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Think about one of your favourite hobbies or interests.

Write down three things you enjoy about this hobby:
1. Adrenaline
2. Partnership
3. Calming

Write down at least two of your own skills that make you good at this
Attention to detail

Write down at least one career that also benefits from these skills.


Having read the definitions of each interest category on the board,

which do you think best describes you?


Think about a friend or family member: which do think best describes

Mum - social

Once you have completed the Interests profile take a screenshot of

your results and upload them into one note.
For each interest category, write down at least one example of a
relevant situation from your life which links to this category (e.g.
from school, work experience, employment, a hobby etc).

Artistic: my sports – riding

Conventional: assignments and time management
Investigative: want to find out more in subjects
Enterprising: work management
Realistic: Artistic and sporty

Following from your research of careers / subjects, complete the

following sentences.

is a career that is well suited to my interests because..

is a subject that is well suited to my interests because…

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