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ASSIGNMENT 1 INFO8860 – Customer Needs and Requirements

Documenting Business Requirements

Encore Events is an event management company based out of Kitchener, Ontario. They provide event-planning services
for conferences, parties, and other types of corporate events. The company consists of approximately 150 employees.
The company has grown quickly in the past few years, and as a result, now seeks to better manage their internal
documents and processes with an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system.

You have been hired by Encore Events as a Business Analyst. You will be part of the project team dedicated to eliciting
and engineering the software requirements upon which an ECM solution will be purchased or developed. The ECM
project is being spearheaded by the IT team and sponsored by the Vice President.

From the IT Manager you have learned that there are 3 areas that the project should focus on to ensure its success:

1. Collaboration: Employees currently share documents via email which is causing problems for those who need to
collaborate and share documents with teammates.
2. Communication: Other than email, there currently isn’t an easy way for leadership to disseminate information to
all employees, or for teams to engage with each other.
3. Document Management: With shared network drives growing quickly, employees need a way to easily search
for and locate documents and records.

To begin the project, you have brought all project stakeholders together for a Kick-Off Meeting. The purpose of this
meeting was for you learn more about what each stakeholder hopes to achieve with an ECM solution. During the
meeting, you asked 10 questions and recorded the answers provided by each stakeholder.

Based on the transcript provided, and the background information above:

1. Document 3 Business Objectives

2. Document 3 corresponding Success Metrics
3. Document 3 Business Risks
4. Document 3 Assumptions and/or Dependencies

Submission Instructions
• This assignment is to be completed by each student individually.
• Upload to the drop-box in eConestoga by the date/time stated in your Instructional Plan.
• Your assignment must be submitted as a Word document, and include a cover page with the following:
o Assignment # and Title
o Your full name and student number
o Course number
o Professor name
o Date assignment given
o Date assignment due
• All business requirements must have a unique ID (e.g. BO-01, SM-01, etc.)
• Please number your pages

ASSIGNMENT 1 INFO8860 – Customer Needs and Requirements

Key Stakeholders
Name Role
Miriam Murdoch Vice President of Operations (Executive Sponsor)
Raul Ajderi IT Manager (ECM Project Manager)
Anita Cortez Head of Human Resources
Thomas Perry Communications Lead
Lauren Dirksen Event Coordinator

Meeting Transcript
1. What has your experience been like when you are trying to work with a colleague to finish a document?

Lauren: I find it very frustrating to try and collaborate with the other event staff when we can’t see who has edited what
part of the document, or when they’ve edited it. It’s hard to keep track of who has the latest version of any

Thomas: I agree, it’s difficult to follow the editing process for our company newsletter when I have to search through
email to try and find the most current version.

2. What kind of documents do you typically collaborate on?

Anita: In HR we have a spreadsheet where we track potential new hires through the recruiting activities.

Lauren: Event coordinators and staff need to work together on all kinds of documents. Sometimes we use someone’s
personal Google Drive just for somewhere to keep track of our content, though it’s not company-sanctioned.

Raul: As the IT Manager, it really concerns me to hear that employees are storing company information on external
platforms like Google.

Thomas: I mainly deal with company communications, so I collaborate with all the department heads on news content
for our email newsletter.

3. Do any of you have a need to access documents when you’re not in the office? Maybe from a mobile device?

Lauren: When I’m offsite at an event, I definitely need to access documents from my phone. Things like contact sheets of
the event staff, contracts with vendors, everything related to the event I’m currently attending.

Miriam: I think the need to access company documents on mobile devices is probably not something that our
administrative staff require but we may need to access documents from our laptops at home.

4. What would you like to see in a company discussion board? What business need would it serve?

Miriam: The main business objective with a discussion board or any other type of social feature would be to build a
sense of community within Encore Events.

Lauren: I definitely agree. When we are working events and not coming into the office, it can be hard to stay in touch
with our colleagues. I see it as a way to interact with staff I don’t see every day.

5. What sort of information would you include on a discussion board? Could anyone start a discussion?

ASSIGNMENT 1 INFO8860 – Customer Needs and Requirements

Anita: I think everyone should have the ability to post a new discussion, but we would need moderators for each thread.

Raul: We would probably need some sort of feature that filtered out inappropriate content, like profanity. If that’s
possible, it would be a great feature.

6. Thomas, you mentioned news articles. Would you be interested in using an intranet homepage as a means of
sharing information?

Thomas: I haven’t thought about it, but yes! Maybe putting news on our intranet homepage could replace the weekly
email. Reducing people’s email seems like a huge bonus.

Miriam: I get a lot of emails every day, so I would definitely love being able to go to a landing page on an intranet to see
what’s new within the company.

7. To increase the social engagement aspect, what do you think of the idea of users interacting with homepage
news? Maybe being able to ‘like’ a story, or comment on a story.

Thomas: For sure, that would help me figure out what kind of content people are most interested in.

Anita: I would definitely be interested in this functionality. I would also like to be able to ‘share’ the link with a colleague
or comment on a story and @mention a colleague.

Raul: The ‘profanity filter’ idea would be good here too.

8. How do you currently store your company policies and procedures?

Anita: Since I work in HR, I’m the owner of most of the policies and procedures. When people need to reference them,
they email me and I send them the document. It wastes a lot of my time, and the time of other HR staff.

9. How many policies and procedures do you currently have?

Anita: We’re a small company but we work in an industry where we have lots of policies, procedures, and other legal
documents. I estimate I probably have over 50 documents I’m tracking.

10. What do you think of the idea of storing all of your policies, procedures, and legal documents in a central location,
which can be searched by all employees?

Lauren: I know I would find this very useful, because I don’t like to bother Anita whenever I need to know the
procedures associated with different event types.

Anita: Yes, it would save me a lot of time because it means employees are self-sufficient. Maybe there’s a way to
organize the documents into different categories, sort of like how I have them now in different folders by topic.

Raul: We would want to lock down those files for editing, and make sure only the HR team can edit them.

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