ISILO The Fourth

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The king looks at the healer

And he takes a deep breath

Just looking at him

He can just figure out , what his

answer is going to be

It’s been almost two years

And nothing good has been said

He sighs defeated , as the
healer looks at him

Healer : I am afraid , there’s

nothing that can be done . The
queen’s womb cannot carry an
heir to this throne

His heart breaks just looking

into the king’s eyes
His pain is written all over his

And it cannot be missed

King : excuse us , and keep this

to yourself

The healer nods

Healer : my loyalty is to this

He takes a bow

And walks out of the hut

The king looks at his wife

She cannot bare to look into his

broken eyes

He has lost hope

And it breaks her

He doesn’t believe , she’ll ever

conceive him a child

He is lost in his own thoughts

His ancestors wanted this wife

They blessed their marriage

He doesn’t understand why
they’re not giving them kids

He has run out of words to

comfort her

She is always hopeful

And holding on to faith

That the good Lord will never

forsake her
But , he is getting weary

Holding on to her hope

When there’s no hope

Queen : when I was young ,

people in my village used to tell
my mother I will never live long
enough . Sesotho sere “sejana
se setle ha se jelle” (a Sotho
totem says , a beautiful plate is
not used to dish) . But I lived ,
because my mother did not take
their saying to heart . As I grew ,
and I became a maiden their
tone changed . They said , I will
never bare kids . Mosadi a
motle , o tshwana le lehwatata .
(A beautiful woman , is like a
dessert) . Unfortunately for me ,
I was old enough to hear their
words . And they planted a seed
in my heart , I deemed myself
barren . I never saw myself
worthy to be a woman , to be a
wife . Never mind to be a queen

The king smiles

Remembering the day she ran


When his father had sent

people to ask for her hand in
She looks at him

And finds him smiling

And it brings sorrow to her eyes

She doesn’t understand why he

is smiling

Especially at a time like this

When the council is threatening
to dethrone him

Queen : I am permitting you to

take a concubine , so she can
bare you kids

With a heavy heart she says

He quickly looks at her

And he cannot seem to find the

But her words have raised

something in him

And emotion of anger

He gets up and walks out of the


The queen breaks down in tears

Have the God’s maybe turned
their back on her ?

Why can she not bare a child ?

The one thing , that will make

sure her husband stays on his
throne ?

If there’s one thing , she knows

he loves more than anything
It’s this kingdom

And it’s people

That he swore he will serve


Until his last breath

And his linage will continue to

rule the land of his forefathers
But now , all that is a dream

One that’s just nothing but a


Queen : Lord , you knew me

before I was in my mother’s
womb . And you have me a
name , Masechaba (mother of
nation’s) . And I know , it’s not
just a name . I know you have
great plans for me , plans to
prosper and not to harm me .
Let your will be done with me ,
and not that of a human being

She closes her eyes , taking a

deep breath

That she feels a heavy weight

lifted off her shoulders

And lightening strikes outside

That a great thunder rumbles

There’s rattling of teeth

And doors shutting

With loud noises

While she closes her eyes , and

letting sleep take over her
Meanwhile , the king ignores his

Of what she said to him

And runs back to the hut

He walks in , and closes the

door locking it with the chain

He looks at her
And takes a deep breath

He takes off his shoes

And lays down on the mat next

to her

Taking her hand into his

He places a kiss on her forehead

, cuddling her
Nothing can ever take his love
for her

Whether she can bare him an

heir or not

She matters more than a throne

As much as it means so much

But she means more

And he doesn’t want to even
begin , what life will be like
without her

She’s an amazing queen

Loved by all throughout his


But she’s an even more amazing

And what more can a husband
ask for in a woman ?

She’s his best friend

He relies more on her for


More than he does his own

And the kingdom’s council

Be advice about the kingdom

She’s always there for him

She’s not just a beautiful


But she has brains as well

He is actually blessed
There’s no way , he will betray

Even in death

He vowed to himself

And he shall remain loyal to his

vows to her

No matter what
There’s no other woman who
will come in his life

Even with her permission

She’s all that he wants

And he wishes she can see that

He will not betray her like that

And strip her of her dignity

By having another woman bars

his heir

If it’s not with her

Then he will rather not have any


Maybe the ruling of his linage

ends with him
As much as it hurts , it’s okay

If it’s not the will of his

ancestors , that she bare him a

Then there’s nothing he can do

There’s nothing he can

He cannot change their doing

If it pleases them , that he has
no one to succeed him

Then let it be

Some people they come into

your life

That they matter so much

More than anything

Anything that you possess and

And that’s how much important

she is to him

Some people are worth loosing

some things

And it’s okay

To him , he is keeping the real

And that’s his queen , not the


It is just a duty , and a birth right

that can always be passed
King Hawu looks at his wife

He can see the strain that’s on

her shoulders

Just how much ruling over this


Has taken a toll on her

She is no longer the woman he

Over the years , so much has

That even she barely recognises


Being a royal feels like a curse to


She feels the failure of the

kingdom on her
What a way to take a bow out.

Ruining every single thing , that

her great grandfather , and her

Along with her father and

brother built

The kingdom is in shambles

The council has lost faith in her

The people are loosing hope in

their queen

All that she has is her husband

by her side

She wonders for how long

Clearly , he has gotten to a point

He might not say it

But she sees it

Her kids are scattered all over

the world

And none of them want the

responsibility of ruling a

Being queen or king

Their last born daughter , was
very happy

To take upon King Hawu’s

ancestral gift

And it hurt her so much

At how none of them , wanted

to continue the legacy of this
While King Hawu , cannot wait
for the day the queen leaves all
of this

She wanted to entrust

Thongalethu with this legacy

But he is not fully embodied of


He simply cannot be king here

And he is okay , actually more
than just being okay with his
role as the healer

And that leaves this throne ,

with no heir

With no one to succeed her

She wonders if this is the end of

this great legacy
A legacy that her family , has
kept for generations

That it fails at her hands

King Hawu : it’s going to be okay

She looks at him

Queen Nomhle : when ?

King Hawu : I may not know
when , but I know it’s going to
be okay

She takes a deep breath

Queen Nomhle : it was okay , as

things were . Women are not
made to be leaders

King Hawu walks to her

And he takes her hand into his

King Hawu : no , that it’s not

true . You have been a great
queen , to Isilo and it’s people .
You have served them well , and
they should be grateful for that

Queen Nomhle : then why do I

feel like such a failure ?

Tears blur her eyes

Queen Nomhle : Hawu ….I can
literally feel the land of my
forefathers crumble in my hands
, and there’s nothing I can do
about that

King Hawu : you did all that you

can do

Queen Nomhle : it doesn’t feel

She heaves a heavy sigh

Queen Nomhle : if I’ve done

everything , why do I feel like
such a failure ?

King Hawu : you’re anything but

a failure

Queen Nomhle : I give it to you

right now , that the council is
busy planning my dethrone .
From my own birth right , they
think I am not good enough

He wants to tell her how he


That yes , maybe it’s time they

step aside

And let the council do what

they feel is right
Even if it’s to take the throne
away from her

But he knows how she feels

And doesn’t want to hurt her


It’s not failure when you have

put your blood , sweat and tears
into something
And it doesn’t work out

Sometimes that’s just life , and

that’s how it goes

You accept your losses and

move on
Thongalethu looks at the king as
he walks towards him

He can just feel from his aura

That his heart is heavy

They exchange greetings

King Hawu : I always thought ,

when the time comes to give
the reigns in …it wouldn’t be
this hard . That maybe one of
our kids , will gladly step in . But
they want nothing to do with
this , they don’t even want to
try . Why didn’t any of them ,
get any of the gifts their uncles
have ?

Thonga : we will never

understand the ways of the
Gods , they do what’s right for
us . Even if we don’t get it
King Hawu : my wife feels like a
failure , that she has failed this
kingdom and it’s people along
with her ancestors . Who
entrusted her with this land

Thonga : nothing is definite ,

and everything comes to an end
. Like every chapter in a book , it
doesn’t start and end with the
same tune . The story is one line
in the beginning , and another
in the middle . And it ends
differently , to how it started
and continued

King Hawu : how I wish I can

make her understand that

Thonga : it’s pain more than


King Hawu : the reign of the

queen of Isilo , was never
envisioned to end in this

Thonga : there is always a way

my king , and the God’s never
make mistakes like you and I .
Let’s trust and believe in them

The king nods

Not seeing how they’ll be able

to salvage , all that’s left of Isilo
But somewhere in him , he
hopes they won’t turn their
back on their queen

It had never been heard of , a

woman reigning over Isilo

But it happened because they

chose her

He hopes and prays

That this is definitely not the
end of what all the great kings ,
before the queen built

He’s not of royal blood

There wasn’t much he can do

Except being by his queens side

Supporting her
And holding her hand
throughout her reign

Even he knows , the council will

not stand with her anymore

It breaks him more , that he

can’t do anything

He is just a seer , and that’s all

he knows
He became king through

It was not his portion

Nor what he was given through

Queen Nomhle walks in the
throne room

And the royal council , is talking

amongst themselves

They don’t stop talking

Amidst her presence

She takes a seat

And recalls her thoughts

Hearing the conversation

between Thong and the King

Maybe it is the end of the


Queen Nomhle : I will step

down as queen , and let the
council decide what to do with
the throne . I have run my
course , and served this land
and it’s people to the best of my
abilities . More than this , I
could have never done . What I
know , is that Isilo is great . And
this is definitely not the end of
him and his people

She gets up , and walks out

without another word

While the council is still shocked

She did not put a fight

Nor give them a chance to say

their piece

They wonder if she knew , they

wanted to dethrone her
The sun is out

The birds are chirping

It really is a bright day

And I couldn’t bare being inside

I just had to explore this land

And I stumbled upon a group of

maidens by the river
I joined them

I am helping them draw water

from the stream

Pulane : you know , if o was you

I wouldn’t be seen near a
stream like this drawing water

We laugh
I hand her the clay pot

And grab another one

Me : I just love being out here

Pulane : but you’re a princess ,

and one day you will be married
to a prince of some rich
kingdom . And live like a queen
Me : you like dreaming and it’s

Dipuo : but isn’t that true ?

Me : maybe

Dipuo : you don’t want to ?

Me : maybe I do
Pulane : that is not convincing ,
you know arranged marriages
are a thing of the past ? But not
when it comes to royalty

Me : I wouldn’t know , I don’t

talk so much with my parents
about that

Dipuo : but say it happens ,

what will you do ?
I get up and look at them

Me : well , I hope by then

Mohau would have taken away
my innocence and be forced to
marry me . When my father
finds out he deflowered me

They pop their eyes with jaw

dropping looks

I let out a side smile

And they burst out laughing

Pulane : that herd boy has

gotten into your head

Dipuo takes the clay pot from


And I slowly get out of the

Me : I want no one but Mohau
to have me first

Dipuo : I’ll die to be deflowered

in a kingdom , a whole palace .
In a chamber with roses and all ,
soft music playing in the

Pulane : now that , I’ll take any

day . Over being deflowered in
the veld , over the grass
We laugh

Me : he will be done with his

hut soon , so it definitely won’t
be in the veld

Pulane : for a princess , you

have settled far worse . For your
sake , I wish some prince from a
far away kingdom comes for you
I shake my head

They take their clay pots , filled

with water

And we walk back to the village ,

in slow paces because we’re
enjoying our conversation
The king looks at his wife

And to this day , twenty two

years later in marriage

She still is the most beautiful

woman he has ever laid eyes on

His love for her , has always

grew everyday
Everyday , he finds himself
growing found of her even more

They’re no longer in their prime


But he doesn’t cease to love her

She catches a glimpse of him

staring at her and smiles

She smiles and looks at him

Queen : what ?

King : to this day , I am still the

most lucky man ever

They laugh

Queen : you’re being silly

King : silly in love us

She shakes her head in

Queen : have you replied any of

the letters were received from
the other kingdoms ?

If he could …he would roll his


King : not yet

She sighs

Queen : did you even read them


He coughs

And she knows he didn’t even

bother to open them

Queen : you cannot keep

ignoring this , she will be …
King : not now , she’s still young

Queen : no , at 16 I was married

King : let’s not project our

beliefs on a child

Queen : you treat her like a

child , she’s a young maiden
now . Growing into an adult
woman , and she needs to know
she has responsibilities . You
have done great , and evolved
this kingdom . Today it is one of
the best in the land of Lesotho ,
and the whole of Africa knows
us . You’re a respected king
amongst all the other kings ,
you need to build relations to
strengthen this kingdom

King : I know
This is the one conversation he
never wants to find himself in

But he cannot keep avoiding the


So he doesn’t have to talk about


He misses spending time with

And she always brings this up

Queen : then , please just try

King : I will

Queen : and I mean that

He laughs

King : I don’t think any of these

kingdoms are worthy
She sighs

Queen : that is not you trying

King : fine !

Anything , to avoid talking about

this further

But in his heart , he knows it

He hasn’t found the one that’s
suitable for his jewel

A blessing from the water God’s


And he is not about to ship her

off to just anyone

But of course , he cannot tell his

wife that
They feel different about this

She has her own point of view

Of how a princess should

behave and all

All to prepare her for marriage

But he doesn’t believe in that

Things have changed

As much as these kingdoms
don’t want to accept the

And to live by them

But he embraces the changes

The boy looks around

His eyes scanning the whole


Well , what’s of view to him

And what he passed on his way

He doesn’t think this is the right

Even though his heart tell him it

But it seems like he is lost

Because this does not look like

the same Isilo kingdom

The one his father used to tell

him about

What’s in front of him …

It looks abounded

Not a kingdom

The place looks rather like a

shelter for the homeless

He takes a deep breath debating

whether to enter

Or to turn back
He didn’t come here to inherit

And this just seems like one big


Something he did not anticipate

In one of the far end houses

Where the queen and king have

been residing

Ever since she gave in her reign

And moved out of the palace

The king walks in the bedroom

Holding a bowl of soft porridge

That one of the maids , who
devoted their loyalty to the
queen made

Only a few of them left the


While most of them remained

Along with the guards and

They devoted and vowed their

loyalty to the throne

And whoever sits on it

Despite being royal blood or not

Thongalethu being one of those

, who stayed behind
As the healer of the kingdom

And the only man living , who

still hold an imprint of Isilo

He couldn’t leave the palace

It became duty before

everything else
And the King and Queen
understood that

King Hawu looks at his wife

In the most pale form he has

ever seen her

In the last five years

When sickness caught up with

And even he couldn’t heal her

Even though he is known as the

most powerful healer

To even arise , from the Bangani


It pains him everyday

To see her like this

Knowing there’s nothing he can

That not even Thongalethu , can

tell what’s eating away at her

Bones show nothing

The gods are quite

And ancestors are not saying

It’s a mystery as it stands

As to what is wrong with her

Not even western doctors can


There’s no specialist they

haven’t went to
But no one is able to help

She has decided to stop seeing

any doctor or specialist

It is said , when ones time has


Most can tell that their time is

about to come to an end
And the queen is at that stage
on her death bed

King Hawu : here is some soft

porridge , try and have some

He is trying to get her to eat


That’s a struggle they go

Because she doesn’t want to eat

And he thinks it is what’s

making her more sick

And not to get better

Because she is not eating

But it’s a mission to force

anything down her throat
Queen Nomhle : thank you

She says with a smooth faint


She feels at her weakest today

That she doesn’t have the

strength in her to argue with
him a
He smiles and sits down next to
her on the bed

Picking the bowl from the night


And she knows he’s about to

feed her

She doesn’t contest that

As he helps her sit well

And start feeding her , in small

And she feels like throwing up

But she gathers the strength to

keep everything down

Queen Nomhle : you know , I

had always hoped and prayed .
That by some miracle , Isilo will
rescue us from this sham . Not
even a single kingdom respects
is anymore , my forefathers land
is in shambles . It’s people have
lost their way , and on their
throne sits a chief that’s of a
foreign land

The king looks at her

It’s been years since she’s ever

spoken about the throne
Or any of the things she’s

He thought she had made

peace with everything

It’s been so many years

He wouldn’t think it still affects

Queen Nomhle : what
happened to us ?

King Hawu : what do you mean


Lost and a bit confused he asks

Queen Nomhle : we used to be

a worthy kingdom , a force to be
reckoned with . With a whole
Jaguar as our great ancestor ,
our prince’s and princesses born
with gifts out of this world . My
brother’s , they were the most
powerful spirit animals ever .
And my sister , she was the
queen of the waters . And now ,
what are we ? What have we
become ? What …what is this ?
And Isilo , where he is what is
he saying ? I didn’t fail anyone ,
they failed me . My ancestors
failed me , and Isilo failed me .
They chose me to be queen ,
yet they couldn’t bestow me
with any gifts . No one in the
history of Isilo has ever ruled ,
without being special in my way
. And me ? Absolutely no gift ,
no powers . Nothing !

The king sighs

Where is this talk coming from ?

He asks himself
King Hawu : you’re special in
your own way

Queen Nomhle : no ! They

chose me , to make a mockery
out of me . My reign was
doomed , from the beginning . I
was never going to achieve
anything , I have always felt like
an outsider when it came to this
. I am nothing like my parents ,
my siblings . My uncles and
aunts , they held great power .
And we’re feared and respected
, because of what they were .
What about me ?

Tears stream down her face

Queen Nomhle : I curse the day

, I was told that I’ll ascend that
King Hawu : you don’t mean

He has never heard her speak in

this manner

She’s hurt

But it’s not just hurt

It’s also hate

King Hawu : we will never
understand the ways of the
ancestors or the God’s , the
same way we don’t understand
the ways of God

Queen Nomhle : I hope we all

perish and die , I was never
anything to them . Just a
princess born of pity , turned a
criminal and queen

The king pops his eyes in shock

The queen slowly lay down and
give him her back

His mouth has suddenly gone


He doesn’t know what to say

Because these are not the

words , that his own wife would
No matter how hard things got

She always saw light at the end

of the tunnel

Maybe she just needs a


He gets up and walks out of the

Her words still ringing in his ear

And he cannot make sense of it

all , after so many years

Why is she bringing this up ? He

asks himself , but only she has
the answer
The young man takes a deep

And he doesn’t know what to

make of his emotions

He knows this is not what he

was told growing up

Yes things change

And it’s been years

Since he was told about this

Probably fifteen to sixteen years


But what could have happened

to this place ?

He looks around
And stops on his tracks

As he sees one of the guards

approaching him

He walks over to the gate

And the guard looks at him

Just from just looking at him

He staggers back a bit

The young man squints his eyes
in confusion

Him : I need to see your queen

and king …or your healer

The guards swallows hard

And his mouth has run out of

his saliva
Guard : who …who are you ?
That you come here , and
demand to see the queen

He is asking , because it is just


Him : call me someone with a

status around here

The guard looks at him

He wants to answer him

But there’s just something


And it tells him to keep quite if

he knows better

And that’s exactly what he does

He turns around
And runs to the throne room

Where the chief is at along with

some of the council members

The young man’s leans against

his car , awaits to see someone
or be called in
Rain looks at the queen

And her heart breaks at her


This woman is slowly fading


She’s just a former shadow of


Whatever is eating at her

Is taking away her

The queen realises , the tears in

Rain’s eyes

She lets out a fade smile

Queen Nomhle : to be honest

with you , I wish my husband
can mourn for me already . It’s
been way too long
Rain looks into her eyes

Confused by her statement

Rain : you’re still very much


She says

Queen Nomhle : no , I am not .

But no one sees it , not even
Hawu . They cannot help me ,
no one can . And no one will
ever find out what’s wrong with
me , because nothing is wrong
with me . My time on this world
is up , It has been for the last
five years . I am just a vessel ,
carrying a soul that refuses to
leave this corpse of a body .
Because it cries day in and out ,
for the salvation of this kingdom
Rain wipes the tear that streams
down her cheek

Queen Nomhle : my people

have been stripped of me , and
my husband doesn’t have me
anymore . What hurts is that he
doesn’t even realise it , because
he’s holding on to faith . And he
keeps on blaming himself , as to
why he can’t help me . But he is
not God now is he ? He cannot
raise the dead
Rain frowns

They always say , when one is

about to pass away they always

Could this be it , for the queen ?

Why would she speak like this ?

And not even make sense

Queen Nomhle : if this land is
saved , from the hands of
commoners who deem
themselves worth to rule and sit
on the throne of my forefathers
. My soul will finally be at peace

Rain : should I make you tea ?

She asks
As this whole conversation is
not sitting well with her

Queen Nomhle smiles and

closes her eyes

Nomhle feels the faint breathing

And she relaxes

Knowing there’s still life in this

The young man walks in

With the guard who let him in

And he looks around the men
seated down

Old men

Old enough they should be

home , playing with great

Not sitting in a royal throne

Taking decions for the kingdom

Supporting another old man

Who should have long taken

social grant

With a few young man

He deems his own age mates

He shakes his head displeased

But he doesn’t know any of


And they don’t know him

He doesn’t want to come across

as disrespectful

So he keeps his disregard to

Everyone is staring at him in

Seeing the resemblance to that

of the greats of Isilo who have

But they cannot place him to

Yet , he doesn’t need no

One member of the council

stands up

And he introduces himself as

Ngidi to the young man

As the advisor of the chief

Whom they regard as king of
this kingdom

Ngidi : who may you be ?

The young man looks at them


While their eyes are gazed on

Waiting in eager to hear who he

And what brings him here

Thongalethu shakes hands king

And can see the sorrow that’s

clearly plastered on his face
Even he doesn’t know what to
say to him

How to comfort him

When he is watching his wife ,

fade away day by day

For so many years

That there’s nothing they can do

to help him
King Hawu : I have helped so
many people , to this day I am
still helping people . Some have
lost hope in me , others ask
themselves how is it I help
people so much . Yet I cannot
help my own wife

Thonga : sometimes the way of

the ancestors are not
King Hawu : I feel so useless and
like a failure , they should just
strip me off my powers

Thonga : no , that’s not how

things are done . And as much
as we don’t understand , how
they think and do things . We
don’t lose hope , because we
don’t know their purpose

King Hawu : I wish I knew , it

breaks me to see her like that .
And they say a man shouldn’t

He heaves a sigh

King Hawu : if it’s not western ,

and it’s traditional then what is
it ?

Thonga : I wish I had answers

for you
King Hawu : I don’t mean to
burden you

Thonga : no , you can never

burden me . I just wish I had
something better to tell you , or
how we can help . But I also feel
just as useless , that I am just
clueless . When I first came here
, I was welcomed with open
arms . I was not treated as an
outsider , who invaded the
great ancestor of this kingdom .
And found himself a seat on the
throne somehow and …

His eyes quickly change

King Hawu realises just how he

has popped his eyes wide open

King Hawu : Thonga ….

He seems to have been frozen

That he cannot even move an

King Hawu shakes him a bit

But he doesn’t snap out of

whatever has got his attention

He growls , and it keeps getting

louder and louder
That he feels like his bones are

King Hawu moves back a bit

Because he doesn’t know

what’s happening

And it’s scaring him a bit

But it could be anything from

the ancestors
Maybe they’re trying to
communicate , and he knows
better to let him be
The young man looks at this
And darts his eyes to the old
man sitting on the throne

That he just feels anger fuelling


Him : I am Isilo Xaluva , son of

Luthando Xaluva . And I have
come to the land of my
ancestors , and my forefathers .
To reclaim what is mine
Shock is plastered on their faces

And it’s nothing but just silence

in the room

While their tongue feel heavy ,

that they can’t speak . To utter a
single word
Laughter erupts

Some shaking their heads

Ngidi looks at them

Ngidi : did this boy just waltz in

here , and call himself with the
great God Isilo’s name ?

He motions to the whole of Isilo

Ngidi : boy , who do you think
you are ? This is the royals
throne , you cannot come in
here and spit such nonsense

The chief stands up

Chief : guard ! Throw this boy

out of my kingdom

The others nod

Showing agreement with the
chiefs decion

Chief : you chose the wrong

time , to come and claim and
throne that’s not yours . And
you’re disrespectful to us , and
our gods and ancestors . How
dare you use Isilo’s name in vain
like that ? You may be a prince
yes , but Luthando was never
known to have a son . And nor
was he married , nor did he
even have the mark out Isilo .
He was far from it , he never
even tasted the throne . Now
you think you ….his seed , will
have so much power ? You’re
here to anger us I see

The guard touches Isilo

Isilo : do not touch me !

He says calmly as ever

Guard : please leave

Isilo : I walked in here respectful

, I said what I said to answer a
question . Now please , lets not
get on each other’s bad side .
We don’t know each other

Chief : drag him out , I will not

listen to this nonsense any
The guard grabs Isilo’s arm

His eyes change to a light green

And they glisten

Isilo : do not even try it , I will

rip your heart out …

The guard swallows hard

And looks around

Ngidi : just take him out …

Within a split seconds

Isilo turns into his true form

And a black jaguar is in their


With green light eyes glistening

With Ngidi down on the floor

Blood splattering everywhere

His throat ripped off

Thunder rumbles

And lightning strikes

While the commotion dies

And everyone stands still on

their tracks

Fear stroked into them

Their hearts pounding hard

Fearing for their lives

It has been years , ever since
Isilo was seen in his true form

And now here he is in their


With one of theirs dead , right

in front of their eyes
King Hawu looks at Thongalethu
, grunting on the floor with his
eyes turning

He is a bit scared

Because he doesn’t know

what’s happening with him

As much as he believes , that

maybe the ancestors are at
He has never seen anything like
this either

It looks like something is coming

out of Thongalethu

And his bones keep on snapping

Like they’re breaking

While still puzzled and shocked

Not knowing what to do

Thongalethu opens his eyes

And he quickly gets up

King Hawu : are you …

Without even finishing his

Thongalethu runs outside

King Hawu is left puzzled

But he doesn’t let that get to


He runs after Thongalethu

Scared that he might run

outside the palace
And maybe he is not in his right

Or maybe he’s been shown


And he is rushing there

To his surprise , he heads to the

throne room

And the rain starts pouring

He runs faster , heading to the
throne room

Hoping that something bad

hasn’t happened

As he walks in

He pops his eyes

Seeing the Isilo in his true
jaguar form

And Thongalethu laying down in

a pool of blood

He rushes to him

But sees it’s not his blood

But that of an elder

He crouches down , and
touches his pulse

It’s there , but faint

He gets up

And comes eye to eye with Isilo

He takes his eyes down

And Isilo walks past him walking
out of the throne room

King Hawu turns and looks at


As he runs off into the pouring


He directs his eyes back to the

And the royal council

No one is saying anything

He has so many questions

That he doesn’t have answers to

Could it be Isilo has possessed

someone else ?

But who ?
Because as far as they know ,
there’s no one else in the Xaluva

Who has been given that power

And none of the brothers held it

It’s impossible for a spirit animal

, to come back in form
And roam this world

It can’t be

No matter how powerful Isilo

has been deemed

It doesn’t make sense that could

be him

But if he has possessed

someone else
Who is it ?

And could it have anything , to

do with the state that
Thongalethu is in right now ?

He shakes his head

His mind still running wild with

And so many questions

He looks at the elders

King Hawu : what was that ?

They just look at him

Without saying anything

He thinks of his wife

What will she say , when she
hears about this ?

She’s not in good health

Hearing that her family greatest

ancestor , and spirit animal

Was in true form , and has killed

one of the elders
He doesn’t know how she will
take that

But there’s also Thongalethu


Who he doesn’t know what’s

happening with him
He is puzzled on what to do

He doesn’t know

Or how to help Thongalethu

Quickly , he takes out his phone

And dials Rain

Who answers in seconds

Like the phone rang in her hand

Rain : my king

There’s something unsettling in

how she answered the phone

Something in her tone and voice

And he is scared to ask , if

something happened
It could be , that he is a
widower at this moment

And the thought alone , drains


He hates watching his wife


But he knows she’s in pain

And not getting better

So death , also seems like a

peaceful option

One , that he hates to think


But also seems like the only

option best for her

For her pain to end

King Hawu : are you still with my
wife ?

With a low voice he asks

Rain : and there is a man here , I

think you should hurry back

He drops the call

And rushes towards the door

But he looks at Thongalethu

And his heart , doesn’t allow

him to leave him here

He walks back , and picks him


Staining himself with the blood

he was laying in
And he walks out heading to his

That he places him inside , at

the back seat

And he gets on his seat , and

drives out of the palace heading
to his house

Who is the man that’s at his

house ?
With questions pounding his
head …he increases the speed
he is driving with

Within no time , he arrives at

his house

And battles to walk inside

carrying Thongalethu in his
But that might startle Rain

And he doesn’t want to scare

the poor woman

He knows how much this man

means to her

And he is drenched in blood

Either way , he will spook them

As soon as he walks inside

And he also can’t leave a very

unconscious man in his car

That would just look careless of


Against his thoughts , he picks

Thongalethu into his arms
And he walks with him in the

To his surprise , his wife is up

And out of bed

Looking as sick as ever

But she’s out of bed

Rain quickly gets up and walks
to him

Rain : what happened to him ?

She asks with fear

And he understands , just how

much the possibility of loosing a
loved one

Strikes fear into one

King Hawu : it’s not his blood ,
he is just unconscious . Ngidi is
dead that’s his blood , he had
jaguar claws on his chest

Rain pops his eyes

While King Hawu places

Thongalethu on the couch
Not minding that the blood will
leave stains on his wife’s

He looks at this young man

Who somehow looks familiar

But he just can’t place him


He walks over to his wife

And the scent of the jaguar
graces his nostrils

He sits down , next to his wife

While Rain sits next to


Placing her hand on his arm

King Hawu and Isilo look at each

King Hawu : I will not ask you ,

how or why you went to the
palace . Killed an elder , and
turned into Isilo’s true form .
Because that would just be
disrespectful , but who are you

Queen Nomhle : Isilo ?

She asks with a low voice

Her breathing not so good

It sounds like she is struggling

Isilo : with all due respect , I

didn’t mean any harm

King Hawu : I just asked who

you are ?
Isilo takes a deep breath

Isilo : I am prince Isilo the forth ,

son of prince Luthando Xaluva

Queen Nomhle takes a deep


As tears stream down her face

And she looks at Isilo

Her brother never said anything
about having a son

Out of the four , he was never


And never mentioned a child to


So how is this possible ?

Could it have all been the work
of the ancestors ?

Isilo : may I please speak ?

King Hawu : I did not ask you to

explain yourself

Isilo : please allow me to my

king , I think I owe you and my
queen that much .
He looks at Rain

Isilo : rain queen , I am sorry

about your husband . But he will
be okay , he is strained because
the power of Isilo was leaving
his body

Rain nods her head slowly

Isilo : my father didn’t know

about me , my mother was
pregnant when he died . And
uncle Luxolo made sure to
name me , and tell me of who I
am and where I come from . My
king , and you my queen . I
know this is a lot to take in , and
you have a lot of questions . Of
which , I say will answer if I have
answers to . But knowing I am
different , and understanding
who and what I am isolated me
a lot and I am not the best
when it comes to being social . I
turn into an animal , I always
regarded myself as one. And
maybe I do act like one , but not
deliberately . I swear , I tried to
talk to those old men . But they
didn’t want to listen to me ,
instead they wanted to chase
me out . I don’t take well , to
being treated like an outcast .
Especially not on the land of my
forefathers . I came here to look
for my aunt , and not to fight
anyone . But upon my arrival , I
heard of what has happened .
And the ancestor in me , just
took over . There’ll be no
commoner sitting on my great
grandfather’s throne , and
ruling the land of my forefathers
. I am reclaiming that throne ,
and claiming back this kingdom
. Unfortunately , it happened
this way . Even though it was
not my intention , I did not
appreciate being spoken to like
that . We could have talked ,
and resolved this matter in an
amicable manner . But I was
clearly not welcomed , and Isilo
acted . I take full responsibility
of my actions, he is me and I am
him . I didn’t do anything to
stop him , when he came out I
let him be . So what he does
implicates me , and I accept that

King Hawu : I am not

questioning you
He takes a deep breath

King Hawu : are you saying , Isilo

has imparted a descendant of
Luthando ? I mean , I don’t
understand . Because from what
I know , none of the brothers
were worthy . Even Lumkile was
stripped of his power , and of
his position as the heir to the
throne . And he lost the Isilo in
Isilo : I don’t know what to tell
you , ever since I was five years .
I knew to have been one with
the jaguar , and besides that me
there’s no other me I know . He
is me , and I am him

Queen Nomhle : the God’s have

heard my plea , I thank you .
And now I can finally rest

They look at her

She smiles looking at Isilo

Who’s light green eyes glisten

with tears

King Hawu : what ….

He holds his wife arm

As she takes her last breath with

a smile on her face
He looks down

And Rain rushes over to the


Rain : my queen ….

She tries shaking her

But even she knows , she’s no

Isilo : I am sorry for your loss

He gets up and walks out

As the door shuts a loud

thunder rumbles

And heavy footsteps are heard

outside the door

Thongalethu opens his eyes

And sits up

He looks at King Hawu

And feels his breaking heart


Thonga : I am sorry my king

Rain looks at her husband

He looks like himself

And he looks well

She runs to him and breaks

down in a cry , while he cradles
her into her arms . Her
emotions overwhelming him
The news of the death of the

Has gone as far as neighbouring


The villagers are mourning her


Thongalethu has been by the

king’s side
Even though he seems to be
holding strong

The kingdom feels and seems to

be in shambles

The arrival of Isilo

Who claims to be heir to the

And carries the greatest
ancestor of the Xaluva bloodline

The death that occurred in the

kingdom’s throne room

The death of the queen who

held this kingdom

And it’s people down at their

But the king seems to be taking
everything well

Thonga : it’s okay to be hurting

The king looks at him

King Hawu : it hurts , I cannot

deny that . And I will not
pretend either , but I also
cannot ignore the fact that she
was in pain . She was hurting ,
and now she’s at peace . I
couldn’t even help her , no one

He lets out a fade smile

King Hawu : so it’s okay , as

much as I am hurt . But I also
know she’s okay now

Thonga : you’re a stronger man

than I ever could be , Rain is my
whole world . I don’t know what
I would become without her

King Hawu : I loved my wife ,

and I still love her . We have
been through so much together
, and have seen enough . I don’t
want to hold her spirit back , I
want her to rest . Be with her
ancestors , and find peace . I
don’t want her , to linger
around because I am hurting
and crying . I will always love
her , and no woman will ever
come close to her . But our time
together in flesh , has come to
pass . I am letting her spirit rest
, so she can continue to watch
over our kids . And be their
angel , and guide them . I lost a
wife in flesh , but gained a guide
in spirit . But if I hold on to the
pain , I will hold her back . She
will not move past this life , she
will not find her family kraal .
And shd will be a roaming spirit
, I don’t want that for her . She
suffered enough on this world ,
at least she deserves some
peace in the next . I want her to
look back , and see us trying this
life thing without her . And
trying to find meaning again ,
not struggling and calling on her
to help us move on

Thonga : I applaud you for this ,

indeed you’re a great king
King Hawu smiles with a chuckle

King Hawu : you forget , I am no

longer king

Thonga : in my eyes , you will

forever be my king

They laugh

Thonga : it’s good to see you

laugh , and I am sorry to bring
this . But what do you think
about this Isilo ?

King Hawu : you would know

better than me

Thonga : I won’t say he is a liar ,

I feel empty and alone . I know ,
Isilo’s powers have left me and
I’m just a mundane now . And
he is the cause of it all
King Hawu : then , we let things
be . And we be with him if need
be , and support him . This guy’s
arrival here , feels like the
miracle my wife had been
waiting for . And she left us
knowing , that this land will be
taken care of

Thongalethu nods , just as Isilo

walks to them
He excuses himself , leaving
King Hawu with Isilo

Isilo : I am sorry for your loss ,

once again

King Hawu : you would have

loved your aunt , she was not
just an amazing queen but she
was one special human being
Isilo : I don’t doubt that , and I
am sorry that my arrival brought
upon her departure

King Hawu : it was ought to be ,

at least she left in peace and it’s
all because of you

Isilo : I will make her proud , and

I will serve her people and this
kingdom . I will put everyone
before me , and do what’s best
for this land and not me
King Hawu : that’s what a great
king does

King Hawu heaves a sigh

He came into this throne

through marriage

And he doesn’t hold that much

Especially because his wife dies

And they were already not in

power for many years

He doesn’t know how to go

about this

King Hawu : with this funeral

lingering over us , I don’t know
how we crown you
Isilo : do not worry , all is taken
care of

The king decides to keep quite

And not question further

As he does not know what Isilo

speaks of
Queen : what has happened is
very painful , I cannot imagine
the pain King Hawu is in

The king looks at his wife

King : Hawu was no longer king ,
and now I don’t know what
becomes of that kingdom

Queen : but he will always be

king to everyone who deemed
him one

King : we will have to pay our

Queen : you have been
speaking about Mapula taking
more responsibilities , I think
this is the time. Let her go and
represent us

King : is she ready for such ?

Queen : it’s just a funeral of the

queen , this is how we know she
is ready for more
responsibilities by giving her
The king nods

But at the back of his mind , not


Queen : she will leave tomorrow

morning , and I think one
maiden will be enough

King : shouldn’t we give her a

few days to digest this ?
The queen smiles

Queen : I swear , it sounds like

you’re backing out of your own
words . You wanted her to grow
up and show it , this is it . Don’t
go all soft now , the opportunity
has presented itself . This is how
we will get to build relations
with other kingdoms , and build
alliances . We need to get her
out there
The king chuckles

Maybe deep in the deepest of

his hearts

He knows he is not ready to let

go of his princess

He just doesn’t want to admit

the soft spot he has for her
He has her father’s daughter
and exposing her out there ,
means letting other kingdoms
see her

And that could lead to them

asking for her hand in marriage ,
he is not ready for that
I had my helper take a day off

So I can clean my own hut

I want my parents to see , I can

be responsible

I have to see Mohau later on

So I have to be done , before

the sun goes down
My mother walks in

While I am still busy cleaning

She greets , I greet her back

And she looks around the hut

I don’t know if she is impressed

or not , because she doesn’t say
Mom : please , come take a seat

I take a deep breath and sit


Mom : the queen of Isilo

kingdom has fallen , and you’re
going there tomorrow to
represent the Mapulana

I look at her in shock

Because why would they send
me ?

It doesn’t make sense at all

Isilo is a very respected kingdom

, all of our lands know of it
I look at my mother

Clearly still in shock

Me : why send me ?

Mom : you’re our princess

Me : yes , but wouldn’t you

want to go there yourselves ?

Mom : we’re sending you

I want to say more

But it’s clear , she wasn’t asking

But rather informing me

And I am scared

I have never left our kingdom ,

to other kingdoms
Even if to represent us

What do I do or say when I get

there ?

And from what I have heard ,

about that kingdom

I really don’t think I desire to go

I am scared more than anything

I heard they have creatures ,

that possess people’s bodies

In Lesotho , we have never seen

nor heard of such

Unless it is done through


Or family rituals
Where they strengthen boy

So they don’t get easily

bewitched by women

What if I stumble upon a

creature there ?

What do I do ?
I don’t think this is safe

But I don’t want to say anything


Nothing I say will change my

parents minds

Clearly they spoke and agreed

on this

So who am I ?
Mom : you leave tomorrow ,
maid and a guard will
accompany you

The fear in me , doesn’t allow

me to say anything else

Or to ask anything

Mom : you’re growing now , and

this is also a way to build
relations with other kingdoms .
And have alliances , one day you
will be queen . And you start
now , to do your duties

I don’t want to be queen

Yes , I love my kingdom

And I love my people

But being queen …

I don’t want that kind of heavy ,
responsibility on my shoulders

Having to have people depend

on you for their livelihood

I do not have the strength for


Nor do I think I’m capable

I should just say , being royalty
it’s not all glamorous

About having maid and guards

Having people run after you

Sometimes I do wish , I was like

any other normal person

No royal blood in me
Just a normal girl with no duties
and responsibilities

That need you to compromise

yourself , for the greater good

Of the people and the kingdom

Isilo looks at the elders

And the fear in their eyes is


And only a few of them came

Clearly , most are scared to be

in his presence

Isilo : I came here with respect ,

and with no intent to disrespect
anyone . In an amicable manner
, and with no intentions
whatsoever . Now the person I
came here for is gone , and that
leaves this thrown vacant . I am
of Isilo , and a Xaluva . And with
that being said , I will sit on this
throne . And reclaim back my
forefathers land

The silence is too loud

For one to hear their own
heartbeat beating

Isilo : I guess with no objection ,

the crowning will go ahead .
And we shall lay the queen to
rest in a few days , after the
crowning . The royals will arrive
tonight , and tomorrow morning
Isilo shall grace them

He gets up
Isilo : that will be all thank you

He walks out of the throne


Elder 1 : are we really going to

let this happen ?

Elder 3 : what’s has one ever

heard of a king crowning itself ?
Without the council and elders
deciding on it

Elder 2 : this is ridiculous , and I

will not be a part of this

Elder 1 : but we’re also here ,

because we don’t want to feel
the wrath of this boy

Elder 3 : yes , but do we stand

for this ?
Elder 1 : I shall go with whatever

Elder 2 : the Xaluva’s have had

their time , and they are no
good to this land . Why do we
allow one of them again to rule
us ?

Elder 1 : how do you go against

a jaguar ? You saw that yourself
, that boy is not human he is an
animal . I still have a family to
live for , and I do not want to
die like Ngidi did

He gets up and walks out , while

the two follow behind him .
Shaking their heads
After telling Mohau what my
mother said

He doesn’t seem happy

He has been quite all along

And I don’t know why

Me : are you okay ?

I ask him , a bit concerned

Mohau : you’re a princess , I
think the reality that you and I
will never be has come to pass

Me : what ?

I ask him with shock

Mohau : you’re visiting another

kingdom , there will be other
royals there . And you’re a
beautiful woman without a
doubt , someone will be
attracted to you there

Me : are you breaking up with

me ?

Mohau : I am just saying , that

maybe it’s time to accept our
fate together . It’s not like your
parents would ever accept our
Me : do you love me ?

He looks at me

Me : do you love me ?

He heaves a sigh

And I see the hesitation in his

Something that has never
happened before

I don’t want to lie

It leaves a bitter feeling in my


Mohau : I love you , but ..

Me : the but erases everything

else you said before it
Mohau : please understand

I get up

Me : there is absolutely nothing

to understand , you’re clearly
confused right now . And maybe
your commoner insecurities are
fooling with you , and you’re
giving them power . I will not
help you in this dilemma of
yours , now I am going home
and pack for my trip . When I
come back , tell me that you still
feel the same . And I’ll leave you

I turn and walk out

Is this how breakups really work


I just feel like he is scared

He thinks some snob of a prince
will swoop me off my feet

And I do not see that happening

I am coming back , and I will still

be his
The queen looks at the king

He seems to be down for some


And she knows it’s about the


One thing she knows is that

they cannot shield her forever
At some point she will have to
leave this kingdom

Build her own

And she cannot live here for the

rest of their lives

As much as she’s their gift from

the gods
They know at some point , they
have to let her go

And maybe this is that point

Queen : what seems to be

weighing down your thoughts ?

She takes a seat down on the

mat next to him
King : do you really think she is
ready for this ?

She lets out a smile

Seeing how much he is not

ready to let go

But she knows it has to be done

Queen : she will never know

how to stand up for herself , if
at every chance we take duties
for her

King : but what if she is not

ready ?

Queen : then she will learn on

the way , and it’s not like we’re
asking her to go seal a deal . It’s
just attending the funeral
King : word says , there’s a new
king to be crowned

Queen : then she’s going on our

behalf , no one will task her to
do anything there

The king nods with a sigh

Maybe his wife is right

But when it comes to his

He thinks as a father

And not as king

He finds it hard to do that

I am all packed and ready to

It’s sad , that I will leave without

seeing Mohau

Or even talking to him

But he needs this space

So he can think clearly

I don’t know what I’m hoping to

I can just accept this break up

and move on

But I’m hoping he will be okay

As soon as he sees me back

And I am not bethroed to

I am certainly not looking for
prince charming

Royals are nothing but weak

And just spoilt brats

Who have been spoon-fed their

whole lives

Living lavish
At the expense of their parents

Given tittles from birth

Not knowing anything about the

real world

Cooped in their palaces

Who wants a weak husband ?

Just because he is a prince

And if it were to happen

That he is stripped away of that


He will be absolutely lost

Not knowing who he is without

being a prince
That is definitely not my kind of

Just a few days away from home

That surely won’t be so bad

As much as I’ve never had much

interaction with royals

Except when we have

something in our kingdom
But surely I will be fine

My mother walks in

I haven’t seen my father all


Mom : all seems well

I flash her a smile

Me : yes , we are ready to leave

Mom : represent us well

I don’t even know what’s

expected of me there

Me : I will

Mom : your father wanted to

see you off , but he had a case
of cow theft he had to attend to
I nod

I bet he could have just sent

someone on his behalf

Knowing my father , his heart is

weary of letting me off on my

That man is after my own heart

He cares for me like no other

Me : we will be on our way then

I bid my mother goodbye , as

we leave

I am nervous , I won’t lie

I don’t know what awaits me

I don’t have much experience

And I don’t think , I have been

properly introduced

On how to hold myself in the

midst of other royals

All my life , it has been different

In my kingdom , I am the royal

And everyone knows how to act
in front of me

And that’s because they are not


Now this is a first

And things are done differently

in every kingdom

There’s rules and regulations

Every kingdom is different to

And how they conduct

themselves isn’t the same

I am not very much clued on

Isilo Kingdom

Except what we hear or TV and

what we read on papers
But I know for certain , it’s one
of a kingdom

One that holds totems and spirit


Something I don’t think my

kingdom has

Or maybe I am just not aware

We’re just people of the rain

That’s just us

And well , there’s nothing much

to say about us that can shock

I hear the Isilo healer is not just

your ordinary healer

Like the one we have

Who just minds the royal house

And passes messages from


Also healing our people

But it is said that the Isilo healer

, also holds the great animal
spirit of their ancestral . Their
great ancestor
And as if that’s not enough

He is also married to a rain


And I only thought we had

those only here in Lesotho

And by that I mean , in the

olden days of our forefathers
Not now

I have heard things not humanly

possible about that place

So maybe royals are overlooked


Just because it’s a powerful


And so we ought to bow

I don’t know

I shall see , when we get there

Hopefully , I make my parents

proud . And instil their trust in
As maids run around inside the
palace walls

Preparing for the coronation of

the new king

And the arrival of royals , who

some of have already arrived

While some are arriving

And others are still yet to come

Outside the palace gate

Villagers pour in numbers

As they bring all sorts of gifts

Paying their respect to the fallen


And showing love

It is clear they’re mourning their

Despite what occurred in this


Some of her people , they still

adored queen Nomhle

And clearly , she was still their

queen . And took her fall as one
, as they pay their respects
Isilo has requested that King
Hawu graces him with his

And as his car , parks by the

palace gates

Stunned by what he sees , the

people bow their heads in
The gates open for him

And he drives through

Not knowing what to make of

what he just saw

Should he rejoice?
Isilo : I am very sorry , about
what’s happening there at the
gate . Maybe I should have
asked you how you feel about
that , but I also didn’t know
what to say . I don’t think I was
asked , but rather told by the

Isilo says to King Hawu

King Hawu : I see

Isilo : I can always have that

King Hawu : no , no there’s no

need . They may have denied
her , when she needed her
people the most . But at least
now , they honour her . Even
though it’s in death

Isilo looks down

He has never come across

He doesn’t know what to say ,

to a man who seems to have
lost his whole life

A man who seems like his whole

existence is none

Isilo : I …we can let them be ,

maybe it’s what she would like
King Hawu : you can speak of
her in the past , I need to
understand that she’s gone .
More than I need to accept , I
need to understand

Isilo nods

In his heart , he doesn’t help

but blame himself for the death
of the queen
If he had not come here

Then maybe the queen would

still be alive

Of course , he can’t say all of

that to anyone

He hopes , he can be able to

accept this death
And trust that , in whatever we

And no matter what happens

The ways of the Gods are for

our greater good , at all times
even if we don’t always know
Royals arrive in their most

And by now , almost everyone

that is expected is here

And the evening of the

coronation is getting nearby

It’s nearly afternoon now

Preparations are almost done

King Hawu walks in the throne

And finds Isilo on his own

King Hawu : do you have a

minute ?

Isilo looks at him

Isilo : my king …
King Hawu : you can actually
stop addressing me as king , I
haven’t been a king in almost
twenty years

Isilo smiles

Isilo : until I sit on this throne ,

and I am declared King . You will
always be king , you did not
appoint yourself as one . You
were appointed by Isilo himself ,
I am not king yet . And that
makes you one still , that hasn’t

He walks over to him

Isilo : everything is almost done

here , and everyone is almost
here . Tomorrow , we will lay
the queen to rest in the manner
in which she deserves

King Hawu : thank you

Isilo : is there a matter ?

King Hawu : no , I do not want

to stand in your way anyhow .
So I …

Isilo : no , no please stay . My

aunt is not here , I’ll rather I
have you

King Hawu looks at him

For the first time really , ever
since Isilo arrived here

He is seeing a humanly side to


That he never thought he had

And that touches him

As hard and cold as he is

He is still a young boy on his

And no man is an island

King Hawu : because you insist

Isilo : please , I do

He heaves a sigh
King Hawu : what’s wrong ?

Isilo : all this is making me see

how alone I am , and coming
here I really thought I will find a
home . Have a family , people
that are my own

King Hawu : I ….don’t you have

any siblings ?

Isilo : no , I don’t
He turns his eyes away from
King Hawu

King Hawu : Isilo is your home ,

and your aunt might not be
here anymore . But I am here ,
and so are your cousin’s

He walks over slightly to him ,

and taps his shoulders in a
comforting manner
Isilo :thank you my king I will
see you tonight , I still need to
see Thongalethu . So he can
prepare for Isilo

King Hawu : alright

King Hawu walks out

Leaving Isilo alone

He walks around the throne

This is the day that he has been

patiently anticipating

For as long as he can remember

, it has finally come
It’s one thing to read about this

And hear about it , from people

Yet it’s another to see it

With your own eyes

Wow ! I am out of words to be

I don’t even think words can
describe this place

It’s majestic

It feels magical and it’s a

something I’ve never seen

Like it’s beauty cannot be

overshadowed by what is of
One with an eye and can see

They’ll say nothing but sing

praises of this place

I am gawked !!

I thought my country was


I hadn’t seen anything

I never thought there’s such
places on this earth

Maybe in a storytelling book yes

But not real

I’m one of the few royals to


And we are welcomed well

The palace is beautiful

And so is everything about this


We are led to the throne room

Where I believe the ceremony

will be taking place

I only heard about it

I have never seen a king being

Especially one from a place as


I am sure , I am yet to be

I am escorted to my table
My nerves are all over the place

I hope I get through this night

and the queen’s funeral

I take a seat as a lady sits next to

What do I do ?

Do I greet her or say nothing ?

Her : your majesty

She bows her head a bit with a


What do I do ?

I smile back with a slight smile

Her : I am Rain

Could it be ?

Me : queen Rain of …

She slightly laughs

Rain : please just call me Rain

,it’s okay really
Me : well then , just Mapula will

We laugh

Rain : royalties and formalities

put of the way

Me : definitely

I take a deep breath , feeling a

bit of relief
At least it wasn’t a bad start

And it isn’t as awkward as I

thought it would be

Hopefully this evening goes well

And tomorrow , after the

queen’s funeral I will be on my
I don’t understand any of this

How is it a king is crowned

Before the funeral of a queen ?

Shouldn’t there have been a

funeral first ?

Then the coronation

But hey …
What can we say ?

We don’t all do things the same

So maybe this is how they’re

done here , we just have to wait
and see
Rain is really just a nice person

She has been keeping me


While we await the new king

I have seen King Hawu a bit

He is still addressed as king , but

there’s a new king
I don’t get anything happening

Silence follows as the royal

healer walks in

Chanting his incantations

With smoke coming from a

small clay dish

Everyone is watching
I am just waiting in anticipation

I have heard things about this


And I am eager to see what’s

going to happen here

He goes around the throne ,

and sprinkle something
The doors open

And I see the change of weather


I look at Rain

Me : it was literally hot when we

arrived , I didn’t even bring
anything warm

She smiles
Rain : it will pass , I believe .
Strange things happen here ,
and I thought I knew them all .
Considering who I am and
where I come from

Oh yes , she is the rain queen

That’s something else to be , in

this day and age
Thunder rumbles

I have never heard of this much


And what follows , a howl of

wild animals

Roaring and groaning

I am scared , I want to run out

of here
But everyone is just seated

Like what is happening is


Rain : it’s okay , don’t fear

She takes my hand

I take a deep breath

And what walks through the
door , wasn’t what I expected

A whole Jaguar walks in

I literally move back from my


But Rain holds me

Rain : it’s okay

I am shaking everywhere

The royal healer approaches it

And I turn away

I cannot look anymore

I do not want to see people

playing with danger

And die
What if this animal kills him ?

And why is there an animal here


In the midst of so many people

I lift my head up when I hear


And praises
The man is clothed in jaguar

Is it ?

Or that is printed on his flesh ?

Me : is that a …

Rain : the imprint of Isilo

Me : Isilo as in the jaguar ?

Rain : yes

Wow !

I am astonished

As he is led to the throne

And is crowned by the healer

Praises go around the throne

And I am still looking around for

that jaguar

But it’s nowhere in sight

I don’t even know when it

walked out
Or when the new king walked in

I am only human

And it’s only right , to have fear

Rain : he is Isilo , the new king

Me : Isilo the jaguar or that’s his

name ?

Rain : both
I pop my eyes in shock

Me : you mean he is …

Rain : yes

In what sense does this make

sense ?

Or even humanly possible ?

And we are just in the presence
of someone who can turn into a
dangerous animal

And people are cheering like

everything is normal

And it’s a day like any

Rain : come , let me go

introduce you
I look at her like she’s insane

She laughs

Rain : come , he won’t eat you .

Unless you let him

I frown and get what she says

Me : euwww !.

We laugh
She takes my hand and we walk
over to where this King Isilo is at

I don’t think I want to be in his


Never mind being near him

And why are we even going to

him ?
What do I say to him ?

Congratulations to being a king


Or do I just keep my mouth shut

and say absolutely nothing , as I
have nothing to say
I look at Rain and the Mapulana
Princess approach

I excuse myself from Hawu

Rain greets , and I greet her


Rain : I …we just wanted to

congratulate you

She looks at the princess

Who is clearly very scared

And just want to be very far

from me

Her fear is very much evident

Me : thank you

I look at her
Me : thank you for honouring
the invite on your kingdoms

She shyly smiles

Me : Isilo Xaluva , I don’t believe

we have properly met

I hold my hand out

Reluctantly she takes it

Her : Mapula Rapulana

Me : the pleasure is all mine , I

hope to see you when we lay
our fallen queen tomorrow

Mapula : that is why I am here

Me : great

I look at Rain
Me : my queen , please excuse

She slightly bows , I walk away

from them with a chuckle .
Stealing a glance at the princess
, and she quickly drops her eyes
It is a very dull morning for the

Hawu is in his sorrows

That he doesn’t know what will

happen to him now

How does he move on without

her ?

How his life will be

Will there even be any life
without the woman who kept
him , for so many years

She was his sanity in moments

of madness

And now she is gone

He is left all alone , without her

He doesn’t know where to from

Or what he is meant to do

He cannot even face his children

He doesn’t know what to say to


He doesn’t know how to

comfort them
Should he tell them that
everything will be okay ?

Even when he himself , needs to

hear those words

Without Nomhle he is weak

And he doesn’t have his

The kingdom is filled with

That he shouldn’t be feeling this


But he knows , when all is said

and done

He will be on his own

No one will be here

Everyone will go on with their

While he is left to navigate his


He looks around and sees how

much his wife was loved

That even in death , her people

still mourn her
And they came to pay their last

Watching as the coffin goes


It feels like the final

confirmation that his dear wife
is gone

She is gone …
And she’s never coming back

Reality hits him so hard

That for the first time since her


He finds himself so emotional

That tears are burning his eyes

And if he could , he would fall
down and weep like a small

He is feeling the pain now with

a heavy heart , yet it feels so
I don’t think I’ve ever been to a
funeral all my life

Not even back at home

Even if a villager dies

My parents are always there

And I have to say , for the first

funeral I have attended
It is the most saddest thing a
person can ever attend

I am aware people are not


And there’s nothing to rejoice


It’s a funeral after all

But damn !!
I don’t think there’s a single
person I saw

Who wasn’t sad somehow

It felt like we all knew Queen


Like we spent time with her

And the way her people spoke
so nicely about her

I swear , she was an angel

walking on earth

It broke me seeing her husband

looking lost

He was just so out of place

And I couldn’t even look at her

The way the last born wept

It was so heartbreaking

I found myself crying

And I couldn’t stand it anymore

So I left and came to my car

I am just waiting for them to be

And head back to the palace

The day already feels like it’s

been a long one

I am startled by a knock on the

I lift my eyes and it’s King Isilo

Me : my king…

Isilo : Isilo will do just fine

What is it with people not

wanting to be addressed with
their tittles ?
Isilo : are you okay ? I saw you
leaving , and thought I should
come check on you

How nice of him

Me : I am okay , just that

funerals are sad

Isilo : indeed
Me : I am truly sorry for your
loss , it seems and sounded like
your aunt was truly a great

Isilo : yeah , I hear . I so wish I

knew her , had enough time to
meet her under different

I frown in confusion
He notices that and chuckles

Isilo : I will tell you all about it


Oh , so there is something to
tell there

Me : we will meet … again ?

He chuckles
And I notice he does that a lot

Instead of showing a smile

He just chuckles

Isilo : definitely , I shall hope so

I find myself smiling at that

And quickly reprimands myself

What am I smiling about ?

Just yesterday I was scared of

this man

And now here I am , smiling

with him
Everyone has left the royal
burial place

I decided to stay behind

And I am looking at all these


Sorrow fills my heart

How it seems like I am left alone

All of my linage is laying on this

I am standing by her grave

And for some reason

I find myself hurting

Even though I didn’t know her

That I met her on her last day
on earth

I guess what hurts the most , is

that she’s the reason I came

She’s the reason I came looking

for this place

Because I wanted to meet her

I wanted to have a family

And now she’s gone

Without even having a single

conversation with her

And now I will never have that

moment ever again

I kneel down taking a deep

Me : I wish I had come sooner ,
and I didn’t wait for this long .
Only to find out , I came too late
. You didn’t wait , as soon as you
saw me you saw a way out . I
am angry because I still needed
you , and I came here because
of you . Because I wanted you , I
wanted to know you . I wanted
to have you in my life , to be a
part of your life . I didn’t come
here for the throne or anything
else , I came for you and now
you’re gone . You see how
everyone has ended here , and
I’m left with cousins that I don’t
even know . I am but a child ,
and I still need guidance . So
don’t sleep and sleep forever ,
always turn back and remember
that I’m still behind . Give me
strength and guidance , to make
you all proud . And raise the
land of our forefathers again , to
continue where you left off with
greatness . I don’t know
anything about this life , I am
about to fill shoes I have never
stepped on . So I ask this from
you , to tell everyone to stand
with me and guide me

I take a deep breath

Closing my eyes briefly

I slowly get up
And I walk over to my father’s

Me : I am back home , I hope

you can see that . And you’re
proud of me , for finding home .
I always said , I am not angry at
you . And I still say that , even
after so many years . I believe
you had a hand , in guiding me
home . Uncle Lumkile always
said , Isilo is a place that exists
and yet cannot be pointed or
directed where it is . One can
only be led to it . So thank you
for leading me back home

I move back slowly , and turn

walking out of the burial site
I don’t even have an appetite to
eat anything

I am tired

Or maybe I am just feeling sad

This wasn’t a good day

I just want to sleep

Or just be left alone

A knock comes at the door

Rain let me use one of the


I will leave later on

Even though some of the royals

are already leaving

I open the door

She smiles , holding a plate in

Rain : for you to have strength ,

you do need to eat

Me : I am not hungry

Rain : maybe now , but later .

There’s a food warmer in here ,
put it to good use
I laugh

Me : thank you

I take the plate from her

Rain : let me leave you to rest

She walks out , I close the door

locking it
I place the plate on the small

And take my shoes off

I should shower first

But I am tired

I need to sleep first

Even if it’s for an hour or so

I get on the bed

And lay down closing my eyes

Hopefully sleep catches on with


I still need to call home

But I’ll do that later

Even if I call before we leave

Or after we have left it’s fine

Shocking how my parent’s still

haven’t called me even now

Aren’t they worried about me ?

Like if I am okay ?

Or I still live
After they sent me to the
Jaguars jungle

What kind of parents do I have ?

I shake my head , feeling the

sleep creeping in
Hawu : do you have a minute ?

I look at him

Me : of course

He takes a seat next to me

Hawu : thank you for the decent

send off my wife received , she
was laid in respect
Me : no need to thank me , she
is family …was I mean

Hawu : it’s alright , I also used

the present tense until I
understood she is really gone

Me : this palace will always be

home to you , and your kids

Hawu : you’re too kind my king ,

and I thank you
I take a deep breath

Hawu : I am tired , and would

just like to head home and sleep
. It’s been quite a day

Me : I understand , I’ll have a

driver take you home

Hawu : no …no , I would like to

take a walk
Me : well then , I’ll walk with

He chuckles

Hawu : Isilo I am okay, you don’t

need to worry about me

I take a deep breath

Me : I’ll just put you half way

He sighs shaking his head

Hawu : fine

We both get up and walk out of

the palace

I tell security to turn back

It’s silence all the way

With neither of us saying

To a point that he doesn’t even

tell me I’m half way

And I just keep on going

Until we reach his house

I walk him through the gate

Until we reach the door

Hawu : I am home now , you

saw I’m safe . So go back

I laugh shaking my head

Me : take care

Hawu : you too

I turn back
And walk to the palace

I wish he can move back to the


The palace will be nothing but


Once everyone has gone back

to their kingdom’s
I don’t know anyone around
here , someone who is close
enough to be a friend . Or
spend random time with

I’ll just have to put all of my

energy into working for the
I wake up from my nap

And by the way the lights have

lit up the room

I can tell it’s late

I sure dozed off

I must have been really tired , to

sleep for so long
And now I am famished

I can literally finish the plate

Rain brought me

I should get up and warm it

Oh snap !!

I should be on my way back

home by now
Where is my guard and the
maiden ?

I quickly get up and rush to the


I wash my face with cold water

to wake myself up

I dry my face with a face wash

And walk back to the bedroom

I put on my shoes and walk out

Bumping into someone …

And his masculine cologne

engulfs my nostrils

Me : I’m ….

I lift my eyes and it’s King Isilo

Me : I am sorry , I was rushing

Isilo : I see that , but where to ?

Me : Uhm …I was tired and fell

asleep , just woke up now and I
see it’s way too late . At this
hour , we should have long
been on our way back
Isilo : but your guard and
maiden are asleep

Me : what ?

Isilo : they wanted to wake you

up , but I asked that you be left
to rest

Me : why would you do that ?

Isilo : come on , you can still
leave tomorrow or in a few days

Me : Uhm ….all I came here for

was the queen’s funeral , it is

Isilo : and tomorrow , you will

leave . You can go back and rest

Going back and forth about this

won’t help anything
I turn back into the chamber

And turn looking at him

Me : you were coming in here

why ?

Isilo : just to check up on you

Me : mhm
That’s quite strange

I get inside and lock the door

I guess I should warm the food

and eat

Then retire for bed

It’s morning , a new day

And I honestly feel so much

better than yesterday afternoon

I am ready to head back home

And bid this place goodbye

I grab my phone and make a call

It’s been days now

Without calling home.

And worse , they haven’t called

me either

Makes me wonder what kind of

parents I have

Are they not bothered that I

haven’t been home
Or just to hear how I am doing

If all is well with me

The call gets answered

And it’s my mother who

answers the phone

Mom : how are you doing ?

Me : well , even though I feel

She laughs

Mom : and why is that ?

Me : Why is it that you and dad

haven’t called to check on me ?

Mom : is something wrong ?

Me : no , but you should at least
check on me

Mom : sweetheart , we didn’t

send you off on your own . And
if anything was wrong , your
guard or maiden would have
called . Like they called last
night , to say you’re tired and
won’t be making a trip back

Oh wow !
Me : fine !

Mom : don’t be grumpy , its way

too early for that you’re a

Me : mother , I will see you


Mom : or you can stay for a few

day’s , see Isilo and …
Me : I came here for a funeral !
And it is done

What is wrong with my mother


For what reason would I want to

stay here more days

What exactly is she trying to say

Mom : well , I was just saying .
It’s not like you have a job or a
man back here waiting for you .
You can take your time there

Me : just wow !

Mom : anyways , I think it would

do you good to be away for a
Me : are you tired of me already
? That you had so much peace
without me there

Mom : don’t put words into my


Me : mother bye

I drop the call

Now my mood has dropped

I am not eager and excited to go
back home

So I can tell them about what

occurred here

It doesn’t sound like I am


If it wasn’t going to sound and

look insane
For staying here more days

I would definitely do it

But why would I do that ?

I don’t even know these people


To want to act like a tourist

I should get up

And see what to do

Before we leave

I don’t think I want to leave this


Maybe midday will do

Or later on
After all , it’s not like anyone is
in a hurry for me

And then there’s Mohau back


Who broke up with me

And I don’t even know what his

mind is at right now
Is he still adamant that we break
up ?

Or maybe he has had a change

of heart

And that also makes me want to

avoid going back home

If I will still hear the words he

was on
I take a deep breath

And get up from the bed

It won’t do me any good to stay

in bed the whole morning

Just wrecking my mind

Thongalethu walks in

I down the glass of water

And look at him

We pass greetings

Me : you can take a seat

He sits down opposite me

And rubs his hands together

Thonga : my king , apologies to

disturb you this early

Me : what’s wrong ?

Thonga : nothing per se , I am

just asking for the morning off if
there’s nothing that needs or
requires my attention
Me : I don’t think there’s

Thonga : thank you

Me : I don’t mean to be forward

, I know I am new here and I
don’t know much about anyone
here . But can you please check
on Hawu , if you get a chance or
happen to pass by his home
Thonga : I am actually going to
see him

Me : oh …

Thonga : I am not saying there’s

anything wrong with him , or
anything to be worried about .
But I just want to check on him ,
I know he is not at his best right
Me : understandable

Thonga : I will tell you how it

went , when I get back

Me : alright thanks , and please

let me know if he needs

Thonga : I will
He gets up and walks out

I take a deep breath

That man worries me

I am just hoping he is strong

enough to pull through

And find himself again

I know pain and loss

And no one can say , they’re
always the same after such

Everything changes about you ,

and how you view things

You lose a part of yourself

When you lose someone close

to your heart
Nothing is ever the same ever

You live with questions of why ,

and ask yourself if you could
have done anything

Its just a painful experience

I wouldn’t wish it on anyone to

be honest
If only death could be averted

But unfortunately , no one has

power over death

Except God

If he says it’s not your time yet

Then it’s not , and you

definitely won’t die
But when it’s his time and his

Then it surely comes to pass

And the unfortunate thing is


At most times , his will is

definitely painful

And we can’t change that

A helper walks in

And snaps me out of my


Me : is the Mapulana Princess

awake ?

Her : her maiden has gone to

attend to her my king
Me : alright , please ask for her
to join me for breakfast in the

Her : I will set up and ask for her

Me : thank you

I get up from the chair and walk


Just looking around

And I see that not all is lost

I can still get this kingdom to its

former glory

And even more and better

I have to work hard for this land

to prosper

That means no time for self

I should make a mental note of
that , so that it doesn’t ever
leave my mind

And I keep up to my promise

and fulfil it , the way I intend to .
Hopefully it all works out
I am shocked to hear that the
king has asked for me

To join him for breakfast

And in the garden at that

Like why is that ?

Maybe he wants to ask me

when I’m leaving
But yesterday he himself said ,
why am I in a hurry to leave

So it would be a shock for him it

ask me that

Especially if I am right

I don’t even know what to wear

As I didn’t bring a change of

clothes , for more than two days
Right now I am sitting on the

Not knowing what to wear

I can’t rock up wearing pants

Because that’s what I have


For when I return back home

And I was going to change along
the way

Not that I was going to leave the

palace dressed like that

I can’t wear any of the formal

dresses I have either

I don’t know what to do

This feels like a predicament

I don’t even know why the king

wants to have breakfast with

A knock comes at the door

Me : come in

Rain walks in
And she graces me with her

Rain : good morning

Me : what is so good about it ?

Rain : come on , why are you

grumpy ? You’re having
breakfast with the king
Me : what ?

I pop my eyes in shock

Rain : did I ruin a surprise ?

Me : no , does the whole palace

know ?

She laughs

Rain : well …
She shrugs

Me : great , I don’t know what

to wear

Rain : that’s what making you

have a dull morning ? Come on.,
stop being silly . You could walk
out with a refusal bag , and Isilo
would still look at you with
I shake my head with a smile

Rain : come on , I am sure we

can find you something in my

I tie a robe and she takes my


We walk over to her chamber

I hold her back and we stop

As we get close

Me : where is your husband ?

She smiles

Rain : he is out , don’t worry

That’s a relief
Where I am from healers are

And you don’t just get friendly

with them

So I don’t want to waltz into his


Just because his wife has been

nice to me
I still hold what I know from
back home

Even if things are different

around here

I will treat the man with respect

And not get too friendly with

We walk inside their chamber

And it’s beautiful

Looks so big inside , that it is

specious . And even has a
I had my head down

But as soon as I could smell her


I lifted my eyes up

And I have never seen anything

as stunning as she is

She looks breath taking

Definitely has taken my breath

I get up and pull a chair for her

As she greets and I greet her


Not taking my eyes off of her

We sit down
I clear throat

Listening to the beat of my


I better grab a hold on myself

Me : you look very beautiful

She smiles

Mapula : thank you

Me : and thank you for
honouring my invite , I didn’t
think you would

Mapula : curiosity got the better

of me , and I couldn’t exactly
say no to the king

I let out a slight chuckle

Me : you could , it was a request

Mapula : yes , but like I said I
got curious . As to why

Me : well , maybe I just want to

spend time with you . Because
you seem to be in a hurry , to
be out of here . I figured maybe
this is the only chance , I’ll have
with you

She shyly looks down

Me : we can eat , before the
food gets cold . If you would
allow me , before you leave . I
would like to take a tour of this
land of my forefathers with you

She looks up

Her eyes lightening with a smile

Mapula : really ?
Me : yes , if you’re keen of

Mapula : I would love to

If only she wasn’t in such a

hurry to leave

Then I would get to have more

And maybe lunch times like this

Mapula : can I dish up for you ?

Me : please

I am capable

But it’s a sight seeing her do it

So much with precision

I am just admiring the sight in
front of me

And she keeps on stealing

glances at me

As she goes on to dish , small

portions of almost everything
on the table

Mapula : I hope it’s enough

She places the plate in front of

Me : more than enough , thank


She smiles taking a seat

Me : what ?

I ask with a chuckle

Mapula : you scare me to be
honest , but you’re so polite

Me : I’m what ?

I slightly let out a laugh

Mapula : polite

Me : what makes you say that ?

Mapula : you may be scary yes ,
but you’re not rude nor mean.
You always say please and thank
you , that’s always being polite

Me : mhm , and why do I scare

you ?

Mapula : you walked in the

throne room as a jaguar , and
well …you just don’t have a
friendly face
Me : I see , but here you are
having breakfast with me .
Clearly I’m not all bad

She smiles

Mapula : no , you’re not

It’s been quite a morning

After breakfast , he asked that

we go for a tour

And it’s just been an amazing


With no guards around us

Just us taking a walk around the

Seeing the kingdom

Meeting a few people around

the village

I understand now , why he

wanted to do this

He doesn’t know much about

this place either
He wasn’t raised here , so he
doesn’t know this place

He is new around here

So he wants to get to know his


And see his land

Get to know his kingdom

He is so fascinated by
everything we come across

And it’s actually cute to see

I am glad he asked me to come

with him , so I can have this
experience with him
The walk with Isilo was exactly
what I needed

I am refreshed

As much as I am tired

And wish I can just nap

But I am hungry
I am just lazy to walk to the

And grab something to eat

As for leaving , I should be

getting ready to leave right now

But I am so conflicted

I don’t know if I should leave

Or stay for a few days

Maybe it’s just me

But there’s just a certain way , I

find Isilo

And the way he just indulges me

I swear , I am feeling things

And I hope it’s not just me alone

I am hoping we both feel this

But I can’t outright ask him

He hasn’t said anything

And well , it’s not like we have

known each other for a while

It’s only been a few days

Spending time with him today

It felt like I am getting closer to


And I loved every second of it

Oh that man !

Not even Mohau has ever had

me feeling this way
But I know nothing about Isilo’s
love life

What if he has someone ?

He is a handsome man , that

much I cannot deny

And it’s highly rare that he is

Maybe he doesn’t even see me
that way

I am just thinking ahead

How silly of me !!

But I can’t help it

I snap out of my thoughts

By a knock on the door

Me : come in

Rain walks in

And she laughs

Me : what ?

Rain : word has it , you and the

king were seen roaming around
the village
I laugh

She walks in and sit down on

the couch

Rain : so ?

Me : what ?

Rain : I thought it was just

breakfast , what happened ?
Me : we just went for a walk ,
that’s all

Rain : oh say whatever you want

to believe

Me : and what do you believe ?

Rain : come on , our king is

I pop my eyes

Me : like he is married ?

She laughs

Rain : no , by you

I laugh

Me : come on , he is a king
Rain : and you’re a princess

Me : don’t fill my head with

ideas , I am sure he doesn’t
even look at me like that

Rain : we will see , when are you

leaving ?

Me : Uhm …
I clear my throat

Me : maybe later

She laughs clapping her hands

I swear , it doesn’t feel like I am

talking to a queen

Rain : okay , I’ll see you

tomorrow morning
Me : I won’t …

I shake my head

She gets up

Rain : maybe you could ask our

beloved king to join you for

She winks and walks out

Me : what the fuck !!!

Mhm !

I pinch myself and lay down on

the bed

What the fuck is going on with

me ?

This is not good

I really need to get out of this

And just go back home

Before I spiral out of control

here , over a man who’s way
above my league
Thongalethu walks in

And by the looks of things

He doesn’t look too good

It’s way late at night

And I would think he is asleep

by now

I don’t know what’s wrong

He takes a seat

And I can literally just sense his


Me : what is wrong ?

Thonga : I am sorry to bother

you at this time my king

Me : there must be a reason

Thonga : it’s about uJola

I raise my brow

Me : is he okay ?

He shakes his head

And now I am getting worried , I

hope nothing happened to him
Thonga : not entirely

Me : just tell me what’s going


Thonga : I went to see him , like

I said I was

Me : yes

Thonga : when I got there , his

state wasn’t the best
Me : understandable , the man
just lost his wife . We cannot
expect him to be his best

Thonga : his kids are saying they

cannot stay in this place , this
kingdom holds nothing but bad
memories for them . From the
time their mother was
dethroned , and stripped away
of her throne tittle
Me : oh

I am a bit saddened by this

I thought they will want to stay

For the sake of their father

And that I would get to know


And just get to have family

The thought of having cousins

Thought I would have my own

brothers and sisters

Thonga : now , Bangani doesn’t

think he wants to stay here .
While his kids leave

Me : what ?
I did not expect this

Me : he wants to leave ?

Thonga : yes

I heave a heavy sigh

Thonga : by the look of things ,

it looks like he has made up his
mind . I tried to talk to him , but
he was adamant
I let out a slight chuckle

I don’t know whether to say I

am disappointed or hurt

I don’t know how I’m feeling

right now

It just feels like what I came

here for is nothing , just
absolutely nothing
My aunt is gone

Her husband wants to leave

And her kids want nothing to do

with this place

So exactly what did I come here

for ?

If I’ll still be left all alone

With no one by my side

With no family

Just me alone , in the midst of


Who could change their backs

on me at any given time

What was the point ?

Thonga : I couldn’t sleep
without telling you

I nod

Me : thank you

He gets up and walks out

I am left pounding on my
Hawu owes me nothing

The man doesn’t even know me

So he can leave whenever he

wants to leave , nothing holds
him to this place
I barely even slept last night

I couldn’t sleep

No matter how much I tried

I just kept tossing and turning

That I ended up taking a walk in

the garden

Mind you , at midnight

My mind was just running

Filled with all sorts of thoughts

And I was doubting so many of

my decisions

That maybe I should have come

Maybe I shouldn’t have taken
this throne

That way , I would leave and

return back to where I come

Seeing that the person I came

here for is gone
And now her family wants
nothing to do with this place as

They’re leaving

I came here to not be alone

Thinking I’ll have a family

But boy …was I wrong

And now here I am

King to this kingdom

The people of this land are

looking at me

They want to see what I’ll do for


What change I will bring to this

Yet I’m in an inner battle with

How do I even begin to rule


And be their leader

When my own life is sin such

To be honest , I am a mess

And so is my life

It feels like I have bit more than

I can chew

And now there’s no getting out

of this one

I can’t just walk away

Now I wish I didn’t know

That Thongalethu didn’t tell me

what Hawu said

If he is adamant that , then who

am I to convince him otherwise
The king walks in his hut

And finds the queen beading

He takes a seat on the bench

And she lifts her eyes looking at


Queen : what’s bothering you ?

King : it’s been days now

She sighs

Queen : she is fine , and she will

come back home

King : this is not how a princess


Queen : and you would know ?

She quickly regrets her words

And lowers her eyes

Queen : what I mean is , she is

okay . And she is taking time , to
learn about Isilo . When she is
ready to come back she will

King : she doesn’t know anyone

there , for what reason would
she even be interested in
learning about that kingdom ?
Queen : maybe she has made

King : you are just happy for

your own reason , and that’s
okay . But I want my daughter
back home

Queen : we have to let her

spread her wings , so she can
find her place
He gets up from the bench

And stands on his feet

King : his place is right here with

her people , there’s no other . I
want my daughter back home

He walks out of the hut

The queen sighs

Taking a deep breath

If only her and the king were

seeing eye to eye about this

But he is so overprotective ,
that he can’t see beyond
Mapula being a child

She’s a young woman now

Who needs to go out there and
find her own home

They can’t keep her here


If only the king understood , but

he has spoken
I look at him

He is sitting near the garden

And seems to be lost in thought

He looks at me for a while in


Isilo : you may take a seat

I want to decline
But I decide against that

And I sit down next to him

Isilo : it is a beautiful day today ,

and I just wanted to be out here

I nod with a smile

But my heart is heavy

And I look at him

I see sadness on his face

And maybe I will make it worse

That’s if he feels the same way

But then , I have to tell him

I just have to
Even though I don’t know how
to say it

Me : my mother called this

morning , my father is …

Isilo : I know you have to go

back home , even though I wish
you didn’t have to

I want to say , then let me not

But I can’t say that

I cannot disobey my father’s


My mother might have been

the one to tell me

But I know it’s from him

Because she doesn’t care

whether I come back or not
Isilo : I hope this is not the last
day I see you

Me : no

He lets out a fade smile

And I wish he can smile more

Because I would love to see his

Me : you seem very down today
, you mind talking about it ? I
would hate to leave you like this

He chuckles

Isilo : I don’t want to bother you

with my problems

Me : please , if you don’t mind

to talk . Then talk to me
Isilo : are you sure ?

Me : yes

Isilo : maybe it’s just nonsense

Me : but it’s not to you , and

you cannot look this dull over

He sighs
Me : I will respect your decision
if you don’t want to talk

Isilo : I don’t care much to talk ,

but if it means I get to spend
the last few hours you have
here in my kingdom with you .
Then I will talk

I let out a slight laugh

Isilo : I want to take you

Me : where ?

Isilo : you’ll see , I promise I

won’t delay you

Me : really ?

I don’t know if I trust him or not

Isilo : by the time you have to
leave , you will be back

Me : if your promise

He gets up

Isilo : a king’s word is his


I let out a smile

He holds out his hand

I take it , and he stares into my

eyes as I stare into his

He clears his throat in that lost

moment , and we snap out of it
taking the walk
I am holding her hand

I know this is safe

As much as I haven’t come here


But I’ve been to this river , many


In so many ways and many

I know no harm will come to her

Because she’s with me

And well , if what I feel for her

really is true

Then I know for certain she is

She looks so astonished by the
beauty of this forest

As we walk through it

She looks around

And the smile on her face is just

heart capturing

She turns her head and looks at

Mapula : what is this place ?

Me : you’ll see

She doesn’t force it out of me

And we keep on walking

Until we get through the open

And I walk in first , taking her
hand after me

She gasps and pops her eyes in

shock and amazement

Mapula : wow !!

She lets go of my hand

And walks towards the river

She looks at me

Me : go on

Mapula : it’s safe ?

I nod

And she walks over slowly

I take a deep breath

And watch her , indulging in this
majestic place

Mapula : wow ! I have never

seen anything like this , is this
the Isilo river ?

Me : yes

Mapula : it’s amazing Isilo

I chuckle

I never thought I’ll see anyone ,

amazed by a place like this . It’s
quite a sight to see

I take off my shoes , and sit

down by the river shore
Wow !

I am lost for words

I have never seen anything like


I never even imagined that a

place like this exists

It’s beyond words

And it looks out of this world

It feels magical

And yet very sacred

And I ask myself if I am allowed

to even be in here ?

I mean , won’t it anger the

guardians or something ?
Isilo : come here

I turn and look at him

He looks so peaceful where he’s


I walk over to him

And sit down next to him

Me : am I allowed in here ?
Isilo : yeah

Me : okay , I just want to be sure

He chuckles

Isilo : if it makes you feel better ,

Isilo used to hate this river .
Until he and the Guardian made
a way , for each to be in each
other’s spaces
Me : that’s better

Isilo : I have been here before ,

but not in human form . And it’s
been quite a while

Yhoh !

Me : so …how does it feel ?

Isilo : it’s just water , I’m a
jaguar . I hate water really ,
unless if it’s to drink

I laugh at how he just casually

says he’s a jaguar

Me : I meant , when you


Isilo : oh that !
Me : it’s okay , if you don’t want
to talk about it

Isilo : when you ask me

something , ask away . Don’t try
to spare my feelings , or think
that maybe I’ll be offended .
Maybe that’s your only and one
chance to ask me anything

Me : okay
Isilo : at first it was painful , I
always felt like my bones are
breaking . It was quite a painful
experience , and I didn’t
understand anything .
Sometimes I would wake up
middle of the night , and find
myself in the deep woods . It
was scary honestly , until I
understood what was
happening . But it took me quite
a few years , to be able to
control how he comes out
Me : you mean Isilo …the
ancestor ?

Isilo : yes , it is different with me

. Because I am him , and he is
me . We are one , there’s no
differenciating us . Unlike with
the others before me , who had
his powers and yes could
transform into him . But it came
in visitation , and he wasn’t one
with them . They could still be in
their human form , and Isilo
come to them in his form . With
me , I can’t separate him from
me . He can’t waltz in here now
, and you still see me here

Me : so you’re saying you’re the

jaguar and he is you like literally

Isilo : yes
Me : how did that happen ?

Isilo : our linage has fallen , this

kingdom had fallen into the
hands of just people . Who
doesn’t even know where it
comes from , or how it got to
where it is . And well , I guess I
was the sacrificial lamb to save
it . And he thought it best , to
come walk the earth in human
form. To fix things
Its how he talks about this

Like it’s something so


And just something so normal

That is a norm to everyone

Like humans are used to , and

it’s all part of humanity
Like it’s not meant to be
something that’s scary

And something that’s very


Because it’s not everyday you

hear of such

Like , it makes one ask

themselves so many questions
about life
And just human nature in

Like how is it such things are

even possible ?

That we even walk the earth

with such beings

That this is their lives , and how

they were created
Does it not even contradict the
manner in which life is meant to
be , or supposed to be in

What God had created

And maybe what we humans

perceive as the creation of God

Its just a lot to be honest

I don’t even want to lie

Or act like it’s something so


That we know , see or hear


Or something that we’re

familiar with

It’s somehow insane

That’s just how I see all of this

Had I not seen it with my own


I wouldn’t even believe half of it

Yes people are created and born


People have gifts and all

But not to be an animal and a
human at the same time

This one is just unheard of

No matter how it can be said

Me : wow , I should be scared of


He chuckles
Isilo : don’t be , apart from
Thongalethu and his wife . And
well Hawu , you’re the only
person ever since I got here .
Who has been kind enough to
me , you offer me your time .
And I must say , I enjoy every
minute I spend with you . That I
wish it can last longer

I let out a smile

Maybe I am reading things

And it makes me feel

comfortable being around him

Despite knowing what I know

about him

And him being so open about it

Without holding back

Or even denying it

Or not admitting to it

Clearly he has accepted himself

and his differences

And he is okay with that

So who am I to even say

anything ?
Me : well , I ….I also enjoy
spending time with you

Isilo : I guess now I am sad , that

you’ll be leaving

Me : yeah well , the feeling is


There’s a moment of silence ,

it’s not awkward either
I just don’t know what he’s

Isilo : promise me that you will

be back , because it’ll get lonely
here . And I hear Hawu wants to

Me : what ?

Isilo : yeah
He heaves a heavy sigh

I now understand why his spirit

is so down

He feels alone , like he has no


Isilo : his kids don’t want to stay

here , they want nothing to do
with this place
Me : I am sorry to hear that

The fade smiles , that he wears

carries a lot

Me : I promise I’ll be back

Isilo : that’s all I ask

Hopefully I keep up to my
I know it wouldn’t hurt to see
him again

And spend time with him , like

this or more

I am hoping for that

I have been delaying to see

Thonga has gone to see him a

few times

And well , it seems like he is still

adamant on his decision

Two of his kids have already left

Without even seeing me

I swear , I am not crazy

His kids don’t like me

They don’t even want to know


Never mind to have a

relationship with me at all

That’s just evident

And I am sceptical to even make
means , to get close to then

Because I see where this water

is flowing

But today I decided to come see


I have been keeping myself busy

Trying to balance everything

Checking books and all

Also trying to see what can be

done to uplift the people of this

What can be done to create

more jobs for them
So they can be able to elevate
themselves and their lives

More so , as much as it’s my job

as a king

I just didn’t want to face Hawu

But now , I can’t keep avoiding it

Because he will leave

And that’s just that

Considering how busy I will be

I might just as well do it

I have organised meetings with

other kingdoms

To see how I can form relations

and alliances
Also on how I can be able to
make a living for my people

After checking the royal books

I can’t exactly say Isilo is rich at

the moment

The money alone is not even

enough to sustain me as king

Or half the royal staff

It’s a lot all at once

And Mapula is not even here to

keep me sane

I have been missing her

And I’ve only been able to talk

to her a few times

Only when it’s at night

And it’s never even for long

Her absence is definitely felt

How I wish , she was here

But yeah , it is what it is

Hawu : it’s nice to see you , I

have been meaning to come see
Me : mhm , I thought I’ll come
see you

Hawu : it’s nice of you

Me : how have you been ?

He sighs

Hawu : Thonga told me , that he

told you
Me : yes , he did

Hawu : I am sorry to do this ,

but without my wife and kids
here . I have nothing keeping
me at Isilo

I nod slowly

Hawu : I hope you understand ,

you’ll always have family with us
I wish I felt like that

But I don’t

Hawu : and don’t ever hesitate

to ask for anything , I will always
be here for you Isilo . No matter
how far I’ll be , it’s what your
aunt would have wanted

I wish she was here

Because she wouldn’t be
turning her back on me

And leaving me alone

In a kingdom with strangers

And leaving me to figure things

out on my own

But she’s not here

And I can’t say anything about
that to him

He owes me absolutely nothing

And is only family to me by her

Me : I understand , and I just

wish you all the best . As for me
, I will be fine . I’ll find my way
around everything
Hawu : I am not abandoning
you , and I hope you know that

Me : I understand

I don’t know what else to say

Maybe he also blames me for

his wife’s death

Its not like I am ignorant

I know if I didn’t come here ,
she would still be alive

Because she was holding on

And didn’t want to leave this

place in shambles

Me coming here , just made it

easy for her to give in and allow
death to take her
Knowing I’ll be here

And I will not sit in idle while

this place dies

So who knows what he thinks

I just have to accept things as

they are

And move on with my life

Even if it means I’ll be all alone

Maybe that’s just how life was

scripted down for me

I can’t change what is meant to

Rain walks in

And sits down on the mat

Her husband looks at her

Thonga : is everything okay ?

She heaves a sigh

Rain : I should get back

He knew this would come

She has a kingdom to care for

And people that depend on

their queen

She was never going to stay

here for long

Thonga : when ?
Rain : tomorrow

Thonga : I understand , I wish I

can go with you . But I am
worried about Isilo

Rain : you can’t leave him alone

, I am also noticing how he is
isolating himself . I know he has
work , but I think he is
overdoing it . And that surely
can’t be good , not even for a
king . No matter how many
responsibilities he has

Thonga : no it’s not , and now

it’s worse that Hawu wants to

Rain : stay my love , I

understand . Once he settles in ,
then you’ll come see us . I know
the kids miss you , but they also
understand the responsibilities
that you have towards this

Thonga : I just have to find a

way to get closer to him , so he
doesn’t feel like he is alone . A
king is never alone , when he
has his people behind him. He
thinks we are strangers , and we
won’t care much for him . But
what’s a kingdom without a king
or his people ?
Rain : he is new at this , and he
is used to being alone . Right
now he feels abounded , but he
will be okay

Thonga : he is willing and eager

to work for these people , the
least we can do is be with him

Rain smiles

Thonga : what ?
Rain : I appreciate you , and
most importantly the person
you are

He laughs

Rain : you’re not princess

Mapula , but you will do

They laugh
Thonga : he better wife her

Rain : they’re in denial

Thonga : but it is …

He is disturbed by a knock on
the door
Been a few days at home

And I feel sick to be honest

But not literally

I just miss Isilo

And that’s just that

Like , I miss his presence

I miss being next to him

Just hearing him talk

I even miss his hoarse voice

That literally annoyed me at


And I would ask myself

Like why he doesn’t speak like a
normal person ?

But then hearing his voice ,

would always evoke something
in me

And talking on the phone , it’s

not the same as being there
with him

If anything …
It just makes me miss him more

I just miss walking around with


Sharing a meal together

It was for a short while yes

But I sure do miss all of that

And seeing his so not friendly

Hearing his chuckle

Like ….yeah , I feel sick cause of


I haven’t left my hut much

Nor have I spoken to anyone

Not even going with the
maidens by the river

Or seen Mohau

He knows I am back

But we haven’t talked

Like , I don’t know where is his

state of mind
Or if he still says we are done

Or maybe he has had a change

of heart

Seeing that I am back home ,

and there’s no talks of marriage

Or that some royal people are

coming here for whatever , that
has to do with me
I didn’t speak much with my
parents either

I just told them , the trip was


The queen was laid to rest


And the new king sits on his

And that was just it

I am glad they didn’t also ask

me anything

About maybe anyone having an

interest in me

I swear , sometimes it feels like

my mother wants me gone and
I was certain before

That Mohau is the man for me

As much as he is a commoner

But I thought I loved him

Now , I am not so certain

There’s just something about

That makes me feel like I

haven’t lived

And I wish I can explore that

But obviously I cannot do that

all by myself

It can’t be
If he doesn’t let me in

There’s not much I can say or do

I am interrupted by a knock

I get up and open the door

And it’s my father , I sigh in

relief letting him in
I’ll rather it’s him than my

Yes , I am a daddy’s princess

And that’s fine , because he

allows me to be

Dad : good morning my princess

Me : good morning my king

He slightly slaps my shoulder

Dad : it’s dad to you

I laugh

He takes a seat by the small


I sit down on my small single

Me : I just woke up , don’t mind
my mess please . I’ll clean my

Dad : you do that a lot these


Me : yeah well , I believe I was

born with hands for a reason. I
hate having a helper clean my
room , almost everyday for me .
When I am perfectly capable
He smiles

Dad : that’s my girl

His silence tells me , he didn’t

just come into my room for no

Me : are you okay ?

Dad : hey …
He chuckles shaking his head

Dad : who is the parent here ?

Me : I am still allowed to ask

Dad : yes you are , but I am

worried about you . So I can’t
exactly say I am fine

Me : worried about me ….why ?

Dad : you haven’t been yourself
, ever since you got back from

Mhm !

Trust him to notice such

Me : I am fine

Dad : I didn’t say you’re not

Me : so then why are you
worried ?

Dad : because you’re always in

your room , if you’re not on
your phone half the time . We
don’t see you as much

Me : oh yeah …

I clear my throat
Me : maybe it’s just fatigue , it’ll
wear off surely in a few days

Dad : you promise , that there’s

nothing else ?

I nod

Dad : I am not convinced by a

I laugh

Me : dad

Dad : yes I am not , but I’ll not

pressure you . If there’s
anything , and you feel like you
want to talk . You know I am
here for you , always and you
can tell me anything

Me : if there’s anything I will talk

Dad : it doesn’t have to be right
now , or tomorrow or even the
next day . Not even next week ,
or next month . It’s okay , take
your time and I’ll wait

He gets up

Dad : come eat

Me : yes
He walks out

And I ask myself if he maybe

knows something

Or is he hoping to hear

That maybe something

happened at Isilo , that he’s
ought to know about
Or maybe there’s nothing

He could just be a genuinely

concerned father

Or maybe my mother sent him

to fish

With that woman one would

never know
Her mind works in her own

I better leave this room and

stop with the sulking

It won’t bring Isilo here

And I have to see Mohau

I can’t leave things hanging like

I need to know what is what

So I can move on if it gets to


Or it has gotten to that

I can’t keep this false hope

Because even my own feelings

are no longer the same now
Something has changed

And I know things will never be

the same again , between us

Unless I keep on lying to myself ,

of which I don’t intend on
I sit down on the rock

And wait for him to come

I asked to see him

It’s no use delaying this

The way I am feeling

I don’t even know what I’ll do or

If he were to say we should
continue dating

I mean , I am not certain I want

this anymore

I seem to be thinking more

about another man

More than I think about my own

I miss another man

And I would be lying if I said , I

have missed Mohau ever since
I’ve left

Or even when I came back

There was no void whatsoever

I look at him as he walks by

Looks like he wasn’t at work

He works by the crops field

I guess he didn’t go today

It was raining last night

That must be the reason

He walks over

And sits down on the rock

Mohau : my princess

I smile looking at him

Me : hey

Mohau : you look good

Me : thanks

There’s silence

Like he doesn’t know what to


I don’t know how to break the

ice either

This feels like we’re strangers

Maybe he feels exactly the
same way I feel

Me : so …how have you been ?

Mohau : good , I can’t complain

I nod slowly

Me : that’s good
Mohau : and you …how was
your trip ?

Me : nice , very nice . I didn’t

know it was that nice , to just
get out and see other places

Mohau : ah , all that matters is

that you were not bored

Me : no , I wasn’t
Mohau : that’s good

Me : yeah

The silence again

I take a deep breath

We should get this over and

done with

It’s no use being quite

Me : so …you meant what you
said ?

Mohau : I love you , but I also

know I have nothing to offer a

Me : I was a princess when you

started dating me Mohau , so I
don’t know what you’re trying
to say
Mohau : I was delusional to
think I can build anything with
you , your father would never
approve of our relationship

Me : so , it is done

Mohau : it’s for the best

Me : okay , I wish you all the

I get off the rock

Me : bye

I walk away from him

Mohau : so just like that , you’ll

walk away ?

I turn and look at him

Me : you have made your
decision , I gave you time to
think . I can’t keep on forcing
you , to be with me when you
don’t see a future

Mohau : did you even love me ?

Me : I loved you , but I also

won’t force you to be in this
relationship . You think it’s best
we part ways , let’s do that .
And not make things hard
Mohau : you’re just walking
away way too easily

Me : what do you want me to

do ? Get on the ground and beg
you ? Well , I am sorry but I

I turn and walk way

At least this is done

And if anything happens

I will not feel bad , like maybe I

am betraying him

He will move on , and find

someone else
The queen takes a seat down on
the grass mat

Next to the king

Queen : do you think she met

someone ?

King : what makes you think

that ?

The queen looks at him

Queen : the way she has been

King : the child is just tired

Queen : tired for days ? No ways

, I hope she knows she’s a
princess . And she has to uphold
herself a certain way , hopefully
no one has entered your kraal
King : enough of this !

He raises his voice a bit

He cannot even begin to


That someone has slept with

her daughter

He just can’t think something

like that
He is having a hard time just
accepting that , someday she
will leave

King : we shouldn’t even be

talking about our daughter like

Queen : but we can’t deny that

she’s growing up
King : yes she is , and if there’s
something happening she will
tell us. And a prince wouldn’t
dare degrade my child like that

Queen : yes , but then she’s …

King : please , can we just stop

talking about this ?

Queen : okay , I am sorry . I

didn’t mean to upset you
King : let us let her be , when
she’s ready she won’t shut us

Queen : okay

She keeps quite , knowing this

weighs heavy on him

It doesn’t help , to push the

Best she give them both time

And see how things unfold

But she can she the difference

in her daughter , something
definitely happened at Isilo
I sit down

And Thongalethu walks in

He takes a seat next to one of

the elders

I would have wanted Hawu to

be here

But with how things are

I think it’s best I just leave him
out of things , that have to do
with this kingdom

I don’t believe he wants

anything to do with them either

Considering that he is leaving

Even a position as chief

He wouldn’t want that

I don’t think he would even
want to take it

So I didn’t inform him about this

council meeting

It’s just for the best to be


It’s no use to even try and get

him involved in these things
Its time I take upon my duties

I wasn’t crowned king

To just wear the crown

Sit on the throne

And yet do nothing for the

Me : thank you all for coming

Some nod while others just

stare at me

I know they don’t like me much

Because of what happened ,

when I first got here

So it’s fine
Me : the reason for this meeting
, is because I want to start
working . And I have given
myself enough time , to check
how things have been handled
in the past years . Ever since the
fallen queen , was stripped off
the throne . And to say , I am
disappointed would be an
understatement . This kingdom
doesn’t have money , the funds
of the kingdom have been
misused . In such a way that ,
millions of Rand’s cannot be
accounted for . I will not dwell
on that , nor even seek to know
who is responsible . Because
then , I would make people pay .
I just want to move forward
swiftly , and see how I can
salvage what’s left of Isilo . Now
I am going to change this
council …

The whispers
Me : I am still talking

They quite down

Yet I can see they’re burning to

talk , and clearly they’re not
happy about my decision
Me : unfortunately , as much as
I respect all of you here . I don’t
care what you think , whether
you like what I say or not

Elder 1 : my king , no king has

ever ruled without a council

Me : I know that , I may be new

at this . But trust me , I know
enough . And I am releasing you
all , of your council duties . I will
assemble a new council , of you
and fresh minded people .
People who have plans , and
ideas to help elevate this
kingdom and it’s people .
Honestly , you’re all old . You
should be home , raising your
grandkids . And spending your
last days with your families , bit
making rules and decisions for a
whole kingdom

Elder 3 : we were appointed for

Me : true , by whoever needed
you . I don’t need you , and
thereof I am letting you go . Our
healer here , will be my advisor
and chief . He is not just a man ,
but he was chosen by the gods
and ancestors . He walks with
the spirit of the greats within
him , he is led . He is definitely
the right person , to hold these
positions . And he will be able to
guide us , and show us the way
I look at Thongalethu

I know I should have asked him


Maybe he doesn’t even want

this as well

Maybe he wants to leave

I don’t know
Because I have never asked him

If he still wants to hold his

position here

Me : you’re free to decline , if

maybe you ….

Thonga : my king , I will gladly

accept . It would be an honour
to serve besides you
That gives me some relief

Because right now , I don’t

know who’s for me and who is

So giving him a position without

talking to him first

Somehow kind of seemed

Me : thank you

He gives a nod

And now I think I have him on

my side , that’s if he only said
yes not to embarrass me
The meetings is done

As much as we didn’t agree on

what I was saying

My word goes

And I will choose a better


Because these old people had

their time
And it’s over and done now

It’s time for new blood

For young people with ideas

Not old men who are stuck in

the past

Yet stealing money from the

people , they do so perfectly
It just annoys me

I head over to Thongalethu’s


I knock

He opens the door

Thonga : my king
Me : I hope I am not disturbing

Thonga : not at all , come in

I walk in

And he lets me have a seat

Me : I came to see , because I

felt we needed to talk

Thonga : okay
Me : about what happened with
the council

Thonga : they will get over your


Me : I am not concerned about

that , it’s about me giving you
the chief and advisor positions

Thonga : yes
Me : I am sorry , I should have
talked to you first . And asked
you if you’re okay with that ,
before I just announced it to

Thonga : it must have been a

spur of the moment thing , and
if it ever comes that you change
your mind . I would completely
understand that , without any
bad blood . But also I meant
what I said , it would be an hour
to serve besides you .

Me : I hear you , now does this

mean you will stay ?

He smiles

Thonga : of course , I am here to

serve this kingdom and it’s
people . And well , my loyalty
lies on the throne , and
whoever sits on it . I came here
to stay , and I believe I was
chosen for a reason . So I
cannot and will not abounded
this kingdom and it’s people

Me : thank you , it …I don’t have

the words to thank you . To be
honest , I feel alone that I’m
about to tackle this all by myself

Thonga : I am here , whatever

you need . I know you just got
here , and you doing know
anyone . And it’s okay to feel
somehow , but just know you’re
not alone

I feel like I needed to hear this ,

and to know this . From
someone else , not assuming it
Tonight I have gathered some

I feel like I am missing him more

And I just want to hear his voice

So I call him , for the first time

He’s always been the one who

It rings only once , and he

Isilo : my princess

Usually I get annoyed slightly

When I’m addressed in this


Makes me feel like that’s all I am

But not when he does

I mean , he says it in a way

That just sets me feeling


Me : my king

Isilo : I am shocked you called

I slightly laugh
Me : well , I couldn’t wait
forever for you to call

He chuckles

And I can just picture him in my


Isilo : I have been busy

Me : I can only imagine

Isilo : if things were simple , I’d
say come and see for yourself

I let out a smile

And relax , facing up laying on

the bed

Me : yeah , I wouldn’t hesitate

Isilo : that’s good to know

I let myself way too easy with

Isilo : how are you ?

Me : well , I am good

Isilo : but …

Should I even tell him or not

Me : mother’s what else

He chuckles

Isilo : tell me , wait …I’ll video

call in a second

Me : oh …

He drops the call

I jump off the bed

Fixing myself a bit

And adjusting my light

And his call comes through

I lay back down and answer

The moment of silence follows ,

and he is just staring at me
Like he is calculating his next
words comes

But it’s never an awkward one

Isilo : you’re so beautiful

Damn !

My cheeks cannot hurt for

Mapula you need to get a grip
on yourself

Because if this doesn’t go


It just means heartbreak for me

most definitely
Me : not too bad for a king

He chuckles

Isilo : so tell me , what did our

beloved queen do to the

I laugh

Me : I swear at times , it just

feels like she wants me to get
hitched and leave her kingdom.
The woman is always in my
business , she just doesn’t know
when to stop

Isilo : aren’t all mother’s ?

Me : no , I doubt

Isilo : are you telling me , that as

beautiful as you are . No prince
has come there already ?
I chuckle shaking my head

Me : Ohhh , don’t mock me . It’s

not like I even go out much .
They know I exist maybe , but
you cannot have an interest into
someone you don’t even know

Isilo : and I thought royalty

marries for relations and
Me : oh yes , they do . But that’s
not what I want . Yes the
kingdom I marry into , can have
relations with mine . But I don’t
want that to be the reason I get

Isilo : then what do you want ?

I take a deep breath , this is not

just a simple question
As much as it may sound as one

Also my answer could make or

break this

Whatever it is

Me : I want more than that , I

want something that’s true and
real . I want love , I want
friendship . To be free around
you , and not feel like I’m a wife
and here for a duty

Isilo : I hear you

Me : times have changed , and

it’s okay to embrace change .
Because not all change is bad ,
some is good . And that’s what I
want for myself , someone who
wants to be with me . Not feel
obliged to , because they gain
Isilo : okay , and do your parents
know this ?

Me : no , of course not . They’ll

probably think , I am just crazy .
More especially my mother , I
can excuse my father on some
things . Because I think he
makes an effort to understand
me , unlike his wife . She just
wants me to be a woman , and
all of that …
Isilo : a daddy’s girl

I let out a smile

Me : well

Isilo : I feel for the prince who

will come , and ask for your
hand in marriage

I let out a laugh

Me : my father is just
overprotective of me , which is
something I think also makes
my mother to be the way she is

Isilo : don’t settle , unless it’s

something you want . Don’t be
with someone , just for the sake
of anyone . Be selfish in life ,
and always put yourself first . Be
happy before you make the next
person happy
I wish that was easy as he says

But it’s not

Especially when you’re born of


Where everything has to be in


Where you’re told what is what

You don’t have control over
your life whatsoever

Me : growing up , with certain

things instilled in you . Because
there’s no other life one knows ,
besides this one . It’s just hard

Isilo : I can imagine , I didn’t

grow up in a place . And I can’t
exactly say I have been taught
many things , I learn everything
along the way as I go on . And I
tell myself I can’t be clueless on
who I am

Me : sometimes you can be

grateful for that , because you
know life beyond palace walls.
You can think , and make
decisions for yourself . Unlike
being told what to wear , how
to eat . How to greet , and how
to uphold yourself
Isilo : sometimes I think royal
people , they just make up
these rules as they go along

He could be right about that

Me : hence I will never dictate

to my kids , blue blood or not

Isilo : so you want kids ?

There’s a slight spark in his eyes

And it warms my heart

Me : yes , I do want to have kids

one day

Isilo : mhm , I’m sure you’ll

make such a great mother

Me : mhm , and how about you

Isilo : I am all alone in this great
world , I will definitely have kids
. Have my own family , and grow
my family name

I can just imagine Isilo as a

family man

Some things don’t just make

sense when you picture them
Me : and love ? What’s your
take on this royal ways

Isilo : I want to be with

someone I love for no reason

Me : what ?

Now I am confused

Isilo : what I mean is …if I love

you because you’re beautiful ,
and kind . Smart , and loving .
Then what happens on days you
don’t look beautiful , and you’re
not kind ? When you’re not so
smart , because maybe you
don’t know or understand
something . What happens on
days , when you just shut down
. And you're not loving anymore
? Like , I want to be with
someone I love without a
reason , because once the
reason fades . The love will also

Wow !

I take a moment to just absorb

what he’s just said

And I don’t think I’ve ever

thought of that

Not even once

Me : can I tell you something ,
and you don’t laugh ?

His fade smile graces his face

Isilo : I will not laugh

Me : so there’s this guy …

He shakes his head

Isilo : I am not your friend ,
don’t tell me about guys you
like . I swear , I will get angry

I laugh

Me : come on , no ! There was

something happening , just
because I thought I was smart
enough . So when my parents
want to marry me off , I’ll use
him as an excuse to get away
from that . Even though , it was
just a slim chance . And
probably it was never going to
work , but either way . So when
I was about to leave for your
kingdom , he broke things off . I
guess his insecurities , got the
better of him . And he felt he
cannot compare with royals ,
men who are above him . In his
mind , that I’ll leave Isilo with a
man . So I said , I’ll give him
time to think things through .
And when I come back , with no
prince claiming me . Then he
can tell me where he stands ,
and if he remains to his words
then I’ll leave him alone . So
that happened , I left with no
communication whatsoever
from him . So when I came back
, I delayed to see him . Because I
felt something has changed ,
and I didn’t want to hurt his
feelings . But it finally happened
today , and we walked away
from each other
He is just staring at me

I can’t read anything from his

facial expression

Isilo : and how do you feel ?

Me : light , because I feel like

deep down I always knew it was
never going to work . Despite
differences in who we are
Isilo : you can’t say you loved
him , maybe you liked him yes.
But it was not love , because he
was a gateway to you . And you
would have fought for him , if it
meant something . You came
back , and what changed ?

Hell no !

This is not happening

I am not about to embarrass

And tell him , he is the reason

I detached from Mohau

Because of these feelings I have

for Isilo
That I don’t even know what am
I supposed to do with them

Me : I …I think , I felt somehow

about someone else

He lets out a fade smile

Isilo : see ? I told you I am not

your friend , you can’t even
come out say what you would
tell your friend . Because it’s me
I frown and quickly gather

Me : what do you mean it’s you


Isilo : because you’re talking to


Okay , I almost choked to death

right there !
That’s some relief

Isilo : anyways , you’re still you .

And you lost nothing , a little
experience doesn’t hurt

Oh what experience ?

Because I took nothing from

that relationship , that I can say
I have learnt
I am still me

The same way I went into the


Me : there isn’t much , actually

there’s nothing

Isilo : now you know what you

want , and you understand that
to get it is not to divert
Okay , that is true

Me : yeah , true …very true

Isilo : and I hope you make

better choices

I laugh

Me : oh wow !!
Isilo : yes , don’t lose sight

I wish I understood what that


Me : you’re such a man , I think

…no I know your people are
blessed to have you

Isilo : this is about you , because

I just want to understand you
better . And know you better ,
not things like what’s your
favourite food . But things like
what do you value in life ,
besides just being a princess
what do you aspire

Mhm , this gets me thinking

because I haven’t thought much
One of the guards walks in

Him : my king

He bows his head a bit

Him : Uhm ….uJola is here and

asking to see you


That’s a surprise
Me : okay , let him in

I haven’t seen him much

Even though I go to see him

from time to time

Even though , I am keeping busy

I just go to see him

Just to check on him

Just like anyone would

To someone who has lost

someone close to them

I am not holding my breath any


For anything between us

I have accepted things as they

He walks in and greets

I greet him back

And offer him a seat

Hawu : my king

Me : Jola
Hawu : I said let me come see
you today

Me : I see that , I hope nothing

is wrong

Hawu : no , I don’t know how

this will sound . But I have
stayed enough

Oh …
So that’s why he is here

Hawu : it’s time I leave

Well , all his kids have left now

I wondered why he hasn’t left

Because I never thought he

changed his mind
And clearly he hasn’t

Me : okay , I understand . Well ,

travel safe , and I wish you all
the best . To where you are

Hawu : I am going to Joburg , I

will still come here and see you .
You’re a great king Isilo , and
you have your people behind
you . Thongalethu is doing great
things with you , and your
council is definitely useful to
this land and it’s people . Look
at how you have changed this
place , you’re capable of great
things . And your capabilities
are definitely showing

Me : well , thank you . I try

Hawu : this is not goodbye , but

I think being away from here
will be good for me . This place
has good and bad memories ,
and the bad ones just seem to
overshadow the good ones .
They hurt do bad , and I am just
reminded of how much I have
lost here

Me : I will not claim to

understand , what you’re going
through . But do what’s best for
you , I would have loved for you
to stay here . And work with me
, but it’s okay
I will not force him to stay

He has already stayed more

than I thought he would

So this doesn’t come as a shock

, it was bound to happen either
way cause he had already said
I haven’t talked to Isilo since

And it feels awkward in a way

I mean , we are always


Even if it’s just for a few minutes

No matter how busy he is

He always makes time for us to

I am guessing today , he is really

held up

I sent him a message

And he said he will call later

He hasn’t called
And I keep checking my phone

I swear , it feels like he is

anything of mine

We have been talking

But he hasn’t said anything

about feelings to me

And well , I haven’t said

anything either
I still believe in old love

The kind of love , where a man

takes control

And a man is first to voice his

feelings first

I believe , you should fall for a

man who loves you more than
you love them
Because then he will show you
what you mean to him

More than he says

But he is not saying anything

And maybe I am just reading

things that aren’t there

I know what I feel

And everyday I spend talking to

The more I fall for him harder

and harder

I don’t know how long this will

prolong for

I hope it has an outcome

And we don’t spend the rest of
our lives like this

Without giving it a shot

Maybe I should ask him

Hopefully it won’t backfire on


Because that would be

I take a deep breath

And leave my phone on the

night stand

I walk out of my hut and walk in

the main house

I don’t know where my mother

I know my father is having a
council meeting

It sucks not having friends

Because I am stuck here

everyday all day

The only break I get

Is when I talk to Isilo

I don’t even have friends to talk

I am just bored to be honest

I don’t even know what to do ,

to keep myself busy . Just so I
don’t think much
I grab my phone

And there’s no text

Or missed call

I am guessing she didn’t even

try to call

I chuckle , dialling her number

And one the first ring she

Mapula : hey

Me : hi

I sit down on the bed

Me : you didn’t call me

I am sure she’s smitten

Me : did you not miss me ?

Mapula : I thought you were

busy , since you didn’t call

Me : did you not miss me ?

I feel the smile , that’s plastered

on her face right now
Mapula : I missed you , are you
happy now ?

I chuckle

Me : yes , but you should have


Mapula : well …

Me : how was your day ?

Mapula : dull and boring

Me : when are you visiting ?

Mapula : don’t do that to me

Me : mhm , I know . I am busy

here , wish I had time
Mapula : I wish I was there , so I
can see all the amazing work
you’re doing

Me : you have seen it

Mapula : on pictures and viy

you send , I wish I can see it

Me : I wish I can see you

Mapula : I know

I let out a fade smile

I love how she calms me

And how it’s just so easy to talk

to her

Me : anyways , I have a meeting

with a few kings
Mapula : why ?

Me : I want to form relations ,

and have their buy in on the
plans the council’s and I have
come up with

Mapula : you’re really on this

king thing

I chuckle
Mapula : I am proud of you

Me : what the fuck !

She burst out laughing

And she says she’s proud of me ,

like she’s mother bear
I would be lying if I said , I am
not nervous

All these men in here

Just to hear what I have to say

I don’t know what they’ll think

of me

Or if they’ll even be interested

But I have to do this

As much as we’ve established

businesses in the kingdom

We can’t say we have enough

capital for everything we want
to do

What is needed in the kingdom

For the interest of the people

I dial her number , and she

Mapula : my king

Me : I am a nervous wreck

Mapula : come on , I know you

can do this . You’re capable ,
and those old douches would
be insane not to listen to you .
And buy in on your plans , you
have nothing to be worried

Me : mhm …I do wish you were

here , because you would hype
me up . Even if I speak nonsense

She laughs

I let out a slight chuckle ,

shaking my head
Me : let me go , before you start
treating me like your child

She laughs

Mapula : you don’t need my


Me : you can be crazy at times

I let out a fade smile

Mapula : and you love me ,
crazy as I am …. Shit

She curses under her breath

Mapula : I didn’t mean that ,

good luck today . Bye

And she drops the call on me

I call her back

But she doesn’t answer

Now I know she is deliberately

ignoring my call

I take a deep breath

And walk inside the throne


My mind is not even here

I just want to talk to her now

But it’ll be useless to call back

She won’t answer

I’ll let her have some space

While I focus on this , and

making sure these kings hear
me out
They’ve already agreed to give
me their time

And that counts for something

So I better make it count , and

get something out of it
What the fuck is wrong with me

Damn !!!

Why did I say that ?

Like really ?

“you love me as crazy as I am”

What the hell is that ?

I am so stupid!

I don’t even know why I said


What was I even thinking ?

Mhm …I wasn’t thinking at all

Now what will I say to him ?

Will I even be able to speak to
him ever again ?

I am so embarrassed right now

I don’t think I will ever be able

to do that

What will I even say ?

I don’t know what got into me

What is he thinking of me right

Argh !

I just had to ruin a good thing

we had

Whatever it was

Even though it wasn’t labelled

as anything
But it meant something

Because we talked a lot ,


I would hear his voice

Or even video call , seeing his


It meant something
And now , I’ve ruined all of that

I feel tears burning my eyes

I can’t even call to apologize

right now

Because he is in his meeting

And I cannot disturb him with a

I just want to apologize

For what I’ve said , and ignoring

his call

I wouldn’t be surprised if he
cuts me off
Two hours later

My council and I , are done

We have addressed all these


And now we just await to hear

what they have to say

I appreciate the time they’ve

given me
And also letting me speak ,
without interrupting me

Now it’s their time to speak

Ask questions and voice out

their concerns

King Sibanda : Isilo , I mean no

disrespect to you great ancestor
and you my king . We have
honoured this invitation , out of
respect . As much as you’re king
to this great nation , we still
don’t know you . You’re new to
us , and we don’t know what
you are about . How do we trust
any of this ?

Me : it’s okay , to have concerns

. And I completely understand , I
can respect that . I am new to
this yes , I know nothing about
being a king never mind being
royalty . As much as I was born
as one , and have been
fortunate enough to have Isilo
in me . But I am tackling
whatever problem I found in
this kingdom , as a human being
. A man who cares for the land
of his forefathers , more than I
am as a king . I am putting the
needs of the people before
mine , because they make Isilo
what it is
I look at him

Me : our schools , are in no

condition to say our children
can be taught and given the
best education they deserve .
Our kids , are roaming the
streets instead of attending
crèche and gathering education
at a young age . My people
cannot afford to take their
children to the city , so they can
get an education . Because they
do not have jobs , and that’s on
my kingdom . Hence I know I
will create more jobs for them ,
if I can be able to build a crèche
. Build a school , that will carry
out kids from the lowest grade
to the highest . And not only
that , but also a collage that will
offer then higher education . I
want my people to have a mall
of their own , I want them to
have the best clinic and hospital
. They deserve that much ,
health care is a necessity . And
with all of that , the men of this
land will be able to care for their
households . I have tons and
tons of land , enough to create
farms . That will be able to
employ , and feed this nation . I
may be asking for a lot from you
all , to see this vision and invest
in it . But as a king , my people
come first . And I have to
swallow my pride , and ask if I
have to . Especially because the
lives of these people , and their
stability depends on me . I am
merely asking , and whoever
can see the vision I have to
prosper this kingdom is
welcome to walk on this journey
with us . But if you also don’t
get it , it is also okay . I will take
my losses , and try other means

I see a few nods

Thongalethu flashes a fade

Like he has the hope , that I

don’t believe I have right now

Anything still can happen , so I

am not certain of anything
The king walks in the main royal

The queen looks at him

As he takes a seat

And she walks over to him

And takes a seat next to him ,

down on the floor tile
King : why are you sitting on the
tile ? You’ll get sick , rather ask
for a grass mat

The queen smiles

Queen : it’s okay , it is hot today.

I won’t pick up any cold from
the tile

King : I wish you can just listen ,

it really wouldn’t hurt you
Queen : I know something is
bothering you , rather tell me
what’s going on

He heaves a sigh

King : I hear , King Isilo held a

king’s council meeting at his
kingdom . And all of his
neighbouring kings , were there
at that meeting
This gets the queen’s attention

And she gazes her eyes on him

Queen : what was the meeting

about ?

King : I have no idea

Queen : wait ….
She looks around and lowers
her voice

Queen : do you think , that

maybe he is building relations .
And asking for courtship from
them , for their daughters ?

King : why would he call all of

them ?

Queen : to state his matter

The king shakes his head

King : I don’t know

Queen : that is possible , and if

that’s the case ….then it means
we have lost out on that one

The shakes his head

And heaves a sigh

Clearly disappointed

Queen : all I am saying is this ,

he may be young yes . But that
makes him very much suitable ,
might I say . But not only that ,
he has visions . You have heard
of how he has renovated that
palace , in the short space of
time he has been king . He is
not after the riches , but after
the people’s hearts . Now that’s
the kind of a king you wanted ,
wedded to your princess

King : not everything , has to be

about this . I am worried here ,
that if he called them for
anything else . Especially if it’s
anything promising , we will lose
out . And I hope whatever it is ,
he doesn’t end up taking our
Queen : oh , I see

She says a bit disappointed as


How she wishes her husband ,

can see things the way she sees

Maybe they should be worried

This is not something to ignore

She says in her heart

Mapula doesn’t even seem

interested in dating

Or even getting close to any


She thought maybe , after her

Isilo trip
And how she was acting up for

That maybe they will hear


But it’s been quite

No kingdom has come

And no prince either

Meaning it’ll be a while before
any man walks in here

And asks for her hand in


Because she seems way too

comfortable, so does her dad
Thongalethu laughs

I chuckle shaking my head

Me : I was nervous man , and I

didn’t think that all of them will
buy in

Thonga : told you to trust


I nod
It feels good to have this win

Also to have someone by my


Me : yeah , I can’t believe we

pulled this off . This is but , the
beginning of great things for

Thonga : that is true

Me : we may have gotten the
money my chief , but now the
real work starts . That we keep
on our promises to the people ,
and we don’t fail them

Thonga : we are ready , and we

won’t let you down . We know
how much this means to you ,
the last thing we will do is to
disappoint you
Me : thank you so much , I know
many people would go crazy
seeing the amount of money we
will be getting

He laughs

Thonga : it’s a good thing , we

are servants . And we are here
to serve , so that is exactly what
we will do . Knowing the money
goes to the people
I never thought that one day

This might be me

I pray for wisdom and strength

To keep me going at all times

And for guidance , along this

Every king I had invited

They saw the need of what I

was talking about

And knowing they will get their

returns back

As much as they’re pumping

money on this

Its also a gain to them

I knew , I would have to offer
them something

Because no one does anything

for anyone , without getting
anything back

Especially where money is


And it’s quite a lot of money

Needing at least 50 000 000

From each and one of them

But they seemed to not mind

That they’ll be coughing so

much money

Their pockets are full

I made sure , they understand

That it won’t go to waste

This is the start of many great

things in this land , I hope all of
my ancestors can see my efforts
I have been beating myself

And nothing is helping

I can’t bring myself to call him

Or even text

I am so ashamed

That I just want to die !!

I want to know how his meeting

But who will tell me ?

Because I can’t ask him

I just can’t bring myself to

I am avoiding to talk to him

And this won’t take me

Already that much I know

I don’t want to drive myself


I thought to speak to Queen


But I can’t
Her husband is at Isilo

And the both of them , are a bit

close now

From his own words

So what if I talk to her , and she

tells him ?

Then obviously Isilo will know

I am such a fuck up

And I don’t know what to do to

fix this

Maybe talking to him would be

a start , but I am ashamed to
I heave a sigh , pushing my
phone away

I dialled her number , and

dropped the call before it rang

Maybe she needs space

And I should give that to her

As much as I miss her right now

And I so badly want to tell her
about how my meeting went

I know she is avoiding me

Calling her won’t help , so

something else will have to do
Thongalethu walks in

Thonga : thought I should come

check on you

Me : I am here

Thonga : thought you’ll be on


Me : mhm , I just got caught up

Thonga : the materials will
arrive today , I hear they’re
done checking the land

Me : yeah , they said it’s good to

build on

Thonga : with all the work that

you’re doing here , I think you
deserve some credit

I chuckle
Me : what credit ? I am just
doing my job

Thonga : yeah , but you’re a

whole king . You need to look
the part

Me : man , what are you talking

about ?

Thonga : spoil yourself

What the hell ?

Me : spoil myself ?

Thonga : yes , buy a car . Get

new clothes , you look like a 2K

I chuckle

And look at him

Me : call me whatever , I am
definitely okay with the way I
dress . I don’t need a suit , to
tell me that I’m a king

Thonga : okay , fair enough . I

hate suits too . But get new 2K’s
clothes . Just look the part , and
you sure do need a car

Me : we have cars here

Thonga : 3 , of which you
bought for the palace errands.
You need a personal car , also
can you make use of your
protection detail

Me : I am fine

Thonga : yeah

Me : tell me …
He laughs shaking his head

Me : just listen

Thonga : okay

Me : why do I need someone

driving me around , when I can
drive ?

He smiles
Thonga : well it’s simple , you’re
a king . And you cannot drive

Me : that doesn’t make sense

Thonga : it’s just convenient for


Me : whatever , also why do I

need a car ?
Thonga : you still have personal
business , that you’ll need to
attend all by yourself

Me : fine , but still . I don’t need

to live like a king , to be
validated as one

Thonga : you sure don’t

Me : well , I’ll think about it

Thonga : you need to use your
protection detail , on that I

Me : I don’t need protection

Thonga : you turn into a jaguar ,

and yes you can protect yourself
. But just make them feel useful
that’s all , after all you’re paying
I let out a slight chuckle

Me : I have a trip this evening ,

so can I please leave you in
charge of everything?

Thonga : that’s my job

Me : thanks

Thonga : don’t leave alone

I let out a slight laugh

Thonga : I’ll tell the guys to be


He walks out

I take a deep breath

Thongalethu can be something

I don’t want to go back and
forth with him

I’ll just do what he says I should


After all he is my advisor

So I took his advice

And definitely took some of the

royal house money

Not what was invested by the


But the money in the royal


There wasn’t much of it

So I decided to use that money

I will definitely not wear suits

That’s just not me

So I kept to my look

Just casual clothes , and

I am young

And I won’t subject myself to

the king status

By wearing like I am an old man

I am a king yes

But I am still young

I am fine with that

I have also decided to use the
protection detail

So they’ll be leaving with me

On my trip this afternoon

I will arrive tomorrow morning

So we’ll be on the road the

whole night
It would cold in handy

To have someone who will be

driving me

Because I know I will get tired

Having to drive all those hours

Especially at night
I can’t risk dozing off

And causing an accident

So I’ll go with them , hopefully I

don’t get annoyed

Because then I would definitely

regret my decision

I don’t want them to get used to

Not even a bit

People tend to have


And cause a scene , when you

don’t give the same energy

Look at what happened with

That was just insane

And I’ve decided to let her be

As much as it was hard

Getting through a whole week

Without talking to her

Actually being busy helped

With the preparations for the
building of the school

And the clinic

We’re starting with those

And we’ll follow with the mall

and the hospital

Because they’re still inspecting

We can’t just pick land and build

Without proper examination

being done on the land

So as soon as that is done

We will get working

So all this is keeping me busy

And I don’t tend to think much
about her

As much as I miss her

And I wish I can talk to her

But she’s the cause of this

She couldn’t hold herself

And she said what she has
always wanted to say

And when it hit her

She decided to ghost me

Women are some creatures

I swear , a man who will

understand them
Is still yet to be born

Because I don’t think there’s any

who exists

He would feel for the rest of us

And definitely give us some


Because they’re a lot

Now she can’t even bring
herself to talk to me

Which is insane

Why can’t she stand for her own

words , it’s not she didn’t mean
I open the door

And my mother stands on my


I rub my eyes and look at her

Me : good morning mother

Mom : at this time ? We have

visitors , go take a bath and look
She turns and walks away

I am just dumbfounded

What does she mean we have

visitors ?

And what has that got to do

with me ?

I turn back
And get ready

Because I don’t want to get into

it with her

Its still too early for this

I pick a decent long dress and

put it on

After my bath
I put on sandals and walk out

Heading to the main house

I pop my eyes out

As I lay my eyes on him , I am in


What is he doing here ?

No ways !

It can’t be

This has to be a dream , it just

can’t be

Why would he be here ?

I look at her

And she looks as beautiful as


One thing I cannot deny

Despite everything else

Is just how beautiful she is

That is a fact
And any man with eyes can see

I am amused to see this way

She clearly didn’t expect me


How would she ?

And her expression says it all

King Leruo : my princess , please
sit down and greet our guest . I
believe you have met King Isilo
Xaluva , of Isilo kingdom

She bows her head

And sits down on the grass mat

Next to the queen

Mapula : my king , greetings to

I let out a fade smile , making

sure her parents don’t catch a
glimpse of that

Me : greetings my princess

King Leruo : this is my only

daughter my king , the apple of
my eye
Me : I see , we have met . And
you have such a lovely young

King Leruo : ah , thank you my


Me : thanks to you , for

welcoming me and my people
into your kingdom
King Leruo : for whatever the
purpose of your visit to my land
is , it’s an honour to have you in
our midst

Me : the honour is all mine

King Leruo : I’ll say , let’s get

some refreshments before

Me : thank you , my king

He looks at his wife

And she gets up with a huge

smile plastered on her face

I think now , I understand what

Mapula meant

Her mother is something else

I have seen that

Just my being here

Has gone way too far to her

And she can’t even hide it

I am sure she is crossing her


She hopes this visit means

And that it’s not just a mere visit

She holds her hand to Mapula ,

and she takes it

They both get up and walk out ,

I turn my gaze to the king

I must say , I didn’t think this

clearly as well
But what’s done is done

I am here

And I need a reason why

I can’t just rock up in his


For no reason whatsoever

That would just be stupid

I need to wreck my brains

Because I came here for her

I needed to see her

Because she was busy playing

hide and seek with me

I am not about that

This is what we both need

To talk face to face

Although , I should have

thought about this first

And came up with a reason

I was going crazy

Listening to my mother , going

on and on

About what this could mean

Without a doubt , I know what

she’s thinking already

And it’s crazy

There’s no way Isilo is here
about me

Or to even ask for my hand in


That’s not happening

He would never

I mean , he was only all week

Without hearing from me or
even calling

Yes , I would have not answered

his call

Because I am still ashamed

But still , he didn’t call

And he didn’t know , that I

would have not answered
So why would he just rock up
here ?

My mother is just so blinded

She doesn’t know anything

All she’s thinking about is

shipping me off

Imagine !!
I am sure she’s already planning
my wedding day

The outfit she’ll be wearing

Mother to the queen

Well , in her mind

That is what’s about to happen

She can already picture me as
queen of Isilo kingdom

I had to get away from her

Because I just couldn’t

And I couldn’t go where he is

with my father

I mean , I had to give them

He is surely here for his own

I don’t know what though

Because in all honesty , there’s

nothing that my kingdom can
offer Isilo

Like , we are just a developing

We have nothing to offer

Except our knowledge of land

Because that’s what we know


Farming crops is our thing

Other than that there’s nothing

And he’s already met with kings
from other kingdoms

Whom I am sure , they have

offered him what he needs

I take a deep breath

Nothing has changed

I still feel the same way

If not more

When I saw him , I just couldn’t

comprehend it

Voice : hey ….

I am startled by his voice

I turn and look at him

Damn !!!

He looks fresh and just all kinds

of yummy

Me : h ….he….

I find myself just throwing

myself on him

Forgetting where I am
Even though I am behind the

This place has eyes everywhere

But I’ve just wanted to throw

myself into his arms

From the moment I saw him

Me : I am so …..…
He leans down and shuts me up
with a kiss

I freeze on the spot

As he takes my lips softly into


And he just takes ownership of

my mouth

My body gets hot flushes

I just hold tight on him

Returning the kiss , with his


As he deepens the kiss , and I

get lost it in . Feeling
My body betrays me

As I feel liquid down there

And I get the urge to press my

thighs together

He trails his hand down my back

And his hand lands on my ass

He grabs my ass cheek

Into his palm

I let out a soft moan into his


Feeling his member down there

, throbbing hard against my
lower waist

He slowly pulls out of the kiss

I just want to grab him

So he doesn’t get away

Me : don’t ….

Isilo : say you’ll get away with

me , I’ll bring you back I promise

Fuck !

But it’s okay

As long as I’ll get to spend time
with him

I guess it’s fine

Isilo : mhm ?

He plays with my chin

Staring into my eyes

As I stare into his

I nod

He smiles for a second

And what a damn sight !

Me : I missed you so bad

Isilo : you’re crazy

I smile

Remembering what happened

the last time , he said that

And I responded

It led to us not speaking for a

whole week

With me beating myself up

Isilo : but I love you , as crazy as
you are

Oh my word !!

Somebody pinch me right now

Me : this is not a dream , it can’t

be Xaluva

He smiles again
I swear it lasted longer than a

Isilo : I am here

Shit !

He is here

And did he just say he loves me

Oh he did !!

He did

No one can convince me


Me : I feel like slapping you for

taking so long

He chuckles
I let out a smile

As he takes my hand into his

And he intertwines our fingers


Brushing his thumb on the back

of my hand

Staring into my eyes

Isilo : you can punish me all you

I let out a slight laugh

Me : what are you doing here ?

He lets out a fade smile

Me : you look good

He raises his brow

Isilo : I thought handsome is the

way to go

Me : you’re too handsome , you

know it

He chuckles

Isilo : let me go , I can’t have

your father suspicious of me
I laugh

Me : promise me I’ll see you

again ?

Isilo : I am leaving with you to


I blush like hell

Isilo : just don’t ditch me

Me : I won’t , you’ll pick me by
the road . That way my parents
won’t suspect anything

Isilo : I’ll have Ntjilo leave with

you , the one with the fade

Me : okay

He pecks my lips
Isilo : ndiya’kthanda mamazi (I
love you money)

Ohhh , I don’t even know what

is mamazi

But it sounds so sweet

And the way he just said it

My heart is doing backflips

Me : le nna ke ya o rata (I love
you too)

He pops his eyes

I laugh at him

Isilo : you’re not being fair

Me : go , we’ll talk about this

He pecks my lips again

And he walks away

I feel like screaming

And just jumping up and down

That just happened

Whoa !
I better not be dreaming for real

The man just said he loves me

Heh …I have to go take another


So I can be ready for when he

says we’re leaving

I am so excited
I don’t even know why we’re
going to Maseru

But I didn’t even ask

Argh !! It doesn’t matter , I’ll be

with him
While the king is left with his

The queen walks in

And she looks at her husband

He excuses himself

And walks out

King : what now ?

He asks

Because she knows he doesn’t

like being interrupted

So this better be important

But she’s so excited

She just can’t hold it in anymore

Queen : why is King Isilo here ?

King : really , you …this is what

you want to talk about ?

Queen : my husband , I am just

asking . Is that a bad thing ?

He heaves a heavy sigh

King : I haven’t asked him

She frowns

Queen : so he hasn’t told you ?

King : no , if he did I would know

why he is here

Queen : then ask him , what are

you waiting for ?

King : okay , please know your

place . This is not your business
She swallows hard

Queen : I …I am sorry , but

maybe he is here to ask for
relations through Mapula . I
mean , wouldn’t that be
amazing ? He is doing great
things at his kingdom , and if he
marries our daughter . She will
be queen , we will have
relations with Isilo
The king shakes his head

He wonders if there anything his

wife ever thinks of

Or if anything is always about

marrying their daughter off

King : I so hope I never become

like you , and be so eager to get
rid of my child . It wasn’t easy to
have this child , she’s my gift
from the water God’s . Hence I
named her Mapula , and she’s
heir to this kingdom . I am
telling you this now , whether
she marries or not I don’t care .
She will be queen to this
kingdom one day , so I am not
desperate to ship her off

The queen catches a glimpse of


Walking towards them

She forces a smile

And looks at him

King : this conversation is done ,

don’t ever bring it again please

Queen : of course

She nods as Isilo gets to them

And the two kings leave her

Walking back to the council hut


She shakes her head and walks

towards Mapula’s hut

She knocks once and walks in

And she finds Mapula taking a

Queen : don’t tell me , you
didn’t bath when I asked you to

Mapula : of course I did

Queen : so ?

Mapula : I slaved away , and I

was sweating .

The queen laughs

Queen : slaved away ? You need
to learn duties really , because
you can’t say such things to
your in-laws

Mapula : good thing , I don’t

have them yet

Queen : you need to grow up

She turns to the door

Mapula : I am going to take a
walk , just to clear my mind . I’ll
probably call it a night when I
come back

Queen : don’t go far , maybe

King Isilo is staying for a few
days . Be on your best

She walks out

Mapula smiles shaking her head

This won’t get them to look for

her around

Hopefully Isilo meant he will

bring her back today
I look at the time

And we should get getting

I can’t leave in the afternoon

with her

Because by then , she has to be

coming back

Me : my king , thank you for

welcoming me into your home .
I will be back tomorrow , to see
your land better . And we can
have our talk , because I didn’t
come all this way for nothing.
You really have a beautiful land ,
and I believe we can have some
kind of work together

He smiles

King Leruo : my king , I am glad

to hear that . And I am happy ,
that you came here for us to see
what we can do together . Many
people come here , just to
admire our land and leave

Me : it is beautiful I cannot deny

that , but I also think there’s
something we can do together
as men to grow each other and
out kingdoms . For the sake of
these people , who depend
their lives on us
King Leruo : most definitely , but
are you sure you want to leave ?
You can always stay here ,
there’s many rooms . You’re our
guest , we can accommodate

Me : I appreciate the offer , but

there’s business I need to
attend to . And therefore I’ll be
back late , I don’t want to cause
King Leruo : I understand

Me : let me bid my farewells ,

until tomorrow

King Leruo : it’s alright , we’ll

see you tomorrow

Me : thank you

I get up
And he walks me out heading to
the car

I look at Ntjilo , he is not here

We shake hands

I get in the car

My driver drives out of the

I call Mapula

On the second ring she answers

Mapula : Xaluva

Damn !

I love it when she calls me like

I should have just taken her

Me : I’m out of the palace

Mapula : we’re down the road

Me : okay , we’re coming

Mapula : okay

I drop the call , and lean back

Hopefully , I don’t get her in
trouble for this

I just want to be with her

They picked us , by the side of
the road
And the drive to Maseru , is
filling with nothing but silence

Not awkward silence or

anything like that

But it’s peaceful to say the least

I am happy

And I feel so content

I knew I missed him

I just didn’t know this much

Just having him here

Being in his embrace , in his


It’s the best feeling ever

I am laying my head on his chest

He has his one hand behind my

His one hand intertwined with


It’s peace

And he keeps pecking my

forehead , from time to time
Right now nothing else matters

Except this moment , being with

him . It’s soothing , and just
The king walks in their hut

The queen is busy , untying her

He sits down and looks at her

She lifts her eyes and looks at

him as well

He takes a deep breath

Queen : King Isilo should have

spent the night here , he is our
guest after all
King : he has business , he will
be back tomorrow

Queen : oh

King : yes , and can you please

just stop with this madness of

She raises her brow

King : not every king or prince
that comes here , wants to
marry our daughter . Stop being
so desperate , to have her gone
. If marriage comes to her , then
it will . If not , then it’s fine .
Stay out of my meetings from
now on , and let the maidens do
what we actually pay them to
do . Just stay in your place , I
love and respect you . But I
need to be firm with you ,
especially because now this is
getting out of control

Queen : I understand

That’s all she can say

Because she doesn’t know what

else to say , he has never used
this firm tone with her
They clearly don’t see eye to

And best she lets him be

Before this causes trouble

between them

Its clear where he stands

Best she let him be

Queen : I am sorry

King : it’s okay , let’s just not

have this conversation again

She nods her head , and

continues untying her head
We have arrived in Maseru
And we’ve left the guard and
driver in the car

I don’t know where we are


But it’s fine

I am just going

I have been to Maseru

Quite a few times

But it’s amazing how , being

with someone you love

Can make you see something


Like how I am finding this place

I am just happy to be here with

Isilo : can we just go have lunch


I am not hungry

But I am definitely going to eat

Me : yes
Isilo : where do you want to go?
I assume you do know the place

Me : I do , but anywhere with

you it’s fine

He chuckles

Me : what ?

Isilo : I just love you , that’s all

I blush like hell

Me : and I love you too

He leans over and pecks my lips

Taking my hand into his

One thing I am noticing

He is very affectionate
Maybe that’s his love language

And that’s how he expresses


We had into one restaurant

I see a few stares

Maybe from people who know

Or maybe they know him

I mean , his coronation was all

over the papers

I am a princess in this country

So maybe some know me

Even though , I don’t expect

anyone to know me
We get a table and sit down

Isilo : do you drink ?

I shake my head no , with a


Isilo : okay

I let him order for us

And we share a platter

He has a glass of Scottish


So he drinks

And he ordered a virgin cocktail

for me

Said it’s none alcoholic

More than anything

I am happy to be here with him

I don’t even mind the stares ,

I’ve shut these people out . No
one matters , it’s like they’re not
even here
We arrive at the hotel

Mapula : you booked a whole

presidential suite ?

Me : mhm , I think I will be here

for a few days

Mapula : why didn’t you say ,

you were coming ?

Me : you weren’t talking to me

She laughs

Mapula : you know why

Me : no , I don’t know . You just

went AWOL on me

Mapula : I felt rejected …

I pop my eyes with a fade smile

Me : come on , you didn’t even
wait to give me a chance to say

Mapula : I have been feeling

crazy about you , for a while
now . Well , even before I left
Isilo . And not once did you say

I pick her up , into my arms .

She screams a bit laughing
Mapula : don’t drop me

Me : trust me

I walk to the bedroom

And place her on the bed

She slides her sandals off ,

moving back on the bed
I take my sneakers off

And lay down next to her

Me : why couldn’t you just tell

me that you love me ?

Mapula : I believe a man has to

court a woman

Me : that’s old ways

Mapula : imagine the
embarrassment , if a guy rejects
you . After pouring your heart to

Me : wait so you’ll rather lose a

man you love so much , like you
love me . That you can’t even
help yourself , over an ego ?
Don’t do that

She laughs
Mapula : I don’t have an ego ,
that’s a man’s thing

Me : mhm , silence doesn’t help


I lean over , slightly getting on

top of her

She places her hands on my

I lean down taking her lips into

She closes her eyes slowly ,

kissing me back

I pull back slowly , laying down

on my back

Flipping her over me

I trail my hands down to her
lower waist

Slightly grabbing her ass cheek

She deepens the kiss , letting

out a slight moan into my
He lightly lifts my dress

And slowly pulls it off

I look into his eyes

And he leans down planting

kisses all over my body

Moving up , he sucks on my
I part my legs

And let him position himself

Feeling his hard member ,

pressing on my coochie

He looks into my eyes

I slowly take his t-shirt , while he

pulls down his pants
I feel his bare skin against mine

Breathing high

Isilo : having seconds thoughts ?

I brush my hands on his head

Me : I’ll have regrets later

He chuckles
Pulling down my panty , sliding
it down my legs

I let out a moan , as his bare

dick touches my bare skin

He lets out a deep groan

Sending shivers down my spine

I am dripping down there

He lowers himself

And buries his head between

my thighs

I let him work his magic with his


Parting my coochie lips

Nibbling on my clit
While his hand , rubs on my

I curl my toes , as I feel pleasure

building up

And something urging to coke


I try to move my legs

But he holds me down

Gripping his hands on my thighs

I relax my muscles , and letting

pleasure rush through me

He lifts his head and comes up

With a slight stare , his eyes

turning hazel green
I remember these are Isilo the
jaguars eyes

Isilo : don’t think so hard about


I push the thought out of my


As he smashes his lips on mine

And I lock my legs over him

I flinch , as I feel the head of his
dick poking through my open

I want to push him off

But I am longing for him

I have an urge to have him

inside of me

I open my legs wider

As he pushes through

I flinch at the pain

Holding myself from letting out

a scream

I hold tight on his back

As he pushes through ,and he

deep grunts
Thrusting slowly

And I try by all means , to avoid

the pain

The more he thrusts

The more I feel the pleasure

overcoming the pain

And I let out moans of pleasure

He picks his pace , lifting his
body slightly

So I don’t feel his weight in me

Slowly I move beneath him

Meeting his thrusts

Isilo : fuck …..

I feel the pleasure now enjoying
what he’s doing

Trailing my hands all over his


Down to his ass cheeks

And pressing down deeper

Isilo : look at me
I slightly open my eyes

He lifts his eyes

And we stare into each other’s


I feel his dick throbbing inside of


I lock my legs behind him

Isilo : I fucking love you

I smile

He pecks my lips

Me : I love you more …

I bite my lower lip , my whole

body trembles

He groans hard
His eyes completely changing

I shut mine , as pleasure takes

over and I scream in pleasure

Digging my nails on his back ,

holding tight on him
I pin her hands against the wall

And she aches her back

I part her ass cheeks

Mapula : Ohhh baby …..

She throws her head back

I slide my hand
Grabbing her neck

I tilt my head , capturing my lips

into hers

Pumping harder into her

Filling her up with my seed

She’s pants hard

Lowering her body

I grab her , and pick her into my


Walking over to the bed

I lay her down

And grab the phone

Ordering food and snacks

With drinks

I walk over to the bed , and lay

down next to her

Cuddling her

I plant a kiss on her forehead

She wraps her arms around me

Me : are you okay ?

She nods against my chest

Me : look at me

She lifts her eyes and looks at


Me : are you having any regrets

now ?
She shakes her head with a

Me : I have committed a crime

against your father now

She laughs

Mapula : what are we going to

do ?

Me : I will accept my fault

Mapula : really ?

Me : yes , are you ready to start

this life thing with me now ?

Mapula : more than ready

Me : I can’t wait to make you

my queen

She laughs
Mapula : are you proposing to
me my king ?

Me : you’ll never know , I have

to make things right now . So
maybe my trip might be short ,
because I have to come back
again . And pay from my crime

Mapula : I understand , as long

as you promise to be back
Me : then let’s make this time
we have count

She leans over , pecking my lips

Me : I ordered food

Mapula : I need a nap , I’ll eat

before I leave

Me : okay
She lays her head on my chest

Caressing my chest with her


Now maybe I am the one with


There’s no way , that this will go

I took her pride away

Now I have to make sure , I keep

her dignity

Her father won’t be happy

about this , that much I already
Yeah , this was one crazy

As much as I want to have


I am happy , that he is the one

who took my virginity

As much as I know , my parents

won’t be happy about this . Not
even a bit
No one forced me

I did what makes me happy

Me : so what did you tell my

father ?

We’ve just ate

And now we’re cuddling on the

I should be taking a shower

So he can take me back

But I don’t want to leave him

Especially now that he says , he

can’t say a bit longer

Like he had initially intended

I don’t know when I’ll see him

Isilo : I made some stupid talk , I

don’t even know what I’ll say to
him tomorrow

Mapula : why don’t you reel him

on a deal ? One that he can buy

Isilo : on what ?
Me : farming , we can supply
Isilo with crops they don’t have

Isilo : mhm , and you do have a

great land with great crops

Me : that could work

Isilo : you’re not just beautiful ,

but you got brains too
Me : well , I have to help you
out on this one

Isilo : I have already messed up ,

let me take one for the road .
While we shower

He chuckles

I burst out laughing

He gets up
And picks me up from the bed

Walking to the bathroom , into

the shower

He opens the water , to the

right temperature

While he pins me to the wall

Leaning down to my chest

Nibbling on my nipples

I throw my head back

As he lifts my leg up , balancing

it with his arm

He trails down , getting on his


And parts my thighs

Getting in between them , his
tongue playing on my coochie

I grab on his head , pulling him

towards me

Feeling his tongue inside of me

Me : Ahhhh …..

I let out moans of pleasure

And he lifts up

Rubbing his dick on my coochie


Sliding through my walls

And he thrusts in

Taking over control

Pounding hard inside of me

Sending all kinds of feelings ,

through my whole body

My walls close in on his dick

As I feel the wave of pleasure

coming through

And I relax my body

Screaming his name

And he pounds harder , I feel his

thick seed rolling down my

He holds me tight

While we catch our breath’s

And we take our shower

Isilo : spend the night

Shit !

Why am I doing this ?

Isilo : please …I’ll pay more than

a fine if I have to

I can’t have a whole king

begging me
I have already given me all of

What’s the harm that can be

done ?

I hope my mother doesn’t go to

my hut

Me : okay

Isilo : you’ll spend the night ?

Me : yes

Isilo : thank you

Me : I just want to be with you

Honestly , I can’t even explain

what I feel

It feels like we are one

It’s like we have connected

On another level that I cannot


I just want to be with him , even

if it means risking being caught
by my parents
The maiden that realised that
Mapula left , with one of the
men that arrived with king Isilo

She looks around her hut

And catches on what’s


She shakes her head , and

closes the hut locking it
She makes a mental note , to be
up early morning

So she can come in here

And see what to do about this


The last thing she wants , is the

queen on her case

She doesn’t need that

It’s her job to look after the
princess , and she doesn’t want
to answer for things she doesn’t
know about

The little princess has grown up

, who would have thought ?
I wonder if this man doesn’t tire

I am drained

I can sleep for days on end

He has be on my knees

My ass up , cheeks all exposed

to him
I grab hard on the sheets

Biting my lower lip

Suppressing my moans

I feel him going in deeper and


His hand grabbing hard on my

My ass cheeks bouncing on his
lower waist

He slaps my ass cheek

I wince in pain and pleasure

And lay down completely flat on

my stomach

As he goes on to pound in hard

Tears stream down at the bridge
of my eyes

From all the pleasure

And I feel the urge to pee

He goes in slow and harder

I let go

But he doesn’t get off of me

I bury my face down on the

With nothing but

embarrassment washing on my

I just peed

Couldn’t I wait until he is done

I am so embarrassed

What is this man going to think

of me ?

I didn’t take long

To make him have doubts about


He deep grunts and gets off me

He lays down next to me

Isilo : come

I shake my head

Isilo : it’s wet there , come

I don’t move an inch , he

chuckles and brings me up to
Isilo : I am sorry I worn you out

Why does he not care that I just

peed ?

While he was still inside of me

I am ashamed to even look at


He pecks my cheeks
Isilo : what’s wrong ? Did I hurt
you ?

I burst into tears

And the way he holds me

There’s panic

Isilo : let me see

He slides down

And parts my legs

Isilo : I don’t see any tear

He looks at me

Isilo : I am sorry

He wipes my tears
Isilo : please tell me , what did I
do ?

Me : I am sorry …

Isilo : sorry for what ?

Me : I peed

I hide my face
And does he not burst into a

And that just makes me to cry


Isilo : don’t cry , you didn’t pee

I look at him

Isilo : you were just squirting

I frown

He wipes my tears

Isilo : it’s part of sex my love ,

you didn’t pee . But even if you
did , I wouldn’t mind

Mxm !

Isilo : come , see …

He grabs his phone on the night

Isilo : it’s normal , come see

I move over to him

And my eyes almost pop out

When I see what he’s searching

He clicks on a video
And moves it forward , to
almost the end

And he presses play

Isilo : you see

I watch as the lady , does the

squirting thing

Me : okay
I turn my eyes away

He closes his phone

Isilo : I just wanted you to see

that’s normal

Me : okay

Isilo : don’t ever cry again

Mhm !!

Now that I think about it

I was kind of stupid

I burst out laughing

Isilo : you’re such an idiot

Me : your idiot
Isilo : it’s perfectly fine

He winks at me

I lay back down , shaking my

head . Just feeling really stupid ,
of how I acted
The maiden looks around the

And walks over to Mapula’s hut

Making sure she is not seen

She quickly unlocks and walks in

And moves over to the bed

She messes the bed

Making them look like someone
was sleeping there

And she walks out , leaving the

room unlocked

She walks over to the gate

And sees that the small gate is

She quickly walks back to the

Just as the queen walks out of

her hut

She walks over to Mapula’s hut

And walks in finding the maiden

She greets and looks around

The maiden greets her back

Queen : where is the princess

Quickly on top of her head

The maiden thinks of something

to say

Her : she went out for a

morning walk
The queen frowns surprised

Since when is Mapula a morning

person ?

But she just lets it slide

Queen : oh , what time did she

get back yesterday from her
walk . She didn’t join us for
Her : a bit late , she said she
wasn’t hungry when I offered
her good

Queen : alright , please when

you finish cleaning her room .
Come to the main house , the
king of Isilo will be back today .
So I need you in the kitchen , so
you can cater for them

Her : yes my queen

The queen walks out of the hut

And goes back to her hut

The maiden takes a deep breath

And hopes to see the princess

when she gets back

So they can get their stories

They cannot risk being found

Hopefully the queen bought her


And believes her

I had to bring her early

And make sure that she’ll make

it inside the palace

Without any suspicions

I cannot afford to get her into


As much as I don’t mind

I can stand up for myself

But I have to protect her

Me : I will see you before I leave

the palace okay ?

Mapula : okay

I lean over , capturing her lips

into mine
We kiss , and she moves over to
my side . I let out a slight

Mapula : just to get you through

the day

I push her panty to the side

While she unbuckles my pants

I take out my dick

Rubbing it against her coochie I
slide it inside , taking fast deep

Enjoying her warmth , and the

pleasure from her walls griping
on my dick
I am startled by the hand that
touches me

I almost jump up

Thinking that I have been

caught out

Only to find out it’s Lesedi

The maiden that takes care of

Me : you scared me

Lesedi : I am sorry , my princess

Me : I …I am just …I …

I take a deep breath

Without a doubt , she can see I

am only coming in now
I am even using the back gate

Because I know it’s not as busy

Lesedi : quick , you have to put

these on . Tell the queen , you
went for a morning walk .
Yesterday , you came back from
your walk . And you refused to

She hands me the plastic

And gives me the clothes

I quickly change , and put on

the leggings and t-shirt along
with the sneakers

She takes the clothes I’ve taken


And puts them inside the plastic

Lesedi : let’s go

I take a deep breath

As we walk inside the palace

And I walk over to the maim


I have to show face

To avoid many talks

I walk in the house , and greet
my parents

Me : mother , I hear Lesedi said

you were looking for me

Mom : I was just checking on


Me : oh , okay . Let me go bath

before breakfast
If she doesn’t ask

I won’t say anything

Because it’ll look like I am

covering up something

Queen : since when do you walk

in the morning ?

I shrug
Me : I couldn’t sleep any longer

Queen : that is strange

I say nothing and walk out

heading to my hut

I get in , and sit down on the


I grab my phone
And call Isilo

On the first ring he answers

Isilo : mamazi (mommy)

Me : I am home

Isilo : you got in fine ? You didn’t

get caught
Me : my maiden came through
for me , we’re covered

Isilo : okay , I miss you already .

But I’ll see you when I come

Me : okay , let me sleep for a bit

He chuckles

Me : I am tired my king
Isilo : I understand my princess

Me : we’ll talk later , I love you

Isilo : and I love you

I drop the call , laying down

The meeting with the king went

And he has agreed to be on

partnership with Isilo

To supply us year long , with

crops that we don’t have

Also to impart farming skills to

my people
So when our farms start

They will be informed

And have knowledge of what

they’re doing

I am glad that is done

And the king bought what I said

Believed that’s why I came here

Now that all this is done

I can leave

Have a talk with my chief

And hear what he says about


Because I am scared
At the back of my head

I cannot help but be worried

I’ve slept with this woman

And now I don’t know what’s

happening there

I mean , she could be pregnant

As we speak

And if that’s what has happened

, then I am in deep shit

I need to make things right

Before all this escalates

And I put her life in danger ,

risking with her health
I grab my phone and text her to
meet me down the road

I just need to see her before I


I can’t just leave without seeing

I am a bit sad

That he is leaving today

So I took a walk

Just to clear my head

And think straight

I don’t know when I’ll see him

Even though he said he will
come back

I am still a bit sad

Because I don’t know when he’ll

come back

I get up from the rock

As his message pops

As much as I am sad

I do still want to see him before

he leaves

I thought I’ll have more days

with him

But clearly , that won’t happen

I am startled by footsteps
behind me

I quick turn

And it’s Mohau

I touch my chest , taking a deep


Me : what the hell ? You scared

me , how long have you been
watching me here ? In fact ,
what do you want ? Why are
you following me ?

Mohau : you couldn’t wait , to

dump me and parade your lover
all over Lesotho

Me : what ?

I frown
Me : what are you talking about
? You’re the one who dumped
me , because you couldn’t deal
with your insecurities . And you
thought , you’re not good
enough for a princess . That’s
not my business

Mohau : and so fast , you have

moved on to a king ?

I am annoyed
I don’t even want to know how
he knows about Isilo and I

Also the fact that we went to


Someone must have told him

Mohau would have never gone

Me : I have moved on , make
peace with it

Mohau : this is not over

He turns and walks away , that

sure felt like a threat . And I
don’t know what he will do
I hold her hand

Me : are you okay ?

She nods

Yet I can see clearly , that

something is wrong with her

She is not okay

It could be that I am leaving

Or maybe it’s something else

Hopefully , it’s nothing that has

to do with her parents

Or me taking her away for a


I just hope I am not the cause

Me : no , talk to me
Mapula : remember the guy I
told you about ?

I nod slowly

Me : the ex ?

She laughs

Mapula : he is not even that ,

but yeah
I try by all means , not to get my
emotions high

Without hearing first what this

is about

Me : what about him ?

Mapula : I saw him today

Me : oh
I keep my cool

Mapula : not that I went to see

him , or anything like that

Me : so …you bumped into him


Mapula : something like that

Me : okay
Mapula : I am telling you this ,
because I don’t want lies
between us . He kind of was
upset about us

Me : us being you and him or us


Mapula : us , I don’t know how

he know about us . He knew we
were together in Maseru , and
that pissed him off . Because he
was clearly angry about that

Me : he is still in love

Mapula : I don’t love him , but

he was angry . And he said , this
is not done . I don’t know what
he meant by that , but it felt like
a threat

Me : mhm
Mapula : I just thought I should
tell you , because I don’t want
to keep things from you

Me : he won’t do anything to

Mapula : I know , he won’t hurt

me . He knows I have a guard

Maybe I am wrong
Me : how young is this guy ?

Mapula : a bit older than me

Me : mhm …

I get lost in thought

She taps me on my shoulder , I

look at her
Mapula : what’s going on ?

Me : leaving the palace ,

someone threw a burning tire in
front of my car

She pops her eyes

Mapula : what ?

Me : yeah but …maybe I am just

thinking too much
Mapula : if it’s him then …

Me : baby please listen to me , I

need you to calm down

Mapula : what ?

Me : me and you are one now ,

when we had sex we connected
in a more deeper way than I can
even explain . And , I am scared
right now . That I might have
not just taken your virginity ,
but gotten you pregnant …

Mapula : what ….

Me : there’s a lot I need to tell

you , but the important thing is
that if you are pregnant . You’re
not carrying a normal human
being , and that child will grow
at a speed that’s not normal .
You will not carry that baby for
9 months , it will be born way
much earlier than that . I am
telling you this , because I need
you to be prepared for anything
. Hence I am leaving today , so I
can speak to Thongalethu and
see how do we come back and
make things right

The silence is a lot

And I don’t know if she heard

Or it’s just shock

Me : when things are like this , i

am coming back to marry you
and make you queen of Isilo

She heaves a sigh , taking a

deep breath

Me : I just need you go calm

down , and not stress about
anything . Because that will not
be in your best interest

I place a kiss on her lips

Me : I love you , and I will make

all this right . Please , just take
this time I am away and think

I bring her into my arms , and

embrace her
I don’t know what she is
thinking right now

Or what she’s making of this

But I had to tell her , so she

knows what we are faced with
should it be she’s pregnant
I feel like I am going crazy

Literally loosing my mind

I don’t understand how this is


But then again , Isilo is anything

but a normal human being

And I slept with him

Without even thinking about

Or anything beyond what we

were doing

I don’t even know what to think

right now

I am not in the right state

It was just a lot

I couldn’t even say anything to

Or respond to what he said

I don’t know what to think

What is going to happen , if I am

really pregnant ?

Am I ready for that ?

To be a mother , and to a baby
that will not even be normal ?

How crazy is all this ?

I grab my phone and send him a


“I love you , despite everything I

love you”
Within seconds , he calls

Me : Xaluva

Isilo : I love you too mama , I

love you so much . I promise , I
will be here . And I will make
sure , I don’t degrade your
dignity . I promise you

Me : I know , I know you will .

Go home , and I’ll wait for you
Isilo : okay , I have an incoming
call . It’s Thongalethu , I’ll call

Me : okay

I drop the call

Somehow I find myself , smiling

at all this . And my hand trailing
Timmy tummy
Me : if you’re in there , I am
scared . But mommy will
definitely love you , and protect

I let out a slight laugh , taking a

deep breath
Me : Thonga

Thonga : what are you doing ?

Okay …

He is upset

I can just tell from his tone

He is angry
Thonga : this is not how things
are done , and now you’re
leaving her there . Putting her at
risk , with an Isilo seed

Shit !

Me : I said I will …

Thonga : you should have called

me to come there , why did you
even sleep with her before you
make her a wife ? Knowing she
will be far away, and they will
not know how to deal with a
creature that’s not theirs

Okay !

I shake my head

Me : you’re angry right now ,

and kind of forgetting yourself . I
fucked up , and I will rectify this
. So please , just …

Thonga : I am coming there ,

don’t even bother making it

He drops the call

I shake my head heaving a sigh

I dial Mapula back

She answers

Mapula : baby

Me : I’m not l …..I’m not leaving


Mapula : why what happened ?

Me : Thongalethu ….listen we’ll

head to Maseru now , and book
at the hotel . I’ll call you , and
we’ll talk better

Mapula : but are you okay ?

Me : yes , I’m okay

Not really though

Just then a burning tire is

thrown in front of the car
The driver abruptly stops the
car , hitting something very hard

Mapula : Isilo what’s that ?

She screams on the other side ,

and my phone slips dropping
I hear glass shattering

Like something has been

thrown against the car window

Me : Isilo …

I shout his name

But nothing

I hear voices
Loud voices , of men

Isilo : this is nonsense …

I hear his faint , angry voice

Me : baby ….

I call him out , but he doesn’t

respond back
I hear screams of pain

The call gets dropped

I call him , it just rings

Tears are streaming down my


I heard that commotion

I know what I heard

The call got dropped

And now he is not answering,

it’s just ringing without any

I run inside the main house in

high speed

Mom : what’s going on with you

Me : something happened to Isi
…king Isilo , please you have to
send a driver

Mom : send a driver …

Me : dad please , I beg of you

He gets up and walks to me

I am a crying mess
King : where is he ?

Me : on his way , to the boarder

please hurry

My father runs outside

And something snaps inside of


Mom : wait ….
I run after him

But one of the guards holds me

As two royal cars drive out of

the kingdom

Me : let me go

Him : princess , I’m afraid I can’t

let you leave
My mother holds me

Mom : come …

Me : I have to …

Mom : your father has gone ,

just come inside the house

I feel like screaming my lungs

We walk back inside the house

Mom : what’s going on between

you and Isilo ?

I say nothing

Mom : how do you know

something happened to him ?
Again , I say nothing
Mom : I am talking to you , why
are you even crying ?

Me : I’m ….

I shake my head

Mom : talk , what’s going on ?

I wipe my tears off , but they

just keep on falling
Me : I’ll be in hut , waiting for
dad to come back

Mom : you are not walking away

from me

I say nothing and walk out

Heading to my hut

I get in and lock the door

I don’t want her just walking in

I don’t have answers to her

questions right now

Isilo is my worry right now

I am so scared

I can’t lose him

I just can’t

Not when he could possibly be

leaving me with a baby

No ways ! He has to be alive , he

just has to live . He can’t leave
me alone
The king’s driver stops the car

And they get out of the car

His guard pushes him back

As a black jaguar emerges in

front of Isilo’s car

Jumping on the boy , pulling his

head off with its mouth
Blood just dripping everywhere

King : what the …..

He quickly gets back in the car

And taps his driver to drive


The drives doesn’t waste time

taking a U-turn
And driving back to the palace
in high speed

Isilo slowly looks around

And the ground is filled with


He sees the bodies of the boys

laying on the ground
He moves back towards his
ruined car

And transforms back to his

human form

The guards of the king , move


Isilo looks at them , and over to

his guard
Looking at his driver that’s
laying dead on the ground

He clicks his tongue

And walks over to the king’s


Isilo : I …I need your car , I’ll

bring it back

Without saying anything

One of them hands him the car

He takes them and notions to

his guard

Who walks over

And the two get in the car

Driving away headed to Maseru

The king’s guards look around
the scene

And one of them holds his

stomach and throws up

He has never seen anything like


He knows war , and has seen

But this ….this jaguar ripped
these boys apart

Like they were nothing

Their legs are scattered all over

Their arms are ripped off

And this one who’s head is

ripped off
And they saw all that with their
own eyes

He moves back

While the other guard , sits

down on the ground

Not knowing what to do

What do they do now ?

Who will clean this mess ?

Pick up these boys ?

How do they explain this to

their parents ? As to what
happened to their kids
I rush in the main house

Following after my father and

his driver

I stop on my tracks hearing his

shaken voice

My knees get weak

Thinking maybe something has

happened to Isilo
Dad : he ripped them apart , like
they were animals

Mom : what are you saying ?

Dad : I saw that jaguar , those

boys didn’t stand a chance

Mom : he killed them ? Why

would he come here , and kill
our people ?
Oh my goodness

Dad : from what I saw there , his

car is in ruins . Maybe these
boys are the same ones who
threw that tire in front of his car
, and they were waiting for him.
There were stones everywhere ,
his car windows shattered …

Oh my God
I quickly walk back to my room

I call him , but his phone

doesn’t go through

Me : damn Isilo !

I call Rain , within seconds she


Rain : my princess
Since when do we call each
other like this ?

Anyways …

Me : please , I need to get a

hold of Isilo . He left here , I
think he has been hurt

Rain : calm down , he is okay .

We’re on our way there
Me : I need to speak to him

Rain : don’t worry …

Me : don’t tell me that !!

Rain : okay , I’ll call his guard or

driver . Calm down

She drops the call

I tap my foot down

Just waiting , for a call or


I just need to hear that he’s

okay , and from his own mouth
not from someone else
I walk out of the shower

My guard walks in with his


Me : what ?

Philo : my king , it’s the princess

Fuck !

I take the phone

He walks out

I won’t even ask how she has

his number

Me : mamazi (mommy)

She lets out a cry that pierces

my heart

Me : don’t cry , I am okay

I sit down on the bed

Me : I am sorry , it’s that boy

Mapula : and you killed him

Me : are you crying because I

killed your lover or what ? They
killed my driver , what did you
want me to do ? They ruined my
Mapula : he is not my lover ,
what is going to happen to me
now ? You killed my people , in
my land ….

Me : I am not going to do this

with you , I don’t have a phone
at the moment . Can you just
stay out of this

Mapula : don’t tell me that

Me : okay , I am not doing this
with you . I love you

I drop the call

This has just become a mess

Way more than I thought I had


Now this
How do we even sweep thin, so
no one gets hold of it ?

I know king Leruo is not pleased

right now

Mapula can wait with her


Because she’s causing herself

unnecessary stress
That boy knew what he was

I don’t know who told him he

can disrespect me like that

And there’ll be no
consequences to that

He must have thought I am just

an idiot
I was not going to let them
destroy my car

Kill my driver

And I do nothing to them , that

was never going to happen
He dropped the call on me

Like he did that

Wow !

After going to such lengths to

be able to talk to him

He drops the call on me

I am pissed right now

I can’t even go in the house

How will I look my parents in

the eyes ?

What a whole mess

What gotten into Mohau ?

This was so stupid

Such a stupid idea , to think he
can hurt a whole king like Isilo

I don’t know what he was


He was probably not thinking at


I don’t even want to think what

my father is feeling right now
He is probably so angry

Probably just fuming

I can’t face him

Somehow I feel like this is all my


Isilo came here because of me

Mohau was angry

And all that because of me

And now what’s done is done

I don’t even know how do we

begin to rectify any of this ,
what will we do ?
Thonga : this is a mess

Me : tell me something I don’t


Thonga : we have to go back , fix

all this . See how we can make
amends with the king

Me : I know

Thonga : eish …
He shakes his head

Thonga : how is the princess ?

Me : I don’t know

Thonga : why are you not

talking to her ?

Me : her emotions are just all

over the place
Thonga : she needs you now
more than ever

Me : can we just go talk to

Leruo , and see what we can do
about this

Thonga : alright , I am bringing

my wife with

Me : that’s fine
Thonga : hopefully , he can just
fine us

Me : he should , they did attack


Thonga : these boys !

Me : and now Ntjilo is dead ,

they killed him . That boy aimed
that steel pipe to his head , that
was the intent . So I don’t feel
bad for what I did

We get up and walk outside to

the parking lot

Rain comes with their driver

and guard
King : he took my car , when will
he bring it back ? Because he
still has to answer for this , I
need answers . I need to know
what happened

His wife looks at him

Queen : I am scared of this man

, I think he should just be
banished from our land . So he
never comes back
King : then what ?

Queen : we will have to keep

what happened here , no one
can know about this

King : it will not only ruin him ,

but us as well

Queen : I know , hence I say this

King : but he still needs to come
back , and answer to this

Queen : how is that going to

help ?

King : at least , I will know why

he did what he did

The queen shakes her head

Queen : I don’t know

She looks at him

Queen : I think this man just

needs to leave our land , and
leave our country . And he must
never come back here again

King : didn’t you want him to

marry our daughter , just a few
days ago
Queen : don’t go there , that
was because I knew what an
animal he is . I cannot trust my
daughter’s life , in the hands of
a man who’s like that

The king chuckles

King : you knew Isilo wasn’t

normal , don’t start acting up
right now . I believe he was
Queen : there was a way , to
deal with this . He didn’t have to
kill them , like that

Mapula moves away from the


Walking to her room , her

stomach growling

She is hungry
And feels like she can eat a
whole cow alone , but she is
hesitant to go to the main

Especially because Isilo is all

they’re talking about
I am sceptical to go in that room

My father has called me in

I don’t know what has been said

about me

Why would my father call me in


Isilo brought me food

And gave them go Lesedi to give
to me

I am happy , that he thought of


Even though when we last

spoke on call it didn’t end well

But he still bought me food

As if he knew I was hungry

I appreciated that

Now I have to go into that room

And face them

With whatever they’re talking


I need strength for this

I change into a comfortable

And put on sandals

And walk over heading over to

the hut , all I can hear us manly
She walks in and takes a seat

Next to Rain on the grass mat

I look at her , she lowers her

head looking down

I heave a sigh looking

King Leruo : that’s too many

faults Xaluva , I am sure even
you can agree with me
Thongalethu looks at me

Thonga : please , let me handle


I lean back on the wooden stool

Thonga : we understand my king

, but we are also willing to make
things right . Even if it’s to pay a
fine , and also compensate the
families of the boys . Of course ,
with the agreement that , they
never know what really
happened to them . We can
always come up with a story , to
cover all this up . As for the
princess , we would like to pay
what’s due and take her with us

Mapula quickly looks at us

I avoid her gaze

We have already told her father

It was of no use to keep quite

Thonga : because I assure you

right now , you will not be able
to handle any of this . For her
sake and well being , she is
better off with us back at Isilo .
Because we will know how to
care for her , and to keep her

King Leruo : alive ?

Thonga : yes , you most

definitely cannot expect her to
be carrying a normal being like
me and you . When the father is
a jaguar , that will fight to
survive . And that means harm
to her and her health
King : what you Isilo people
have done to my kingdom , it’ll
take a miracle for me to forget .
And now you want to take my
daughter , why can’t you make
things the right way ?

Thonga : we don’t have time for

that , because in three days she
could wake up with a belly she’s
three months . We need her to
come with us , it’ll take us time
to gather our elders and uncles .
Please let us pay the fine , and
damages and also pay bride
price . You have your council , I
am sure we can reach some
kind of an agreement . We are
willing to do everything right

King Leruo : give me room and

my people

I look at him
We get up and walk out

With how Mapula was looking

at us

I know she is not happy , but I

trust Thongalethu
I am screwed

Dad : how true is this ?

I have my head bowed down

Tears are streaming down my


Me : it’s …it’s true

The silence
I know my elders are defeated

And clearly they didn’t expect

this of me

Me : I am sorry my king

I can’t even bare to look at him

Dad : go pack your bags

I feel my heart tearing apart

It feels like I have disappointed

him to the core

That he cannot even stand my


I get up , with blurry eyes

Tears burning my eyes

I head over to my hut , passing

And my mother budges in

Mom : couldn’t you close your

legs , that at the slight chance
you got . You opened them to
this animal of a man , that
you’re even carrying his seed ?

I want to respond to her

But I keep quite

Mom : I am more than

disappointed , look at the things
you’re making us do . No wife
ever leaves home in this

She walks out

I sit down on the bed

Breaking down

I feel warm arms embracing me

I know it’s Rain

I can tell from her scent

Rain : it’s okay , it’ll be okay . I’ll

be at Isilo , I’ll take care of you .
Your parents are just shocked
right now , but they’ll be okay
with time . They love you

Me : this is not how I wanted to

leave home

Rain : I know , but that man

needs you . And if we leave you
here , this baby will kill you and
live . We don’t want that , so if it
means doing things this way.
Then so be it , when the time is
right we’ll come back
I feel like I have gotten myself
into a mess

Something I don’t even


And it’s just a disaster

King Leruo : Xaluva , not only …

Me : I know I have wronged..

Thonga : don’t …

Me : no , I still respect you my

king . Despite what has
happened , and I don’t deny
anything . And I say I am taking
punishment , and accountability
for my actions . The same
respect I still give you , please
give it back . My man is also
dead , but you don’t see me
pointing fingers . My car is
damaged , but I am not even
making that an issue . So please
, respect me I am a king as
much as you are

Thonga heaves a sigh

Me : you can go on
King Leruo : that is nothing but
disrespect , and yet toy still
want my daughter

Me : I can leave her and she will

die , then do you know what will
happen ? I will come back , and
rain terror on this whole
kingdom . Just try me , I dare
you . If she dies here , you will
pay for her life with your blood
Thonga pats my shoulder

King Leruo : enough of you

people , you will pay a 100
thousand to each family of
those boys . And you will pay 5
cows to cleanse my kingdom , of
the blood you spilled . And I
want 21 cows , with a house for
my daughter . You’ll pay 1 cow
for taking her pride , and pay 2
cows for getting her pregnant .
My cow goes ag R17 000 each , I
am sure you’re capable of
counting . So make the math ,
and leave my kingdom . Don’t
ever come back , unless I say
otherwise . And that deal you
came here for , forget about it .
I want nothing to do with you ,
it’s a pity that my daughter is
tied to you

Me : it was never even about

that deal
Thonga : stop …

King Leruo gets up and walks


Thonga : what is wrong with you


Me : he must not act all mighty

with me , because I am actually
being nice to him . Who the
fuck does he think he is ?
Thonga : you’re in the wrong

Me : yeah so what ? Does he

want me to kiss his feet ?
Gather his money so we can

Mapula walks in with Rain

And she’s red

From all the crying

I know she is sad right now

But we will talk all this out , it

was no use to leave her here

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