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Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749


A Review on the Safety of Using JAK Inhibitors

in Dermatology: Clinical and Laboratory Monitoring
Christeen Samuel . Hannah Cornman . Anusha Kambala .
Shawn G. Kwatra

Received: October 31, 2022 / Accepted: January 17, 2023 / Published online: February 15, 2023
Ó The Author(s) 2023

ABSTRACT compared with no events to 0.5–1.2% in the

placebo. The rates of serious infections were
Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors are disease-modi- 0.4–4.8% compared with no events to 0.5–1.3%
fying agents with efficacy in treating a spectrum in the placebo. The rates of nonmelanoma skin
of burdensome dermatologic conditions. The cancer (NMSC) ranged from no event to
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 0.6–0.9% compared with no events in the pla-
recently placed a black box warning on this cebo. The rates of non-NMSC ranged from no
class of medications due to safety concerns event to 0.2–0.7% compared with no event to
based on data from studies investigating tofac- 0.6% in the placebo. Most patients who devel-
itinib in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. oped these adverse events had risk factors for
Here we provide an overview of the timeline of the specific event. The most common adverse
FDA approval of JAK inhibitors in dermatology. events of oral JAK inhibitors included upper
We also discuss the available safety profiles of respiratory infections, nasopharyngitis, nausea,
approved oral JAK1 inhibitors, namely abroci- headache, and acne. Dermatologists should
tinib and upadacitinib, oral baricitinib, a JAK1/2 consider patients’ baseline risk factors for
inhibitor, deucravacitinib, a Tyk2 inhibitor, and developing serious complications when pre-
the topical JAK1/2 inhibitor ruxolitinib in der- scribing oral JAK inhibitors.
matology patients. Additionally, we offer sug-
gestions for initial screening and laboratory
monitoring for patients receiving JAK inhibi- Keywords: Janus kinase; Alopecia areata;
tors. We found that the rates of venous throm- Atopic dermatitis; Chronic pruritus; Vitiligo;
boembolism reported in trials ranged from no Psoriasis; Itch; Eczema
events to 0.1–0.5% in dermatology-specific
phase 3 clinical trials compared with no events
in the placebo. The rates of cardiovascular
events ranged from no events to 0.4–1.2%

C. Samuel  H. Cornman  A. Kambala 

S. G. Kwatra (&)
Department of Dermatology, Johns Hopkins School
of Medicine, Cancer Research Building II, Suite 206,
1550 Orleans Street, Baltimore, MD 21231, USA
730 Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749

to the nucleus, thereby inducing expression of

Key Summary Points key mediators of inflammation and cancer
(Fig. 1). There is a considerable redundancy
Oral Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors had low built in this system as there are over 50 cytoki-
rates of venous thromboembolism, major nes and only four JAKs, namely JAK1, JAK2,
adverse cardiovascular events, and JAK3, and Tyk2 (Table 1) [2]. The JAK-STAT
malignancy compared with similarly low pathway is, thereby, featured in several con-
rates in the placebo in their use in clinical vergent immunologic mechanisms, which
trials in dermatology. impacts its capacity for selectivity [3].

Most patients who developed serious

Mechanism of Action and Clinical Utility
adverse events had risk factors specific to
of JAK Inhibitors
the event.
The most common treatment emergent Small-molecule therapies that inhibit JAK pro-
adverse events observed in C 5% of teins have emerged as efficacious treatment
patients on oral JAK inhibitors included options in rheumatic and dermatologic diseases
upper respiratory tract infection, (Fig. 1) [4]. JAK inhibitors exhibit anti-inflam-
nasopharyngitis, nausea, headache, and matory effects through suppressing cytokine
acne. production involved in Th1, Th2, Th17, and
A comprehensive evaluation of a patient’s Th22 immune pathways (Fig. 2) [5]. This
baseline risk factors for complications and mechanism contrasts with that of biological
comorbid diseases is critical in assessing disease modifying antirheumatic drugs
the net benefit of JAK inhibitors on a case- (bDMARDs), which are monoclonal antibodies
by-case basis. targeted against only one or two specific

Table 1 JAK proteins and their cytokines

JAK Cytokines
JAK1 IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-7, IL-9, IL-10, IL-11, IL-
What are Janus Kinases and Their 15, IL-19, IL-20, IL-21, IL-22, IL-27, LIF,
Pathophysiology? OSM, IFN-alpha, IFN-beta, IFN-gamma
JAK2 IL-3, IL-5, IL-6, IL-11, IL-12, IL-23, IL-27,
Janus kinase proteins were historically named
GM-CSF, LIF, OSM, erythropoietin,
after the Greek god of gateways due to their
intracellular association with membrane recep- thrombopoietin, leptin, growth hormone
tors. The Janus kinase-signal transducer and JAK3 IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, IL-21
activator of transcription (JAK-STAT) pathway
Tyk2 IL-6, IL-10, IL-11, IL-12, IL-19, IL-20, IL-21,
serves a focal point in vital cellular processes
with its rapid membrane-to-nucleus signaling IL-22, IL-23, IL-27, LIF, OSM, IFN-alpha,
paradigm. Its dysregulation is associated with IFN-beta,
inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. JAK Janus kinase, IL interleukin, LIF leukemia inhibitory
Numerous cytokines, including interleukins factor, OSM oncostatin M IFN interferon, EPO erythro-
(ILs) and interferons (IFNs), growth factors, and poietin, G-CSF granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, GH
colony-stimulating factors act as ligands to growth hormone, GM-CSF granulocyte–macrophage col-
cytokine receptors associated with intracellular ony-stimulating factor, TPO thrombopoietin, Tyk2 tyr-
JAKs (Table 1) [1]. This process involves the osine kinase 2
activation of STAT proteins, which translocate
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749 731

Fig. 1 Inhibition of the JAK-STAT pathway and selec- PV polycythemia vera, MF myelofibrosis, GvHD graft-
tivity of various JAK inhibitors. PsoA psoriatic arthritis, versus-host disease. *Topical ruxolitinib is FDA approved
RA rheumatoid arthritis, UC ulcerative colitis, AD atopic for AD and vitiligo only
dermatitis, AA alopecia areata, AS ankylosing spondylitis,

cytokines, such as an IL-17 inhibitor. JAK inhi- of JAK inhibitors to treat this gamut of derma-
bitors can work rapidly within hours in a topical tologic patients.
formulation [6] and within days in oral formu-
lation [7]. Some patients with dermatologic Use of JAK Inhibitors in Dermatology Over
conditions, such as atopic dermatitis (AD), are Time
either partially responsive or unresponsive to
existing therapies, with only about 40% Alopecia areata (AA)
achieving clear or almost clear skin [8–10]. Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune der-
While some patients prefer non-injectable ther- matosis characterized by immunologic attack of
apies, others may have multiple autoinflam- hair follicles. Preclinical evidence highlights the
matory comorbidities that can be concurrently involvement of the JAK1/2 pathways in the
managed by a JAK inhibitor. Some patients also inflammatory response around hair follicles
prefer intermittent therapy, have unique disease [11]. Previous studies found that tofacitinib was
endotypes or severe disease, or prefer more effective in treating AA, but it did not have a
rapidly acting agents, which is more amenable durable response [12]. More recently, oral
to treatment with oral JAK inhibitors. Derma- baricitinib, a JAK1/2 inhibitor, was approved by
tologists can, therefore, leverage the versatility the FDA for the treatment of severe AA (Fig. 3a).
732 Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749

Fig. 2 JAK inhibitors targeting common immune pathways

Vitiligo Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an autoimmune dermatosis charac-
Vitiligo is an acquired, autoimmune disorder terized by epidermal hyperplasia [15, 16].
that causes patchy skin depigmentation. It Although tofacitinib was approved by the FDA
involves JAK1/2 receptors in the interferon for psoriatic arthritis, it was not similarly
gamma chemokine pathway (Fig. 2) [13]. Topi- approved for psoriasis because it requires rela-
cal ruxolitinib 1.5% cream was approved by the tively higher doses for achieving clear skin [17].
FDA for the treatment of vitiligo in 2022. Other studies found that JAK1 and Tyk2 are
Ongoing studies (NCT03715829) are examining preferentially involved in the development of
the efficacy of ritlecitinib (PF-06651600), an chronic plaque psoriasis [18]. Promising evi-
inhibitor of JAK3 and tyrosine kinase expressed dence in clinical trials (NCT02969018) of a
in the hepatocellular carcinoma (TEC) kinase selective Tyk2 inhibitor, deucravacitinib, and a
family, in the treatment of vitiligo [14]. JAK1/Tyk2 inhibitor demonstrated efficacy in
treating moderate to severe psoriasis [19, 20].
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749 733

Fig. 3 a Timeline of FDA approval of JAK inhibitors in dermatology. b Timeline of milestones facilitating the use of JAK
Inhibitors in chronic pruritic dermatoses

Deucravacitinib was recently approved by the of chronic pruritic dermatoses (CPDs) began
FDA in 2022. over a decade ago. In 2011, Nakagawa et al.
revealed preclinical evidence of the ability of a
Chronic Pruritic Dermatoses (CPDs) pan-JAK inhibitor to attenuate both the Th1
Recognition of the utility of JAK inhibitors as a and Th2 pathways in mice with AD skin lesions
promising therapeutic option for the treatment (Fig. 3b) [21]. JAK inhibitors soon garnered
734 Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749

significant attention with tofacitinib, an inhi- also mandated further long-term safety data as
bitor of JAK1/2/3, which entered phase 2 trials part of the ORAL Surveillance study, which
(NCT02001181) for AD in 2013 and was effec- compared the safety profiles of tofacitinib with
tive in treating recalcitrant AD in six patients in anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNFi) therapy in
a clinical setting in 2015 [22–25] . In 2021, the older patients with RA and cardiovascular risk
FDA approved ruxolitinib 1.5% cream, a JAK1/2 factors. This study found that risks of cancers,
inhibitor, as the first drug in this class for the VTE, and major adverse cardiovascular events
treatment of AD (Fig. 3B). JAK1 inhibitors, such (MACE; cardiovascular death, nonfatal
as upadacitinib and abrocitinib, exhibit com- myocardial infarction, and stroke) were higher
bined anti-inflammatory and anti-itch proper- with tofacitinib compared with TNFi in patients
ties. A timeline of the pathway of JAK inhibitors with similar baseline comorbidities [36]. These
in CPDs is displayed in Fig. 3B [26–28]. results impacted the FDA’s decision to place a
Ongoing trials are investigating several JAK black box warning on all approved JAK inhibi-
inhibitors in treating a variety of CPDs, given tors in 2021, which did not include the novel
the detrimental effects of chronic itch in the Tyk2 inhibitors such as deucravacitinib.
health-related quality of life of a number of Post hoc analyses of the ORAL Surveillance
conditions [29]. Gusacitinib, a pan JAK-SYK study demonstrate that baseline risk factors,
(spleen tyrosine kinase) inhibitor, was recently such as a history of VTE, hypertension, or
granted a Fast Track designation by the FDA for coronary artery disease (CAD), age [ 65 years,
the treatment of chronic hand eczema. In smoking, and hormone replacement therapy/
addition, topical delgocitinib, another pan-JAK oral contraceptive use, significantly increase the
inhibitor, entered clinical trials (NCT03826901, risk of VTE or MACE in patients on JAK inhibi-
NCT03683719) for chronic hand eczema in tors [39, 40]. Hazard ratios (HRs) of MACE in
both pediatric and adult patients [30, 31]. Fur- tofacitinib-treated patients (25/333, 7.5%) with
thermore, similar to AD, the pathogenesis of a history of CAD was 1.56 compared with TNFi-
prurigo nodularis (PN) involves Th2- and Th17/ treated patients (8/164, 4.8%). Likewise, the HR
Th22-mediated inflammation, which can both of VTE was 1.34 in tofacitinib-treated patients
be attenuated through JAK inhibition [32–34]. (8/333, 2.4%) with a history of CAD compared
Other phase 2 studies (NCT05038982, with TNFi-treated patients (3/164, 1.8%). The
NCT05061693) are examining the role of HR of malignancy was 1.38 in tofacitinib-trea-
abrocitinib and INCB054707 in the treatment of ted patients (21/333, 6.3%) with a history of
prurigo nodularis (PN) and chronic pruritus of CAD compared with TNFi-treated patients (8/
unknown origin [35]. Thus, the therapeutic 164, 4.8%). On the other hand, additional post-
armamentarium for chronic pruritus is rapidly hoc exploratory analyses found that any abso-
expanding and offers promise in enhancing the lute MACE risk excess was low among patients
management of these conditions. without a history of atherosclerotic cardiovas-
cular disease in the tofacitinib 5 mg (mg) twice
daily (30/1251, 2.4%) compared with TNF-i (28/
SAFETY AND TOLERABILITY OF JAK 1237, 2.3%) treatment groups [41]. When eval-
INHIBITORS uating the results of this study, it is important
to consider whether some of the risk is related
Why Did the FDA Place a Black to the cohort’s underlying RA, which alone is
Box Warning on JAK Inhibitors? associated with MACE, VTE, and malignancy
Safety concerns, such as the risk for venous These findings have stimulated discussions
thromboembolism (VTE), have recently regarding the risk–benefit ratio of using various
emerged in the post-marketing studies of JAK inhibitors, which have been recently
tofacitinib in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) [36–38]. approved by the FDA for dermatologic condi-
These findings prompted the FDA to place tions. The target population in dermatology
boxed warning to tofacitinib label in 2019. They includes patients with AD, AA, and vitiligo, who
Table 2 Summary of adverse events in phase 3 clinical trials of FDA-approved JAK Inhibitors in dermatology
Author/clinical Dermatologic Study Study intervention (N) Adjudicated Adjudicated Serious Malignancy, Malignancy, Death (n,
trial condition duration adverse venous infection NMSC (n, non-NMSC %)
cardiovascular thromboembolism (n, %) %) (n, %)
events (n, %) (n, %)

2020/Simpson Atopic 12 weeks Abrocitinib 100 mg 0 0 Not 0 0 0

et al. JADE dermatitis (n = 156) reported
MONO-1 [28] Abrocitinib 200 mg 0 0 0 0 0
(n = 154)
Placebo (n = 77) 0 0 0 0 0
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749

2020/Silverberg Atopic 12 weeks Abrocitinib 100 mg 1 (0.6) 0 3 (1.9) 0 0 1 (0.6)

et al. JADE dermatitis (n = 155)
MONO-2 [48] Abrocitinib 200 mg 0 0 0 0 0 0
(n = 158)
Placebo (n = 78) 0 0 1 (1.3) 0 0 0
2021/Blauvelt Atopic 40 weeks Abrocitinib 100 mg Not reported 1 (0.5) 2 (0.8) Not reported Not reported Not
et al. JADE dermatitis (n = 200) reported
REGIMEN Abrocitinib 200 mg 0 5 (1.9)
[56] (n = 200)
Placebo (n = 200) 0 2 (0.7)
2020/Guttman- Atopic 16 weeks Upadacitinib 7.5 mg 0 0 2 (4.8) 0 0 0
Yassky et al. dermatitis (n = 42)
[49] Upadacitinib 15 mg 0 0 1 (2.4) 0 0 0
(n = 42)
Upadacitinib 30 mg 0 0 0 0 0 0
(n = 42)
Placebo (n = 41) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 2 continued
Author/clinical Dermatologic Study Study intervention (N) Adjudicated Adjudicated Serious Malignancy, Malignancy, Death (n,
trial condition duration adverse venous infection NMSC (n, non-NMSC %)
cardiovascular thromboembolism (n, %) %) (n, %)
events (n, %) (n, %)

2021/Guttman- Atopic 16 weeks Upadacitinib 15 mg 1(0.4) 0 2 (0.7) 1 (0.4) 0 0

Yassky et al. dermatitis (n = 281)
(MEASURE Upadacitinib 30 mg 0 0 2 (0.7) 0 2 (0.7) 0
UP-1) [50] (n = 285)
Placebo (n = 281) 0 0 0 0 0 0
2021/Guttman- Atopic 16 weeks Upadacitinib 15 mg 0 0 1 (0.4) 2 (0.7) 0 0
Yassky et al. dermatitis (n = 276)
(MEASURE Upadacitinib 30 mg 0 0 2 (0.7) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 0
UP-2) [50] (n = 282)
Placebo (N = 278) 0 0 2 (0.7) 0 0 0
2021/Reich et al. Atopic 16 weeks Upadacitinib 0 0 3 (1.0) 0 0 0
(AD Up) [64] dermatitis 15 mg ? corticosteroids
(n = 300)
Upadacitinib 0 0 0 1 (0.3) 1 (0.3) 0
30 mg ? corticosteroids
(n = 297)
Placebo ? corticosteroids 0 0 3 (1.0) 0 0 0
(n = 304)
2022/Simpson Atopic 52 weeks Upadacitinib 15 mg 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) 21 (2.6) 4 (0.5) 2 (0.3) 0
et al. [27] dermatitis (n = 797)
Upadacitinib 30 mg 0 1 (0.1) 35 (4.3) 4 (0.5) 5 (0.6) 1 (0.1)
(n = 811)
2022/King et al. Alopecia areata 36 weeks Baricitinib 2 mg (n = 183) 1(0.5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(BRAAVE-1) Baricitinib 4 mg (n = 270) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Placebo (n = 189) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749
Table 2 continued
Author/clinical Dermatologic Study Study intervention (N) Adjudicated Adjudicated Serious Malignancy, Malignancy, Death (n,
trial condition duration adverse venous infection NMSC (n, non-NMSC %)
cardiovascular thromboembolism (n, %) %) (n, %)
events (n, %) (n, %)

2022/King et al. Alopecia areata 36 weeks Baricitinib 2 mg (n = 155) 0 0 2 (1.3) 0 1 (0.6) 0

(BRAAVE-2) Baricitinib 4 mg (n = 233) 0 0 1 (0.4) 0 0 0
Placebo (n = 154) 0 0 0 0 1 (0.6) 0
2022/Armstrong Psoriasis 52 weeks Deucravacitinib 6 mg 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 6 (1.1) 2 (0.4) 2 (0.4) 0
et al. POETYK (n = 531)
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749

PSO-1 [54] Apremilast 30 mg 2 (1.2) 0 3 (1.8) 0 0 0

(n = 168)
Placebo (n = 165) 2 (1.2) 0 1 (0.6) 0 0 1 (0.6)
2022/Strober Psoriasis 52 weeks Deucravacitinib 6 mg 2 (0.4) 1 (0.1) 11 (2.0) 5 (0.9) 1 (0.2) 0
et al. POETYK (n = 833)
PSO-2 [55] Apremilast 30 mg 1 (0.9) 0 1 (0.9) 1 (0.9) 1 (0.9) 0
(n = 254)
Placebo (n = 501) 1 (0.5) 0 1 (0.5) 0 0 0
738 Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749

tend to be younger and with fewer comorbidi- abrocitinib had 1/155 (0.6%) MACE during the
ties compared with patients with RA. A large- trials compared with no events in the placebo
scale cohort study reported that chronic (Table 2) [28, 48]. Sudden cardiac death was
inflammatory skin diseases, including AD, AA, reported in a patient who had aortic valve
psoriasis, and vitiligo, were not associated with sclerosis and untreated hypertension 3 weeks
increased incidence of VTE after controlling for after discontinuation of the 100-mg dose of
VTE risk factors [46]. Other studies in AD have abrocitinib in the JADE MONO-2 study. Simi-
shown that it was not associated with an larly, in trials investigating upadacitinib (MEA-
increased risk of VTE [47]. Collectively, these SURE UP-1/2), 1/797 patients (0.1%) had a
results illustrate the importance of placing the myocardial infarction related to coronavirus
safety data of JAK inhibitors within the context disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the 30-mg group
of the underlying risk in the respective disease (Table 2) [49, 50]. This patient was in their 60s
populations. In this review, we discuss the and had relevant risk factors, including uncon-
safety profiles of oral JAK inhibitors, namely trolled hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus,
abrocitinib, baricitinib, deucravacitinib, and obesity, and hypercholesterolemia.
upadacitinib, and topical ruxolitinib in pivotal
phase 3 clinical trials. Topical JAK Inhibitors There was no adjudi-
cated MACE in patients with AD treated with
ruxolitinib cream. Topical ruxolitinib in AD was
METHODS associated with a mean steady-state plasma
concentration that was significantly below the
The Medline database was searched via PubMed level expected for systemic effects [51].
to identify articles on clinical trials of various
JAK inhibitors in dermatology. We focused on
data regarding the contextual timeline of FDA-
In a phase 3 clinical trial, 1/183 patients (0.5%)
approved JAK inhibitors as well as their safety
had a myocardial infarction in the baricitinib
profiles published from November 2011 to
2-mg group with 0/270 in the 4-mg group
October 2022. Search terms included ‘‘phase 3
compared with no events in the placebo [52].
trials’’ AND ‘‘atopic dermatitis’’ OR ‘‘alopecia
The patient was 48 years old with the following
areata’’ OR ‘‘psoriasis’’ OR ‘‘vitiligo’’ AND
risk factors: tobacco use, obesity, atrial fibrilla-
‘‘abrocitinib’’ OR ‘‘upadacitinib’’ OR ‘‘ruxoli-
tion, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia.
tinib’’ OR ‘‘baricitinib’’ OR ‘‘deucravacitinib.’’
Inclusion criteria included phase 3 randomized
control clinical trials in dermatology patients as Vitiligo
well as follow-up data to phase 3 trials. Exclu- Trials reported a consistent incidence of 0.3%
sion criteria included non-dermatology patient (1/311, 1/326) in ruxolitinib-treated patients
populations and phase 1 and phase 2 clinical compared with 0/109 in placebo, with one
trials. Assessment of retrieved references as well patient developing myocarditis and another
as input and suggestions from clinical experts developing coronary artery stenosis, both of
were used as the foundation of this narrative which were deemed unrelated to treatment
review. This article is based on previously con- [53].
ducted studies and does not contain any new
studies with human participants or animals Psoriasis
performed by any of the authors. The rates of MACE were 1/531 (0.2%) and 2/833
(0.4%) in deucravacitinib compared with 2/168
MACE (1.2%) and 1/501 (0.5%) in the placebo in two
phase 3 trials [54, 55]. One patient receiving
deucravacitinib experienced non-ST elevation
myocardial infarction. Other MACEs included
Oral JAK Inhibitors In phase 3 clinical trials
heart failure and cerebrovascular accident.
on abrocitinib (JADE MONO-1 and MONO-2),
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749 739

VTE Malignancy

The rates of VTE were very rare, namely 0/310 There were no reported events of nonmelanoma
and 1/200 (0.5%) compared with no events in skin cancer (NMSC) in the abrocitinib phase 3
the placebo in phase 3 trials of abrocitinib with trials, whereas the incidence rates in upadaci-
one patient having a nonfatal retinal vein tinib trials ranged from 0.4% to 0.7% in
thrombosis, leading to discontinuation of upadacitinib 15 mg and no event to 0.5% in
abrocitinib 100-mg dose in one study (Table 2) upadacitinib 30 mg compared with no events in
[56]. In follow-up data collected over a longer the placebo [27, 28, 50]. In addition, there were
duration of 52 weeks, 2/1608 patients had an no events of non-NMSC malignancy in abroci-
adjudicated VTE in upadacitinib-treated groups tinib phase 3 trials and upadacitinib trials in
accounting for an overall incidence of 0.1% patients receiving the 15 mg dose for 16 weeks,
[27]. These included one patient in their 40s whereas the rates of non-NMSC ranged from
with a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prior to 0.3% to 0.7% in upadacitinib 30 mg groups
upadacitinib therapy, who developed a new one compared with no events in the placebo. The
while on upadacitinib 15 mg. Another case was exposure-adjusted event rate of malignant
a pulmonary embolism related to COVID-19, neoplasm in follow-up data was 0.6/100 patient
which is associated with VTE, in a patient in years (PYs) with upadacitinib 15 mg and 0.9/
their 70s taking upadacitinib 30 mg [57]. Both 100 PYs with upadacitinib 30 mg [27]. Non-
events were reported to be unrelated to treat- melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) was the most
ment. These results are consistent with a meta- reported malignancy occurring in 4/797 (0.5%)
analysis of two cohort studies and 15 random- and 4/811 (0.5%) patients on upadacitinib
ized control trials with a total of 466, 993 par- 15 mg and 30 mg, respectively, compared with
ticipants, which concluded that patients with no event in the placebo over a 52-week period.
AD on JAK inhibitors did not have an increased In a total of 1608 patients treated with
risk of VTE [47]. Specifically, 3/5,722 patients upadacitinib, other non-NMSC malignancies
with AD (0.05%) who were treated with JAK were noted: breast cancer (n = 1), gastric cancer
inhibitors experienced VTE compared with (n = 1), and anal cancer (n = 1) (Table 2). In two
1/3065 patients with AD (0.03%) receiving pla- large cohort studies conducted in England and
cebo or dupilumab (Mantel–Haenszel risk dif- Denmark, AD was associated with an increased
ference, 0; 95% CI 0–0). risk of lymphoma, especially non-Hodgkin
lymphoma [58]. There was no evidence of
AA increased baseline risk of most other cancers in
In a 36-week treatment period, there were no AD, however.
adjudicated VTE in AA patients receiving baric-
itinib [52]. AA
The incidence of malignancy was 0/183 and
Psoriasis 1/155 (0.6%) in AA patients compared with
The rates of VTE in deucravacitinib-treated 1/154 (0.6%) in placebo [52]. One baricitinib-
patients were 1/531 (0.2%) and 1/833 (0.1%) treated patient developed B-cell lymphoma, and
compared with no events in the placebo one receiving placebo had prostate cancer.
[54, 55]. One patient was a 48-year-old male
with history of smoking and hypertension, who Psoriasis
developed an acute ascending aortic dissection Rates of NMSC were 2/531 (0.4%) and 5/833
complicated by a pulmonary artery thrombus. (0.9%) among deucravacitinib-treated patients
Another patient developed a radial artery compared with no events in the placebo
thrombosis in the setting of an infection for [54, 55]. Three patients had basal cell carcinoma
which he needed intravenous antibiotics. and two had squamous cell carcinoma in the
740 Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749

deucravacitinib group. Rates of non-NMSC were AA

2/531 (0.4%) and 1/833 (0.2%) in deucravaci- The incidence of serious infections in patients
tinib compared with no events in the placebo. with AA was 0–1.4% and 0–0.4% in the barici-
The following malignancies were noted: Hodg- tinib 2 mg and 4 mg groups, respectively, com-
kin’s lymphoma (n = 1), breast cancer (n = 1), pared with no events in the placebo [52]. One of
and hepatocellular carcinoma (n = 1). These 155 patients (0.6%) developed COVID-19
rates are lower than the background rates pre- pneumonia, and 2/388 (0.5%) had
viously reported in psoriasis in the MarketScan pyelonephritis in the baricitinib-treated groups.
studies [59].
Serious Infection Rates of serious infections were 6/531 (1.1%)
and 11/833 (2%) in deucravacitinib compared
AD with 1/165 (0.6%) and 1/501 (0.5%) in the pla-
Oral JAK Inhibitors In the JADE trials with cebo [54, 55]. Community-acquired pneumonia
abrocitinib, the rates of serious infections ran- was the most common serious infection,
ged from 0.8% to 1.9% for abrocitinib 100 mg occurring in 3/833 (0.4%) of patients on deu-
and no events to 1.9% in abrocitinib 200 mg cravacitinib compared with no events in the
compared with 0.7–1.3% in the placebo placebo.
(Table 2) [28, 48, 56]. Adverse events pertinent
to treatment were reported for 2/155 patients in
the 100 mg group: herpangina, and pneumonia.
Both instances required treatment cessation. In OF JAK INHIBITORS
comparison, 2/200 patients had a serious
infection, namely eczema herpeticum and Infections
staphylococcal infection, while receiving the
placebo. Pooled analysis of trials on abrocitinib AD
did not reveal a significant difference in serious Oral JAK Inhibitors JAK inhibitors may dam-
adverse events between either dose of abroci- pen the immune response, thereby theoretically
tinib and the placebo (p [ 0.05) [60]. Further- impacting host defense against pathogens. The
more, serious infections were reported in 1/281 most frequently reported ([ 5% of patients)
(0.4%), 1/42 (2.4%), and 21/797 (2.6%) receiv- infections include upper respiratory tract infec-
ing 15 mg upadacitinib and in 2/285 (0.7%) and tions (URIs) and nasopharyngitis. The incidence
35/811 (4.3%) receiving 30 mg upadacitinib rates of URIs in various clinical trials on abroc-
compared with none or 2/278 (0.7%) in placebo itinib and upadacitinib in patients with AD
[27, 50]. The most common serious infection in were 7–9% and 6–13%, compared with 4–5%
upadacitinib-treated groups overall was pneu- and 4–7% in placebo, respectively [28, 48, 50].
monia in Measure Up-1 and eczema herpeticum However, pooled analysis of four phase 3 trials
in Measure Up-2. The presence of eczema her- did not find a statistically significant difference
peticum with upadacitinib and placebo treat- between the abrocitinib-treated groups and
ments in AD and not in other disease placebo (p [ 0.05) [60]. In addition, the pro-
indications may be due to the underlying asso- portion of patients reporting nasopharyngitis
ciation of this event with AD [61]. was up to 15% (23/156) and 12% (33/285), in
the abrocitinib-treated and upadacitinib-treated
Topical JAK Inhibitors Two trials in AD report groups compared with 6–10% and 5–6% in
1/999 patients developing an abscess on the placebo, respectively [28, 50, 63]. Of note,
lower extremity that was deemed unrelated to pooled analysis of trials on abrocitinib did not
treatment with ruxolitinib cream [62]. find a statistically significant difference in
nasopharyngitis risk between the abrocitinib-
treated groups and the placebo [60].
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749 741

Herpes simplex was reported more fre- treated groups. It occurred in 5/270 patients
quently in patients with AD receiving upadaci- (1.8%) in the baricitinib 4 mg group compared
tinib (3.3–7.7% compared with 1.7% in with 4/189 patients (2.1%) in the placebo in
placebo) than those on abrocitinib (0–2% in BRAAVE-AA1. It occurred in 8/154 patients
abrocitinib compared with 1.8% in placebo) (5.2%) in the placebo compared with 6/155
[28, 50, 63, 64]. Herpes zoster was less common patients (3.9%) and 2/233 patients (0.9%) in the
than herpes simplex, with rates of 1.3% in baricitinib 2 mg and 4 mg, respectively. Herpes
abrocitinib 200 mg and no event to 0.6% in zoster was less common, with an incidence rate
abrocitinib 100 mg compared with no events in of 0.5–1.9% compared with around 0.5% in
the placebo. In addition, the rates of herpes placebo. TB activation was not reported in
zoster over a 16-week period were 1.8–2.2% in baricitinib-treated patients.
upadacitinib 15 mg and 1.1–2.1% in upadaci-
tinib 30 mg compared with 0–0.7% in the pla- Vitiligo
cebo. The risk of herpes zoster was slightly Nasopharyngitis occurred in 9/221 (4.1%) and
higher in follow-up data over 52 weeks, with 10/228 (4.4%) in ruxolitinib-treated patients
rates of 3.5–3.7% in upadacitinib 15 mg and compared with 4/109 (3.7%) and 1/115 (0.9%)
5.2–5.6% in upadacitinib 30 mg with no pla- in placebo [53].
cebo data reported in the follow-up study.
Additionally, tuberculosis (TB) reactivation was Psoriasis.
not reported in either abrocitinib- or upadaci- Rates of URIs and nasopharyngitis were 21/322
tinib-treated patients in 12- and 16-week study (6.3%) each in deucravacitinib compared with
periods, respectively. 6/165 (3.6%) and 7/165 (4.2%) in placebo
[54, 55]. Herpes zoster was uncommon, occur-
Topical JAK Inhibitors Infections, including ring in 5/322 (1.2%) of patients compared with
URIs and nasopharyngitis were less common none in the placebo.
(\ 3%) in patients receiving topical ruxolitinib
[6]. Studies have demonstrated a relatively low
Gastrointestinal Disorders
bioavailability of ruxolitinib cream, which
allows for enhanced targeted delivery of the
active drug to AD skin lesions [65]. AD
The most common gastrointestinal side effect
was nausea. It was reported in 14/156 (9%) in
abrocitinib 100 mg, 31/154 (20%) in abrocitinib
Common infections in baricitinib-treated
200 mg, and 2/77 (3%) in placebo [28]. Meta-
patients included URI and urinary tract infec-
analysis of four trials on abrocitinib revealed
tions. Two trials found similar incidence rates of
that the 100 mg and 200 mg doses were associ-
patients developing a URI in the baricitinib-
ated with a higher incidence of nausea than
treated and placebo groups (4.9–7.7% versus
placebo (RR 2.83; 95% CI 1.26, 6.35) (RR 6.98;
5.3–7.3% in the placebo group) [52]. Further-
95% CI 3.27, 14.92), respectively [60]. The
more, the frequency of nasopharyngitis in
median duration of nausea was reported to be
patients with AA was 7.5% in the baricitinib-
13 days in the abrocitinib 100 mg group and
treated patients compared with 4.5–6.6% in the
39 days in the 200 mg group in the JADE
placebo groups [52]. Another side effect was
MONO-1 trials [28]. A higher frequency of
urinary tract infection, which was reported in
patients reported nausea with 2.4% in the
11/155 patients (4.7%) and 12/233 patients
15 mg upadacitinib group and 7.1% in the
(7.7%) in the baricitinib 2 mg and 4 mg groups,
30 mg group versus 2.5% in placebo [63].
respectively, compared with 2/154 patients
Another gastrointestinal side effect was diar-
(1.3%) in the placebo group in the BRAVE-AA2
rhea, which was reported in \ 7% of patients on
upadacitinib and abrocitinib with a higher rate
The incidence of herpes simplex was higher
of 9.1% in patients on 200 mg abrocitinib [63].
in the placebo groups than the baricitinib-
742 Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749

AA Dermatologic Side Effects

GI disorders were not reported among the
common adverse events in patients with AA AD
receiving baricitinib [52]. Oral JAK Inhibitors
The most common dermatologic adverse events
Psoriasis were acne and atopic dermatitis. In the abroci-
Nausea and diarrhea had an incidence of 7/322 tinib trials, acne was recorded in \ 2% of
(2.1%) and 13/322 (3.9%), respectively, com- patients on the 100 mg dose and in 4.7–5.8% of
pared with 4/165 (2.4%) and 6/165 (3.6%) in patients on the 200 mg dose [28, 63]. It was
the placebo [54, 55]. reported in 3.6% of patients on the 30 mg
upadacitinib with \ 1.5% in the 15 mg group. It
Neurological Disorders had a much higher frequency in the upadaci-
tinib-treated group with a range of 4.8–17%
AD observed in various trials [63]. Post hoc inte-
Headaches were the most common neurologic grated analysis of three phase 3 randomized
side effect. It was reported in 12/156 (8%) in trials of upadacitinib, alone or in combination
abrocitinib 100 mg, 15/154 (10%) in 200 mg, with topical corticosteroids found that acne
and 2/77 (3%) in placebo groups. Pooled anal- associated with upadacitinib for AD treatment is
ysis of abrocitinib did not report a difference usually mild/moderate in severity and can be
between the 100 mg abrocitinib group and the managed with topical therapies or no inter-
placebo. However, the 200 mg group was asso- ventions [66]. It was more frequent among
ciated with a higher incidence of headache than younger, female, and non-white patients. It also
the placebo (RR 2.22; 95% CI 1.18, 4.16) [60]. In required no intervention in 40.5% and 46.6% of
the JADE MONO-1 study, the headaches were patients receiving upadacitinib 15 and 30 mg,
relatively short-lived with a mean duration of respectively. The remaining patients were trea-
4 days in the abrocitinib 100 mg group and ted with topical antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide,
3 days in the 200 mg group [28]. They were mild and/or retinoids.
and short in duration (median \ 1 day). In AD was reported as a side effect in 14% of
comparison, 5–9.5% of patients on upadacitinib patients on abrocitinib 100 mg and in 5% of
reported headaches versus 2.5–5.5% in the pla- patients on the 200 mg dose versus 17% in the
cebo [63]. placebo [28]. Pooled analysis did not report a
difference between 100 mg abrocitinib and
placebo, while the 200 mg dose was associated
with a lower incidence of dermatitis atopic than
Headaches occurred in 4.4–9% of patients on
the placebo (RR 0.50; 95% CI 0.30, 0.82) [60]. In
baricitinib compared with 4.8–6.5% in placebo.
comparison, 1% of patients in the upadacitinib
15 mg groups and 9% of patients in the 30 mg
Vitiligo groups versus 3% in the placebo reported der-
Headaches occurred in 6/221 (2.7%) and 11/228 matitis atopic [50].
(4.8%) compared with 2/109 (1.8%) and 4/115
(3.5%) in placebo [53]. Topical JAK Inhibitors In patients with AD
treated with topical application of ruxolitinib
Psoriasis (1.5% cream), AD and application site burning
Headaches had an incidence of 16/332 (4.8%) or pruritus were reported in \ 1% of patients
compared with 5/165 (3%) in placebo [54, 55]. [6].

Acne was more common in the baricitinib-
treated groups than in the placebo [52]. It
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749 743

occurred in 16/270 patients (5.7%) with 4-mg Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK)

baricitinib, 10/183 patients (5.5%) with 2-mg
baricitinib, and 1/189 patient (0.5%) with pla- AD
cebo in BRAVE-AA1 and in 11/233 patients [6] The most common lab abnormality was ele-
(4.7%), 9/155 patients (5.8%), and 3/154 vated serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK).
patients (1.9%), respectively, in BRAVE-AA2. Increases in CPK were observed at a frequency
of B 6% in patients with AD on upadacitinib or
Vitiligo abrocitinib in various phase 3 trials [50, 63].
Application site acne was reported in up to
13/228 (5.9%) in the ruxolitinib-treated group AA
compared with 2/115 (1.7%) in placebo [67]. Increases in creatine kinase to more than five
Application site pruritus was reported in 12/228 times the upper limit of normal was observed in
(5.4%) and 2/115 (1.7%), respectively. a small percentage of patients.

Psoriasis Psoriasis
Acne occurred in 15/531 (2.8%) in deucravaci- Increases in CPK were noted with reported
tinib compared with no events in placebo. incidence of 3.8/100 PY for deucravacitinib and
2.1/100 PY for placebo [54]. It was often asso-
Laboratory Abnormalities ciated with physical exertion.

Complete Blood Count Lipids

AD In the JADE MONO studies, there was a
dose-related decrease in platelet counts in AD
patients treated with abrocitinib. A nadir was There was a dose-related elevation of approxi-
observed on the fourth week along with a mately 10% in high- and low-density lipopro-
recovery to baseline with continued therapy tein cholesterol (HDL, LDL) levels for both
[28]. There were no significant changes in neu- abrocitinib doses compared with placebo
trophil, hemoglobin, or lymphocyte counts in [28, 56]. There were no clinically significant
patients receiving abrocitinib. In comparison, changes in the high-density lipoprotein/low-
no cases of grades 3 or 4 thrombocytopenia density lipoprotein ratio, however.
were noted in the upadacitinib studies [50].
More patients reported transient neutropenia in AA
the upadacitinib 30 mg treatment group com- In baricitinib-treated patients, elevations in LDL
pared with the 15 mg group (15/285 versus cholesterol level were noted in approximately
4/281, respectively). 25% of the patients, and elevations in HDL
cholesterol level were noted in approximately
AA In the BRAVE-AA studies, 1/281 (0.4%) 40% of patients [52].
patient with a history of GI bleeding developed
anemia on the 4 mg baricitinib dose, resulting
Vitiligo and Psoriasis
in treatment cessation. Also, 2/390 (0.5%)
There were no clinically significant laboratory
patients developed grade 4 neutropenia and
changes reported in phase 3 trials [54, 55, 67].
3/465 (0.6%) developed thrombocytosis [52].
These patients continued treatment, and their
laboratory values normalized. MANAGEMENT OF RISKS
Vitiligo and Psoriasis
There were no clinically significant laboratory Risk factors for developing complications
changes reported in phase 3 trials [54, 55, 68]. should be assessed, including age [ 65, obesity,
744 Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749

Fig. 4 Screening and laboratory monitoring for patients on JAK inhibitors. *Depending on prior laboratory results and
patient risk factors

Table 3 Conditions where JAK inhibitor use is not tobacco use, cardiovascular disease, coagulation
appropriate disorder, or history of thromboembolism or
malignancy (Fig. 4). There are limited data on
JAK inhibitor use has higher risks in the following treating pregnant women with JAK inhibitors,
conditions: which is challenging as there are no large clin-
Active cancer (or history of several cancers) ical studies on their effects on conception,
pregnancy, lactation, and the fetus [69]. Table 3
Active or recurrent shingles despite vaccination displays clinical conditions where JAK inhibitor
Severe recurrent infections and/or frequent usage is not appropriate. Clinical judgment in
hospitalizations for serious infections assessing the severity of the disease and its
responsiveness to other first-line therapies is
Previous DVT and/or high risk for DVT without necessary prior to starting patients with baseline
receiving anticoagulation risk factors, such as a smoking history and oral
Pregnancy, breast-feeding, and/or patients considering contraceptive use, on JAK inhibitors.
pregnancy Prior to treatment with JAK inhibitors, it is
recommended to perform peripheral blood
Patients receiving other immunosuppressive therapies, testing, including complete blood count with a
such as transplant patients differential, kidney and hepatic function panel,
Severe organ failure such as decompensated cirrhosis and baseline lipid panel as well as hepatitis B
and C, tuberculosis testing, and screening for
and end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis due to
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (Fig. 4)
limited data in these populations [70]. In addition, it is recommended that adult
patients receive their pneumococcal and Shin-
grix vaccine [71]. Subsequently, monitoring
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2023) 13:729–749 745

complete blood count with a differential, kid- review, commentary or revision – including pre-
ney, and hepatic function panel 1 month after or postpublication stages. Shawn G. Kwatra:
treatment and then every 3–6 months there- Conceptualization Ideas; formulation or evolu-
after depending on patient’s prior laboratory tion of overarching research goals and aims.
results and risk factors is recommended. Lipid
panels should also be obtained 3 months after Disclosures. Dr. Kwatra is an advisory board
the initial screening. Tuberculosis screening member/consultant for Abbvie, Aslan Pharma-
should also be performed annually. We suggest ceuticals, Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Celldex
lowering or temporarily stopping treatment if Therapeutics, Galderma, Genzada Pharmaceu-
hemoglobin drops [ 2 g/dL or is \ 8 g/dL, ticals, Incyte Corporation, Johnson & Johnson,
absolute neutrophil count is 500–1000/mm3, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Pfizer,
absolute lymphocyte count is 500–750/mm3, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, and Sanofi and has
creatinine clearance is 30–60 or \ 30 mL/min, served as an investigator for Galderma, Incyte,
or the patient has severe hepatic impairment Pfizer, and Sanofi. Christeen Samuel, Hannah
[72–74]. Cornman, and Anusha Kambala have nothing
to disclose.

CONCLUSION Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. This

article is based on previously conducted studies
JAK inhibitors have exhibited robust efficacy in and does not contain any new studies with
some dermatologic conditions with a deleteri- human participants or animals performed by
ous impact on quality of life. With data from any of the authors.
clinical trials, providers will be able to better
counsel patients on therapeutic decisions. Open Access. This article is licensed under a
Clinicians should engage in shared decision- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommer-
making conversations on the benefits and risks cial 4.0 International License, which permits
with their patients on a case-by-case basis. any non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation,
distribution and reproduction in any medium
or format, as long as you give appropriate credit
to the original author(s) and the source, provide
a link to the Creative Commons licence, and
indicate if changes were made. The images or
Funding. No funding or sponsorship was other third party material in this article are
received for this study or publication of this included in the article’s Creative Commons
article. licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit
line to the material. If material is not included
Author Contributions. Christeen Samuel: in the article’s Creative Commons licence and
Writing—Original Draft Preparation, creation your intended use is not permitted by statutory
and/or presentation of the published work, regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you
specifically writing the initial draft (including will need to obtain permission directly from the
substantive translation). Hannah Cornman: copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence,
Writing—Review & Editing Preparation, cre- visit
ation and/or presentation of the published work nc/4.0/.
by those from the original research group,
specifically critical review, commentary or
revision – including pre-or postpublication
stages. Anusha Kambala: Writing—Review & REFERENCES
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