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3, JUNE 2019

Inferring User Profile Attributes From

Multidimensional Mobile Phone
Sensory Data
Zhiwen Yu , Senior Member, IEEE, En Xu, He Du, Bin Guo , Senior Member, IEEE,
and Lina Yao , Associate Member, IEEE

Abstract—User profile can be used to characterize a person and can utilize the profile database to understand their customers.
help us better understand him/her, which further can be utilized According to certain customer’s previous purchase records, it
to provide enhanced personalized services. When using mobile can provide best services for him/her [1]. Early researches
phone, some of one’s information are unavoidably and unobtru-
sively passed or stored, which makes it possible to draw the user often acquired user profiles by personal files [2], question-
profile. In this paper, we propose to infer user profile, including naires, and population surveys. These approaches may be lim-
age, gender, and personality traits based on mobile phone sen- ited by the scale of the volunteers or participants. Nowadays
sory data. Specifically, we capture data when unlocking screen, smartphones are prevalent, and this can be the new mean to
playing games as well as some basic mobile phone information, record users’ behavior. In this paper, we aim to infer user
app usage, and screen status by using common available sensors
in commodity mobile phones. By analyzing the differences in profile using mobile phone sensory data.
users’ phone usage, we extracted features for user profile infer- Based on users’ ages and genders, 360 corporation created
ence. Random Forest regression and random forest classification personalized application recommendation modes for different
models are separately used to estimate age and gender of the user users.1 Corresponding to their real life, people of different
while support vector regression algorithm is applied to identify age may have different preferences for mobile applications.
personality traits. In addition, we evaluate the model through
real-life experiments conducted with a total of 84 phone users. For example, children are more likely to use mobile phone to
Experimental results show that our approach effective, achieving watch videos or play games [3]; adults usually spends time
an RSME of 4.3696 in age estimation and precision of 91.70% in on social softwares [4] and elderly people listen more radio
gender detection. As for personality traits identification, the root musics [5]. Besides, EMarketer2 in 2014 predicted that by
mean square errors of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, 2018, almost everyone aged 18 to 34 has one mobile phone
agreeableness, and neuroticism are 0.29, 0.3506, 0.465, 0.3022,
and 0.452, respectively. and they have different cell-phone addictions across the gen-
ders [6]. Ali [7] concluded that gender differences among
Index Terms—Age estimation, gender detection, personality college students existed in the patterns of mobile phone usage.
traits identification.
Therefore, knowing people’s age and gender is helpful to
provide proper services for different users.
I. I NTRODUCTION The Big Five, proposed by McCrae and John [8], is an
SER profile characterizes a person in different aspects, identifiable framework for personality research which use five
U including explicit features, such as demographic
information, and implicit features, such as hobbies and per-
factors to describe the personality traits of people, such as
openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and
sonality traits. Based on user profiles, we can label a category neuroticism. Li and Chen [9] introduced that older individ-
of users and get their information structured. Moreover, user uals had lower extraversion, while the middle-aged adults
profile can help to know the person more accurately, and had lower neuroticism and openness. Chittaranjan et al. [10]
achieve precisely personalized services. For example, a store proved that the Big Five was related to the mobile phone usage,
for example, introverts prefer using the Internet and extro-
Manuscript received November 19, 2018; revised January 20, 2019; verts have more calls; highly open users like to use video,
accepted January 26, 2019. Date of publication February 4, 2019; date of cur-
rent version June 19, 2019. This work was supported in part by the National audio, music, and e-mail instead of SMS. In this paper, we
Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars under Grant 61725205, in part take personality traits of the users who have the most obvi-
by the National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant ous differences in emphatic consideration and help to provide
2016YFB1001400, and in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China under Grant 61332005 and Grant 61772428. (Corresponding author: more appropriate services.
Zhiwen Yu.) In real life cases, the traces left in phones can be used to
Z. Yu, E. Xu, H. Du, and B. Guo are with the School of Computer Science, understand the users. For example, Doddington [11] utilized
Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China (e-mail:;;; audios to determine user’s age; Jain et al. [12] classified gen- ders from user’s facial image features; some studies consider
L. Yao is with the School of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia (e-mail:
1 [Online]. Available:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2897334 2 [Online]. Available:

2327-4662 c 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
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phone calls and SMS details to analyze people’s personal- ten scientific problems in human behavior understanding.
ity traits [13]. However, the works on age estimation usually Wang et al. [21] put forward to classify and analyze CSI-based
group people into several rough categories. Furthermore, they behavior recognition studies and applications at three granular-
often have privacy issues because of accessing the data from ities: 1) signals; 2) actions; and 3) activities. Vrigkas et al. [22]
cameras and microphones. In the meanwhile, the researches provided a detailed review of recent and state-of-the-art
on user personality traits utilize metadata include the lengths research advances in the field of human activity classification.
of SMS, the numbers of the outgoing and incoming calls, and Bisio et al. [23] applied activity recognition to the application
the calling durations. Yet they also leave privacy issues to be of health remote monitoring. Riboni and Bettini [24] proposed
addressed where the private information collected. a method based on ontology and ontology reasoning com-
According to previous studies [14], the embedded sensors bined with statistical inference to solve the scalable problem
in smartphones run in the background with low power con- of activity recognition. Sztyler et al. [25] developed a robust
sumption. Experiments show that the power consumption of wearable-based activity recognition system to deal with the
the software is less than 6% across various mobilephone plat- situations where device positioning is ad-hoc or it is hard for
forms when users use mobile phones normally for 12 h. the users to collect initial training data.
Also, the collected data revealing users’ actual behavioral sta- However, studies using the mobile phone built-in sensors to
tus can be processed locally while preserving user privacy. mine users’ demographic information are rare. In this paper,
Therefore, by using built-in sensors, we are able to alleviate we aim to take advantages of acceleration sensors, magnetic
aforementioned problems and achieve user profile inference, fields, and light and gyroscope sensors in mobile phone to
including age estimation, gender detection, and personality detect users’ ages and genders, and we also combine machine
traits identification. learning algorithms to characterize user personalities.
In this paper, we propose a user profile inference model
based on multidimensional sensory data. The model mainly
portrays users from the aspects of age, gender, and personal-
ity traits according to their mobile phone usage preferences. B. User Attribute Identification
It collects data from accelerometer, magnetic field, gyroscope, There exist some researches on user attribute identification.
and light sensor, as well as the information about app usage, It is explored to connect perceptual data with the users them-
battery, headset, mobile mode, network, and screen status. selves, to mine the users’ attributes for identification purpose.
Compared with image [12] and audio [11] processing method, For example, based on biometric metrics, Lu and Liu [26]
the proposed approach is lightweight and privacy preserving. utilized certain on-screen sliding movements to figure out
Specifically, by analyzing the scenes of unlocking screen, “who you are.” Chao et al. [27] calculated users’intention
game playing, basic phone information, app usage, and screen to take taxis through multisourced urban data. Some exist-
status, we extract usage features, preference features, and ing approaches [28], [29] are to identify the user’s gender and
activity features, respectively. Then Random Forest regression mood through the user’s voice. Staiano et al. [30] investigated
algorithm is used to estimate users’ age; Random Forest clas- the relationships between social network structure and per-
sification is applied to detect their gender; and support vector sonality. de Montjoye et al. [31] provided the first evidence
regression (SVR) algorithm is utilized to identify personal- that personality can be reliably predicted from standard cell
ity traits. Real-life experiments are conducted with 84 users, phone logs. Differently, this paper not only focuses on the
and our approach is validated to be effective. In particular, the external characteristics of users but also analyzes their intrin-
estimated age strongly correlates with the unlocking screen sic features, where we use only mobile phone to infer user
and answering the phone call actions with r = 0.9852 and profiles. We have gained the insights of the relations between
p < 0.001. Gender detection achieves a precision of 91.70%. personality types and user preferences. This can be used to
For the personality traits, the root mean square errors (RMSEs) achieve better understanding of individuals and recommend
value of the Big Five (openness, conscientiousness, extraver- more personalized services.
sion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) are 0.29, 0.3506, 0.465, In addition, user portrait is also related to user attribute
0.3022, and 0.452, respectively. identification, where a wide range of data are required.
Chittaranjan et al. [32] mined the user demographic attributes
based on mobile data, such as data from acceleration sensors
and app usages. Some researchers studied the use sequence of
A. User Activity Recognition Based on Mobile Sensor apps [33], [34] to find out user interests and further investi-
Activity recognition aims to mine users’ current states gate the related attributes of the user [35]. Youyou et al. [36]
from their behaviors and the environments. Many existing analyzed personality traits based on users’ Facebook likes.
researches are focused on user activity recognition using sen- Lane and Manner [13] studied the relationship between per-
sors in mobile devices [15]. For example, Yu et al. [16] sonality traits and the smartphones. User portraits can also be
analyzed the users’ tapped button through smartphone micro- used to provide personalized services, and an example can be
phones. Yang et al. [17] used accelerometers to identify travel recommendations [37]. However, most of these stud-
users’ activities, such as walking, running, standing, and clean- ies produce only unilateral information, such as demographic
ing. Du et al. [18], [19] identified group activities based on attributes or personality traits, while many aspects of the data
accelerometers and magnetic fields. Yu et al. [20] proposed are required, of which some may violate users’ privacy (such

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Fig. 2. Percentage of participants in all age groups about the use of various
phone functionalities.

Random Forest classification to detect users’ genders. Finally,

SVR is employed to identify personality traits.


Fig. 1. Framework of user profile inference.

Since there are various interaction scenarios when using a
cellphone, we first conducted a questionnaire to find out the
experimental scenes involved. To obtain an even distribution of
as GPS coordinates and the length of the SMS). Not to men- respondents’ age, we sent questionnaires to people of different
tion that a complete user profile should contain both extrinsic ages we know, and then forwarded them to their peers. Among
and intrinsic characteristics. Thus, this paper utilizes a com- them, 75 were aged 5 to 14, 106 were aged 15 to 29, 81 were
bination of sensors, phone information, and perceived data, aged 30 to 44, 84 were aged 45 to 59, 68 were aged 60 to 69,
to determine users’ ages, genders, and personality traits, for 59 were aged 70 to 79, and 50 were aged over 80. There were
fine-grained and multiangle user profile inferences. 269 males and 254 females in 523 in total. Specifically, the
questionnaire surveyed the smartphone usage on functionality,
with 523 participants on different age groups. The results can
III. S YSTEM OVERVIEW be found in Fig. 2. In order to keep generality of this paper,
Fig. 1 shows the main components of the proposed system. we study phone usage scenes that are common among all age
groups. According to the survey, phone call is chosen from the
A. Data Capture scenes. Yet in reality, touch phone screen as the basic operation
The system collects data from sensors and event listeners in is not avoidable [38], thus unlocking screen becomes another
mobile phones, including accelerometer, magnetic field, gyro- scene that we mostly concern.
scope, light sensor, app usage, battery, headset, mobile mode, In this section, our goal is to estimate users’ ages by utiliz-
network, and screen status event listener. The sampling rate ing the sensory data, which are captured when users interact
of sensors in our system is set as SENSOR_DELAY_GAME. with their smartphones from accelerometer, gyroscope, and
Other information are recorded if the status changes. These light sensors.
are supported by Android OS.
A. Feature Extraction From Unlocking Screen Scene
B. Feature Extraction In real life, people of different ages may have different
habits to unlock screens. Generally, the unlock screen scene
We extract mobile phone usage features, preference features,
can be divided into two actions, which are picking up the
and activity features for user profile inference. Specifically,
phone and swiping the screen.
the elevation angles and slope angles from sensory data are
1) Picking Up the Phone: We obtain phone’s elevation
analyzed when users are using the phone (e.g., phone call
angle and slope angle by utilizing accelerometer and mag-
answering and playing games); the touch characteristics in the
netic field sensors, and explore the differences among users
stage of swiping screen are also considered; preference fea-
in different age groups. Fig. 3 shows the average waves of
tures is acquired from user’s app list and phone information.
smartphone’s orientation when seven people in each age group
We also use different time windows to get the features of
picking up the phone. As shown in the figure, we can observe
app usage, battery, headset, mobile mode, network, and screen
that the smartphone’s elevation angle is steady at the begin-
ning, indicating that the phone is horizontally placed at this
time. In different environments, the stable waves can be dif-
C. User Profile Inference ferent. Once the user starts to use the phone, the elevation
User profile in this paper includes three attributes, i.e., angle changes accordingly. As shown in Fig. 3(a), there is a
age, gender, and personality traits. We first evaluate the large trend curve of children, meaning that children like to
extracted features from users’ phone usages. And then we pick up the phone with a back-and-forth raise. As for elderly,
apply Random Forest regression to estimate users’ ages, and the fluctuation is smaller than children. Adults light up the

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(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3. Changes of elevation angle when the users pick up the phone. (a) Children. (b) Elderly. (c) Adults.




Fig. 5. Elevation angle when phone answering.

the corresponding acceleration and gyroscope sensory data to

(b) calculate the orientations of the phones as shown in Fig. 4(b).
1) Response Time: When there is a phone call, people need
Fig. 4. Sensor value changes during phone answering. (a) Changes of light. to pick up and answer the phone. From picking up the phone to
(b) Changes of orientation. answering the phone, there is a response time, i.e., the interval
time from phone ringing or vibrating to phone connected. By
analyzing the orientation wave of the phones, we observe that
phone with the smallest amplitudes as they can operate mobile the response time of elderly is the longest, and for adults it is
phones skillfully. Similarly, slope angle shows the differences the shortest.
among people. Accordingly, for pick-up action, we extracted 2) Answering Phone: When answering the phone, the user
eight features: the maximum, minimum, mean, and variance usually puts the phone to his/her ear, and there may exist dif-
value of the phone’s elevation angle and slope angle, when ferences in holding the phone. For example, adults may place
users picking up phones. the phone horizontally with their ears. Elderly like to put the
2) Swiping the Screen: When the screen is lit up, the user phone to their ears at a certain angle, and children may be
needs to unlock cellphone by swiping the screen. In real life, very active in answering the phone, which means that the
elderly usually swipe a longer distance and unlock success- phone’s elevation and slope angle can be different during the
fully. Children prefer holding the upper part of the phone call. Fig. 5 shows the differences of elevation angle when users
and taking shorter time to unlock. Adults spend the shortest of different ages are answering phones. Overall, we extracted
time among the three age groups to unlock. Prior study [26] 12 features in this scene, i.e., the maximum, minimum, mean,
has proposed some features like sliding distance, sliding time, and variance value of the elevation angles, slope angles, and
and sliding velocity. To protect user’s privacy, we propose to the phones’ angles.
extract features including sliding start-end area, sliding angle
sa, sliding distance sd, sliding duration st, and siding velocity C. Age Group and Estimation
sd/st. For age estimation, we divide people into children, adults,
and elderly to analyze the differences among them when they
use the mobile phones. Based on [39], we regard people whose
B. Feature Extraction in Phone Call Answering Scene ages are equal or greater than 60 years old as elderly. For
We divide phone call answering into two stages: 1) the children, UN convention defines that people who are under
response time of a call and 2) the process of answering. the age of 18 can be regard as children [40]. Referring to
Fig. 4 shows the average changes of sensor values for five World Health Organization [41], age can be grouped into 0
children answering the phone. We can observe that the value to 4, 5 to 14, 15 to 29, 30 to 44, 45 to 59, 60 to 69, 70 to
of light sensors are zero, when users hold the phone to their 79, and more than 80 years old. Based on these two rules, we
ears (light sensor in a smartphone represents light intensity take children as aged from 5 to 14, who can use a smartphone
of the environment around the phone). Then we pick out individually.

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Estimating age can be regarded as a regression problem,

that is, obtaining an outcome variable (i.e., an age) from a
set of input variables (i.e., all the features). We apply Random
Forest in this paper, which is an ensemble learner consisting of
a group of tree-based learners. Each learner is a classification
or regression tree. For regression, each tree predicts the target
individually, while the forest uses the average of the individual
tree predictions as the target predictions.

Fig. 6. Percentage of participants in middle age about the use of various
Roberts et al. [6] proved us that cell-phone addiction dif- phone functionalities.
fered across the genders. Gender detection by utilizing the
smartphone depends on the distinct usage patterns for males
and females, and there have been some observations. For variance value of the phone’s elevation angle and slope angle,
example, as we know, males have larger hands and longer when the user uses the social apps.
thumbs than females on average [42]. Most people have fixed 3) Playing Game Scene: As shown in Fig. 6, more and
habits to touch their screens with either one hand or two more adults like to spend time on mobile games. The Glory of
hands [43]. All these using habits require the first joint of The King, which is the top 10 in 2016 China IP Value Game
the thumb or index finger bending and the palmar outreach or List. According to the JiGuang Big Data,4 by September 17,
adducent. More importantly, it was proved that thumb length 2017, the ratio of male and female players reaches to 1:1.
could manipulate user’s action on the screen and generate dif- This makes The Glory of The King suitable as an experimental
ferent swiping gestures [44]. Therefore, we want to explore scene. In particular, the analysis of elevation and slope angle
the operations of phone using to detect the user’s gender. shows that in the average one-round game, females spend
Based on TalkingData 2016 college student mobile life longer time than males and their phase changes are smaller
insight report,3 it figured out the difference among college stu- than males.
dents in phone choosing and application using. In this paper, 4) Application List: 2016 college student mobile life insight
we aim to mine mobile phone usage in common scenarios and report has carried out a series of analysis on the behav-
also consider the cellphone basic information (including the ior of college students. It proposed that males and females
brand of the phone, the screen size, and Android version), to have different concerns about applications. In order to detect
detect user genders. Specifically, we sampled users whose age user genders in a short time, we only focus on the applica-
is between 18 and 32 [45] from 523 users, counting their most tion installation lists and recognize the classes and quanti-
commonly used functions. As shown in Fig. 6, the users whose ties of apps. Specifically, based on Google Play Store5 and
ages range from 18 to 32 are fond of using social applications, WanDouJia,6 we categorize apps into 27 categories, includ-
such as Weibo and Wechat. They also spend a lot of time ing communication, entertainment, lifestyle, sports, shopping,
on listening to music and making phone calls. And there are comics, education, personality, travel, news, games, music,
68.75% users who like playing games. Accordingly, this paper video, photography, social, business, health, finance, weather,
mines user’s habitual operations and personal preferences in optimization, security, tools, mail.
unlocking screen, using social applications, playing games, For the number of game apps and photography apps
installed application lists, and basic cellphone information for installed in the phone, we made an analysis among 15 males
user gender detection. and 15 females. Among these 15 males, the average number
of game categories is 3 and the maximal number is 15. As for
A. Feature Extraction females, there are 5 people who only install one game, two
women have 5 game apps, and the average number is 2. For
1) Unlocking Screen Scene: According to the analysis of
photography apps, it explains the preferences of females. That
in Section IV, we use the similar method to analyze female
is, women prefer to spend time using all kinds of photography
and male users’ operations in unlocking screen. Specifically,
applications. Among 15 female users, one user installed ten
the changes of elevation angles are different when boys and
photographic applications. In contrast, only one male user has
girls picking up the phones. The corresponding curves about
six photography softwares installed and there is one does not
females show large fluctuations, indicating that females prefer
have any photography application at all. In general, there are
picking up the phone with a dramatic shaking back and forth.
about three photography apps installed in male users’ mobile
When it comes to swiping gestures, we extract features,
phones, and five in female subjects’.
including sliding start-end area, sliding angle, sliding dis-
5) Basic Information of the Phone: From the brand of
tance, sliding duration, and sliding velocity (similar with the
mobile phone, Fig. 7 shows the basic information of mobile
descriptions of swiping screen action in Section IV).
phones of 15 males and 15 females. It is observed that VIVO
2) Social App Usage Scene: In this scene, we extract
eight features, including the maximum, minimum, mean, and 4 [Online]. Available:
5 [Online]. Available:
3 [Online]. Available: 6 [Online]. Available:

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aspects of application usage, i.e., the number of each category,

the use time of each category, and the number of times that
applications in each category are opened. Taking the character-
istics of the data into consideration, we choose 1, 5, 10, 30, and
60 min, respectively, as time windows and extract features in
these windows. The features are represented as app_i_j_count,
app_j, and app_i_j_usetime, respectively, where i represents
the time window and j stands for application category.
2) Battery: People with different personality traits have
Fig. 7. Statistics information of the brand. distinct dependence on mobile phone and they may spend dif-
ferent time on using mobile phone. That can lead to the differ-
and OPPO in China have more female customers, mostly due ences of battery drains and screen status in a time window. For
to their advertisements. Males may be more concerned about example, introverts like to use the Internet [10], which is with
the performance of the phone and choose HUAWEI. In addi- higher power consumption. People with high conscientious-
tion, we also collect the information about the phone screen ness may charge their phone as soon as it is out of electricity;
size. We found that males may prefer large screens (more than high openness people have unconventional and creative qual-
5.6 In), while females are likely to choose smartphones with a ities, and they may keep their mobile phone in charging for a
screen size between 5.2 and 5.5, as they are most comfortable long time even the level is full. In battery usage, we extract
to use. In order to detect the user genders, we will get the several features, including Battery_charging/full_count (the
information of the manufacturer, model, brand, screen size, number of times that battery level is full or charging in a time
and Android system version of the user’s cell phone. window), Battery_usb/ac_count (the number of times that use
USB or AC to charge in a time window), Battery_most_time
(the most common charging mode in a time window), and
B. Gender Detection Battery_level (the statistical characteristics of battery level in
Detecting user’s gender is a binary classification problem. a time window).
We tested Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Multilayer Perception, 3) Screen Status: The times of screen lit up and screen
and SVM, respectively, for the classification. Meanwhile, unlocked may reflect the user’s degree of obsession with the
we employ the tenfold cross-validation policy. Finally, we phone. For example, extroverts like to talk and play with their
get the best classification results by using Random Forest friends and do not use the phone often. Correspondingly, the
classification, which can reduce over-fitting. times of unlocking the screen is less than introverts. We cal-
culate the times of unlocking and locking screen to mine the
VI. P ERSONALITY T RAITS I DENTIFICATION relationship between personality traits and screen status.
User profile involves the extrinsic and intrinsic characteris- 4) Mobile Mode and Network: Intuitively, outgoing peo-
tics. The personality of youth is more representative compared ple may use different mobile modes depending on the
with children and elderly, and the differences in personality environments. While neuroticism is related to anxiety, self-
among youths are more obvious [9], [46]. Therefore, we focus consciousness, and impulsiveness, people with high neuroti-
on the mobile phone usage about youth mainly. In this section, cism may like to use silent mode.
we will identify user personality traits to describe the intrinsic On the other hand, if users want to get the instant
characteristics. information, they need to connect to network. Therefore,
In general, the aforementioned “Big Five” is a poten- we investigate the connection among mobile modes, network
tially identifiable framework for the study of personality. status, and personality traits. In particular, we count the
Chittaranjan et al. [10] presented that introverts were fond most commonly used mobile modes (e.g., normal, silent, and
of using Internet, disagreeable people were more likely to use vibrate), the number of times to switch the mode in each time
e-mail, conscientiousness had a negative correlation with phone window, the number of times for different network connec-
calling, and high openness was associated with higher usage tion mode and the most commonly used mode (e.g., Wi-Fi,
of Video/Audio/Music applications and Beep/Ascending user 4G, 3G, 2G, or Null).
profiles. It is also suggested that ring tones may not effective 5) Headset: High openness was associated with higher
to appeal neurotic people to using mobile phone [47]. Based usage of video and music applications [10]. For the music
on [48], we collect app usage, battery, headset, mobile mode, and video, people usually need to wear headsets, which means
network, and screen status data to infer user personality traits. headset usage can also be helpful. We calculate some features
in a time window, including the maximal, minimal, and aver-
age times of connecting or not connecting a headset, and the
A. Feature Extraction
most common modes of the headset.
1) App Usage: Intuitively, introverts spend much more time
on social applications to contact friends. While extroverts may
like traveling applications because of their venturesome char- B. Personality Traits Identification
acteristic. We categorized applications into the same 27 classes Based on the five factor model proposed by McCrae and
as in gender detection. In this part, we mainly consider three John in 1992 [8], personality traits identification can be divided

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into two aspects: 1) the results of user self-evaluation by doing

the questionnaire and 2) the mobile phone usage’s personality
1) Questionnaire Results of User Self-evaluation: Users
need to complete the Big Five questionnaire, which contains
60 items and uses 1 to 5 positive and negative scoring stan-
dard. The 60 questions contain five subscales: a) the Openness
scale; b) the Conscientiousness scale; c) the Extraversion scale;
d) the Agreeableness scale; and e) the Neuroticism scale. Each (a)
subscale contains 12 questions, and these 12 questions include
positive and negative scoring standard. As there is no conven-
tional model, the corresponding score can be used directly as
the evaluation of user’s personality traits.
2) Personality Recognition: We collected app usage, bat-
tery, headset, mobile mode, network, and screen status data
for approximately two weeks. Then we extract the features
described in Section VI-A from these data and associate them
with the user, forming a matrix about the mobile phone usage
and the habits of the user. (b)
According to the questionnaire results, we can build the
matrix about subjects and the scores of the Big Five. And the Fig. 8. Feature distribution in age estimation. (a) Sliding velocity.
subjects and mobile phone usage can be represented in matrix (b) Variance of slope angle.
as well. We utilize 90% of the scores and usage data to build
five regression models, and the remaining 10% usage data is 30 participants aged between 18 to 32 years old are recruited.
used to predict scores of the Big Five. In order to strengthen The dataset includes 981 MB of sensing data from smart-
our identification process of regression, we adopt the SVR, phones in 1 h. And for personality traits identification, we
which can help to find the function that has most deviation choose 32 users whose age is between 18 and 32 [45]. An
from the actually obtained target for the training data. Android application TBF was developed to collect the data,
including the change of mobile phone battery, whether or not
connecting the headset, the current mobile mode of the phone,
VII. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS network situation, screen status, and the name of currently
In this section, we will introduce the data collecting, and used application. As the personality trait is a long-term accu-
present the results for feature evaluation, age estimation, gen- mulation of many factors, we collected the data from 32 users
der detection, and personality traits identification, as well as for 2 weeks.
analysis and evaluations.
B. Feature Evaluation
A. Data Collection 1) Feature Evaluation in Age Estimation: For age estima-
For experiments, we recruited 84 volunteers, including tion, we extract 27 features from unlocking screen and phone
12 children, 10 elderly, and 62 adults. The age of volun- answering scenes. We use the feature distribution to evaluate
teers ranges from 5 to 78, with 43 males and 41 females. the features.
Twelve users are primary or secondary students, 55 are under- We divide unlocking screen process into picking up the
graduates, master, or doctorate students, 10 elderly are retired, phone and swiping the screen actions. A sliding window is
and the remaining volunteers include 2 individual operators, used to find the important point when user picks up the mobile
2 workers, 1 accountant, and 2 teachers. As for incentives, we phone and swipes the screen. Window size is 0.2 and the step
rewarded every participants with CNY100. size is 0.1. Fig. 8(a) presents the distribution of the swip-
In data collection, we developed an Android application, ing velocity in unlocking screen scene. We can tell that there
named About_YOUR_Property, which collects accelerometer, are 69.45% children whose slide speed is between 1.21 and
magnetic field, gyroscope, and light sensory data (with GAME 3.74; the sliding speed of elderly ranges from 0.03 to 1.82;
sampling frequency) as well as other information required. The and 51.50% adults have the swiping velocity from 1.99 to
application runs in the background with low-power consump- 3.30. From this distribution, we can see that the features are
tion. Volunteers are willing to install the app on their own useful to distinguish the ages of the users. Fig. 8(b) indi-
mobile phone, and they can use the phone freely. Children cates the variance of the slope angle during phone answering.
without smartphones can use their parents’ mobile phones to 50.46% children have a slope angle variance of 650 to 700,
collect data. when answering calls, and the slope angle variance for adults
Specifically, in age estimation, we collect data from 35 vol- is between 90 and 350. This makes the slope angle of the
unteers, including 12 children, 10 old people, and 13 adults phone as an important feature for estimating the age of the
in 1 day. Totally, there are 8396 records collected in unlock- user at the time of answering calls. Similarly, we conclude
ing screen and phone answering scenes. In gender detection, the effectiveness of our other 25 features for age estimation.

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with the number of times that the user lighting up screen in

one minute (r = −0.436, p = 0.006).
Extraversion: Extraversion is related to talkativeness and
(b) gregariousness. Users who are more extroverted tend to less
fond of headsets for most of the time (r = −0.504, p =
Fig. 9. Feature distribution in gender estimation. (a) Slope angle.
(b) Photography apps. 0.002) and they also have shorter headset connection peri-
ods (r = −0.359, p = 0.022). Users with high extraversion
are more likely to use sport apps (r = 0.457, p = 0.004).
Applications, such as Douyu live, Zhangyu TV have posi-
2) Feature Evaluation in Gender Detection: In this part, tively connections with extraversion (r = 0.377, p = 0.017).
we present the distribution of some gender related features. Oppositely, introverted users prefer reading applications, such
Fig. 9(a) shows the distribution histogram of slope angle as iReader (r = −0.443, p = 0.006).
changes when males and females using social software. We Agreeableness: People with less agreeableness may feel
calculated that 66.67% of males have a change of variance uncomfortable about their surroundings [49], and they may
from 0 to 30. When females use their mobile phones, the use headsets frequently in one-minute window (r = −0.365,
change varies from 0 to 45. There are little differences in p = 0.020). Users with high agreeableness may use more com-
slope angle when using social software. Fig. 9(b) shows a munication software, such as free calls, dialing, and contacts.
distribution histogram of photography app. As shown in the (r = 0.319, p = 0.038).
figure, we observe that the number of females who install 7 Neuroticism: Neuroticism is negatively correlated with the
to 10 photographical apps accounts for 20%. No male installs number of communication applications (r = −0.310, p =
more than 7 applications of photography in our experiments. 0.042). Users with high neuroticism may receive lower social
It indicates that women have a certain preference for various support [50], so they may often close themselves in a small
types of photographic apps. circle.
3) Feature Evaluation in Personality Traits Identification:
In this part, we use the Pearson correlation coefficient to
evaluate the extracted features, which can assess the rela- C. Results of User Profile Inference
tionship between mobile phone usage and personality traits. 1) Age Estimation: We use RMSE and decision coefficient
Specifically, as models will be affected by outliers, we empir- R as evaluation criteria. Random Forest regression algorithm
ically removed features with a correlation of less than 0.3. achieves the best performance for user age estimation, with an
And we present our findings on the Big-Five traits. RMSE value of 4.3696, correlation coefficient of 0.9852 and
Openness: There is some significant correlation between the square of R at 0.9706.
mobile phone usage and openness. Highly open people may In the real world, users may not have frequently phone call
not often use the tool applications (r = −0.458, p = 0.004), in a short time. Therefore, we estimate the age of the user by
such as memos, Jifeng diary, etc. R represents Pearson corre- using the unlocking screen scene only. The results are shown
lation coefficient, which is used to reflect the degree of linear in Fig. 10(a), where the mean square error is 6.0203. We also
correlation between two variables. P value is the probability find that the experimental results can be improved by the com-
of sample observation or more extreme results when the orig- bination of two scenes which can acquire an RMSE with value
inal hypothesis is true. The smaller the P value is, the more 4.4452. This proves that the selection of experimental sce-
significant the result is. narios is significant for user age estimation. Using Random
Conscientiousness: To a certain extent, conscientiousness Forest regression model, our age estimation can achieve a
has not much correlation with mobile modes, networks, and minimum error of ± 4.44 years. In addition, considering that
headset connections. As shown in Table I, conscientiousness 4.44 year old may still make huge differences for children age
is positively correlated with the number of times that phone estimation, we further applied the same regression algorithm
was charged (r = 0.400, p = 0.012) and negatively correlated specifically upon children, and the RMSE of children aged 5

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to 14 become 3.0461. In prior studies, Dong et al. [51] pre-

dicted authors’ age from text and got the mean absolute errors
between 4.1 and 6.8 years. Guo et al. [52] estimated users’ age
based on their face information and the MAEs were 5.25 and
5.30 years for females and males accordingly. In general, this
paper uses less features and produce more accurate estimations
of user ages.
2) Gender Detection: Precision and recall are used as the (a)
evaluation criterias for gender detection here. In general, the
Random Forest classification algorithm we employed achieves
91.70% precision and 73.30% recall. In the context of classi-
fication, the samples can be divided into four cases according
to the combination of the ground-truth class and the pre-
dicted class of classifier: a) true positive; b) false positive;
c) true negative; and d) false negative. TP, FP, TN, and FN
are used to represent the corresponding samples, respectively.
The precision P and recall R are defined as (b)

TP TP Fig. 10. Results of age estimation and gender detection.

P= R= .
As the users may not play games in some experimental
scenarios, and young people prefer using fingerprint to unlock due to the higher correlation. The inferrence of personality
screen, we separately calculate the precision of gender detec- can also be used to facilitated the improvement of mental
tion in each experimental scene. Fig. 10(b) shows the user health. For example, the positive and optimistic information in
gender detection results in each scene. In specific, 27 cat- terms of videos, images or articles can be carefully pushed to
egories of apps were used to detect the characteristics of the high-neurotic users to prevent them from becoming overly
users’ gender, and the final result is a precision of 68.4%. anxious.
Considering the game scenario, the final detection rate is The descriptive statistics for the questionnaire are given in
approximately 64.30%. The basic information of mobile phone Table II. It can be found that the mean value, the standard
gives a gender detection rate at 72.70%. The change of ele- deviation, and the skewness of neuroticism is 2.80, 0.53, and
vation angle during social software usage outputs a precision 0.84, respectively, indicating that most users get low score
rate at 64.70%. And if take advantages of all the scenes, the on this personality trait. This means most users tend to be
precision of our Random Forest classification model reaches emotionally stable. And openness corresponds to the char-
91.70%. acteristics of imagination, aesthetics, and the desire for new
Erokyar [53] used speech applications and got an accuracy things. Conscientious people are organized and like to make
of 64.20% in age and gender recognition. An encouraging 78% plans. Highly responsible users may use less communication
accuracy rate was obtained by using swipe gesture data from apps and social applications, indicating that responsible peo-
two different directions [54]. In this paper, we detect users’ ple are more cautious about making friends. Extraversion is
gender only based on mobile phone sensory data, and achieve associated with enthusiasm, social ability, and optimism. They
the highest accuracy of 91.70%. may install less applications like books and tools, except com-
3) Personality Traits Identification: To evaluate the effec- munication platforms. Introverts are more likely to find true
tiveness of the regression model, we use the coefficient of self with their cellphones. Agreeableness is realted to trust and
determination (R square) as the criterion. R square denotes modesty. Users with high agreeableness may use more com-
the extent that the selected independent variable can explain munication and game software, implying that they are friendly
the dependent variable. and sociable. Neurotic users are characterized by anxiety and
According to the analysis in the previous sections, the fea- vulnerability. Highly neurotic users may have lower social sup-
tures of the Big Five should all have a nonzero weight. For port [50], and they probably have a small social circle. Thus,
openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and they are more likely to use the vibration mode and headsets
neuroticism, we use the SVR regression model to calculate the connected.
RMSE, and the results are 0.29, 0.3506, 0.465, 0.3022, and
0.452, respectively. The value of r is 0.8118, 05093, 0.6159,
0.5664, and 0.615, respectively, and all p-values are less than D. Discussion
0.05, which further indicated that our models are reasonable 1) User Group: In this paper, we mostly take youth into
in identifying user’s personality traits. The recognition accu- consideration and get tremendous results for user profile infer-
racy of personality characteristics can be further exploited for ence. However, there may be differences in mobile phones
recommendation task. For example, when an extroverted per- usage for elderly and children of different genders and per-
sonality is detected, it makes sense that the app relevant to sonality traits. Therefore, in the future, we consider to infer
sports category will be more likely recommended to the user the profile of all users and mine the differences.

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