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18.1 Introduction
Another type of essay which learners are expected to learnnis the
argumentative essay has two sides on which you are suppsed to argue argumentative
for or essay. The
may choose to argue for one side, either for the motion or against. However. against
choose to raise ideas on thetwo sides in a well-balanced manner. You may have you may a
the assertive side and less on the opposing, or vice-versa. But this does not mean ef
thata ct
essay you are going to contradict yourself. Rather, you are going to present the other you
s on

the notion in a way which makes your reader aware ofthe other view of the matter
be borne in mind even if you greatly subscribe to moving the motion. which mu
Here is a typical topic you can get for an argumentative essay.
The death penalty should be abolished in ur country. Do you agree?

18.2 Setting out

The first and most important stage is the planning stage. At this stage, you set out what idez
possibly come out on the particular topic you have at hand. It does not matter which side ofthe
topic the ideas are, but this helps you to make a final decision on which side to write about Th
youcan tell by the number of ideas which are inclined to the supporting side and those indined
to the opposing side. After jotting down your ideas in that way, that is when you will makeyour
decision to move the motion or oppose or strike a balance with those ideas.
For the topic above you may come up with the following ideas:
Ideas for
There is always room for repentance.
It should be made somebody's responsibility to rehabilitate.
Biblically forgiveness is stressed more than retribution.
family pillar would have been broken.
Unrepentant criminals can be made productive while in custody.
Whowould want to be an executioner and live a normal life?
The side of the criminals sentenced to death needs to be heard.
Ideas against
Some people are incorrigible, better to lose one life than several!.
The executioner does not act on his own accord.

withthe ideas above,
Having supporting side, or you may
which side are you likely to support? Obviously, you will
decide to strike a balance between the two sides. Then
takethe effort will be directed at
next naking yourself as convincing as possible. That takes us to
theissueof building up fluid paragraphs which make the argurnents easy to grasp.

18.3 Building better paragraphs

ust as in discursive essays, an argument can only be convincing if there is clarity in the
argurment. Clarity, as we have seen before, is brought about by a certain professional way of
writing;atopic sentence plus developers and a clincher sentence. Atopic sentence is always
there at the beginning of the paragraph to introduce the idea or fact being clarified to the
reader.The developers will be dedicated to explaining to satisfythe what, the'why, the'how,
the'such as' and other important details. Then we also have the clincher sentence which ties
up the argument for the
Wla can now provide you with an example of what we may consider as a convincing paragraph
king from the way it has been built up. Please note that if well-renowned writers do not
quite usethis method, they are maturing from this method which they have used in their early
writing stages.

18.4 Typical argumentative essay

Topic: Democracy can never be achievable anywhere in the world. Do you agree?
Democracy is a system of governance in an institution whereby the general populace participates
in and is pleased with every decision-making process which is meant for the day-to-day running of
the institution. In my opinion, although it seems, to many of us, that democracy is unachievable, it is
ndeed something attainable. The whole issue of teamwork lies with the mindset of an individual in
the institution.

The body
The basic institution where democracy is badly needed and can give birth to all other democracies, is
the family. More often than not, children are always complaining about this and that, or the wife is
up in arms with her husband who makes autocratic decisions, or the husband is always bitter about
his wife who is a spendthrift. This scenario is common in many families. This, then makes people
generalise and say there can never be democracy in the family.
tonsider a situation whereby the head of the family bringshome his or her payslip or income that
or She has acquired. He or she takes his family round a table and the whole family puts their
Teods together to break down the income into various expenditures with every individual family
ember free to air their views. This should be the same with every other income the family gets. The
Gn to go on holiday, the decision on which schools to attend and so on must be agreed. When

that happens, not even the youngest child will complain about being side-lined or
GutocratiC decisions. Therefore, in this way, democracy is achievable in the family. suffocating from
You can build two paragraphs for each of the following institutions:
Your school.
Your church.
Your community.
Your country.
Plus, your conclusion which sums up what your personal position about attainment of
democracy in every institution in our lives. Also appreciate how clarity has been achievedin
the paragraph through the use of topic sentences and developers, and some connectives in
the paragraphs.

Exercise 18.1
Write a composition on any one of the following topics. Your essay should be between
350 and 450 words in length.
1 Corporal punishment should not be abolished within schools. Do you agree?
2. Advanced technology will do the world more
harm than good. Do you agree?
3. Freedom to conduct public demonstrations should never be granted? What are
on the notion?
your views
4. There is nothing like proper or improper dressing. It is just a matter of taste.
What are your

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