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Script for English week closing ceremony.

Kyle To our Honourable Headmaster, Mr Lawrence George, dedicated senior

assistant teachers – Mr Raymund Mak, Madam Jessica James, Mr Jasni Hassan,
caring teachers and all our beloved friends. A VERY GOOD MORNING I BID

Annabeth Also, thank you to God Al-Mighty because with his blessings, we are here today
for the Closing ceremony of the ENGLISH WEEK OF SK St ALOYSIUS, 2022!!!
Annabeth For you all information, I, Annabeth with my friend Kyle will be the masters of
ceremony for our event today.
As you all know. We as the students had join some of the fun and interesting
activities in conjunction with the English week last week such as poem writing
competition, creative comic writing, and will be more coming soon.
Well done to all of you and for those who did very well, interesting prizes are
waiting for you!

Kyle Ladies and gentlemen members of the floor, now I would like to invite Josh
from class 3 Gemilang to recite his poem with the title ‘Sick’.
********(Josh recites poem)**********
Kyle Thank you for the great performance
Kyle Ladies and gentleman, without further ado and with a great honour, we, on
behalf of the students invite our Headmaster Mr Lawrence George to officiate
the closing ceremony of our English week 2022!
********(Headmaster officiates)*********
Kyle “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes
to his head.= If you talk to him in his language that goes to his
heart.” These are wisdom words from the very prominent
Nelson Mandela
Ladies and gentlemen,
Mastering more than one language is a door towards wisdom.
There is a French proverb that goes, “A man who knows two
languages is worth two men.” While, linguist Frank Smith
claims that “You can’t see other people’s point of view when
you have only=one language.” So, let’s put some effort to
master as many languages as possible.
That’s all for today. Thank you for being a part of the
ceremony. Have a nice day ahead
Thank you to our Honourable headmaster.

Annabeth Ladies and gentlemen, Mastering more than one language is a door towards
wisdom. There is a French proverb that goes, “A man who knows two
languages is worth two men.” While, linguist Frank Smith claims that
“You can’t see other people’s point of view when you have only one

Kyle So, let’s put some effort to master as many languages as possible. That’s
all for today. Thank you for being a part of the ceremony. Have a
nice day ahead and please look after some more interesting activities from the
English panel from time to time. Thank you once again.

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