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Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

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Plant hormone-mediated stress regulation responses in fruit crops- a review

Vinaykumar Rachappanavar a, b, *, Arushi Padiyal b, Jitender Kumar Sharma c,
Satish Kumar Gupta a
MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Science, Himachal Pradesh 173212, India
Department of Seed Science and Technology, Dr YSP UHF, Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173230, India
School of Agricultural Science, College of Agriculture, Baddi University, Himachal Pradesh 173205, India


Keywords: One of the challenges being faced by the fruit crop production globally is that regional climate regimes are
Signalling becoming more unpredictable every year. The exact impact of these abiotic stresses on fruit crops is difficult to
Cascade predict and it depends on numerous other climacteric factors that are all always counted in predictive models.
Plant hormones can improves tolerance against abiotic stresses by inhibiting or reducing the active oxygen
Endogenous and exogenous
species (AOS) accumulation, electrolyte leakage, induce the expression of stress-specific genes, etc. Among the
Transcription factors
major hormones produced by the plants, ABA, SA, JA and ET are known to play major roles in mediating plant
defence response against various abiotic stresses. Typically ABA has major role in contrast to abiotic stresses
because environmental condition such as drought, heat stress, cold, chilling, salinity and heavy metals are known
to trigger increase in ABA levels. Crosstalk networks among phytohormones mediated by diverse key regulators
have been extensively investigated and documented in various research investigations. Many canvasser’s rec­
ommended the use of phytohormones to counteract abiotic stress because of increasing stress tolerance through
conventional breeding methods requires time and a diverse cultivation environment for validation of perfor­
mance and heritability. In this review, we summarize the roles of the major phyto-hormones present in fruit
crops in regulating abiotic stresses responses with special focus on the significance of crosstalk between various
hormones at biochemical and molecular level in generating a sophisticated and efficient stress response.

1. Introduction was observed by abiotic stresses on several occasions in different fruit

crops (Mittler, 2006). These stresses may cause morphological, physio­
Fruit crops are highly vulnerable to different environmental stresses. logical, biochemical, and molecular changes in plants (Dos Reis et al.,
These stresses are grouped into two main categories- biotic and abiotic- 2012; Ahmad and Prasad, 2012). Morphological changes like retarded
based on the nature of stimulants. Biotic stress caused by various fungi, shoot and root growth, flower drop, low fruit setting, deformed fruit
bacteria, viruses, nematodes, insects, and weeds. Whereas the second shape observed during abiotic stress conditions. Nutrient content and
group generally linked with the physiographic, climatic, and edaphic their proportion may change with the intensity of stress. At the physi­
components of the environment affects plant development and pro­ ological level, Photosynthetic rate, respiration, transpiration, and
ductivity (Verma, 2020). In “ The State of Food and Agriculture 2007”, assimilation rate are affected by these environmental pressures (Har­
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) reported that less than 3.5% fouche et al., 2014; Vinocur and Altman, 2005). To survive under un­
of the total global land area remains free from abiotic stress for culti­ favorable environmental condition plants activate defence mechanism
vation. The concern about these stresses in horticultural crops is by producing antioxidant enzymes, hormones and other biochemical
important due to reducing annual production year after year by climate leading to neutralize the negative impact of abiotic stress (Wolters and
change (Bray, 2002). Plants have to face naturally occurring stresses Jurgens, 2009; Herbette et al., 2007; Jogawat et al., 2021).
throughout life without a decline in growth and development (Suzuki The exact impact of abiotic stresses on fruit crops is difficult to
et al., 2014; Ali et al. 2020). Up-to 50-70% overall productivity decline predict and it depends on numerous other climacteric factors that are all

* Corresponding author at: MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Science, Himachal Pradesh 173212,
E-mail address: vinayrachappanavar@shooliniuniversity.com (V. Rachappanavar).

Received 19 March 2022; Accepted 23 June 2022
Available online 6 July 2022
0304-4238/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
V. Rachappanavar et al. Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

always counted in predictive models. In some environmental circum­ withstand unfavorable environmental conditions such as salinity,
stances, different abiotic stresses appear together and cause greater crop moisture deficit, and heavy metal toxicity (Lavenus et al., 2013).
loss. In this situation, studying individual stress separately without Moreover, abiotic and biotic components typically interact in a given
considering other minor abiotic stress factors is not satisfactory because ecosystem (Pandey et al., 2017). Focusing on fruit crops concerning
plant response is unique and can be predicted the same result by each abiotic stress is important because fruit crops are considered as cash
stress factor applied individually (Mittler, 2006 and Choudhury, 2017). crops and also provide essential dietary elements in human diet (Shan­
Plants have root system architecture (RSA) to respond to changing non and Grieve, 1998).
environment and it facilitates lateral root branching enables plants to FAO reports that about 90% of dietary vitamins supplied by fruit

Fig. 1. Phytohormones and related compounds.

V. Rachappanavar et al. Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

Fig. 1. (continued).

crops. According to the global burden of disease study, nearly 3.4 fruit crops in terms of quality fruit production under abiotic stress
million deaths can be attributed to a shortage of fruit and vegetable condition (Parajuli et al., 2019). In that suggestion, increasing phyto­
production and consumption yearly (FAO, 2017). Therefore need to hormones biosynthesis and external application is the main concern to
grow a vast amount of fruit crops under diverse stress conditions be­ increase the tolerance against abiotic stress in fruit crops with a less
comes the most important goal for the current agriculture scenario to economic burden. To maintain the normal plant physiological activities
provide a properly balanced diet. Since 2000, extensive studies were in plants, it is essential to understand clearly how these stress factors
conducted to know the exact impact of climate change encompasses all respond to different hormones at different stages of plant growth (Wien,
abiotic stress on agricultural production and they find some solution to 1997).
resolve these problems but only few research articles pay attention to Traditional agronomical approaches do not have the potential to

V. Rachappanavar et al. Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

Fig. 1. (continued).

completely overcome the impact of environmental stresses. Therefore, 2010). Still, now only a few QTLs and genes are identified in fruit crops
several molecular approaches like marker-assisted selection (MAS), as­ which involved in stress level regulating activities. The introduction and
sociation mapping, QTL mapping, and whole-genome sequencing used improvement of stress tolerance through a conventional breeding
to identify the stress tolerant genes. Which helps to develop abiotic method does not provide the required result because of the linkage drag
stress tolerant new cultivars by incorporating these genes in existing of unknown characters from donor parents (Asins, 2002). Whereas
high yielding varieties. Till now, limited work was accomplished at phytohormones plays same role in abiotic stress regulation at a partic­
molecular level to know stress tolerance in fruit crops (Gong et al., ular concentration directly or indirectly without any negative impact on

V. Rachappanavar et al. Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

Fig. 1. (continued).

producing plants. The current review presents an overview on role of auxin (AUX), cytokinin (CK), abscisic acid (ABA), ethylene (ET), sali­
phytohormones in mitigating abiotic stresses in fruit crops. cylic acid (SA) and jasmonates (JAs) involved in different stress regu­
lation activities directly or indirectly. The phytohormones and related
2. Phytohormones compounds which identified in different crops were presented in Fig. 1.
Different phytoPhytohormones synthesis and site of action may be the
Plant hormones are bimolecular compounds required in small same or different (Peleg et al., 2011; Rhaman et al. 2021). They act as a
quantities (Fahed et al., 2015) to regulate normal physiological activ­ chemical messenger with highly complex regulation mechanism, these
ities (Fraire-Vela´zquez et al., 2011; Bhatt et al., 2020). These organic biomolecules allow plants to maintain normal growth plasticity even
molecules manage the abiotic stress by forming complex signaling cas­ under stress conditions (Xu et al., 2016; Khan et al., 2020a). Various
cades from stimuli perception to abiotic specific gene expression (Aze­ studies (Table 1) have showed that different plant hormones can
vedo et al., 2012). They play key roles in plants by modifying growth improve plant tolerance against chilling, high temperature, salt,
and development, source and sink relationship, and allocation of nu­ drought, heavy metal and UV-light like abiotic stresses (Ogawa et al.,
trients to different organs based on the need to acclimatize the plant to 2005). Phytohormones regulates active oxygen species (AOS) accumu­
the environment (Wani et al., 2016). They include gibberellin acid (GA), lation and electrolyte leakage in plant cells by inducing stress-specific

V. Rachappanavar et al. Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

Fig. 1. (continued).

genes expression (Kang et al., 2004). Furthermore, DELLA proteins work found to be induced by ABA, but suppressed by overexpression of the
collaterally with GAs, which leads to an increase in tolerance against DREB2 gene may cause dwarfness in rice with GA deficient symptoms.
environmental stresses (Achard et al., 2009). However, the identifica­ Normal growth restored by exogenous application of GA. Expression of
tion of novel genes and its stress responses may prove to be a vibrant OsGA20ox1, OsGA20ox2, OsGA3ox2, and OsGA20ox4 was significantly
target for engineering abiotic stress tolerance in fruit crops. More in­ declined in the plants under stress condition especially to salt stress
formation is needed to make clear regarding the regulation of abiotic (Tang et al., 2019).
stress at hormonal level in fruit crops along with how and which hor­
mones regulate different abiotic stresses.
2.2. Role of auxin in plant defense response

2.1. Role of GA in plant defense response Auxin is an essential phytohormone that regulates cell elongation,
cell division, differentiation, apical dominance, tropical response, and
GAs are primarily growth-regulating phytohormone involved in other biological activities in plants. Broadly IAA (indole-3-acetic acid)
various developmental processes, including germination, leaf expansion biosynthesis occurs through tryptophan dependent and tryptophan-
(Claeys et al., 2012), stem elongation, flowering (Hyun et al., 2016) and independent pathways (Wright et al., 1991). The maintenance of
trichome and reproductive organs development (Claeys et al., 2012). endogenous auxin at the proper level is important to maintain cellular
Recently researcher identified the role of GA under stress condition. GA activities (Seidel et al., 2006). Based on the major intermediates
signaling and metabolism is a vital factor for environmental involved in IAA biosynthesis, Tryptophan dependent pathways can be
stress-tolerant in resilient phenotypes. It modifies the physiological categorized into indole-3-acetamide (IAM), indole-3-acetaldoxime
activiteis in plants with regulating sink and source relationships (Iqbal (IAOx), tryptamine (TAM), and indol-3-pyruvic acid. (IPA) pathway. A
et al., 2014). The methylerythritol phosphate pathway synthesizes the uxin play major rule during embryogenesis and seed development by
gibberellic acids in plastids from trans-geranylgeranyl diphosphate, thus critically regulating organ polarity and root initiation (Chapman and
both GA and ABA share common precursors during biosynthesis Estelle, 2009; Zhao et al., 2010). Several researchers found that auxin
(Banerjee et al., 2016). The pleiotropic action of GAs is modified by the also has a key role against biotic and abiotic stress conditions in plants.
degradation of DELLA proteins which belongs to the GRAS protein Genes involved in various auxin-related pathways show variation in
family (Colebrook et al., 2014). DELLAs may regulate the gene expres­ expression during stress conditions. Auxin stimulates the initiation of
sion by acting as transcriptional activators in multiplexes with other lateral roots from primary roots at seedling stage in plants by promoting
transcription factors (TFs) (Hirano et al., 2012). In the same way, they lateral root primordia (LRP) initiation through activation of root peri­
also act as inhibitors by sequestering gene activating TFs (Feng et al., cycle cells present opposite to xylem (Lavenus et al., 2013) with the help
2008). This proves that, GA signaling crosstalk with other pathways. of multiple IAA and ARFs (Auxin Response Factors; Okushima et al.,
DELLAs have been observed to interact with the other phytohormone 2007). ARFs directly and to the auxin response elements to regulate the
cascades at the molecular level (Bai et al., 2012) during stress conditions transcription of auxin-responsive genes. These ARFs contains (1) a
(Bai et al., 2010). In recent years, several tissue-specific GA dioxyge­ variable middle transcriptional regulatory region (MR), (2) N-terminal
nases have been identified as CsGA2ox1, CsGA2ox2, CsGA20ox2, DNA-binding domain (DBD) and (3) a C-terminal dimerization domain
CsGA3ox2, CsGA3ox3, and CsGA2ox4 in Camellia sinensis, these genes (CTD) (Zhang et al., 1998). AuxRE region of auxin- promoter directly
are utilized as a candidate marker gene for abiotic stress tolerance target by DBD domain and regulate the expression of these regions. The
breeding (Pan et al., 2017). DREB2, an AP2/ERF family protein was members of Aux/IAA and ARF class showed variation in expression

V. Rachappanavar et al. Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

Table 1
Role of different phytohormones in combating different abiotic stresses in fruit-crops.
Phytohormone Fruit crops Effects against abiotic stresses Refs.

1 ABA Grape wine Improves drought tolerance by upregulating certain key genes like chlorophyll synthesis, HSPs and other Nassar et al. (2004)
defence-related genes
2 ABA Mango Increase water stress tolerance Zaharah and Razi (2009)
3 ABA Citrus improves water stress tolarance by increasing ABA concentration in young leaves Arbona and
Gómez-Cadenas (2008)
4 ABA Crabapple improves water stress tolarance by increasing ABA concentration in young leaves Bai et al. (2013)
5 ABA peas icreased accumulation of ABA in fresh leaves improves water tolarance Jackson et al., (1988)
6 ABA Citrus increased anoxia tolerance Gómez-Cadenas et al.
7 ABA Almond regulate xylem sap movement under water stress condition Wartinger et al. (1990)
8 ABA Citrus Negutiviely regulate water stress Alferez et al. (2005)
9 ABA Apple Promote drought resistance by overexpressing pRD29A::PYL9 gene Hou et al. (2020)
10 ABA Strawberry Maintain fruit quality even under salt and drought stress condition Perin et al. (2019)
11 ABA Grape Exogenous ABA improves resistance againest various abiotic stresses Wang et al. (2016)
12 ABA sweet cherry Increase the expression of PacSnRK2 and PacPP2C gene families againest dehydration stress Shen et al. (2017)
13 ABA Apple Improve salt and droght stress resistance by upregulating MdSAT1 gene expression Yang et al. (2021)
14 ABA Apple enhance drought tolerance and WUE by overexpression of RNA binding protein MhYTP1 Guo et al. (2019)
15 ABA Chinese crab Lowers the inflex of Cd heavy metal into plant cell by inhibiting 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase Zhang et al. (2019)
apple (MhNCED3) activity
16 ABA Apple Regulat both osmotic and salt stress by overexprssing MdCAIP1 gene Liu et al. (2019)
17 ABA Sweet orange ncrease Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins expression under salt and water stress condition Pedrosa et al. (2015)
18 Auxin Banana Regulate salt stree Hu et al. (2015)
19 Auxin Banana Heat stress regulation Hu et al. (2010)
20 Auxin Apple minimize drought stress by maintaining root development rate and architecture Shi et al. (2014)
21 Auxin Apple lowers salt stress Pauwels and Goossens
22 Auxin Apple regulate photooxidative and heat stress by crosstalking with ethylene Torres et al. (2013)
23 Brassinosteroids Fruit crops Regulate chilling injury in varous fruit crops Fariduddin et al. (2014)
24 Brassinosteroids Fruit crops Application of 24-EBR augment osmo-regulation material and minimize damage caused by lipid Xia et al. (2009)
peroxidation and reactive oxygen species
25 Brassinosteroids sweet cherry lowers oxidative damage caused by cold stress when stored at 1◦ C Roghabadi and Pakkish
26 Brassinosteroids Fruit crops Regulate vsrious abiotic stresses by cross-talking with ethylene Jiroutova et al. (2018)
27 Brassinosteroids Banana Minimize thermo-stress by regulating photosynthesis process Gonzalez-Olmedo et al.
28 Brassinosteroids Orange Enhances cold stress by regulating antioxidant enzymes Ghorbani and Pakkish
29 Brassinosteroids Orange play important role in response to cold stress by increased accumulation of secondary metabolites Jiang et al. (2021)
30 Brassinosteroids Strawberry Exogeneous application of 24-EBL minimize cold damage by increasing malondialdehyde in leaves Balcı et al. (2021)
31 Brassinosteroids Grapewine Enhance chilling stress tolerance by regulating sugar, protein and free proline accumulation Xi et al. (2013)
32 Brassinosteroids Balete tree Alleviate high temperature stress by increasing glyoxalase (Gly I and GlyII) and antoxidants (CAT, SOD, Jin et al. (2015)
GPX, etc.) activites.
33 Brassinosteroids Peach Avoid cold stress by decreasing proline dehydrogenase and enhanced Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate Gao et al. (2016)
synthetase activities
34 Brassinosteroids loquat improve the tolerance againest salinity stress by increasing soluble sugars, pigments and leaf and root K+ Sadeghi and Shekafandeh
content (2014)
35 Brassinosteroids Apple minimize water stress by regulating photosynthesis mechanism Kumari and Thakur (2019)
36 Brassinosteroids tea crabapple exogenous BL application alleviate salt stress tolerance by eliminating reactive oxygen species (ROS) Su et al. (2020)
production by strengthening superoxide dismuatase and catalase activities
37 Brassinosteroids Grape improves the fruit self life under cold storage by elicitation of antioxidant enzymes including ascorbate Pakkish et al. (2019)
peroxide, superoxide dsmutase, catalase and peroxidase
38 Ethylene Apple Regulate water stress Wang and Steffens (1985)
39 Ethylene Apple Improves cold tolerance by upregulating MdERF1B–MdCIbHLH1 genes Wang et al. (2021)
40 Ethylene Apple salt stress tolerance by upregulating MdNAC047 gene An et al. (2018)
41 Ethylene Apple uoregulate aluminium stress tolerance by upregulating MdMYC2 gene An et al. (2017)
42 Ethylene Papaya Overexpression of CpERFs observed under exogenous application of ethylene Adkins et al. (1997)
43 GA Apple Improves germination under cold stress Wani et al. (2014)
44 GA Toon Induce tolerance to chilling stress Hu et al. (2018)
45 GA datepalm The exogenous application significantly promote plant growth under strss condition Khan et al. (2020b)
46 GA Apple Improves salt tolerance by upregulating MdBZR1 and MdBZR1-2like Transcription Factors Wang et al. (2019)
47 Brassinosteroids Banana Improves heat tolerance @0.2µM Nassar et al. (2004)
48 JA Apple Regulate sunburn by regulating ABA biosynthesis Torres et al. (2013)
49 JA Fruit crops Exogenous methyl jasmonate improves antioxidant activites and increases secondary metabolites Reyes-Díaz et al. (2016)
50 Jasmonic acid Apple Increase water stress tolerance by regulating xylem sap movement Yanping et al. (2004)
51 Jasmonic acid Peach Alleviate chilling injury by promoting phospholipid remodeling Chen et al. (2019)
52 Jasmonic acid Banana alleviate polyethylene glycol-mediate water stress and reduces oxidative stress Mahmood et al. (2012)
53 Jasmonic acid Siberian Exogeous application of MeJA increase ascorbate peroxidase (APX),glutathione reductase (GR) and Li et al. (2017)
crabapple monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR) activities and decreaseoxidized gluthione content in cells
54 SA Apple Burst of SA content was noticed againest heat and photooxidative stress Torres et al. (2013)
55 SA Banana Minimize heat and photooxidative stress in leaves Mahouachi et al. (2014)
56 SA Grape Improves cold stress tolerance Mutlu et al. (2013)
57 SA Kiwifruit external application of methyl salicylate avoid cold stress by regulating ABA and ethylene production Zhang et al. (2003)
(continued on next page)

V. Rachappanavar et al. Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

Table 1 (continued )
58 Salicyclic acid Orange Mitigate the heat stress Abd El-Naby et al. (2020)
59 Salicyclic acid Apple improves the thermotolerance by overexpressing MdVQ37 gene Dong et al. (2021)
60 Salicyclic acid Grapewine Alleviates decrease in photosynthesis under heat stress condition Wang et al. (2010)
61 Salicyclic acid Red bayberry minimize the water stress by increasing photosynthesis ratem superoxide dismutase activity, catalase Ying et al. (2013)
activity, stomatal conductivity and methane dicarboxylic aldehyde content
62 Salicyclic acid Strawberry Amelorate salt stress by increasing leaf water relative content (LWRC) in plants Karlidag et al. (2009)
63 Salicyclic acid Banana Exogenous application of SA significantly improves the anthocyanin and proline content under water Bidabadi et al. (2012)
stress condition
64 Salicyclic acid Strawberry SA incombitaion with Fe nano-particles minimize the drought stress under in-vitro condition Akbar Mozafari et al.
65 Salicyclic acid Peach Alleviates chilling iinjury by activating heat shock proteins Wang et al. (2006)

during cold stress conditions in Arabidopsis (Hannanh et al., 2005). ethylene level observed in avocado and orange (Upreti et al., 1998).
Cheong et al. (2002) showed fluctuation in auxin-related genes expres­ Abeles et al. (1992) revealed that ethylene regulates the PR gene tran­
sion, including IAA2, IAA3, GH3-like protein, and SAUR-AC1, a+fter scription in response to pathogen attack, wounds, and drought stress.
damage caused by the environment (Kovtun et al., 1998). During (Sessa et al., 1995). One of the subfamilies of AP2/ERF transcription
oxidative stress conditions, expression of PIN1, and PIN3 downregulated factors, Ethylene Responsive Factor VII group (ERF-VII) participates in
(Pasternak et al., 2005). Genome-wide study shows that the gluta­ growth and development processes and stress response mechanisms in
redoxin (GRX) gene family exhibits differential expression patterns plants (Yao et al., 2016). These proteins contain a conserved APETALA2
under different phytohormones treatment. Among them, OsGRX8, a (AP2) domain necessary for protein-DNA interaction (Papdi et al.,
member of GRX, has expression during different abiotic stress conditions 2015). At the N-terminal, ERF-VII has highly conserved motif
(Garg et al., 2010). WES1, encoding auxin conjugating enzyme, is MCGGAI/V (N-degron) to regulate protein turnover and initiate a pro­
induced by drought, heat, cold, and oxidative stress conditions (Park tein degradation pathway through an oxygen-sensing mechanism
et al., 2007). Under ABA, drought, and salt treatments, numerous auxin (Gibbs et al., 2015). The ERF-VII proteins not only participate in regu­
transport genes showed differential regulation (Shen et al., 2010). lation under hypoxia stress but are also involved in biotic and abiotic
stress and hormone response. At the vegetative stage, they enhance the
2.3. Role of abscisic acid in plant defense response drought-responsive genes expression to recovery from dehydration
stress (Fukao et al., 2011).
Abscisic acid (ABA) is a small organic molecule and classified as
sesquiterpene (Roychoudhury et al., 2013). The C-15 ABA skeleton is 2.5. Role of salicylic acid in plant defense response
commonly found in the biosynthetic precursors for abscisic aldehyde,
xanthoxin, abscisic alcohol, phasic acid, 8′ -hydroxy-ABA, and dihy­ Salicylic acid is a phenolic compound and the most common
drophaseic acid. The level of ABA increased in the plant system as stress pathway in plants for SA synthesis is the phenylalanine pathway and
signals appeared (Roychoudhury and Basu, 2012). The formation of isochorismic acid pathway (An et al., 2011). SA artificial derivatives
carboxylic-acid from abscisic acid oxidation is the last step of ABA used for preparation of aspirin, codeine, morphine, digitalis and taxol
biosynthesis. The process of ABA synthesis is carried out by an abscisic like drugs. SA concentration in various crops is about 1 mg per 1 kg of
aldehyde oxidase (AAO3) enzyme. AAO3 protein consists of molybde­ plant biomass (Ahmad and Prasad, 2012b). It involved in different
num (Mo) as a cofactor and activated through MoCosulfurase reaction plants physiological and molecular activities, such as seed germination,
(Tan et al., 1997). It plays an important role in mediating stress re­ seedling growth respiration, stomatal aperture, and senescence (Boat­
sponses (Yang et al., 2011). When environmental condition unfavorable wright and Pajerowska-Mukhtar, 2013; Arif et al., 2020). Most of the
for plants growth, the ABA biosynthesis (Kim et al., 2010) and accu­ research evidence shows that SA can enhance tolerance in plants against
mulation in various plant tissues increases drastically and bind to its various external stresses including salt stress, osmotic stress, chilling,
receptors to initiate signal transduction leads to stress response at the heavy metal stress (Chen et al., 2016), and high light by activating the
cellular level (Ng et al., 2014). Diverse ZEP genes regulate the ABA antioxidant system to protect photosynthesis (Gururani et al., 2015).
biosynthesis in different species and plant growth stages but NCED genes Salicyclic acid has a key role in plants to gather hypersensitive response
have a major role in drought stress conditions in tomato (Burbidge et al., (HR) or systemic acquired resistance and it also modulates various
1990), bean (Qin and Zeevaart, 1999) and avocado (Chernys and Zee­ physiological responses such as thermogenesis, ion absorption, and
vaart, 2000). A remarkable rise in the NCED transcript level observed programmed cell death during stress conditions.
under induced dehydration conditions (Xiong and Zhu, 2003). But the
NCED expression not varied by exogenous ABA application (Iuchi et al., 2.6. Role of jasmonic acids in plant defense response
2010). Exogenous ABA regulates the ZEP, AAO3, and MCSU genes. Both
ABA degradation and biosynthesis have a significant role in ABA Jasmonates (JA) are derivatives of fatty acids, including jasmonic
expression and adjusting plant stress responses and developmental acids (JA), jasmonate isoleucine conjugate (JA-IIe), and methyl jasmo­
strategies. ABRE and DRE like cis-elements are promoters of nate (MeJA) as key compounds (Ruan et al., 2019). It is an endogenous
stress-inducible ABA genes (Xiong et al., 2001; Bray, 2002). signaling molecule involved in the various developmental process and
also in stress mitigating activities (Llanes et al., 2016). JA is closely
2.4. Role of ethylene in plant defense response associated with plant resistance to abiotic stress by the physiological and
molecular response. Under stress condition, JA alleviates the antioxi­
Ethylene has the same activities as ABA for senescence but it has a dant system, accumulation of isoleucine, methionine, soluble sugars,
different site of action and regulates diverse biotic and abiotic stresses regulate the stomatal activities (Acharya and Assmann, 2009), expres­
(Brodersen et al., 2005). It is biosynthesized from methionine amino sion of JA-associated genes (JAZ, AOS1, AOC, LOX2 and, CO11) (Hu
acid with the help of S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) and 1-aminocyclo­ et al., 2017) and interaction with other phytohormones (Yang et al.,
propane-1-carboxylic acid (Kende et al., 1993). Various environmental 2019).
stresses promote ethylene biosynthesis (Khan et al., 2013). Abiotic stress
promotes the ethylene production by modulating the activities of ACC
synthase and ACC oxidase. Underwater deficit condition, increase in

V. Rachappanavar et al. Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

2.7. Role of brassinosteroids in plant defense response 3. Hormone functions and cross-talk toward stress tolerance in
fruit crops
Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a group of steroidal hormones that play
pivotal roles in wide ranges of developmental phenomena including cell 3.1. Hormonal regulation of growth responses under water stress
division and elongation, photomorphogenesis, reproductive develop­ condition
ment, and leaf senescence and also external stress response (Choudhary
et al., 2012; Ahammed et al., 2020; Hussain et al., 2020). BRs increase Farooq et al. (2009a, 2009b) reported that depend on the intensity
the activities of catalyzing and decrease the activities of peroxidase and and duration of the water stress, 13 to 94% reduction in crop yield is
ascorbic acid oxidase under stress conditions (Ahammed et al., 2013) recorded in several crops. Water is a fundamental component which
and also regulate secondary metabolites (Vardhini et al., 2006). Bras­ requires to maintain normal physiological activities and membrane
sinosteroids regulate physiological activities in plants by 28-homobras­ transport processes in the plant (Jones and Tardieu, 1998). Since fruit
sinolide (HBL) and 24-epibrassinolide (EBL) isomers (Siddiquiet al., products are usually sold on a fresh weight basis in the market and yield
2018). These role of these isomers in abiotic stress regulation is reported is predominantly determined by water content (Marcelis et al., 1998). In
in several crops (Kolomeichuk et al., 2020). Under salt stress condition, arid and semiarid tropics, plant experiences drought stress either when
BRs maintain the PSII photochemistry efficiency and leaf osmotic po­ the insufficient water supply to roots or increased rate of transpiration
tential. It induces methylation and epigenetic regulation under salt with temperature (Mubarik et al., 2021). Due to low precipitation, high
stress condition (Alam et al., 2019). Exogenous application of 24-epi­ temperature, high wind velocity, and low soil moisture storage capacity
brassinolide (EBL) upregulate antioxidation and detoxification system and unequal distribution of water availability during the life cycle of a
and decrease the accumulation of H2O2, NO and MDA in plant cells crop plant that restricts the complete expression of the genetic potential
(Sharma et al., 2017). 24-EBL can restore the stress induced by of the plant (Sinha and Watson, 2007). Plants adopted morphological
im-idacloprid (IMI) challenged environment by avoiding Cr accumula­ (reduced leaf area, leaf molding, increased waxy content, reduced stem
tion in plants (Jan et al., 2020). length, high root volume and density, less number of branches, erect
shoot, efficient rooting system, small plant size, early maturity), physi­
2.8. Hormonal crosstalk in plant defense mechanism ological (water use efficiency, leaf water potential, relative water con­
tent, osmotic adjustment, controlled transpiration, efficient stomatal
The signaling pathways of different phytohormones are known to activity, and osmotic adjustment) and biochemical responses (antioxi­
interact among themselves in various situations, such as biosynthesis of dants, accumulation of proline, ABA, polyamine, trehalose, glycine,
hormone-responsive transcription factors to regulate plant defense re­ betaine storage of carbohydrate at cellular and organism levels and
action. To regulate the balance between seed dormancy and germina­ increasing of nitrate reductase activity) to mitigate or minimize the ef­
tion, the cross talk of ABA with GA, mediated by DELLAs is a key fect of drought stress (Conesa et al., 2016; Ozturk et al., 2021). Drought
mechanism for evading early abiotic stress conditions (Khan et al., is responsible for the drastic reduction in productivity (Medici et al.,
2020a). The signaling pathways of SA and JA are known to interact at 2014). Flooding also produces the same impact as drought on fruit crops
various points to regulate the numerous biotic stress antagonistically by creating an anaerobic respiration zone around the root (Issarakraisila
(Bari and Jones, 2009). Different studies evidenced that SA-facilitated et al., 2007) and upsurges the soil-borne diseases (Rao and Li, 2003).
suppression of JA-responsive genes like PDF1.2, LIPOXYGENASE 2 Thereby, relevant reports about several hormones influence the water
(LOX2), and VEGETATIVE STORAGE PROTEIN (VSP) was abolished in stress regulation in fruit crops that have been produced and some are
npr1 mutant plants (Spoel et al., 2003). Both JA and ET pathways sta­ presented next.
bilize EIN3 and thus exhibit resistance to necrotrophs (Zhu et al., 2011). Some studies show that ABA-induced auxin regulates the root growth
Besides, ET also suppresses the ABA action in seed and thereby improves and root cell differentiation (Xu et al., 2016; Gupta et al. 2020) and
the germination by releasing dormancy (Arc et al., 2013). Auxin asso­ modulate proton secretion at root tips under drought stress condition.
ciate with ethylene to regulate root development under drought and Also, ABA-mediated auxin transporter inhibits lateral root growth under
salinity stress conditions. Furthermore, benzothiadiazole S-methyl ester moderate water stress conditions (Shkolnik-Inbar and Bar-Zvi, 2010). At
(BTH), SA analog, treated Arabidopsis suppress the several the genetic level, ABI3 (ABA insensitive 3) interact with Aux/IAA or ARF
auxin-responsive genes. SA signaling minimizes the TRANSPORT IN­ proteins and LR growth inhibited in mutants of ABI3 mutants by
HIBITOR RESISTANT 1 (TIR1)/ AUXIN SIGNALING F-BOX (AFB) gene attenuation of auxin responses. In contrast, ABI4 overexpression harms
expression (Wang et al., 2007a, 2007b). LR development. Some of the research work provided evidence that
The role of cytokinins in stress response has been reported by several drough t can affect the expression of core abscisic acid signaling con­
studies (Reusche et al., 2013). They are also known to crosstalk with SA stituents, equivalent to ABA, PYR/PYL/RCAR ABA receptors, subclass III
and others signaling cascade to regulate plant defenses. For instance, SnRK2 protein kinases and protein phosphatases 2C (PP2C) (Weiner
ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATOR 2 (ARR2) (cytokinin–activated et al., 2010). ABA non-functional mutants are extra vulnerable to
transcription factor), a type B ARR, interacts with TGA3 (bZIP-type drought and salinity as compared to transgenic plants which can induce
transcription factor) and promotes SA defense responses in an much hormonal response (Qin and Zeevaart, 2002). PYR/PYL/RCARs,
NPR1-dependent manner (Choi et al., 2010). A majority of the time, ABA PP2C, SnRK2s, and bZIP transcription are incorporated by the
suppresses the CYTOKINE OXIDASE. ARABIDOPSIS HISTIDINE KINASE ABA-facilitated signaling pathway during water stress conditions (Fujita
(AHKs) functions as cytokinin receptors and regulates drought and et al., 2014). Zhang and Huang (2010) proved that OsPIN3t, auxin influx
salinity response and also ABA signaling, while AHK2 and AHK3 decent carrier involved in drought stress conditions and overexpression of
osmotic stress response and ABA signaling (Tran et al., 2007). ARABI­ OsPIn3t upregulate drought-responsive genes, OsDREB2A and OsAP37
DOPSIS HISTIDINE PHOSPHOTRANSFER PROTEINs (AHPs) negatively and improve the tolerance against drought. ABA is known to regulate the
control responses to drought stress by losing activity of AHP genes balance between intrinsic growth and external responses. AtABCG25
resulted in the up-regulation of ABA-responsive genes and thus a strong acts as ABA transporter in cell membrane and export ABA from the
water stress tolerance phenotype (Nishiyama et al., 2013). cytoplasm to outside of the cell. Reduced transpiration observed when
AtABCG25 overexpressed. Kuromori et al. (2016) observed that
AtABCG25 over-expression stimulated a local ABA response in guard
cells and increase the drought tolerance, probably resulting from the
maintenance of water content.
Jasmonic acid also regulates the water loss under drought conditions

V. Rachappanavar et al. Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

by regulating stomatal opening and closing (Savchenko et al., 2014). the level of ABA promote root growth and maintain low water potential
The JA concentrate increases in different tissues of plants rapidly ((Biddington and Dearman, 1985; Watts et al., 1981). The decline in
following drought stress and return to a normal level if stress periods are cytokinin concentration under soil moisture deficit conditions observed
prolonged. Jasmonate ZIM-domain proteins (JAZ) are regulators (typi­ in grapevines (Satisha et al., 2005) and partial root drying harmed the
cally repressors) in the JA signaling pathways. OsJAZ1 play a negative xylem cytokinin concentration with a distinct increase in xylem sap pH
role for stress tolerance in rice under drought condition with the ABA (Stoll et al., 2000). During water stress conditions enhances ethylene
and signaling pathways (Fu et al., 2017). Seo et al. (2011) demonstrated production in orange (Ben-Yehoshua and Aloni, 1974), avocado (Adato
that OsbHLH148 acts as a transcriptional regulator and up-regulates and Gazit, 1974), and in many other plant species leads to increased
OsDREB1 and OsJAZ under dehydration condition. Furthermore, Ge senescence of fruits/ leaves and reduced growth. The ethylene produc­
et al. (2010) found that JA accumulation could promote leaf senescence, tion indirectly depends on the magnitude of stress, stress intensity, and
improve plant survival by preventing excessive water loss. Foliar stress duration (Upreti et al., 1998, 2000).
application of MEJA on soybean plants can improve water stress toler­ Under flood, condition roots trigger the ACC synthesis, which later
ance with an increase in sugars, phenolic compounds, and flavonoids in oxidized to ethylene when it reaches shoots and cause nastic movements
leaves (Mohamed et al., 2017). of the leaves and promote aerenchyma tissue formation to mitigate
Mango orchids present in the rainfed area can survive for a long oxygen deficiency (Colmer et al., 2004). External application of poly­
period by adopting drought-tolerant mechanisms (Chacko, 1986) and amines ameliorates the drought stress in pomegranate by increasing
they set fruit when daily average temperature more than 20◦ C. So they proline concentration (Amri and Mohammadi, 2012) Polyamines sta­
need water stress along with high temperatures for flowering (Schole­ bilize membranes and forming potential of higher buffering and anti­
field et al., 1986). Severe flooding for more than 2 weeks can signifi­ oxidant capacity (Chaitali and Sengupta, 2014). The balance of auxin
cantly reduce root dry weight (Larson et al., 1991), net CO2 assimilation, levels (IAA) required for the adaptive recovery growth of litchi plants
stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate(Schaffer, Azuma and after release from the stressed environment. Although the levels of cy­
Madura, 1995). Grapes plants develop large-sized vessels in the xylem to tokinins decreased and levels of ABA increased (Krishna, 2012).
transport water under drought conditions (Serra et al., 2014). Grafting Some signaling molecules include inositol (Sengupta et al., 2008);
high yielding commercial varieties scions on drought-tolerant rootstocks polyamines (Rangan et al., 2014), and hormones like ethylene (Xiong
helps to overcome the water stress (Kodur et al., 2010). ABA deposit et al., 2014). Abscisic acid (Saradhi et al., 2000), and methyl jasmonate
with prolonged water stress in different plant organs (Torrey, 1976), (Wu et al., 2008) involved in minimizing the water stress with minimum
Initially ABA concentration is an increase in stressed roots, and later it is biomass loss. They may induce the production like protective proteins
transported to the leaves to reduce the photosynthesis and partially such as dehydrins; late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins; heat
transpiration. Pomegranate is considered to be both winter hardy and shock proteins (HSPs) (Juszczak and Bartels, 2017). LEA proteins,
drought-tolerant plants (Aseri et al., 2008) but they need regular opti­ dehydrin, lipid transfer proteins saturate enzymes, RAB (responsive to
mum irrigation during the dry summer season (Sulochanamma et al., ABA) are associated with the protection of cellular structures (Cushman
2005). Mild to severe drought stress during the reproductive stage may and Bohnert, 2000). AREB1/ABF2, AREB2/ABF4, and ABF3 like bZIP
reduce the fruit size by 10–50% in cluster apple. Whereas 50 ppm GA3 transcription factors are induced by dehydration, salinity, or ABA
application along with wheat straw mulch gave the highest net income treatment under drought condition (Yoshida et al., 2010).
(Patel et al., 2010) with good fruit setting during water stress conditions. Genomics and crop physiology studies of waters stress provide ac­
Custard apples are very sensitive to salt in irrigation water and should curate information to breeders for plant improvement (Tuberosa and
not exceed an electrical conductivity of 800 μS/cm (George et al., 2004). Salvi, 2006). Plants have sets of drought regulatory genes, which acti­
Ber plants are comparatively more resilient for water stress by producing vated during the water-deficient condition to minimize the stress con­
pubescent leaves with a large number of stomata arranged in the dition (Wohlbach et al., 2008). In plants at the initial phase of drought,
interveinal regions, whereas the adaxial surface is glabrous, with few water stress stimulate the production of ABA, which induce the
comparatively sunken stomata. (Clifford et al., 2002). The date palm expression of genes (Ding et al., 2016) like, RD29A, RD29B, KIN2 and
tree has naturally evolved as drought and salt-tolerant plants through RAB18, rd22 (Abe et al., 1997) and PYL8 (Lim et al., 2013). Mutants of
selection (Zaid and deWet, 2002) with an adaptation capacity more than Arabidopsis erecta were studied under controlled conditions to know the
barley for saltwater (Furr and Armstrong, 1975). In litchi, ABA content response of ERECTA gene complementation (Masle et al., 2005). SUBA-1
in leaves increased with the drought (Stern et al., 2003) by inhibited allele induces the negative regulation of ethylene in plants to survive
CO2 assimilation in litchi leaves (Damour et al., 2010). under prolonged submerged condition (Xu et al., 2016). Overexpression
Application of paclobutrazol (gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor) can of the ESKIMO1 gene in Arabidopsis (Bouchabke-Coussa et al., 2008)
induce stress protection in apple (Swietlik and Miller, 1983), strawberry and pro biosynthesis gene in chickpea (Cicer arietinum; Bhatnagar-Ma­
(Navarro et al., 2007), and peach (George and Nissen, 1992) under thur et al., 2009) were observed during artificial drought condition.
drought conditions. In flood soil, PM ATPase stimulates the accumula­ Several transcription studies show, how plants recover after mild
tion in putrescine to support cell homeostasis and nutrient acquisition drought condition as compared to complete irretrievable inhibition of
(Bertini et al., 1997) with a reduction in superoxide radicals and H2O2 photosynthesis under severe drought (Watkinson et al., 2003). Most of
accumulation (Yiu et al., 2009). GA interferes with the ethylene and ABA the time, MYC, MYB, DRE-binding protein (DREB)/ C-repeat-binding
biosynthesis by upregulating ethylene response factor (ERF) domain factor (CBF), ABA-binding factor (ABF) and mainly cis-elements
proteins SNORKEL1 and SNORKEL2 to minimize the negative effect of ABA-responsive element (ABRE) transcription factors present in ABA
excess water. During drought, IAR3 (IAA-Ala Resistance3) involved in biosynthesis cycle are involved in drought stress management (Bartels
lateral root production, free auxin production (Kinoshita et al., 2012). It and Sunkar, 2005; Yadav et al., 2020). Most of the genes involved in
stimulates the gibberellin production and inhibits the ABA synthesis for drought stress management are identified by dehydration and/or os­
plant accumulation under submerged conditions (Colebrook et al., motic treatments (Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, 2007). Path­
2014). ABA level shows a decrease with an increase in hydration, but PA ways involved in this process were discovered with the help of
or DPA levels either increase or remain unaltered (Zhou et al., 2005). Arabidopsis and rice plants (Nakashima et al., 2014) withholding water
ABA restrict their water loss through controlled transpiration by closing to create artificial stress at a certain level to know the expression of
stomata at high temperature and increased root hydraulic conductivity different genes (Bouchabke et al., 2008). One of the most effective
(Thompson et al., 2007). It regulates the influx or efflux of K+ balanced methods is progressive drought (pDr), in which water is withheld until
by the flux of anions regulates guard cell volume. ABA and root growth plants show drying or wilting symptoms (Ning et al., 2010) but it does
relationship different from the ABA and shoot relationship, as increase not create the same condition as observed under field condition.

V. Rachappanavar et al. Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

Automated controlled drought screens like PHENOSIS are developed to depends on the compound of the level of low temperature and duration
create the same drought condition as occurred in the field and used in of exposure. Plants differ in their response to chilling (0-15◦ C) and
screening different genotypes of species to now the genes involved in freezing (< 0◦ C) (Xin and Browse, 2000). In general, initially chilling
drought conditions(Granier et al., 2007). These results suggested that symptoms appear in the cell membrane by forming flexible liquid
water stress in fruit crops could modify the phytohormonal activities and crystalline cell membranes into a solid gel phase (Farooq et al., 2009b).
modify the concentration of different hormones to maintain the normal Whereas in fruit crops, chilling may cause a delay in fruit ripening and
physiological activities in plants. fruit deformation. Low temperature during storage may cause browning,
reddening, woolliness, and mummification (Lurie and Crisosto, 2005).
3.2. Hormonal regulation of growth responses under high-temperature Incidence of frost during fruit development forms ice crystals in sub­
stress condition cellular space and damages the plant cell activities, in severs condition,
complete plant death may also occur (Levitt, 1980). The intensity of
The temperature has a major influence next to moisture for plant frost damage also depends on the physiological condition of plants
growth and development. In optimum temperature, the plants may grow (Proebsting and Mills, 1978). It affects cell membrane integrity, ion
faster and comes to flowering even earlier than normal. Those plants leakage, biomolecule activities, and gene expression (Dhanapal and
grown under cool conditions, they produce more upright leaves, but Crisosto, 2013). Strong relation observed between the sensitivity of cold
under warm humid conditions, they are more horizontal to downward stress in plants and the proportion of desaturated phosphatidylglycerol
(Ravi et al., 2013). Under subtropics, banana plant development is across different plant species (Sun et al., 2008). In fruit crops, chilling
slower than in the tropics irrespective of yield and bunch size and they can suppress the photosynthesis by reducing photosystem II efficiency
need optimum temperature around 21–22◦ C and stops above 38 or 39◦ C (Allen et al., 2000).
and below 9 or 10◦ C for proper. When temperature crosses the sunburn Different phytohormones have a role in cold stress is yet to be dis­
critical temperature (>38◦ C) causes chlorophyll degradation and ba­ cussed in detail. ABA acts as a messenger in the regulation of water level
nana choking. Pomegranate can tolerate drought by morphological in plants (Mahajan and Tuteja, 2005). ABA-responsive genes are regu­
and/or physiological modification which enables them to avoid or lated by several ABA-dependent or ABA-independent transcription fac­
postpone desiccation in the semiarid zone (Save et al., 1995). Custard tors (Chinnusamy et al., 2004). It was reported that freezing tolerance
apple normally requires a hot and dry climate during flowering and high accumulation depends on the genotype of plants (Galiba et al., 1993).
humidity for a good fruit setting. Even they can tolerate extreme tem­ ABA could mediate some sugar signals in plant cells, which helps to
peratures (below freezing and up to 40◦ C). Soil temperatures below regulate the further ABA biosynthesis (Leon and Sheen, 2003). Same as
10◦ C may cause severe chilling injury leading to loss of cell membrane ABA, auxins involved in defense response against abiotic stresses in
stability (Levitt, 1980). plants (Wolters and Jurgens, 2009). It more intricately involved in the
Most of the time-temperature in the plant is regulated by the tran­ various developmental process like fruit development, root initiation in
scription regulators like HSFs by activation of many heat shock grafting, root growth, and development (Depuydt and Hardtke, 2011).
responsive genes and heat shock proteins. Genes that are responsible for Members of the auxin-responsive GH3 gene family also has cold
minimizing heat shock are conserved near the N-terminus called the stress-responsive activities. OsGH3-2 found to modulate both endoge­
DNA-binding domain (DBD). A large number of HSFs and Hsps genes are nous free IAA and ABA homeostasis and differentially affect cold toler­
identified in different crops from available genome sequence informa­ ance in rice (Du et al., 2012). However, the role of auxin remains unclear
tion and they involved in heat shock regulatory network (Hu et al., under stress conditions in fruit crops. Brassinosteroids avoid ions
2017; Jha et al. 2021). there are 25 HSFs, 29 sHsps, 26 Hsp70, 9 Hsp90, leakage in chilled stressed rape seeds (Janeczko, 2011), whereas it im­
and 10 Hsp100 family genes that were identified in rice crop, 35 DcHCFs proves the antioxidant defense in young grapevines to avoid the nega­
in carrot, 21HSFs in Arabidopsis thaliana, 28 in Populus trichocarpa, 16 in tive impact of cold stress (Xi et al., 2013) by biosynthesis of de novo or
Medicago truncatula, 52 in Brassica rapa, 25 in Zea mays, and 26 in activation of enzymes (Bajguz, 2000). When chilling sensitive banana
Glycine max, respectively (Huang et al., 2015). When temperature plants were treated with SA (0.5mM) caused an increase in SOD, CAT,
crossed 45◦ C, the HsfA1 gene activated in the tomato plant to minimize and APX activities when plants are induced to very low temperature
the impact of high temperature (Mishra and Singh, 2011). Whereas, (Kang et al., 2003). Wang and Li (2006) also showed that SA treated
Hsp101 (mitochondrial transcription termination factor-related protein) grapevines decreased lipid peroxidation and electrolyte leakage and
in Arabidopsis enhanced the thermo-tolerance via mitochondrial induced cold tolerance.
oxidative damage control (Kim et al., 2012). Nearly 5% of tran­ GA also plays an important role in the low-temperature condition. It
scriptomic activity observed and chaperones conquer only a minor part enhance the bolting and flowering in Limonium gmelinii plants when GA
during heat stress conditions (Larkindale and Vierling, 2008). They sprayed at 500 mg L− 1 (Guda et al., 2000). GA inhibits the sucrose
mainly involved in metabolism, calcium, and phytohormone signaling, formation from starch and mannitol (Ogasawara et al., 2001). This
protein phosphorylation(Al-Saidi and Elagib, 2017). For maintaining outcome suggests that the GA application enhances the rapid tissue
photosynthesis and transpiration under stress conditions, Chloroplast enlargement and differentiated to resist the cold stress in plants
protein synthesis transcription factor accumulation is mandatory (Ristic (Jacobsen and Olszewski, 1993). Chilling causes discoloration to the
et al., 2008). Under high-temperature stress condition, polycationic peel of the ripened fruit by coagulating latex in latex ducts. The exog­
nature of polyamines stabilize the membrane structural integrity and enous application of methyl jasmonate enhanced soluble protein and
facilitates their strong binding to nucleic acids, proteins, and mem­ antioxidant content under cold stress in banana plants (Zhao et al.,
branes (Childs et al., 2003). 2013a). Cold stress also enhances the ethylene biosynthesis (Zhao et al.,
2014). Zhao et al. (2009) reported that ethylene levels in plants and cold
3.3. Hormonal regulation of growth responses under chilling stress tolerance are positively correlated up to a certain level.
condition Chilling can induce the expression of jasmonic acid biosynthesis
genes, including allene oxide synthase (AOS1), oxide cyclase (AOC), and
Low-temperature stress in plants is an inevitable environmental lipoxygenase (LOX2). Recent studies show that, in banana, two MYC2
factor that can reduce growth, development (Thakur et al., 2010) and TFs are activated following the exogenous application of MeJA in the
photosynthesis efficiency (Farooq et al., 2009b). Chilling may causes cold storage condition and enhances the expression of an inducer of CBF
dehydration in plants by limiting water uptake and stomatal activities expression (ICE-CBF) cold-sensitive pathways genes (Zhao et al., 2013b,
(Mahajan and Tuteja, 2005). It is a type of external damage caused by 2013c). In MeJA induce chilling tolerance, the MaMYC2 transcription
low temperature as a result of oxidative burst. The rate of chilling injury factor in coordination with MaICE1 reduces lipoxygenase activity and

V. Rachappanavar et al. Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

increases antioxidant synthesis. Cao et al. (2011) found that ascorbate concentration in root tips. It suggests that salt regulates both tran­
peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) ac­ scription and posttranscriptional activities (Zhao et al., 2011). High salt
tivities in MeJA treated loquat fruits. concentration causes rapid degradation of amyloplasts in root columella
To manage the chilling injury, SA and MeSA treatments are given, cells thereby reduce the gravity response in roots (Sun et al., 2008). The
which are easy to set up, less expansive, and applicable to any crops development of LRs by salt overly sensitive 3 (SOS3) under salinity stress
(Ding et al., 2001). They increase the AOX transcript level and reduces conditions has been reported by auxin redistribution activities (Zhao
the chilling incidence (Fung et al., 2014). When plants are treated with et al., 2011). Mutants of SOS3 do not accumulate auxin in plant aerial
SA and MeSA before chilling induces the HSPs biosynthesis and in­ parts. The NAC transcription factors have a key role in plant growth and
creases the tolerance against chilling injury (Ding et al., 2008). Different stress responses. NAC1 and NAC2 proteins promote lateral root forma­
genetic studies show that many auxin-responsive genes are involved in tion in Arabidopsis. AtNAC2 gene expression was induced by auxin,
cold stress (Jain and Khurana, 2009). Likewise, PIN1 and PIN3, an auxin ethylene, and ABA. Under salt stress condition auxin receptor mutants
transporter mediate root gravity response during the early phase is tir1 suppressed. Nacl also downregulate TIR1 expression (Xie et al.,
inhibited by cold stress (Shibasaki et al., 2009). Zhao et al. (2009) in 2000)
tomato found a positive relationship between ethylene and freezing When rootstocks of Microhyla zeylanica are used to cultivate mango
tolerance from the negative effects of 1-methyl cyclopropene, which under 60-mM NaCl salinity condition, plants maintained a higher
inhibit ethylene biosynthesis on freezing tolerance. For freezing toler­ photosynthetic rate with greater K+ /Na+ ratio in roots and lesser in
ance, the RARE COLD INDUCIBLE 1A (RCI1A) gene interacts with ACC leaf/root Na+ (Schmutz, 2000). Whereas Pistacia Atlantica rootstock
synthase. Dehydration-responsive element-binding proteins/C-repeat gave the better result as compared to polycythemia vera rootstock when
binding factors (DREBs/CBFs) interact with dehydration-responsive used in pistachio plants under salinity stress (Tounsi et al., 2017). When
elements/C-repeat-elements (DRE/CRT) to execute a highly coordi­ salt-tolerant (1103 Paulsen) and salt-sensitive (K 50-40) rootstocks of
nated transcriptional response to cold signals. C-repeat-binding factors grapes were evaluated, the study reveals that Cl has no direct relation­
(CBF) cold response pathway is found in freezing-tolerant (FT) plants ship with apoplastic tracer (Abbaspour et al., 2014).
(Skinner et al., 2005) and in freezing-sensitive (FS) plants (Zhang and External application of 30-mM/L calcium nitrate for citrus plants
Huang, 2010). significantly reduced Cl and Na+ uptake by the root system and also
enhanced the growth attributes and gaseous exchange mechanism
3.4. Hormonal regulation of growth responses under salinity stress (Banuls et al., 1997). In olive plants, a reduction in stomatal conduc­
condition tance and photosynthesis observed when soil NaCl content crossed the
100 mM level (Tabatabaei, 2007). Jujube plants have more potential to
Soil salinity induced by excessive accumulation of sodium chloride resist salinity compared to other cultivated fruit crops, in which two
(NaCl) (Munns and Tester, 2008). The existence of a high amount of wild Indian jujube (Ziziphus rotundifolia and Ziziphus nummularia) were
non-essential soluble salts in irrigation water limits normal growth and found to be more resistant to saline conditions due to higher stomatal
reproduction (Hussain et al., 2020). When salt content in irrigation conductance, higher CO2 assimilation, higher hormonal regulation,
water crossed the threshold level may harm osmotic adjustment, ion antioxidants accumulation and better nutrients translocation (Meena
uptake, osmotic adjustment, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, et al., 2016) by accumulating high amount of Na+ in roots through
protein synthesis, nucleic acid production, enzymatic activity, and restricted translocation and high K+/Na+ ratio to keep ionic balance in
hormonal stability (Patane et al., 2013; Raga et al., 2016). Based on salt leaves (Mohammadkhani, 2018). Number fruit crops are identified
stress tolerance potential, plants have been classified into two major which can store excess K+ in leaf, stem and other tissues to mitigate the
groups; (i) halophytes have the potential to survive and reproduce even negative effect of Salinity. The lowest Cl ion concentration and high K+
when salt concentration nearly 200-mM NaCl and (ii) glycophytes are were recorded in lemon (Gimeno et al., 2009) and fig (Zarei et al., 2016)
not able to survive under salt stress condition (Patane et al., 2013). plants when these plants are irrigated with water containing 50-mM
Glycophytes produce stress symptoms like decreased in total leaf area NaCl with 10-mM potassium nitrate. Arbuscular mycorrhiza like fungi
and leaf growth, marginal and tip yellowing and tip scorching, marginal can increase the stress tolerance potential in trifoliate orange by accu­
and tip scorching of leaves, yellowing and bronzing, early leaf drop, twig mulating a low amount of Na+ and Ca2+ while higher K+, proline
dieback, blackening, necrosis, and leaf burning (Bernstein et al., 2004). content, and carbohydrate content.
Severe drought condition leads to access accumulation of salt in young Proline can help to store carbon and nitrogen and maintains the
leaves can affect the normal photosynthesis mechanism by losing structural integrity of cell membranes and proteins by purifying free
photosynthesis pigments, and inhibition of Calvin cycle enzymes radicals (Jalili et al., 2009) and it maintains the buffering capacity of
(Acosta-Motos et al., 2017). Structural disorders were found in both cells against salinity (Heidari and Jamshid, 2010). Fozouni et al. (2012)
sensitive and tolerant genotypes, such as an increase in leaf thickness, demonstrated that Vitis vinifera table grape significantly increases the
excessive chloride accumulation with reduced Mg2+, and loss of chlo­ proline accumulation with increased salinity. But it harms photosyn­
rophyll content. thesis by degrading chlorophyll content (Behboudian et al., 1986). Due
Osmotic regulation is one of the most important mechanisms to to excess sodium content in saline soil affects the potassium uptake,
avoid osmotic stress by accumulating metabolites like glycine, betaine, reduces the growth rate, delays flowering, and lowers the economic
proline, mannitol, and soluble sugars (Houimli, 2010). Accurate infor­ yield. The optimum value for the soil K/Na is 2.5 for the banana if this
mation regarding environmental pressure, molecular influence, prote­ proportion exceeds by 8% can cause economic loss. Salt tolerant fruit
omics, and genotypic variations need to reduce salt stress in fruit crops crops have succulent organs, salt exclusion, excretion of salts, and
(Miranda et al., 2018). Morphologically some level of salinity stress can accumulation of ions in the tonoplasts to maintain osmatic regulation.
be minimized in fruit crops by grafting of salt-sensitive improved high Pomegranate tissues can accumulate sodium, chlorine, and potassium
yielding cultivars on salt tolerance rootstocks (Munns et al., 2006). ions without any stress symptoms in response to saline water irrigation
Lateral root formation in plants inhibited by high salinity or osmotic and it can tolerate salinity up to 40 mM NaCl but at higher NaCl con­
stress condition (Galvan-Ampudia and Testerink, 2011). Whereas under centration (>40mM) affects the main stem length, number of internodes
mid salinity stress, reduction in LR elongation and an increase in the and the leaf surface area (Naeini et al., 2006) and decrease in soluble
number of LRs observed. Besides, the reduction of LRs numbers sugar accumulation was observed (Naeini et al., 2004). Date palm plants
observed in auxin signaling mutants axr1, axr4, and tir1 completely are considered as one of the exceptional halophytic plants and it can
blocked auxin influx (Zolla et al., 2010). Even at low salt stress can survive under severe salt stress conditions. Ramoliya and Pandey (2003)
suppress auxin efflux carrier PIN2 and also decrease the PIN2: GFP found that some datepalm cultivars adopted salt exclusion mechanisms

V. Rachappanavar et al. Scientia Horticulturae 304 (2022) 111302

and they can endure high soil salinity levels (up to 12.8 dS m-1) with no 3.5. Hormonal regulation of growth responses under heavy metal stress
visible effect on the seedlings (Greenway and Munns, 1983). Litchi trees condition
should not be irrigated with water with salt contains more than 0.5 dS
per m electric conductivity. If salinity level exceeds, symptoms like tips No organic life can develop and persist without the involvement of
and margins die were observed in old leaves (Babita and Kumar, 2008). metal ions in this universe. The elementary constituents of living or­
When chloride content in plants crossed the toxic level induce the ganisms may be classified as major, minor, and trace elements based on
production of ethylene precursor ACC, leads to leaf senescence. In their essentiality for normal biological activity. The essential microele­
counteract to ethylene activities, plants trigger the biosynthesis of ABA ments are Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, and Co whose uptake in excess to the
to reduce ethylene production (Arbona et al., 2006). Silver thiosulfate plant causes toxic effects (Monni et al., 2000; Vaculík et al. 2020). Fe, Cu
and phosgene synthetics are also used externally to inhibit the ethylene Cr, and Co are involved in a redox reaction, whereas Zn, Cd, Ni, Al, etc.
lead senesce in salt-affected plants (Gómez-Cadenas et al., 2002). The monitor the various enzymatic activities in plant cells. Transition metals
same result observed in a grapevine, where the extreme rise in ABA level such as copper and iron have frequently unpaired electrons and are,
observed in resistant cultivars rootstock when planted in salt stress soil therefore, very good catalysts of oxygen reduction. Currently, the
(Upreti and Murti, 2010). Olive plants are grown under salinity, water contamination of the natural ecosystem by these heavy metals repre­
uptake, relative water uptake, and water potential drastically reduced sents a global threat, endangering the agriculture ecosystem (Recatalá
(Chartzoulakis, 2005; Yadav et al., 2011). et al., 2010). In small quantity (in the trace), these elements are essential
In sugarcane, salt tolerance induced by GA3 foliar application in for normal plant growth and development and play a key role in
terms of enhancing nutrient uptake, morphological, and physiological metabolism by activating different enzymatic activities (Roy and
modification (Shomeili et al., 2011). GA3 application increase the Mcdonald, 2015). However, when the concentration of these metals
nutrient uptake, plant height, and yield in wheat (Ashraf and Shahbaz, crossed threshold level cause a negative impact on physiology and
2003) and rice (Wen et al., 2011) when cultivated under saline condi­ biochemistry of plants (Ivanov et al., 2016) and reduce the biomass
tion. Different plants can tolerate salt stress with increasing GA con­ accumulation in plants as a result dwindle the photosynthesis rate
centration by more absorption of P and Ca2+ and less absorption of Na+ (Rodriguez et al., 2012), mineral nutrition uptake (Vernay et al., 2007)
(Starck and Kozinska, 1980), stomatal resistance and enhanced plant and communication with water (Mukhopadhyay and Mondal, 2015).
water use were observed at low salinity in tomato (Maggio et al., 2010) Besides they can also cell toxicity by excess production of ROS, which
and it enhances the catabolism of ABA (Gonai et al., 2004). The GA impaired antioxidant activities and causes severe oxidative stress (Rui
metabolism and signaling play a major role in plant physiological et al., 2016).
adaptation, low-temperature influences of bioactive GA as a result of an Previous research has shown that the application of plant growth-
increase in expression of three GA2ox genes Archard et al. (2012). promoting phytohormones can improve protection by counter­
Rootstocks of grapes with high cytokinin can maintain a high K-Na ratio balancing heavy metal toxicity in plants (Agami and Mohamed, 2013;
and root-shoot dry mass ratio under salinity (Upreti and Murti, 2010). In Masood et al., 2012). ABA concentration increase as plants is exposed to
desert almond trees, cytokinin concentration peak in the morning time heavy metals (Rauser and Dumbroff, 1981). Heavy metals like Zn, Al, Ni,
and rapid decline in the afternoon based on the stomatal conductance and Cd (Fediuc et al., 2005) have been revealed to raise in ABA level in
(Fusseder et al., 1992). Brault and Maldiney (1999) reported that cy­ plants. Hsu and Kao (2007) reported that at high temperature
tokinins act at the plasma membrane along with other signaling (30/35◦ C), ABA regulates and increase the resistance against Cd in rice
compounds. seedlings. It’s proven that ABA-mediated the Cd-precipitated stimula­
An important role of ethylene in salt tolerance by relating its ability tion of O-acetylserine (OASTL), the enzyme responsible for cysteine
to retain K+ without decreasing Na in roots as well as in shoots (Yang biosynthesis. The expression of ABA and drought resistance BjCdR9 (an
et al., 2013) and It stimulates H+-ATPase activity to modulate ion ho­ aldehyde dehydrogenase) and BjCd55 (RNA binding protein) genes
meostasis (Wang et al., 2009). Polyamine content in the grafted plant stimulated by Cd in Brassica Juncea supported the involvement of ABA
increased against salt stress by Prompting superoxide dismutase, signal transduction and these genes denoting aquaporins PIP1 and PIP2
peroxidase, and ascorbic peroxidase and glutathione reductase enzyme was found to be transcribed when exposed to Cd stress. The above
activities. Upreti and Murti (2010) found a significant increase in observation gave information that water stress is imposed by cd and that
polyamines concentration intolerant grape rootstock roots by salinity ABA and Cd show the synergistic relationship (Fusco et al., 2005). When
stress along with ABA and it helped to maintain the high root- shoot plants are treated with ABA, both BjCd15 and TGA3 responded to ABA.
biomass ratio and high K-Na ratio. Similarly, Anjum (2010) reported However, TGA shows more response to ABA as compared to BjCdR15
that Cleopatra mandarin and citrus rootstock shows better growth and (Farinati et al., 2010).
chlorophyll efficiency at high spermine and carbohydrates with low Zhou et al. (2016) observed that Cd concentration increased in roots
chloride ions in leaves and roots under salinity. Polyamines control the and leaves at a higher dose of CdCl2 in JA- deficient tomato mutants.
Ca2+ allocation through regulating Ca2+ permeable channels and CAXs The result shows that a lack of JA biosynthesis enhances the sensitivity
by the prevention of Na+/K+ entry into the cytoplasm and enhance­ against Cd. According to Sirhindi et al. (2015), the exogenous applica­
ment of Na+/K+ influx to the vacuole with suppression of Na+/K+ tion of JA enhance the tolerance to NiCl2 in soybean seedlings and it
release from the vacuole. Polyamines regulate the physiology stomata regulates the antioxidant activities to neutralize the heavy metal stress
similar to ABA, by targeting KAT1-like inward K+ channel in guard cells at the cellular level in plants, while Azeem et al. (2018) revealed that
of stomata Liu et al. (2019). exogenous JA application increases the biomass production and protein
Klingler et al. (2010) suggested that ABA-dependent amino oxidase concentration in Ni-treated plants and minimize the CD accumulation
derived H2O2 affected stomatal physiology in grapevines. By genetic rate by enhancing osmotic and antioxidant activities, but also inhibiting
modification or exogenous application of polyamines enhances salt H2O2 and Malondialdehyde accumulation (Noriega et al., 2012). JA
tolerance in grape (Farooq et al., 2009b). In Neo-Muscat grapes seedling inhibit the peroxidase activity by activating ascorbate or glutathione
significantly accumulate putrescine during osmotic and salt stress by antioxidant machinery. Such findings reports show that JA plant re­
temporary induction of arginine decarboxylase (pVvADC) gene followed sponses by inducing antioxidant system.
by spermine synthase (pVvSPMS) (Liu et al., 2012). The overexpression Although these research reports suggest that phytohormones
of OsGSTU4, an auxin-responsive GST gene enhance the tolerance to responsive genes are differentially expressed under various abiotic stress
salinity and oxidative stress condition in Arabidopsis plants (Jain et al., conditions, further indicating/corroborating crosstalk between plant bio
2010). stimulants and abiotic stress signalling.

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