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1. Write the lens maker equation for thick lens. Explain all the symbols used clearly.

2. Figure 1 below shows a 4cm thick lens along with its various measurements.
(a) Based on the figure above , state :

F1 P1 P2 F2

1.09cm 1.82 cm 6.36cm


Figure 1
(i) Back focal length, BFL
(ii) Front focal length, FFL
(iii) First principal plane, α
(iv) Second principal plane, β
(b) An object of 2cm tall was placed 10cm in front of the lens in (a) above. Find
(i) the location of the image
(ii) how tall is the image.

3. (a) The front surface of a thick lens in the air has -5.0D power and the back surface has
+10.0D power. The lens is 3cm thick and has an index of refraction of 1.50. Find
(i) equivalent power of the lens
(ii) locate the principal planes.
[ Answer : +6.0D, 3.33cm, 1.67cm]
(b ) An object of 2cm tall was placed 50cm in front of the lens in 3(a) above. Find
(i) the location of the image
(ii) how tall is the image.
[Answer : 25.98cm, 0.912cm]

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