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Social Change and Social Norms

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Social Change and Social Norms

Social change refers to transformations that occur in society, institutions, cultures, and

functions. In most cases, social change is not instant. There are slow transformations that happen

over time. Several factors trigger a social change in society. Some of these factors include

conflict, culture change, demographic change, war, advancement in technology among others. In

an effort by the above factors to disrupt the status quo in society, shift marks the first step to a

social change. On the other hand, social norms refer to unwritten rules that guide the members

of society. The informal rules that society ascribes to forms the basis of society. For years

sociologists and anthropologists have widely studied social norms intending to create an

understanding of social norm dynamics.

Ways to Make Social Change

There are several ways through which an organization can influence social change in a

community. For social change to occur, the community members are the main drivers. There are

several ways through which community members can influence social change. Social change is

not the big things that one does to influence change but the small things that bring change to

society. For an organization to influence social change in society it is advisable to start with

small acts of kindness. Doyne in Forbes Live (2018), believes that everyone can bring change in

society by doing small things of kindness. She started by helping homeless children in Himalaya

to get home and education. Today her organization is fully owned by the community members in

Nepal. The US Navy can influence social change in society by volunteering in community-based

programs such as education for children. Programs that help alleviate the social status of the

community members, the US Navy can influence social change in society.



Forbes Live. (2018). Social Disruptors: Maggie Doyne [Video]. Retrieved 3 November 2020,


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