squats AMRAP for 3 sets + Band shrugs (vertical torso)

Program 1.1: Advanced Hanma Calisthenics

Day 1:
Ring push-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Band curls AMRAP + Band neck curls AMRAP
Weighted pull ups 3-5 reps for 3 sets + Behind the head band extension AMRAP
Pistol squats AMRAP for 3 sets + Band shrugs (vertical torso) AMRAP
Pull-ups AMRAP for 3 sets + Band chest flies AMRAP + Band squats AMRAP

Day 2:
Ring rows AMRAP for 5 sets + Hanging leg raises AMRAP + Band neck extensions/side raises AMRAP
Band OHP AMRAP for 5 sets + Band calf raises AMRAP
Band deadlifts AMRAP for 3 sets + Band curls AMRAP
Band triceps extension for 3 sets + Band good mornings AMRAP + Leg raises AMRAP

Day 3:
Decline push-ups AMRAP for 5 sets + Band facepulls AMRAP + Band neck curls AMRAP
Weighted chin ups 3-5 reps for 3 sets + Band lateral raises AMRAP
Chin-ups AMRAP + Band shrugs (horizontal torso) AMRAP
Band squats AMRAP + Behind the head band extension AMRAP + Dead hangs

Day 4:
Ring rows AMRAP for 5 sets + Band calf raises AMRAP + Band neck extensions/side raises AMRAP
Band rows AMRAP for 5 sets + Knee raises AMRAP
Band good morning AMRAP for 3 sets + Band curls AMRAP
Band Romanian deadlift AMRAP for 3 sets + Band shrugs AMRAP + Band calf raises AMRAP

Program 2: Hanma Weight Training

Day 1:
Squats (3 sets, 4-8 reps) + Band shrugs AMRAP
Romanian deadlifts (4 sets, 8-12 reps) + Pull-ups AMRAP
Skullcrushers (4 sets, 8-12 reps) + Band Curls (4 sets, AMRAP)
Push ups + Leg raises + Neck curls / extensions + Band Calf raises AMRAP (∞ sets)

Day 2:
Bench (3 sets, 6-10 reps) + Band shrugs (horizontal torso) AMRAP
OHP (4 sets, 6-10 reps) + Chin-ups AMRAP
Back hyperextensions (4 sets, 8-12 reps) + Ring rows AMRAP
Diamond push ups + Crunches + Neck side raises + Band Calf raises AMRAP (∞ sets)

Day 3:
Deadlifts (1-3 heavy sets, 2-5 reps)
Pause squats (4 sets, 6-10 reps) + Pull-ups AMRAP
Shrugs (4 sets, 10-15 reps) + Facepulls AMRAP
Push ups + Leg raises + Neck curls / extensions + Band Calf raises AMRAP (∞ sets)

Program 2.2 Advanced Hanma Weight training
Day 1:
Squat (3 sets, 3-5 reps) + Band shrugs AMRAP
Rack pulls / Block pulls (4 sets of 8-12 reps) + Weighted Pull-ups (4 sets, 3-5 reps)
Close grip bench (4 sets, 6-10 reps) + Banded curls (4 sets, AMRAP)
Hyperextensions (3 sets, 8-12 reps) + Facepulls AMRAP
Decline push-ups + Leg raises + Neck curls / extensions + Band Calf raises AMRAP (∞ sets)

Day 2:
Bench (4 sets of 6-10 reps) + Band shrugs (horizontal torso) AMRAP
Deficit deadlift (3 sets of 6-10 reps) + Weighted Chin-ups (3 sets, 4-6 reps)
Plates Lunges (4 sets, AMRAP) + Wrist curls (4 sets, 8-12 reps)
Banded Good mornings (4 sets, AMRAP) + Hanging Leg raises AMRAP
Ring rows + Crunches + Neck side raises + Band Calf raises AMRAP (∞ sets)

Day 3:
Deadlift (1-3 sets, 2-5 reps) + Band shrugs AMRAP
Pause squats (4 sets, 4-8 reps) + Weighted Pull-ups (4 sets, 3-5 reps)
OHP (4 sets, 6-10 reps) + Behind the head band extensions AMRAP
Ring push-ups (AMRAP) + Curls (4 sets, 8-12 reps)
Ring rows + Leg raises + Neck curls / extensions + Band Calf raises AMRAP (∞ sets)

Tokita Ohma Program

1: Upper
Bench press (3 sets of 6-10)
DB press (4 sets of 8-12) + Weighted chin-ups (4 sets of 3-6)
Curls (4 sets of 8-12) + Hanging knee raises AMRAP + Face pulls (4 sets of 15-20)
Push-ups AMRAP + Lateral raises (4 sets of 8-12) + Calf raises AMRAP

2: Lower
Good mornings (3 sets of 6-12)
Lunges (can be replaced by HIT cardio, 4 sets of 10-15) + Pull-ups (bodyweight only) AMRAP
Finger curls (4 sets of 8-12) + Hanging leg raises AMRAP + Calf raises AMRAP

3: Upper
OHP (4 sets of 6-10)
Pause bench (4 sets of 4-8) + Face pulls (4 sets of 15-20)
Preacher curls (4 sets of 6-10) + Bent over lateral raises (4 sets of 8-12) + Calf raises AMRAP

4: Full body
Reverse lunges (can be replaced by HIT cardio, 4 sets of 10-15) + Chest flies (4 sets of 10-15)
Weighted pull-ups (4 sets of 3-6) + Push-ups AMRAP
Triceps extensions (4 sets of 8-12) + Face-pulls (4 sets of 15-20) + Leg raises AMRAP

No barbell
1: Upper
Push-ups (hard variation, 4 sets of 8-15)
DB press OR resistance band OHP (4 sets of 8-12) + Weighted chin-ups (4 sets of 3-6)
Curls OR banded curls (4 sets of 8-12) + Hanging knee raises AMRAP + Face pulls (4 sets of 15-20)
Push-ups AMRAP + Lateral raises (4 sets of 8-12) + Calf raises AMRAP

2: Lower
Band good mornings (3 sets of 6-12)
Lunges (can be replaced by HIT cardio, 4 sets of 10-15) + Pull-ups (bodyweight only) AMRAP
Finger curls (4 sets of 8-12) + Hanging leg raises AMRAP + Calf raises AMRAP

3: Upper
Standing dumbbell OHP OR banded OHP (4 sets of 6-10)
Push-ups (hard variation, 4 sets of 8-15) + Face pulls (4 sets of 15-20)
Preacher curls OR banded curls (4 sets of 6-10) + Bent over lateral raises (4 sets of 8-12) + Calf raises AMRAP

4: Full body
Reverse lunges (can be replaced by HIT cardio, 4 sets of 10-15) + Standing chest flies (4 sets of 10-15)
Weighted pull-ups (4 sets of 3-6) + Push-ups AMRAP
Triceps extensions (4 sets of 8-12) + Face-pulls (4 sets of 15-20) + Leg raises AMRAP

Guts Training Program

Monday – Upper – Chest, shoulders, triceps, upper back, biceps, neck, abs
Bench press OR Dips OR Weighted Push-ups 4x4-8 + Pullovers 4x8-12
Barbell OR Dumbbell OHP 3x6-10 + Weighted Chin-ups 3x6-8 OR Supinated inverse rows 3xAMRAP
Diamond push-ups 3xAMRAP + Behind the head triceps extension 3x6-12 + Neck curls 3x12-15 + Plank 3xALAP

Wednesday – Upper (back) – Traps, lats, biceps, low back, hamstrings, forearms, neck, abs
Barbell rows 4x6-10 OR Deadlifts 3x3 (alternate weekly) + Single leg calf raises 3-4xAMRAP
Zercher/SSB Good mornings 4x6-12 OR/AND Weighted pull-ups 3x5 (based on previous set) + Leg raises 3-4x
Hyperextensions 4x8-12 + Supinated finger curls 4x6-10 + Neck curls 4x10-12 + DB curls 4x6-10

Friday – Upper (arms) – biceps, triceps, forearms, chest, shoulders, lats, neck, abs
EZ bar/Barbell Curls 4x6-10 + Skull crushers 4x10-15 + DB rows 4x8-12
Close grip bench press 3x6-10 OR Diamond push-ups 3xAMRAP + Hammer curls 3x8-12 + Larrats 3xAMRAP
DB OHP 3x8-12 OR Decline push-ups 3xAMRAP + Finger curls 3x8-15 + Neck Curls 3x15-20

Saturday – Legs – Quads, hamstrings, low back, upper back, calves, abs
Deadlifts 3x5 OR Zercher/SSB squats 3x6-10 (alternate weekly) + Shrugs 3xAMRAP
Pause squats 3x4 OR Block pulls 3x8-12 (based on previous set) + Pullovers 3xAMRAP
Face-pulls 4x12-15 + Dumbbell leg raises 4x15-20 + Lateral raises 4x8-12 + Calf raises 4x10-15

Toji Fushiguro Training Program (V-Taper Workout)
NH: You might have noticed that the Saturday for Stage 3 shown in the video is not the same as the one you can find
in the description: one has you do Weighted neutral grip pull-ups 4x4-8 and the other Incline DB Rows 3x6-10. This
is not a mistake: you get to pick whichever you like best. If you feel confident doing weighted pull-ups 2x a week and
believe you'll be fresh enough after Friday's pullovers, go ahead. I just know for a fact that many people won't, so I
decided to include a horizontal row in the official program instead for more flexibility.

Stage 1
Push-ups 3xAMRAP + DB shrugs 3x10-15
Lateral raises 4x6-12 + Reverse crunches 4xAMRAP
Chin-ups 3xAMRAP + Split-squats 3x8-12

DB OHP 3x6-10 + Neck curls 3x15-20
DB rows 4x8-12 + Cable katana extensions 4x10-15
Reverse flies 3x12-15 + Hammer curls 3x6-10

DB bench 3x6-10 + Cable curls 3x8-12
Pullovers 3x8-12 + Russian twists 3xAMRAP
Upright rows 4x10-15 + Goblet squats 4x8-12

Stage 2
Weighted dips 4x4-8 + Power shrugs 4x6-10
Cable lateral raises 4x6-12 + Weighted sit-ups 4x8-12
Weighted chin-ups 4x6-10 + Split-squats 4x8-12

DB OHP 4x6-10 + Hammer curls 4x6-12
Cable katana extensions 4x10-15 + Neck curls 4x15-20
Krock rows 4x8-12 + Machine reverse flies 4x12-15

Close grip bench 4x6-10 + EZ bar preacher curls 4x6-12
Pullovers 4x8-12 + Weighted Russian twists 4x10-15
Upright rows 4x10-15 + Leg press 4x8-12
Stage 3
Weighted dips 4x4-8 + Power shrugs 4x6-10
Cable lateral raises 4x6-12 + Weighted sit-ups 4x8-12
Weighted chin-ups 4x6-10 + Split-squats 4x8-12

DB OHP 4x6-10 + Hammer curls 4x6-12
Cable katana extensions 4x10-15 + Neck curls 4x15-20
Krock rows 4x8-12 + Machine reverse flies 4x12-15

Close grip bench 3x6-10 + EZ bar preacher curls 3x6-12
Pullovers 3x8-12 + Weighted Russian twists 3x10-15
Upright rows 3x10-15 + Leg press 3x8-12

Machine shoulder press 3x8-12 + Neck extensions 3x15-20
Incline DB rows 3x6-10 + Triceps pushdowns 3x8-12
Farmers walks 3x30m + Y raises 3x8-12

Zodd Training Program

Do 10-12 sets of neck curls (all directions) for a total of 100-180 reps per week, reps per set never lower than 10 /
higher than 20, 4 sets max per day, to superset with other lifts.

Template 1
Monday (Upper 1):
Farmer’s walk 3x30m / 3x40 seconds OR Block / Rack pulls 3x12-15 + DB OR cable curls 3x10-12
DB OR BB OHP 3-5 x 6-12 + Bent over lateral raises 3-5 x 10-15 + DB OR Cable tricep extension 3-5 x 8-14
Cable row OR DB bench 4x10-15 + Finger curls OR Hammer curls 4x12-15 + Windshield Wipers 4xAMRAP

Tuesday (Lower 1):

BB squats OR SSB squats 4x6-10 OR Belt squats OR Hack squats 4x8-12 + Sitting calf raises 4x15-20
Lat pulldowns (pronated or neutral grip) 4x10-15 + DB Hyperextensions OR Leg curls 4x15-20
Single leg press OR Split squats 4x10-15 + Hip thrusts OR Single leg RDLs 4x8-12 + COC 4xAMRAP

Thursday (Upper 2):

Incline press OR Viking press 4x6-10 OR Decline OR Handstand push-ups 4xAMRAP + Face-pulls 4x15-20
Weighted chin-ups 4x4-8 OR Supinated lat pulldowns 4x8-12 + Skull-crushers OR French press 4x6-12
Chest flies OR Preacher curls 4x8-20 + Upright rows OR Lateral raises 4x10-12 + Leg raises 4xAMRAP

Friday (Lower 2):

Deadlifts 3x5 OR RDLs 4x8-12 OR Good mornings 3x6-10 + Standing calf raises 3-4 x 10-15
Hang cleans OR Power cleans 4x8-10 + GHR OR Snatch grip hyperextensions 4x10-12 + Towel grips 4x15-30 sec
Hack squat OR Leg press 4x10-15 + BB snatch grip OR DB shrugs 4x12-15 + COC 4xAMRAP

Saturday (Arm):
Close grip bench OR Dips 4x6-10 OR Diamond push-ups 4xAMRAP + Seal OR Pendlay rows 4x8-12
BB OR EZ bar curls 4x6-10 + Triceps push-downs 4x10-15 + Lateral (Arnold OR Lu) raises 4x12-15
Towel OR Pinwheel curls 4x8-12 + Reverse curls OR Supinated finger curls 4x10-12 + Decline sit-ups 4xAMRAP

Template 2
Monday (Lower 1):
BB squats OR SSB squats 4x6-10 OR Belt squats OR Hack squats 4x8-12 + Sitting calf raises 4x15-20
Lat pulldowns (pronated or neutral grip) 4x10-15 + DB Hyperextensions OR Leg curls 4x15-20
Single leg press OR Split squats 4x10-15 + Hip thrusts OR Single leg RDLs 4x8-12 + COC 4xAMRAP

Tuesday (Upper 1):
Farmer’s walk 3x30m / 3x40 seconds OR Block / Rack pulls 3x12-15 + DB OR cable curls 3x10-12
DB OR BB OHP 3-5 x 6-12 + Bent over lateral raises 3-5 x 10-15 + DB OR Cable tricep extension 3-5 x 8-14
Cable row OR DB bench 4x10-15 + Finger curls OR Hammer curls 4x12-15 + Windshield Wipers 4xAMRAP

Thursday (Arm):
Close grip bench OR Dips 4x6-10 OR Diamond push-ups 4xAMRAP + Seal OR Pendlay rows 4x8-12
BB OR EZ bar curls 4x6-10 + Triceps push-downs 4x10-15 + Lateral (Arnold OR Lu) raises 4x12-15
Towel OR Pinwheel curls 4x8-12 + Reverse curls OR Supinated finger curls 4x10-12 + Decline sit-ups 4xAMRAP

Friday (Lower 2):

Deadlifts 3x5 OR RDLs 4x8-12 OR Good mornings 3x6-10 + Standing calf raises 3-4 x 10-15
Hang cleans OR Power cleans 4x8-10 + GHR OR Snatch grip hyperextensions 4x10-12 + Towel grips 4x15-30 sec
Hack squat OR Leg press 4x10-15 + BB snatch grip OR DB shrugs 4x12-15 + COC 4xAMRAP

Saturday (Upper 2):

Incline press OR Viking press 4x6-10 OR Decline OR Handstand push-ups 4xAMRAP + Face-pulls 4x15-20
Weighted chin-ups 4x4-8 OR Supinated lat pulldowns 4x8-12 + Skull-crushers OR French press 4x6-12
Chest flies OR Preacher curls 4x8-20 + Upright rows OR Lateral raises 4x10-12 + Leg raises 4xAMRAP

Build a Back Like Yujio Hanma

When you think about impressive backs in the realm of anime and manga, the first name that comes to mind is
Yujiro Hanma, the Strongest Creature on Earth. His trademark body part, the Demon Back, is an object of desire for
many lifters who wish to build one of their own.
Here are the exercises you need to be doing for that dream to become reality:
Deadlifts: Once a week, 1 set of 5 OR 3 sets of 3 OR 1 to 3 sets of 2 to 5.
Pull-ups: Bodyweight, 3 sets AMRAP every day OR 5 sets AMRAP every two days. Weighted, 3 sets of 3 every 3 days.
Pullovers: 4 sets of 8 to 12 every 4 days OR 4 light sets of 4 to 8 every 2 days.
Horizontal rows: Bodyweight, 3 sets AMRAP every two days OR 5 sets AMRAP every four days.
Shrugs: 4 sets of 10 to 15 every 3 days OR 4 light sets of 6 to 10 every two days.
Dumbbell rows: Twice a week, 4 sets of 6 to 12.

Build Superhuman Grip Strength Like Hanayama

List of lifts & programming principles to obtain anime level superhuman grip strength (check the playlists for

Specialized movements for support grip (for time): Coan grip, Isometric pull-ups hold, dead hangs.
Specialized elbow/wrist flexion movements for support grip (for reps): Reverse curls, Hammer curls, Wrist curls.

Generalist movements for support grip (for reps): Pull-ups, Deadlifts, Shrugs, Rows, Farmers walk.
Specialized movements for pinch grip (for time): Plate pinches, Pinch grip implements, Specialty thick bars.

Generalist movements for pinch grip (for reps): Towel pull-ups, Towel grip, Fat grips pull-ups.
Specialized elbow/wrist flexion movements for pinch grip (for reps): Fat grips reverse curls, Towel hammer curls,
Finger curls.

Specialized movements for crush grip (for reps or time): Grippers.

Generalist movements for crush grip (for reps): Crushing walnuts, Soda cans, your enemy’s wrists.

Frequency/intensity/volume for support grip training (specialized movements):

If you’re new to it: 3 sets a week, 5 to 15 seconds each.
Once you’re comfortable and are able to assess recovery accurately, you can push it to 8 sets a week.

Frequency/intensity/volume for support grip training (specialized elbow/wrist flexion):

If you’re new to it: 4 sets a week, 6 to 10 reps.
Once you’re comfortable and are able to assess recovery accurately, you can push it to 8/12 sets a week, 8 to 12 reps.

Frequency/intensity/volume for support grip training (generalist movements):

These can be done according to your overall available maximum recoverable volume for the forearms seeing as they
should remain marginal in terms of grip stimulus distribution in your training (granted you use straps on your
heavy work).
Pinch grip being a substrate of support grip, any specialized work you want to apply to this area of the gripping
spectrum need to be subtracted from the original workload (meaning you won’t be doing both regular full palm
support grip and pinch grip at the same time, it’s one or the other). Make sure you rotate styles often.
Specialized movements for crush grip (for reps or time): grippers.
If you’re new to it: 8 sets a week, 4 to 15 reps each. Try to stick with a frequency of 2 times a week, 4 sets each time.
Once you’re comfortable and are able to assess recovery accurately, you can push it to 16/20 sets a week. Try to stick
with a frequency of 3 times a week regardless of volume.

Superheroes & Video Game Characters

Kratos Training Programs

Atreus program (Novice)

Monday (Pull):
Deadlifts 3x3 OR RDLs 3x8-12
Hack squats 4x10-15 OR Farmers carries 4x30m + Decline sit-ups 4xAMRAP
Close-grip lat pulldowns (neutral or supinated) 4x6-12 + DB curls 4x8-12 + Split squats 4x10-15
SHRUGS BURN-OUT: Pick a weight you can do for 20 reps max. Do 1 set to failure then rest 2 minutes. Do another
set to failure then rest 1 minute. Do another set to failure then rest 30 sec; do 1 last set.

Wednesday (Push):
Bench press 4x4-8 OR Dips 4x6-8
BB OR DB OHP 3x6-10 + DB rows 3x8-12
Lateral raises OR Upright rows 4x10-15 + Triceps extensions 4x8-12 + Neck curls 4x15-20
REAR DELT ROWS BURN-OUT: Pick a weight you can do for 20 reps max. Do 1 set to failure then rest 2 minutes.
Do another set to failure then rest 1 minute. Do another set to failure then rest 30 sec; do 1 last set.

Friday (Legs/Arms):
Squats 3x6-10 OR Leg press 3x10-15
Weighted pull-ups/chin-ups 4x4-6 + EZ bar curls 4x6-10
Hyperextensions 4x12-15 + Triceps pushdowns 4x10-15 + Seated calf raises 4x15-20
PUSH-UPS/ABS BURN-OUT: Do 1 set to failure then rest 3 minutes. Do another set to failure then rest 2 minutes.
Do another set to failure then rest 1 minute. Do another set to failure then rest 30 sec; do 1 last set.

Bridge (Intermediate)
Monday (Pull):
Deadlifts 3x3 OR RDLs 3x8-12
Hack squats 4x10-15 OR Farmers carries 4x30m + Decline sit-ups AMRAP
Close-grip lat pulldowns (neutral or supinated) 4x6-12 + DB curls 4x8-12 + Split squats 4x10-15
SHRUGS BURN-OUT: Pick a weight you can do for 20 reps max. Do 1 set to failure then rest 2 minutes. Do another
set to failure then rest 1 minute. Do another set to failure then rest 30 sec; do 1 last set.

Wednesday (Push):
Bench press 4x4-8 OR Dips 4x6-8
BB OR DB OHP 3x6-10 + DB rows 3x8-12
Lateral raises OR Upright rows 4x10-15 + Triceps extensions 4x8-12 + Neck curls 4x15-20
REAR DELT ROWS BURN-OUT: Pick a weight you can do for 20 reps max. Do 1 set to failure then rest 2 minutes.
Do another set to failure then rest 1 minute. Do another set to failure then rest 30 sec; do 1 last set.

Friday (Legs):
Squats 3x6-10 OR Leg press 3x10-15
RDLs 4x8-12 OR Block pulls 4x6-12 + Russian twists 4x10-15
Weighted pull-ups/chin-ups 4x4-6 + Hyperextensions 4x12-15 + Seated calf raises 4x15-20
ABS BURN-OUT (OPTIONAL): Do 1 set to failure then rest 3 minutes. Do another set to failure then rest 2 minutes.
Do another set to failure then rest 1 minute. Do another set to failure then rest 30 sec; do 1 last set.

Saturday (Arms):
Close grip bench 3x6-10 OR Diamond push-ups 3xAMRAP
EZ bar curls 4x6-10 + Cross body triceps extensions 4x10-15
Hammer curls 4x8-12 + Lateral raises OR Cable lateral raises 4x12-15 + Neck extensions 4x15-20

Kratos Program (Advanced)

Monday (Upper 1):
Close grip bench press 4x6-10 OR Dips 4x4-8 + DB OR Meadows rows 4x8-12
DB press OR Arnold press 3x6-10 + Cable/DB triceps extensions 3x8-12
DB pullovers OR Lat pulldowns 4x10-12 + Neck curls 4x15-20 + Rear delt rows 4xNO

Tuesday (Lower 1):

Barbell rows 4x10-12 OR Power cleans 4x6-10 + Seated OR Standing calf raises 4x15-20
Block pulls 3x6-10 OR Farmer carries 3x50m + Russian twists 3x12-15
Leg press 4x10-15 OR Split squats 4x12-15 + DB OR Pinwheel curls 4x8-12 + Shrugs 4xNO

Thursday (Upper 2):

DB/BB OHP 4x12-15 OR Viking press 4x8-12 + BB OR DB seal rows 4x10-15
Weighted chin-ups 3x6-8 OR DB OR Machine chest press 3x10-12 + Neck extensions 3x15-20
Lateral raises OR Upright rows 4x10-15 + Cable curls OR pushdowns 4x12-15 + Rear delt rows 4xNO

Friday (Lower 2):

Squats 4x6-8 OR Hack squats 4x10-15 + Hang pulls OR Snatch grip hang pulls 4x10-15
RDLs 3x8-12 OR Block-pulls 3x6-10 + Decline sit-ups 3x12-15
Hip thrusts 4x10-15 OR BB Hack squats 4x8-12 + Power shrugs OR Pendlay rows 4x8-10 + Shrugs 4xNO

Saturday (Arms):
Viking press OR Landmine press OR Incline press 3x6-10 + Cable lateral raises 3x12-15
EZ bar curls OR EZ bar preacher curls 4x8-10 + Cross-body OR Katana triceps extensions 4x8-12
Hammer OR Towel curls 4x10-12 + Triceps push-downs 4x12-15 + Finger curls 4x10-15

Doom Slayer PPL Program

Pull 1:
Barbell row OR T-bar row 3x6-10 + Cable crunches OR Machine crunches 3x10-15
Machine high row OR Lat pulldowns 3x10-15 + Upright rows OR Y raises 3x10-15
Neck extensions 3x15-20 + Curls (DB or EZ) OR Cable curls 3x8-12 + Farmers carries 3x30m OR
Shrugs (DB or BB) 3x10-15

Push 1:
Dips OR Bench press 3x6-10 + Rear delt row OR Reverse peck deck 3x10-15
AD press OR Military press 4x8-12 + Hammer curls OR Reverse curls 4x8-12
Cable lateral raises OR Bulldozer lateral raises 4x10-15 + Crossbody extensions OR Katana extensions
4x8-12 + Cable chest flies OR Peck deck 4x6-10

Legs 1:
Barbell back squat OR Hack squat 3x6-10 + Neck flexions 3x10-15
Hyperextensions OR Leg curls 4x8-12 + Russian twists OR Windshield wipers 4x10-15
Leg extensions OR Sissy squats 3x10-15 + Seated OR Donkey calf raises 3x15-20

Pull 2:
Weighted pull-ups OR Weighted chin-ups 3x3-5 + Face-pulls OR Powell raises 3x10-15
Kroc rows OR Meadows rows 4x6-12 + Goose neck wrist curls OR Pronation twists 4x10-15
Power shrugs OR Block pulls 3x6-10 + Preacher curls (DB / EZ) OR Incline curls 3x6-12

Push 2:
Incline press (DB / BB) OR Incline smith press 3x8-12 + Neck flexions/extensions 3x10-15
Converging chest press OR Weighted push-ups 3x6-10 + Decline sit-ups OR Dragon flies 3x8-12
JM press (BB / Smith) OR Skull-crushers (DB / EZ) 4x8-12 + Hangman curls OR Hammer preacher
curls 4x6-10

Leg 2:
RDLs OR Good mornings 2x6-12 + DB rear delt swings OR Incline DB shrugs 2x8-12
Smith machine squat OR Leg press 3x8-12 + Standing OR Leg press calf raises 3x10-15
GHR OR Nordic hamstring curls 3x10-15 + Dead-hangs 3x1min OR Wrist roller extensions 3x5

Superman Aesthetics Bodybuilding Program (Henry Cavill


Monday Upper:
Bench press OR Dips OR Weighted push-ups 4x4-10 + DB OR Machine rows 4x6-12
BB, DB OR Machine overhead press 3/4x6-10 + DB OR EZ bar curls 3/4x8-12 + Decline sit-ups 3/4x10-15
Cable flies OR Bent arm peck deck 4x12-15 + Upright rows OR Lateral raises 4x10-15 + Reverse OR Hammer curls

Wednesday Lower:
BB OR Zercher squats 3x6-8 OR Belt, Hack squats or Leg press 4x6-12 + Neck extensions 4x10-15
RDLs OR Block pulls 3/4x8-12 + Behind the back cable curls 3/4x10-12 + Seated calf raises 3/4x15-20
Lat pulldowns 4x8-12 OR Weighted pull-ups 4x6-8 + DB or Upper chest shrugs 4x12-15 + French press OR Behind
the head cable extension 4x10-12

Friday Full body:

Incline press OR Viking press 3/4x6-12 + Krock rows OR DB pullovers 3/4x8-12
Farmers carry 3x30m OR Trap bar deadlift 3x6-10 + Cable lateral raises OR Incline cable flies 3x12-15 + Russian
twists OR Leg raises 3x15-20
LOWER BODY TWIST: Leg extensions OR Split squats 4x15-20 + Pinwheel OR Hammer curls 4x10-12 + Neck
flexions 4x10-15
UPPER BODY TWIST: Machine OR DB chest press 4x8-12 + Pinwheel OR Hammer curls 4x10-12 + Neck flexions

Sunday Accessories:
Standing OR Seated calf raises 6/10x10-20 + Neck flexions AND extensions 6/10x10-25
Shrugs 3/4x15-20 + Band triceps extension 3/4x30-50 + Planks 3x1min
Low impact physical activity (hike, pick-up game, light swim, biking, rower)

Greek Aesthetics Lifting Programs

Apollonian Physique
Nucleus overload: Δ = Lats, Θ = Shoulders, Ω = Abs

Bench press OR Dips OR Weighted push-ups 3x6-10 + DB rows 3x8-12 OR Reverse rows 3xAMRAP
DB or BB OHP 4x6-12 + Ω + French press OR Skull-crushers 4x8-12 + Hammer curls 4x6-10 + Δ

Upper/Lower Hybrid:
Deadlifts 3x3 OR RDLs 3x8-12 OR Good mornings 3x6-12 + Seated calf raises 3x15-20
Weighted pulls-ups 4x4-8 + Lunges OR Bulgarian split squats 4x10-15 + Shrugs 4x12-15 + Θ

Arms/Upper Hybrid:
Close grip bench 3x6-10 OR Diamond push-ups AMRAPS + Seal rows OR Pendlay rows 3x8-12 + Δ
BB or DB curls 3x6-8 + Upright rows OR Lateral raises 3x12-15 + Ω + Triceps push-downs 3x15-20

Squats 3x6-10 OR Leg press 3x8-12 OR Hack squats 3x10-12 + Sited calf raises 3x15-20
Hyperextensions OR Single-leg DB RDLS 4x12-15 + Decline crunches AMRAP + Neck curls AMRAP + Θ

Farnese Hercules Physique

Nucleus overload: Σ = forearms, Φ = calves, Ψ = neck, Π = abs

Upper 1:
Bench press OR Dips OR Weighted push-ups 3-4x6-12 + Inverted rows AMRAP Φ
OHP or DB press 3x6-10 + Weighted chin-ups 3x5 + Russian twists 3x12-15 Φ
Skull crushers 4x8-12 + DB curls 4x6-12 + Finger curls 4x8-10 Ψ

Lower 1:
Squats OR Zercher squats 3-4x6-10 Σ
RDLs OR Back hyperextensions 4x8-12 + Shrugs 4x12-15 OR Farmer’s walks (if hypers) Π
Bulgarian split squats OR Single leg press 3x10-15 + Towel OR Dumbbell hold 3x15s + Calf raises 3x15 Ψ

Upper 2:
DB row OR Barbell row OR Seal row 3-4x6-12 + Push-ups AMRAP Π
Pullovers 3x6-12 + Preacher curls (EZ bar or DB) 3x6-10 + Lateral OR Arnold raises 3x8-12 Σ
Hang snatch pull OR Upright rows 4x10-15 + Neck curls 4x15-20 + Windshield Wipers 4x12-15 Σ

Lower 2:
Deadlifts 3x3-5 OR Good mornings 3x6-12 Φ
Block pulls 4x6-12 OR Farmer’s walks (if mornings) OR Hip thrusts 4x10-15 + Sternum pull-ups AMRAP Π
Belt squats OR Leg press 4x8-15 + Wide grip shrugs 4x12-15 + Leg curls OR GHR 4x10-20 Φ

Close grip bench press OR Landmine press 4x6-10 + Kroc rows 4x6-12 OR Supinated rows AMRAP Φ
Hammer curls OR Pinwheel curls 4x8-12 + Pullovers 4x12-15 OR Pull-ups AMRAP + DB flies 4x10-15 Ψ
Supinated finger curls 3x6-12 + Rope triceps extensions 3x10-15 + V-sit ups AMRAP Ψ

Silver Era Aesthetics Program (Steve Reeves Physique)
Intermediate – (3 sessions a week, 12 sessions a month, 140-150 sessions a year)
Auto-regulated abs training:
Goal of 80 to 200 reps, 8 to 10 abs isolation weekly sets total, no more than 4 per day, for no more than 20 reps per
set and no less than 10. Always place after upper body lifts, when lower body compounds are done for the day.
Exercises recommend: Decline sit-ups (weighted), Leg raises (weighted), Hanging knee raises, V-sit ups, Windshield

Squats (BB or Hack) 3/4x6-12 + Seated cable rows OR Seal rows 3/4x8-15
Incline press (DB or BB) OR Machine incline press 3/4x6-10 + Reverse curls (DB or BB) 3/4x6-12
RDLs OR DB bench 4x8-12 + Upright rows (DB or BB) OR Lat pulldowns 4x10-15 + Neck curls 4x15-20
Cable curls 4x12-15 + French press OR Lying triceps extensions 4x6-10 + Sited calf raises 4x15-20

BB rows 3/4x8-10 OR Good mornings 3/4x6-12 + Wide-grip BB shrugs OR DB shrugs 3/4x12-20
Weighted dips OR Close grip bench 3/4x6-10 + Split squats OR Smith/Dellinger squats 3/4x12-15
Weighted chin-ups 3x4-6 + DB OR Machine shoulder press 3x6-10 OR Face-pulls 3x15 + Leg curls 3x12-15
Pelican cable curls OR DB Fat grips Preacher curls 4x10-15 + Cable pushdowns 4x8-15 + Lat raises 3x15

Deadlifts 3x3 OR 3x5 + Cable triceps extension OR Cable drag curls 3x10-12
OHP (BB or DB) OR BTN 3/4x6-12 + DB pullovers 3/4x8-12
Leg press 4x8-15 + DB / Cable chest flies OR DB/Guillotine press 4x10-15 + Hammer curls 4x8-12
Wide-grip pulls-ups 4x8-12 + Hyperextensions OR GHR 4x10-15 + Standing calf-raises 4x12-20

Advanced – (4 sessions a week, 15 sessions a month, 180 sessions a year)

Auto-regulated abs training:
Goal of 100 / 240 reps, 10 / 12 abs isolation weekly sets total, no more than 4 per day, for no more than 20 reps per
set and no less than 10. Always place after upper body lifts, when lower body compounds are done for the day.
Exercises recommend: Decline sit-ups (weighted), Leg raises (weighted), Hanging knee raises, V-sit ups, Windshield

Squats (BB or Hack) 3/4x6-12 + Seated cable rows OR Seal rows 3/4x8-15
Incline press (DB or BB) OR Machine shoulder press 3/4x6-10 + Reverse curls (DB or BB) 3/4x6-12
RDLs OR DB bench 4x8-12 + Upright rows (DB or BB) OR Lat pulldowns 4x10-15 + Neck curls 4x15-20
Cable curls 4x12-15 + French press OR Lying triceps extensions 4x6-10 + Sited calf raises 4x15-20

BB rows 3/4x8-10 OR Good mornings 3/4x6-12 + Wide-grip BB shrugs OR DB shrugs 3/4x12-20
Weighted dips OR Close grip bench 3/4x6-10 + Split squats OR Smith/Dellinger squats 3/4x12-15
Weighted chin-ups 3x4-6 + DB OR Machine shoulder press 3x6-10 OR Face-pulls 3x15 + Leg curls 3x12-15
Pelican cable curls OR DB Fat grips Preacher curls 4x10-15 + Cable pushdowns 4x8-15 + Lat raises 3x15

Deadlifts 3x3 OR 3x5 + Cable triceps extension OR Cable drag curls 3x10-12
OHP (BB or DB) OR BTN 3/4x6-12 + DB pullovers 3/4x8-12
Leg press 4x8-15 + DB / Cable chest flies OR DB/Guillotine press 4x10-15 + Hammer curls 4x8-12
Wide-grip pulls-ups 4x8-12 + Hyperextensions OR GHR 4x10-15 + Standing calf-raises 4x12-20

Weighted dips OR Close grip bench 4x6-12 + Rowing machine OR DB rows 4x8-12
Leg press 3x10-15 OR Good morning 3x6-10 + Sited rear delt raises OR Cable lateral raises 3x10-15
Weighted neutral grip pull-ups 4x4-8 + Finger curls 4x10-12 + High pulls OR Snatch grip shrugs 4x15
EZ bar curls 3x8-10 + Incline seated DB extensions 3x10-12 + Goblet squats OR Sissy squats 3x12-15

Olympic Weightlifter Physique Program
Pure Bodybuilding

OHP 3/5x3-7 + Shrugs 3/5x10-15

Squats 3x3-5 + Lateral raises 3x8-12

DB rows/Seal rows 4x8-12 + DB curls 4x6-12 + Russian twists 4xAMRAP


Deadlifts 1/3x3-5 + Single leg calf raises 1/3xAMRAP

Weighted push-ups 3x4-8 + Weighted chin-ups 3x3-5 + Hanging knee raises 3xAMRAP

Neck curls/extensions 4x15-20 + GHR/Hyperextensions 4x10-15 + Backhand triceps extension 4x10-20


Weighted dips 3x3-5 + Upright rows 3x10-15

Goblet squats 4x8-12 + Sited DB OHP 4x6-12 + Bent over lateral raises 4x10-15

French press 3x6-10 + Finger curls 3x8-12 + Leg raises 4xAMRAP


RDLs 4x8-12 + Weighted pull-ups 4x3-5

Farmers carry 3xAMRAP + Reverse rows 3xAMRAP + Face-pulls AMRAP

Calf raises 4x15-20 + Neck curls/extensions 4x10-15 + Pike sit-ups 4xAMRAP

Hybrid Bodybuilding/Olympic Lifting


OHP/Behind the head snatch press 3/5x3-7 + Hang cleans/Power cleans 3/5x6-10

Squats 3x3-5 + Lu raises 3x8-12

DB rows/Seal rows 4x8-12 + Ring curls 4xAMRAP + Russian twists 4xAMRAP


Deadlifts 1/3x3-5 + Toshiki raises 1/3xAMRAP

Weighted push-ups/Ring 3x4-8 + Weighted chin-ups/Ring 3x3-5 + Hanging knee raises/Ring 3xAMRAP

Neck curls/extensions 4x15-20 + GHR/High bar hyperextensions 4x10-15 + Kettlebell snatches 4x8-12


Weighted dips 3x3-5 + Explosive upright rows 3x10-15

Front squats 4x4-6 + Push-press 4x4-8 + Bent over Lu raises 4x10-15

Behind the head supinated triceps extension 4x6-10 + False grip leg raises 4xAMRAP


Snatch grip RDLs 4x8-12 + Behind the head/Weighted pull-ups 4x3-5

Power cleans 3x6-10 + Weighted reverse rows/Seal rows 3x6-10 + Face-pulls AMRAP

Toshiki/Calf raises 4x15-20 + Neck curls/extensions 4x10-15 + Pike sit-ups 4xAMRAP

Martial Arts Weight Training Programs

As you run these programs, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. The sets and reps can be modified at will based on your volume/intensity needs.
2. Every exercise is expendable and can be replaced by a similar movement pattern.
3. An exercise that doesn’t feel right and that you do not enjoy isn’t worth doing.
4. The supersets are there to challenge your cardio, not to damage your performance.
5. The direct grip work could interfere with pulls, in which case just switch it around.
6. Primary movers receive priority, but antagonistic muscles cannot be entirely ignored.
7. If you cut something out, start with isolation, as compounds wield more tonnage.
8. Sessions need to be short and sweet, it’s ok to shrink them when you’re getting started.
9. Minimalism is key, so do not add extra sets or exos, you must progress through intensity.
10. Training the opening of the hand with elastics will balance out all the gripping you’re doing.

Day A:
Neutral grip OR Reverse grip OR Swiss bar bench press 4x4-8 + Calf raises 4xAMRAP
Zercher OR SSB Good mornings OR Squats 3x6-10 + Hang snatch pull 3x6-8
Weighted Chin-ups 3x3-5 + DB OHP or Landmine press 3x8-12

Day B:
Trap bar OR Jefferson deadlifts 1-3x5 + Neck work 3x15-20
One arm DB press OR Weighted push-ups 3x6-10 + Split stance DB rows OR Bulgarian split squat 3x8-12
Pullovers 4x8-12 + Landmine twists 4x6-10 + Captain of Crushes 4xAMRAP

Day C:
Sprints 10x10m + Diamond push-ups 5xAMRAP OR Toe squats 5x15-30 (alternate between sprints)
Sandbag toss 5x10-15 + Forearms planks 5xAMRAP

Day A:
Neutral grip OR Reverse grip OR Swiss bar bench press 4x4-8 + Calf raises 4xAMRAP
Zercher OR SSB Good mornings 3x6-10 + Hang snatch pull 3x6-8 + Skull-crushers OR Finger curls 3x8-12
Weighted Chin-ups 3x3-5 + DB OHP or Landmine press 3x8-12 + Alternate leg raises OR COC 3xAMRAP

Day B:
Trap bar OR Jefferson deadlifts 1-3x5 + Neck work 3x15-20
One arm DB press OR Weighted push-ups 3x6-10 + Split stance DB rows 3x8-12 + Lateral raises 3x10-12
Single leg press OR Hack squats 4x10-15 + Pullovers 4x8-12 + Landmine twists 4x6-10 OR COC 4xAMRAP

Day A:
Zercher squat OR SSB squat OR BB squat 4x4-8 + Neck work 4x15-20
Neutral grip DB press OR Swiss bar press 3x6-10 + Split stance DB rows 3x6-12
GHR OR Hyperextensions 4x8-12 + Weighted Pull-ups OR Chin-ups 4x4-8

Day B:
Trap bar/Jefferson deadlift 1-3x5 OR Good mornings 3x5-8 OR BB row 3x6-10 + Calf raises 3xAMRAP
Weighted push-ups OR Landmine press 4x4-8 + Landmine twists 4x8-12 + Captain of Crushes 4xAMRAP
Single arm (handle/belt) cable OR Landmine row 4x8-12 + Belt grip 4x10-20sec

Day C:
DB single arm floor press 5x10-15 OR Sled pulls 5x15m + Bridge walks 5x10 OR Turkish get-ups 3x4
Sled push OR Farmer’s walk 3x20m + Single leg DB or Kettlebell RDL 3x15-20 AND/OR COC 3xAMRAP

Day A:
Zercher squat OR SSB squat OR BB squat 4x4-8 + Neck work 4x15-20
Neutral grip DB press OR Swiss bar press 3x6-10 + Split stance DB rows 3x6-12 + Ball slams 3x12-15
GHR OR Hyperextensions 4x8-12 + Weighted Pull-ups OR Chin-ups 4x4-8 + Facepulls 4x15-20

Day B:
Trap bar/Jefferson deadlift 1-3x5 OR Good mornings 3x5-8 OR BB row 3x6-10 + Calf raises 3xAMRAP
Weighted push-ups OR Landmine press 3x4-8 + Hang snatch pulls 4x6-10 + Landmine twists 4x8-12
BB hip thrusts 4x10-15 + Single arm (handle/belt) cable OR Landmine row 4x8-12 + Belt grip 3x15sec

Muay Thai/Kickboxing
Day A:
Dips or Weighted push-ups 3x6-10 + Calf raises 3xAMRAP
Weighted Pull-ups OR Chin-ups 3x3-5 + Hang clean pulls 3x6-10
BB or DB RDLs 4x8-12 + COC 4xAMRAP + DB Push-press OR Landmine power thruster 4x6-10

Day B:
Trap bar OR Jefferson deadlifts 1-3x5 OR Squats 3x6-10 + Neck work 3x15-20
Reverse grip DB press OR incline press 4x6-12 + Kroc rows 4x8-12
Bulgarian split squats 4x10-15 + Wall slams 4x8-12 AND/OR COC 4xAMRAP

Day C:
Sprints 5x30m + Gada swings 5x10-20 OR Diamond push-ups 5xAMRAP
DB lunges 3x20m OR Sandbag carries 3x40m + Turkish get-ups 3x4

Day A:
Dips or Weighted push-ups 3x6-10
Weighted Pull-ups OR Chin-ups 3x3-5 + Hang clean pulls 3x6-10 + Goblet squats 3x8-12
BB or DB RDLs 4x8-12 + COC 4xAMRAP + DB Push-press OR Landmine power thruster 4x6-10

Day B:
Trap bar OR Jefferson deadlifts 1-3x5
Reverse grip DB press OR incline press 4x6-12 + Kroc rows 4x8-12 + Cable serratus punches 4x10-15
Bulgarian split squats 4x10-15 + Wall slams 4x8-12 OR COC 4xAMRAP + Bent over lateral raises 4x12-15

Systema/Krav Maga
Day A:
Dips OR Weighted push-ups 3-4x6-10 + Calf raises 3xAMRAP
Zercher OR SSB squats 4x8-12 + Snatch hang pulls 4x6-10 OR Finger curls 4x8-12
Jefferson OR Bulgarian split squat 4x10-15 + Split stance DB rows 4x8-12

Day B:
Trap bar OR Jefferson OR Zercher deadlifts 1-3x5 OR Good mornings* 3x6-10 + Neck work 3x15-20
Snatch-grip RDLs 4x8-12 OR Lunges 4x10-15 (if GM*) + Weighted chin-ups 4x4-8
Kroc rows OR Landmine rows 4x6-12 + Wall slams 4x10-15 AND/OR COC 4xAMRAP

Day C:
Bear crawls 5x15m + Ball slams 5x10-15 OR Goblet squats 5x10-15
Sled pulls 3x20m OR Rope climbing 3x5m + Glute bridge walk 3x6-10 OR Turkish get-ups 3x4

Day A:
Dips OR Weighted push-ups 3-4x6-10 + Calf raises 3xAMRAP
Zercher OR SSB squats 4x8-12 + DB OHP or Landmine press 4x6-12 + Towel holds 4x10-15sec
Jefferson OR Bulgarian split squat 4x10-15 + Split stance DB rows 4x8-12 + Snatch hang pulls 4x6-10

Day B:
Trap bar OR Jefferson OR Zercher deadlifts 1-3x5 OR Good mornings* 3x6-10 + Neck work 3x15-20
Snatch-grip RDLs 4x8-12 OR Lunges 4x10-15 (if GM*) + Weighted chin-ups 4x4-8 + Hang shrugs 4x10-15
Kroc rows OR Landmine rows 4x6-12 + Wall slams 4x10-15 OR COC 4xAMRAP + French press 4x6-12

Fitness Celebrity Collaborations

& Program Revamps

The PERFECT Hybrid Calisthenics Program (Feat. Bald Omni

Monday Upper:
Weighted push-ups (deficit, rings) 3-6x10-15 OR Weighted dips 3-4x6-10 + Reverse curls 3-6x8-15
(FREE WEIGHT VARIATION/ROTATION: Larsen press OR Close grip bench 3x6-10)
Ring rows 4xAMRAP OR BB/Seal rows 4x8-12 + EZ bar curls 4x6-10 OR Cable curls 4x10-15
Incline cable flies OR Decline ring push-ups 4x12-15 + EZ bar OR DB Lying triceps extensions 4x10-12

Wednesday Lower:
Heel elevated squats 3-5x6-12 OR Hack squats 3-5x8-15 + Neck extensions 3-5x10-20
Weighted chin-ups 3-5x4-10 + Hanging knee raises 3-5xAMRAP OR Decline bench sit-ups 3-5x12-20
(FREE WEIGHT VARIATION/ROTATION: One-arm supinated lat pulldown 4x6-12)
Hyperextensions OR Block pulls 4x10-15 OR Leg curls 4x12-20 + Seated calf raises 4x10-20

Friday Push:
Handstand OR Decline ring push-ups 3-6xAMRAP + Behind the back OR Cross body cable curls 3-6x10-20
Ring Guillotine OR Flies 4x12-15 + Bodyweight triceps extension 4xAMRAP OR Rope extensions 4x15-20
Upright rows OR Lateral raises 3x12-15 + Supinated ring rows 3xAMRAP OR DB rows 3x10-12

Saturday Pull:
RDLS 4x8-12 OR Stiff legged deadlifts 4x6-10 + Neck flexions 4x10-20
Weighted pull-ups 3-4x6-10 + Hanging leg raises 3-4xAMRAP OR GHR sit-ups 3-4x8-15
(FREE WEIGHT VARIATION/ROTATION: Close grip neutral lat pulldowns 3x8-12)
Split squats OR Sissy squats 4x10-15 OR Leg extensions 4x10-20 + Standing calf raises 4x12-20

Revamped 4 Days Greek God Program (Alex Eubank)

Monday – Chest, Back, Shoulders & Triceps

Bench press (DB or BB) 4x6-12 + Straight arm pulldown 4x10-15
Barbell row 4x8-12 + DB shoulder press 4x6-10
Skull-crushers 4x8-10 + Lateral raises 4x12-15 + Decline bench sit-ups 4x10-20

Wednesday – Legs & Arms

Barbell squats 4x4-8 + Neck curls 4x15-20
RDLs 4x8-12 + EZ bar curls 4x6-10
Leg extensions 4x15-18 + Hammer curls 4x8-12 + Seated calf raises 4x15-20

Thursday – Chest, Back, Shoulders & Triceps

Incline DB or BB press 4x6-10 + Close grip pulldowns 4x8-15
Seated cable rows 4x10-15 + Flat DB fly 4x12-15
DB Skull-crushers 4x10-12 + Upright rows 4x8-10 + V sit-ups 4xAMRAP

Saturday – Legs & Arms

Deadlifts 3x3 or 3x5 + Neck curls 3x10-15
Leg press 4x10-15 + Weighted chin-ups 4x4-8
Pinwheel curls 4x6-12 + Leg curls 4x10-15 + Standing calf raises 4x15-20

Superhero Aesthetics Bodybuilding Program (Kinobody

Hollywood Physique)

RP = Rest-Pause: perform maximum reps, rest for 15-30 seconds, followed by a final set of maximum reps again.

Tuesday (Shoulders & Back):

Weighted pull-ups (3x5-8 – RP last set) + Abs/Calves/Neck
Seated/Standing OHP (3x6-10) + DB rows (3x6-12)
DB flies/Incline flies (4x12-15) + Cable lateral raises (4x10-15)

Thursday (Lower Body):

Bulgarian split squats (3-4x12-15 – RP last set) + Neck (15-20)
RDLs (3-4x6-12) + Leg extensions (4x15-20)
DB Calf raises (3-4x15-20) + Hanging leg raises OR Ab wheel rollout

Saturday (Chest & Arms):
BB/DB Incline press (3x6-10 – RP last set) + Abs/Neck
DB Bench press (3x6-10) + Machine row (3x10-12)
DB incline curls (3-4x6-10) + Triceps pushdowns (3-4x15-20) + One arm cable rows (4x10-12)

Alan Thrall Bodybuilding Program

Monday Upper:
Bench touch & go 3-4 x 6-10 OR Close grip bench 3x8-12 + DB rows 3-4x8-12 OR DB Pullovers 3x6-12
Pause bench 3x4-8 OR DB/Cable flies 3x10-15 + DB curls 3x8-12 OR EZ bar curls 3x6-10
Barbell OHP 3x6-10 OR DB OHP 3x8-12 + Neutral grip pulls ups with OR without fat grips (3x5 OR 5x5) + DB or
EZ French press 3x6-10 OR Cable behind the head extensions 3x8-12

Tuesday Lower:
High bar squats 3x6-10 OR SSB squats 3x8-12 + Neck flexions 3x15-20
Snatch grip RDLs 4x8-12 OR Single leg RDLs 4x10-15 + Cable or DB lateral raises 4x10-15 OR Rear delt rows 4x8-15
Sandbag or keg tosses (EVENT SPECIFIC) OR Clean pulls (4x10) + Russian twists 4x8-12 OR Decline sit-ups with
core rotation 4x10-15

Wednesday Arms:
Viking press 3x6-10 OR Push press 3x4-8 + Machine high rows 3x6-12 OR Diagonal lats pulldowns 3x8-12
EZ bar preacher curls 4x6-12 OR DB preacher curls 4x8-12+ EZ bar skull crushers 4x6-12 OR DB skull crushers
Bodyweight dips 3xAMRAP OR BB incline press 3x6-10 + Hammer curls 3x6-10 OR Pinwheel curls 3x8-12 + Sled
push OR pull (EVENT SPECIFIC) OR Seated calf raises (3x15-20)

Friday Upper:
Swiss bar bench touch & go 3-4x6-10 OR Paused 3-4x4-8 + Krock rows 3-4x8-12 OR Farmers carries (EVENT
BB OHP touch & go 4x6-12 OR Paused 4x4-8 + Chin-ups with OR without fat grips 3x5 / 5x5
Pelican curls 4x8-12 OR Spider curls 4x10-15 + Rope cable extensions 4x10-15 OR Katana triceps extensions 4x8-12

Saturday Lower:
Deadlifts (3x3) OR Block pulls 3x6-12 + Neck extensions 3x10-15
Hack squats 4x10-15 OR Split squats 4x8-12 + Back hyperextensions 4x8-12 OR Leg curls 4x10-15
Husafell or keg carry (EVENT SPECIFIC) OR Power shrugs 3x4-8 + Upright rows x10-15 OR Cable face-pulls 3x12-
15 + Standing calf raises 3x10-15 OR Windshield wipers 3xAMRAP

Full Step-by-Step MASSterplan for Big Forearms

Novice Stage
Step 1: Pick ONE isolation movement for the forearms. Select it on the basis of enjoyment, not efficiency (to counter
the boring nature of forearm training).
Step 2: To make sure your forearm work doesn’t impact your upper back growth, do 3/4 sets MAX of 6 to 12 reps
either once or twice a week (so 1x4 or 2x2). Try to do these either on days where your grip is not required for pulls
OR have them happen AFTER your pulls.
NOTE: If you also follow the ARM MASSterplan and have decided to do hammer curl as one of your bicep
movements, this also counts as your forearm movement.

Intermediate Stage
Step 3: Pick 1 to 2 new forearm movements to add to your arsenal. These can either be new wrist motions or elbow
flexion. You can also pick specific lifts you modify to challenge the forearms (Examples include fat-grips pull-ups,
towel curls…)
Step 4: Do 6 to 12 sets of forearm isolation a week, including additional grip work. Always make sure that the
isolation work takes priority over the grip work and only go to failure on the later if: 1, you have no more forearm
work for the day, and 2, you know for a fact that you do not impair your recovery.
Step 5: Consider implementing Nucleus Overload, Dead hangs & Hand elastics to boost gains, promote recovery &
frequency and enhance the health of your tendons.

Advanced Stage
Step 6: Pick 2 to 3 new forearm movements (at this point, every function of the wrist should be covered, along with
elbow flexion). You can also start switching some of your biceps isolation for more hybrid type lifts that target the
Step 7: Do as many weekly sets as you want: the goal is to hit forearms at every opportunity available. At this point,
strength progression on isolation will be slow: your goal should be to include a forearm specific motion in every
session, and even to train them outside of the gym (frequency>intensity at this point).

Big Shoulders MASSterplan

Step 1: Pick 1 to 2 vertical pressing movements / 2 to 3 isolation movements for the shoulders.

Step 2: Pick 1 to 2 rep ranges for the presses / 1 rep range for the isolation. (Recommended rep ranges for
compounds: 4/8, 6/10, 8/12.) (Recommended rep ranges for isolation: 10/12, 10/15.)

Step 3: Pick a weekly number of sets / a daily number of sets for compounds / isolations. (Recommended number of
weekly sets for compounds: 6/8, daily number of sets: 3/4.) (Recommended number of weekly sets for isolation:
6/12, daily number of sets: 3/6.)

Step 4: Pick a training frequency that matches your set goal (2x/week, 3x/week etc…)

Step 5: Train hard and attain shoulders so big you can no longer walk through doorways.

Full Step-by-Step MASSterplan for Big Arms
Novice Stage

Step 1: Pick ONE movement for the biceps and ONE movement for the long head of the triceps. You can also pick
ONE movement for the lateral head of the triceps, although these get worked by presses. Select movements that you
ENJOY and can do without discomfort.

Step 2: Do 3 to 6 sets a week, either once (3) or twice (6) a week. Rep ranges: 6-10, 8-12.


Intermediate Stage

Step 3: Pick ONE more movement for biceps and triceps, that differs from your first. If you already have 2 isolations
for triceps, you can make the third triceps biased press.

Step 4: Do 6 to 12 sets a week (3/4 sets 2x a week, 4 sets 3x week etc…) using your variation. Pick 1 rep range for
each & go as low as 6 / as high as 15. Adjust number of sets per week to push progression (defined as doing more
reps with more weight).


Advanced Stage

Step 5: Pick ONE more movement for biceps and triceps, as STRICT as possible. You now have a total of 3. You
don't have to do them all each week: instead, rotate through them.

Step 6: Do 6 to 15 sets a week, with evolving rep ranges. Focus on frequency and recovery.


Full Step-by-Step Abs MASSterplan

Step 1: Pick one stretch-based exercise and do it for a total of 6 to 9 sets a week (so either 3 sets twice a week, 3 sets
three times a week, 2 sets four times a week if you train more often etc…), NOT MORE! The exercise I recommend is
a type of SIT-UP (on the floor, decline bench, GHR, bosu ball). NO CRUNCHES. You could also, if you wanted, pick
one isometric exercise on top of the stretch-based exercise (planks). You will do these exercises UNWEIGHTED, for
AMRAPs, for every set, focusing on technique & low tempo.

Step 2: Start doing the same exercise you picked for step 1, this time using either the 8 to 12 or 10 to 15 rep range,
adding weight every time you max out the rep range. DO NOT ADD SETS; stick to 6 to 9 / week.

Step 3: Pick ONE additional ab exercise, applying to it the same approach you did during Step 2. Up the volume by
doing 9 to 15 sets a week, using the new exercise for half of the workload. Do this forever.

Big Back MASSterplan
Step 1: Select ONE exercise for each of these categories: A hip hinge, a vertical pull and a horizontal pull. You will do
each on a different day (assuming you train 3x a week) or two on the same day (assuming you train 2x a week). Even
if you train more than 3x a week, the number of sets and exercises stays the same.

Step 2: Pick 2 new lifts, one hip hinge and either one vertical OR horizontal pull. Add these lifts wherever it makes
sense, as far away from their counterpart as possible. If you don’t have a choice, you can do two on the same day, but
supposed to do them all at least 1x a week.

Step 3: Add ONE new exercise (either a vertical/horizontal pull or shrug, no hinge) and ONE variation (meaning a
lift that can now sub in for another one, you won’t do both each week). I greatly recommend you add PULLOVERS
as your new lift, as they will stretch your back in a completely different fashion.

Step 4: Add ONE new exercise and TWO variations. You are now doing 7 back exercises a week for a total of 14 to 28
sets. In my opinion, this range encompasses 99.9% of lifters in terms of volume needed for growth (many people
also exist BELOW that range). You also have 3 variations that you can rotate weekly for more variety (even if you do
not end up picking 7 different back exercises and stop at 5, make sure you still include variation; you can even go up
to 5 as long as it doesn’t impair progression on main lifts.)

General Lifting Guidance
Back-off Sets

1. You do the exact same movement you did for your strength work with the same tempo. It can happen right after it
or later during the workout (which would result in better performance if you left the body parts involved in the
movement pattern alone). If you go for higher reps (which most people do) it will add quality volume to the session.
You can also go for lower reps: regardless, these reps are still performed in relevant intensity windows (usually
between 70 and 80%) and taken to failure. Set selection is usually 3 to 4. This has the highest carryover to your main
lift while also being the highest earner in terms of tonnage. The issues are a high cardiovascular demand, a high
muscular endurance requirement (for rep work), a higher propensity of overuse injuries and a lot of fatigue
accumulation (which can lead to difficulties calibrating recovery). This is typically a strategy that offers a good
balance between progressing on the strength work and back-off sets through a trickle-down effect, although it
prioritizes the strength work portion of the training by default because of its place within the session.

2. You do a variation of the movement you did for your strength work. It can happen right after it or later during the
workout (which would result in better performance if you left the body parts involved in the movement pattern
alone). If it is a close variation of the main movement, treat it like #1 in terms of rep scheme and sets selection. If it
is further away on the specificity spectrum, treat it like its own thing (which also means it might require a new
warm-up phase). The intensity can be taken a little bit higher here, especially if you decide to prioritize progression
on that lift and utilize the strength work as an effective warm-up / a tool to stabilize tonnage and strength. This has
the highest potential to help you fix technical mistakes / weak points of the main movement pattern while also
helping avoid overuse injuries. The tonnage will still be quite high, although the carryover might not be as important
(the further away in specificity the lift is from the main movement pattern the more true this becomes but the more
the lift has the potential to offer brand new hypertrophic benefits as well as injury prevention properties). This is
typically a strategy that can promote progression on either the strength work or the back-off sets variation portions
of the training depending on how you program it.

3. You do the exact same movement you did for your strength work with a fixated tempo (fast). It can happen right
after it or later during the workout (which would result in better performance if you left the body parts involved in
the movement pattern alone). You go for low reps / medium sets (3x3, 3x4... A 3x5 is already too high in terms of
volume and reps per set). Intensity should be between 80 and 90% depending on your ability to produce efforts with
a constant speed and a similar technique. This offers the highest quality of tonnage although it loses in total tally
(quality over quantity). The injury risk is almost zero despite the higher intensity rate (because of the speed
component) and it saves time compared to the other 2 options. Issues are it can worsen technical issues in lifters
who are already struggling with the movement pattern and does nothing to prevent overuse injuries. It is also only
doable with non-paused movements and is most relevant with the main compounds (squats, deadlifts, bench, OHP,
pull-ups). This is typically a strategy that sacrifices progression on this particular type of set and feeds it all to the
strength work portion of the training. Keep in mind that you can choose to promote progression on the back-off sets
at the detriment of the strength work if you program it so.

The 85% Rule

The goal of hypertrophy training is to get as much result from as little work as possible, to save us both time and
effort. When most people hear that, they immediately think of minimalism, which is the practice of cutting down the
workload by reducing sets, reps, days, and exercise selection, to keep only the essential portions of the program. The
issue is that while this practice does absolutely save a lot of time and energy, it does so at the detriment of results;
and while some people are fine with getting only 80% of the gains if it means doing only half the work, I personally
believe in a more maximized approach. The problem with a maximized approach however is that you can end up
doing too much, or not approaching training with the proper intensity, which can be as detrimental as not doing
enough or being too intense. This is where the 85% rule comes into play: this training philosophy promotes the idea
of getting less out of more without sacrificing on results. To do so, instead of thinking about doing less, we are going
to think about doing just enough, which can be accomplished by following the simple guidelines I will be presenting
now. This is going to be a lecture: method is pinned.

I will be mentioning the topics of fatigue accumulation, recovery, minimalism and HIT in this video but will not go
into details. If some of these concepts confuse you, refer to the videos in the description, but the 85% rule is fairly
instinctive so you don’t need to understand everything. This concept will also explain how to use evolving rep ranges
within a practical framework as well as demonstrating why deloads are not needed.

The original 85% rule coined by Dan Go is more for general athleticism and fitness, whereas my version is for
bodybuilding. Instead of technical proficiency, the goal here will be to create a system that promotes constant
hypertrophy with as little work as possible. The methodology changes, but the mindset is the same. The 85% rule
isn’t fatigue seeking, it’s stimulus seeking, and that makes all the difference: we will only accept fatigue that will lead
to maximal stimulus, and cut away the rest, but not so much that we sacrifice results. This is why you’re doing “less”:
any superfluous work gets cut, keeping only quality sets and reps, which I argue is the only way to truly maximize.

In practice, this doesn’t mean that we will always, stay away from putting in 100% effort when we train, but rather
that we will try to be as close to 85% as possible most of the time. This number isn’t a training percentage, but
instead represents the average rate of intensity that you must be putting into your lifts, which will also dictate the
amount of fatigue you will be accumulating, which in turn will decide your training frequency and number of
sets/reps per week, which correlate directly to the amount of volume you will do. All these values are connected, and
they all stem from the 85% rule, as you will see.

It also doesn’t mean that you should never go to failure: what you will avoid is the type of nonproductive fatigue that
going to failure on certain lifts or with certain rep ranges can create. To demonstrate this, we have to look at what
the 85% rule applied to percentage-based lifting would look like: if you do a one rep max, you just experienced 100%
intensity for very little volume. Obviously, we want to avoid this as much as possible: the goal is not to reach high
levels of intensity, but to accumulate quality volume. This is why we want to train closure to failure: not to reach it,
but to gets those high-quality reps that precede it. At this point, percentages become more complex, because they
have to be applied to a multitude of values instead of one.

This is what you must know about lifting percentages to understand the 85% rule: one, not everyone is going to have
the same ability to rep close to their 100%. Some people will only be able to do 2 reps at 90%, some people might do
4. As a bodybuilder, your goal should of course to get that number as high as possible: you want to skew your
strength towards rep strength as opposed to one rep max strength. How do you do that: by training with higher rep
ranges. Most people training for looks should stick to the 6 to 12 rep range, lower extremities being 3/4 and higher
extremities being 15/20. These rep ranges will allow you to always train within an intensity of 60 to 90%, not 85%.

Two, you want to keep in mind that intensity evolves throughout the set: if you decide to do 8 reps of squat at 75%,
only the first rep will be represented by that number, with the second being 77%, the third 80% etc until you reach
failure. The goal is therefor to select a range that is going to allow us to do as many reps as possible close to failure
by starting with a first rep that reflects a high enough percentage in order to accumulate as much quality volume as
possible. This is why we don’t want to go above 15: the more reps you do, the less intensity increases per rep, and the
harder it is to approach failure.

You now understand why staying around 85% is beneficial: it gives you a framework to understand what constitutes
quality work without restricting your ability to manipulate volume and intensity. If you need to promote
progression, you up the intensity, and if you want more volume, you up the reps/sets: the rule keeps your cursor in
striking zone.

If you apply this mindset, you will find that the values of volume and intensity both promote each other: you do
more reps and sets to be able to add weight on the bar, and you strive to get more reps and sets with that additional
load until you can justify another jump in weight.

This is how you apply the 85% rule to progressive overload: aim to work hard enough so that your current 85% of
perceived exhaustion becomes a 70%, then adapt the weight to go back up to 85% and slowly build back volume
until you’re back at 70% again. DO NOT do it in reverse: don’t get to 70% then keep adding more sets and reps
without touching the weight, since at this point your intensity will be lacking. People do it because it’s easier, but
training should remain hard. Since the goal is to keep our effort output around 85%, this also means that adding sets
and reps must be done conservatively. You first add reps (evolving), then sets (on the same day or another day),
then weight (step loading), always in small quantities.

EXAMPLE: You start with a 200lbs close grip bench, and you’re able to do 3 sets for 7 reps, then 6 then 5. Your goal
should be to get to a point where you can get 10 reps on your first set and still be able to get at least 6 reps on your
last set, even if a fourth one has been added. Only once you get to that point do you add more weight on the bar.

Practically, this means that you will fluctuate between high volume valleys with slightly lower intensity and low
volume valleys with slightly higher intensity, but the fluctuation is minimal compared to mesocycles, so no period of
recovery prioritization is needed (see video on deloads). This is how to apply step loading to bodybuilding.

The beauty of this method is that you never fail. With linear periodization, it will often happen that you will go up in
weight only to find out that you simply cannot hit the number of reps you are supposed to. This is 5x5 syndrome,
which often leads to plateaus, regression and frustration. With step loading, you are guaranteed to hit your reps,
because you have built up enough volume with the previous load to ensure that the next step will be successful. But
the only way to do that is to follow the 85% rule.

It is best to take two steps forward rather than three steps forward then two steps back, but it is also best to take one
step forward rather than three steps forward then two steps back, since it cultivates momentum and doesn’t breed
frustration. This takes the pressure off of you and gets you away from an "all or nothing" mindset. You want to be
adaptable to any situation and hitting 85% gives you room to accumulate volume.

EXAMPLE: If you did 10/9/8/8 on close grip bench with 200lbs, there is no way you won’t be able to get 7/6/6 with
205lbs. This is why I push evolving sets and reps so aggressively: they promote volume accumulation and intensity
progression by stabilizing the workload long enough for you to not only get used to the weight but also to get the full
benefit of it, as opposed to rushing to move on to the next number.

The more time you can spend lifting a weight that challenges you without falling outside of a relevant intensity
window, the better. This slows down strength progression but greatly enhances hypertrophy because the amount of
volume you experience is greater.

Then there is the matter of fatigue management. Even if the progression scheme is good, it will fail if the recovery
strategy attached to it isn’t on point. But before we even get to that point, it must be mentioned that the 85% rule
isn’t a training template, but a philosophy of training, which stipulates that you don’t do as much as you can:
instead, you do as much as is necessary based on your training schedule. This means that someone who trains 2x a
week will not apply the 85% rule the same way someone who trains 5x would. It is always the demand that creates
the training, and not the other way around, meaning that recovery can never be a rogue variable: if your session
leaves you unable to lift for longer than you expected, it is poor planning on your part, because you ended up
accumulating more fatigue than you could handle, at the detriment of regular stimulus. This is why frequency is key:
it’s a recovery schedule. The 85% rule will give you a good idea of what frequency schedule make sense in terms of
recovery for your needs

How the 85% rule applies to programming: if you train 2 times a week super hard, try to see if you can instead train
3 times a week by spreading the workload. This will promote volume & quality work by giving you more space for
additional reps and sets. And if you absolutely want to stick to two times a week, while this might limit your results
by reducing quality volume, it’s OK as long as make sure to do enough work to justify this recovery schedule. Your
application of the 85% rule will skew towards intensity.

This means that there exists no such thing as an optimal frequency to train a muscle: the optimal frequency is the
one that allows you to justify the amount of work you will be doing with the recovery time you’ve allocated. If you
train lats at 65% then rest 5 days until you train them again, you didn’t do enough, and if you train them at 100%
then train them again the next day, you did too much. It is possible to argue that training them at 85% then training
them again after 2/3 days is optimal, but relying on absolute numbers just makes the rule less flexible. What matters
is that the values match.

It’s all a question of balance. It’s fine to dig deep as long as you can justify it. Following this logic, you will find that
certain intensities or workloads simply cannot be justified when looking at a recovery schedule, which naturally will

What we always want to keep in mind is whether or not that extra workload we do will produce results or if we just
“train for the sake of training” If you compare someone who gives 100% three times a week, it could very well be that
this person would benefit from training five times a week at 85% instead. Even by doing similar amounts of work,
they are likely to see better results. Likewise, someone who trains 6 times a week at 70% could benefit from training
4 times a week at 90%: In the first case, they are doing more relevant work, in the second case, they are doing less
irrelevant work. In both cases, they are doing less (1st, intensity, 2nd, volume) 2 gain more. This is the 85% rule
(that I apply.)

The key is to settle on a schedule that promotes stable performance, by avoiding rep ranges that will redline the
body and require a long break to recover, as well as avoiding set selections that have you retake irrelevant weights as
this represents extra work that yields no result (see percentage lifting portion). That 15% you save with these
methods allow you to stay fresher for your upcoming sessions, and eventually make it so that you will be able to
accumulate more intensive work than people who give 100% all the time.

How do you know if you’re overtraining? Simple: you start seeing adverse effects caused directly by the superfluous
workload. Performance goes down, reps and sets go down, weight on the bar goes down. This points to the muscle
not being sufficiently recovered, meaning the work it is able to perform will also be subpar. It is different with
undertraining: it might very well be that your performance won’t suffer too much. However, you will find yourself
unable to match previous volume goals or recover fast.

This is why the 85% rule aims to keep you in a state of flow, which is the perfect balance between overtraining
(represented by anxiety) and undertraining (represented by boredom). If training is too easy you get bored and see
no results, if training is too hard you get stressed and overworked, but if it’s just hard enough, what used to be 85%
intensity soon feels like 70%, at which point you can go up in weight (step loading). As long as you follow this rule,
the question of MRV solves itself, since you will always find yourself in proximity to failure without going overboard;
and because fatigue management is connected to your progression scheme, the question of how many sets a week
you should do is also answered: the answer is enough to see results (according to 85%). This also takes care of the
junk volume issue: anything you cannot justify goes.

This is how you build work capacity which also promotes more volume and frequency: by flirting with the limit
(MRV). If possible, we always want to be as close to MRV as possible, what some call Maximum Adaptive Volume.
However, there is no point in obsessing over this value: as long as you feel fresh and see progression, you’re on the
right path. This is only for muscles we want to see grow: if you want to maintain certain body parts, Minimum
Effective Volume is enough, which often will be 30 to 40% less.

This is the Western school of training vs the Eastern school of training, “No pain no gain” vs “Flow state”. The first
promotes going hard all the time, ignoring pain and toughing it out: this creates great mental fortitude, but it also
filters the shit out of people and destroys longevity, and therefor consistency. The second promotes patience,
intelligent effort expenditure and auto-regulation, where the body dictates what the demands will be and not the
other way around (EXAMPLE: you don’t go with an arbitrary number of sets or select a weight based on what you
want to lift, you decide these variables based on what the body will need on that given day to be stimulated).

One attempts to destroy the body, the other tries to build the body. It is the now age old “Stimulate don’t annihilate”
mantra. HOWEVER, understand that this is relative, as each body part is special. There are two factors to keep in
mind: what muscle are you working, and what lifts are you using to work them. 3 sets of deadlifts to failure have a
much higher chance of redlining the body than 3 sets of curls to failure. This is explained by the scale on which the
fatigue takes place: the more muscles a lift works, the more energy it requires, the more it will tank your recovery,
and the more conservative you should be. EXAMPLE, if you do 5 hard sets of deadlifts to failure, there is a strong
chance you won’t be able to deadlift or do heavy hip hinges again for at least a full week.

This means that you accumulated an amount of fatigue that the stimulus you received cannot justify, as you will not
be building muscle throughout that week, and so are resting “for nothing.” Doing 3 moderately hard sets would still
give you plenty of stimulus and allow you to train legs against 3 days later. Always keep in mind that not all

percentages are born equal, and that intensity scales with the lift and the number of muscles it involves. EXAMPLE:
since a curl only works the biceps, you can do 4 heavy sets to failure or even 6/8 total sets and know that you will be
able to work that muscle again within 3 days, because the total amount of fatigue you accumulated is lesser.

This is what people mean when they say that small muscles recover faster: it isn’t necessarily that they somehow
possess a greater recovery ability, but rather that the exercises that train them allow for more precise fatigue
distribution and therefore a more straightforward path to recovery. If you overdo it on deads, you have to sit out any
lifts that involve the lower back, while overdoing it on curls just means you have to avoid movements that recruit the
bicep: there is no real interference, and therefor recovery is never interrupted. This is why small muscles recover
faster: because they rarely interact with other muscles. The more interaction a muscle gets, the stricter the
application of the 85% rule has to be; the less interactions, the looser you can get.

Going to failure is not needed to gain muscle, but if you can go to failure without paying an exorbitant price in terms
of recovery, do it. EXAMPLE: If going to failure on squats means you can’t train legs again for a week, don’t do it.
But if going to failure on bench doesn’t prevent you from training chest again within an acceptable timeframe, go for
it. As you can see, this is all fairly logical. The 85% rule allows you to streamline your program by giving you a
framework in which to place your training; if anything sticks out, you can consider cutting it, and if there is more
space, you can add more work. Keep in mind that this framework will grow with time, as your 85% of today is not
your 85% of tomorrow: but if you keep matching that number while moving forward, you will see great results, while
also having a security system put in place to never go overboard.

Change Log
January 2023 1.3 – added Kratos and Perfect Calisthenics Hybrid (Bald Omni-Man collab)
August 2023 1.4 – added Ultimate Hypertrophy Programs, Superman Aesthetics, and Alex Eubank Revamped Greek
God programs
1.4.1 – added forearm, abs and shoulder MASSterplans
2.0 – reformatted document, added contents page with links to program entries, grouped programs by
category, added Toji Fushiguro program, Yujio back workout and Hanayama grip guide, Superhero
Kinobody revamp, added change log
October 2023 2.1 – added 85% Rule discussion, Big Back MASSterplan
November 2023 2.2 – added Doom Slayer PPL program, re-ordered general hypertrophy/bodybuilding programs


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