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Social networking services (SNS) have revolutionized the way people connect, communicate, and
share information. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become integral parts of
daily life, fostering digital communities and enhancing social interactions. These online networks allow
users to create personal profiles, share status updates, photos, and videos, and engage with content through
likes, comments, and shares. Moreover, social networking sites facilitate the formation of virtual
relationships, bridging geographical gaps and enabling global communication.

The impact of SNS on society is multifaceted. On one hand, they have changed information
dissemination, allowing individuals to voice their opinions and access diverse perspectives. This has
significant implications for social movements, political activism, and cultural exchange. On the other hand,
concerns about privacy, data security, and the spread of misinformation have emerged. Social networking
platforms often collect vast amounts of personal data, raising ethical questions about user consent and data

Businesses also leverage SNS for marketing and brand promotion, tapping into the vast user base to
reach potential customers. Influencer marketing has surged, with individuals gaining significant followings
and influencing consumer behaviour. Additionally, SNS provide analytics and targeted advertising, enabling
companies to tailor their strategies to specific demographics.

Despite these advantages, the addictive nature of SNS has prompted discussions about mental health,
with studies linking excessive use to anxiety, depression, and decreased productivity. As technology
continues to evolve, the landscape of social networking services will likely undergo further transformation,
presenting both opportunities and challenges for users and society at large.

1. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. The Rise of Influencer Marketing B. The Evolution and Impact of SNS
C. Privacy Concerns in the Digital Age D. The Future of Social Media

2. The word "integral" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .

A. essential B. digital C. informal D. general

3. The word "their" in paragraph 2 refers to .

A. individuals B. perspectives C. implications D. movements

4. According to paragraph 3,
A. businesses do not use SNS for marketing
B. influencer marketing has decreased due to the rise of SNS
C. SNS provide businesses with analytics and targeted advertising
D. SNS only benefit large corporations and not small businesses

5. The word "excessive" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to .

A. too little B. too fast C. too slow D. too much

6. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. SNS only have positive impacts on society.
B. Businesses use SNS for marketing and brand promotion.
C. SNS allow users to create personal profiles.
D. Privacy and data security are concerns associated with SNS.

7. It can be inferred from the passage that .
A. SNS will remain unchanged in the future.
B. Social movements benefit from the widespread use of SNS.
C. Social networking services are only used for entertainment.
D. The negative impacts of SNS outweigh the positive impacts.

Taking education reform seriously since the 1970s, Finland has climbed the international education
ratings by doing several things: it bets on highly competent teachers, recognizes the huge importance of
early childhood education, gives local schools the autonomy to address local needs by decentralizing
administration, and guarantees a uniform and free (including meals, transportation and school materials)
education for all students. As a result, Finnish students score higher than most of their peers on international
assessment tests, despite peculiarities like having minimal homework and tests, and also a curriculum that
puts a big emphasis on music, the arts, and outdoor activities.

In its latest efforts to keep improving the curriculum and making its pupils more equipped to succeed
in the modern world, Finland has rethought the concept of a subject for its basic schools. With its new
National Curriculum Framework 2016 (NCF), Finland emphasizes the importance of a multi-disciplinary
approach to education and introduces the concept of “phenomenon-based” teaching, which will result in
classes on broader topics such as European Union, Climate Change, Community.

Phenomenon-based teaching will teach students how to apply a variety of skills and knowledge in a
single class. This approach resembles much more closely real-life problem solving and will give pupils a
clearer understanding of the complexity of the world. Schools across the country will have to introduce at
least one such class or project during the school year. One of the most innovative parts of the NCF is that
students must be involved in the planning of phenomenon-based study periods and that they must have voice
in assessing what they have learned from it.

Finland's constant efforts towards innovating and improving on its educational system is truly
commendable. As Ms Halinen, Head of curriculum development with Finnish National Board of Education,
explains: “We are often asked why improve the system that has been ranked as top quality in the world. But
the answer is: because the world is changing. We have to think and rethink everything connected to school.
We also have to understand that competencies needed in society and in working life have changed.”

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Modern education methods in Finland. B. Education reform in Finland in the past.
C. Educational problems in Finland. D. Finland's solutions to educational ranking.

2. The word "their" in paragraph 1 refers to .

A. tests B. Finnish students C. peculiarities D. activities

3. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is NOT what Finland does for their education reform?
A. It relies on very good teachers.
B. It allows local schools to make their own decision.
C. It paid slight attention to early childhood education.
D. It grants all students free education.

4. The word "concept" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to .

A. idea B. confusion C. prediction D. proof

5. According to the passage, phenomenon-based teaching helps students .

A. solve their own problems completely
B. create a project suitable for themselves
C. know how to increase their academic skills
D. have a broader perception of the real world

6. The word "constant" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to .

A. selective B. continuous C. flexible D. vital

7. According to Ms Halinen, education in Finland .
A. will always be ranked as top quality in the world
B. can change education all over the world
C. causes their schools to rethink everything
D. is always adjusted to adapt to most changes

Over the years, the United Nations has had some successes in its role of world peacemaker. It has
negotiated 172 peaceful settlements and helped to end two wars. It has also helped to show the spread of nuclear
weapons by inspecting nuclear facilities in 90 countries.

As a peacekeeper, the UN has also had a number of successes. Since 1945, UN peacekeeping forces have
been involved in 56 missions. They have supervised ceasefires and the withdrawal of troops, and they have
monitored elections. Over the years, roughly 130 nations have participated in the peacekeeping missions. In
1988, the UN peacekeeping forces received the Nobel Peace Prize. Unfortunately, member nations have been
unwilling to give UN peacekeeping forces the independence and financial support they need to be even more

In evaluating the success of the UN, it is important to keep in mind that the organization has many
functions in addition to preventing or ending wars. The United Nations is really a “family” of related
organizations, which are working to provide a better life for people everywhere. One part of the UN family is
UNICEF, an organization that provides food, medical care, and many other services to poor children wherever
they live. Thanks to the efforts of UNICEF, the immunization rate of children in developing countries has jumped
from 5 percent in 1974 to more than 80 percent today. Another part of the UN family is the World Health
Organization (WHO), which develops medical programs for people all over the world. In 1980, WHO announce
that, after 13 years of work, it had succeeded in ridding the world of the disease smallpox.

1. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Peacekeeping B. World Organizations
C. The World Problems D. United Nations’ Mission

2. The word “roughly” in the paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to .

A. finally B. equally C. precisely D. approximately

3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the UN?

A. It has helped solve some peace problems around the world.
B. UN also works to give better life to people.
C. The peacekeeping forces have become independent.
D. It has used the help of other organizations to achieve its objectives.

4. The word “it” in the paragraph 3 refers to .

A. the UN B. WHO C. smallpox D. the world

5. Which of the following is an example of the ability of the specialized agencies of the United Nations
to deal with global issues?
A. Increasing the percentage of children who are vaccinated.
B. Development of science and technology all over the world.
C. Application of new advanced techniques in space programmes.
D. Preparing to test a nuclear weapon in some areas.


- peacekeeper: người/tổ chức gìn giữ hoà bình

- peaceful settlement: sự giải quyết tranh chấp theo hướng hòa bình

- nuclear facilities: các địa điểm sản xuất vũ khí hạt nhân

- supervise: giám sát - ceasefire: sự ngừng bắn

- withdrawal: sự rút lui - monitor: theo dõi, giám sát

- be unwilling to do sth: không sẵn lòng làm gì - evaluate: đánh giá

- keep in mind that: nhớ rằng - medical care: sự chăm sóc y tế

- immunization: sự tạo miễn dịch - smallpox: bệnh đậu mùa

We get great pleasure from reading. The more advanced a man is, the greater delight he will find in
reading. The ordinary man may think that subjects like philosophy or science are very difficult and that if
philosophers and scientists read these subjects, it is not for pleasure. But this is not true. The mathematician
finds the same pleasure in his mathematics as the school boy in an adventure story. For both, it is a play of
the imagination, a mental recreation and exercise.

The pleasure derived from this activity is common to all kinds of reading. But different types of
books give us different types of pleasure. First in order of popularity is novel-reading. Novels contain
pictures of imaginary people in imaginary situations, and give us an opportunity of escaping into a new
world very much like our world and yet different from it. Here we seem to live a new life, and the
experience of this new life gives us a thrill of pleasure.

Next in order of popularity are travel books, biographies and memoirs. These tell us tales of places
we have not seen and of great men in whom we are interested. Some of these books are as wonderful as
novels, and they have an added value that they are true. Such books give us knowledge, and we also find
immense pleasure in knowing details of lands we have not seen and of great men we have only heard of.

Reading is one of the greatest enjoyments of life. To book-lovers, nothing is more fascinating than a
favourite book. And, the ordinary educated man who is interested and absorbed in his daily occupation wants
to occasionally escape from his drudgery into the wonderland of books for recreation and refreshment.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Different types of books B. Different kinds of reading
C. Reading as an exercise for the brain D. Reading as a pleasurable activity

2. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Ordinary people may think that philosophy and science are difficult.
B. Reading about mathematics is mentally entertaining for a mathematician.
C. Philosophers and scientists do not read for pleasure.
D. A more advanced person takes greater pleasure in reading.

3. The word “derived” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to .

A. differed B. established C. bought D. obtained

4. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to .

A. a new life B. our world C. an opportunity D. a thrill of pleasure

5. The word “immense” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to .

A. great B. limited C. personal D. controlled

6. According to the passage, travel books, biographies and memoirs .

A. are wonderful novels B. tell stories of well-known places
C. are less popular than novels D. are more valuable than novels

7. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is the most fascinating to book- lovers?
A. A daily occupation B. An ordinary educated man
C. The wonderland D. A favourite book


advanced - tiên tiến delight - sự thích thú

ordinary - thông thường recreation - giải trí

philosopher - triết gia occupation – công việc

pleasure - niềm vui imagination - trí tưởng tượng

activity - hoạt động popularity - sự phổ biến

thrill - sự phấn khích biographies - tiểu sử

memoir - hồi ký absorbed- mải mê

fascinating - hấp dẫn drudgery - công việc cực nhọc


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